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PEI CHUN PUBLIC SCHOOL, MINI TEST 3, 2018 ENGLISH LANGUAGE PRIMARY 1 Time: 45 min Listening Comprehension —___.( } Class: Primary 1/___ Date ; 26 October 2018 Name: English Teacher: Parent’s Signature: _ INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES DO NOT TURN OVER THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. Section C: Editing (4 x 1 mark) Read the sentences below. Wrong or missing punctuation marks are circled and grammatical mistakes are underlined. An apostrophe is indicated by ’s or s’. Put the correct punctuation mark or word in the boxes provided. 14, [| Sally tripped over a stone and fall to the ground just now. | “I want to go to the part )” said my brother. & party Siti saw a crocodile, a tiger and a clephant at the zoo. Bala is hungry. He(s)) making some sandwiches to eat. EL/P1 / Paper 2/ Mini Test 32018 / Page 3 0f 7 Section D: Picture Sentence (5 x 2 marks) ‘Look at the pictures. Use the helping words in the correct form to write a sentence of at least five words. The underlined word must be used as a verb. 15. bake / yesterday Ibrush / every | EL/P1/ Poper2/ Mini Test 3 12018 /Page 4 of 7 sleep / every night EL/P1/ Paper 2/ Mini Test 3/2018 /Page Sof'7 Section ‘omprehe n_(6 marks) Read the passage carefully and answer Q20 to 25. A greedy mouse saw a basket of com. He made a small hole in the basket and squeezed through the hole to eat the com. He ate so much that he could not get out of the basket. The mouse started crying, A rabbit heard his cries and said, “Wait for your belly to be smaller and you can get out.” Soon, the mouse fell asleep in the basket. The next morning, his belly became smaller. He saw the com and started eating again. After that, the mouse tried to get out but he could not, Just then, a cat saw the mouse in the basket. The cat lifted its lid and swallowed the mouse. Adapted from 20. The mouse went into the basket to Puta tick (”) in the correct box. (1 m) eat the com sleep in the basket escape from the cat BL/PL / Paper 2/ Mini Test 3/2018 / Page 6 of 7 21. Who does the word ‘you’ in Paragraph 2 refer to? (1 m) (| For questions 22 and 23, read each statement and tick (¥) “True” or “False” next to each of the following statements. (2m) Statement [ 1 False Example | The rabbit swallowed the mouse. v 22. The mouse ate more corn when he awoke the next morning. 23. ‘The mouse got out of the basket after his belly became smaller. 24. Which word has the same meaning as “ate up”? Circle either (A) or (B). (1 m) ‘The cat lifted its lid and swallowed the mouse. (A) B) Answer in a complete sentence. 25. According to the passage, why was the mouse not able to escape through the hole the next morning? (im) - End of Paper - BL/PY / Paper 2/ Mini Teet3/ 2018 / Page’? of 7 EXAM PAPER 2018 (P1) SCHOOL : PEI CHUN SUBJECT : ENGLISH TERM : Mini Test 3 Q11) fell 12), Q13) an Q14) He’s Q15) My mother baked a cake yesterday. Q16) They brush their teeth every morning. Q17) The sheep jumped over the fence just now. Q18) We swam in the swimming pool last Sunday. Q19) The cat sleeps in its basket every night. Q20) eat the corn Q21) It refers to the mouse Q22) True Q23) False Q24) B Q25) The mouse’s belly became bigger so it was not able to squeeze through the hole.

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