Nuon Chheang Eng - The OD Letters Case Analysis Form

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Name: NUON ChheangEng (ID: 80200190)

I. Problems
A. Macro
1) Employees at The Farm Bank don’t know how to use the Management Information System
most effectively
2) Older members of The Farm Bank continue to function the same way that they did before the
Management Information System and seem uninterested in updating the way they operate.
B. Micro
1) The department head at The Farm Bank, Al Hassler, isn’t working to make improvements on
how functional the Management Information System is for the employees and the organization
as a whole.
2) The Management Information System wasn’t as useful as it was intended to be.
II. Causes
1) The department head at The Farm Bank, Al Hassler, is keeping the survey results a secret from
Mr. Swain and the other employees
2) Older members of The Farm Bank are set in their ways and comfortable with the way things are
3) The employees at The Farm Bank haven’t received any sort of formal training
III. Systems Affected
1) Structural: the structure was affected to the level, while John was no longer with the team.
2) Psychosocial: members of the group were no longer motivated about the project due to the fact
that John made them feel non-important, belittled, less visible and insulted by the leadership style
of John was non-motivating; lack of respect and recognition for the efforts.
3) Technical: the inefficient leadership and improper behavior of John may have been the reason
for using old technology and missed opportunities for new technology.
4) Managerial: pressure from upper management to get results; John did not respond appropriately
and joked about serious matters.
5) Goals and Objectives: Kate’s declaration clearly specifies the group was unable to achieve its
goals or due dates for this task in the two years that John was project manager.
IV. Alternatives
1) Remove John, team manager, (this has already happened).
2) Split the group and assign them to other tasks and give them the opportunity to function properly
in a new environment.
3) Assign a new project manager with the effective leadership skill (Ryan seems to be a choice).
4) Create the efficient operation system in the organization such as transaction possessing systems
(to increase the efficiency of operations in the organization), management information systems
(to come up with effective technology advancement and data required in the organization),
decision support systems (to support the management system with appropriate data in making
important decisions), and executive support systems (to enable the managers to have quick access
to reports).
V. Recommendations:
1) The new leader should have a clear vision to provides a clear path for the team to follow.
2) The new leader should have to know what the key success and to learn from their mistakes.
3) The new leader should open the door to communicate and hold the team together to encourage
them with the strong team spirit.
4) The new leader should have adequate training with leadership skills. Maybe, the new leader
should be temporarily shadowed by other leaders, so that it is proven he is showing the proper
leadership skills to accomplish the goals and deadlines that are need to be achieved.
5) The organization could start by hiring a new project manager with the required leadership skills
and knowledge. The organization could then result into coming up with better means of
communication with the employees and should also cultivate team work among its employees.

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