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Reaction Paper: Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago video clip

Justice, equality and freedom, the three main components that the
jurisdiction want to attain in order to execute equal and fair decisions that are legally based on
facts and evidences. Several lawyers, counsels, senates and delegate representatives are gathered
in a court room in order to manifest rightful decisions that needs to be partake in. However, it is
also crucial to verdict any cases if each of the constituents did not execute their roles

As portrayed in a short clip on one of the hearings in a trial case regarding

the impeachment of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Mr. Renato Corona, a few law
practices and rules are not properly executed which leads Senator Miriam Defensor, one of the
respected members in senate committee, goes to be ballistic and lectured the prosecutor in the
midst of a trial session. During the impeachment case the appointed private prosecutor is Mr.
Vitaliano Aguirre II, his sole responsibility is to present evidences and documents that might
lead to prosecution against the defense panel of the late Chief Justice.

Also, the judge and committee members have significant role on the trial
process, in the light of fact that they are the one who keep order or verdict a sentence of the
person. They are the one who listen, interpret the meaning, significance, and implications of the
stated arguments towards the law.

In the middle of the trial session, Senator Santiago cannot contain her
sudden turmoil to addressed the unrightful practices of the prosecutor. She was determined to
acknowledge that resting a case means you are lawfully done upon defining the case, presenting
evidences and documents and already presented witnesses which are duly needed on assessing a
trial session. However, she is displeased since the prosecutor firmly stated that their panel will be
resting a case with a reservation, since they are not still prepared to present evidences.

Moreover, the prosecution panel are not merely equipped with evidences
and fellow witnesses that can testify regarding their claims and arguments. It is undoubtedly that
the prosecutor is asserting an oxymoron statement which pertains on resting without even
completing the discussion of the case.
The prosecutor was also reprimanded on his imprudent action, since their
panel have already given enough time to gather various documents and witnesses that will be
presented while the case session is occurring, yet they proceed on the trial without preparation at

In a court room, “waiting and stand-by” is not acceptable in law practices,

since it is one of the major disruptions in the process of jurisdiction. The committee members
should never await just to prepare ourselves in gathering data, since the moment we intercede
ourselves in a trial room, we should ready our minds and resources to defend our claims and

The reason behind the tumultuous moment in the impeachment trial of

Chief Justice Corona is due to the neglection of executing the position of a prosecutor. He was
profoundly criticized if it takes a lot of time on gathering the evidences and his credibility as a
lawyer has been questioned, since he is not prepared to present his evidences. Due to this,
Senator Santiago asserted sarcastic joke “Wah part two”, that resulted the uproars of chuckle in
the court room.

While the session of the trial case is happening, the lawyers and delegates
must be prepared all the time. They have to list their evidences and claims on a senate journal in
order to present abruptly when it has been asked to precede in the court, in that way judges and
committee can easily asses the claims of the both parties. If just for an instance a prosecutor is
not prepared, he must be neglected the rules of the court or expecting a miracle to happen, as
stated by Senator Miriam “Korte Milagroso”.

Furthermore, we all know that Senator Miriam Defensor enthralled most

of us on each of her statement and claims. She is a woman that is regarded as an “Iron Lady of
Asia”, a woman that is not yielding on any court hearings and will not be oppressed by any
delegates. She has firm voice to be heard in a court room that will entice everyone to listen on
her every statement that will be declared. The senator is known to uphold integrity and bravery
to fight what is right and lawful on the court.

Even so, when Senator Santiago castigate Mr. Aguirre, he was not even
listening carefully to her demands, rather both of his hands were covering his ears. While some
people on the court room were laughing while she lectured one of the prosecutors. These
behaviors are not appropriate when someone is saying their deduction. As a person, it is our
common etiquette to listen on the other parties, in that way we will understand the key point of
their messages.

Learning how to listen and respecting the stated words of other individual
plays a key role upon attaining harmonious relationship. It is not acceptable to ignore the
validations of other people, especially if they are higher on our position. Their words and lecture
should be listened attentively in order to correct our wrong and ill-doings. Contemptuous
gestures may result into much greater conflict; thus, we should avoid upon engaging ourselves
toward these imprudent actions.

Even though we are a lawyer, doctor, teacher, police officer or merely a

simple citizen, our actions and behaviors should always be aligned on professionalism and
proper etiquette, through that way we will never condemn other individuals’ relevant
perceptions. We all have our own free- will to state what we wanted to convey, it is just a matter
on respecting and embracing people’s deduction and constructive criticism towards our life.

May we all practice being responsible and accountable on every decision

that we will perform. Remember, may it be on the process of jurisdiction or solely our simple
interaction towards the society, we should always humble ourselves upon listening to fellow
individuals’ insight that may mold us to become a better version of ourselves. Every gestures and
behaviors may implicate other meaning to the other parties; therefore, it is essential to be duly
notified on appropriate practices that needs to be done.

May we all assess every words and actions that we will portray, with the
help of these we can surely prevent other misconceptions to occur and eradicate the barriers that
leads us for wider understanding.

Jurisdiction process is crucial, nevertheless if we are all able to execute

our roles and performance effectively, misconstrued will never occur, rather it will induce
clarity, order and peace through out the trials. It will also help us to attain right verdict and
lawful decisions.
In our life, there are a lot of factors that might affect the way we perceive
things which may leads us to portray illicit actions, but if we embody towards our life the
compassion to listen and respect each boundaries harmony will surely prevail.

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