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LISTENING (15 MARKS) Exercise 1 Questions 1-3 (§ points each) ‘You wil listen to three conversations about weekend fun activities. You will find this listening in the folder RESOURCES HOMEWORK. After listening, answer the following questions in a maximum ofthree lines using your ewn words, Conversation # 1 41, What was the weather ike in the mountains and what did Rex do on the mountains? ke: wens hiking with Some eriends qad the Conversation # 2 2. What did Laura buy and what did Jhon do? Bue Wes be ino! Jhon mee BP WATh “gee “p J Theg use ce Conversation #3 3.What didn’t Emma do last weekend and why does Joe have to go? Crew ins Lb the erone READING (10 MARKS) [ : Exercise 2~ Questions 1-2 (5 each) Read the text and answer the questions below using your own words, The Magnificent Maldives ‘The Maldives are a group of very small sland in the Indian (Ocean, near Sri Lanka. It has the smallest population of any Asian countries, There are about 1200 islands and there are people living on 200 of them. About 400,000 ppeople live in the Maldives and 75,000 of them are on the ‘capital Island, Malé. Malé Is different from the other Islands In the Maldives, because it doesn't have any ‘beaches. In fact, there is a small wall that goes around the ‘tis very easy to get around the istands. When you arrive ‘on the airport island, you can take a choni and go to Male, This s a small boat used for transportation around ‘the Islands. Dhoni taxis go from the airport island to the capital island every fifteen minutes and after midnight ‘every half an hour. You can use these boats to visit other Islands, too, ‘The Maldives are a popular place for scuba diving, because there are many wonderful fish in the water to see. Also, the water very clear so when you are underwater you can see for more than 50 meters! There are many professional diving schoels with Instructors. They speak ‘many languages, so you can find someone to help you. OF ‘course, that’s not all you can do on these beautiful islands. You can go whele and dolphin watching, fishing, surfing, snorkeling, hiking or explore the towns. 1. According to the article do you consider the Maldives isiand a good place to have a relaxing time? Why? ise Ceveet oboe ‘ od found _sile since Reese Thee are Sipperend AP pe Rnd tui do have Saad eolnvins time if would Ree Steger ay he ae 12. How can you get around the islands and how do you describe the transportation? ean be poe’ by. mecin 5a seall boat used oy LANGUAGE USE (15 MARKS) PART ONE - Questions 1-10 (1 point each) A Choose the sentence in each pair that is written correctly. Put a tick (v/) to indicate the right one, 2.24, Sorry aion | anak ght now, | am studying for ny English exam b. Sorry Jaison, | can’t talk right now, | study for my English e 2 ayy &. Where do you go in your lat summer vacation? Za Where aidyou 0 Inyourlast summer vacation? 4. segue goto Toronto nest Thursday, Do you want to come? bam going to Torento next Thursday. Do you want te come? 5. Mew a. She hardly ever watches series on Netflix. ‘tones Bb, She watches hardly ever series on Netflix. 8, Read each sentence. Then, choose the correct option, 6, George doesn't want to go swimming with us becausehe Co swim. Achas Beant Cran D. don’t have 7,220 they_ hove tv _ get up early every morning? A, Dowwchas to B.Does...have to €)Do....haveto D. Does..ushasto 8. For most people Pelé_.icis _one of the best soccer players in the world. Q@was 8. were C. weren't D. didn’t want 9. _Oscl_youwork ten hours in the office yesterday? A. Were B.Do .Does ©oia 10. My email {5 Lina the moment. Can | send the designs tomorrow? A.aren't working B.isn'tworking am not working . areworking [ PART TWO - Questions 11-15 (1 point each) Read the sentences and complete them with the correct places for sports and adjectives to. describe trips. There is one extra, bor field bumpy court ‘scenic 1A. Due to turbulence, it was a pretty _» flight, we felt so seared, 12. Are you going to the. lon Saturday to see the running competition? 33. We took the route from Florence to Siena and we saw wonderful landscapes. 14, He Is usually on the bastetball this time of day. 435. The trip was really ovr _, we didn’t do anything interesting. UNIDADES TECNOLOGICAS DE SANTANDER DEPARTAMENTO DE IDIOMAS FORMATO PARA DILIGENCIAMIENTO DE ACTIVIDAD 1 WRITING PRODUCTION (10 MARKS) ‘TOPIC: PAST EXPERIENCES. i Wiite two paragraphs where you describe e vacation tris you took. Use words from the b | Remember to include information such as: ‘Where and when did you go? How long were youthere? Who did'you go with? How was your trip? ‘What did you do? What was the weather like? | Finely, pay special attention to punctuation, capital letters, tenses and spelling. Remember to write ‘between 90- 100 words. Include a photo of the vacation trip you mention. © Exciting © Boring + Fantastic resting + Unforgettable + Fantastic = Expensive = Wonderful + Great + Unfriendly + Unusual and WW yell oe ty oF Goold PE t Tne | SS = paeee rareeriae le a shat Jag | was NANROY Vahibir nu ve cations, \Ked th 4 ior

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