President's Speech - IG Humanitarian Draft

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Federal Republic of Ambazonia 
6218 Georgia Avenue NW Suite 1
Washington DC 20011-5125
Webpage: ​
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Office: (202) 516-7612, Cell: (301)235-1542

September​ 27, 2020 ​ ​ Ref. No. FRA/0927/20

"...We are here today, to put a smile to
that innocent baby born in the forest
on wild leaves, whose first cry is
echoing in the dreadful wilderness,
ignorant about the evil of our world…" 


Mr. Vice President of The Federal Republic Of Ambazonia,
Chairman of the Restoration Council,
Members of Government here present,
Distinguished Members of Team Ambazonia,
All County and LGA Chairs,
All Commanders of Ambazonia Restoration Forces,
Traditional and Religious authorities here present,
Partners and Sympathizers of Ambazonia,

Fellow Ambazonians and Friends of Ambazonia,

Let Me Refer This Urgent Message To Whom It May Concern On The Issue Of SCHOOLS

As long as French language will be taught to our children in our schools in Ambazonia as an
official language;

As long as insecurity remains on Ground Zero without a negotiated ceasefire;

As long as the UNSC refuses to create security safe zones for schools like they would normally
do in crisis areas, to protect vulnerable students;

As long as French Cameroun is still going on door to door targeting our youth of school age for
elimination in this senseless war;

As long as our thousands of refugees-children next door and our IDPs-children in bushes are
not guaranteed the possibility to also be in school should schools reopen;

As long as the curriculum for schools is still the Slave curriculum unilaterally imposed by French
Cameroun, and not a neutral internationally customized;

As far as French Cameroon is still hesitating to come to the table of negotiation for talks that
may include the issue of school reopening;


The interim Government's position about school return in Ambazonia will remain the same:
we cannot guarantee the security of students in schools at this time.​ ​Let parents decide
when and where the conditions are conducive enough to send their children back to school.
Security and safety comes first before education or literacy.

My Great People,

Let me start by presenting my gratitude to you -the generous people of Ambazonia, to you- our
very dedicated and selfless servants of the revolution, to the sons and daughters of
consolation-our passionate donors and partners, and above all to you- our brave foot soldiers-
the Ambazonia Restoration Forces for relentlessly believing and fighting to defend our
homeland - Ambazonia.

Most importantly, let’s observe a minute of silence to every Ambazonian whose life has been cut
short because of this genocide on our people, some of whom were refugees or IDPs.
( Minute of silence)

May their untimely departure not be in vain. May we successfully take our land which they have
bought with their precious blood!!

Permit me to acknowledge our able Secretary of the HSS Dr. Emmanuel Tita, the
Undersecretary for Health Dr. Fidelis Atianjoh, and Dr. Tom Ndula our Undersecretary for Social
Services. These are some of my most distinguished burden bearers within your Interim

Fellow Ambazonians,
Your voices finally are being heard. Our generation is reassuring our ancestors and forefathers
that the seeds they sowed did not fall on stony grounds and that the dreams they nurtured were
actually possible and very realisable. As we continue to collectively take adequate actions for
the progressive enhancement of our liberation quest, as we dismantle the Franco-Bulu/Beti
hegemony over our nation, and ensure a totally free homeland soon, I'm encouraging us against
all odds and difficulties to stay the course as we continue also to keep our commitment to free

our homeland. Every seed of our sacrifices, even those scattered abroad, will continue to
grow so long as we continue to water them with our prayers.

My Dear People,

I understand that providing humanitarian assistance to our vulnerable people in the middle of a
bloody expensive conflict that has been forced on us, the peace-loving people of Ambazonia,
could be quite challenging, but it is necessary for us to sustainably assuage the collateral
damages of this genocidal campaign of massacre on our people.

Our resolve to defend ourselves must be accompanied by compassion on the survivors

amongst our people, who have been forced to face dire humanitarian circumstances they did
not anticipate. The hundreds of thousands of refugees in neighbouring countries and the
millions of IDPs at home are our own fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters or children. It is our
legitimate responsibility to take care of these alongside the many non-governmental
humanitarian organisations providing some of the support they need.

Let me use this opportunity to thank all intervening humanitarian organisations for their services
to our people and the various host governments across the globe for their hospitality and in
assisting in whatever way to provide shelter for our refugees during this very difficult time in our
history. We will forever remember their kind gestures when we settle down as a new god-given
nation. ​A friend in need is truly a friend indeed.

Dear Ambazonians and Friends of Ambazonia,

For us to project a hopeful future and secure the driving force and spirit of our nation as our
people get slaughtered daily by the genocidal colonial regime in Yaounde, we have an
obligation to continue our humanitarian endeavors alongside ensuring our military
advancement. That is why we are here today to extend our generosity to those who are
suffering enormously because of the barbarism of colonial French Cameroun. We are here
today for this Humanitarian Draft to show our compassion to thousands of orphans, widows,
Disable folks, Refugees, IDPs and Prisoners. Amongst whom are the sick, the wounded, the
hungry, the naked, the traumatized, the homeless and the raped.

Dear Ambazonians,

We are here today for those grandpas or grandmas whose homes were burned by the
barbaric forces of French Cameroon and many are presently surviving in hazardous bushes,
with only nature to survive on and with zero access to healthcare. If the bullets have killed more
than fifteen thousand (15000) then the collateral deaths should number more than twenty
thousand (20,000) by now.

We are here today for those children whose education has been truncated and whose only goal
now is whether they will have their next meal this afternoon or they will be slaughtered in their
sleep by French Cameroun Terrorist Soldiers!

We are here today, to put a smile to that innocent baby born in the forest on wild leaves, whose
first cry is echoing in the dreadful wilderness, ignorant about the evil of our world.

We are here today for the numerous wounded Ambazonians wailing in bushes, in homes, in
vacated health centers or hospitals without adequate attention for lack of money; what about
those stuck in villages or bushes unable to afford transportation to where help can be found?

We are here today for our innocent people incarcerated in the colonial dungeons by French
Cameroun needing our constant support - some of whom have died in chains on their sickbed
and treated like half-humans. This is how evil the enemy we are dealing with, can be.

Dear Ambazonians and Friends of Ambazonia,

Let us all reflect on these predicaments our people are facing as they pay their own dues to our
struggle for liberation in the most inconvenient way. Let us all support them today by expressing
our patriotic generosity towards them as we open our wallets and donate towards this
humanitarian cause.

I appeal especially to those who have avoided putting their money in any other endeavour we
have solicited funds for in this liberation quest, with the excuse that they don’t fund anything that
has to do with arms. Today your donation will be for a cause, a cause more honourable and
generally acceptable by all - a cause geared towards uplifting the dignity of humanity - a
humanitarian cause in the midst of a 21st-century genocide. Let your presence be felt today as
you donate generously for this noble cause.

Dear Compatriots,
As I mentioned a few days ago, the unavoidable, most constant and urgent question as we
commit to realizing the dreams of our forefathers through this restoration quest is, what can we
do and continue to do for our oppressed people especially those subjected to the extreme
cruelty of colonial French Cameroun's military occupiers?

When we collectively embarked on this journey of no-return about three years ago, it was
because of that honourable desire to stretch beyond self and to make our story better than we
met it.

Let me be honest with you, the stakes are very high. The evil of our oppressors knows no
bounds. From the very onset of the failed decolonization process, especially when rich natural
resources were discovered underneath our soil, our nation was mapped out by some criminals
who for almost six decades now have been clearly executing their evil plan, with the vicious
objective to assimilate, annihilate, and actually forfeit us from a land that is righteously ours. By
now, we shouldn't underestimate the extent of their wickedness. Only a few days ago, that is, on
the memorable 22nd of September 2020, more than ten (10) innocent Ambazonians were killed
in Bamenda and Buea simply for being Southern Cameroonians.

It's been three years now and counting, we've not only witnessed the traumatizing captions of
our people being raped, maimed, decapitated, burnt alive, slaughtered…, we have seen our
precious women using leaves from trees as sanitary pads, crowds of our refugees jam-packed
in neighboring French Cameroon, Nigeria and Ghana with malnourished kids, and we've just
heard firsthand facts from the Secretary of State for Health and Social Services, the terrible
inhumane conditions our people have been subjected to by some of their esteemed

Just the other day a video report from PBS news hour was brought to my attention, and I
noticed while watching that Ambazonians make up a whooping seventy per cent (70%) of all the
refugees who are taking the risk of navigating their way up North America via the dangerous
Darien gap between Colombia and Panama. We do not only receive hourly calls from victims on
Ground Zero and Nigeria like Secretary Tita mentioned a while ago, but our attention is also
drawn to many places around the world, including holding cells, where our precious people
seeking asylum are held.


As if all the atrocities committed against us are not enough, French Cameroun is working
tirelessly through their criminal network of lobbyists, to engineer falsified reports on Ambazonia
using pay-for-play human rights platforms, and mainstream media. They want to shield the
world from the guilt of allowing what in reality is a second Rwanda. We will not stop to catch
them on their wicked tracks and we will not stop to shine the spotlight on the scope of their
crimes of genocide.

We have come to realize that the single most effective way to reduce the terrible suffering we
are witnessing is, without doubt, advocating for the respect of international humanitarian law
and direct intervention of the United Nations Security Council for humanitarian reasons. We are
calling on the UNSC to honour their R2P in Ambazonia.
We will make sure that If the International Community fails to protect Ambazonia from this
Genocide, history should not call it a mistake, it should be correctly known as a global
conspiracy to commit genocide.

My Dear People,

To imagine that after reaching out to thousands of refugees in Nigeria, Ghana and other nations
of the world, the percentage of our cumulative outreach could yet be very low, with only thirty
per cent (30%) in Ghana, less than ten per cent (10%) in Nigeria and below two per cent (2%)
globally is indeed disheartening. This only tells us we will have to double, triple and or even
quadruple our efforts to bring needed help to our suffering people, the genocide survivors.

Of course, we can only be one small part of the solution to our IDPs, Refugees and victims of
war, but we must strive to stay as the major help coordinators, by creating platforms for
broad-based collaborations. There is a need, however, for a broader, concerted international
effort to improve on other aspects like refugees compliance with the law, protection, and
economic empowerment. The political intricacies may seem complex at certain levels but we are
willing to get into responsible negotiations with states and governments in this respect.

Fellow Ambazonians,
Like never before our suffering people need our attention. We must come to the realization that
no one can take care of our oppressed peoples better than us. If we miss this chance to show

them we are ready to stand the challenge, our oppressor can steal the chance and cause
them doubt our resolve. And we must not let that happen! Please take this crusade to your
churches, your job sites, to your work places, to your cultural groups, to your counties and Local
Governments, and to every man's world.

Those who will not contribute to community self defense and yet will not give, when they can, to
help the victims of war are by their inaction as heartless as the killers.

Ambazonians, one thousand USD ($1000) is not too much if you were to exchange it for the
freedom and privileges God has given you. It is time to give back to our people like never
before, and do so cheerfully.

Thank you all in advance for your unparalleled generosity.

God Bless You

And may God continue to protect all our people in need of humanitarian support across the

Viva the Federal Republic of Ambazonia.

God Bless Ambazonia.

Dr. Samuel Ikome Sako
President of British Southern Cameroons
Federal Republic of Ambazonia

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