First Name Last Name Coc1 I. Plan Training Session

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First, it is very important to determine the student’s training needs and characteristics through
conducting a pre-assessment. Then, I establish the learning outcomes for the unit of competency that
should be given focus. I put these questions in mind when plotting the session plan: What is the best
evidence gathering method to be used for a specific learning content?, What practice and/or
presentation is most effective for each method and the time appropriation suitable? , how is feedback
addressed? , and lastly, what are the resources used?

The answers should coincide with the standards from the competency based curriculum (CBC)
and training regulation (TR) since it is the main resource/reference used in conducting competency
based training.

The session plan is composed of the following; a. the sector and qualification, units of competency,
learning outcomes, module title, introduction and learning activities which is also consist of a learning
content, presentation, practice, feedback, learning resource and nominal duration or time.

1. In selecting the training method, we should also analyze each unit of competency and its
learning contents, its objectives and cost in terms of time and resources, and most importantly,
the target audience to whom a specific method should be effective and most suited.
2. We should first consider the result of the pre-assessment conducted onset of training.
Interpreting the pre-assessment forms will help us specify the trainee’s training needs as well as
recognizing his/her prior learning. After you have decided what results you want and how you
will know you’ve achieved them,  then you start planning how you’re going to teach.  You can
now move to designing your instructional materials+- and students’ learning activities. Devise
active and collaborative exercises that encourage students to grapple with new concepts in
order to “own” them. When planning how you will collect this evidence, consider a wide range
of assessment methods (for example, essay tests, term papers, short-answer quizzes, homework
assignments, lab projects, problems to solve, etc.) in order to ensure that you test for exactly
the learning you want them to gain.  Once the trainee satisfactorily completes a competency,
he/she proceeds to the next until such time that all requirements needed for the qualification is
3. The assessment methods I used include but not limited to written, interview, demo with
questioning, and portfolio.
4. The assessment tools are considered as valid because it is relevant to the competency being
focused on. This happens when the evidence match the requirements of the elements and
performance criteria and was able to address the critical aspects of competence and the
underpinning knowledge and skill requirements of the units of competence. At the same time, it
becomes cost effective since tools and materials are properly utilized.
5. The table of specification should ensure that items are well distributed and that the learning
outcomes are covered in the written exam.
6. Adults bring life experiences and knowledge to learning experiences--Adults like to be given
opportunity to use their existing foundation of knowledge and experience gained from life
experience, and apply it to their new learning experiences.

Adults are realistic or relevancy oriented--Adult learners want to know the relevance of what
they are learning to what they want to achieve. One way to help students to see the value of
their observations and practical experiences throughout their placement is to: Ask the student
to do some reflection on for example, what they expect to learn prior to the experience, on what
they learnt after the experience, and how they might apply what they learnt in the future, or
how it will help them to meet their learning goals.


1. Check the tools and equipment to be used during learning activities including electronic media
and other learning materials. Check the area if it’s safe and conducive for learning. Lastly, review
trainees’ documents and analyze appropriate strategies for delivering training.
2. First, conduct a pre-assessment to better understand the student’s training needs and recognize
his/her prior learning. You should also discuss with the trainees the flow of the competency
based training program to set their expectation and address concerns. Then, you will discuss
with the trainee’s the purpose and correct usage of training materials such as the CBLM and
training activity matrix. Once you deliver the contents needed for that particular competency,
gage the knowledge of your trainees by conducting a written exam followed by other
assessment methods. After that, a demonstration may be necessary to evaluate whether the
trainee does not only do well in theory but also in practice. A feedback is given once the trainee
accomplish these steps. The lesson is student-centered. It is designed in such a way that there is
no spoon-feeding from the facilitator because the student manages his/her own learning at his
own pace.
3. I used learning materials that are appropriate to the learning methods I used which includes but
not limited to demonstration, role playing, and self paced learning. These were the following
learning materials applicable: Job Sheets, Task Sheets, Operation Sheets, Information Sheets and
PowerPoint presentations.
4. I used Knowledge, Comprehension and Application type of questions. Knowledge questions
solicit reasonably simple, straight forward answers based on obvious facts or awareness. These
are questions which require the student to recall specific information she/he has previously
learned. Often these use who, what, when, where, etc. Comprehension and Application are
questions with no right or wrong answers, but which encourage exploration of possibilities.
These questions allow students to explore different avenues and create many different
variations and alternative answers or scenarios. These types of questions often require students
to analyze, evaluate, or synthesize a knowledge base and then project or predict different
outcomes. Questions such as these invite the students to elaborate on their thoughts without
limiting the direction of the discussion.
5. To ensure participation from the students. I would first analyze what type of learner a particular
student is: visual, auditory, kinesthetic. By recognizing each learning style, I am able to choose
the best method where they can most relate and will more likely stimulate the need to learn.
6. Proper scheduling and management is tracked through the use of the achievement chart,
trainee’s progress sheet, attendance/monitoring sheets, trainees record book. The training
activity matrix is recommended to schedule and monitor the use of facilities and resources this
format is already in its most effective form.
7. Adults bring experience to learning. Those experiences are resources for themselves and for
other learners which gives richer meaning to new ideas and skills. Experience is a source of an
adult’s self-identity. However, experience is both a plus and a minus. It is a plus because it is a
vast resource. It is a minus because it can lead to biases and presuppositions and because
adults define themselves by their experiences, you still need to respect and value their beliefs
and opinion.
8. Written exam, demonstration and oral questioning. There is no longer any need to add another
tool since adding another assessment tool may no longer be cost effective. However, constant
improvement with the assessment tool is highly necessary.
9. The focus of the feedback is essentially on what the student doing right starting from his/her
strengths to his/her weak points. Feedback should be given personally and face to face. They are
also provided with an explanation and example is to what is accurate and inaccurate about their
work based on observable behavior. Feedback should be given in a timely manner.
10. Yes. I let my students answer the training session evaluation form and from their evaluation, I
learned that most of them prefer practical exercises rather than theoretical discussions in a
classroom setting. This calls for adjustments on the session plan which includes the training
method, presentation, time or nominal period and resources.


1. draw our shop layout

2. –Kitchen sets and cooking equipment, materials and utensils

- bathroom – cleaning materials and solution

- bedroom set, comforter, foam, linens and pillows

-cleaning equipment such as vacuum and floor polisher

-learning material provided in the library and computer laboratory

-equipment maintenance and checklist conducted daily, weekly and monthly according to equipment

-equipment checking for repair and replacement

-cleaning schedule and sanitation

-waste segregation/disposal management.

-time to time update of repair and purchase status because damaged equipment may post a harmful
threat to the training center in general

3. using the breakdown/repair report, create an equipment purchase request be verified by your
supervisor. No more improvement, I guess, this fff of format is already at its accurate form.
4. when the equipment is found 000 or out of order, it is then subjected to breakdown/repair report
which is submitted to the assigned supervisor, once the report is given, the supervisor create a purchase
request and submit the form to the accounting department before the actual purchase. I would like to
recommend a fast and transparent process with this regard.

5. there should be a computer database to track all breakdown report as well as purchase report in
order to trace previous accountability and will be accounted accordingly.


1. Building effective and lasting partnerships takes time. So instead of attempting the go-it-alone
route, seek out the support from a respected community leader- a member of the school board
or chamber of commerce- and ask for help in generating a buzz and lining up prospective
2. Yes! I will write a training plan for my students since its very important that they are well aware
of how much training should they further undergo and how the flow of scheduled events are to
be followed, furthermore, the training plan must be discussed with the employer/industry staff
so as not to hamper the production of the company.
3. You should ensure that the trainee has already satisfied the training needs and is competent to
perform the given task for that specific qualification before he/she is subjected to OJT. In
preparation to OJT, the trainer should orient the students the rules and regulations set by
company standards. Teacher need to establish regular communication with students, mmm and
supervision of the worksite. Think of it as progress reports, one way of monitoring students
performance is through a trainees record book which is intended to serve as record of all
accomplishment/task/activities while undergoing training in the industry.
4. Feedbacking should be done every now and then but never should it interfere with work or
while the student is still doing the tasks. It is important for trianees to know how well they are
doing as they learn because the knowledge that they are doing gives trainees a sense of
achievement which motivates them to learn more.
5. Organize comments into similar categories and consider recommendations to help program staff
improve it, and establish new program goals. Record the conclusion and recommendation in a
report document and associate interpretations to justify your conclusions. Submit it ot the
supervisor/administrator needed.
6. If you are conducting an outcome based evaluation, ou can categorize it according to the
indicators for each outcome training evaluation is important because it measures trainee
progress provides performance feedback to the instructor and the trianees and identifies
needed improvement in trainee per for it would also serve as input in the delivery of training.

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