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Final Exam
Bambang Arya Wija Putra

Please use your own words to answer the following questions

1. The course described in this chapter was devised for a group of learners who were very close
in time to ‘end use’ – that is to say, they were likely to be using the information they received
from the English course in the very near future. In a situation like this, we might expect
students to be receptive to very detailed information about language use and communication
in the target situation (in comparison to students who are some time away from actual use).
How important is it for ESP course developers to consider the proximity or distance of time
to end use when determining the level of detail on target situation language use to provide in
the course? (At least 400 words)

2. Describe the relationship between each and the combined three language skills (Speaking,
Reading, and Writing) and ESP (At least 400 words)

3. In preparing a general language teaching course, a good deal of work needs to be done ‘up
front’ to determine the curriculum and prepare materials. This up front or ‘lead-in time’ is
even more critical in ESP given that the teacher may need to investigate specialist discourse
in addition to devising the curriculum and materials. In the case study reported in this
chapter, the teacher had very limited lead-in time to prepare the course, and she had to
investigate discourse at the same time as teaching the course for the first time. Think of an
ESP course you may be required to develop in the future. How much lead-in time would you
ideally like for preparation, how would you use it and how much time might you realistically
be given? (At least 400 words)

4. Describe the impontance of having international journal article (s) to read for students
learning ESP. Give an example from the international journal article you have read during
the course to clarify your description. (At least 400 words).

Submit your work to WA group of ESP on Tuesday, 16 June 2020, at

5 p.m. Late submission will not be accepted.


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