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Information for practice

author’s name

department and university’s names

course number and name

the teacher’s name


The overall purpose of the information for practice

Information for practice is an online resource for social welfare with the purpose of

aggregating information and scholarships for the professionals. This site aims at virtually placing

a library for social works on the social workers’ library all over the world.

The resources available to social workers on the site

the site provides links to information to the social service professionals in various topics

including article abstracts, open-access journal articles, professional guidelines, systematic

reviews, infographics, news from all over the world, grey literature, calls and consultants,

clinical trials and funding opportunities. All this information is put there for services and

research. The site also allows the practitioners to create personal feeds either from the site or the

subcategories. Through subscription, the practitioners can get notifications every month when

the articles are ready for review.

How the resources at information for practice can be used.

The site has various categories and sections which each section has its purposes. The

article abstracts for journal contains information about the social works, the open-access journal

articles contain full-text articles and has IP that could help to give support to publishers if

possible. The guidelines plus can be published to provide high-quality intervention to healthcare

professionals. The systematic reviews can be used as links to abstract of scholarships. The news

category gives professionals with relevant news from all over the world. The grey literature

sections deal with technical and scientific reports that are not proprietary published. The section

for calls includes the calls for submission and award nominations as well as consultations. With

the calls, the professionals can consult about information. For the funding section, the research

and service funding opportunities are the site is outlined where people can give a contribution.


Information for Practice. (n.d.). Nyu.Edu. Retrieved September 4, 2020, from


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