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Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 319: L211–L217, 2020.

First published June 10, 2020; doi:10.1152/ajplung.00199.2020.


Heparin as a therapy for COVID-19: current evidence and future possibilities

X Joseph A. Hippensteel,1 Wells B. LaRiviere,1,3 James F. Colbert,2 Christophe J. Langouët-Astrié,1 and
Eric P. Schmidt1,4
Division of Pulmonary Sciences and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Colorado Anschutz
Medical Campus, Aurora, Colorado; 2Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, University of Colorado
Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, Colorado; 3Medical Scientist Training Program, University of Colorado Anschutz
Medical Campus, Aurora, Colorado; and 4Department of Medicine, Denver Health Medical Center, Denver, Colorado
Submitted 5 May 2020; accepted in final form 4 June 2020

Hippensteel JA, LaRiviere WB, Colbert JF, Langouët-Astrié CJ, Schmidt

EP. Heparin as a therapy for COVID-19: current evidence and future possibilities.
Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 319: L211–L217, 2020. First published June
10, 2020; doi:10.1152/ajplung.00199.2020.—Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-
19), the clinical syndrome associated with infection by severe acute respiratory
syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has impacted nearly every country in the
world. Despite an unprecedented focus of scientific investigation, there is a paucity
of evidence-based pharmacotherapies against this disease. Because of this lack of
data-driven treatment strategies, broad variations in practice patterns have emerged.
Observed hypercoagulability in patients with COVID-19 has created debate within
the critical care community on the therapeutic utility of heparin. We seek to provide
an overview of the data supporting the therapeutic use of heparin, both unfraction-
ated and low molecular weight, as an anticoagulant for the treatment of SARS-
CoV-2 infection. Additionally, we review preclinical evidence establishing biolog-
ical plausibility for heparin and synthetic heparin-like drugs as therapies for
COVID-19 through antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects. Finally, we discuss
known adverse effects and theoretical off-target effects that may temper enthusiasm
for the adoption of heparin as a therapy in COVID-19 without confirmatory
prospective randomized controlled trials. Despite previous failures of anticoagu-
lants in critical illness, plausibility of heparin for COVID-19 is sufficiently robust
to justify urgent randomized controlled trials to determine the safety and effective-
ness of this therapy.
COVID-19; heparin; venous thromboembolism

INTRODUCTION peutic rather than prophylactic dosing) as an anticoagulant in

COVID-19. We also discuss a subset of non-anticoagulant
Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), the disease associated with
effects of heparin that may prove beneficial for the treatment of
infection by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus
COVID-19. Finally, we discuss potential risks associated with
2 (SARS-CoV-2), was first reported in December 2019 (50)
the implementation of heparin for the treatment of SARS-
and is now the most significant worldwide public health crisis CoV-2, including but not limited to bleeding and immune-
since the influenza pandemic of 1918. Despite this immense mediated heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT).
global burden, no pharmacologic therapies have proven defin-
itively beneficial (25). On the basis of our clinical experience HEPARIN STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION
in intensive care units in Colorado and those shared by the
wider critical care community, we conclude that many thera- Heparin is a heterogeneous preparation of long, linear highly
pies are being administered despite limited evidence. Antico- sulfated heparan sulfate (HS) glycosaminoglycans purified
agulants that have been utilized widely are unfractionated from porcine intestines (see Fig. 1). The sulfated nature of its
(full-length) heparin and low-molecular weight heparins. For constituent HS glycosaminoglycan chains confers heparin with
the purposes of this review, heparin herein refers to both the highest negative charge density of any known biomolecule
unfractionated and low-molecular weight variants, unless oth- (43). This charge allows heparin to strongly and selectively
erwise designated. interact with an immense number of proteins, the most classic
In this review, we discuss the pathophysiologic rationale and being its interaction with serine protease inhibitor antithrom-
bin-III (AT3) that provides its anticoagulant activity. This
current evidence for the use of full-dose heparin (i.e., thera-
anticoagulant activity is dependent on the presence of a precise
pentasaccharide sequence within longer HS chains that allows
Correspondence: J. A. Hippensteel ( for AT3 binding as shown in Fig. 1. Beyond AT3, hundreds of 1040-0605/20 Copyright © 2020 the American Physiological Society L211
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= Glucuronic acid
Fig. 1. Structure and function of heparin. Heparins are a = Iduronic acid
heterogeneous mix of heparan sulfate (HS) glycosamino-
> 30 saccharides “Unfractionated”,
glycans. Each HS strand is composed of repeating disac- = Glucosamine < 23 saccharides “Low Molecular Weight”
charide units of N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) and
glucuronic acid (GlcA) or iduronic acid (IdoA). GlcNAc
can be sulfated at three distinct sites (-6S, -NS, and -3S) 6S 6S 6S
and IdoA at one (-2S). Unfractionated heparin is com-
posed of HS chains that are ⬎30 saccharides in length,
... ...
whereas low-molecular weight heparin constituent HS NS 3S NS 2S NS
chains are 22 saccharides or less (3). The charge distri-
bution of heparin imparted by the presence of the precise + + +
pentasaccharide sequence shown allows for the binding
of heparin to serine protease inhibitor antithrombin-III Antithrombin III
(AT3), conferring its primary anticoagulant effect. Innu-
merable other sulfation sequences are found in heparin
preparations, which leads to binding and biologically
relevant activity modulation of many other proteins.
Heparin-binding protein:
Binds to specific sulfation sequences of
heparin via electrostatic interaction

biologically relevant, heparin-protein interactions have been observed in patients with COVID-19 (Fig. 2; 10, 32, 38, 40).
described, which has led to the recognition of an immense However, studies that have targeted this coagulopathy in sepsis
number of potential off-target (both positive and negative) with thrombomodulin (40), AT3 (42), tissue factor pathway in-
effects of heparin of unknown clinical importance. hibitor (1), and activated protein C (31) have all failed to improve
mortality, despite improving laboratory indexes of coagulopathy.
COAGULOPATHY AND THROMBOSIS IN COVID-19 These studies suggest that coagulopathy may simply be a conse-
quence of sepsis, as opposed to a key pathogenic driver of disease.
Many patients with COVID-19 develop a clinically signifi-
Alternatively, as discussed below, coagulation may impart both
cant coagulopathy (7, 32). The coagulopathy associated with
harmful and protective effects within the injured lung, negating
COVID-19 is characterized by thrombocytopenia, minor pro-
any clinical benefit (or harm) from anticoagulant therapy.
longation of prothrombin time (PT) and partial thromboplastin
time (aPTT), and elevated serum D-dimer and fibrinogen,
consistent with a consumptive coagulopathy (7). This profile is Sepsis RCT
compatible with postmortem examinations of patients with (Placebo
COVID-19 describing severe endothelial injury, microangi- group) COVID-19
opathy, and alveolar capillary microthrombi (2) Endotheliitis
directly elicited by SARS-CoV-2 may be the pathophysiologic
link to these postmortem findings (39). 10000
D-dimer at study entry

In addition to laboratory and histopathological evidence of

disordered coagulation and endothelial injury, several reports 8000
suggest that patients with COVID-19 are at high risk for

developing clinically significant large-vessel thrombosis. Early
anecdotal evidence of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in 4000
critically ill patients has been confirmed by multiple case series 2000
describing high rates of VTE in COVID-19, with incidence
estimates ranging between 8% and 54% (18, 22), significantly 0
exceeding those reported in critically ill patients with H1N1





influenza of 2% (36) and sepsis of 5% (30). Reports of





large-vessel strokes in patients, including those younger than






50 yr, infected with SARS-CoV-2 also suggest hypercoagula-




bility (28). Concordantly, a postmortem study of 12 patients





positive for COVID-19 found thrombosis in 58% of cases,






which was found to be responsible for 25% of deaths (45).






Taken together, it is likely that COVID-19-associated co-





agulopathy and thromboses contribute to the morbidity and



mortality of the disease. However, it is important to recognize


that other non-COVID-19 critical illnesses have demonstrated

similar evidence of coagulopathy, yet failed to benefit from Fig. 2. Coagulopathy in sepsis compared with coronavirus disease 2019
anticoagulation treatment in randomized controlled studies. (COVID-19). Circulating levels of D-dimer, a marker of coagulopathy, have
been found to be significantly and similarly elevated in sepsis and COVID-19.
For example, coagulopathy has been widely recognized as a This panel represents medians and interquartile range. Studies: Bernard et al.
contributor to organ failure in sepsis, a disease characterized by (10), Vincent et al. (40), Tang et al. (38), and Richardson et al. (32). NYC,
circulating D-dimer concentrations that approximate levels New York City; pts, patients; RCT, randomized controlled trial.

AJP-Lung Cell Mol Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajplung.00199.2020 •

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HEPARIN AS AN ANTICOAGULANT IN COVID-19 ing enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors. Cofactors for this binding are
incompletely understood for SARS-CoV-2; however, in vitro
Previous failures of anticoagulants in critical illness notwith-
studies have demonstrated that cell surface heparan sulfate (the
standing, compelling observations of coagulopathy and high
class of glycosaminoglycans of which heparin is composed) is
rates of VTE in COVID-19 raise the possibility that heparin
essential for entry and infectivity with human coronavirus
may benefit patient outcomes. The utility of heparin as an
NL63 (23) and SARS-CoV (19). Heparan sulfate is thought to
anticoagulant in COVID-19 was first posited by a retrospective
interact with the spike protein as an adhesion molecule core-
report of 449 patients with COVID-19 from Wuhan, China,
ceptor, which may be the first step in facilitating the interaction
where prophylaxis in medical patients is relatively uncommon
of SARS-CoV and the ACE2 receptor (23). It has recently been
due to a low incidence of VTE (48). In this cohort, 350 patients
discovered that concordant with other coronaviruses, the
received no heparin therapy (neither low-dose prophylactic nor
SARS-CoV-2 spike protein also interacts with heparan sulfate,
high-dose therapeutic), whereas 99 had received low-dose
and with a higher affinity than either SARS-CoV or MERS-
prophylactic doses of heparin. Patients with an elevated D-
CoV spike proteins (17). In this study by Kim et al., the
dimer (⬎6-fold higher than the upper limit of normal) or
SARS-CoV-2 spike protein demonstrated extremely strong (and
elevated sepsis-induced coagulopathy scores that received pro-
nearly irreversible) binding to heparin using surface plasmon
phylactic heparin had ~20% lower mortality than patients who
had not (38). It has also been reported that intravenous tissue resonance.
plasminogen activator, a potent thrombolytic, can transiently Our developing understanding of the virology of SARS-
improve oxygenation in COVID-19-related acute respiratory CoV-2 suggests the biologic plausibility of heparin as an
distress syndrome, supporting clinical relevance of thrombosis antiviral. Theoretically, heparin may bind the SARS-CoV-2
in severe disease (41). spike protein and function as a competitive inhibitor for viral
Since these initial reports, there has been one study pub- entry, thus decreasing infectivity. Interestingly, shorter-length
lished and two studies available in preprint format that have heparins, comparable to those found in therapeutic low-molec-
investigated the effects of therapeutic heparin in COVID-19. ular weight heparin, did not appreciably bind the spike protein
The largest available study evaluating anticoagulation was an (17), suggesting that low-molecular weight formulations may
analysis of 2,773 patients with COVID-19 in the Mount Sinai be less likely to have direct antiviral activity through compet-
Health System (29). In patients requiring invasive mechanical itive spike protein binding. If clinical trials demonstrate benefit
ventilation included in this cohort, anticoagulation was asso- of unfractionated heparin therapy, its effect could be partially
ciated with an in-hospital mortality of 29.1% compared with due to this theoretical antiviral activity, rather than solely due
62.7% for patients who did not receive anticoagulation. In to its anticoagulant properties (38). As such, clinical trials with
contrast, this study found that patients who received anticoag- heparin should evaluate disease course and time to clearance of
ulation were significantly more likely to require invasive me- infection, as these outcomes would support direct antiviral
chanical ventilation. This report was retrospective, and the activity.
rationale for anticoagulation was not directly investigated, thus Despite the promise of this concept, no clinical data linking
making these observations difficult to interpret. In a smaller heparin therapy to meaningful antiviral outcomes exist. How-
retrospective cohort study evaluating 44 patients, those who ever, the use of heparin and other glycosaminoglycans as
received heparin had improved coagulation parameters and antiviral therapy has significant potential for future clinical
normalized immunity as evidenced by increased lymphocyte applications. The utilization of heparan sulfate as a cofactor for
counts and decreased interleukin (IL)-6 levels compared with viral entry appears to be conserved across the human corona-
control subjects (35). Another group observed that initiation of viruses as discussed, as well as the hepatitis C virus and
heparin for 27 patients infected with COVID-19 improved herpesvirus family (8, 37). With a more in-depth understand-
oxygenation; this study did not include a control group (26). ing, this therapeutic strategy could be optimized for COVID-
Based on these limited data, clinical treatment guidelines for 19, which may inform broad antiviral treatment with heparin
COVID-19 have not yet recommended the use of therapeutic and heparin-like drugs for future zoonotic coronaviruses and
heparin or other forms of therapeutic anticoagulation (25). To other viral pathogens.
address this question, a total of 18 clinical trials, 9 of which
are recruiting, have been registered with the National Insti- ANTI-INFLAMMATORY EFFECTS OF HEPARIN-LIKE DRUGS:
tutes of Health (; as of June 2, RELEVANCE TO COVID-19
2020) to investigate the utility of therapeutic anticoagula-
Heparin is known to have anti-inflammatory effects both in
tion in COVID-19.
the vasculature and in the airway, which could beneficially
impact COVID-19-associated inflammation. Heparin binds to
and modulates the activity of many proteins that mediate
inflammation including IL-8, platelet growth factor 4 (PGF4),
Beyond anticoagulation, there may be alternative beneficial stromal-derived factor 1a, neutrophil elastase, P- and L-selec-
mechanisms of action for heparin in patients with COVID-19 tin, CD11b/CD18, major basic protein (MBP), and eosinophil
including direct SARS-CoV-2 antiviral activity. In a similar cationic protein (ECP; 13, 47). The anti-inflammatory effects
fashion to the related viruses severe acute respiratory corona- of heparin and its constituent heparan sulfate glycosaminogly-
virus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome can fragments fall into two general mechanisms: 1) dampening
coronavirus (MERS-CoV), host cell fusion and entry are of inflammation through interaction with proinflammatory pro-
thought to be accomplished in SARS-CoV-2 infection via teins and 2) preventing adhesion and an influx of inflammatory
binding of the viral spike protein to host angiotensin-convert- cells to a diseased area.

AJP-Lung Cell Mol Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajplung.00199.2020 •

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There are innumerable studies that have demonstrated that leading to reduced recruitment of the innate immune system
heparin can dampen inflammation through its interaction with and direct inhibition of neutrophil activation (13). More
key inflammatory mediators. The proinflammatory transcrip- broadly, heparin has been shown to dampen inflammation in
tion factor nuclear factor-␬B (NF-␬B), which has been found other preclinical models characterized by robust inflammation
to be involved in the pathogenesis of SARS-CoV, the virus including pancreatitis (12) and sepsis (33).
underlying the 2003 severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) Clinically, the use of heparin as an anti-inflammatory agent
epidemic (16), leads to the production of downstream inflam- has shown limited evidence of benefit in human diseases
matory cytokines and other immune response proteins includ- including inflammatory bowel disease, asthma, reactive air-
ing tumor necrosis factor-␣ (TNF-␣), IL-1␤, IL-6, and IL-8 ways disease, and acute coronary syndrome (13, 24). Despite
(13, 47). Heparin has been observed to directly dampen NF-␬B this clinical evidence, heparin has not been approved by the US
signaling in LPS-stimulated human endothelial cells and hu- Federal Drug Administration as a direct anti-inflammatory for
man monocytes (21). Similarly, a synthetic heparin-like drug any medical condition.
has recently been developed that neutralizes high mobility
group box 1 (HMGB1; 5), a proinflammatory mediator that is POTENTIAL ADVERSE AND OFF-TARGET EFFECTS OF
known to play a role in the pathogenesis of viral infections HEPARIN THERAPY
(15). With respect to inflammatory cell infiltration, a phenom-
enon that has been observed pathologically in COVID-19 (2, The use of heparin as a therapeutic anticoagulant is associ-
39), heparin can directly interact with vascular endothelial cells ated with a 10 –15% risk of significant bleeding (11, 27).

Fig. 3. Summary of potential therapeutic effects of heparin in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). 1) Heparin’s classic function as an anticoagulant, through
its interaction with antithrombin-III (AT3), may prove beneficial because of the high prevalence of coagulopathy and clinically significant thrombosis in the
disease. 2) Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) entry into both endothelial and epithelial cells is believed to be dependent on its
interaction with cell surface heparan sulfate; thus, heparin (or carefully designed synthetic heparin-like drugs) may inhibit this interaction and block viral entry.
3) Last, heparin has known anti-inflammatory effects that may confer benefit in COVID-19. This illustration was created with BioRender (
ACE2, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2; APC, activated protein C; HS, heparan sulfate; IL, interleukin; PAI-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor 1; TF, tissue
factor; TFPI, tissue factor pathway inhibitor; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; tPA, tissue plasminogen activator; uPA, urokinase plasminogen activator, VII, factor

AJP-Lung Cell Mol Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajplung.00199.2020 •

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Factors that may increase bleeding risk are older age, worse DISCLOSURES
illness severity, recent trauma or surgery, cardiopulmonary No conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, are declared by the authors.
resuscitation, longer hospital stay, and decreased white blood
cell and platelet counts (11, 27). Many of these risk factors for AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
bleeding are commonly seen in patients with COVID-19. A J.A.H., W.B.L., J.F.C., C.J.L.-A., and E.P.S. conceived and designed
second, albeit rare, complication of heparin therapy is HIT, research; J.A.H., W.B.L., and E.P.S. prepared figures; J.A.H., W.B.L., J.F.C.,
which is estimated to occur in 0.2–3% of patients who receive C.J.L.-A., and E.P.S. drafted manuscript; J.A.H., W.B.L., J.F.C., and C.J.L.-A.
edited and revised manuscript; J.A.H., W.B.L., J.F.C., C.J.L.-A., and E.P.S.
heparin (4). This feared adverse effect is driven by the devel- approved final version of manuscript.
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