9 Measures of Central Tendency (Ungrouped) PDF

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Measures of

Measures of Central
..\Video\Mean Median _ Mode
Math Learning Upgrade
Measures of Central

• are numerical descriptive

measures which indicate or locate
the center of distribution or data
• measure of average
I. Mean (arithmetic average)
Example 1
The data represent the number of
days off per year for a sample of
individuals selected from nine
different countries. Find the mean.
20, 26, 40, 36, 23, 42, 35, 24, 30

x =
 x
= 30.7days
n 9
Example 2
The data show the number of
patients in a sample of six hospitals
who acquired an infection while
hospitalized. Find the mean.
110 76 29 38 105 31

x =
 x
= 64.8
n 6
II. Median

• Middle point in data set that has

been ordered
• Is the midpoint of the data array
• Is the halfway point in a data set
Example 1
The number of rooms in the seven
hotels in downtown Pittsburgh is
713 300 618 595 311 401 292.
Find the median.
292 300 311 401 595 618 713
x = 401
Hence, the median is 401 rooms
Example 2
Find the median for the daily
vehicle pass charge for five U.S.
National Parks. The costs are $25
$15 $15 $20 and $15
$15 $15 $15 $20 $25
x = $15
The median cost is $15.
Example 3
The number of tornadoes that have
occurred in the United States over
an 8-year period follows. Find the
median. 684 764 656 702 856
1133 1132 1303
656 684 702 764 856 1132 1133 1303
~ 764 + 856 1620
x = = = 810
2 2

The median number of tornadoes is 810

Example 4
Six customers purchased these
numbers of magazines:
1 7 3 2 3 4

1 2 3 3 4 7
x =3
Hence, the median number of magazines
purchased is 3.
III. Mode
• the value that occurs most frequent in a data set.
• Unimodal – a data set that has only one value
that occurs with the greatest frequency.
• Bimodal – a data set that has two values that
occur with the greatest frequency.
• Multimodal – a data set that has more than two
values that occur with the same greatest
• No mode – no data value occurs more than
Example 1
Find the mode of the signing
bonuses of eight NFL players for a
specific year. The bonuses in
millions of dollars are
18.0, 14.0, 34.5, 10, 11.3, 10, 12.4, 10
10, 10, 10, 11.3, 12.4, 14.0, 18.0, 34.5

The mode is $10 million

Example 2
Find the mode for the number of
branches that six banks have

401, 344, 209, 201, 227, 353

No mode
Example 3
The data show the no. of licensed nuclear
reactors in the United States for a recent
15-year period. Find the mode.
104 104 104 104 104
107 109 109 109 110
109 111 112 111 109

The modes are 104 and 109. The data

set is said to be bimodal
Example 4
The data show the no. boats registered for six
countries in southwestern Pennsylvania. Find the
Westmoreland 11,008
Butler 9,002
Washington 6,843
Beaver 6,367
Fayette 4,208
Armstrong 3,782
The category with the highest frequency is
westmoreland. Hence, the mode is 11,008
IV. Midrange
• Is a rough estimate of the middle
• It is found by adding the lowest and highest
values in the data set and dividing by 2.
• It is the sum of the lowest and highest values in
the data set, divided by 2.

lowest value + highest value

MR =
Example 1
In the last two winter seasons, the city of
Brownsville, Minnesota, reported these numbers
of water-line breaks per month. Find the
2 3 6 8 4 1

1 + 8
MR = = 4 .5
Hence, the midrange is 4.5
Example 2
Find the midrange of data for the NFL signing
bonuses. The bonuses in millions of dollars are
18.0 14.0 34.5 10 11.3 10 12.4 10

10 + 34.5
MR = = $22.25 million

Note: The amount is larger than seven of

the eight amounts and is not the typical of
the average of the bonuses. The reason is
that there is only one very high bonus,
namely, $34.5million
Answer Exercises 3-1 nos. 1
and 2
Weighted Mean
If we wish to average numbers, but we want to
assign more importance on weight to some of the
numbers, the average we need is the weighted

Weighted mean of a variable X is determined by

multiplying each value by its corresponding weight
and dividing the sum of the products by the sum of
the weights.
Example 1
Suppose your second term test score is 85 and
your third term score is 95. Using the weights of
40% for the second term and 60% for the third
term, compute the weighted mean of your scores.
If the minimum average for an S is 91, will you
earn an S?
Weighted mean
85 (0.40 ) + 95 (0.6)
x= = 91
0.40 + 0.60
Example 2
A student received an A in English Composition I (3
credits), a C in Introduction to Psychology(3 units), a B in
Biology I(4 credits), and a D in Physical Education(2
credits). Assuming A = 4pts, B = 3 points, C = 2 grade
points, D = 1 grade point, and F = 0 grade point, find the
student grade point average.
Example 3
In an investment portfolio, stocks are rated on a scale of 1
to 10 for dividend earning, security, and capital growth
potential. On the scale, 1 equals very poor and 10 equals
excellent. In one investment strategy favoring security, the
dividend rating is given a weight of 2, the security a weight
of 5, and the capital growth potential a weight of 3.

Stocks Weight Rating

Dividend earning 2 7
Security 5 8
Growth potential 3 4

14 + 40 + 12 66
x= = = 6 .6
10 10
Example 4
At general hospital, nurses are given performance evaluations to
determine eligibility for merit pay raises. The supervisor rates
them on a scale of 1 to 10(10 being the highest rating) for
several activities, promptness, record keeping, appearance, and
bedside manner with patients. Then an average is determined by
giving a weight of 2 for promptness, 3 for record keeping, 1 for
appearance, and 4 for bedside manner. What is the average
rating for a nurse with ratings of 9 for promptness, 7 for record
keeping, 6 for appearance and 10 for bedside manner.
Weight Rating
Promptness 2 9
Record keeping 3 7
Appearance 1 6
Bedside manner 4 10
18 + 21 + 6 + 40 85
x= = = 8.5
10 10
Answer nos. 26 and 27 on page 129

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