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PWD Institutional Reform and

Asset Management Services

Road Data Collection
March 2001
PWD Institutional Reform and
Asset Management Services
Road Data Collection
March 2001

Prepared By PIRAMS Project

Christopher R. Bennett Public Works Department Head Office
Asset Management Specialist Private Bag, Apia
Opus International Consultants Ltd. Western Samoa

Reviewed By Telephone: +685 21611

Jon Visser Facsimile: +685 21927
Commercial Manager
Opus International Consultants Limited Date: 23 March 2001
Reference: SAMOW/PROJ/622/04.1
Status: Draft

This document is the property of Opus International Consultants Limited.

Any unauthorised employment or reproduction, in full or part is forbidden.

© Opus International Consultants Limited 2001

Road Data Collection
March 2001


1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................... 3

2 Information Quality Levels............................................................................................................... 4

3 Measurement Equipment .................................................................................................................. 7

3.1 ROMDAS..................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Traffic Counters.......................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Photographs and Videos........................................................................................................... 7

4 Centreline and Roughness Survey................................................................................................... 9

4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 9
4.2 Installing Equipment in Vehicle............................................................................................... 9
4.3 Odometer Calibration................................................................................................................ 9
4.4 Roughness Meter Calibration................................................................................................. 11
4.5 Executing a Survey .................................................................................................................. 12

5 Visual Pavement Condition Survey .............................................................................................. 17

5.1 Surface Integrity Index - Background ................................................................................... 17
5.2 SII Implementation for Samoa ............................................................................................... 20
5.3 Visual Condition Survey......................................................................................................... 21
5.4 Calibration of SII ...................................................................................................................... 22

6 Drainage Rating................................................................................................................................. 24

7 Inventory............................................................................................................................................. 25
7.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 25
7.2 Pavement Type......................................................................................................................... 25
7.3 Pavement Width....................................................................................................................... 25
7.4 Shoulder .................................................................................................................................... 25
7.5 Footpath..................................................................................................................................... 26
7.6 Intersection type....................................................................................................................... 26
7.7 Culvert ....................................................................................................................................... 26
7.8 Telephone Pole ......................................................................................................................... 26
7.9 Topography............................................................................................................................... 26

8 Moving Traffic Survey ..................................................................................................................... 27

8.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 27
8.2 ROMDAS Setup........................................................................................................................ 27
8.3 Conversion Factors .................................................................................................................. 27
8.4 Executing a Moving Traffic Survey ....................................................................................... 29

Road Data Collection
March 2001

9 Static Traffic Surveys........................................................................................................................ 30

9.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 30
9.2 Principles of Operation ........................................................................................................... 30
9.3 Installing The Counters........................................................................................................... 30
9.4 Calibration................................................................................................................................. 32
9.5 Data Processing ........................................................................................................................ 32

Road Data Collection
March 2001

1 Introduction
The road asset management system will hold data on the inventory and the
condition of the PWD road network.

This paper outlines the data that will be collected as part of the project along
with the survey methods. It opens with a discussion of Information Quality
Levels (IQL). A proper understanding of these is essential to appreciating the
data collection recommendations. This is followed by a discussion of the data
collection equipment to be used.

Separate chapters are provided for each data item:

‰ Centreline and roughness survey

‰ Visual pavement rating

‰ Drainage rating

‰ Inventory

‰ Moving traffic survey

‰ Traffic counter surveys

Road Data Collection
March 2001

2 Information Quality Levels

The concept of Information Quality Levels (IQL) was introduced by Paterson
and Scullion (1990)1. This was expanded on by Bennett and Paterson (2000)2.
Much of the discussion presented here is from this latter reference.

An item of information can be presented in either simple or detailed terms.

Viewed through a lens, the image of an object from a distance or great height
will be seen as an outline and in general features. Close-up or at low heights,
the amount of detail seen increases and other features or attributes of the
object can be identified. The object, or information, is the same but the
quality of information has been enhanced. In some instances the general
outline or overall situation is the quality of information which is required;
that is, the high-level or macro-level information, whereas in other instances
the greater detail (micro-level) is what is required.

The IQL concept allows us to structure road management information in

ways that suit the needs of different levels of decision making and the variety
of effort and sophistication of methods for collecting and processing data. In
the IQL concept, very detailed information at a low level (‘low-level data’)
can be condensed or aggregated into progressively fewer items at
successively higher levels of IQL (‘high-level data’) as shown in Figure 2.1
(Bennett and Paterson, 2000).


System Performance
IQL-5 Performance

Planning and
IQL-4 Structure Condition
Performance Evaluation

Programme Analysis or
IQL-3 Ride Distress Friction
Detailed Planning

Project Level or
IQL-2 Detailed Programme

Project Detail or


Figure 2.1: Information Quality Level Concept

1 Paterson, W.D.O. and Scullion, T. (1990). Information Systems for Road Management:
Draft Guidelines on System Design and Data Issues. World Bank Technical Paper INU
77, Infrastructure and Urban Development Department, The World Bank,
Washington, D.C.
2 Bennett, C.R. and Paterson, W.D.O. (2000). A Guide to Calibration and Adaptation.
HDM-4 Technical Reference Manual Volume 5, PIARC, Paris.

Road Data Collection
March 2001
Just as information can be either imprecise or very precise, the modelling
within the asset management system (AMS) can be done with either very
simple information or much more detailed information.

For example, the HDM-4 model requires data to be described at IQL-2 since
this is the level at which the model operates internally. However, as
describedby Bennett and Paterson (2000), one can collect data at IQL-3 and
then convert it to IQL-2 for the purposes of running the model. The
advantage of this approach is that reasonable results can be obtained without
having to resort to the trouble and expense of an IQL-2 survey of a road
network. Bennett and Paterson (2000) give further details on this process.

In road management, five IQL levels have been identified for general use, as
defined in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1: Classification of Information Quality and Detail

Level Amount of Detail

1 Most comprehensive level of detail, such as would be used as a reference benchmark

for other measurement methods and in fundamental research. Would also be used in
detailed field investigations for an in-depth diagnosis of problems, and for high-class
project design. Normally used at project-level in special cases, and unlikely to be used
for network monitoring. Requires high level of staff skills and institutional resources
to support and utilise collection methods.

2 A level of detail sufficient for comprehensive programming models and for standard
design methods. For planning, would be used only on a sample coverage. Sufficient to
distinguish the performance and economic returns of different technical options with
practical differences in dimensions or materials. Standard acquisition methods for
project-level data collection. Would usually require automated acquisition methods
for network surveys and use for network-level programming. Requires reliable
institutional support and resources.

3 Sufficient detail for planning models and standard programming models for full
network coverage. For project design, would suit elementary methods such as
catalogue-type with meagre data needs, and low-volume road/bridge design
methods. Able to be collected in network surveys by semi-automated methods or
combined automated and manual methods.

4 The basic summary statistics of inventory, performance and utilisation, of interest to

providers and users. Suitable for the simplest planning and programming models, but
for projects is suitable only for standardised designs of very low-volume roads. The
simplest, most basic collection methods, either entirely manual or entirely semi-
automated, provide direct but approximate measures, and suit small or resource-poor
agencies. Alternatively, the statistics may be computed from more detailed data.

5 A level of detail that would combine pavement quality with other measures such as
structural adequacy, safety aspects, and traffic congestion—that is representing a
higher order information such as “road condition”.

Road Data Collection
March 2001
The decision as to which IQL level to adopt is based on a variety of factors,
from cost to technical skills and resources. After considering the full range of
issues it has been proposed to adopt IQL-3 as the basis for the data collection.
This will allow for data collection technicians to be relatively quickly trained
and for technology appropriate for Samoa to be used. This is considered to be
a more cost effective and sustainable approach than IQL-2.

Road Data Collection
March 2001

3 Measurement Equipment

A large portion of the data collection will be done using a ROMDAS system3.
This is a modular system which is designed to collect road data quickly and
efficiently. Figure 3.1 shows the ROMDAS instruments that will be used in
Samoa. With the exception of the interface and the roughness meter, all
equipment is being hired for the surveys.

58 Key Rating Adapter Video Camera

External Keyboard Character


Notebook Computer With

Video Capture Card
Notebook Computer
GPS Receiver Both
Interface Video

Gyroscope Voice Recording

Digital Photographs

Distance and
Speed Sensor Bump Integrator

Figure 3.1: ROMDAS Configuration for Samoa

3.2 Traffic Counters

Traffic data will be collected using 8 x Metrocount pneumatic traffic counters

which have been purchased for the PWD. These will be supplemented by two
special Metrocount counters which will give data for calibrating speeds for
the HDM-4 road user effects model. A test will also be done with the PWD’s
NUMETRICS count cards.

3.3 Photographs and Videos

Some visual data, for example bridges, will be recorded using digital
photographs or video cameras. The photographs will be stored as .jpg files;
the videos digitised as .avi files.

3 Details of ROMDAS are available from

Road Data Collection
March 2001

Road Data Collection
March 2001

4 Centreline and Roughness Survey

4.1 Introduction

The centreline survey will be done using a vehicle outfitted with a GPS,
gyroscope and a video. There will also be a single roughness meter installed
in the vehicle.

The objectives of the survey are to:

• Obtain a GPS centreline for all PWD roads;

• To establish the GPS co-ordinates of all intersections and location

reference points on the PWD network;

• To record the roughness between intersections and LRPs.

A baseline survey quality and management plan is available for use with
ROMDAS (HTC, 2001a). This has been used as the basis for the procedures
for calibrating the equipment and undertaking the surveys4. The discussion
assumes that operators should be familiar with the ROMDAS user’s guide
(HTC, 2001b).

4.2 Installing Equipment in Vehicle

The equipment is to be installed using the procedures outlined in the

ROMDAS Installation Guide (HTC, 2001c).

4.3 Odometer Calibration

The ROMDAS distance measurement instrument (DMI) needs to be

calibrated to the vehicle. This will ensure that ROMDAS is measuring the
correct speeds and distances during the surveys.

Equipment required:

‰ DMI and Roughness Calibration log E012 Form 1 (included in Appendix

‰ ROMDAS vehicle with DMI operating and computer installed

4 Where appropriate material has been drawn from the various ROMDAS documents:
HTC (2001a) . ROMDAS Data Collection Survey Data Quality and
Management Plan. Report E012/1. HTC Infrastructure Management Ltd.,
HTC (2001b) . ROMDAS Data Collection Software – User’s Guide. Report
E001/1. HTC Infrastructure Management Ltd., Auckland.
HTC (2001c) . ROMDAS Installation Guide. Report E002/1. HTC
Infrastructure Management Ltd., Auckland.

Road Data Collection
March 2001
‰ Chalk for marking tyre
‰ Tape measure


‰ Every 5000 km


‰ Drive vehicle for minimum of 10 km to ensure that tyres are at operating

‰ Check pressure with the ROMDAS tyre gauge and ensure that tyres are
set to 30 psi
‰ Turn on flashing safety light
‰ Drive to the test section. This should have been pre-measured and had the
start and ends marked by orange paint
‰ Park vehicle with rear wheel over orange paint
‰ Mark tyre with white chalk where tyre meets paint
‰ Start ROMDAS computer
‰ Select Setup/Calibrate/Calibrate Odometer/Run Calibration
‰ Press Space Bar to start calibration
‰ Drive SLOWLY to end of the test section without swaying
‰ Stop vehicle so that the tyre is just past orange mark with the chalk mark
vertical above the pavement
‰ Press Space Bar to end calibration
‰ Measure the distance from the centre of the paint mark to the chalk
‰ Press Space Bar to end calibration
‰ Measure the distance from the centre of the paint mark to the chalk
‰ the chalk
‰ Record the number of pulses and data of calibration in the calibration log
‰ Repeat for 5 runs


‰ Enter data for each run into a workbook. A workbook template Odometer
Calibration.xlt is available from the ROMDAS web site for the
calculations. It is included with the Quality and Management Plan report.
‰ Calculate the mean and standard deviations of the data
‰ Calculate the standard error as (standard deviation)/sqrt(N), where N is
the number of runs (usually 5)
‰ Calculate the standard error as a percentage of the mean. If this is > 0.1%,
perform additional runs. The table below shows these calculations with
the error of 0.082% being within the required tolerance.


Road Data Collection
March 2001
1 2 3 4 5
3191 3205 3203 3195 3201
S. Error S. Error >
Mean S. Dev S.Error
(%) 0.1%
3199 5.8 2.6 0.082 PASS

4.4 Roughness Meter Calibration

Since each vehicle responds differently to road roughness, the roughness

meter must be calibrated against known roughnesses. These will be
established using a DIPSTICK precision profiler. Appendix B contains details
on the location of the test sections; Appendix C on the use of the Dipstick

Equipment required:

‰ DMI and Roughness Calibration log E012 Form 1 (see Appendix A)

‰ ROMDAS vehicle with DMI and roughness meters operating and
computer installed
‰ Roughness calibration test sites are located around Apia (see Appendix B)


‰ Before each major roughness survey or every 5000 km


‰ Drive vehicle for minimum of 10 km to ensure that tyres are at operating

‰ Check pressure with the ROMDAS tyre gauge and ensure that tyres are
set to 30 psi

The survey procedure is the same for each test section:

‰ Turn on flashing safety light

‰ Drive over each test section at a speed of 50 and 100 km/h
‰ Record the roughnesses for each run in the roughness calibration
worksheet template Roughness Calibration.xlt. It is available from the
ROMDAS web site and can be accessed when creating a new file in Excel
‰ Perform a minimum of 3 runs so that the standard error of the
measurements are less than 2%. The worksheet will have the label Pass if
this criteria is met. The table below illustrates such a calibration.

Road Data Collection
March 2001
Site IRI Speed Run Number Mean Sdev S.Error S. Error Pass/Fail
(m/km) (km/h) 1 2 3 4 5 (%)
1 4 100 3949 4177 4151 4095 4093 102 51 1.2 Pass
2 4.4 100 4418 4435 4471 4441 27 16 0.4 Pass
3 3.8 100 3917 3751 3675 3781 124 71 1.9 Pass
4 3.2 100 3181 3232 3203 3205 26 15 0.5 Pass
5 1.9 100 1916 1899 2048 1923 1947 68 34 1.8 Pass
6 2.2 100 2278 2254 2163 2158 2224 2215 54 24 1.1 Pass
7 5.3 100 5156 5392 5296 5281 119 69 1.3 Pass
1 4 50 4144 4067 4106 4106 39 22 0.5 Pass
2 4.4 50 3907 3898 3903 3903 5 3 0.1 Pass
3 3.8 50 3285 3117 3173 3192 86 49 1.5 Pass
4 3.2 50 2890 2946 2961 2932 37 22 0.7 Pass
5 1.9 50 2002 1993 2053 2016 32 19 0.9 Pass
6 2.2 50 2351 2333 2342 2342 9 5 0.2 Pass
7 5.3 50 5019 5007 5013 5013 6 3 0.1 Pass

‰ Save the worksheet using the date in the name. This will make it easy to
locate in the future. For example, the 10 April 2001 would be: 01-04-10
Roughness Calibration.xls
‰ Select each of the series of data in the data plot of the worksheet
‰ Fit linear trend lines to these data by right clicking on the series
‰ Record the regression coefficients in the calibration log

4.5 Executing a Survey

4.5.1 Overview

The survey procedures are used during the survey. Their purpose is to ensure
consistency in survey measurements.

4.5.2 Route Planning

Prior to mobilisation the route shall be planned. This shall include the nightly
rest locations as well as possible intermediate stops in case of problems.

The locations of the nightly stops shall be provided to the Team Leader, in
case of emergencies.

4.5.3 LRP File

If data are available, a ROMDAS LRP file shall be prepared giving details of
each section to be surveyed.

This shall be prepared in Excel and converted to LRP files using the
ROMDAS RMS as described in the ROMDAS RMS Manual E004.

Road Data Collection
March 2001
4.5.4 Road Definition File

A road definition file shall be created identifying each road to be surveyed.

Each road shall be given a road ID. Associated with this ID will be file names,
for example, if the road ID is SH30 the roughness file may be called RRSH30;
the LRP file RPSH30; and the keycode file RKSH30.

The road definition file shall be loaded to the ROMDAS survey computer

The road definitions shall be recorded on form E012 Form 5 and provided to
the survey operators.

4.5.5 Storing Files

The files shall be stored using ROMDAS' daily survey directory option. This
shall see the files stored in a different directory for each day of the survey.

4.5.6 Daily Check

Before each day's survey commences the daily checks shall be conducted.

Survey Log

Daily equipment checks are to be recorded to the daily survey log E012 -
Form 4.


Ensure that all connections are firm with tape around all joints

Tyre Pressure

Drive vehicle for 10 km

Set tyre pressure to 30 PSI using the ROMDAS tyre pressure gauge

Bump Integrators

Check that wires are properly tensioned

4.5.7 Surveying A Section

‰ The following procedure shall be used to survey a section:

‰ Travel to the area of the section.
‰ Start the ROMDAS survey software.
‰ Enter the ROAD ID from the Road Definition Form. The details of the
road to survey shall be displayed in the ROMDAS software.
‰ The vehicle shall be driven to the survey speed in advance of the start of
the survey section.

Road Data Collection
March 2001
‰ At the start of the section the operator shall press the SPACE bar to start
the survey.
‰ They shall identify (or define) intermediate LRPs using the ESC key
‰ Visual observations shall be entered on the rating keyboard
‰ At the end of the survey section the F10 key shall be used to halt the

4.5.8 Surveying the Other Side

While most roads will only be surveyed on one side, the situation may arise
where both sides are measured. In this case the ROMDAS 'Other' side option
shall be used. As shown in the figure below, this will synchronise the sections
of the roughness measurements.

Figure 4.1: ROMDAS Other Side Option

‰ After completing the survey of the first lane turn the vehicle around to the
opposite direction to survey the second lane
‰ Enter the same ROAD ID as the first lane. The operator will be prompted
whether to survey the Other side. Enter O.
‰ Drive the vehicle to speed in advance of the section and press the space
bar at the start of the section. The data will be synchronised as shown
‰ The survey will automatically halt when the end of the section is reached.

Road Data Collection
March 2001
4.5.9 Interrupting Surveys

To improve the efficiency of the survey programme it is often necessary to

interrupt what should be a continuous run to measure roads running off from
the primary survey route. An example of this is shown below. The procedure
to follow is:

‰ The operators shall terminate the main survey at an LRP or other roadside
feature which will be easy to return to (Run 1). It is generally
recommended that this be past the point where the other surveys are to
‰ They may then execute the other surveys (Run 2 and Run 3).
‰ They shall returning to where they ended the previous survey they enter
the same Road ID as was used previously. They will then be given the
option to Continue the previous run. The data collection will be started
where they left off and, once processed, both components of Run 1 will be

Run 2 Run 3

LRP or Roadside Feature

Run 1 Continuation of Run 1

Figure 4.2: Pausing Roughness Measurements

4.5.10 Pausing Roughness Measurements

It is sometimes desirable not to measure the roughness over some sections,

for example if the survey comes across a pavement which is being
reconstructed. The following procedure is to be followed:

‰ Confirm before the survey under what situations roughness

measurements should be paused. Options include speed bumps,
construction zones and bridges.
‰ Define keycode events for each of these situations as Continuous Events
‰ Set the PAUSE_BI flag to Y in the keycode event file.
‰ When these situations are encountered in the survey press the event key
at the start and end of the event.

Road Data Collection
March 2001
4.5.11 Unusual Events

If something arises during the survey which will influence the survey results
press the F8 key to log it as an error. Record on the survey log E012 Form 5
the chainage where the event occurred.

Road Data Collection
March 2001

5 Visual Pavement Condition Survey

5.1 Surface Integrity Index - Background

The visual pavement condition will be collected using the IQL-3 'Surface
Integrity Index' (SII). This is an index presented in Paterson (1993)5. The SII
combines assessments of the incidence, severity and modes of distress in a
numeric score from 0 (representing no defects) to 5 (representing obstructive
defects). It is defined as shown in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1: Surface Integrity Index Pavement Distress Scores

Score Incidence of Minor Defects Incidence of Major Defects

0 None per 100 m None per 100 m

1 1 to 20 m2 per 100 m 1 occurrence per 100 m

2 < 50% of the area per 100 m 2 to 4 occurrences per 100 m

3 > 50% of the area per 100 m < 30% of the area per 100 m

>= 30% of the area or potholes and

4 N/A base/subgrade exposed
< 20% of the area per 100 m

>= 30% of the area or potholes and

5 N/A exposed base/ subgrade
>=20% of the area per 100 m

The defects are defined as follows:

Minor Defects: Narrow interconnected cracks (1-2 mm width), any line

cracks, shallow ravelling (<10 mm), slickness (texture
depth <1 mm), bleeding, patches, sealed cracks.

Major Defects: Wide interconnected cracks (3 mm or more), scabbing

(>10 mm depth), edge break (>100 mm), rut depth >15
mm, corrugations, potholes.

Exposed base: Full loss of surfacing and partial loss of base material.

The defect score is supported by recording the dominant modes of distress

which are identified as shown in Table 5.2 and Table 5.3.

5 Paterson, W.D.O. (1993). A Standard Surface integrity Index of Pavement Condition:

Definition and Measurement Procedure. Internal Paper, The World Bank, Washington,

Road Data Collection
March 2001
Table 5.2: Flexible Pavement Defect Categories and Distress Type Codes
Distress Code Minor Code Major

Cracking CN Narrow interconnected CW Wide interconnected cracks (> 3

cracks mm)
(1-3 mm width)

CL Line cracks
(Longitudinal or transverse)

M Sealed cracks

Patches M Patches

Texture TA Shallow ravelling or scabbing TB Scabbing (> 20 mm depth)

(< 20 mm depth)

TS Slickness (TD <1 mm)

TS Bleeding

Rutting RL Rut depth > 15 mm

Pothole P Potholes
(> 30 mm depth, > 150 mm

Exposed Base G Exposed base or subbase or


Edge Break ES Short edge break EL Long edge break

(> 100 mm, < 5 m. long) (> 100 mm, > 5 m long)

Depression/ D Corrugations

Source: Paterson (1993)

The procedure for using the SII in surveys is:

• The observer will assess the inspection length and determine the score
representing the incidence of minor and major defects. The higher of the
two values shall be adopted as the score for the inspection length.
• The observer will record the most extensive type of distress on the
inspection length and, optionally, the second most extensive type of
It should be noted that distinguishing between scores 0 to 2 can only be done
by a walk over inspection. With experience, scores of 3 - 5 can be rated
reliably from a slow-moving vehicle.

If the dominant distress type is slickness (e.g. from bleeding or stone

embedment), and the road carries less than 800 veh/day and is not in an area

Road Data Collection
March 2001
of high braking demand, the SII score is reduced by 1. This correction is done
in post-processing.

Table 5.3: Unpaved Road Defect Categories and Distress Type Codes
Distress Code Minor Code Major

Rutting RS Rut depth <100 mm RL Rut depth > 100 mm

Pothole P Depressions or potholes P Depressions or potholes

(<100 mm deep) (>100 mm deep)

Exposed S Exposed subgrade

Subgrade (>1 m diameter)

Corrugations O Corrugations

Camber C Crossfall or crown flat or


Rocks R Exposed rocks >100 mm in


Source: Paterson (1993)

The SII score levels may be generally interpreted in terms of maintenance

intervention needs as shown in Table 5.4. In terms of a general pavement
classification, an SII < 2 is good; 2 - 4 is fair; 4 and above poor.

Table 5.4: Indication of Maintenance Intervention Needs from SII

SII Likely Maintenance Intervention

0 Excellent integrity, no maintenance required

1 Initiation of distress has occurred, some recurrent maintenance may be needed. At very high
maintenance standards preventative treatments may be applied.

2 Sufficient distress to warrant preventative maintenance resurfacing (or recurrent maintenance

under a corrective maintenance policy)

3 Resealing or resurfacing warranted under corrective policy

4 Rehabilitation including possible strengthening likely to be warranted; or recurrent

maintenance patching needed as holding treatment (bituminous pavements)

5 Reinstatement, major rehabilitation or reconstruction is necessary, possibly in localised areas

Source: Paterson (1993)

Road Data Collection
March 2001
5.2 SII Implementation for Samoa

The visual condition surveys will use a variation of the Paterson (1993) SII.
The pavement distresses will be rated as major and minor using the criteria in
Table 5.5.

Table 5.5: Definition of Major and Minor Defects

Minor Defects Major Defects
Sealed Roads
Patches Wide interconnected cracks (>=3 mm
Scabbing/ravelling (chip loss Scabbing/ravelling (Chip loss > 10 mm
< 10mm depth) depth)
Edge Break (< 100 mm) Edge Break (> 100 mm)
Flushing or Slickness (texture Potholes (max least dimension >=75mm)
depth < 1mm)
Sealed cracks Disintegration, Full loss of surfacing and
partial loss of base material
Unsealed Roads
Potholes (< 100 mm deep) Potholes (> 100 mm deep)
Corrugations Disintegration, Exposure of subgrade
Exposed Rocks (> 100 mm
Camber. Inadequate camber

Minor Seal Defects


Assessment of this defect is considered when a maintenance activity patch is

present in the carriageway where it is less than 0.5m2 in area, assessment of
the effected pavement area is by a count of the quantity.

Scabbing and Ravelling - Shallow

Assessment of this defect is considered when an area of pavement has chip or

aggregate loss >=10% and <=20mm in depth, assessment of the effected
pavement area is in m2.

Flushing / Bleeding

Assessment of this defect is considered when the bitumen has risen to where
the surface aggregate is just protruding (about 1-2 mm) or where the binder
has risen to be level with or over top of the surface aggregate. Flushed areas
are generally characterised by a shiny or slick appearance and inadequate
surface texture. Assessment of the effected pavement area is in m2.

Road Data Collection
March 2001
Major Pavement Defects

Cracking – Wide Interconnected Cracking

Assessment of this defect is considered where cracking >= 3mm in width are
present in the pavement. Cracking is to include all polygon shaped cracking
and assessed irrespective of the size of the polygons formed by the cracks.
Cracking confined to an area within 150mm of the edge of seal is not assessed
as cracking. Assessment of the effected pavement area is in m2.

Scabbing and Ravelling - Deep

Assessment of this defect is considered when an area of pavement has a chip

or aggregate loss >=10% and >=20mm in depth, assessment of the effected
pavement area is in m2.


Assessment of this defect is considered where the pavement surface has

broken to the extent that aggregate below is exposed. The break in surface
must be >=30mm in depth and have a maximum dimension of >=75mm to be
rated as a pothole, assessment of the effected pavement is by a count of the


Assessment of this defect is considered where the pavement base course has
disintegrated and exposed the basecourse or subgrade to the extent that it is
not possible to count individual potholes, assessment of the effected
pavement area is in m2.

5.3 Visual Condition Survey

The visual condition survey will be done from a moving

vehicle with the ROMDAS data logger installed. The
observer, from the moving vehicle, shall evaluate the
pavement and determine scores representing the
incidence and severity of defects using the ROMDAS 58
key rating keyboard (see right).

The visual condition survey will be done separately to the roughness survey.

Each key will be assigned (and labelled) as illustrated in Figure 5.16. The first
two columns represent the level of minor and major deterioration. Each row
corresponds to a different SII level. The bottom left key will be assigned to the

6 The other labels on the keyboard are discussed in subsequent sections. It should be
noted that the inventory survey will be done separately to the condition rating
survey to prevent operator overload.

Road Data Collection
March 2001
ROMDAS error code (F8). When pressed, this will record a flag in the file that
there was an error. The operator will then write in the survey log what the
error was. The right hand keys represent the dominant distresses.

Surface Mount- Tele.

LRP AC Unsealed Flat Rolling Culvert
LRP Reset Treated ainous Pole Inventory
and Error Error
Shoulder Shoulder Shoulder Shoulder Footpath Footpath Footpath Footpath Items
None B L R None B L R

Minor 0 Major 0 Drain 0 < 4.5 m Priority Car Cracking Patching

SII Level SII Distress
4.5 – 6.5 Round- Edge
Minor 1 Major 1 Drain 1 Pickup Pothole
m about Break
6.5 – 9.0 Traffic Scabbing Base
Minor 2 Major 2 Drain 2 4WD
m Light Ravel. Subgrad
Minor 3 Major 3 Drain 3 > 9.0 m Bus Flushing

Major 5 Major 4 Drain 4 Ped. Bicycle Truck Crossfall Camber

Drainage Width Intersection Traffic

Quality Count

Figure 5.1: Labelling of Rating Keyboard

ROMDAS considers that there are two types of visual condition events that
can be recorded:

• Point Events arise at single location; and,

• Continuous Events apply over a section and are characterised by a start

and end chainage.

The SII events are continuous events since they apply over a section of road.
All sections of road will have an SII assessment, even if it is 0. To simplify the
survey process the ROMDAS Switch event feature will be used. This is a
special variation of continuous events which mean that when a new rating
level is observed and the key pressed the end chainage of the previous rating
is assigned to the start chainage of the new rating.

The observer will record the SII score, predominant defect triggering SII
rating and by pressing the appropriate keys when there is a change in the SII.

5.4 Calibration of SII

For the purposes of modelling it is necessary to convert the IQL-3 SII into the
IQL-2 distresses required for the HDM-4 pavement deterioration models. This

Road Data Collection
March 2001
will be done by visiting sections of road which were rated in the survey and
manually recording the distresses required for HDM-4, namely:

• Cracking (narrow and all cracking);

• Ravelling;

• Potholes;

• Edge Break;

• Rut Depth7.

Table 5.6 is an example of the types of conversions that were obtained from
such an exercise.

Table 5.6: Example of SII Conversions

Description All Crack Ravelling Potholes Edge Break
(% Area) (% Area) (No./ km) (m2/ km)
Minor 0 - Major 0 0.0% 0.0% 0 0
Minor 0 - Major 1 0.0% 0.0% 2 3
Minor 0 - Major 2 0.0% 0.0% 5 11
Minor 1 - Major 0 1.6% 0.8% 8 7
Minor 1 - Major 1 1.6% 1.9% 8 12
Minor 1 - Major 2 2.1% 1.7% 11 22
Minor 1 - Major 3 3.6% 0.8% 14 22
Minor 2 - Major 0 2.7% 0.8% 8 7
Minor 2 - Major 1 2.8% 1.9% 10 10
Minor 2 - Major 2 3.2% 1.7% 14 18
Minor 2 - Major 3 5.7% 0.8% 16 18
Minor 2 - Major 4 6.7% 0.8% 22 23
Minor 3 - Major 1 5.5% 2.7% 18 17
Minor 3 - Major 2 5.9% 2.5% 22 25
Minor 3 - Major 3 8.4% 1.6% 24 25
Minor 3 - Major 4 11.1% 1.6% 30 30
Minor 3 - Major 5 13.4% 1.6% 42 46

7 Based on visits around Samoa rutting is not a major issue. Consequently, it will not
be explicitly rated in the surveys.

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March 2001

6 Drainage Rating
The procedure for performing the drainage condition rating survey is:

Condition Likely Maintenance Intervention

0 Good: Good drainage integrity, no maintenance required
1 Fair: Drainage deficiencies to warrant some minor maintenance
2 Poor: Moderate drainage deficiencies warranting maintenance
Bad: Sufficient drainage deficiencies to warrant maintenance (or
recurrent maintenance under a corrective maintenance policy)
Critical: No drainage present, reinstatement and/or reconstruction are

The observer, from the moving vehicle shall, evaluate the shoulder and
drainage for overall performance, severity of maintenance required and
identify any unwanted defects which may affect pavement performance.

These will be entered using the keycodes in a similar manner to the visual

Road Data Collection
March 2001

7 Inventory
7.1 Introduction

The objective of the road inventory survey is to record key data on the road
network which will not markedly change over time. The data to be collected
will consist of:

• Pavement type
• Pavement width
• Shoulder
• Footpath
• Intersection type
• Culvert
• Telephone Pole
• Topography

The inventory shall be classified using the appropriate key on the rating
keyboard (see Figure 5.1). Switch events (see Section 5.3) will be used for
attributes which apply over sections of road (ie type, width, shoulder,
footpath, and topography) while point events are used for the other

7.2 Pavement Type

Pavements will be classified as:

• AC;
• Surface Treatment; and,
• Unsealed.

7.3 Pavement Width

The pavement width will be estimated during a drive over survey into one of
the following four bands:

4.5 m/4.5 - 6.5 m/6.5 - 9.0 m/> 9.0 m

These data will supplement the other data, such as the existing pavement
width data in the PWD asset register.

7.4 Shoulder

The presence of a shoulder will be recorded along with whether or not it is on

the left, right or both sides of the road.

Road Data Collection
March 2001
7.5 Footpath

The presence of a footpath will be recorded along with whether or not it is on

the left, right or both sides of the road.

7.6 Intersection type

Intersections will be classified as:

• Priority (stop/give way/no signs);

• Roundabouts; and,
• Traffic Signals.

7.7 Culvert

The presence of culverts will be recorded.

7.8 Telephone Pole

Since telephones often encroach on the road right-of-way, where convenient

their presence will be recorded.

7.9 Topography

The topography will be classified into:

• Flat;
• Rolling; and,
• Mountainous.

Road Data Collection
March 2001

8 Moving Traffic Survey

8.1 Introduction

Moving traffic surveys are a useful way of quickly obtaining an estimate of

the AADT. They are done by recording when vehicles are passed on the road
by a survey vehicle. These data are converted and adjusted to obtain an
estimate of the AADT for the road. The theoretical proof of the moving traffic
survey technique is given in HTC (2001b).

8.2 ROMDAS Setup

Moving traffic surveys are executed in ROMDAS in the same way as the
visual rating surveys. A key is assigned to different vehicle classes. During
the survey this key is pressed and the time and vehicle type is recorded.

It is proposed to monitor 5 classes of vehicles: car, pickup, 4WD, bus and

truck. Pedestrians and cyclists will also be monitored.

The keys 1 to 7 will be used in the survey. For each of these keys the
ROMDAS keycode event file will have the field “Vehicle” changed from F to
T. The “Direction” field will be set to 0 since traffic in the opposite direction
will be recorded. An enhanced prediction is obtained when the relative
speeds of the vehicles is defined. This will be calculated using data from the
traffic counters but preliminary values are given in Table 8.1.

Table 8.1: Moving Traffic Survey Keycode Setup

Key Direction Relative Speed Vehicle
1 0 0 Car
2 0 0 Pickup
3 0 0 4WD
4 0 -10 Bus
5 0 -20 Truck
6 0 -50 Pedestrian
7 0 -45 Cyclist

8.3 Conversion Factors

It is necessary to convert the short-term moving counts to AADT values.

To illustrate how this is done, consider Figure 8.1 which shows the hourly
flows (veh/h) over a 24 h period based on 5 minute intervals for a motorway
in Bangkok. The direction monitored was out of town so the flows are low
during the morning peak and increase during the day, reaching their highest
during the afternoon peak.

Road Data Collection
March 2001

Flow Flow
Flow Period 1 Flow Period 2 Flow Period 3 Flow Period 4 Flow Period 5 Period 6 Period 1


Traffic Flow in veh/h



















































Time of Day

Figure 8.1: Example of Daily Flow Profile

On the basis of the flows, six periods with relatively constant flow were
identified. The flows during these periods are given in the table below.
Dividing the flow by the length of each period gives the average hourly flow
in veh/h. The total number of vehicles observed (ADT) was 8076. The
adjustment factor for each of the flow periods is therefore given by the ADT
divided by the hourly flow. These are given in the right column. Thus, an
hourly flow measured between 06:00 and 08:30 should be multiplied by 28 to
convert it to an ADT.

Start End Observed Flow Hourly Flow Adjustment

(vehicles) Factor to ADT
22:00 03:30 389 71 114
03:30 06:00 398 159 51
06:00 08:30 733 293 28
08:30 15:30 2986 427 19
15:30 20:00 2857 635 13
20:00 22:00 713 357 23
ADT 8076

It should be noted that the flow profiles are dependent upon the type of road
being surveyed. As a general rule, they will be different for urban and rural
roads, and different roads in the hierarchy (eg residential, collector and
arterial). Data will be collected with the traffic counters to develop these
conversion factors.

Road Data Collection
March 2001
The ADT also needs to be converted to an AADT using correction factors
which are based on the month of year and, optionally, the day of week.
Figure 8.2 is an example of AADT seasonal correction factors from Gujarat,
India. The traffic flows are lowest during the monsoon season from June-
September so counts taken during these periods are multiplied by a factor
greater than 1 to convert them to an AADT.


AADT Seasonal Correction Factor





January February March April May June July August September October November December
Month of Year

Figure 8.2: AADT Seasonal Correction Factors from Gujarat, India

These data will not be available until there have been traffic counts conducted
over an extended period of time. In the interim a value of 1.0 will be assumed
for the seasonal correction factors.

8.4 Executing a Moving Traffic Survey

Once the system has been set up with keys assigned to record traffic data, the
moving traffic survey is done by having the operator press a key when a
vehicle travelling in the opposite direction is passed.

When a key is pressed the time of observation is stored in the data file along
with the vehicle class and the key pressed. These data are then used to
calculate the AADT using algorithms within ROMDAS.

Road Data Collection
March 2001

9 Static Traffic Surveys

9.1 Introduction

The static traffic surveys will be done using the Metrocount traffic counters.
These are two-tube pneumatic counters, 8 of which have been procured for
the project along with tubes, etc.

9.2 Principles of Operation

The counters operate by placing rubber tubes across the road, or across a lane.
When a wheel crosses the rubber tube and air impulse is sent along the tube
which activates an air switch in the counter. The counter records the time that
the observation was made.

The counters can be used with one tube, in which case only the total number
of axles is counted, or two tubes which allows for the vehicles to be classified
and to have their speed calculated.

As an example of how this is done, consider a two-axle vehicle which is

detected by two detectors at a distance D metres apart. At each detector there
are two values for the cumulative time (in s) when each axle of the vehicle is

Detector 1 Axle 1: t11 Axle 2: t12

Detector 2 Axle 1: t21 Axle 2: t22

Vel1 = Vel2 =
t21− t11 t22 − t12

SPACING1 = (t12 - t11) VEL1 SPACING2 = (t22 - t21) VEL2

The values for VEL1 and VEL2 represent the velocity of axle 1 and the
velocity of axle 2 (in m/s). The spacings are the distances between axle 1 and
axle 2 in m, based on these velocities. These values are usually very similar,
with the differences due to timing errors in the detectors. It is common to
average the values or else to adopt only one.

9.3 Installing The Counters

When selecting a location for the counters a number of issues need to be


• the count sites should not be located in places where they are likely to be
interfered with (e.g. near schools).
• the road at the site should be straight and level
• they are unsuitable where there is heavy breaking or turning

Road Data Collection
March 2001

• the detector must be a right angles to the traffic flow; and if two detectors
are used they must be parallel
• the detector must be firmly fixed to the road surface
• the detector or connections must not cross the footpath
• the detector must be monitored to ensure that the tube is not worn and
close to breaking
• the counter must be securely locked to a permanent object such as a
telephone pole

In terms of how the counters should be installed, there are four basic
configurations for the tubes, as shown in Figure 9.1.

• A – Count Only: High Volumes. This configuration is used to get the

number of vehicles in each lane on a high volume road. The number of
vehicles in the inside lane is given by the tube crossing that lane only. The
number of tubes in the outside lane is the total count of the second tube,
minus the count from the first tube.
• B – Count Only: Low Volumes. This configuration is typically used on
low-volume roads where there are not major directional differences. The
number of vehicles in each direction is taken to be half the total count,
unless local calibration factors are available.
• C – Count and Classification: High Volumes. In order to count and
classify vehicles correctly on high volume roads, each lane needs to be
monitored with their own tubes.
• D – Count and Classification: Low Volumes or Multi-Lane Roads. This
configuration works best with low volume roads where there is little
probability of a vehicle crossing the tubes in each direction at the same
time. On multi-lane roads it is the only possible configuration to use.


Figure 9.1: Options for Detector Tube Layout

Road Data Collection
March 2001

In Samoa low volume roads will be surveyed using Option D in Figure 9.1;
Option C for high volume 2 lane roads. Option D will also be used for multi-
lane roads.

9.4 Calibration

It is essential to calibrate the traffic counters. As described in FHWA (1998)8,

there are two types of calibration required:

• A review of the ability of the classifier to correctly classify vehicles; and,

• A comparison of the counts from the counter with a control (usually a
manual count).

The first calibration is required since each counter has its own algorithm for
classifying vehicles based on the spacings between axles. These use a number
of assumptions, for example the headway and typical speeds, for
differentiating multi-axle vehicles from closely following two-axle vehicles.
Since vehicle fleets and driver behaviour changes between countries, the
algorithms are not universally portable. This is done once and then the
counter is approved for use.

The second calibration is usually done over an extended period. The counter’s
data are assessed for validity. Two components are checked:

• The number of unclassified vehicles is evaluated. If these exceed 5 per

cent of the total count then there is probably a problem with the time-out
or the vehicle length threshold.
• The second test compares the total count from the counter with a manual
count. Significant differences between these two values indicates that the
counter’s classification algorithm likely needs adjustment.

9.5 Data Processing

8 FHWA (1998). LTPP Protocol for Calibrating Traffic Data Collection Equipment. Report to
the Long-Term Pavement Performance Study, Virginia.

Road Data Collection
March 2001

Appendix A: ROMDAS Survey Quality Assurance Forms

Road Data Collection
March 2001

Procedure: E012 - FORM 1

Version: 1.1
Date of Last Revision: 27/11/00

Date of Last
Date: Vehicle: Operator: Tyre Pressure:
Tyre Balance:

DMI Calibration Site: Nominal Length (m):

Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 5

DMI Calibration Factors by Run Number:

Calibration Roughness Calibration Results For Each Run

Site Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 5
Number Speed Rough. Speed Rough. Speed Rough. Speed Rough. Speed Rough.

Roughness Calibration Equation: Speed Range (km/h):

Road Data Collection
March 2001

Procedure: E012 - FORM 3

Title: Pre-Survey Check List
Version: 1.1
Date of Last Revision: 27/11/00

Date: Vehicle: Operator: Survey:

ROMDAS Survey Equipment

Basic System Roughness VideoTape Video Direct Keycode GPS GPS Gyro
To Be Used in Survey (Y/N): Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Instrument Installed
Check Power
Spares: Computer x 1 BI Wire x 5 Tapes Computer x 1 Keyboard
Interface x 1 BI Cable x 3 Cables CDs
Fuses x 5 BI x 1 Cables
Serial Cable x 2
Odo Cable x 3
DMI x 1
Floppy Disks


Engine Tyre Tyre Spare Survey

Fuel Level
Oil Pressure Balances Tyre Sign
Checked (Y/N):

Road Data Collection
March 2001

Procedure: E012 - FORM 4

Title: ROMDAS Daily Pre-Survey Check List
Version: 1.1
Date of Last Revision: 27/11/00

Survey: Client::

Date Tyre Fuel Tank ROMDAS ROMDAS Bump Video Video Start Vehicle Power Up Turn on
Pressure Set Full Battery Battery Integrator Camera Cables Inverters ROMDAS
to Standard Recharged Connected Cable Installed Connected and Check and Ensure
Pressure Overnight Checked Securely and Set to Power to Lights are
with Lens Auto-Focus Video and On
Cleaned Computer

Road Data Collection
March 2001

Procedure: E012 - FORM 5

Title: Survey Road List
Version: 1.1
Date of Last Revision: 27/11/00

Survey: Client::

Date Road ID Road Description User User User Starting Ending At Length Problem Done
Defined Defined Defined From (km) (Chain- (Y/N)
Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 age)

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March 2001

Note: If problems are encountered record the chainage where they arose and a brief description on the subsequent line. Use multiple lines if more than one problem arises
in a run.

Road Data Collection
March 2001

Appendix B: Locations of Roughness Test Sites

Road Data Collection
March 2001

Appendix C: Using the Dipstick Profiler

Road Data Collection
March 2001


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