5 Peatland Biodiversity: 5.2 Diversity in Peatland Plant Communities

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5 Peatland biodiversity

Kaisu Aapala, Sakari Rehell 2000, Pietiläinen et al. 2005, Vasander & Variations in peatland vegetation
and Maarit Similä Kettunen 2006, Info box 3). are the result of many environmental
The composition of microbial factors, including the origins of the

B iodiversity encompasses the

diversity of ecosystems, as well as
species diversity and genetic diversity
communities in peatlands is closely
linked to the structures of their plant
communities (Littlewood et al. 2010).
water that feeds the peatland, acidity
levels (pH), the availability of main
nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), the
within species. In practical terms the Natural successional processes and water table level, and the depth of the
most significant level of biodiversity is disturbances caused by human activity, peat (Wheeler & Proctor 2000). Seasonal
often considered to be species diver- such as drainage or restoration, all signif- variations in moisture levels have also
sity, since this factor is comparatively icantly change the microbial communi- been observed as correlating with the
easy to measure. In the wider context ties of peatlands, as well as the struc- composition of vegetation communities
of preserving biodiversity the goal is tural features of their plant communities (Laitinen 2008).
to preserve the characteristic species (Merilä et al. 2006, Jaatinen et al. 2007,
assemblages characteristic of different 2008, Juottonen et al. 2012). The impacts 5.2.1 Vascular plants
habitats, rather than striving to of these changes are not yet understood The vascular plants of peatland habi-
maximise the number of species present in detail. The interrelationship between tats can be divided into the functional
in any single area. the diversity of microbial communi- groups: sedges, grasses, herbaceous
In peatlands life must adapt to ties and the functions of peatlands in plants, dwarf-shrubs, shrubs and trees.
demanding conditions, since peatland particular remains unclear. Likewise little Sedges such as Carex globularis, C. lasio-
habitats are permanently wet, which is known about the significance of the carpa, Eriophorum spp., Trichophorum
means that oxygen is absent or scarce, recovery of natural microbial communi- cespitosum and Rhynchospora alba, are
except in peat layers right at the surface. ties in the context of re-establishing the typically the dominant species in fens,
In nutrient-poor peatlands high acidity natural functions of restored peatlands. where they can form prolific growths
levels also limit the prospects for many (Figure 15). Grasses are typically found in
species. Peatlands are often naturally 5.2 Diversity in peatland peatlands slightly richer in nutrients,
relatively species-poor ecosystems, and plant communities e.g. Molinia caerulea and Phragmites
their most significant values in terms Plants are the most important functional australis in rich fens and mesotrophic
of biodiversity are due to the habitats species group in peatland ecosystems. fens; or Calamagrostis spp. in herb-rich
they provide for their species and species Peatland plants shape their own habitat spruce mires. The species diversity
communities that do not occur in other in an exceptional way, since they form of herbaceous plants on peatlands is
habitats. their own growth substrate: peat. Plant typically fairly low. Herbaceous plants
communities also greatly affect biodiver- typically found in nutrient-poor peat-
5.1 Diversity in peatland sity at the ecosystem and landscape level. lands include Drosera spp. and Rubus
microbial communities
The diverse microbial communities of
peatlands play a crucial role in the func-
tioning of peatland ecosystems. Their
species composition varies according to
habitat characteristics including levels of
moisture, oxygen, acidity and nutrients
(Fisk et al. 2003, Rydin & Jeglum 2006,
Wieder & Vitt 2006). Microbes particu-
larly play a key role in the carbon cycle
and in nutrient cycles, as well as in the
decomposition of organic substances
and the formation of peat (Laine et al.

Figure 15. Plants found in this mesotrophic

flark fen in Salamajärvi National Park include
Carex lasiocarpa, Molinia caerulea and the
early marsh orchid Dactylorhiza incarnata.
In summer 2012 as many as 500 orchids
flowered here. PHOTO: REIJO HOKK ANEN. →

Figure 16. A natural tree stand in a stream-side mire in Suomussalmi. PHOTO: SUVI HA APALEHTO.

chamaemorus. The most diverse peat- Sphagnum mosses (Figure 17) play their dead hyaline cells and transport it
land habitats in terms of herbaceous a fundamental role in boreal peatland upwards through capillary action helps
plants are rich fens and nutrient-rich ecosystems. They can thrive in peatlands to maintain the high water tables in
spruce mires. Peatland dwarf-shrubs due to their adaptation to wet, acidic, peatlands. Their varying rates of growth
mainly grow on hummocks, but anoxic and nutrient-poor habitats, and decomposition (Rydin et al. 2006)
Vaccinium oxycoccos and Andromeda which they themselves significantly and the interactions between sphagnum
polifolia can also thrive on the lawn shape (Rydin & Jeglum 2006, Rydin et mosses and the sedge-like plants of
level. al. 2006). Sphagnum mosses acidify the field layer (Malmer et al. 1994) also
The characteristic features of natural their own habitat and keep it wet and affect the formation and preservation
spruce mires and pine mires include anoxic (Rydin & Jeglum 2006). They can of the smaller scale peatland landforms
trees of varying sizes and ages (Figure tolerate very low nutrient concentra- including hummocks, lawns, hollows
16). Trees affect the other vegetation in tions and thrive even in areas only fed by and pools. Sphagnum mosses also play
such habitats through shade and root rainwater. Their ability to store water in a significant role in the carbon cycles of
competition. Decaying wood addition- boreal peatlands, since they effectively
ally provides important habitat for many bind carbon and store it in the peat
species groups. (Section 4).
Of the vascular plant species found Sphagnum mosses are the domi-
in Finland primarily in mires a total nant species in peatland vegetation,
of 21 are nationally threatened and 11 especially in nutrient-poor and acidic
are near threatened (Rassi et al. 2010). peatlands. Their species diversity is
Regional red list surveys have addition- nevertheless highest in nutrient-poor
ally classified about 40 further peatland and mesotrophic fens (Rydin & Jeglum
plant species as regionally threatened 2006). Some species, such as Sphagnum
in Southern Finland (Ryttäri et al. 2012). warnstorfii, S. contortum and S. teres,
Taken together this means that more also thrive in rich fens (Eurola et al. 1992,
than half (55%) of the plants primarily Laine et al. 2009).
found in mires are threatened either in Brown mosses are not a taxonomically
the south or across Finland. defined group, but a group of species
defined by their ecological characteris-
5.2.2 Mosses tics, found most commonly in rich fens
Peatland mosses can be categorised Figure 17. Colourful Sphagnum angustifolium, (Figure 18). Brown moss species include
according to their ecological charac- S. russowii and S. capillifolium on the surface Scorpidium cossonii, S. scorpioides, Loesky-
teristics as: Sphagnum mosses, brown of a palsa mire in Finnish Lapland, August pnum badium, Campylium stellatum,
mosses, feather mosses and liverworts. 2012. PHOTO: ELINA KOLPPANEN. Tomentypnum nitens and Paludella

squarrosa. The occurrence of brown inevitably leads to many kinds of changes 2003). The use of ash as fertiliser particu-
mosses indicates that nutrients are avail- in peatland vegetation communities. larly leads to changes in the chemical
able to some degree, and pH levels are Lowered water tables even out the and physical characteristics of the
higher than usual for peatlands. internal variations within growth sites, surface peat that may be pronounced
Feather mosses, such as Pleurozium as well as the hydrological variations and permanent, so changes in vegeta-
schreberi, Hylocomium splendens and between different growth sites (Laine tion after ash fertilisation may also be
Ptilium crista-castrensis commonly & Vanha-Majamaa 1992). This reduces great (Laine et al. 2012). In logged sites
occur on drier surfaces such as higher the diversity of peatland vegetation and seedling stands in peatland forests
hummocks and tree bases in natural and favours forest plant species. The more light becomes available, favouring
peatland forest habitats. first species to decline and vanish are species that can thrive in sunlit habitats,
Liverworts are often found growing those that thrive on wet lawn and flark such as Eriophorum angustifolium, Rubus
as individual shoots among other levels. The plants associated with drier idaeus, various grasses, and in nutrient-
mosses. Many of the threatened liver- hummocks may be able to adapt to poorer peatlands also Carex globularis
wort species associated with spruce changing conditions, and initially even and Eriophorum vaginatum (Laine et al.
mires require the continuing presence of benefit from drainage. Later the growth 2012). If sphagnum mosses remain in an
deadwood at various stages of decay, as of tree stands and increased shade will area, they may also temporarily become
well as evenly moist microclimates and limit their opportunities to thrive. More more abundant after logging when the
shady growth sites (Laaka-Lindberg et al. mature tree stands will also lose more water table rises (Laine et al. 2012).
2009). water through evapotranspiration,
Most of the red-listed moss species increasing the drying-out effect. 5.4 Trends in the vegetation
primarily found in peatland habitats are The speed of the changes occurring communities of restored
particularly associated with rich fens or after drainage will depend on factors peatlands
spring-fed meso-eutrophic peatlands, including nutrient and moisture levels, Restoration also radically changes the
though spruce mires also constitute the effectiveness of the drainage ditches habitats of peatland plants: the water
important habitat for many of them. and the rate of tree growth (Laine & table usually rises rapidly and the oxic
Vanha-Majamaa 1992, Laine et al. 1995b). surface layer becomes shallower or
5.3 Trends in the vegetation In dryish and nutrient-poor peatlands disappears altogether. If trees are felled
communities of drained typical plant species may survive for long and removed the availability of light
peatlands periods after drainage (Reinikainen 1984, increases and nutrients become avail-
Artificial drainage changes the key charac- Vasander 1984, Laine et al. 2012), while able to plants in the field and ground
teristics of peatland habitats by reducing wetter and more nutrient-rich peat- layers.
the amounts of water entering the lands tend to be changed more rapidly The state of the peatland before
peatland, speeding the outflows of water, and fundamentally (Mälson et al. 2008, restoration has a direct impact on the
changing the routes of water flows, Laine et al. 2012). Other forestry meas- speed of its recovery. Drainage gener-
altering the properties of the surface ures implemented, such as fertilisation ally leads to more radical changes in
peat and increasing the depth of the and thinnings, also affect the surviving peatlands that were originally wet or
oxic surface layer (Sections 3 and 4). This vegetation (Vasander 1984, Hotanen nutrient-rich, compared to sites that
were naturally dry or nutrient-poor.
Evidence suggests that the recovery rate
for nutrient-poor peatlands is initially
slower than for nutrient-richer sites, but
since the changes caused by drainage
have typically been less dramatic in
nutrient-poor peatlands, in the medium
term restored nutrient-poor peatlands
may revert back to a near natural state
more rapidly than nutrient-rich peat-
lands (Kangasjärvi 2006).
During the initial stages of the
post-restoration vegetation succes-
sion it is typical that certain species
rapidly become much more abundant
(Figure 19) (Komulainen et al. 1998, 1999,
Kangasjärvi 2006, Mälson et al. 2008,
Haapalehto et al. 2010, Hedberg et al.
Figure 18. Scorpidium scorpioides growing in a flark in a rich fen. Karstula 2011. sPHOTO: HANNU The recovery of sphagnum moss
NOUSIAINEN. growths is the essential first step

Figure 19. Cotton-grasses can readily utilise the nutrients released in connection with peatland restoration, and they proliferate in many restored
peatland sites for a few years after restoration. This photograph was taken two years after this site was restored. PHOTO: M A ARIT SIMIL Ä .

towards the re-establishment of natural kind of water” (nutrient-poor or acidic) tion, shelter and habitat), variations in
conditions in most restored peatlands. may flow into restored nutrient-rich the distribution of wet surfaces and drier
This process is generally triggered rich fens if it is not possible to recreate hummocks, the amounts of open water,
quickly, and sphagnum mosses can quite natural water flow pathways, or if acidity levels, the density or absence of
easily spread over areas with lichen drainage schemes outside the restored tree cover (light and microclimate), the
cover or bare ground covered with litter site have affected water quality. quantities and kinds of decaying wood,
(Kangasjärvi 2006, Aapala & Tukia 2008, Even though the forest species that and the total extent of the peatland
Haapalehto et al. 2010, Bellamy et al. earlier benefited from drainage will ecosystem (Desrochers & van Duinen
2012). become less abundant, and the coverage 2006).
Changes in the vegetation of rich fens of peatland plant species will increase The breeding birds found in peat-
often progress rapidly after drainage, after restoration, restored peatland lands particularly include many wader
and by the time restoration is planned sites will still probably continue to differ species. These birds favour large, open
rich fen species may have vanished from from corresponding natural peatlands peatlands. Peatlands are rich in inverte-
a site. The return of rich fen species can for many years. Some species found in brates, providing food for waders and
be hindered by the presence of domi- natural peatlands or on wet surfaces their young. Peatlands in Finland are also
nant ground vegetation species (rich may remain absent, the total coverage important habitats for bean geese (Anser
fen species compete poorly in comari- of sphagnum moss may remain low, and fabalis), game birds and certain birds-of-
sone with such dominant species), the species assemblages may remain some- prey. They also provide important resting
absence of any seed bank or local source where between those of drained peat- and feeding areas for migrating birds.
areas (dispersal barriers), or differences lands and those of natural peatlands. Peatland ponds, pools and flarks
between the characteristics of the (Figure 20) provide good habitat and
surface peat layers in the restored rich 5.5 Diversity in breeding sites for amphibians and many
fen compared to those in natural rich peatland fauna insect groups, including dragonflies.
fens (unsuitable substrate) (Mälson et al. Environmental factors affecting the Crane flies also thrive in wet peatland
2008, Hedberg et al 2012). In some cases diversity of peatland fauna include the conditions (Figure 21).
there may also be a risk that the “wrong structure of the vegetation (for nutri-

↑ Figure 20. The perch (Perca fluviatilis) is a
common fish species in peatland ponds and
lakes in Finland. Isolated populations may
occur in ponds without connecting streams.
PHOTO: JARI IL MONEN ↑ Figure 22. The golden-ringed dragonfly
(Cordulegaster boltonii) is a large and striking
← Figure 21. The crane fly species Tipula insect often seen hovering over streams in
melanoceros is common in peatland habitats forests and peatlands. PHOTO: JARI IL MONEN
including nutrient-poor fens and subarctic
wetlands. Adults fly in August and September.
They produce a single brood of eggs, which ↓ Figure 23. Frigga’s fritillary (Clossiana
hatch into overwintering larvae. Tipula frigga) can be seen flying in sparsely wooded
larvae largely feed on detritus, but they may pine mires in early summer. Its caterpillars live
occasionally eat other invertebrates. on cloudberry plants (Rubus chamaemorus).

The density or absence of tree 5.6 Diversity in peatland habitats
cover is a key habitat characteristic for
many peatland insect species. Peat-
land butterflies particularly favour 5.6.1 Mire types vegetation dominates, whereas plants
sparsely wooded pine mires (Figure In Finland peatlands are classified on the typical of fens or rich fens dominate
23), whereas adult dragonflies (Figure basis of their degree of tree cover and lawns and flarks. A wide spectrum of
22) hunt for their prey in open, sunlit their other vegetation into seven main nutrient levels is possible, from ombro-
habitats. categories (Kaakinen et al. 2008, Laine et tophic ridge-hollow pine bogs to rich
For species dependent on decaying al. 2012): pine fens. Tree stands are often sparse
wood the quantities and quality of Spruce mires are wooded peatlands and stunted, or absent altogether in
decaying wood and the continuing where the dominant tree species is Northern Finland. The dominant tree
availability of sufficient decaying usually Norway spruce, though decid- species is generally pine, though birches
wood of suitable quality are all crucial uous trees may also grow abundantly in may also be present or even abundant,
factors in peatland habitats such as spruce mires that are richer in nutrients. and small spruces may grow in places.
spruce mires, just as they are in forest The presence of living and dead trees of Fens are mainly open peatlands with
habitats. different sizes and ages is an important deep peat deposits, lawns and flarks.
Drainage drastically changes the structural feature for the species-diver- Their nutrient levels may range from
characteristics of the habitats of sity of spruce mires. ombrotrophic to minerotrophic. The
peatland fauna. The bean goose, for In nutrient-rich spruce mires the field layer vegetation is characterised by
instance, has clearly suffered from vegetation in the field layer is species- sedges and herbaceous plants, with few
the impacts of peatland drainage rich and dominated by grasses and dwarf shrubs. The ground layer consists
around Finland. Several passerine bird herbaceous plants. In nutrient-poor of sphagnum mosses or other bryo-
species that nest in peatlands have spruce mires vascular plant species phytes, depending on the type, though
also become scarcer, including yellow assemblages are quite limited and fens of the mud-bottom flark fen type
wagtail (Motacilla flava) and rustic dominated by dwarf shrubs associated have hardly any moss.
bunting (Emberiza rustica). Drainage with forest habitats. The ground layer Rich fens are neutral or mildly acidic,
similarly weakens the conditions for is dominated by sphagnum mosses, open or sparsely wooded peatlands.
specialist peatland invertebrates, though in more nutrient-rich sites other They are typically found in areas where
while improving the prospects bryophytes may also be common. the bedrock and soil are rich in calcium,
for more generalist species from Spruce-birch fens and rich spruce- though they may occur in other areas
surrounding areas to expand their birch fens have low hummocks where sufficiently influenced by groundwater.
ranges (Laine et al. 1995a). small, stunted trees grow. The dominant Their vascular plant and moss communi-
Of the threatened fauna primarily tree species is usually white birch, or in ties have high species diversity. Many
associated with peatland habitats rich sites Norway spruce. Birches may threatened species are found in rich fen
the greatest number of species are also grow on lawns, and hummocks may habitats. As many as half of Finland’s
butterflies and moths, with 19 species be quite indistinct. Species associated threatened peatland species are primarily
(Rassi et al. 2010). Peatlands addition- with swamps may grow alongside fen associated with rich fens (Rassi et al. 2010).
ally provide a significant viable habitat and rich fen species in the lawn level, Swamps are typically found beside
option for dozens of red-listed species which is usually considerably more open water, and they are characterised
from other groups including Diptera, extensive than hummocks. by the continuous impacts of surface
Homoptera, arachnids, birds and In pine mires and bogs hummocks water bodies. Due to the continuing
beetles (Rassi et al. 2010). dominate the microtopography of the inflows of water, swamps are nutrient-
For animal species that have surface. Such ecosystems are mainly rich and highly productive ecosystems.
vanished from a drained peatland to nutrient-poor and usually have deep They host aquatic plants and shore
be able to re-establish themselves, peat layers. The dominant tree species plants as well as peatland species.
viable source populations must remain is Scots pine, though Norway spruce Their vegetation differs from shore and
in the vicinity, and the species must also thrives in higher sites. The domi- aquatic vegetation due to the presence
be able to physically return to the area nant species in the field layer are dwarf of a peat layer, but the dividing line can
after it has been restored. In sites shrubs. Sedges and herbaceous plants shift easily. There may be many herba-
where human activity has fragmented tend to be scarce, though the herb Rubus ceous plants, and the field layer features
habitat mosaics it may even be neces- chamaemorus may be abundant and in sizeable plants and is often very dense.
sary to artificially reintroduce popula- certain types of pine mire Eriophorum The moss cover in the ground layer
tions of species that have vanished vaginatum and Carex globularis are also may have many gaps, and be sparse or
from a drained site. abundant. The ground layer is largely absent altogether, or it may consist of
composed of sphagnum mosses. bryophyte species indicative of swamp
Pine fens and rich pine fens have a conditions. Swamp habitats can be open,
mixture of hummocks where pine mire wooded or dominated by shrubs.

5.6.2 Mire complex types If drainage has not led to great fells of Finnish Lapland sloping fens
Raised bogs are ombrotrophic mire changes in the vegetation and hydrology with quite steep gradients can be
complexes, i.e. the vegetation in their of the central parts of a raised bog, found, often fed by springs.
central parts obtains water and nutri- typical vegetation communities may Drainage ditches dug in the
ents exclusively from precipitation be able to become re-established soon margins of aapa mires can change
and dry deposition from the air. after restoration, especially if the bog’s their hydrology extensively down-
The central parts of a raised bog original structural features (hummocks stream of the drained area, since
are usually higher than the rest of and hollows) have survived. However, water that earlier fed the mire is
the peatland complex, and sparsely dense networks of drainage ditches and instead channelled past it in ditches.
wooded or open. The margins of fertilisation may lead to radical changes The impacts of drainage in aapa mires
raised bogs are often very wet. in the vegetation of raised bogs, as in whose margins have been drained
Since they receive water from both other peatlands, destroying their original may be considerably more extensive
the raised part of the bog and the microtopography. and significant in the undrained
surrounding areas with mineral soils, Aapa mires are mire complexes with central parts of the complex than
their vegetation is minerotrophic. minerotrophic central parts and usually in the drained areas themselves.
In raised bogs the hummocks typi- deep peat deposits. They may be flat or Reduced water flows may lead over
cally form elongated ridges. Between sloping. Nutrient levels in their vegeta- the decades to nutrient impover-
these ridges lie moister hollows tion may range from oligotrophic to ishment and the proliferation of
and pools of open water. Elongated eutrophic. In the open central parts of a sphagnum mosses (Tahvanainen 2011).
hummocks and hollows are formed typical aapa mire the microtopography The positive impacts of restoring
perpendicular to the gradient of the features watery flarks alternating with the drained margins of aapa mires
bog surface and the flow direction of drier hummock or lawn level strings may be considerably more widespread
the bog water (Figure 24). aligned perpendicular to the water flow than the extent of the restored areas,
direction. since after restoration water is again
The margins of aapa mires are char- able to flow into the undrained but
acterised by pine mires. Near areas with in practice dried-out and nutrient-
↓ Figure 24. This extensive concentric mineral soil and stream banks spruce impoverished central parts of the mire
raised bog is in the Kauhaneva-Pohjan- mires may also be found. Between the complex.
kangas National Park. A pond has formed marginal zone and the open central
in its highest part. In ridge-hollow pine areas a transitional zone of pine fens or
bogs, elongated hummocky ridges alter- birch fens is commonly found.
nate with elongated hollows or open pools. In hilly regions of Eastern and
PHOTO: JARI IL MONEN / METSÄHALLITUS. Northern Finland and on the high arctic

6 Planning peatland restoration projects
Sakari Rehell, Maarit Similä, since hummocky strings form perpen- species could decline or vanish as a
Pekka Vesterinen, Jari Ilmonen dicular to the prevailing flow direction. consequence of higher water levels is
and Suvi Haapalehto The locations of springs, seepage areas greatest for rare species whose mois-
and streams may also be discernible on ture level requirements are very strict.

P eatland restoration measures must

always be carefully planned in
advance. The restoration plan should
older aerial photographs (Figures 72 and
73, p. 72).
Recent aerial photographs of open
Examples include the species of peatland
lawns that have shifted their distribution
to dried-out flarks. Species associated
describe the present state of the site, or sparsely wooded peatland areas with springs that may have shifted their
define the need for measures, set out reveal current moisture conditions and distributions from springs or seepage
objectives, assess the feasibility of their the locations of flowing water, thresh- areas to ditch bottoms due to drainage
realisation, outline the means to be olds and basins. Comparing old and may also sometimes be sensitive to
applied, and define how impacts will be new aerial photographs usually gives a water level rises (Sections 11.2 and 11.3).
monitored. reasonable picture of the changes that As water levels rise the availability of
have occurred in a peatland’s hydrology the main nutrients may also increase,
6.1 The present state and vegetation (Section 11.5 and 11.7). It meaning that species associated with
of the site to be restored is important to identify the locations of springs, rich fens or nutrient-poor peat-
thresholds that regulate water levels in lands could lose out to more common
6.1.1 Investigating natural and larger areas (e.g. thresholds formed by generalist species in the competition
changed hydrological conditions mineral soil, or string formations) which for growth sites. Species that thrive in
When planning a peatland restoration can be restored to raise water levels suit- swamps are best able to tolerate rises in
project the most important factor to ably. Studies of aerial photographs and water levels.
assess is the entire catchment area, maps should determine which locations When restoring the habitats of
since this determines the hydrological need to be examined in the field. threatened species it is important to
conditions (Figure 25, Section 3). The In the field the flow directions of have a good understanding of the
catchment area is delineated by surface ditches should be surveyed during wet most common restoration methods
water divides, i.e. ridges of higher land periods, but discharges of groundwater means and the ecological implications
that divide two areas where the surface or the smaller-scale impacts of springs of restoration so that measures can
water runoff flows in different direc- are best observed during drier periods be applied as needed in specific sites.
tions (Figure 13, p. 16). If it is not possible when upwelling water is more visible. Species-centred restoration planning
to restore the whole catchment area, If water is observed flowing in ditches is conducted at a considerably smaller
e.g. due to land ownership issues, the during a dry period it is always worth scale than other kinds of restoration
benefits of “partial restoration” should investigating its origins. plans.
be carefully considered. Seepage of groundwater is often It could be necessary to assess
The flows of water in a peatland are revealed by the occurrence in ditch whether restoration is possible at all
also affected by small water bodies in bottoms or elsewhere of plant species in cases where measures could have
the catchment area, natural flow paths, associated with springs, which typically negative impacts on the occurrences or
and any drainage ditches dug in the require mesotrophic or meso-eutrophic growth sites of threatened species. In
catchment area. Drainage ditches can growth sites. some cases the gradual phasing of resto-
even reshape the boundaries of catch- ration measures or the transplanting of
ment areas (Figure 25). In planning the 6.1.2 Data on species threatened species within the peatland
restoration of hydrological conditions Restoration plans should include an to be restored could reduce the risk of an
it is important to also evaluate the evaluation of the expected impacts of occurrence being lost (Figure 26).
amounts of groundwater formed and restoration measures on threatened In Natura 2000 sites the occur-
discharged, the location of groundwater species and a plan for the monitoring rences of any species or biotopes listed
impacts, and whether the peatland is of their occurrences. If the aim is to in EU directives should be surveyed in
still effectively connected to all of its use species monitoring to indicate the addition to any threatened species and
natural water sources (Section 3). impacts of restoration, comparable other significant species which could
A peatland’s original water flow paths drained and natural control sites where be affected by the planned restoration
and directions can best be determined the same species occur, but where no measures positively or negatively.
by examining the contours on maps restoration measures have been realised,
(Figure 25) and aerial photographs taken should also be monitored. 6.2 Defining objectives
before drainage (Figure 72, p. 72). The It is important to understand the Definitions of the ecological and biolog-
microtopography of the surface of the ecological requirements of the species ical objectives of restoration measures
peatland also indicates flow directions, concerned. The risk that a threatened form a crucial element of any restoration

Protected area Catchment area
of Neva-Kukko
Trees to be removed

Ditches to be blocked
and dammed

Catchment area of
the peatland to be restored
Water flow direction
Here the contours suggest that the watershed
delimiting the catchment area should follow
the red broken line, but it is possible that
drainage ditches have changed flow
directions, and that the watershed now
follows the green line.

Inside the peatland itself the catchment

area watershed lies midway between
contour lines for the same height (green
arrows). Old aerial photographs have also
been used to help delimit the catchment

Catchment area of
Isomäki springs

0 500 m

© Metsähallitus 2014
© Maanmittauslaitos 1/MML/14

Figure 25. Defining the catchment area of a peatland.

plan (Section 2). In protected peatlands  Clearing trees along the banks of affected by restoration measures even
the goal is usually to re-establish ecolog- drainage ditches (Section 7.1) though no measures are realised within
ical processes and water flows that are  Removing trees or ring-barking them.
as near as possible to the site’s natural standing trees to reduce evaporation
conditions. This will enable peatland from the trees (Section 7.2) 6.4 Considering impacts in
plants and other organisms to return or  Blocking, damming and infilling watercourses downstream
become more abundant again in areas drainage ditches (Section 7.3) When planning restoration it is impor-
earlier affected by drainage.  Diverting water flows (Section 7.3) tant to evaluate the scale of impacts on
Where peatlands are restored in areas  Increasing the amounts of decaying watercourses and water bodies lying
used for commercial forestry, the objec- wood, e.g. in spruce mires or in the downstream, since restoration may
tives may differ from those selected adjoining margins of areas with mineral lead to harmful downstream impacts
for peatland restoration projects in soil (Section 7.4). (Section 3.5, Info box 4).
protected areas. Other goals in addi- The leaching of nutrients and sus-
tion to the re-establishment of natural During the planning stage it is pended solids can be reduced by divert-
processes may include improved habitat important to identify potentially prob- ing water from the drainage ditches to be
conditions for game species, water lematic aspects of a restoration project. blocked onto the surrounding peatland.
protection goals, flood prevention, and Where necessary detailed surveys of a Such work should start from the higher
enhanced conditions for the recreational site’s relief should be conducted, e.g. parts of the catchment area, so that sol-
use of the peatland. aiming to limit waterlogging impacts to ids and nutrients remain in the peatland
areas within the peatland to be restored, and do not enter watercourses down-
6.3 Planning restoration or to define a suitable height for dams. stream. This also improves the outcome
measures Suitable methods include levelling of the restoration, since redirecting the
The restoration plan should set out in surveys, laser level surveys and the use water in this way helps to waterlog the
sufficient detail the measures to be of laser scanning data. peatland more evenly.
carried out (Section 7) and how they will In addition to the areas where meas- If the surface area of the peatland to
be implemented in practice. The most ures will be realised, surveys should also be restored amounts to less than 15% of
common measures include: cover other areas that will be directly the total area of the catchment area of

Figure 26. The need to transplant species most often arises in Finland when restoring ground-
water-fed peatlands or rich fens where threatened or otherwise valuable plant species grow on
the beds or banks of ditches. Marsh saxifrages (Saxifraga hirculus) were transplanted in suitable
growth sites in this restored rich fen in Northern Finland. PHOTOS: M ARKKU PERNU.

the nearest recipient water body, resto- may be worth dividing the restoration with peat embankments, and reinforced
ration does not usually lead to intoler- work up into sufficiently small stages with geotextile if needed, to ensure
able harmful impacts on water quality realised over a longer time period, so that water from the area being restored
and aquatic organisms at the scale of the that annual loads of suspended solids is channelled as surface runoff before
whole watercourse. However, if the part and nutrients remain tolerable. entering the recipient watercourse. If
of the watercourse downstream of the When blocking ditches that lead significant amounts of water are flowing
restoration site is sensitive due to the directly into downstream watercourses directly into the recipient watercourse
occurrence of salmonids or other threat- the lowest parts of ditches should be from the restoration site, structures
ened species, even short-term localised left untouched, at least in the flood to protect downstream watercourses
negative impacts could be harmful. zone. The lowest-lying ditches above against the leached solids and nutrients
When restoring more extensive areas of the flood zone should be blocked with should be constructed along their banks
peatland in the same catchment area it sufficiently large dams built together before ditch-blocking work starts.

7 Restoration work
Pekka Vesterinen, Maarit Similä, 7.1 Clearing trees along Care should be taken not to leave too
Sakari Rehell, Suvi Haapalehto drainage ditches many trees in a ditch to be infilled where
and Rauli Perkiö If dense tree cover grows alongside they could together form a kind of sub-
ditches and the spoil excavated from the surface drain inside the infilled ditch.
The most commonly applied peatland ditches is consolidated by tree roots it
restoration measure involves blocking may be necessary to clear trees mechani- 7.2 Removing trees
and damming drainage ditches with an cally or manually using a motor saw or a It is often necessary to remove tree
excavator. It is often also necessary to brush saw (Figure 27). If the cleared trees stands in sites where drainage has led
fell and remove trees in naturally open are not removed they should be felled to to considerable increases in tree cover in
or sparsely wooded peatlands and along fall away from the ditch so that they will naturally open or sparsely wooded peat-
the banks of the ditches to be blocked. not obstruct the work of the excavator. lands (Figure 28). Removing tree cover

Figure 27. Even where small trees grow densely (A) this should not normally hinder mechanical infilling. Photo B shows a stretch of the same
ditch after restoration where trees were not cleared alongside the ditch. Clearing is usually not needed along ditches by which only a few larger
trees grow (C); though trees thicker than a man’s arm that consolidate the spoil excavated from a ditch often need to be cleared (D). PHOTOS: SUVI

Protected area
0 200 m 0 200 m

© Metsähallitus 2014 © Metsähallitus 2014

© National Land Survey of Finland 1/MML/14 © National Land Survey of Finland 1/MML/14
© Finnish Defence Intelligence Agency 2014

Figure 28. During the restoration of the aapa mire Ringinsuo in Pieksämäki workers removed more than 10,000 m3 of pine that had grown in an
area of 55 hectares since the peatland was drained. The old aerial photograph A is from 1938; photo B was taken prior to restoration in 2006; and
photo C shows the site in 2011 after restoration.

reduces evapotranspiration, restores options (Section 7.7). Even in sites were have high evapotranspiration rates, so
more natural light conditions, and other- manual labour is used it is usually neces- any birch stands left in a restored site or
wise helps the landscape to revert to a sary to use a forest tractor or a forestry new birch brushwood thickets may slow
near natural state more rapidly. machine with caterpillar tracks to shift reversion to more natural hydrological
Old aerial photographs can be useful timber to a roadside storage point. conditions. A case-by-case decision
when estimating how many trees need Especially in originally open drained should be made on whether to leave in
to be removed (Figure 28), though when peatlands that are more nutrient-rich place any birches that have grown since
examining photographs it should be or have been fertilised, the dominant drainage, allowing them to die gradu-
remembered that trees were often felled tree species is often white birch. When ally as water levels rise, or whether to
on peatlands prior to their drainage. birches are felled, thickets of brushwood fell them and risk thicket formation. It
Trees are usually removed mechani- saplings may grow prolifically from their has been noted that with larger birches
cally from a peatland site to be restored stumps after ditches are blocked if the (diameter at breast height > 20 cm) there
(Figure 29) before ditches are blocked, peatland does not become very wet is a lower risk of thicket formation after
since at this stage the site conditions after restoration. In summer birches careful ring-barking than after felling.
are drier than they will be later. Mecha-
nised tree harvesting requires solid
ground, and is usually only possible in
winter when the surface of the peat-
land is frozen. Lighter forestry machines
fitted with caterpillar tracks suitable for
peatland conditions are most commonly
It is not always worth using forestry
machines when restoring originally
open peatlands, if there are so few trees
that leaving them in place will not have
significant negative ecological impacts,
or if it is difficult to get machines onto
the site (e.g. if the site lies beyond an
extensive natural peatland or a natural
stream). Trees will often die off in any
case as water levels rise.
In small sites where relatively little
felling is required or in sites requiring
special care, trees may be felled and Figure 29. This multi-purpose forestry machine is starting to remove trees from a peatland site
removed manually, though manual work that would naturally be open. It has also piled up logging residues including branches, which in
is typically more costly than mechanical this case will also be removed from the site. PHOTO: PEKK A VESTERINEN.

Logging residues and energy wood
Decisions on the need to collect and
remove logging residues such as
branches and small-diameter trees from
restored peatlands should primarily be
based on the ecological objectives of
restoration. In areas widely used for
recreation it may also be necessary to
clear away such residues for aesthetic
If large quantities of saleable timber
are to be harvested in a restored
peatland site (> 100 m3/ha) it is usually
also worth harvesting the crowns and
branches of these trees as energy wood,
since any logging residues left in the
peatland will contain surplus nutrients.
Rich fen species that thrive where levels
of the main nutrients nitrogen and
phosphorus are low may particularly
suffer in competition with more gener-
alist species if logging residues are left
behind to release large quantities of
nitrogen and phosphorus.
The most cost-effective way to fell
and pile up small-diameter trees is to use
a forestry machine or excavator fitted
with a felling head or slashing device
designed for harvesting energy wood.

7.3 Restoring
hydrological conditions
To restore near natural hydrological
conditions in a peatland site it is neces-
sary to ensure that it receives all the
natural inflows of water from its catch-
ment area. Restoration must involve
raising water levels in the peatland,
slowing water flows, and diverting water
to make it flow in more natural direc- Figure 30. (A) The excavator driver filled in this ditch by driving up and down its entire length.
tions. It is worth informing excavator On the outward journey he filled in the ditch compactly (B); and on the return journey he
drivers about the overall objectives of completed the peat embankments and channels for water (C). Trees had been felled in this
the peatland restoration project in addi- naturally open peatland site during the previous winter. PHOTOS: PHILIPPE FAY T.
tion to the specific measures needed,
e.g. informing them about how water ditches can largely be obtained from The material used to infill ditches
currently flows through the site, and the masses of ditch spoil material earlier should be carefully compressed from
about the flows that should occur after excavated when the ditches were dug, the ditch bottom to the surface. At
restoration. This will help drivers to but it is almost always necessary to also sufficiently short intervals peat should
optimally utilise their professional skills use additional peat from other suitable be formed into dams to ensure that
and expertise towards the agreed hydro- parts of the site. It is important not to water rises to the desired level after
logical restoration goals. dig up peat in a continuous mass along restoration. The peat alongside ditches
a line parallel to the ditch to be infilled, has often sunk to levels lower than the
7.3.1 Infilling and damming since this would in effect create a new surface of the peatland between ditches.
ditches and diverting water ditch. If there is not sufficient peat for The depth of this sinkage and the width
Hydrological conditions are most cost- infilling the whole ditch, it is better to of the sunken margin on either side of
effectively restored by infilling and fill in some parts fully and leave unfilled the ditch will vary depending on the
damming ditches with an excavator gaps than to fill the whole length of the characteristics of the peatland and other
(Figure 30). The peat used to dam or infill ditch incompletely. local conditions. Because of this sinkage

dams should be extended outwards with be infilled so that the surface slopes ditch. This also creates decaying wood,
peat embankments to prevent flows towards the centre of the mire. benefiting many species.
along the course of the infilled ditch, and Shaded relief images created using Peatland sites designated for
instead divert water away from it (Figure laser scanning data or levelling can be restoration may have wet and boggy
31). utilised if needed to address other hydro- areas where excavators cannot work.
Peat embankments should be 1–2 logical issues, such as the optimal loca- Leaving occasional stretches of ditches
metres long in the direction of the tion along a ditch where blocking work unblocked in such wet locations does
ditch and at least half a metre higher should be started to avoid the danger of not usually lead to major problems from
than the surface of the infilled ditch. waterlogging nearby forestry land. the restoration perspective. However, it
To function effectively they should be Dams and embankments should may be necessary to consider alterna-
densely packed and extend far enough finally be covered with a layer of tive methods where leaving a ditch in a
away from the ditch – as far as the sphagnum moss peeled away from the boggy location would have a significant
surface is depressed alongside the ditch surrounding peatland, to encourage impact on the hydrology of a peatland.
line. A length of 5–10 metres is usually suitable vegetation to take over rapidly. It may be possible to dam the ditch in
enough, though in some cases embank- Vegetation helps to keep dams and winter or make dams manually on a
ments need to be tens of metres long embankments in place, reducing the risk small scale.
(Section 11.4). It is important to measure that they will be washed away by floods. If forestry machines removing trees
the depth of the depression of the peat Using vegetation to cover infilled ditches from a peatland restoration site have
where necessary to estimate a suit- near hiking routes also improves a site’s left tracks where water accumulates and
able height and length for the dams to landscape value. In wooded peatlands flows, such tracks should also be filled in
be created (Section 6.3). The distances infilled ditches can also be landscaped when ditches are dammed and infilled.
between peat embankments depend on by felling trees onto the line of the
the gradient of the peatland surface: the
steeper the gradient, the more closely
the embankments will need to be spaced
(Figure 32). In typical sites intervals of
20–50 metres suffice.
Even after infilling the courses of
ditches normally lie slightly below the
level of the rest of the peatland, so water
will still tend to gather there. During wet
periods water flows can easily develop
along the lines of former ditches if no
dams or embankments have been built
to block and divert the water. To reduce
the pressure of accumulated water on
dams and embankments, especially
during flood seasons, water can be chan-
nelled onto the surrounding peatland, for
instance by making the embankments
using peat excavated from the lower
side with regard to the gradient of the
site. A shallow channel will consequently
form above the embankment, diverting
water more easily onto the peatland
(Figure 33). Such channelling features are
especially needed for interceptor ditches
and other ditches with higher flow rates
where the risk of water continuing to
flow along the course of the infilled
ditch is great.
Particularly in aapa mires it is impor-
tant to ensure that surface runoff from
adjoining areas with mineral soil can Figure 31. In this wet fen the courses of ditches remained below the level of the surrounding
flow along its natural routes over any peatland even after infilling, so plenty of water still accumulated along the old ditch lines. As
ditches dug on the boundary between this had been anticipated, peat embankments were created at short intervals to spread the
the mire and the adjoining mineral soils. water more widely over the peatland. The direction of water flow is from right to left. PHOTO:
Where necessary such ditches should SARI K A ARTINEN

7.3.2 Damming a ditch
with no infilling
If no ditch-digging spoil is available, or if
ditches are so sizeable and eroded that not
enough material is available to infill them,
hydrological conditions can be restored by
damming ditches. In sites to be restored
using machines dams can usually be made
from peat dug from the peatland between
the ditches (Figure 34). Dams must be big
enough and compressed carefully to ensure
they can withstand water pressure even
Figure 32. In wet sloping peatlands peat embankments are particularly important, since they during flood seasons. Dams should be at
help water to spread over the peatland rather than continuing to flow along the courses of least two metres long in the direction of the
infilled ditches. PHOTO: ULL A AHOL A . ditch and at least half a metre higher than
the surface of the peat alongside the ditch.
Dams and embankments must also extend
far enough onto the intervening peatland.
In certain special sites it may sometimes
be possible to realise restoration by manu-
ally building a single dam or a small number
of dams (Figure 37 and Section 11.2). This
kind of smaller-scale manual restoration
may be necessary in small, inaccessible sites
or sites with sensitive species, for instance.
Manually built dams usually need to be
reinforced with geotextile and wood.
Dams need to be built at shorter
intervals where the terrain slopes more or
the peatland is very wet. They should be
sited to take advantage of natural rises and
depressions in the microtopography. When
Figure 33. It may be worth making very long peat embankments in key locations with regard constructing dams it is worth noting that
to water flows. In this site embankments were about 60 metres long. The dimensions of the the water pressure is typically greatest in
embankments were clearly marked in the field with ribbons to ensure that the excavator driver the lowermost dams in the restored area.
made them long enough. This photograph was taken from the site of the infilled ditch, where Special consideration should be given to
water earlier flowed from right to left. The embankment was made perpendicular to the ditch the need to divert water onto the peatland
line. A channel formed where peat was dug up to make the embankment, and water now flows behind dams (Figure 33). Water can be suit-
along this channel to feed areas of flark fen which had not been drained but had nevertheless ably diverted for instance by digging small
dried out. PHOTO: REIJO HOKK ANEN. feeder ditches of suitable depth and length
leading onto the surrounding peatland
from just upstream of the dams.

← Figure 34. In the drained part of this raised

bog the banks of spoil alongside this large ditch
had decomposed completely. The peatland to the
left of the ditch is undrained, and the drained
peatland to the right of the ditch has been
restored. An excavator working on the drained
areas used peat dug up from the surrounding
peatland to make dams and embankments.
Dams were made at intervals of approx. 30
metres to high levels to ensure they would not
be washed away during floods. The dams have
functioned well and conditions in the bog are
becoming more natural. PHOTO: PEKK A VESTERINEN.

7.3.3 Special dams sary to construct dams reinforced with desired direction, e.g. using feeder
In some cases, where unusually large wooden supports and geotextile (Figures ditches, to ensure it does not flow over
amounts of water need to be dammed 35–39). This is best done by combining or around the dam, but instead onto the
or re-channelled, when restoring mechanical and manual methods. With surrounding peatland or into the channel
steeply sloping peatland sites, or to such special dams it is also important of a stream that is to be restored.
prevent soil leaching, it may be neces- to channel dammed up water in the

Figure 35. Tongue-and-groove boards can be used to help make dams

in large or badly eroded ditches. The geotextile used to cover the
boards is only partly shown in these illustrations to enable their under-
lying structures to be seen. Illustrations: Tupu Vuorinen.

Figure 36. Log dams may be constructed where suitable logs can be
cut from trees felled on the site. The top ends of the logs should stand
out clearly above the level of the ditch banks. If the peat is deep, the
logs can be sunk vertically into the peat, but where peat deposits are
only shallow the logs can be put in place horizontally. The dam should
then be covered with geotextile and peat. Log dams can be further
stabilised with the help of supporting logs aligned at right angles to

Figure 37. Obliquely aligned log dams can be made by combining
manual and mechanical work, though an excavator driver can often
make a dam alone if suitable logs are available. The site for the dam
is first excavated. It should be wider and deeper than the ditch for
improved stability. Excavated peat and ditch spoil is then used to
construct a diagonally profiled banked dam that rises above the level
of the surrounding peatland. Log supports are then laid horizontally
over the entire height of the banked dam. Geotextile can be laid down
on top of or beneath the logs. In the illustrated example the direction
of water flow is right to left. This kind of dam is suitable for almost all
restoration sites in wooded peatlands. ILLUSTR ATION: TUPU VUORINEN.

Figure 38. Jute sacks filled with compressed peat can be put in place
manually to dam ditches with sensitive springs or seepage areas, for
instance. Such sack dams are also suitable for use when repairing dams
in restored sites where excavators can no longer work. Sacks can be
fixed in place using wooden stakes hammered into the peat.

Figure 39. Dams made of plywood can be used to block shallower

ditches. Board should be sawn to sizes with greater length and depth
than the ditch. To put them in place grooves can be cut in the peat
using a long-reach motor-saw. The boards can then be hammered
into place e.g. with a sledgehammer. Peat should then be shovelled in
between the boards and packed tightly. ILLUSTR ATIONS: TUPU VUORINEN.

7.3.4 Small water features typographus), especially in Southern cases, such as very wet peatland sites,
in peatland restoration Finland. Though cool, shady and low- ditches may have to be infilled or dammed
When choosing methods for the resto- lying spruce mires are not ideal habitat during the winter when the surface is
ration of springs and seepage areas it for this insect pest, this risk factor frozen.
is vital to ensure that the restoration should be considered particularly when Anyone working near a machine should
work does not negatively affect any working in small protected areas or near wear high-visibility clothing and a helmet.
significant species present, e.g. due the margins of larger protected areas Special attention should be given to safety
to excessive rises in water levels or where commercially utilised spruce issues when building dams through a
changes in water quality (Sections 11.2 stands grow nearby. combination of manual and mechanical
and 11.3).The methods used to restore In pine mires and open peatlands work. No one should ever work or walk
peatland streams should be considered fallen trees rapidly become overgrown beneath an excavator’s bucket. Dam
case-by-case. If drained areas have any with sphagnum moss, so the manual structures requiring pre-assembly should
stretches of natural stream bed that ring-barking of standing trees is a prefer- be constructed well away from the danger
have dried out due to drainage, these able way to create more decaying wood. zone around a vehicle, and then lifted
natural features should be utilised assembled into the ditch using safe and
during restoration by diverting water 7.5 General notes on the use reliable equipment. Wherever possible
into them using suitably scaled and of excavators dams should be designed so they can
sited dams when drainage ditches are In peatland restoration sites the risk be assembled by the excavator operator
blocked (Section 11.6). Where necessary, that a vehicle could sink into the peaty alone.
the initial parts of such old channels may ground is often very high. Some of the
be cleared out to help the water find and boggiest parts of a site can be identi- 7.6 Corrective measures
follow its earlier natural course. fied during the planning stage so that Even where restoration measures have
workers can be duly informed during been carefully planned and implemented,
7.4 Increasing the abundance on-site supervision. In practice the risks corrective measures may subsequently
of decaying wood should be considered for the entire time be needed. It is hard to predict soon after
Decaying wood is an important natural a machine is working on a peatland site. restoration work is completed where such
feature of all wooded habitats in the In soft areas the surface peat may bear actions may be necessary, so restored sites
boreal coniferous forest zone. More than the weight of an excavator even though must be monitored in situ subsequently
4,000 forest species found in Finland deep layers of watery peat lie beneath. It during dry and wet periods.
are directly or indirectly dependent on may be possible to improve load-bearing Since each peatland has its own distinc-
deadwood (Siitonen 2001). After wooded capacity by felling trees on site so that tive features, deficiencies in a site’s rever-
peatlands are restored some trees usually they lie beneath the vehicle’s tracks. But sion to a more natural state may become
die off as a result of rising water levels. the load-bearing capacity of surface peat evident in many different ways over larger
Dead fallen trees also become available is usually lost immediately if the vehicle or smaller areas. It may be necessary to
where ditches are blocked, when excava- turns so sharply that the surface peat postpone corrective measures for several
tors knock over trees on ditch banks and layer is broken. years, where for instance an excavator
landscape the infilled ditch line. It is generally best to commence needs to be used but water levels have
When planning to restore spruce mechanical work in the higher-lying risen so much that this would only be
mires with low amounts of decaying part of a catchment area, since it helps possible during a dry summer. In most cases
wood, it is worth considering the manual if water flows away from the machine. corrective measures are not normally so
ring-barking of standing spruces or Where ditches lead directly into a urgently required, and a delay of a few years
the mechanical felling of some trees, watercourse structures should be put for observing the situation and waiting
since these measures will increase in place at their mouths where possible for suitable conditions can be acceptable.
the availability of decaying wood and to protect downstream water bodies In nutrient-rich peatlands and sites where
make the forest structure more natural. against excessive loads of suspended threatened plant species grow, however,
Trees knocked over by an excavator solids and nutrients (Section 6.4). corrective measures may be needed quite
together with their roots most resemble Ditches carrying large quantities of urgently. In such cases they may need to be
trees that have died naturally (Similä water should be left until last. If heavy realised using manual methods.
& Junninen 2012). If flows of water rain falls during restoration work, ditch If lawns and flarks are observed as
through the spruce mire are abundant it flow rates may change rapidly. remaining dry during a normal summer,
is worth waiting for several years after To protect peatland birds and other outside any periodic flooding, this indi-
restoration to see how tree stands are animals during the breeding season, the cates that water is still somewhere
structurally affected by the rising water most favourable time to start mechan- flowing too easily and rapidly away from
level before taking any active measures ical restoration work in Finland is early the peatland, or that attempts to channel
to increase the abundance of decaying autumn, from August onwards. At this in the runoff that would naturally recharge
wood. The widespread death of spruce time peatlands are usually at their driest the peatland from its catchment area have
trees may increase risks related to the before autumn rains, which also makes not been successful (Section 3.1). Infilled
spread of the spruce bark beetle (Ips it a favourable time to work. In special ditches may often still remain below the

level of the surrounding peatland where quality is flowing into the peatland, e.g. end of 2012 the mechanical restoration
the ditch lines have subsided and their acidic water flowing in from ditches of “typical” peatland sites costs some
spoil banks have been eroded. Dams may outside the site. The planning and €0.5–1 per metre of drainage ditch. If
have originally been built too low or too targeting of corrective measures may many large dams need to be built in
narrow, or unexpectedly forceful flooding require analyses of water chemistry. addition to ditch infilling, restoration
may have swept material away from the Where water quality problems are costs rise to €1.5–2.5 per metre of infilled
dams. If water is observed still flowing evident, steps should be taken to rectify ditch. Restoring natural streams and
along an infilled ditch line, possible the situation as quickly as possible. other special features costs some €3.5–5
corrective measures include raising the per metre (including both machine work
height of dams and embankments. In 7.7 Costs of peatland and additional manual work).
aapa mires and other minerotrophic peat- restoration measures The costs of tree-felling and the
lands it is vital to ensure that incoming The costs of peatland restoration income obtainable for harvested timber
water can pass over any interceptor projects vary depending on the extent of depend on factors similar to those
ditches earlier dug on the boundary the site to be restored, and also on the affecting logging in commercially
between the peatland and neighbouring type of peatland involved. managed forests: the number of trees
areas with mineral soils, since the The time an excavator needs to to be felled, felling methods, average
hydrology of aapa mires means that they spend on a project is shaped by factors trunk diameter and the method used
naturally receive runoff from such areas. including the characteristics of the for transporting logs to the roadside
In sites where peat has subsided earlier drainage scheme, the availability pick-up point. In sites with many mature
greatly following drainage, floods may of material for infilling ditches, the trees the costs of mechanical harvesting
occur after restoration. This does not extent of tree growth along ditch banks, (including felling and transportation to
necessarily mean that water levels have ditch depths, how ditches are filled, roadside) is typically around €10–15/m3.
risen excessively, however. Flooding may the number of dams needed, and the In sites with lower quantities of saleable
in fact be a natural part of the process, structural design chosen for dams. An timber and long distances for transpor-
and a good indication that dams have excavator can infill a typical ditch at a tation to roadside mechanical harvesting
been built to sufficient heights and rate of about 80–100 metres per hour. costs may rise to more than €30/m3. The
widths. But where excessive areas are left On the basis of Metsähallitus Natural costs of manual felling in peatland sites
more permanently underwater it may be Heritage Services’ experiences up to the amount to some €60–150/m3.
necessary to reduce the heights of some
dams. This should not be done, however, Table 2. Costs of various peatland restoration measures.
if the higher-lying parts of a peatland are
dry and water is only observed accumu- Measures Cost range
lating behind dams in the lower-lying Mechanised harvesting of saleable timber from a
€11–20/m3, average €14.23/m3
peatland (incl. felling and forest haulage to roadside)a
parts. In such cases the heights of the
dams in the upper part of the peatland Long-distance transportation of saleable timber to a milla €6–10/m3, average €8.16/m3

need to be raised and the channelling of Energy wood harvesting (incl. forest haulage to roadside)a €20–35/m3 s.u.b.
water improved to ensure that all parts Manual tree-felling (4–11 m3/day)b €25–63/m3
of the peatland retain water. Forest haulage to roadside of trees felled by forestersb €4–14/m3
Where deciduous trees are felled Clearing of ditch lines by foresters (trees left on site)b €0.5–1.5/m
on a restoration site and water levels Continuous infilling of ditches, pine bogs and other
subsequently rise insufficiently, thickets larger peatland sitesc
may sprout from the tree stumps. Pine Continuous infilling of ditches, sites with several smaller
seedlings may also grow more profusely spruce miresc
than had been intended. Clearing trees Dams made of peatd €15–25/dam
often exacerbates the sprouting of Dams reinforced with wood and geotextile
(incl. materials and costs of forestry assistants 40 €/h)d
broad-leaved saplings, but it may resolve
a 2010 and 2011, not incl. value added tax
problems with pine seedlings. The best b 2007–2008, 3 sites in an area run by Natural Heritage Services, S. Finland, in Saimaa.
c 2005–2009, 8 sites in an area run by Natural Heritage Services, S. Finland, in Saimaa.
way to proceed is to slow the spread of
d 2008–2009, 8 sites in an area run by Natural Heritage Services, S. Finland, in Saimaa.
undesired seedlings by enhancing the
restoration of hydrological conditions.
Table 3. Relative costs of planning, supervision, implementation and purchased services
In sites with valuable species, such as
as average proportions of total restoration costs.
spring-fed and nutrient-rich peatlands,
it is important to examine the state of Implementation of Purchased
Type of work Planninga, % Supervisiona, %
plant species indicative of water quality restoration workb, % servicesc, %
as part of monitoring work. If species Infilling of ditches (11 sites) 8 5 20 67
indicative of nutrient-rich conditions Damming of ditches (1 site) 12 7 5 76
a Realised by Metsähallitus, incl. wages, daily allowances, transport and material costs.
are evidently declining, it is important b Including forestry work and payments to other Metsähallitus staff except for planning and supervision.
to check whether water of unsuitable c Including services purchased from external contractors, equipment hire etc.

8 Problematic restoration sites
Sakari Rehell, Maarit Similä and Suvi 8.2 Sloping peatlands 8.3 Special considerations
Haapalehto When restoring sloping peatland sites for peatland restoration
special attention should be paid to in areas with sandy soils
8.1 Rich fens, spring fens and dams and the channelling of water. Even In areas where peat deposits overlie
other nutrient-rich peatlands small sloping peatlands may be affected soils that are highly permeable to
When restoring nutrient-rich peatland by large quantities of water flowing water, the formation and discharging of
biotopes like rich fens or spring fens it is through. Often a single main drainage groundwater greatly affect the ecology
often essential to prioritise the measures ditch or a few ditches may transport of peatlands. In areas where ground-
required with care. Such sites are among more water than the others, though water accumulates, depressions tend to
the most challenging to restore. all ditches may not seem to contain develop into shallow or seasonally vari-
Especially in rich fens and spring-fed much water, since flow rates on sloping able peatlands or raised bogs, depending
peatlands it is important to ensure that terrain are rapid. In the planning phase on the permeability of the underlying
water with the right characteristics of restoration it is advisable to monitor ground. In areas where groundwater
is diverted onto the right parts of the water flows during a flood season or is discharged, springs and spring fens
site. This is the most important factor after rains to identify the true quantities may form, including spring-fed swampy
affecting the recovery of the demanding of water flowing through the site and its fens and rich fens. Such habitats often
species that thrive in such habitats. main pathways. provide growth sites for rare and threat-
Water quality must particularly be Sloping peatlands usually only have ened plant species.
considered if opportunities to restore shallow peat deposits. At important Drainage ditches dug in peatlands
natural hydrological conditions are threshold points dams should be rein- with underlying sandy soils may have
limited for some reason, meaning that forced with geotextile, and also with extensive and unpredictable impacts.
the hydrology of the restored peatland wood where necessary (Section 7.3.3), Ditches dug deep enough to reach the
will inevitably differ significantly from to ensure that they are not washed permeable ground can lower the water
the situation before drainage. This may away during flooding. When infilling table over such a wide area that peat-
apply when, for instance, water must be and damming ditches it is important land vegetation dependent on ground-
channelled into a peatland at a limited to ensure that enough earth and peat water flows may be impacted hundreds
number of points, or when there is a risk embankments are constructed to of metres away from the ditches.
that runoff from the restored area will sufficient lengths. In steeply sloping Restoration measures may also have
flow into the groundwater discharge ditches water flow rates may become unpredictably wide-ranging impacts,
areas (springs and seepage areas) or so high that small streams may form even when realised on a relatively
recharge areas. within them eroding deeper channels small-scale. Waterlogging impacts can
Water quality parameters easily that will hinder the restoration of more easily extend beyond the boundaries of
measurable in the field include pH, natural hydrological conditions. It is also a protected area, for instance. In other
conductivity and colour. These indicators important to ensure that the tracks left cases, however, water level changes in
are often sufficient to estimate the risks by excavators working by ditches do not restored peatlands fed by groundwater
associated with alternative actions. It become more permanent watercourses. may only occur slowly, so the water table
is most important not to channel acidic They may be dammed if necessary. may not return to its natural level until
water from surface runoff into springs, If a peatland sites slopes downwards after several rainy years. In groundwater-
seepage areas or spring-fed streams. from its margins to the centre, as in fed sites it may also be necessary to
Measures may need to be staggered stream-side spruce mires, interceptor consider the requirements of rare and
to prevent excessively rapid changes ditches should be infilled so that the threatened species during the plan-
(Section 11.2). It is usually recommend- infilling material slopes down to the ning and implementation of restoration
able to initially infill as many ditches as centre of the peatland, enabling surface measures.
possible in catchment areas upstream of water from surrounding areas with In areas with sandy subsoil ditches
rich fens or other nutrient-rich peatlands, mineral soil to flow along its natural path- can easily become eroded, especially
and then leave an interval of a few years ways over the former interceptor ditches. main ditches and ditches fed by ground-
before continuing restoration work. This Planning restoration becomes even water discharges. Sand transported by
allows water released from the catch- more challenging where a sloping peat- the water may be deposited in stretches
ment area during this disturbance phase land is spring-fed or has rich fen charac- of ditches where the water flow
to continue to by-pass the nutrient-rich teristics (Section 11.3). In such cases great becomes weaker. This can even block
peatland in ditches. Restoration work care must be taken to determine water ditches or streams downstream, or form
can then continue when water quality quality and ensure that more nutrient- sandy “deltas” by lakeshores or on the
in the higher-lying restored area has rich water flows along its natural margins of peatlands (Figure 40).
become stabilised. pathways.

© Metsähallitus 2014
© National Land Survey of Finland 1/MML/14

Figure 40. Sand transported in ditch-water from drained areas (top right) has accumulated in two delta-like features within this aapa mire (ringed).
The image shows an area approximately 2 km wide.

Suitable material for blocking eroded nutrients infiltrates directly into the amounts of groundwater may be
ditches in areas with sandy ground is groundwater, easily leading to reduced discharged into deep ditches through
not often readily available. It may be water quality (e.g. increased concentra- peat layers. This discharged water some-
necessary to excavate infilling material tions of iron and nitrates). In the longer times makes the ditches even deeper,
from dredged ponds or channels, or even run the restoration of such peatlands is further accelerating groundwater
transport material in from further away. justifiable for the purposes of ground- discharges.
Since dams made of sandy material are water protection even before ecological Where changes have occurred in
easily eroded, the embankments along- factors are considered. When larger groundwater areas, it is important to
side dams should be built high enough peatland sites in such locations are assess which measures are needed
to eliminate the risk that water could restored, humus and nutrient concentra- and identify crucial locations where
flow over or around the dam in any tions may temporarily rise in the water dams must be built. There is usually
situation. Water flowing in from higher that recharges the groundwater, initially not enough infilling material available
parts of the catchment area should reducing water quality. For this reason in alongside eroded ditches. If moraine
therefore be channelled into the peat- groundwater areas care should be taken deposits resistant to erosion are avail-
land in locations where there is no risk of not to restore excessively large areas of able locally, moraine earth can be used
erosion. Areas with sandy soils typically peatland at the same time. Load peaks to infill ditches. If ditches are in easily
do not have distinct streams, but instead caused by restoration can be reduced eroded sand or peat, the best solution
water largely flows and filters natu- by commencing with the seasonally could be dams lined with geotextile and
rally diffusively through the permeable variable areas at the lower margin of also fitted with tubes to enable water
ground. Sandy banks forming natural the area, where the groundwater is to flow through them, or some other
dams very often have lower depressions recharged, and then only later restoring kind of weir. Such dams should be built
where floodwater can flow. The low higher parts of the catchment area after at short enough intervals to ensure
points of these threshold features deter- vegetation conditions in the recharge that the difference in height between
mine the heights to which dam embank- area have stabilised, so as to enable the consecutive dams is not too great. The
ments should be built. vegetation to reduce the leaching of tubes used in such dams should be large
humus and nutrients into the ground- enough to cope with the amounts of
8.4 Peatlands in water. water present during seasonal flooding.
groundwater areas A more common problem is that It is also important to raise the bed of
The drainage of shallow, seasonally vari- peatlands on the margins of sandy areas the ditch both above and below the dam
able peatlands in areas where ground- with groundwater reserves have been using earth. The raised ditch beds should
water reserves form can lead to prob- drained, leading to the discharging of then be lined with protective geotextile
lems with water quality. In the worst water into ditches, and a consequent to prevent erosion.
affected areas water rich in humus and lowering of the water table. Large

9 Considering cultural heritage
Pirjo Rautiainen and Henrik Jansson

9.1 Historic uses of peatlands

over the ages
In Finland people have utilised peatlands
and established traditions and beliefs
about them for thousands of years.
Peatlands have provided many resources
for people to use to improve their lot.
Fodder was collected in flood meadows
and sedge fens, while wetlands and
swamps attracted game animals and
birds that in turn attracted human
hunters. Finland’s peatlands are still
important hunting areas today. People
also came to peatlands to pick berries,
cut peat, and extract “bog iron”. They
also provided important open land
routes from place to place. Signs of these
earlier uses of peatlands can still be seen
in and around Finland’s peatlands today
(Figure 41).
Peatlands have not always been
peatlands; at some time in the past they Figure 41. Old sharpened poles, earlier used to dry peat for household use, still standing in
may have been lakes or sea bays where Peiliössuo Bog in Jokioinen in 2009. PHOTO: HELENA LUNDÉN.
peatland plants and peat gradually
accumulated over time. This means it is
also possible to find in their peat historic had earlier been lakes or bays. One of peatland streams, and such ditches may
relics dating back to activities that the oldest fishing nets ever discovered, also be visible too.
occurred before the peatland formed. known as the Antrea Net, was found in The fodder harvested from peatland
a Finnish peatland. Human remains are meadows was dried on hay poles and
9.2 Cultural relics even rarer finds than relic objects, but hay racks (Figure 42). In most cases all
found in peatlands such finds are not unknown in Finland. that remains of hay poles is short stubs
of wood protruding from the peaty
9.2.1 Items discovered 9.2.2 Peatland meadows and ground, often in a circle. Barns were
inside peat related man-made structures often built in peatland meadows to store
Organic material may remain preserved In Finland fodder for livestock was the dried hay (Figure 43).
inside peat deposits for thousands of collected from flood meadows and People used to travel long distances
years due to their moist and anoxic peatlands until as recently as the 1950s. to peatland meadows, and sometimes
conditions. Such finds are sometimes Villages and farms would have their own stay overnight in shelters or cabins built
revealed when drainage ditches are patches of meadowland in productive on more solid ground near the meadow.
dug. Relatively little archaeological peatlands, sometimes located consider- Haymakers’ initials, sometimes dated,
research focusing on peatlands has able distances away. This practice was can still be found carved into trees
been conducted in Finland, but some most widespread in the north. beside such meadows. It is difficult to
archaeological excavations have uncov- To improve the growth of sedges, identify old meadows by their vegeta-
ered valuable material for study. Though horsetails and grasses, people used tion. They are more often identifiable
significant finds are rare, the chance to build dams or ditches to flood the by the remains of man-made structures,
that a discovery could be made during peatland surface with water, reducing or from historical records. Some valu-
peatland restoration should nevertheless the growth of mosses, dwarf shrubs, able and productive moist meadows in
be considered. scrub and trees. These man-made floods Southern Finland were marked on local
Boats and fishing equipment of also spread fertile silt over the peatland maps from the 17th century onwards.
various kinds are often found where peat meadows. The remains of old dams of Peatlands were also cleared to create
is cut or ditches are dug in peatlands that this kind can still be seen along some fields through a process where the

Figure 42. This hay rack in a swampy sedge
fen in Sodankylä was photographed in 1959.
Today this area lies beneath the waters of the
large Lokka Reservoir. PHOTO: R AUNO RUUHIJÄRVI.

peatland was dried and evened out. The and-burn cultivation practices. Later may often only be identifiable through
surface was then burned, and manure farmers added mineral soil to the peaty historical records or place names.
was then mixed with the resulting ash soil in such sites. Such types of peatland
to make fertiliser (Myllys & Soini 2008). farming involved drying the peatland 9.2.3 Raw materials obtained
When harvests declined in such fields, with drainage ditches. Peatlands divided from peatlands
the topsoil would be burnt again. In into farmable plots by ditches in this way In the beds of peatlands, in lakes and
Eastern Finland this type of peatland may sometimes still be recognised as around the margins of springs, precipi-
farming closely resembled local slash- formerly farmed peatlands, though they tated deposits of iron oxides known as
“bog iron” may be found. Before indus-
trial-scale mining began these deposits
were a vital source of raw material for
the production of iron. Such iron oxide
deposits have been utilised since the
Iron Age, but most extensively between
the 1860s and the 1880s (Lappalainen
2008). Iron obtained from Finland’s lakes
and bogs was used as raw material in
early industrial foundries and to make
farming tools. More recent bog iron
extraction sites may still be recognisable
as depressions in the peatland terrain,
and the activity is still remembered in
place names referring to the presence of
iron (Lappalainen 2008). Iron for local use
would sometimes be refined in charcoal
pits dug on hillsides near the source of
the bog iron (Laaksonen 2008).
Sphagnum moss and poorly decom-
Figure 43. The remains of an old peatland meadow barn, Ranua, 2008. PHOTO: PIR JO R AUTIAINEN. posed surface peat has been widely used

as litter for domestic animals, in dry 9.2.4 Travellers’ routes over the bogs. These beliefs have left no
toilets and as insulation in the buildings. through peatlands traces in peatland landscapes, but some
The extraction of peat for such purposes As extensive relatively open areas peat- of these old folk tales are still told. Since
was extensively practised in some locali- lands were earlier widely used by travel- frosts were thought to originate in peat-
ties, where co-operatives were set up lers, especially during the winter when lands, they were widely cleared during
to organise the extraction, drying and they were covered with ice and snow. No the 1800s. Conversely people also used
cutting of the peat. Traces of barns or traces of winter travellers remain; but peatlands as refuges during times of war
racks used to dry peat for such purposes to facilitate travel at other times of year or persecution, as their persecutors were
may still be visible in and beside certain bridges, duckboard trails and log cause- unwilling to venture there (Sepänmaa
peatlands (Figure 44). The traces of ways were built to help travellers along 1999).
peat extraction are still visible in many well used routes. Duckboard trails most
places as depressions with exceptional often consist of pairs of planks laid down 9.3 Landscape values
vegetation among deposits of sphagnum lengthwise across stretches of boggy Peatlands cover almost 30% of Finland’s
peat (Figure 45) or as the remains of old terrain. Log causeways were made of total land area. Attitudes towards them
peat stacks standing higher than their many logs or poles laid down across the have traditionally been negative, since
surroundings. In the 19th century peat pathway to facilitate horse-drawn trans- they have been seen as ugly, monoto-
was also still used to fuel blast furnaces, portation. Some of the duckboard trails nous, unproductive and unwanted
steam engines and even locomotives maintained for hikers visiting protected features (Kivelä 2006). However, they
(Lappalainen 2008). peatland areas today still follow these are an essential part of Finland’s natural
Deposits of diatomite also used to be much older routes. environment and scenery, even though
extracted from certain peatlands (Lappa- Finland is more widely seen as a land of
lainen 2008). This mineral is formed of 9.2.5 Peatland folklore forests and lakes. There has been a wide-
accumulated remains of diatom algae According to Finnish folklore peatlands spread attitude that peatlands only gain
deposited when the peatland was still were bad places – bringers of frosts, the any value after they have been drained
a lake. Diatomite was used in a variety root of evil beyond the forests, and the and converted to farmland or used
of products ranging from toothpaste to end of everything (Tanskanen 2009). for peat extraction or timber produc-
dynamite. Mysterious will-o’-the-wisps were seen tion. But as more peatlands have been
there, and Death himself was said to ski harnessed for these purposes, our appre-

Figure 44. Sphagnum moss sods cut for use as livestock litter left out to dry, 1982. PHOTO: R AIMO HEIKKIL Ä .

fully planned measures can still be real-
ised. The critical phases of restoration
work should be identified, such as the
movements of machines, any excavation
of peat, and the storage of felled trees.
Sites in the surroundings of the peatland
should also be duly considered.
The most essential procedure is
to ensure that information about the
precise nature and location of any
cultural heritage sites, and how they
should be considered during restora-
tion work, is passed on by planners to
the personnel who will do the work in
practice, including machine drivers and
forestry workers. These personnel should
also be aware of the kinds of cultural
heritage sites that may yet be found in
peatlands, and what they should do if
they discover any previously unknown
Figure 45. Areas where peat was formerly cut still stand out clearly from their surroundings Trees felled in peatlands to be
today. PHOTO: HANNU NOUSIAINEN. restored should be piled up and stored
safe distances away from any cultural
heritage sites to avoid any damage
ciation of the value of the remaining meadow barns. Old maps may also give from log-piles or vehicles. It is usually
natural peatlands has also grown (Kivelä some insight into earlier uses of peat- worth felling trees growing in the
2006). lands, though professional assistance immediate surroundings of structures
During restoration it is important to may be needed when interpreting such such as old meadow barns, though it
also consider the earlier uses of peatlands sources. is worth checking first to see if any old
and their historical landscapes. Dams Areas with mineral soil adjoining haymakers’ engravings remain visible on
originally built to create peatland mead- or isolated inside peatlands may well them. Trees should be carefully felled
ows or long abandoned peat pits, for contain many kinds of cultural heritage to award damaging structures. Logging
instance, may today form essential ele- sites from traces of prehistoric settle- residues should also be removed around
ments of local landscapes. If traces of the ments to old hunters’ pits and old such sites.
historical uses of peatlands are discov- military relics. Such features must be When digging any new ditches to
ered during restoration work, it is worth considered when planning access routes channel water flows, or filling in old
discussing possible management meas- for the machines used in restoration. ditches using peat from other locations
ures with cultural heritage specialists. Such areas may not appear ideal for than ditch spoil, new discoveries of
settlement today, but in ancient times organic material preserved in peat are
9.4 Considering the landscape may have been quite possible. If finds consist of objects such
cultural heritage sites different. Any isolated patches of higher- as wooden structures that are clearly
lying mineral soil inside a peatland may man-made, or in rare cases even human
9.4.1 Investigate any known earlier have been islands within open remains, digging should be halted imme-
cultural heritage sites water, used by fishers and seal-trappers. diately and the museum authorities or
When planning restoration measures it Inventories of cultural heritage sites other cultural heritage specialists should
is important to find out whether there are never totally comprehensive, and in be contacted. Artefacts or other newly
are any known cultural heritage sites in many peatland areas such surveys may revealed objects should not be removed
the areas that will be affected. Such sites never have been conducted. Even if an from the peat for inspection, since they
may include legally protected archaeo- area has been inventoried previously could rapidly dry out and be destroyed
logical sites, other sites of archaeological unknown sites may still be discovered. without the protection provided by the
interest, and buildings of value as moist, anoxic peat.
cultural heritage. 9.4.2 Implementing Cleared out streams may also some-
The old aerial photographs often restoration measures times be restored during peatland resto-
used during the planning phase of peat- near cultural heritage sites ration work. In such cases it is important
land restoration projects are an excellent The presence of ancient relics or other to ensure that streams do not contain
source of information on the locations cultural heritage sites will not neces- the remains of old dams or log-floating
of old buildings and structures such as sarily impede restoration work, and care- flumes etc.

10 Monitoring the impacts of restoration

Figure 46. A general monitoring visit to this peatland site, restored five years previously, reveals that a dam has functioned well. PHOTO: M A ARIT SIMIL Ä .

Jouni Penttinen, Kaisu Aapala 3. identify any problems in good time corrective measures or further moni-
and Maarit Similä 4. improve restoration measures and toring may therefore be needed.
the planning of future restoration The first post-restoration general
projects on the basis of practical monitoring visit should be scheduled

I t is essential to monitor the impacts of

peatland restoration so that progress
towards the objectives of restoration and

During general monitoring visits

for the first spring after restoration. If
no problems are observed during this
visit, general monitoring may next be
the effectiveness of restoration meas- surveyors should examine significant scheduled for about ten years after
ures can be evaluated. Finland has set up factors related to the reversion of restoration. Problematic sites may be
a national network for the monitoring of the peatland to a more natural state, monitored more frequently and over a
the impacts of peatland restoration on including the amounts of water feeding longer period than 10 years.
hydrology and biodiversity (Hyvärinen & the peatland and how well such natural
Aapala 2009, Aapala et al. 2012). Every water flows have been restored, the 10.2 Hydrological monitoring
restored peatland should additionally be effectiveness of ditch infilling and dams Restoration primarily aims to re-estab-
monitored in the field to determine the (Figure 46), and recovering or declining lish peatlands’ natural hydrology, and
need for future management. trends in the occurrence of peatland hydrological monitoring involves direct
vegetation and other species. These observations of such trends. Finland has
10.1 General monitoring observations should then be used as a nationwide network of sites where
General monitoring aims to: a basis for decisions on any further hydrological monitoring is conducted
1. determine whether restoration management measures that may be in natural and restored peatlands in
has been technically successful needed. General monitoring may reveal protected areas (Hyvärinen & Aapala
2. examine whether an ecological areas that have successfully reverted to 2009). Hydrological trends are monitored
succession through which the more natural conditions, or other areas after restoration using devices that auto-
peatland will revert to a more natural where the desired processes have not matically measure water levels between
state has been triggered as intended been effectively established, where May and September. The chemical prop-

erties of water samples collected three indirectly the degree to which the whole sizes. The impacts of restoration on
times during the snow-free season are ecosystem is recovering. peatland butterflies are studied in
also analysed (Figure 47). Vegetation, and especially the mosses Finland with the help of a national
The impacts of peatland restora- of the ground layer, play a vital role in monitoring network (Hyvärinen &
tion on watercourses downstream the functioning of peatland ecosystems Aapala 2009, Figure 48), and during the
are monitored in Central Finland and and in efforts to restore their charac- years 2010–2014 dragonflies and birds
Northern Ostrobothnia (Info box 4). The teristic features. Permanent vegetation are also being monitored as part of the
quantities of runoff discharged from monitoring plots have been designated Boreal Peatland LIFE project (Metsähal-
restored peatlands are monitored using in peatlands to be restored in protected litus 2013). Many species within the
automatic data logging devices, and they areas and in comparable natural peat- invertebrate taxa microlepidoptera, ants
are also regularly measured manually at lands (Hyvärinen & Aapala 2009). The and spiders are also mainly or exclusively
selected weirs. Water quality parameters vegetation data compiled from surveys associated with peatland habitats; and
including pH and nutrient concentra- of these plots after restoration is if resources become available it would
tions are monitored in runoff samples compared with data obtained from the be worth expanding monitoring to cover
collected during the snow-free period. same monitoring plots prior to resto- such species. It would similarly be worth
ration, and also with data from plots monitoring how the vegetation and
10.3 Biodiversity monitoring in comparable natural peatlands. The benthic animal species and communi-
Biodiversity monitoring aims to iden- results of these comparisons indicate ties found in springs are affected by the
tify any changes occurring in peatland whether the desired changes in vegeta- restoration of peatlands.
species and their relative abundance tion have been successfully triggered
after restoration. Some species are likely by the restoration measures, and how
to return or become more abundant closely the resulting structures of
in restored habitat, while others may vegetation communities at the time of
decline or vanish. It is difficult and costly monitoring resemble those in compa-
to monitor entire species assemblages rable peatlands in their natural state.
in peatland ecosystems, so a few species Restoration also affects peatland
groups have been chosen to indicate animal species and their population

Figure 47. Data obtained by analysing water samples is used to assess Figure 48. Butterfly species can be surveyed in peatlands on warm,
hydrological changes following restoration, and how they differ dry, calm summer days. PHOTO: K ARI-M AT TI VUORI.
between different types of peatland. PHOTO: M A ARIT SIMIL Ä .

11 Peatland restoration case studies
Every peatland site requiring restora- 11.1 Restoration of a rich fen: in the southwest corner, and the catch-
tion has its own distinctive features. Huppionvuori, Orivesi ment area is large in relation to the
This section reviews illustrative exam- extent of the fen itself (Figure 50). In
ples of Finnish peatland restoration Tapani Sallantaus and Harri Vasander the parts of the mire above intercepting
projects (Figure 49) that have been ditches the positive impacts of restora-
challenging in various ways. The rich fen at Huppionvuori, about tion soon became evident (Figure 51).
30 km NE of the city of Tampere, is When ditches were dammed the spring
1.3 hectares in extent (Figure 50), and water discharge effectively rewetted
has a power line passing over it. When the dried out surfaces of the marginal
drainage ditches were dug here in the fen, and the struggling fen vegetation
1960s, ditches draining the southern and recovered rapidly. For instance, only
southwest corners of the fen were dug a few withered shoots of Scorpidium
further away than usual from the edge scorpioides had earlier been found, but
of the adjoining area with mineral soil, the species soon proliferated over an
because of the power line. Since calcium- area of ten square metres, accompanied
rich groundwater seeps into the fen, by other species including Scorpidium
and trees growing beneath the power revolvens and Campylium stellatum.
line have been cleared regularly, signifi- Species associated with springs also
2. cant occurrences of mosses and vascular thrived, while conversely species more
6. plants associated with rich fen habitats associated with drier calcium-rich
3. have survived in a small area. growth sites, such as the moss Thuidium
Restoration work began in 1994 with recognitum, declined.
7. 5. the manual blocking of ditches and tree The landowner later agreed that
felling. Dams were not yet built in the the whole of the fen could be restored
ditch that skirts round the northern edge using manual methods. In the central
of the peatland, as it was considered drained parts of the site, vegetation was
that the restored area would fare well very sparse prior to restoration. Mosses
Figure 49. Locations of the case studies: even alongside an area still left drained had particularly declined due to the
Huppionvuori (1), Talaskangas (2), for forestry purposes. increasing amounts of leaf litter. During
Kismanniemi (3), Revoneva (4), Haapasuo (5), The slope of the mire is limited restoration fairly mature tree cover,
Suurisuo (6), Seitseminen National Park (7). except in areas with springs and seepage mainly consisting of birches, was largely
removed, though small trees and a few
isolated birches were left standing.
During the summer after trees were
felled more dams were constructed,
helping the main incoming channel in
the NW part of the site (Figure 50) to
start feeding water into the centre of
the fen, which had earlier been encircled
by ditches.
Vegetation communities reacted
quickly to the increased availability of
light and water. But unfortunately the
manually constructed dams crumbled
one by one, and the peatland dried out
again. By 1999 a dense birch thicket
Huppionvuori rich fen
Catchment area
was growing under the power line. It
Dam was then decided that the site should
Flow direction
be restored again, using machines this
0 200 m
© Metsähallitus 2014 time. An excavator was used to dam the
© National Land Survey of Finland 1/MML/14
ditches again in summer 1999. The birch
Figure 50. The rich fen at Huppionvuori with its catchment area. Incoming water flows and the thicket was also cleared.
points where most of the water will be discharged from the fen into a discharge channel are The vegetation in the part of the site
marked with arrows. Dams constructed in 1999 are marked by red lines. that had been surrounded by ditches,

acidification of the peat in the middle of summer 2000, but by 2010–2011 they
the ditch as a consequence of prolonged had fallen to below 20 μg/l.
drying out, or because of an increase The restoration can overall be said
in the amounts of soluble nutrients to have succeeded well. The type of
induced by restoration measures. Rich peatland ecosystem now developing in
fen mosses cannot thrive in such condi- the area most affected by drainage is
tions. Corresponding observations have not the same as the original site, or as
been made in Holland, where due to rare, but it nevertheless represents a
high rates of atmospheric deposition of peatland type classified as threatened in
substances that accelerate eutrophica- Southern Finland (Raunio et al. 2008). Its
tion and acidification rich fen mosses plant species also include regionally rare
have been replaced by the same species species such as Helodium blandowii and
that have taken over the central parts of Amblystegium radicale. Over time true
the rich fen at Huppionvuori (Kooijman rich fen species will expand their occur-
1992, 1993). rences when the effects of the chemical
Concentrations of organic mate- changes induced by the drainage and
rials (TOC) in the runoff in the restored restoration processes become weaker.
rich fen were still clearly higher than The low availability of calcium may slow
in natural rich fens or sites drained for the process of reversion towards a more
forestry purposes even 12 years after natural state. Rare and threatened rich
restoration. This reduces the pH of the fen mosses have spread successfully in
water and also leaches away reserves many restored rich fens in northern sites
of calcium (table 4). Concentrations of which tend to be richer in calcium, and
nitrogen or phosphorus, conversely, where in many cases the changes induced
were no longer higher. Total phosphorus by drainage have not been as pronounced
concentrations were almost 100 μg/l in as in the rich fen at Huppionvuori.
Figure 51. Carex flava and Trichophorum
alpinum most clearly benefited from restora-
tion in the margins of the fen that had not
been so affected by drainage, which had
also been kept open beneath the power line.

and therefore most radically altered by

drainage, now consists of tall grasses, tall
sedges and swampy spruce mire with
sedges (Figure 52). Abundant species
include Lysimachia thyrsiflora, L. vulgaris,
Viola palustris, Carex cespitosa, C. elon-
gata, C. rostrata and Pedicularis palustris.
Thickets have been kept under control,
and rising water levels have thinned out
tree cover.
The moss species present are typical
of swampy and herb-rich spruce mires:
Calliergon cordifolium, Calliergonella Figure 52. After restoration the most affected central parts of the site were taken over by
cuspidata, Helodium blandowii, Bryum grasses, herbaceous plants and sedges indicative of nutrient-rich and swampy conditions.
pseudotriquetrum, Pseudobryum cinclidi- PHOTO: TAPANI SALL ANTAUS.

oides, Plagiomnium ellipticum, Warn-

storfia exannulata, Sphagnum warn- Table 4. Average values for water quality parameters 2000–2011 measured in two sites for
storfii, S. centrale, S. squarrosum. Notably, incoming water and in the discharge channel.
most of the moss species closely associ-
pH alkalinity calcium TOC n
ated with rich fens (e.g. Scorpidium sp., mmol/l mg/l mg/l
Campylium stellatum) had not managed
Incoming spring seepage 6.6 0.40 8.4 7 3
to spread over the dammed ditch, even
Incoming channel 6.3 0.27 7.6 13 5
though they were abundant on the far
Discharge channel 6.1 0.30 9.4 38 10
side of the ditch. This could be due to the

11.2 Manual restoration
of springs: Talaskangas
Nature Reserve

Sari Kaartinen and Sakari Rehell

Talaskangas Nature Reserve, some 45 km

north of Iisalmi, consists of gently undu-
lating moraine ridges interspersed with
shallow depressions. The reserve is best
known for protecting old-growth forests,
but about half of its total area consists
of aapa mires and wooded peatlands
adjoining areas with mineral soils. Most
of these peatlands are in their natural Spring
Manual restoration site
state, but drainage ditches had been dug Ditch blocked by machine
extensively in some of their peripheral Dam

parts, which were restored between 2006 0 200 m © Metsähallitus 2014

© National Land Survey of Finland 1/MML/14
and 2008.
A moraine ridge known as Talaskangas, Figure 53. Measures realised to restore the springs at Talaskangas. The boundary of the nature
about four kilometres long and 700 metres reserve is marked with a green shaded line.
wide, extends through the centre of the
reserve. The groundwater that forms springs affected by the forest drainage, The growths of moss species in the
here is discharged in many small springs using manual methods and applying restored spring-fed ditches were sparse,
on the margins of the moraine ridge. The precautionary principles (Figure 53). but representative, containing species
most significant area of springs lies to the Ditches above the springs were blocked typical of nutrient-poor and acidic (pH
southwest of the ridge, where as many with peat dams reinforced with wood, 5.2–5.9) spring-water-influenced habi-
as 13 distinct springs can be found in an to block water that would not naturally tats in the region. The restored springs
area of spruce mire habitat (Figure 53). The flow into the springs. No measures were contained abundant growths of species
spring-water has formed streamlets that realised in the springs themselves. Weirs including Warnstorfia exannulata, Chilos-
flow southwest into a small river, though were instead constructed further away cyphus polyanthos and Scapania undu-
clear natural stream channels are not from the springs so that their natural lata. In some places near the springs
discernible. spring pools could become re-estab- old dried-out depressions could still be
In the 1960s and 1970s ditches were lished. seen, indicating that the groundwater
dug in the spruce mire and rocks were In 2010 water flow rates in the ditches had not quite risen back to its natural
dynamited in places to facilitate water slowed, and wider areas were affected pre-drainage levels, due to the precau-
outflows. The new ditches cut through by spring-water. Weirs made of stones, tionary approach adopted when planning
or passed by nine springs. Groundwater tree trunks and jute sacks filled with the scope of restoration. The restoration
is discharged into the bottoms of these peat were built to raise water levels and measures had successfully promoted the
ditches. In many places moss species spread the spring-water further. At the re-establishment of springs, however,
associated with mesotrophic springs same time the ditches became more like and the continued presence of preserved
have survived in small growths in ditch natural streams (Figure 55). While the natural springs between ditches helped
bottoms. The surrounding spruce mires weirs were being constructed, mosses natural species to recover in the restored
have dried out, but their tree growth dependent on spring-water were lifted springs. The site will continue to be
and the occurrence of deadwood remain out of ditches to protect them (Figure monitored with regard to the spread of
representative. Three springs unaffected 81). Stones earlier removed from ditches spring mosses, and if necessary restora-
by drainage ditches are well preserved were rolled back into them, and the tion work may later continue, with one
and still host moss species typical of open spring-water-dependent moss growths option being to raise the heights of weirs.
meso-eutrophic springs. were transplanted onto stone or wood The restoration work realised during
Ditches in the pine mires around the surfaces at a suitable height to enable 2009 and 2010 amounted to a total of 16
springs were infilled mechanically in 2008 them to continue growing. The aim person days. Workers used motor-saws,
(Figure 53), in some cases just a few metres was not to completely infill the ditch, spades, iron bars, jute sacks, a hand-
away from the springs. The site was then but to carefully raise water levels in the operated winch and tie-down straps.
left to recover undisturbed for a year, to see surrounding spruce mires, and to make Restoration work involved nine springs
whether infilling the ditches nearest the the channel where the groundwater now and the landscaping of ditches with a
springs would have any impact on them. flows more natural (Figure 55). total length of about 650 metres. Plan-
In autumn 2009 work began on the A monitoring visit in 2012 indicated ning and management work took up a
restoration of the hydrology of a few of the that restoration had been successful. total of four working days.

Figure 55. Previously spring-fed water flowed
deep in the ditch bottom and was hardly
visible. Weirs were built to slow the flow and
create pools of calmer water and small water-
Figure 54. The water level in this spring was raised with the help of a small weir built about two falls. By calmer pools mosses can proliferate
metres away. Spring mosses were lifted out of the stream onto a tarpaulin for protection during on stone and wood surfaces. PHOTO: SARI
restoration work. The water level eventually rose by about 5 cm. PHOTO: SARI K A ARTINEN. K A ARTINEN.

11.3 A spruce mire with Conditions pre-drainage springs bordering the esker that over-
many springs: Kismanniemi and pre-restoration looks the mire (Figure 56). Flood waters
Recreational Forest, From the vegetation present today it in Koirapuro Brook have also probably
Kannonkoski is evident that the upstream parts of spread nutrients over areas alongside
the area (in the northwest) originally the stream. Especially in the Koiraniitty
Reijo Hokkanen and Tuomas Haapalehto mainly consisted of fairly nutrient-rich area there are many seepage areas as
and herb-rich spruce mire habitat. well as open springs. The lower parts of
Kismanniemi Recreational Forest, about The high nutrient levels were due to the stream valley originally had more
95 km NNW of Jyväskylä in Central abundant discharges of water from the nutrient-poor spruce mire habitats
Finland, is owned by the Finnish State.
It is not a protected area, but its forests
are managed with regard to their use for
recreation and nature tourism.
A low-lying area of spruce mire
habitat, about two kilometres long
and 200–300 metres wide, lies around
Koirapuro Brook, which drains the pond
Koiralampi (Figure 56). The spruce mire
has a total area of 25 ha which is today
left to nature and not used for forestry.
Its peat deposits are shallow, and the
underlying ground is fine-grained. To
the southwest of the spruce mire lies
a parallel esker formation. One special
Koirapuro spruce mire
feature of the area is the many springs
Catchment area
that have formed on the slopes of the Spring
Cleared channel of Koirapuro Brook
esker. The area has about 15 springs and Flow direction
© Metsähallitus 2014
seepage areas in all. The species found 0 500 m © Finnish Environment Institute 2014
© National Land Survey of Finland 1/MML/14
in these springs have suffered due to the
drainage of the adjoining spruce mire. Figure 56. Koirapuro spruce mire and its catchment area.

dissected by a more nutrient-rich flood- pines and aspens were also present. In appeared that raising their water levels
influenced stream channel. planted stands spruces and pines were would probably not bring any additional
Drainage ditches were mechanically growing very densely with hardly any benefit to the species present.
excavated in the whole of the spruce undergrowth present, but elsewhere Another goal was to slow the water
mire area in the 1970s. The area was tree stands were still more natural- flow in the artificially straightened
also fertilised. Koirapuro Brook was looking. Less than 5 m3/ha of deadwood Koirapuro Brook to make it a more
also straightened during the drainage was present on average. natural winding stream again. Unnatu-
scheme, when a ditch was dug fairly Mosses and vascular plants were rally dense tree stands, mainly pine and
directly along its course. Remnants surveyed in the spruce mire to help spruce, were thinned out to increase the
of the original course of the stream plan restoration. This indicated that the relative abundance of deciduous trees.
were most visible at Koiraniitty. The most important areas for plant species The costs of the restoration measures
old stream channel was about half a were the seepage area at Koiraniitty were met using income from timber
metre wide and 40 cm deep. Further and areas alongside the stream flowing sales.
downstream the course of the old through the southern part of the area Considering the state of the worst
channel could not be discerned in the towards Hautakorpi. Common spring eroded ditches it was assumed that
field. Lateral ditches were badly eroded mosses were also observed in spring- restoration could potentially lead to the
in places due to high flow rates and fed drainage ditches. The same species leaching of suspended solids into water
the fine-grained nature of the ground, were also present away from ditches bodies downstream, though it was
especially around Koiraniitty. The largest in less extensive growths, especially in also thought that water-filled basins in
ditches were 2 metres deep and wide. undrained seepage areas. irregularly infilled ditches would serve
Ditches had been dug in connection as sedimentation ponds where solids
with all of the springs in the spruce mire Restoration objectives would be deposited. The distance to the
area. In many places ditches were dug The main objectives defined for restora- nearest significant recipient water body
directly through springs, lowering their tion were to re-establish near natural is several kilometres, reducing the risk of
water levels and preventing the spread hydrological conditions in the spruce harmful excess loads.
of water onto the surrounding peatland mire, and particularly to enhance condi- During surveys the species present in
by channelling it into the ditches (Figure tions for species dependent on spring- ditches were also studied in detail, but
57). The springs consisted of roundish water. This was to be done by redirecting no species were found that would have
depressions approximately 1.5 m x 2 m. flows of spring-water away from ditch required ditches to be left unblocked. As
Groundwater could be seen gushing into bottoms and into more natural path- a precautionary measure trees were not
the sandy bottoms of the most active ways. It was assumed that little could felled in the vicinity of the most impor-
springs. be done to directly improve the state of tant seepage areas.
Prior to restoration the vegetation in the springs. Their water levels had fallen
the spruce mire area consisted of herb- due to the drainage ditches and erosion, Restoration
rich peatland forest type with bilberry but many of them were still discharging The area’s tree stands were managed
(Vaccinium myrtillus). Its trees, mainly groundwater and providing habitat on in winter 2009. Ditch lines were cleared
spruces, were 40–100 years old. Birches, a small scale for spring species, and it and fellings were realised in 8 ha of
planted forest stands to increase their
structural diversity, mainly removing
spruce and pine (about 500 m3). Decid-
uous trees were spared and given more
space by removing the surrounding
To protect the springs, and due to
high water flows, the blocking of ditches
was staggered over a two-year period.
Springs and seepage areas were marked
with ribbons so that the excavator driver
would avoid them. In autumn 2009 a
3-km stretch of ditch in the northern
part of the area was completely infilled
using an excavator (Figure 58), with
peat dams additionally constructed at
intervals of 20–40 metres aiming to
divert water onto the peatland. Larger
and badly eroded ditches could not be
totally infilled due to a shortage of ditch
Figure 57. Groundwater is discharged here into the middle of a ditch. PHOTO: REIJO HOKK ANEN 2007. spoil, so they were instead dammed at

5-metre intervals with peat and earth After restoration ditches unevenly had evidently helped to
dug up by the excavator. No wood or A year after restoration the area had prevent the transportation of suspended
other reinforcing materials were used. become unevenly waterlogged, with the solids, since water was only meandering
In a couple of seepage areas water was areas lying below springs most water- slowly through the infilled ditches. Impa-
channelled from springs into an old logged. The largest pools in the infilled tiens noli-tangere had clearly prolifer-
stream course by infilling ditches and ditches below the springs were mainly ated since the first summer due to the
removing ditch spoil that had been a few square metres in extent. Due to increased availability of light, having
piled up blocking the entrance to the the area’s naturally sloping terrain, larger taken over areas of bare ground along
stream. At springs where no old stream areas of open water had not formed. ditches and where trees had been felled
courses had been evident, ditch infilling Water had successfully refilled older (Figure 59).
typically commenced about 10 metres stream channels. One of the spring-fed Nature made its own contribution
downstream of the spring. Koirapuro streams had to be cleared out using a to restoration work at Koirapuro spruce
Brook itself was not blocked, though a spade, however, to ensure that water mire in July 2010, when a storm felled
few spruces were felled into its course levels in the spring did not rise too much. many trees, especially in areas where
to slow water flows and provide growth No major changes were observed in trees had already been thinned out.
substrate for plants. In a few places the springs themselves. Water levels Ditch lines and other restored areas were
the stream water was redirected back had risen slightly in a couple of springs. subsequently covered by fallen trees. The
into its earlier channel by piling up Water had accumulated in the stretches largest such area was about 200 x 40 m
peat where necessary and clearing the of the site’s larger, badly eroded ditches in extent. The area’s springs were not
entrance to the old channel. lying between the dams built to block badly damaged.
During the restoration work them. Water was observed flowing over
Koirapuro Brook was crossed by the dams into the next water-filled Sections
excavator only at a single point. The of the ditches, but no suspended solids
ditches in the southern part of Koirapuro were evidently being transported. In
spruce mire will be blocked in the near some places water was spreading away
future. from the infilled ditches. Infilling the

Koirapuro spruce mire

Blocked ditch
Ditch left unblocked
Spring or seepage area
Cleared channel of
Koirapuro Brook
Older dried-out
stream course
Flow direction
© Metsähallitus 2014
0 200 m © Finnish Environment Institute 2014
© National Land Survey of Finland 1/MML/14

Figure 58. Ditches in the northern part of Koirapuro spruce mire Figure 59. Impatiens noli-tangere took over ditch lines after restoration,
were blocked in 2009. and many trees fell during a storm in July 2010. PHOTO: REIJO HOKK ANEN.

11.4 Blocking the drainage
channel of a wet, swampy
aapa mire: Revonneva
Nature Reserve, Siikajoki

Sakari Rehell

Revonneva Nature Reserve is in Northern

Finland about 40 km SW of Oulu.
Sphagnum fuscum bogs and aapa mires
each account for about half of the
reserve’s total peatland area (Figure 60).
The eastern parts of the peatland’s
catchment area were largely drained in
the 1960s. The water from these drained
areas was diverted into a large drainage S
elit teen teksti:
teksti: B
oundar y of
of Natura
attura 2000
2000 site.
channel cutting through the wet aapa
mire area and on to the River Siikajoki to
the southwest.
This drainage channel also dried out Boundary of Natura 2000 site
© Metsähallitus 2014
large parts of the undrained aapa mire 0 1 km
© Finnish Environment Institute 2014
© National Land Survey of Finland 1/MML/14
lying just west of the channel. As far as
500 metres west of the channel pine Figure 60. Aerial photo of Revonneva before restoration. The drainage channel to be blocked is
seedlings and dwarf birch were found in the centre of this image.
growing in areas that had earlier been
wet flark fen (Figure 61). The flarks had peat deposits were more than two into the underlying mineral soil. Its
dried out, their vegetation had become metres deep in places. It was calculated drying effect had led to severe subsid-
more uniform, and the significance of that the total area from which water ence in the surface peat alongside the
the whole peatland area as a breeding had naturally flowed into the central channel (Figure 63), forming a much
and resting area for birds had declined. parts of the aapa mire, but which was wider channel about 50 m wide. The
When the peatland had been in its now drained via ditches into the main surface of the peatland was levelled in
natural state water had drained natu- drainage channel, amounted to about autumn 2005 to determine the scale of
rally from a wide area into the central 800 ha. The volumes of water flowing the subsidence.
parts of the aapa mire (Figure 62), in the channel were consequently very Because of the extensive subsidence
where the dominant peatland type was high. alongside the channel, the restoration
nutrient-rich, swampy flark fen. String The drainage channel itself was 1–2 planners decided to construct sizeable
structures were poorly developed, and m wide and in many places extended peat embankments across the channel
extending across the whole of the area
affected by subsidence. Merely blocking
the channel itself would have only led to
partial success in restoration.
Revonneva Nature Reserve is almost
totally surrounded by private lands.
Negotiations with neighbouring land-
owners were held during the planning
phase. A major information and discus-
sion session was held, with landowners
and the local authorities invited.
Landowners were able to comment on
alternative preliminary plans, and their
comments were considered in the plan-
ning process.
Before restoration work commenced,
the state authorities acquired an area
of 10 ha of privately owned drained
Figure 61. Vegetation growing in a former flark fen which though undrained had been badly peatland that would be threatened by
dried out by a drainage channel located about 200 metres to the east. Photo: Päivi Virnes, waterlogging (Figure 62).
August 2006.

The main channel was successfully
dammed in spite of rainy conditions.
The most difficult part of the task was
starting work, since the channel was
almost full of water. The first dams were
built at the higher end. To get to the
starting point at the top of the ditch the
excavator had to construct a temporary
“raft” of peat and roots for itself to avoid
sinking. Immediately after the first dam
was completed, water started to flow
away from the channel towards the
central parts of the open peatland, and
the ditch started to dry up. This made
damming the rest of the channel a lot
easier. The final outcome was a 2.5-km-
long chain of consecutive pools, and
significant increases in the amounts of
© Metsähallitus 2014 open water throughout the peatland.
© National Land Survey of Finland 1/MML/14
After the pools filled up, rising water
Watershed Water flows Drainage ditch or channel Boundary of protected area
levels started to affect the whole area
Area acquired for addition to the protected area due to waterlogging risk
west of the main channel.
Peatland Mineral soil

Figure 62. Water flows at Revonneva before drainage (left) and after drainage (right). Impacts of restoration
Two years after the drainage channel
was blocked, water levels were observed
to have risen throughout the earlier
cm dried-out western half of the area to the
150 extent that pine seedlings had with-
ered or died due to waterlogging as far
as 500 m from the former channel. No
waterlogging damage was reported in
neighbouring private lands, though the
measures taken to avoid such problems
reduced the impacts of restoration in
50 parts of the margins of the protected
area. Water was spreading onto the
peatland in certain points from the ends
0 m
of the ditches that had been left open,
30 20 10 5 0 5 10 20 30 40 but elsewhere parts of the peatland
were still dry. It was also necessary to
Figure 63. Cross section of the drainage channel extending some 30 m west and 50 m east of the leave a few hundred metres of the lower
channel bed. Altitude zero marks the water level in the channel, which in this area was about part of the main channel unblocked
130 cm below the surface of the surrounding peatland. The blue line marks the level to which the to prevent waterlogging in lower-lying
water would have to rise for it to spread westwards towards the central parts of the peatland. drained fields. Consequently almost
twenty hectares of the protected
peatland area has not yet been restored.
Restoration blocked, trees with a total volume of In future it is hoped that negotiations
Restoration work began with the felling about 100 m3 were manually thinned out with landowners will result in solutions
of trees in late winter 2006. Trees between the cleared ditch lines. where natural hydrological conditions
growing alongside ditches were felled In August 2007 the drainage channel can be restored also in these areas,
for sale as energy wood. Along the main was blocked by peat embankments aided by additional measures including
drainage channel a clearing almost 3 km about 50 m wide built at intervals of the clearing of field ditches and the
long and 10–20 m wide was cut (Figure about 70 m (Figure 65). At the same time construction of new culverts.
64). A total of some 500 m3 of energy smaller feeder ditches were also blocked. Following restoration the central
wood was obtained from alongside To keep neighbouring private land dry parts of the peatland have been
the channel, and about 280 m3 from some feeder ditches had to be left open receiving about four-fifths of the water
smaller ditches. After the ditches were and others had to be cleared. volume that they would naturally

receive. Near natural hydrological condi-
tions have been restored in a total of
some 200 ha of drained peatland (Figure
66). Within just two years the peatland
plant species assemblages had quite
rapidly reverted towards those of more
natural flark fens.

Restoration costs
The project’s excavator worked on
damming and ditch-blocking for a total
of about 11 days. Income from sales of
energy wood covered less than half of
Figure 64. The scene in the cleared belt alongside the main drainage channel during the dry the related felling and transportation
summer of 2006, before it was blocked. PHOTO: PÄIVI VIRNES, AUGUST 2006. costs.
The costs of restoration measures
amounted to a total of approximately
€17,500, of which about two-thirds
consists of the net cost of fellings.
The costs of excavator work were as
expected, but the costs of felling trees
rose well above the predicted levels.
The costs of restoration measures
amounted to an estimated €800 per
hectare of peatland where restoration
measures were implemented. However,
the measures realise at Revonneva
will generate impacts over a total area
almost ten times the extent of the area
where measures were actually imple-
mented, so costs per hectare in terms
of the total area affected by restoration
measures fall to some €90/ha. Planning
and supervision costs have not been
Figure 65. This peat embankment was constructed a couple of weeks before the photograph included in these calculations.
was taken. The pools excavated alongside have not yet filled with water. PHOTO: PÄIVI VIRNES,
AUGUST 2007.

← Figure 66. The view over the restored

drainage channel looking west towards the
centre of the open peatland, about a year
after restoration measures were realised.
The aapa mire is no longer drying out, and
flarks are filled with water again. PHOTO: SAK ARI

11.5 Changes in vegetation A survey carried out in autumn 1999 The limited changes observed in
and hydrology in an extensive revealed that the peat dams and the the plant species present at Haapasuo
gradually restored peatland wooden dams were still holding back imply that to effectively restore natural
complex: Haapasuo Bog, water, but that the dams had been built vegetation communities it is necessary
Leivonmäki National Park at such widely spaced intervals that to implement more effective restoration
water had not risen onto the peatland methods than the damming of ditches
Tuomas Haapalehto and (Suikki 2001). Banks of ditch spoil piled alone, such as the infilling of ditches
Tapani Sallantaus up alongside ditches had also prevented with peat combined with the construc-
water from spreading onto the peatland, tion of peat embankments to divert
The extensive Haapasuo Bog lies in and not enough trees had been felled. water away from the infilled ditch lines.
Central Finland about 43 km SSE of Further restoration work was then
Jyväskylä. The western part of this peat- realised in different parts of Haapasuo Qualitative changes in runoff water
land complex is in Leivonmäki National during the years 2003–2008, when Water quality parameters were
Park, while its eastern parts have been ditches were infilled with peat, and trees monitored in runoff over the period
used for peat extraction (Figure 67). that had benefited from drainage were 2002–2007 just downstream of the pond
Southern and eastern parts of the removed. Säynätlampi (Figures 67–69). Flow rates
protected area of Haapasuo consist of at the measuring weir were recorded
aapa mires, while well-developed eccen- Changes in vegetation on each sampling visit. The natural
tric bogs are found in the north and In 1991, a year after the first ditches were catchment area of this water course is
west (Figure 68). dammed, a 24-square-metre vegetation about 1.5 square kilometres in extent
sampling plot was set up in sub-area 4 of (Figures 67 and 68). About two-thirds of
Changes induced by Haapasuo Bog for the purposes of moni- the catchment area consists of restored
drainage ditches toring subsequent changes (Seppä et al. peatlands where ditches were initially
Haapasuo Bog was drained in the 1960s. 1993). Monitoring was then conducted 1, dammed in 1990 and then infilled in
The ditch draining Lake Haapajärvi was 10 and 15 years after damming. The most 2004. Data is available on 33 water
dug in 1958–1960, lowering the water recent monitoring visit occurred a year samples taken during the post-restora-
level in the lake by about one metre after the further local restoration work tion period 2005–2007.
(Kärki 1990). Under earlier natural condi- involving the infilling of ditches had The hydrologic balance of Säynät-
tions no water channels had either fed been realised. lampi is unusual for a peatland pond.
or drained Lake Haapajärvi. Work on the Since no comparative surveys of On the western edge of the catchment
drainage of all of the four areas marked changes in vegetation in a control area area is an esker formation consisting of
on the map (Figure 67) began in 1962. in its natural state were conducted, well sorted and highly permeable glaci-
The most recent ditches were dug in material from a study of ten comparable ofluvial deposits, where an abundant
the 1970s in the eastern part of the area natural mires in Seitseminen National reserve of groundwater forms. Even
protected today. The area was acquired Park was used for the purposes of during the driest periods the outflow
by the Finnish authorities in 1986 for the comparison (Haapalehto, unpublished, rate from Säynätlampi was more than
establishment of a nature reserve. 2007). 3 l/s, i.e. more than 0.2 mm/day for the
The drainage ditches have signifi- The plant species observed at catchment area, due to the number of
cantly affected the protected aapa Haapasuo have shown signs of successful springs in this area. Away from the esker,
mire Section of Haapasuo, leading reversion towards plant communi- a considerable part of the catchment
to the drying out of peatlands, lower ties associated with naturally wetter area consists of nutrient-poor peat-
water levels in ponds, and considerably peatland habitats. The total cover of land. During wetter spells the water is
increased tree growth (compare Figures sphagnum mosses, the species most consequently acidic (with pH as low as
68 and 69). important for peat formation, increased 4.4) and brown in colour. Contrastingly
during the monitoring period from 11% to
Restoration measures 60%. However, this figure still remained
Work on the restoration of Haapasuo below the typical sphagnum moss cover Figure 67. Haapasuo Bog, Leivonmäki
Bog commenced in 1990, making it one observed in natural peatlands (96%) National Park. Peat extraction sites outside
of the first peatland habitat restoration (Haapalehto, unpublished, 2007). The the national park are shown in light brown.
sites in Finland. Ditches were blocked in moss species Pleurozium schreberi, which The green line delineates a catchment area
four parts of the peatland complex using benefits from drainage but is almost containing a runoff monitoring point. The
manual methods (Kärki 1990, Figure 67). absent in natural peatlands, had corre- northern boundary of this catchment area
In part of the area dams were mainly spondingly not declined at Haapasuo also forms part of a more major watershed
made of wood. In other areas peat dams following restoration. Another species that runs through Haapasuo Bog. The black
were built at maximum intervals of 200 that benefits from drainage, bilberry arrows indicate natural flow directions, which
metres to levels 20 cm higher than the (Vaccinium myrtillus), had apparently also apply after restoration. The numbers
surrounding peatland (Kärki 1990). In the gained ground rather than declining even relate to parts of the area drained or restored
south some trees were also felled. 15 years after restoration (Figure 70). as specified in the text. →




Natura 2000 site

Catchment area
Runoff monitoring point
Vegetation sampling plot
Flow directions

© Metsähallitus 2014
© Finnish Environment Institute 2014
0 1 km
© National Land Survey of Finland 1/MML/14

Catchment area Catchment area
0 1 km
Runoff monitoring point Runoff monitoring point
Vegetation sampling plot Vegetation sampling plot

© Metsähallitus 2014
© Metsähallitus 2014 © Finnish Environment Institute 2014
© Finnish Defence Intelligence Agency 2014 - © National Land Survey of Finland 1/MML/14

Figure 68. Aerial photograph of Haapasuo Bog from 1953. Before the Figure 69. Aerial photograph from 2004, when most of the restoration
peatland was drained most of the water in the catchment area flowed work had not yet been realised. The orange line marks the boundary of
past the marked monitoring point. the Natura 2000 site.


70 2005
Figure 70. Average cover figures
Natural peatland
for plant species (n = 24) and 60
standard deviations observed 1
(1991), 10 (2000) and 15 years (2005) 50
after ditches at Haapasuo were
dammed. The fourth column shows 40
the average cover figure and the
standard deviation for the respec- 30
tive species as observed in ten
comparable natural peatlands. 20















































during drier spells most of the water 11.6 A complex of peatlands microtopography and no large open
consists of groundwater discharged by and small water bodies: flarks. The central parts of the aapa
springs, which is clear with high pH and Suurisuo, Pihtipudas mires are mainly mesotrophic flark fens.
high alkalinity, sometimes even higher There are also small areas of raised bog
than 0.2 mmol/l, which is a typical value Reijo Hokkanen with the features of nutrient-poor short
for groundwater from esker formations. sedge pine bogs. An esker formation
In peatlands such values indicate meso- The aapa mire Suurisuo lies in Central almost 2 km long extends through the
trophy or meso-eutrophy. The pH of the Finland 16 km NNW of Pihtipudas. protected area, surrounded by peatlands.
runoff is over 6 for a large part of the Restoration work was realised here in
growing season. 2009 in various hydrologically intercon- The situation before drainage
Observed water quality parameters nected habitats: a pond whose water Conditions in the peatland and water
only changed relatively little after the level had dropped, a dried-out stream, flows prior to drainage were studied
further restoration was implemented. drained fens, and areas of undrained fen by comparing old and new aerial
Total phosphorus concentrations rose that had nevertheless dried out (Figure photographs (Figures 72 and 73) and by
from very low initial levels of some 12 71). The total area to be restored was 39 conducting field surveys.
μg/l, to a high in 2005 with double the hectares in extent. Suurisuo’s flark fens and their water
initial levels, before declining steadily Suurisuo mainly consists of aapa flows were surveyed to discover the
back to 16 μg/l in 2007. Increases in total mires with poorly developed surface source of their water. All of the peat-
nitrogen loads were also of the order of
a few tens of percentage points: from a
Protected area
starting point of 0.5–0.6 mg/l concen-
trations increased to about 0.7 mg/l Trees felled

following restoration. Ditches dammed and infilled

Catchment area of the restored peatland
Concentrations of dissolved organic
matter also rose to some extent after 0 500 m

the further restoration work. Iron

concentrations in Säynätlampi Pond
were quite high, averaging more than 2
mg/l both before and after the restora-
tion measures, indicating the low oxygen
levels in the groundwater that flows
into the peatland from the neighbouring
esker formation.
These trends in water quality param-
eters have overall been in a similar direc-
tion to those observed in monitoring
sites in other restored peatlands, though
somewhat less pronounced. Regarding
phosphorus, the further restoration
work evidently mobilised a total of
about 0.1 kg per hectare of restored
peatland, which is only a few percent
of the highest specific loads observed
for restored peatlands. The high iron
concentrations in runoff show that
there is also plenty of iron present in the
peat, and this in itself reduces phos-
phorus leaching (Zak et al. 2010). The low
concentrations of phosphorus also imply
that the peatland was not fertilised after
drainage. It is also possible that the dams
built in ditches in 1990 already mobilised
most of the easily leachable phosphorus
in the area, leaving less available to be
leached following the additional restora-
© Metsähallitus 2014
tion measures realised later. © Finnish Environment Institute 2014
© National Land Survey of Finland 1/MML/14

Figure 71. Restored areas around the isolated patch of forest Vuosiaissalo and Neva-Kukko Pond.

The situation after drainage
Suurisuo was drained in the 1970s. A
ditch was dug from the pond through
the whole of Suurisuo, lowering water
levels in the pond (Figure 73). Pines were
Old planted in the fens around the pond, so
stream by the time the site was restored these
channel trees were around 40 years old. The old
stream channel had dried out and was
only visible as a gully with different
vegetation from the surrounding areas.
No water flowed in the channel any
more, and white birch thickets had
grown along its margins. North and
south of Vuosiaissalo ditches had been
dug in a rectangular grid, with pines
subsequently planted. In the former flark
fen north of Vuosiaissalo white birches
also sprung up, as well as a few lodge-
pole pines. The water drained from the
0 200 m
© Metsähallitus 2013 pond was channelled into ditches south
© Finnish Defence Intelligence Agency 2014
of Vuosiaissalo, though they had earlier
Figure 72. On an old aerial photograph a stream can be seen flowing from the pond towards naturally flowed through the peatland
the flark fen. The black arrows indicate flow directions. north of Vuosiaissalo. Ditches had been
dug around Vuosiaissalo, joining to the
southeast of this patch of forest. Ditch
digging had ceased in the middle of the
fen, resulting in swamp-like conditions.
The ditches dried out even undrained
parts of the peatland, especially north-
east of Vuosiaissalo, where they inter-
rupted the natural flow of water to the
flark fen.

Objectives for restoration

The most important goal was to restore
natural flows of water in the area:
– Water had to be channelled into the
course of the stream that had earlier
flowed from the pond, also raising
water levels in the pond.
– Water from the pond was to be
diverted north of Vuosiaissalo
enabling it to spread over wide areas
Figure 73. This aerial photograph, taken before restoration, shows how reddish coloured white of former flark fen instead of being
birches have grown along the course of the old stream channel. channelled through ditches south of
– Water also had to be diverted into
lands located outside the protected is likely that the peatland is also fed by undrained areas of flark fen, espe-
area but within the catchment area of groundwater to some extent, but clear cially NE of Vuosiaissalo.
the peatland to be restored have been signs of the locations of such ground- – The extensively drained areas on each
drained. This may affect water quality water discharges were not observed. The side of Vuosiaissalo had to be allowed
and volumes flowing in the peatlands to old aerial photographs indicate that the to revert to open peatland to reduce
be restored. pond’s shores consisted of fens, and from evapotranspiration from trees.
The area to be restored originally it was flowing a small stream (Figure – Three measuring poles were sunk
received water from two main directions 72). The fen south of the forested island along the shores of the pond to
to the northwest and southwest (Figure at Vuosiaissalo received water from the monitor future water level rises.
71). Since there are eskers in the area it southwest as well as some groundwater.

Protected area
Trees felled
Ditches dammed and infilled
Ditch left unblocked
Long dam
Flow direction
0 200 m

© Metsähallitus 2014
© Finnish Environment Institute 2014
© National Land Survey of Finland 1/MML/14

Figure 74. Trees were felled in the drained areas on both sides of Vuosiaissalo. There had not been much tree growth in other areas. Long dams
were built to try to divert the water into undrained areas of fen. By the NW corner of Vuosiaissalo a stretch of ditch was left unblocked to enable
water to be channelled to flow north of the forest island.

Restoration unblocked ditches north of Vuosiaissalo. The main ditches south of Vuosiaissalo
Restoration work commenced in These ditches were then blocked, before had been dug through the middle of the
February 2009 with tree felling (Figure finally the drainage ditches dug around former flark fen through which water
74). All of the pines that had grown after the southeast end of Vuosiaissalo were now had to be dispersed. Elsewhere
drainage ditches were dug in an area of infilled. dams were built about 8 metres long.
17 ha on either side of Vuosiaissalo were At the northwest end of Vuosiais-
felled for sale as pulpwood or energy salo about 50 m of ditch was left open The situation after restoration
wood (Figure 75). A forestry machine just where the stream channel ended By spring 2010 the water level in the
was used, though some trees were felled (Figure 74), to ensure that water in the pond had risen about 50 cm. Water had
manually. Birches were left standing to stream would be diverted to the north of successfully been redirected into the
prevent the sprouting of thickets. Vuosiaissalo. old stream channel (Figure 77), even
Ditches were infilled from September The sites for the most important though it was higher than the excavated
2009 by an excavator. The order in dams were marked with ribbons to ditch had been. The channel was full
which the ditches would be infilled was ensure the excavator driver would and its immediate surroundings were
carefully considered, since a lot of water make them in exactly the right places. waterlogged to a distance of a couple
flows through the site, and filling in Dams were built by existing strings or of metres. Trees that had grown beside
ditches in the wrong order could have hummocks where the microrelief was the channel were dying. Water had also
hindered the subsequent work of the slightly higher. The largest dams (some encroached onto the peatland around
excavator. The first ditches to be infilled 20–50 m long) were made in the main the pond, where some trees were also
were those immediately around the ditches of each of the two drained areas dying (Figure 78).
pond, followed by the ditch draining the (Figures 74 and 76). The goal was that At the northwest end of Vuosiaissalo
pond, so that the pond’s water levels water north of Vuosiaissalo would be most of the stream water now flows to
would immediately start to rise. Ditches redirected into more central parts of the the north and northeast of the isolated
south of Vuosiaissalo were blocked peatland and spread over a wider area patch of forest, though some water
next, to redirect water into the still corresponding to the former flark fen. still also flows to the south of Vuosiais-

Figure 75. The ditches south of Vuosiaissalo in September 2009. The Figure 76. An excavator building a long dam in the main ditch in the
trees had been felled during the previous winter, and the ditches had drained area north of Vuosiaissalo, October 2009. By the excavator the
not yet been blocked. PHOTO: REIJO HOKK ANEN. ditch is near the boundary of an adjoining area with mineral soil. The
forest behind the excavator is part of Vuosiaissalo. The water flows from
right to left. PHOTO: REIJO HOKK ANEN .

Figure 77. Water has started flowing again in the original stream Figure 78. Water levels in the pond rose some 50 cm after restoration.
from the pond. PHOTO: REIJO HOKK ANEN 2009. Photo: REIJO HOKK ANEN 2009.

salo, at least during seasonal flooding. peatland to more central parts of the Overall, the goals of restoration seem
North of Vuosiaissalo water flows on peatland. In lower-lying areas water has to have been successfully reached with
the surface where trees have been also been successfully diverted away regard to water flows. The restored area
felled, after being diverted around dams, from ditch lines to areas of fen habitat can evidently be left to develop natu-
spreading over an area comparable in that had earlier dried out. Areas south of rally unaided by any further restoration
extent to the former flark fen. Vuosiaissalo seem to have become quite measures.
The long dam built across the mouth evenly waterlogged. The wettest areas
of the main ditch in the drained area are around the mouth of the main ditch,
northeast of Vuosiaissalo diverts all of where long dams have spread water over
the water that used to flow in the old the flark fen. Large pools of open water
interceptor ditch dug on the edge of the have formed here.

11.7 Peatlands in Seitseminen photographs (Figures 79 and 80) and that had grown since drainage were
National Park field observations. Two basic principles removed, both to recreate the original
were defined for restoration, with the open landscapes, and to reduce evapo-
Pekka Vesterinen and Tapio Lindholm goal being to re-establish near natural transpiration. The plan also prioritised
hydrological conditions and recreate the restoration of wet, open peatland
Seitseminen National Park was estab- near natural landscapes. margins, spruce mires, springs and
lished in 1982, encompassing extensive Ditches were infilled, but only streams.
areas drastically affected by commercial dammed in exceptional cases, aiming The plan did not address the impacts
forestry as well as valuable natural areas. to redirect water flows back to their of the fertilisation of the area’s peat-
More than half of the park’s total area original pathways away from ditches. lands for forestry purposes, realised
of about 4,500 ha consists of peatlands. It was seen as particularly impor- at the same time the peatlands were
Some 60% of this peatland area has tant to infill the interceptor ditches dug drained. It later became evident that
been drained at some time, and most around the edges of peatlands. Trees fertilisation will continue to have clear
of the park’s forests have been used for
The park’s surviving natural peat-
lands are mainly small, fairly dry wooded
raised bogs. Old aerial photographs
indicate that prior to their drainage the
park’s larger peatlands mainly consisted
of wet, sparsely wooded or open minero-
trophic fens or pine fens. About 10% by
area are spruce mires, which have been
widely drained.
Restoration methods began to be
tested here in 1987 (Seppä et al. 1993).
A comprehensive plan was drawn up
due to the scale of this work (Heikkilä
& Lindholm 1994). The idea was to also
create a model for peatland restoration
plans for other protected areas. The first
handbook for peatland restoration was
also produced at this time (Heikkilä &
Lindholm 1995a). © Metsähallitus 2014
© Finnish Defence Intelligence Agency 2014
The restoration plan covered some
1,250 ha of peatland that were almost Figure 79. Aerial photograph of Seitseminen from 1941, before the area was extensively drained.
entirely restored over the period 1993–
2005. A further 100 ha of peatland were
also restored in areas later added to
the park. This plan and its implementa-
tion constituted the first ever peatland
restoration project to be realised in a
protected area in Finland. Monitoring
studies of the impacts of restoration
on water bodies were also pioneered at
Seitseminen (Info box 4).
The whole project aroused wide-
spread interest, and the resulting experi-
ences have been utilised both in Finland
and abroad. The scheme’s goals and
outcomes were also publicised among
the international scientific community
(Heikkilä & Lindholm 1995b and Heikkilä
& Lindholm 1995c).
© Metsähallitus 2014
© National Land Survey of Finland 1/MML/14
Planning restoration
The restoration plan was drawn up Figure 80. Aerial photograph from 1995, three years after restoration. The arrow marks
with reference to old and new aerial Kirkkaanlamminneva Fen (see main text).

Costs and income from timber sales
The total costs of the restoration work
realised at Seitseminen amounted to
some 1.2 million euros (including wage
costs and fees paid to contracting firms),
averaging €888 per hectare. There were
great differences in cost levels between
different sites, largely due to the varying
need for tree felling. One of the most
costly aspects of the restoration work
was the piling up and burning of logging
Approximately 17,000 m3 of saleable
timber was obtained, generating income
of some €0.75 million.

© Metsähallitus 2014 Key outcomes and conclusions

© National Land Survey of Finland 1/MML/14
The desired reversion towards a near
Figure 81. Aerial photograph from 2011. natural state can be seen to have
commenced successfully. The situation is
impacts on the vegetation of restored In some places ditches were dammed most favourable in areas fed by signifi-
peatlands, including the proliferation but not infilled, e.g. largely overgrown cant amounts of water from higher-lying
of cotton grasses for a few years after ditches, ditches in locations near paths, natural mires. The opportunity to restore
restoration. Fertilisation also affects tree and ditches in very wet areas. In some entire catchment areas also seems to
growth quantitatively and qualitatively, drained areas the water levels in peat- have been fruitfully realised (Figure 81).
as well as nutrient concentrations in land pools were raised back to more Valuable experiences of ditch-
water flowing out of restoration sites. natural levels with the help of dams, blocking methods, the time taken and
to facilitate the restoration of the the costs involved, were built up and
Restoration surrounding peatland. subsequently utilised. Restoration
methods were enhanced greatly during
Ditch infilling Measures for tree stands the project. Changing to mechanical tree
The first ditches were infilled at Kirk- During the first years of restoration trees felling made the project more cost-effec-
kaanlamminneva Fen (Figure 80) by an were felled manually during the winter tive. The need to make peat embank-
excavator in autumn 1992, using peat after ditches were infilled. Saleable ments in addition to blocking ditches
and small-diameter trees felled along- wood was transported by forest tractor became evident, and the use of trees to
side the ditches. No peat embankments to the roadside. But to cut costs and block ditches was abandoned.
were made. speed up work mechanical felling was The most significant problems
It was soon noticed that using trees introduced, though trees were still felled concerned the early phases of restora-
for infilling in effect created under- manually along ditch lines in most areas. tion, the growth of thickets, and the
drains, enabling water to continue During later restoration work machines leaching of nutrients. At Kirkkaanlam-
flowing along the ditch lines. Carefully were also used to remove saleable minneva water still flows in some
infilling ditches with peat alone was timber felled along ditch lines. After a blocked ditches, thickets of seedlings
found to be the best way to slow water couple of unusually mild winters, trees have grown profusely in places, and
flows. However, in the absence of peat started to be felled before ditches were water quality has temporarily declined in
embankments water still flowed along blocked. some lakes and ponds.
the old ditch lines on top of the peat. Small-diameter trees and logging Changes have occurred in vegetation
From the second year of restoration residues were piled up on the peatland to varying degrees: in some peatlands
onwards, ditches were infilled with ditch for burning, usually carried out during changes have been rapid and in line with
spoil and peat from the surrounding the late summer after ditches were the project’s objectives, but elsewhere
peatland. Earth was only used to infill blocked. Later, small-diameter trees were progress has been slow and patchy.
certain interceptor ditches and ditches collected from sites near roads for sale Most peatland plant and animal species
dug through areas with mineral soil. On as energy wood or for use as firewood have successfully recovered, with forest
the basis of conclusions drawn during in the national park’s campfire sites. species correspondingly declining.
the first monitoring inspections peat Several frozen winter roads were created Further complementary measures
embankments were also subsequently to facilitate the transportation of sale- under consideration include the clearing
built to slow flows of surface water. able timber, leading to considerable cost of seedling thickets in some places and
Decisions on the siting and sizes of these savings. the construction of more robust dams at
embankments were made case by case. Kirkkaanlamminneva.

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Ecological restoration
in drained peatlands
– best practices from Finland
Maarit Similä, Kaisu Aapala and Jouni Penttinen (eds)

Ecological restoration has been widely practiced in peatlands in

protected areas in Finland over the last 25 years. This guidebook is based on the wealth
of knowledge and experiences accumulated during these years. It gives an overview of
the practical methods applied in the ecological management and restoration of peatland
habitats in Finland together with useful background ecological information on peat and
the hydrology of peatlands. The aim of this guidebook is to increase understanding of
the ecological base for peatland habitat restoration, and thereby promote effective peat-
land restoration work both in protected areas and in areas where commercially forestry
is practised.

ISBN 978-952-295-072-7 (printed) Metsähallitus – Natural Heritage Services | Finnish Environment Institute SYKE
ISBN 978-952-295-073-4 (pdf)

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