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Between the
By Taylor Howell

Can you briefly describe your role in the How do you demonstrate leadership in
library and what a typical day is like for your position? What are some qualities
you? that librarians need to be a leader and
My job is the learning and information literacy
team player?
librarian. In that role, I coordinate the library
instruction program, market the program to faculty, I’m not in a formal leadership role right now. And by
schedule classes, and delegate the classes to that, I mean that I don’t have anyone that reports to
other librarians when needed. I plan for the me. But I am, I guess, a leader in instruction and
classes, teach them, and then I assess the advocating information literacy both in the library
program. I do some other things in the library; I and across campus. I make sure that information
participate in reference, I make research guides, literacy is happening and that there is support for
etc. There’s really not one typical day: some days that. For the second part of your question, I would
I’m in classes and meetings all day long, other say that library leaders need to be user-focused. I
days I spend the whole day just alone in my office think that the most important thing is to be focused
working on my own projects. So, it varies a lot by on the needs of the people who are using the
time of year: The first half of fall and spring library. In an academic library, those users would
semesters I’m doing a ton of teaching, by the mid- be our students, faculty, and staff. There needs are
way point I don’t have to do as much teaching and I going to be changing all the time, so it’s important
can focus on other things. to be willing to adapt to those needs and be
flexible. For people in a supervisory position, it’s
important to cultivate your employees’ creativity,
and encourage them to be innovative instead of
micromanaging them.

This week, I interviewed Grace

Kaletski-Maisel. Grace is the Learning How does technology play a role in your
& Information Literacy Librarian at position?
Stetson University’s DuPont Ball
Library since 2015. Her passion for I’m constantly using technology. There have been
a few times when the power went out, and I
helping students and promoting couldn’t even use my computer, and I was like,
information literacy was one of the big what do I even do?! I would say most of the time, I
inspirations for my decision to study use technology for stuff like keeping up with
databases, keeping up with ways people can
Library and Information Science. search, staying up to date with tech, being able to
make LibGuides, being able to design research
guides that are appealing and useful, being able to
trouble shoot tech problems. I have to be able to
figure out a solution if technology fails during a
class. It’s huge. Technology is absolutely critical.
Between the
No, I do not have to do any of that, which I am very
What are the toughest challenges in thankful for. The most I’ll do is if I find a problem,
your work? like a link isn’t working, or a database isn’t working,
I’ll report it to the folks at work in electronic
I think one big challenge is the perception that resources.
people have of libraries can be frustrating. It can
sometimes be so frustrating to the point where it I would think that you need to
hinders my ability to be able to do a good job. So,
for example, I instruct in a lot of different classes, have a really good foundation of
and because we have such a small campus, I knowledge for all the different
frequently will have the same student, in several databases and keeping up-to-date
different classes. And, so, students will come see
me and think, “oh she came to my history class, I
with all the changes in that regard,
don’t care what she has to say in my biology class”. right?
And they just kind of tune me out and they don’t
seem open to learning anything new. So, I’m Yeah, I need to know how to use them, how to
constantly trying to find new ways to present search them efficiently. They’re often going to
information, so that students don’t just write me off change their interface, so I need to keep on top of
and think that it’ll be the exact same thing that that. But I don’t actually deal with the vendors or
happened in their other class. anything.

What are your long-term goals?

I would like to see more faculty on the same page
with me as to what information literacy is and why it
is important. I think faculty think that I have just one
presentation that I give to every class and they
don’t realize that I’m doing unique prep for each
class. If I could market the program better so that
they understand the diversity of information
literacy, that would be great. For me personally, I
will hopefully get tenure in a few years, and
severally years down the road I hope to get a
leadership position.

What skills are the most important for

I think another big challenge is working with faculty. graduates to cultivate just entering a
They don’t always give me information that I need position like yours?
in order to do a good job in instructing their class. I
usually need to know about their class, their I would say be comfortable with technology. Take
assignments, and what their goals are for the classes on instruction and information literacy,
class. Sometimes I ask for that information and I maybe take classes on education if you can. Get
don’t get it, but I still have to give the presentation! any training whether its formal or informal that you
So, that’s another big frustration. can get that would prepare you to plan and teach
an information literacy session. Learning about
Do you have any duties in electronic assessment is really important too—being able to
resource management? If so, what are test whether what you are doing is working well or

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