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1. Write the definition of personality

The distinctive and relatively enduring ways of thinking, feeling, and acting that
characterize a person’s responses to life situations
2. Mention the two ways for measuring personality

3. According to this theory, conscious mind, preconscious mind and unconscious mind, are
components of personality.
Freud’s Psychoanalytic theory
4. The main statement of this theory focuses our attention on the present instead of the past
Phenomenological-Humanistic Perspective
5. This theory exposes that people’s primary goal is to make sense out of the world, to find
personal meaning in it.
Humanistic Theory by George Kelly
6. Write an example of the defense mechanism projection.
8. In this stage The Oedipus and Electra complex appear and children begin to derive
pleasure from their sexual organs
Phallic Stage
9. According to Freud, during this stage, the primary satisfaction organ is the mouth
Oral Stage
10. It refers to the expectancy concerning the degree of personal control we have in our lives
Locus of Control
11. What is a personal construct?

12. What is the self?

Organized, consistent set of perceptions of and beliefs about oneself. It guides our
perceptions and directs our behavior
13. According to social – cognitive theory, what is Self – efficacy?
A key factor in how people regulate their lives, their beliefs concerning their
ability to perform the behaviors needed to achieve desired outcomes. (Previous
performance experiences, verbal persuasion, emotional arousal and observational
14. An expectancy concerning the degree of personal control we have in our lives:
Locus of control (????? Se repite)
15. Write an example of external and internal locus of control.

16. In this therapy, Kelly wrote role descriptions and behavioral scripts for his clients that
differed from their typical views of themselves, in order to replace maladaptive
hypothesis with more useful ones.
Fixed-Role Therapy
17. Mention the three elements involved in the socio – cognitive theory.
18. According to Freud, when realistic strategies are ineffective in reducing anxiety, the ego
may resort to unconscious mental operations that deny or distort reality, these operations
are called:
Defense Mechanisms

19. Complete the next table:

Psychosexual stage Main source of satisfaction

(Latent stage) sexual energy can be sublimated towards
school work, hobbies and friendships
Process of elimination through the
Anal stage A(SS)nus

Oral stage The mouth

Genital stage Sexual Relationships

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