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Department of Chemical Engineering

College of Engineering
University of the Philippines
Diliman, Quezon City

Second Semester AY 2019-2020

ES 201 Advanced Mathematical Methods in Engineering I

Saturdays, 9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon/ 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM (lec); A103-104

Course Description: Application of Fourier series, special functions and integral transforms to the
solution of boundary and initial value problems in engineering.

Prerequisite: ES 21 or equivalent

Course Credit: 3 units (3 h lec)

Course Objectives: At the end of this course, the students should be able to properly apply the
different solutions to ordinary and partial differential equations in various engineering systems.

Course Outline:

1. Power Series Solution about Ordinary Point for Ordinary Differential Equations
2. Frobenius Method about Regular Singular Point


2. Fourier Series
a. Representation of Periodic Functions
b. Odd and Even functions
c. Half-range expansionsSturm-Liouville problems
3. Solutions to PDE by Fourier Series
(Unsteady State 1D Heat Conduction, Laplace Equation, 1D Wave Equation)


4. 2D and 3D Unsteady State Heat Conduction Problems

5. Sturm Liouville Problems
6. Fourier Integrals
4. Laplace Transform Method of Solution to PDE
5. D’Alembert’s Solution of Wave Equation


6. Bessel Functions
7. Legendre Polynomials
8. Solutions to PDE using Bessel functions and Legendre polynomials


Grading System:

1. Punctual attendance is required. Attendance is checked on 9:15 a.m./1:15 p.m. and any
student not present by that time will be marked absent. A total of 6 absences will empower
the teacher to force drop a student from his class. There will be no distinction made between
excused and unexcused absences.
2. Any missed exam will be given a grade of ZERO and no excuse will be accepted for missing an
3. During the exam, use only 8.5” by 11” bond paper and pens with BLACK or BLUE ink. Write
your NAME and SECTION on the upper right hand corner of each page. Also write your name
and numerals I, II and III at the back of the last page.
4. The Pre-Finals class standing is computed as the average of the four exams. Submission of
homework is optional and the average of homework scores will be used to replace the lowest
exam score.
5. Complaints will be entertained for a period of one week after the exam result has been
6. A student may be exempted from taking the final examination provided his Pre-Finals class
standing is 70 or higher and he has no exam score that is less than 60 (i.e. all his exam
scores are passing). For the student who is exempted, his Pre-Finals class standing is his
final grade.
7. The final grade of the student who has taken will be computed based on 2/3 whichever is
higher the final exam or the Pre-Finals class standing and 1/3 whichever is lower of the two.
8. The final grade corresponding to a student’s general weighted average is given by the table
below :

5.00 3.00 2.75 2.50 2.25 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.00
0-59 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-75 76-81 82-87 88-93 94-100

9. Cheating in any form will be penalized with a grade of 5.0 and possible expulsion from the

Important Dates to Remember:

Activity Date
Deadline for dropping subjects Apr 13 (M)
Deadline for filing for Leave of Absence Apr 28 (T)
Last day of classes May 14 (Th)
Deadline of submission of grades Jun 2 (T)


Days Time
Tue 8 am – 1200 nn

Tue 100 pm – 400 pm

Sat 400 pm – 600 pm

Consultation beyond the specified schedules may be done by setting up appointments.

References :

1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics (5th Ed) by Wylie and Barrett

2. Elementary Differential Equations (6th Ed) by Rainville and Bedient
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics (10th Ed) by Kreyszig

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