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Note 1: For my comments, I basically "cut and paste" my comments from another school because most of them are

school. They are also good sources of "learning" in finalizing your plan.

Note 2: Generally, my expectation is that you will adopt practically most, if not all, of the interventions in the summary provided
your own which, as I'd mentioned (in the Note after the Assumptions and Instructions) we were not able to identify all during
planning. It is good that I've seen response actions that were not in the consolidated list but evaluate these very well if they are
in the timeline. For the BEFORE phase, our overall objective is we don't want any of our learners, teachers and non-teaching
getting harmed or infected--making the BEFORE response actions vital and pivotal. But in Contingency Planning we're plannin
worst, so, we assumed that no matter what precautions we do, one of our learners or teachers will still be infected. That is why
DURING and AFTER phases.

Note 3: Please bear in mind that our plans should comprise interventions related to the 3 Pillars and certain Thematic Areas in
Comprehensive School Safety Framework (CSSF) -- DepEd Order 37, s. 2015. For the BEFORE phase, we have to consider th
Prevention and Mitigation Thematic Area and Preparedness Thematic Area. While for the Pillars, we have 1) Safe Learni
2) School Disaster Management, and 3) Risk Reduction and Resilience Education. That is why in the summary I provided
group, the response actions are grouped according to these areas and pillars. As in the School DRRM-CCA Planning, these sh
as your guides in identifying your response actions.

Note 3.1: Our interventions during the BEFORE phase are important. They will contribute to our success in succeeding phase
DURING and AFTER. It is therefore imperative that we give more importance to these interventions for these will mean that we
bombarded to do a lot or do little, or nothing, in the succeeding phases.

Note 4: For the DURING phase, are your classes be totally stopped; as in "ali kayu magklase anggang maka-lockdown?" Rem
the school year has just started; the situation is very much different from the one we have right now; 2) with the discovery that
or teacher or non-teaching personnel is infected, the school will be locked down. Everybody will be quarantined in their homes.
therefore hoping to see what blended learning combination your school will undertake during the lockdown period so that we
perform our mandate to deliver basic education services without exposing ourselves and our learners from the danger of getting
Also, when are these actions be implemented? So you should add response actions in relation to this in your plan.

Note 4.1. Just a reminder: during the DURING phase, we are "stay at home / work from home" mode. You should consider
identifying other response actions for this phase. Also consideration the DURATION of the timelines. Example, during 0-24 ho
just 1 day. So, you should prioritize the most important response actions. You can undertake other actions not as important in
succeeding timelines. This line of thinking is also applicable for the next 24-48 hours. In my belief these are the most crucial p

Note 5: Please consider these in finalizing you school Con Plan.

se most of them are applicable to your

ons in the summary provided and added

e not able to identify all during the online
uate these very well if they are appropriate
s, teachers and non-teaching personnel
ngency Planning we're planning for the
ll still be infected. That is why, we have the

and certain Thematic Areas in the

phase, we have to consider the
illars, we have 1) Safe Learning Facilities,
why in the summary I provided to the
DRRM-CCA Planning, these should serve

success in succeeding phases; i.e.,

ons for these will mean that we will either be

nggang maka-lockdown?" Remember 1)

ow; 2) with the discovery that one student
be quarantined in their homes. I was
he lockdown period so that we continue to
ners from the danger of getting infected.
o this in your plan.

e" mode. You should consider this in

nes. Example, during 0-24 hours, that's
her actions not as important in the
ef these are the most crucial periods.

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