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Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Improving students’ academic performance would entail the teacher’s knowledge

on different classroom instructions based upon how the brain gathers and stores

knowledge. It is understood that the quality and effectiveness of classroom instruction are

imperative to lessen problems associated to teaching and learning science. Thus, it is the

role of the teacher to look for a classroom instruction that would address this need.

Science education envisions to develop scientific literacy among students that will

prepare them to be informed and participative citizens who are able to make judgments

and decisions regarding applications of scientific knowledge that may have social, health,

or environmental impacts.

According to United Nation Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization

(UNESCO), learning in science could be more effective when science is taught and

learned in contexts in which students can make links between their existing knowledge,

the classroom experiences, and the science to be learnt. The students are engaged in

thinking about the science they are learning during the learning tasks and students’

content knowledge, procedural knowledge, and knowledge about the nature and

characteristics of scientific practice are developed together, not separately and the

students are engaged in thinking about their own and others’ thinking.

Science education improvement should focus on the development of the

fundamental knowledge domains and that effective instructional provisions, including the

strategies necessary for problem solution, vary with scientific domain (Clavero, 2015).

Science education in the Philippines primarily aims to develop scientific literacy

among students that will prepare them to be informed and participative citizens who are

able to make judgments and decisions regarding applications of scientific knowledge that

may have social, health, or environmental impacts. It recognizes the place of science and

technology in everyday human affairs. Further, it integrates science and technology in the

civic, personal, social, economic, and the values and ethical aspects of life. It also

function to promote a strong link between science and technology, including indigenous

technology, keeping our country’s cultural uniqueness and peculiarities intact.

The K to 12 science curriculum is learner-centered and inquiry-based, which placed

emphasis on the use of evidence in constructing explanations. Concepts and skills in Life

Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, and Earth Sciences are presented with increasing levels of

complexity from one grade level to another (spiral progression).

Through the whole science curriculum, Filipino learners are expected to

demonstrate understanding of basic science concepts, applies science process skills, and

exhibits scientific attitudes and values to solve problems critically, innovate beneficial

products, protect the environment and conserve resources, enhance the integrity and

wellness of people, and make informed and unbiased decisions about social issues that

involve science and technology (DepEd Curriculum Guide in Science, 2003).

In connection, science teachers can control the environment during the learning

process through observation and maintaining the active involvement and enthusiasm of

the learners is important consideration to sustain the cooperative learning approach and

attain necessary course outcomes. Everyone is being held accountable and socially

responsible to any consequence that would occur in the team. Making them aware of their

contribution to the attainment of the goal would provide better understanding of what to

accomplish (Laguador, 2014).

The researcher as a science teacher is constantly motivated to provide quality

instruction to his students through selecting appropriate teaching aids, approaches and

strategies for his learners. Indeed, the DepEd K-12 Curriculum Guide for science spells

out that the science standard aims for the learners to demonstrate understanding of basic

science concepts, apply science process skills, and exhibit scientific attitudes and values

to solve problems critically.

However, despite the strong importance of science among Filipino learners,

students measured poor in their science performance. Philippines have consistently

performed poorly in international examinations (National Center for Education Statistics,

2014). A result from the Third International Math and Science Study (TIMMS) shows

that Philippines have low functional literacy in science. In the 2003 TIMSS, Phillipines

ranked 23rd out of 25 countries both in Grade IV Math and Science and ranked 43rd out

of 46 countries in High School Science. In 2008, the TIMSS Advanced, we ranked 10th

out of 10 countries who participated. Indeed, there is no question about the country’s

current poor performance. In order to address issues on academic achievement, educators

have proposed several interventions and strategies. TIMMS is the first worldwide search

on math and science competencies (DepEd Transition Report, 2014). According to

Magno (2011), one contributory factor in Filipino students’ low academic performance is

the limited specification on how instruction is delivered and the strategies used in the

teaching and learning process.

In the local context, Baluyot National High School in Bautista, Pangasinan

performance in the recent National Achievement Test Result (NAT), the mean score in

science is so low at 29.22%. Even the quarterly examinations result reveals that students

performance in science is consistently low at 51.42%. The results are far and below the

criterion target set by the Philippine government which is 75%. This figures urgently

requires interventions in classroom practices to improve student mastery of science


Moreover, students are observed to be inattentive and passive in class. These are

considered some of the factors that attribute to the difficulties and inattentiveness of

students. These difficulties can be traced due to the nature of the subject itself and

inability of the students to grasp and understand concepts. Moreover, in an interview with

some students, it was found out that they encounter difficulties in coping up with the

subject and that they eventually lose interest. Due to such reason, they cannot participate

actively in class discussion but instead doing other untoward activities that lead to

disruption of classes. Most students are disruptive, most especially during class

discussion. The writer tried other teaching styles yet he could not get 100% attentiveness

in the class. In this connection, it is imperative that this problem be given a solution.

Furthermore, traditional learning environment makes students passive learners that only

gives them a chance to retain and grasp information.

The poor performance observed in the field of Science and Mathematics led the

national government to finally enact reforms in the educational system leading to the

introduction of the new curriculum, the “Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum” which

is popularly known as the K-12 Curriculum. The problems with academic achievement

made educational reforms that transformed schools from the idealistic teacher-centered

classes to student-centered ones. Activity-based lessons became popular especially in the

field of Science. RA 10533 (Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013) Section 5 requires

the curriculum to be learner-centered, inclusive and developmentally appropriate,

relevant, responsive, research-based, culture-sensitive, contextualized, and global. Along

with these change in perspective, the focus on knowledge gained shifted to skill

development. Further, the curriculum must be flexible enough to allow schools to

localize, indigenize, and enhance the same based on their respective educational and

social contexts.

  One strategy that can help enhance the performance of students in science is

through the application of brain-based teaching.

Brain Based Learning (BBL) is derived from the theory of cognitive

neuroscience, the theory comes from studies of how the brain works function by

neuroscience It is based on the structure and function of the brain as Piaget said that

mental or cognitive processes includes schema, assimilation and accommodation,

the organization and the equilibrium.

Students are instructed through tools that engage their brains in thinking processes

that promote generation of new thoughts into visual images, emotion, movement, and

other sensory areas of the brain. Memory is not stored in a single area of the brain.

Recalling information means reconstructing it from each sensory area of the brain. It is

effective to involve the multiple parts of the student’s brain when teaching and providing

multiple pathways for learning (Wolfe, 2015 as cited by Vanhosen, 2015).

Whole Brain Teaching aims to maximize student engagement, and focusing on

the way the brain is really designed to learn. It is a combination of effective classroom

management and pedagogically sound approaches to student engagement that are

effective with a wide range of student learning populations vetted through 15 years of

classroom application by Bifle. Students learn through visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and

cooperative learning techniques (Siercks, 2012).

Chris Biffle established whole brain teaching (WBT) in 1999 after 25 years of

experience in the classroom (Biffle, 2010). Observation of student behavior in the

community college setting led him to believe that the lecture model was problematic as

the more he lectured, the more disengaged students became. As a result of this

observation, and collaborative work with teachers to develop strategies to improve

learning in the classroom, WBT emerged as a grassroots educational reform movement

(Biffle, 2010).

Chris Bifle (2013) created Whole Brain Teaching as a method of instruction

where students become engaged in the lessons allowing them to better understand the

material. The technique involves simple classroom rules, and a deliberate step-by-step

gradual release of information to the students, with gestures and movements

accompanying this release. It was designed for students of all ages, from kindergarten

through college. Whole Brain Teaching maximizes student engagement by focusing on

mimicry, which is a natural way for the brain to learn. This is coupled with an intense, in-

the-moment teaching method that compels constant attention from students.

Whole brain teaching is composed of seven core teaching techniques known as

the Big Seven. These are Class-Yes, Five Classroom Rules, Teach- Okay, Switch,

Scoreboard, Hands and Eyes, and Mirror. For example, when the teacher says “Class,”

students must instantly respond “Yes!” In many instances, students must also repeat

words exactly as the teacher says them (for example, if the teacher says “Class, Class!”

then students must respond “Yes, Yes!”). In another core element, teachers use a

scoreboard game with rewards, motivating students to pay attention so that they can win

points. All of the elements used in Whole Brain Teaching are designed to mitigate

inattentiveness and curb disciplinary disruptions, as students are required to respond out

loud to everything the teacher is doing and saying. The intention is to keep them attentive

and engaged—and to do so in a highly entertaining way.

Advocates of WBT believed that the use of these techniques in the classroom

improves students’ engagement, motivation, behavior and academic achievement. This

technique can be used to make the tedious, definition-based lessons more fun and

engaging for the students (Biffle 2013). The students are engaged and participating in the

lesson, teaching each other the required material. Cooperative learning helps to provide

the social support and scaffolding that many students need in order to fully understand

the material and move forward in their learning. Learning can be reached by encouraging

interactions between students when they are engaged in meaningful learning tasks


The WBT approach was comprised of seven teaching techniques that as a whole

aimed to: (a) increase student movement, (b) increase attention to task, (c) create a

positive emotional climate in the classroom, (d) provide opportunities for lots of

repetition, (e) facilitate emotional connectivity to academic tasks, (f) decrease fear of

participation, (g) create a positively charged environment, (h) provide novelty, (i)

facilitate positive structured peer interactions, (j) use formative assessment, (k) improve

academic achievement, (l) provide passive and active learning opportunities, and (m)

provide positive corrective feedback.

Through whole-brain teaching students are benefitted along motivation, student-

centered learning, and application of learning. Through gestures and following classroom

rules, students have many opportunities to experience success which leads to higher self-

efficacy. It is a student-centered learning by which students move at the pace that

students show they need. The teacher conducted reviews as many as needed, thereby

creating a classroom-learning environment for the students in which practice is the focus,

as opposed to performance or assessment. Assessment is only conducted after they have

had multiple chances to practice as individuals and in cooperative groups (Nellis, 2014).

The WBT classroom reportedly decreased fear (Biffle, 2010) through its

positively charged environment, which in turn improved attention to task and student

engagement, a key element in the learning process (Jensen, 2005).

Teachers in the WBT classroom were able to assess students during ‘Teach -

Okay’ as students turned to their partners to essentially teach, through gestures, what they

just learned. Teachers could assess individual students, without pointing them out, by

examining their non-verbal gestures or by listening to their verbalizations as they

performed the gestures. WBT classes are fast-paced. Students don't know when the Class-

yes, Teach-OK, Mirror, or Scoreboard Game activities will require them to engage

actively, so they constantly pay attention. Because of the ongoing nature of

the Scoreboard Game, students feel like everything they learn is part of a big game where

they earn prizes.

In his research, Clyde A. Winters (2001) concludes, “the brain learns best through

repetition, the emotionality of an experience influences retention, and plasticity of the

brain allows instructors the possibility to improve student memory, attention and learning

processes through mental exercises” Understanding of the workings of the brain in

learning can facilitate science teachers in designing learning model. The development of

science and technology has strong impact on the development of models, strategies, and

methods of learning. Brain -based learning is considered a new revolution in shaping

the paradigm of cooperation some knowledge from various fields such as

neuroscience, biology, and psychology. As a matter of fact, the increasing number of

learning activities undertaken by the students will make their synaptic nerves to be more

connected and will make them more complex in that kind of thinking. It is understood

that the nervous system is the basis for a person's ability to understand, adapt and

interact as well as receive, process, and then respond to information on the environment

(Corebima, 2017).

Chriestie Calhoun (2012) looked at the implications of brain based teaching,

strategies for determining the primary hemisphere preferred by learners, methods for

implementing brain based teaching, and research designs. Based on research findings on

Whole Brain Teaching Calhoun found that is indeed a way of learning that activates all

parts of the brain.

Saleh (2011) examined the impact of the Brain Based Teaching approach as

indicated by the principles developed by Caine and Caine (1991, 2003). Results of the

qualitative study found that students exposed to brain based teaching improved in their

scientific understanding of physics compared to students not exposed.

Akyurek and Afacan (2010) used the pre/post control group design to look into

the effects of BBL on students’ motivation and attitude towards science. One

experimental group was taught using BBL and two control groups were used in the study.

Each of the three groups had 19 students. The results of the study revealed that BBL

approach had a significant difference between the experimental and the control group in

favor of the experimental group. While, in the study by Saleh (2012), the author assessed

the effectiveness of brain-based teaching approach in enhancing students’ scientific

understanding of Newtonian Physics in the context of Form Four Physics Instruction.

They used the Brain-based learning principles developed by Caine and Caine (1990).

Saleh’s study revealed that the approach was effective in enhancing students’ scientific

understanding of Newtonian Physics as compared to the group that received conventional

teaching method.

Research indicates that teachers who are knowledgeable about brain based

strategies and who use their understanding of how the brain acquires information to teach

their students, are more likely to be able to help their students learn how to think

critically and make meaning of information (Hruby & Goswami, 2011; Jensen, 2009; and

Smith, 2007). In a study that sought to evaluate the impact of Whole Brain Teaching on

the behaviors of challenging students, nine types of student behaviors were evaluated

with fifth grade students. The results of this study indicated a 50% decrease in student

negative behaviors from the pre-observations to the post-observations after implementing

Whole Brain Teaching (Palasigue, 2009). These results support student engagement

theories that state that the more a student is engaged in the lesson, the less likely the

student will engage in disruptive behaviors (Scott, Hirn, & Alter, 2014).

In an action research conducted by Rika Astuti entitled “The Use of Whole Brain

Teaching Method to Improve the Students’ Writing Skill on Descriptive Text” the results

of research finding shows that Whole Brain Teaching Method can improve the students’

writing skill on descriptive text.

In a research conducted to find out the improvement of the students’ speaking

accuracy and speaking fluency through the use of Whole Brain Teaching (WBT) Method

at the first year students’ of SMP Negeri 1 Baraka, the result of this research indicated

that the improvement of the students’ speaking accuracy was 6.5 classified as good and

the improvement of the students’ speaking fluency was 6.9 classified as good. It could be

stated that the students’ speaking ability through the use of Whole Brain Teaching

(WBT) Method at the first year students’ of SMP Negeri 1 Baraka improved to a good

level after test in the second cycle.

In the study of Bawaneh, Zaid,

and Saleh (2011) entitled, “The
Effect of Hermann Whole Brain
Method on Students’
Understanding of Simple Electric

Circuits” tried to investigate the
effect of the method on
students’ understanding. The
authors tried to compare the
Hermann Whole Brain Teaching
Method (HWBTM)
and that of the conventional
teaching method on eighth graders
in their understanding of simple
electric circuits
in Jordan. The results showed that
the HWBTM was more successful
than the conventional teaching
method in
fostering students’ understanding
of simple electric circuits.
In the study of Bawaneh, Zaid,
and Saleh (2011) entitled, “The

Effect of Hermann Whole Brain
Method on Students’
Understanding of Simple Electric
Circuits” tried to investigate the
effect of the method on
students’ understanding. The
authors tried to compare the
Hermann Whole Brain Teaching
Method (HWBTM)
and that of the conventional
teaching method on eighth graders
in their understanding of simple
electric circuits
in Jordan. The results showed that
the HWBTM was more successful
than the conventional teaching
method in

fostering students’ understanding
of simple electric circuits.
In the study of Bawaneh, Zaid, and Saleh (2011) entitled, “The Effect of Hermann

Whole Brain Teaching Method on Students’ Understanding of Simple Electric Circuits”

tried to investigate the effect of the method on students’ understanding. The authors tried

to compare the Hermann Whole Brain Teaching Method (HWBTM) and that of the

conventional teaching method on eighth graders in their understanding of simple electric

circuits in Jordan. The results showed that the HWBTM was more successful than the

conventional teaching method in fostering students’ understanding of simple electric


According to educator, Nakia Nicholson, principal of the education-based non-

profit The Children’s Guild, the value of Whole Brain Teaching is that it continually

engages students’ brains and keeps them attentive. This way, students don’t have any

downtime to be disruptive or engage in activity that’s not related to what they’re

supposed to be learning.

These advantages offered by this strategy has been seen and thus considered by

the researcher as possible solution in improving the performance of the students. It is in

this context that the researcher conceived the idea of developing an action research on the

enhancing the student performance through whole-brain teaching.

In the light of this, the paper is conceived. This study investigates the effect of

whole-brain teaching in enhancing the academic achievement of students in Science

considering the learning approach they adopt in science.

Conceptual Framework

One important theory that supports the principles of Brain based learning is

Whole Brain Theory by William Ned Herman. He created a whole-brain model which is

metaphorically illustrated using a circle divided into four quadrants to classify the

learners according to their preferences for thinking and learning in the four quadrants.

This theory stresses the importance of utilizing the strengths and attending to essential

weaknesses in all learners by providing equal learning opportunities for different learners

(Sontellano, 2018).

This study was abstracted after an intensive review of the literature and studies.

The researcher anticipated that the whole-brain teaching in teaching science is effective

in improving the Achievement Test Scores of the students.

Enlightened by Hermann’s Whole brain theory, the researcher conceptualized a

paradigm patterned after the Input- Process- Output model to illustrate the relationships

of the variables and the research process of the study.


Difference between
 Administer pre- the Test Scores of
 Test scores before test examination Grade 7 Students in
the use of whole-  Use the whole- Science before and
brain teaching brain teaching after the use of
 Test scores after for six weeks whole-brain
the use of whole-  Administer teaching.
brain teaching
examination Effectiveness of the
 Test for the Whole-Brain
difference Teaching
between the pre-
test and posttest

Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of whole-brain teaching in

enhancing the science competencies of Grade 7 students of Baluyot National High School

during the School Year 2018-2019.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the achievement test scores in science of the experimental group and

the control group?

2. Is there a significant difference between the achievement test scores of the

experimental group and the control group in terms of pretest and posttest scores?

3. Is there a significant difference between the achievement test scores of the two

groups in terms of posttest scores?


The following hypotheses were tested in its null form at 0.05 level of significance:

1. There is no significant difference between the achievement test scores of the

experimental group and the control group in terms of pretest and posttest scores.

2. There is no significant difference between the achievement test scores of the

two groups in terms of posttest scores?

Significance of the Study

The result of this study is found to be significant to the following.

Administrators/School Heads. The findings of this study may help the

administrators as guide in the formulation of future modification of educational policies

and strategies toward a more effective delivery of learning. It will inspire school

administrators to provide the needed leadership in curriculum development and

enrichment that is needed to meet the needs of the students in this today’s rapidly

changing world.

Students. The students can be assisted and facilitated in their learning because the

contents materials are relevant and specific. Students can work at their own pace,

progressing according to his ability, needs and interests.

Parents. This project would reveal the importance of parents with sound

academic background and how it can affect their children academic performance

positively or negatively.  Thus, parents will be encouraged to focus on giving time and

attention to their children.

Teachers. The materials will be helpful in enriching their lessons on the

concerned learning competencies. This study will provide an effective and adequate

instructional strategy which is appropriate and innovative in teaching science.

Future Researchers. They may be able to use the result of the study in further

research similar to what the study is. This will persuade and serve as a stepping stone for

them to conduct further research activities to enhance teaching-learning process.

Chapter 2


Research Design

The quasi-experimental research design which compares two treatment groups

was utilized in this study. Specifically, pretest-posttest design with a control group.

A pretest posttest design is an experiment where measurements are taken both before and

after a treatment. The design means that the researcher is able to see the effects of some

type of treatment on a group. The researcher selected the use of pretest-posttest design

with a control group because the two treatment groups were naturally assembled groups

as intact classes. Moreover, in this design, which uses two groups, one group was given

the treatment and the results were gathered at the end. The control group received no

treatment, over the same period of time, but undergoes exactly the same tests. In addition,

this design would let the researcher be able to see the effectiveness of the use of whole

brain teaching to the achievement scores of the Grade 7 students and see the significant

difference between the achievement scores of the two groups in terms of posttest scores.

Matched-subject design was employed to increase the probability that the two groups are

equivalent. Fifteen (15) pairs of individuals in each group were selected as respondents

who were mechanically matched using their general weighted average in science 7 for the

first and second quarter. After the matching was completed, the choice of which group

will be the control and which will be the experimental was done randomly.

Sources of Data

The subjects of the study are the Grade 7 students of Baluyot National High

School. Baluyot National High School is categorized as small school and is located at

Baluyot, Bautista, Pangasinan. The members of the control group and the experimental

group are chosen using the stratified random sampling followed by simple random

sampling. Each group was made up of fifteen (15) students who were mechanically

matched using their general weighted average in science 7 for the first and second

quarter. The choice of which group will be the control and which will be the

experimental was done randomly.

Instrumentation and Data Collection

Pretest and posttest were used in measuring the academic performance of the

students. Pre and post testing is an assessment model designed to examine the change in

overall critical thinking skills or dispositions in a group of test takers. This were used in

order to determine the effectiveness of using whole brain teaching to the achievement

scores of students.

Before conducting the pre-test, the researcher constructed first a Table of

Specifications and a 50-item multiple choice type of test which include topics on light,

heat, electricity, and the Philippine environment. A Table of Specifications is a two-way

chart which describes the topics to be covered by a test and the number of items or points

which will be associated with each topic. The purpose of it is to identify the achievement

domains being measured and to ensure that a fair and representative sample of questions

appear on the test.

The researcher asked permission from the principal of the school through a letter

of request. Then, pretest was administered to both control and experimental groups. After

which, they underwent their respective treatments. The experimental group was taught

using the seven core teaching techniques of Whole brain teaching pedagogy. The control

group, on the other hand, was taught using conventional teaching techniques.

Conventional teaching, also known as traditional teaching, is a teacher-centered

instruction where the students passively receive the information from the teacher. After

all the topics have been discussed, posttest with the same questions as the pretest was


The test was submitted to the researcher’s adviser and the other science teachers

to evaluate its content validity. A questionnaire was formulated for such purpose. The test

then was improved based on the suggestions. It was further pretested to ten (10) Grade 7

students who were not the subjects of this study. The result was again the basis for item

analysis and for establishing its reliability. Item analysis is a process which examines

student responses to individual test items (questions) in order to assess the quality of those

items and of the test as a whole. Item analysis is especially valuable in improving items

which will be used again in later tests, but it can also be used to eliminate ambiguous or

misleading items in a single test administration.

Index of difficulty of each item was determined from the item analysis. Items with

difficulty indices within 0.20 and 0.80 and discrimination indices within 0.30 and 0.80

were retained.

The steps in determining the index of difficulty are as follows:

1. Score the test.

2. Arrange the papers from highest to lowest score.

3. Separate the top 27% and the bottom 27% of the cases.

4. Tally the numbers of cases from each group who got the item right for each all of

the items.

5. Convert the tallies frequencies into proportions.

6. Compute the difficulty index of each item using the formula:

Df = Pu + Pl

where Df = index of difficulty

Pu = Proportion of the upper 27% group who got the item right

Pl = Proportion of the lower 27% group who got the

item right

7. Compute the discrimination index of each item using the formula

Ds = Pu - Pl

As a result of the item analysis, the number of test items was trimmed down from

100 to 50 items. The researcher saw to it that the topics and skills tested were

proportionately and adequately represented.

To further establish the reliability of the instrument, the Split-half method was

employed (Zulueta, 2005). The formula is as follows:

rwt = 2 (rht ) rht = 6Σ D2

1 rht N3 – N

Where rwt = reliability of the whole test

rht = reliability of the half test

Tools for Data Analysis

To attain valid and reliable results from the data gathered, appropriate statistical

tools were used.

To treat the data in Problem 1 “What is the achievement test scores in science of

the experimental group and the control group?” the mean and standard deviation were


To treat the data in Problem 2 “Is there a significant difference between the

achievement test scores of the experimental and the control group in terms of pretest and

posttest scores?” paired-samples T Test was used with a level of significance set at 0.05


To treat the data in Problem 3 “Is there a significant difference between the

achievement test scores of the two groups in terms of posttest scores?” independent-

samples T Test was used. Level of significance was set at 0.05 alpha which is a liberal

estimate for educational researches.

Chapter 3


Achievement Test Scores of Students

Table 3.1 and 3.2 presents the pre-test and posttest scores of both the control and

experimental group of students. Mean score in the pretest and posttest were determined as

well as the standard deviation.

Table 3.1. Achievement Test Scores of Control Group

Pre-Test Score Post-Test Score Difference
1 23 38 15
2 19 34 15
3 23 33 10
4 19 32 13
5 27 38 11
6 22 36 14
7 12 35 23
8 12 34 22
9 15 34 19
10 16 33 17
11 16 35 19
12 18 36 18
13 18 34 16
14 19 35 16
15 16 36 20
MEAN 18.33 34.87  
STD. DEV. 4.15 1.73  

Table 3.2. Achievement Test Scores of Control Group

Pre-Test Score Post-Test Score Difference

1 22 39 17
2 23 37 14
3 22 36 14
4 23 38 15
5 11 38 27
6 25 42 17
7 22 42 20
8 25 43 18
9 12 45 33
10 22 46 24
11 22 43 21
12 21 43 22
13 19 29 10
14 18 30 8
15 15 27 12
MEAN 20.13 38.53  
STD. DEV. 4.34 5.90  

Table 3.3. Pre-test and Post-test Mean, and Gain Score of Control Group and

Experimental Group

Pre-test Post-test Gain
Mean Mean Score
Control 18.33 34.87 16.54 4.15
Experimental 20.13 38.53 18.40 4.34


As shown in Table 3.1 and 3.2, the control group had a pre-test group mean 18.33

attesting that they performed lower than the 75 percent performance target which is 37.50

(75% of 50). It can be seen in the obtained standard deviation of 4.15 implies that the

group performed 4.15 below and above the mean. As shown in the table, the control

group have poor achievement scores.

Meanwhile, the experimental group obtained a mean of 20.13 in the pre-test,

which, like the control group is below the 75 percent performance target. The standard

deviation of 4.34 would also suggest that the group is heterogeneous in nature.

From these results, both groups of students performed poorly. It thus warrants that

their low performance level should be given attention by the teacher through the

intervention. This result implies that at the start of the study, the prior knowledge of the

two groups are more or less comparable.


As shown in Table 3.3, the control group taught using conventional way had a

group mean of 34.87 attesting that they performed lower than the 75 percent performance

target which is 37.50 (75% of 50).

In the same table, it is also shown that there is a difference between the pretest

and posttest mean scores of the control group. The group posted a gain score of 16.54


A much higher mean was obtained among the experimental group. The

computation result indicated that there is a significant increase in the gain scores obtained

by the group which is equivalent to 18.40 points from the 20.13 and 38.53 mean scores of

the posttest and pretest, respectively.

Based on the result of the students’ pre-test and post-test mean score and t-test

result in Table 3.3, the proposed strategy notably affect the performance of the students

as they scored better in the post-test after exposure to the whole-brain teaching.

Achievement Test Scores of the Control Group

5 26
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Figure 2. Achievement Test Scores of the Control Group

Figure 2 presents the achievement Test Scores of the students under the control

group. It can be gleamed from the table that although students were taught through

conventional method, students were still able to demonstrate improvement in their

achievement scores.

Achievement Test Scores of the Experimental Group

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Figure 3. Achievement Test Scores of the Experimental Group

Figure 3 presents the achievement test scores of the students under the

experimental group. It can easily be observed from the figure that students demonstrated

higher performance in their posttest scores. Further, students’ performance is greater than

the control group in terms of their posttest scores.

Significant Difference Between the Pre-test Mean Scores of the Two Groups

Table 3.4 presents the result of the T-Test of the pre-test mean scores of the

control and experimental group.

Table 3.4. Result of The T-Test of the Pre-Test Mean Scores of the Two Groups

Mean Mean Df t-value Sig.

Experimental 20.13 1.40 28 1.16 .256
Control Group 18.33

The above table reveals the result of the test of difference on the pre-test scores of

the two groups. The mean difference between the experimental group and control group

is 1.40. The computed t-value is 1.16 and the p-value is 0.256. Since the computed p-

value is higher than the level of significance set in the study (p <0.05), this means that

there is no significant difference between the achievement test scores of the two groups in

terms of pre-test scores. This result implies that the prior knowledge of the two groups at

the start of the study are more or less comparable.

Significant Difference Between Pre-test and Posttest Mean of the Two Groups

Table 3.5 presents the result of the T-Test of the pre-test and posttest mean scores

of the control and experimental group.

Table 3.5. T-Test of the Pre-test and Post-test Mean of the Two Groups

  Gain Score t value p value Remarks
Control 16.54 17.13 0.00 Significant
Experimental 18.40 11.40 0.00 Significant
The table above presents the test of difference on the performance of the

experimental group and the control group in the pretest and posttest. The computed t-

value between pre-test and post-test mean of control group is 17.13 and having a p-value

of 0.00. Since the computed p-value is lower than the level of significance set in the study

(p <0.05), the null hypothesis which states that there is no significant difference between

the achievement test scores of the control group in terms of pre-test and posttest scores

shall be rejected. Hence, there is significant difference between the achievement test

scores of the two groups in terms of posttest scores.

However, in the experimental group, the t-test for paired samples results to a t-

value of 11.40 and a p-value of 0.00. This means that the difference between the posttest

and pretest of the experimental group is also significant.

With this result, it can be said that both strategies were found to be effective in

improving the performance of the students.

Significant Difference Between the Posttest Mean Scores of the Two Groups

Table 3.6 presents the result of the T-Test of the post-test mean scores of the

control and experimental group.

Table 3.6. Result of the T-Test of the Post-Test Mean Scores of the Two Groups

Mean Mean df t-value Sig.


Experimental 38.53 3.67 28 2.31 .029

Control Group 34.87

The above table reveals the result of the test of difference on the posttest scores of

the two groups. The computed t-value is 2.31 and the p-value is 0.029. Since the

computed p-value is lower than the level of significance set in the study (p <0.05), this

means that there is significant difference between the achievement test scores of the two

groups in terms of posttest scores and the null hypothesis stating that there is no

significant difference between the achievement test scores of the two groups in terms of

posttest scores is rejected. The table also shows that students taught using whole-brain

teaching performed better than students taught in conventional way considering that the

mean scores of experimental group of 38.53 is greater by 3.67 compared to the mean

scores of the control group of only 34.87. Thus, teaching students through whole-brain

teaching is better than teaching them in conventional manner.

Educators have been in continuous effort to search for more effective ways to

come up with enhanced pupils’ academic performance. Various teaching strategies have

been developed in order to improve the performance of pupils. Likewise, a competent

teacher is knowledgeable in improving his pupils’ performance through the use of

different teaching strategies.

Looking at the results of this study, it can therefore be said that the whole-brain

teaching was effective in enriching the mastery of student. On the basis of these findings,

whole-brain teaching offered an innovative and appropriate intervention which further

improves the performance of the students.

Chapter 4


Summary of Findings

This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of whole-brain teaching in

enhancing the science competencies of Grade 7 students of Baluyot National High School

during the School Year 2018-2019.

The study focused on the aspects of achievement test scores of the Grade 7

students in Science using conventional way of teaching, achievement test scores of the

Grade 7 students in Science taught using whole-brain teaching, and extent to which the

Achievement test scores of the treatment group and the control group differ.

The quasi-experimental research design which compares two treatment groups

was utilized in this study. Specifically, pretest-posttest design with a control group. The

researcher selected the use of pretest-posttest design with a control group in order to see

the effectiveness of using whole-brain teaching in enhancing the science competencies of

Grade 7 students.

Two comparable groups comprising of 15 students each were the subjects of the

study. They were randomly assigned to the experimental group (with whole-brain

teaching) and the control group (using conventional way of teaching).

Pretest and posttest were used in measuring the academic performance of the

students. This were used in order to determine the effectiveness of using whole brain

teaching to the achievement scores of students.

A 50-item valid and reliable test was constructed by the researcher to measure the

achievement of the subjects after undergoing the experiment.

The researcher asked permission from the principal of the school through a letter

of request. Then, pretest was administered to both control and experimental groups. After

which, they underwent their respective treatments. The experimental group was taught

using the seven core teaching techniques of Whole brain teaching pedagogy. The control

group, on the other hand, was taught using conventional teaching techniques.

Conventional teaching, also known as traditional teaching, is a teacher-centered

instruction where the students passively receive the information from the teacher. After

all the topics have been discussed, posttest with the same questions as the pretest was


The students taught using whole-brain teaching has a mean of 38.27 which

exceeded the 75 percent performance target which is 37.5 (75% of 50). However, the

group mean of the students taught using conventional way of teaching which is 34.87

does not exceed the 75 percent performance target which is 37.5 (75% of 50). Students

taught using whole-brain teaching performed better than students taught in conventional

way considering that the mean scores of experimental group of 38.53 is greater by 3.67

compared to the mean scores of the control group of only 34.87. Thus, teaching students

through whole-brain teaching is better than teaching them in conventional manner.

The null hypothesis stating that there is no significant difference between the

achievement test scores of the experimental group and the control group in terms of pre-

test and posttest scores was rejected since the computed t(14) = 17.13 in control group

has a p-value is 0.00 which is less than 0.05 the level of significance set in the study (p

<0.05). Furthermore the computed t(14) = 11.14 in experimental group has a p-value is

0.00 which is also less than 0.05 the level of significance set in the study (p <0.05). This

means that there is significant difference between the achievement test scores of the

experimental group and the control group in terms of pre-test and posttest scores.

Regarding the test of difference between the achievement test scores of the two groups in

terms of posttest scores, the null hypothesis was rejected since the computed t(28) = 2.31

has a p-value is 0.029 which is less than 0.05 the level of significance set in the study (p

<0.05). This means that there is significant difference between the achievement test

scores of the two groups in terms of posttest scores.


Based on the findings regarding the effect of whole-brain teaching on the

achievement of students in Science, the following conclusions were drawn. The

experimental group taught using whole-brain teaching did better in the achievement test

than the control group taught using conventional way of teaching as mean scores of

experimental group is 3.67 higher than the mean scores of the control group. There is a

significant difference between the achievement test scores of the experimental group and

the control group in terms of pre-test and posttest scores since the computed p value is

0.00. Furthermore, there is also a significant difference between the achievement test

scores of the two groups in terms of posttest scores since the computed t-value=2.31 has a

p-value=0.029 which is less than .05 level of alpha. Under the circumstances of the study,

the use of whole brain teaching is better than teaching not using it. Whole brain teaching

is effective in enhancing the science competencies of the Grade 7 Students.


With the findings and conclusions drawn as bases, the following

recommendations are offered.

1. The use of whole-brain teaching in teaching science should be encouraged. Thus,

with the use of whole-brain teaching students don’t have any downtime to be

disruptive or engage in activity that’s not related to what they’re supposed to be

learning since it continually engages students’ brains and keeps them attentive.

2. Science teachers should constantly have motivated to provide quality instruction to

his students through selecting appropriate teaching aids, approaches and strategies

for his learners.

3. The school administrators should provide faculty development seminars that would

venture on the discovery of an innovative and effective teaching pedagogy like

Whole brain teaching that could enhance teaching and learning and help the school

in achieving its vision, mission, goals and objectives.

4. The study was carried out for one quarter. Therefore, the longitudinal impact of

WBT on students’ academic performance must be examined. Since the students will

be exposed to WBT techniques for a longer timeframe, they will have a better

understanding of which techniques help them learn and which ones are effective in

improving learning.

5. Further studies should be conducted to find out other areas aside from Science and

Technology which can be taught using whole-brain teaching.



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Appendix A

Letter to the Principal to Conduct a Study

November 6, 2018


Principal III
Baluyot National High School
Baluyot, Bautista, Pangasinan


Warmest greetings!

The undersigned is undertaking a study entitled, “ENHANCING SCIENCE

SCHOOL VIA WHOLE-BRAIN TEACHING” in partial fulfillment of the degree of
Master in Education- Major in Educational Leadership at Colegio de Dagupan, Dagupan
City, Pangasinan.

In this regard, the researcher earnestly solicits your permission to conduct a study
to the Grade 7 Students in connection to his action research.

Your kind and favorable consideration of this request will be appreciated.

Respectfully yours,





Principal III

Appendix B

Pre-test Questions

Baluyot National High School

Bautista, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2018-2019


Name: _________________________________ Date: ___________ Score: _________

Grade and Section: _________________________ Teacher:

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the letter of your answer on the space provided
before each number.

______1. What are natural resources? A

a) These are materials or elements from the environment that people did
not create.
b) These are materials or elements from the environment that people
invented for themselves.
c) These are materials or elements from the environment that people use
to meet their needs.
d) These are materials or elements from the environment that people
observe using a scientific equipment.
______ 2. Soil comes from rocks and materials from dead plants and animals. It takes
thousands of years for soil to form. What kind of resources is the soil? B
a) renewable c) man made
b) nonrenewable d) recyclable
______ 3. Which of the following is TRUE about lines of latitude? C
a) Lines of latitude meet at the poles.
b) Lines of latitude have the same length.
c) Lines of latitude are parallel to the equator and to each other.
d) None of the above
______ 4. Which body of water is located to the West of the Philippines? A
a) South China Sea c) Pacific Ocean
b) Indian Ocean d) Philippine Sea
______ 5. Which body of water is located to the East of the Philippines? C
a) South China Sea c) Pacific Ocean
b) Indian Ocean d) all of the choices

For item numbers 6-7. The illustration on the right shows a man
and a woman making a noodle soup using a pan made of metal.
______ 6. How does heat travel through the pan? Heat travels through
the pan by ____________. D
a) radiation c) convection
b) dispersion d) conduction
______7. How does heat travel through the soup? Heat travels through the soup by
____________. C
a) radiation c) convection
b) dispersion d) conduction
______ 8. Refer to the setup below. Which of the figures correctly illustrates the path of
light through the bent pipe?B

______ 9. What is the starting point for longitude? A

a) Prime Meridian c) North Pole
b) Equator d) South Pole
______ 10. What is the name of latitude 90 N? B
a) Tropic of Cancer c) South Pole
b) North Pole d) Tropic of Capricorn
______ 11. What is the name of latitude 900 S? A
a) Tropic of Cancer c) South Pole
b) North Pole d) Tropic of Capricorn
______ 12. Which of the following uses the heat from the Earth to generate electricity?B
a) Nuclear Power Plant c) Windmill
b) Geothermal Power Plant d) Hydroelectric Power Plant
______ 13. Which electromagnetic wave is used in a microscope? A
a) visible light c) infrared radiation
b) ultraviolet light d) gamma rays
______ 14. When red light is compared with violet light ___________________ in a
vacuum. A
a) both travel at the same speed c) both have the same wavelength
b) both have the same frequency d) red light travels faster than violet
______ 15. Which of the following is TRUE about light waves? D
a) Light waves cannot travel in a vacuum.
b) Light waves bend even when travelling in a uniform medium.
c) Light waves have longer wavelength than radio waves.
d) Light waves travel in a straight line.
______ 16. Which of the following is used in making electrical wires? A
a) copper c) aluminum
b) iron d) nickel

______ 17. Which of the following takes place due to the vibrating and colliding of
particles of objects that are in contact? A
a) conduction c) radiation
b) convection d) dispersion
______ 18. What do you call the objects that conduct heat poorly like wood, rubber, and
paper? C
a) metalloids c) insulators
b) conductors d) renewable
_______19. Which of the following is a proof that light travels in a straight line? A
a) formation of shadows c) formation of rainbows
b) formation of clouds d) formation of colors
______ 20. Which of the following is NOT an artificial source of light? A
a) sun b) bulb c) candle d) moon
______ 21. Which color registers the highest frequency? B
a) blue b) violet c) green d) red
______ 22. Which refers to an energy required to operate appliances, gadgets, and
machines? A
a) electricity b) radiation c) charge d) fuel
______ 23. What force exists between two positive charged bodies? B
a) force of gravity c) force of attraction
b) force of repulsion d) force of inertia
______ 24. What do you call the charging by contact between the neutral body and
charging body? C
a) charging by friction c) charging by conduction
b) charging by induction d) charging by contact
______ 25. What is the resulting color of combined red and green lights? A
a) yellow b) black c) white d) cyan
______26. When you touch a piece of ice with your finger, energy flows
_________________. A
a) from your finger to the ice.
b) from the ice to the finger
c) both ways
d) energy does not flow
______ 27. Which of the following is the raw material for making plastics? A
a) petroleum b) coal c) fossil fuels d) gum
______ 28. Which method of heat transfer is shown by the picture below? A
a) conduction
b) convection
c) radiation
d) dispersion

______ 29. Which method of heat transfer is shown by the picture below? C
a) conduction
b) convection
c) radiation
d) dispersion

______ 30. Which method of heat transfer is shown by the picture below? B
a) conduction
b) convection
c) radiation
d) dispersion

______ 31. Which of the following is NOT an insulator? C

a) rubber b) hair c) copper d) wood

For nos. 32 – 33, study the table below

Materials Number of Protons Number of electrons
(+) (-)
W 35 33
X 22 26
Y 15 15
______ 32. Which material is positively charged? A
a) W b) X c) Y d) all of the above
______ 33. Which material could attract a positively charged Z? B
a) W b) X c) Y d) W & X
______ 34. Your classmate is electrocuted accidentally. Where would you NOT grab her
so you could save her without you being electrocuted too? B
a) by the hair b) by her cotton jacket
b) by her metal bangles c) by her rubber shoes
______ 35. Which of the following uses heat from the ground to generate electricity? B
a) Nuclear Power Plant c) Hydrothermal Power Plant
b) Geothermal Power Plant d) Hydroelectric Power Plant
______ 36. Two unlike charges __________________. A
a) attract each other c) neutralize each other
b) repel each other d) have no effect on each other
______ 37. If you rub Object A with object B and Object A becomes negatively charged,
then Object B has become _____________. A
a) positively charged c) uncharged
b) negatively charged d) either positive or negative
______ 38. Is it possible to charge an electrical insulator? A
a) Yes, because electrons can be transferred between insulators through
b) Yes, because they can also conduct electricity
c) No, because they hinder charges from passing through them.
d) No, because insulators have no free charges in them.
______ 39. Which of the following is the main material for steel bars used in buildings
and road construction? C
a) nickel b) tin c) iron d) aluminum
______ 40. Which of the following is the material for milk cans and other preserved
food products? B
a) nickel b) tin c) iron d) aluminum

______ 41. Which is mixed with copper or other metals to form stainless cooking wares?
a) gold b) nickel c) aluminum d) iron
______ 42. Which of the following uses water to generate electricity? D
a) Nuclear Power Plant c) Solar Power Plant
b) Geothermal Power Plant d) Hydroelectric Power Plant
______ 43. What do you call a resource that people can use again and again but its supply
can be replaced? A
a) renewable c) reliable
b) nonrenewable d) recyclable
______44. What two factors have the greatest influence on soil formation? A
a) temperature and rainfall c) slope of the land and rainfall
b) reforestation and fertilizers d) temperature and fertilizers
______ 45. You see pieces of cardboard, empty softdrink cans, and a broken wooden
chair dumped in a vacant lot. What materials are being wasted in the dumpsites?
a) paper b) metals c) wood d) all of these
______ 46. Which of the following is a metallic mineral? A
a) iron b) clay c) sand d) rock
______ 47. Which of the following is a renewable resource? D
a) crude oil b) soil c) fossil fuel d) water
______48. Why are coal, petroleum, and natural gas considered nonrenewable resources
if they were produced from plant and animal remains? A
a) It takes a very long time to produce them.
b) Using them results in environmental problems.
c) They are difficult to locate and explore from Earth.
d) The Philippines is dependent on supply from other countries.
______49. To locate exact places on the Earth, one must look at D
a) the lines of latitude only.
b) the lines of longitude only.
c) a neighboring area to describe the location.
d) the intersecting lines of latitude and longitude.
______50. Which is the best example of physical weathering? D
a) the rusting of an iron nail.
b) the chemical reaction of limestone with acid rain.
c) the formation of sandbar along the side of a stream.
d) the cracking of rock caused by the freezing and thawing of water.

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher

Checked by: Approved:


MANGISEL Head Teacher III Principal

Appendix C

Posttest Questions

Baluyot National High School

Bautista, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2018-2019

Third Quarter Examination


Name: _________________________________ Date: ___________ Score: _________

Grade and Section: _________________________ Teacher:

II. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the letter of your answer on the space provided
before each number.

______1. What are natural resources? A

a) These are materials or elements from the environment that people did
not create.
b) These are materials or elements from the environment that people
invented for themselves.
c) These are materials or elements from the environment that people use
to meet their needs.
d) These are materials or elements from the environment that people
observe using a scientific equipment.
______ 2. Soil comes from rocks and materials from dead plants and animals. It takes
thousands of years for soil to form. What kind of resources is the soil? B
a) renewable c) man made
b) nonrenewable d) recyclable
______ 3. Which of the following is TRUE about lines of latitude? C
a) Lines of latitude meet at the poles.
b) Lines of latitude have the same length.
c) Lines of latitude are parallel to the equator and to each other.
d) None of the above
______ 4. Which body of water is located to the West of the Philippines? A
a) South China Sea c) Pacific Ocean
b) Indian Ocean d) Philippine Sea
______ 5. Which body of water is located to the East of the Philippines? C
a) South China Sea c) Pacific Ocean
b) Indian Ocean d) all of the choices

For item numbers 6-7. The illustration on the right shows a man
and a woman making a noodle soup using a pan made of metal.
______ 6. How does heat travel through the pan? Heat travels through
the pan by ____________. D
a) radiation c) convection
b) dispersion d) conduction
______7. How does heat travel through the soup? Heat travels through the soup by
____________. C
a) radiation c) convection
b) dispersion d) conduction
______ 8. Refer to the setup below. Which of the figures correctly illustrates the path of
light through the bent pipe?B

______ 9. What is the starting point for longitude? A

a) Prime Meridian c) North Pole
b) Equator d) South Pole
______ 10. What is the name of latitude 90 N? B
a) Tropic of Cancer c) South Pole
b) North Pole d) Tropic of Capricorn
______ 11. What is the name of latitude 900 S? A
a) Tropic of Cancer c) South Pole
b) North Pole d) Tropic of Capricorn
______ 12. Which of the following uses the heat from the Earth to generate electricity?B
a) Nuclear Power Plant c) Windmill
b) Geothermal Power Plant d) Hydroelectric Power Plant
______ 13. Which electromagnetic wave is used in a microscope? A
a) visible light c) infrared radiation
b) ultraviolet light d) gamma rays
______ 14. When red light is compared with violet light ___________________ in a
vacuum. A
a) both travel at the same speed c) both have the same wavelength
b) both have the same frequency d) red light travels faster than violet
______ 15. Which of the following is TRUE about light waves? D
a) Light waves cannot travel in a vacuum.
b) Light waves bend even when travelling in a uniform medium.
c) Light waves have longer wavelength than radio waves.
d) Light waves travel in a straight line.
______ 16. Which of the following is used in making electrical wires? A
a) copper c) aluminum
b) iron d) nickel

______ 17. Which of the following takes place due to the vibrating and colliding of
particles of objects that are in contact? A
a) conduction c) radiation
b) convection d) dispersion
______ 18. What do you call the objects that conduct heat poorly like wood, rubber, and
paper? C
a) metalloids c) insulators
b) conductors d) renewable
_______19. Which of the following is a proof that light travels in a straight line? A
a) formation of shadows c) formation of rainbows
b) formation of clouds d) formation of colors
______ 20. Which of the following is NOT an artificial source of light? A
a) sun b) bulb c) candle d) moon
______ 21. Which color registers the highest frequency? B
a) blue b) violet c) green d) red
______ 22. Which refers to an energy required to operate appliances, gadgets, and
machines? A
a) electricity b) radiation c) charge d) fuel
______ 23. What force exists between two positive charged bodies? B
a) force of gravity c) force of attraction
b) force of repulsion d) force of inertia
______ 24. What do you call the charging by contact between the neutral body and
charging body? C
a) charging by friction c) charging by conduction
b) charging by induction d) charging by contact
______ 25. What is the resulting color of combined red and green lights? A
a) yellow b) black c) white d) cyan
______26. When you touch a piece of ice with your finger, energy flows
_________________. A
a) from your finger to the ice.
b) from the ice to the finger
c) both ways
d) energy does not flow
______ 27. Which of the following is the raw material for making plastics? A
a) petroleum b) coal c) fossil fuels d) gum
______ 28. Which method of heat transfer is shown by the picture below? A
a) conduction
b) convection
c) radiation
d) dispersion

______ 29. Which method of heat transfer is shown by the picture below? C
a) conduction
b) convection
c) radiation
d) dispersion

______ 30. Which method of heat transfer is shown by the picture below? B
a) conduction
b) convection
c) radiation
d) dispersion

______ 31. Which of the following is NOT an insulator? C

a) rubber b) hair c) copper d) wood

For nos. 32 – 33, study the table below

Materials Number of Protons Number of electrons
(+) (-)
W 35 33
X 22 26
Y 15 15
______ 32. Which material is positively charged? A
a) W b) X c) Y d) all of the above
______ 33. Which material could attract a positively charged Z? B
a) W b) X c) Y d) W & X
______ 34. Your classmate is electrocuted accidentally. Where would you NOT grab her
so you could save her without you being electrocuted too? B
a) by the hair b) by her cotton jacket
b) by her metal bangles c) by her rubber shoes
______ 35. Which of the following uses heat from the ground to generate electricity? B
a) Nuclear Power Plant c) Hydrothermal Power Plant
b) Geothermal Power Plant d) Hydroelectric Power Plant
______ 36. Two unlike charges __________________. A
a) attract each other c) neutralize each other
b) repel each other d) have no effect on each other
______ 37. If you rub Object A with object B and Object A becomes negatively charged,
then Object B has become _____________. A
a) positively charged c) uncharged
b) negatively charged d) either positive or negative
______ 38. Is it possible to charge an electrical insulator? A
a) Yes, because electrons can be transferred between insulators through
b) Yes, because they can also conduct electricity
c) No, because they hinder charges from passing through them.
d) No, because insulators have no free charges in them.
______ 39. Which of the following is the main material for steel bars used in buildings
and road construction? C
a) nickel b) tin c) iron d) aluminum
______ 40. Which of the following is the material for milk cans and other preserved
food products? B
a) nickel b) tin c) iron d) aluminum

______ 41. Which is mixed with copper or other metals to form stainless cooking wares?
a) gold b) nickel c) aluminum d) iron
______ 42. Which of the following uses water to generate electricity? D
a) Nuclear Power Plant c) Solar Power Plant
b) Geothermal Power Plant d) Hydroelectric Power Plant
______ 43. What do you call a resource that people can use again and again but its supply
can be replaced? A
a) renewable c) reliable
b) nonrenewable d) recyclable
______44. What two factors have the greatest influence on soil formation? A
a) temperature and rainfall c) slope of the land and rainfall
b) reforestation and fertilizers d) temperature and fertilizers
______ 45. You see pieces of cardboard, empty softdrink cans, and a broken wooden
chair dumped in a vacant lot. What materials are being wasted in the dumpsites?
a) paper b) metals c) wood d) all of these
______ 46. Which of the following is a metallic mineral? A
a) iron b) clay c) sand d) rock
______ 47. Which of the following is a renewable resource? D
a) crude oil b) soil c) fossil fuel d) water
______48. Why are coal, petroleum, and natural gas considered nonrenewable resources
if they were produced from plant and animal remains? A
a) It takes a very long time to produce them.
b) Using them results in environmental problems.
c) They are difficult to locate and explore from Earth.
d) The Philippines is dependent on supply from other countries.
______49. To locate exact places on the Earth, one must look at D
a) the lines of latitude only.
b) the lines of longitude only.
c) a neighboring area to describe the location.
d) the intersecting lines of latitude and longitude.
______50. Which is the best example of physical weathering? D
a) the rusting of an iron nail.
b) the chemical reaction of limestone with acid rain.
c) the formation of sandbar along the side of a stream.
d) the cracking of rock caused by the freezing and thawing of water.

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher

Checked by: Approved:


MANGISEL Head Teacher III Principal

Appendix D

Table of Specifications

TOPIC Learning Competencies Time DOMAINS Total Number

Spent of Items
Frequ Remem Unde App Ana Evalu Cre Actua Adjus
ency bering rstand lyin lyzi ating atin l ted
ing g ng g

LIGHT Relate characteristics 4 13,25 20,21 14       5.26 5

of light such as color
and intensity to
frequency and

Infer that light travels 2       15 8,19   2.63 3

in a straight line

HEAT Infer the conditions 6 17,18   6,7 26,2     7.89 8

necessary for heat 8,29
transfer to occur ,30

ELECT Describe the different 7 22,34,3 23,31   32,3 38 34 9.21 9

RICIT types of charging 6 3
Y processes

THE Demonstrate how 5 9,10,11 3,50   37     6.58 7-1 =

PHILIP places on Earth may be 6
PINE located using a
ENVIR coordinate system
NT Describe the location 2 4,5     49     2.63 3
of the Philippines with
respect to the
continents and oceans
of the world

Recognize that soil, 4 1,27,44 2,7         5.26 5

water, rocks, coal, and
other fossil fuels are
Earth materials that
people use as resources

Describe ways of using 8 12,16,3 42 46,4   45,48   10.53 11

Earth's resources 5,39,40 7
sustainably ,41,43
TOTAL                 50.00 50

  38 22 9 5 9 5 1 50

Appendix E

Pre-test and Posttest Results

Student SCORE
Number Pre-Test Post-Test
1 23 38 15
2 19 34 15
3 23 33 10
4 19 32 13
5 27 38 11
6 22 36 14
7 12 35 23
8 12 34 22
9 15 34 19
10 16 33 17
11 16 35 19
12 18 36 18
13 18 34 16
14 19 35 16
15 16 36 20
MEAN 18.33 34.87  
DEV. 4.15 1.73  

Student SCORE
Number Pre-Test Post-Test
1 22 39 17
2 23 37 14
3 22 36 14
4 23 38 15
5 11 38 27
6 25 42 17
7 22 42 20
8 25 43 18
9 12 45 33
10 22 46 24
11 22 43 21
12 21 43 22
13 19 29 10

14 18 30 8
15 15 27 12
MEAN 20.13 38.53  
DEV. 4.34 5.90  

Appendix F

Computation of the Reliability Coefficient of the

Teacher-Made Achievement Test Using the
Split-half Method

Scores Ranks Differences

Student No.
S1 S2 R1 R2 D1 D2
1 23 13 3.5 15 11.5 132.25
2 17 18 13.5 10 3.5 12.25
3 21 17 7.5 12 4.5 20.25
4 23 20 3.5 6.5 3 9
5 17 15 13.5 14 0.5 0.25
6 16 19 15 8.5 6.5 42.25
7 20 17 9.5 12 2.5 6.25
8 22 21 5.5 4.5 1 1
9 19 21 11.5 4.5 7 49
10 19 19 11.5 8.5 3 9
11 22 25 5.5 1 4.5 20.25
12 20 20 9.5 6.5 3 9
13 25 23 1.5 2.5 1 1
14 21 17 7.5 12 4.5 20.25
15 25 23 1.5 2.5 1 1
Total           333

S1 = Scores in the Odd Test Items
S2 = Scores in the Even Test Items
R1 = Rank in the Odd Test Items
R2 = Rank in the Even Test Items
D1 = Differences between the ranks
D2 = Square of the differences between the ranks

rht = 6Σ D2
N3 – N rwt = 2 (rht )
1 + rht
= 6 (333) = 2 (0.595)
3375-15 1 + 0.595
= 1.19
= 1998 1.595
3360 = 0.75 High Relationship
= 0.595

Where rwt = reliability of the whole test

rht = reliability of the half test

Appendix G


Df Ds
Upper 27% Lower 27% Pu + Pl Decision
No. Pu − Pl
1 13 1.00 7 0.54 0.77 0.46 Good
2 12 0.92 6 0.46 0.69 0.46 Good
3 10 0.77 3 0.23 0.50 0.54 Good
4 11 0.85 4 0.31 0.58 0.54 Good
5 11 0.85 4 0.31 0.58 0.54 Good
6 10 0.77 3 0.23 0.50 0.54 Good
7 11 0.85 2 0.15 0.50 0.69 Good
8 12 0.92 3 0.23 0.58 0.69 Good
9 12 0.92 5 0.38 0.65 0.54 Good
10 13 1.00 7 0.54 0.77 0.46 Good
11 12 0.92 6 0.46 0.69 0.46 Good
12 10 0.77 4 0.31 0.54 0.46 Good
13 10 0.77 3 0.23 0.50 0.54 Good
14 9 0.69 2 0.15 0.42 0.54 Good
15 8 0.62 2 0.15 0.38 0.46 Good
16 11 0.85 4 0.31 0.58 0.54 Good
17 9 0.69 3 0.23 0.46 0.46 Good
18 10 0.77 2 0.15 0.46 0.62 Good
19 9 0.69 3 0.23 0.46 0.46 Good
20 13 1.00 7 0.54 0.77 0.46 Good
21 12 0.92 7 0.54 0.73 0.38 Good
22 13 1.00 6 0.46 0.73 0.54 Good
23 12 0.92 2 0.15 0.54 0.77 Good
24 12 0.92 4 0.31 0.62 0.62 Good
25 8 0.62 1 0.08 0.35 0.54 Good
26 11 0.85 2 0.15 0.50 0.69 Good
27 10 0.77 2 0.15 0.46 0.62 Good
28 12 0.92 6 0.46 0.69 0.46 Good
29 13 1.00 6 0.46 0.73 0.54 Good
30 12 0.92 4 0.31 0.62 0.62 Good
31 12 0.92 2 0.15 0.54 0.77 Good
32 11 0.85 2 0.15 0.50 0.69 Good
33 9 0.69 2 0.15 0.42 0.54 Good
34 8 0.62 2 0.15 0.38 0.46 Good
35 10 0.77 3 0.23 0.50 0.54 Good
36 11 0.85 3 0.23 0.54 0.62 Good
37 9 0.69 2 0.15 0.42 0.54 Good
38 8 0.62 2 0.15 0.38 0.46 Good
39 10 0.77 5 0.38 0.58 0.38 Good
40 13 1.00 7 0.54 0.77 0.46 Good

41 10 0.77 3 0.23 0.50 0.54 Good
42 9 0.69 4 0.31 0.50 0.38 Good
43 10 0.77 4 0.31 0.54 0.46 Good
44 8 0.62 3 0.23 0.42 0.38 Good
45 11 0.85 7 0.54 0.69 0.31 Good
46 10 0.77 3 0.23 0.50 0.54 Good
47 11 0.85 3 0.23 0.54 0.62 Good
48 9 0.69 3 0.23 0.46 0.46 Good
49 8 0.62 2 0.15 0.38 0.46 Good
50 8 0.62 2 0.15 0.38 0.46 Good

Appendix H


Control Group while answering the Pre-test

Experimental Group while answering the Pre-test

The researcher used whole-brain teaching to
enhance science competencies of Grade 7
students of Baluyot National High School

Control Group while answering the Posttest

Experimental Group while answering the Posttest

Appendix I


It is understood that the quality and effectiveness of classroom instruction are

imperative to lessen problems associated to teaching and learning science.

The consistently low students’ performance in their quarterly examinations urges

me to make an action research in classroom practices to enhance science competencies of

Grade 7 students via whole-brain teaching. Since students were observed to be inattentive

and passive in class, the use of whole-brain teaching can maximize their engagement in

the learning process.

For the first two days of using the whole-brain teaching students were already

hook with it even though it was new to them. I’ve taught them first the seven (7) core

teaching techniques of whole brain teaching in order to have a smooth transition of our


Throughout the use of whole-brain teaching, I found out that students were more

participative and more effective in accomplishing classroom activities. Through gestures

and following classroom rules, students have many opportunities to experience success

which leads to higher self-efficacy.

Moreover, student-centered learning and cooperative learning were both

highlighted in this intervention.

Curriculum Vitae

A. Personal Data

Name : Vic M. Cayabyab

Provincial Address : Baluyot, Bautista, Pangasinan

Email Address :

Date of Birth : April 5, 1993

Age : 25 years old

Gender : Male

Civil Status : Single

Height : 5’7”

Weight : 65 kg

Citizenship : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Position : Teacher III

B. Educational Attainment

Tertiary: Bachelor of Secondary Education

Major in Physics

Pangasinan State University

Bayambang, Pangasinan


Honors Received: Cum Laude

GPA of 1.47

Proficiency Award in Physics

Proficiency Award in Professional Education

Secondary: Bayambang National High School

Bayambang, Pangasinan


Honors Received: 7th Honorable Mention

Primary: Baluyot Elementary School

Baluyot, Bautista, Pangasinan


Honors Received: 2nd Honorable Mention

C. Work Experience

May 2, 2018– Present Teacher III

Baluyot National High School

Baluyot, Bautista, Pangasinan

September 1, 2016– May 1, 2018 Teacher I

Baluyot National High School

Baluyot, Bautista, Pangasinan

September 1, 2015– August 31, 2016 Teacher II

Banog Sur National High School

Banog Sur, Bani, Pangasinan

September 8, 2014 – August 31, 2015 Teacher I

Banog Sur National High School

Banog Sur, Bani, Pangasinan

D. Government Examination Passed

Licensure Examination for Teachers September 29, 2013 with a rating of 86.4%


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