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DATE: July 18th, 2020

GROUP: Intermediate 09
I'm going to talk about people and creative things made. Many of these creative things
contribute to the care of the environment. Some creative things that I have seen in the
internet are:
The first thing is Photovoltaic backpack. This
backpack that contains a solar panel with
photovoltaic cells, which transform solar energy
into electrical energy, allows you to charge
electronic devices such as cell phones, laptops in a
sustainable and effective way because the
electrical energy accumulates in a small battery.
This product uses renewable solar energy, which
comes from the sun, therefore it is an eco-friendly
product. We know that natural resources are scarce
and limited, so it is advisable to use renewable
energy to conserve it.
Second, Does washing your clothes without a
lot of water or detergents sound crazy? Not
according to the Xeros company: Xeros, which
is a British company, has created a washing
machine that, using small pearls made with
recyclable polymeric materials and without the
need for detergent, leaves the clothes free of
stains. This innovation saves hundreds water's
liters and does not use chemical detergents,
which pollute the environment. According to
Xero, this innovative washing machine helps to
dwindle by 90% the use of water than a
traditional washing machine.
The third thing, The Yawa project was a
sanmarquina initiative from 2017 that uses a
wind turbine which compresses the air vapor to
condense it and thus obtain drinking water. In
other words, it transforms the vapor of water
into fresh water. The Yawa project raised by
students from the University of San Marcos,
who belonged to the last cycles of the careers
such as Chemical Engineering, Electrical
Engineering and Economics, won in 2017 the
contest "An idea to change history", promoted
by History Channel. After winning the aforementioned contest, the project will be
implemented in the rural populations of Peru that do not have access to drinking water.

Finally, The last thing is a machine

that converts plastic bags into oil,
which can be reused as fuel. The
device generates a liter of oil for every
kilo of plastic bags, despite its high
cost, it hopes to project itself as an
alternative to reduce oil pollution in
the world. The idea has been
developed by a Japanese company.

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