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1. Regular decontamination of school buildings and facilities

2. Provision of disinfectants and/or alcohols at the school gate/s and in every classrooms
3. Provision of hygiene kits to learners, teaching and non-teaching personnel
4. Implementation of thermal scanning at the school gate/s (anyone found with temperature above 38 ˚C will be barred from
5. Implementation of the "No Face Mask, No Entry" and Physical Distancing policies
6. Implementation of "No Assemblies and Public Gatherings" policy
7. Repair and keep functional WASH facilities
8. Strict observance of proper hand washing
9. Vigilant monitoring of leaners, teaching and non-teaching personnel for signs of COVID-19
10. Daily collection and proper disposal of wastes
11. Visitors registration of names, addresses and (possibly) their contact numbers for possible contact tracing in the future
12. Frequently disinfect oftenly touched surfaces (tables, chairs, door knobs, hand rails, computer keyboards, etc.)
13. Observance of proper etiquette on coughing and sneezing
14. Random testing of possible 'super spreader' among school learners, teaching and non-teaching personnel

NOTE: 'Super spreader' is the term used by the UP School of Economics (UPSE) in one of its discussion papers to refer to peop
be in and go to different places -- in short "gala" -- and are therefore highly exposed to contamination, thus, most likely to be i
bove 38˚C will be barred from entering)

ontact tracing in the future

er keyboards, etc.)

ing personnel

ussion papers to refer to people that are required to

nation, thus, most likely to be infected.
1. Conduct orientation of COVID-19 among the learners, teaching and non-teaching personnel
2. Posting of IEC materials and updated emergency hotlines in strategic locations and in every classroom
3. Teaching the importance of personal hygiene and sanitation and proper hand washing
3. Discussion of the importance of social distancing
4. Capacitate teachers especially the School Clinic teacher and SDRRM Team on COVID-19
5. Dissemination and posting of updates and information on COVID-19 from official sources
6. Discussion of this contingency plan to all school stakeholders and levelling off on their roles, functions and responsibilities
7. Conduct Psychological First Aid (PFA) (in relation to previously declared/recentlylifted ECQ)
8. Provision of accurate, timely and accessible information to learners, teaching and non-teaching personnel and other stakeh
9. Installation of feedback mechanism
unctions and responsibilities

ng personnel and other stakeholders

1. Revamp and expansion of the membership of SDRRM Team (Task Force COVID) to include School Health Coordinator/Nurse
2. Review roles, functions and responsibilities of SDRRM Team (Task Force COVID) and members
3. Define and install reporting and coordination protocols (Barangay and Municipal governments)
4. Identify classrooms that are possible quarantine areas
5. Create chat group per section in anticipation to holding of online classes
6. Maintain updated directory and health records of all learners and all school personnel
7. Devise and put in place a communication plan
8. Strengthen links with the barangay and municipal governments and local offices of national government agencies (NGAs)
9. Establish partnerships with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)/NGOs
10. Prepare and ready to implement a school plan on how to handle learners that suddenly exhibited symptoms similar to CO
11. Installation of feedback mechanism
ool Health Coordinator/Nurse

overnment agencies (NGAs)

ibited symptoms similar to COVID-19

1. Teaching of proper hand washing
2. Incorporation of topics on COVID-19 in Health Education, Science and other related subjects
3. Downloading of different instructional materials that can be use in online classes
4. Video and film showing on COVID-19
5. Strengthen capacity of teachers to conduct online classes
6. Development of Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) modules
7. Identification of Flexible Learning Options (FLOs) to adapt to facilitate continuous delivery of learning services
learning services
0 - 24 HOURS
1. School head convene (online) the School DRRM Team/Task ForceCOVID
2. Establish closed contact with the parents of the infected student
3. School DRRM Team/Task Force COVID start listing learners, teaching and non-teaching personnel that had direct contac
4. School head and/or School DRRM coordinator establish contact, coordinate with and provide information to the concer
5. Class advisers establish contact with their students and parents to know their wherebouts and give reminder to stay at
6. School head and/or School DRRM coordinator get updates and wherebouts of all teachers and non-teaching

24 - 48 HOURS
1. Gather update and status of the infected student from concerned government agency
2. Continue contact tracing and share information to barangay and municipal task forces
3. Refer learners, teaching and non-teaching personnel that had direct contact with infected learner and showing COVID s
4. Class advisers monitor their pupils/students and report to the School DRRM Team/Task Force COVID
5. School Head convene (online) the School DRRM Team for reporting and updating of plan

3rd DAY - 15th DAY

1. Gather update and status of the infected student and the referred symptomatics from concerned government agency
2. Gather updates from the learners, teaching and non-teaching personnel on self-quarantine
3. Refer reported learner/s, teaching and non-teaching personnel that show COVID-19 symptoms to the DOH
4. Class advisers monitor their pupils/students and report to the School DRRM Team/Task Force COVID
5. School Head convene (online) the School DRRM Team for reporting and updating of plan

1. School Head convene physically the School DRRM Team/Task Force COVID but observe physical distancing and relevant
2. Assess and evaluate the implementation of the Contingency Plan on COVID-19 and come up with a report
3. Come up with a plan to facilitate safe re-opening of classes
nnel that had direct contact with infected learner in the last 6 days
information to the concerned government agency to help in contact tracing
d give reminder to stay at home and follow ECQ protocols
d non-teaching

rner and showing COVID symtoms to the DOH while the asymptomatics will be advised to self-quarantine

rned government agency

ms to the DOH

al distancing and relevant health advisories

with a report

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