Tugas Home Learning, Jumat 27 Maret (Paket A)

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Reading and Writing Section (no 1 – 25)

In this section of the test, you will have chance to show how well you understand written
English. Some texts and questions will be given in this section. Read them carefully and
answer the questions.

This text for no 1

I can’t wait for you any longer. I have a meeting with our business partner
If you reach the office please review the proposal that we made yesterday
by yourself. It has to be submitted this afternoon. It is on my table. I’ll be
back before 3 p.m.



1. The text informs about …

A. A letter for reminding Susan about proposal
B. A message for Susan to review a proposal
C. Meeting business partner
D. A Revising Proposal
E. An order for Susan

This text for no 2 and 3

July 8th , 2011

PT Arya Guna
Jl.Juanda no 19,
Jakarta, 13740

Dear PT Arya Guna

I am writing this letter to inform you of a new product which I believe will interest you.
We have just introduced a new compressor, the Excellor II. As your new manufacturing
building has begun to operate at higher capacity, this new model is well suited to your facilities.
With a flow capacity 175 % of the Excellor I model, switching to the Excellor II will enable you
to increase volume by roughly 25%.
I have taken the liberty of enclosing pictures and price lists for the Excellor II and I will be
pleased to visit your place to give you a demonstration. Call me at 021- 7678 if I may be of any
service to you.

Yours very truly,

Tony Sokamto

2. What is the text about?

A. Congratulation letter
B. Complaining letter
C. Application letter
D. Promotion letter
E. Ordering Letter

3. What is the writer offered?

A. Pictures
B. Excellor I
C. Excellor II
D. A compressor
E. A demonstration

This text for no 4 and 5

4. The text tells about ….

A. Homesell
B. A house for sale
C. The private sale specialists
D. An open house of homesell
E. The description of the house

5. How many bedrooms does the house have?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
This text for no 6 – 10

Her gift to him was …….

By Michele Cempaka

She cut out a piece and sent it to him in a small metal box with broken latch.
Three days later it arrived at his place smelling like rancid meat that had been baking in
the sun for several days. He opened the box carefully, afraid to see what he might discover.
Even before he looked inside he knew what its contain would be, and as he suspected, he
found a large portion of her heart.
He picked up the jagged scrap of flesh, feeling its rough wetness between his fingers. It
felt so small and light in his hand. He didn’t know what to do with. He’d told her not to send
it, but she has insisted.
He looked around the room searching for a container for it, something that would keep her
heart more securely sealed, unlike the metal box that she had sent it in.
He would keep her heart, for he knew it was no small gift that she had sent him. Yet, he
still could stand the sight and smell of it, and knew that he must store it away soon.
Maybe he could send it back to her. Why did she have to choose him? He walked toward
the kitchen, his right hand still holding on to the heart fragment. With his left hand he opened
a cupboard and felt around until his hand touched a cylinder-shaped container.
“I’ll put it in here and then I’ll figure out what to do with it,” he said for himself.
The heart fit nicely in the container, there was even room to spare. Now all that he needed
was a lid. He searched inside the cupboard again and spotted three lids. He tried one and then
the next, and finally the last, but none fit the container.
His head was beginning to feel light, so he sat down on a sofa nearby and stared at the
hand that had just held her heart.
She had thought about it for a long time before she made a decision to do it. A gift…. a
gift of a total love, something that always be remembered and cherished.
She thought that this gift, the gift of her heart, would ensure everlasting love with him.
She’d done this twice before, cutting away a sliver and sending it off to her lover, but both
times it was refused.

6. What did she put in the box?

A. Chickens
B. Baking meat
C. Rancid meat
D. A broken latch
E. Her piece of heart

7. Paragraph 7 mainly tells about ….

A. what he should do with her heart

B. his planning to keep her heart
C. what her heart looks like
D. how to keep her heart
E. how to send it back
8. What did he do with the heart?

A. Throw it away
B. Send it back to her
C. Put it in a cupboard
D. Keep it in refrigerator
E. Keep it in sealed container

9. Why did she send him her heart?

A. Due to her sickness

B. To make him think about her.
C. Because she own him her heart.
D. To show him her everlasting love.
E. Because he insisted her to send him.

10. What is the moral value of the story?

A. A True love is never died.
B. A gift should be valuable.
C. We should care with a gift
D. A True love has to be sacrificed
E. We are willing to sacrifice for love.

This text for no 11 – 14

A patrol car belonging to PT Kuala Pelabuhan Indonesia, a subcontractor of American

mining giant PT Freeport Indonesia, was shot and set ablaze by an unidentified man at Mile
51, Timika, Papua, on Monday morning local time.

The company’s worker, identified as Masyun Naboth Simopiaref, reportedly died in the
incident while another worker, Thomas Bagiarsa, escaped with burns.

The workers, identified as Thomas Bagiarsa and Masyun Simopiaref, were placed in harm’s
way after the car they were driving overturned and then caught fire.

Both workers have been taken to the Kuala Kencana clinic, Antara reported. 
The authorities are reportedly investigating the scene and have yet to release an official
statement on the incident. (swd)

11. The text tells about ….

A. a subcontractor of American mining in Timika
B. the Shot and burning of a patrol car in Timika.
C. PT Kuala Pelabuhan Indonesia
D. a patrol car of PT Freeport
E. PT Freeport Indonesia

12. Who shot a patrol car?

A. An authority
B. Thomas Bagiarsa
C. Unidentified man
D. Masyun Simopiaref
E. A company’s worker
13. What made the car on fire?
A. Taken to Kuala Kencana
B. Placed in harm’s way
C. Overturned
D. unidentified
E. Escaped

14. “..was shot and set ablaze by an unidentified man at Mile 51, Timika, Papua,..”
The underline word means ….
A. information
B. destroying
C. smuggling
D. reporting
E. burning

This text for no 15

15. The text tells about ….

A. Parker Tom
B. Baby birth
C. A little boy
D. Mark & Paula Salenger
E. An introduction of a little boy

This text for no 16 – 19

My kids are taking swimming lessons now at a local swimming pool. The lessons first teach
kids how to not be afraid of the water by learning how to put their face under the water and
holding their breath for a few seconds. Next, the lessons teach children how to float on their
backs. Later on, kids learn how to do some of the basic strokes including freestyle, breast
stroke, and backstroke. Learning how to do these takes time, practice, and patience. Kids also
need to learn how to tread water, and in some water safety classes, instructors teach people
how to tie up the legs of their pants to make a flotation device. Kids can also learn how to
dive of the side of the pool or from the diving board. If kids pass off the requirements for
their class, they receive a certificate of completion.

16. What does the text talk about?

A. The swimming process
B. The swimming lesson
C. Swimming for kids
D. The lesson for kids
E. Safety class

17. Which of the following is not the swimming lesson?

A. Not to be afraid of water
B. Put the face under water
C. Dive of the side of the pool
D. Hold breath for under water
E. Do some of the basic strokes

18. Learning how to do these takes time, practice, and patience.

What does the underlined word refer to?
A. The basic strokes
B. Safety classes
C. Backstrokes
D. The lessons
E. Their backs

19. The writer intends to ….

A. Describe the swimming class
B. Inform about swimming class
C. Describe what the swimming is
D. Explain the process of swimming
E. Tell about the swimming experience

This text for no 20 – 23

Many children do not go to school either because their parents want them at home as careers
for siblings, or simply because their parents cannot be bothered to send them. Thousands
more are not registered at any school at all, because of their families' unstable lives.
Underlying this dreadful situation there are two central truths. First of all, the problem of
children not going to school often has more to do with their parents than with the children
themselves. Secondly, once children go to school, we need to make sure that the experience is
a positive one so that they want to keep on going.

In Britain, the Ministry of Education has introduced a complex package of sticks and carrots
to persuade schools to bring truants' and excluded children back into the classroom. It is
paying grants so that a thousand schools can set up special units to help these children.
Schools receive the grant if they bring a target number of children back to school; if they do
not meet the target, the grant is withdrawn. Parents are the subject of this campaign, too: the
Home Office has introduced fines for parents who fail to send their children to school, and
has given the police power to pick up truants on the streets.

20. What does the text talk about?

A. Education for children
B. Families unstable lives
C. Parents for whom school has no point
D. Children for whom school has no point
E. Children who can’t effort to go to school

21. Children do not go school because of ….

A. their environment
B. school’s experience
C. their parents’ support
D. Government’s support
E. their parents’ unstable lives

22. “……..the Home Office has introduced fines for parents who fail to send their children to
The word “fines” in the sentence above has same meaning with ….
A. charges
B. goods
C. rights
D. rules
E. bits

23. What happen to children if they are in the street?

A. The police will arrest them.
B. The police will pick them up.
C. Their parents will let them do that.
D. The teacher will take them to school.
E. Their parents will be angry with them.
This text for no 24 and 25

The changing of the security strategy and system in a state is something that we cannot deny.
Security strategies and systems are dynamic, where changes are highly influenced by the
context of the strategic environment.

Changes such as the wave of democratization, the shifting of inter-state conflicts into intra-
state conflicts, globalization, technological advances and the increased flow of information
and the recognition of human rights have all directly and indirectly forced many countries to
rearrange their respective security systems.

In Indonesia, although some positive achievements have been reached through the security
sector reform period since 1998, reforms remain insufficient.

These changes include reforms in the levels of regulations, as well as changes to roles and
functions of security actors.

However, these changes are inadequate to develop a proper national security system,
especially considering the complexity of threats and the evolution of the security concept.

In security studies, the concept of security can roughly be categorized into traditional and
non-traditional approaches. In general, the two have encountered a debate about the referent
object of security (Barry Buzan: 1991).

In the traditional approach, security is simply defined as security of the state, which may be
threatened by military force from other states, and must be defended through military power

Meanwhile, in the non-traditional approach, the concept of security is wider and places
greater emphasis on non-state actors’ interests.

This approach was developed following the decline of military threats to state sovereignty
and the emergence of other threats to human security such as infectious diseases, natural
disasters, environmental damage and others.

Furthermore, the referent object of security becomes more widespread and is no longer
focused on the state but also human security. The United Nations Development Program’s
(UNDP) Human Development Report (1994) affirmed seven dimensions that should be
considered related to human security, namely: economic security, food security, health
security, environmental security, individual security, community security and political

From the above explanation, we can conclude that security is no longer related only with
protecting the territory of a state, but also includes efforts to ensure, fulfill and protect the
security of citizens.

24. The text discussed about ….

A. Security system
B. Security strategy
C. The changing of security system
D. A proper national security system
E. The changing of security strategy and system

25. “This approach was developed following the decline of military threats to state
sovereignty..” The underlined word have similar meaning as ….
A. Power
B. Territory
C. Development
D. Government
E. Responsibility

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