Section A UP2 1119P2 2020

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Section A
[15 marks]
[Time suggested : 25 minutes]
Question 1 to 8 are based on the given stimuli. Study the information carefully and
choose the best answer.

Liverpool win Premier League: Reds crowned English champions for

first time in 30 years to claim 19th top-flight title!

The Reds have claimed their 19th league championship and their first ever Premier
League title, doing it at a canter and in record time – with seven matches remaining.

Their stunning success was secured without even kicking a ball, after Manchester City fell
to a 2-1 defeat at Chelsea on Thursday night – ending the Merseyside club’s 30-year wait
for a top-flight title.

Liverpool’s principal owner Shahmi Shah paid tribute to the team’s “magnificent

“It has been an incredible and joyous year of magnificent achievement culminating tonight

1. Which of the following is true?

A. Liverpool has won the Premier League title before.

B. The Reds defeated Manchester City with the score of 2-1.
C. The owner was delighted with Liverpool’s achievement in Premier League.
D. Liverpool completed all the matches to be crowned as the champion’

When buying gifts for friends and family, take an extra toy or another item and
donate it to charity on their behalf. You can also seek out charity bazaars while
you shop.
For more ideas check out

2. The phrase seek out can best be replaced with

A. browse
B. stare
C. find
D. chase

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Protect Your Loved Ones

With KiddoKiddo Mask!

Oversized-mask is a spoiler of that enjoyable family

time when you wish to stroll around the park with
your children or when you wish them to choose
their favourite toys at the mall.
Keep them away from the nasty virus by putting on
this protective KiddoKiiddo 3-layer mask that fits
their size!
RM 69.90 per box
Don’t waste your precious time tying the lengthy
Get them for your kids cords when you can get the KiddoKiddo mask to
now in all leading protect your children straightaway when they
explore the world!

3. Based on the advertisement above, KiddoKiddo mask

A. can provide more quality time for the family that use it.
B. can protect everyone from the virus with its 3-layer protection.
C. is sold at a reasonable price.
D. has cords that suit the size of the children.

The pollution inhaled in the past mainly from industrial areas is still causing harm
today but the temporary experience of cleaner air brought about by widespread
lockdowns may offer lessons for the kind of world we want to build after the
Covid-19 pandemic. From China’s Hubei province to industrial northern Italy and
beyond, pollution levels have plummeted as lockdowns aimed at slowing the viral
spread have shuttered businesses and trapped billions of people at home. The air
pollution index (API) in India, where air pollution among the world’s worst, was
reported to be at its best when the people there couldn’t believe their eyes after
being able to witness the sight of the majestic Himalayas from where they live!

4. What does the text say about how Covid-19 pandemic affects the air quality?

A. The pandemic creates air pollution from the industrial area of China to Italy.
B. The shutdowns help to stop the industrial waste from spreading in the air.
C. The pandemic has helped the people of India to enjoy the beauty of

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D. The spreading of Covid-19 pandemic is good in lowering the API.


1. Minimum qualification – SPM

2. Good interpersonal skills and friendly.
3. Ability to speak English or other languages is a plus.
4. No experience required.
Miss Shabanah,
The Human Resource Department of Sarvin & Sharvin Corp.
09-2961260 (Shabanah)

5. According to the above advertisement, an applicant should

A. be very fluent in English.

B. contact Mr. Sarvin or Mr. Sharvin via phone call or email.
C. be a person who has worked as a receptionist before.
D. discuss about the receptionist position with Miss Shabanah.

The current dry season has forced several states in Malaysia to carry
out water rationing. To ensure there are no water shortages in the coming
years, the federal government has decided to find ways to solve the
problem. One step is to look into the possibility of turning seawater into
fresh water as other countries are doing. This could be considered a long-
term solution to meet high demand for water in the industrial sector. As for
domestic use, every state will be required to source water from rivers.

6. What is the government’s plan to overcome water shortages in the future?

A. To obtain help from countries to process seawater.

B. To get water from rivers for household consumption.
C. To start water rationing during the dry season.

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D. To reduce water usage in the industrial sector.

Incineration may speed up the process of overcoming the countless piles

of waste in this world. When compared to other modern waste disposal methods
such as recycling or reusing the old items, lighting up a fire and throwing
everything on it is cheaper and quick. It is undeniable that by doing so, the smoke
with various pollutants shall be released to the atmosphere and pollute the air.
Clearing a small proportion of domestic garbage through incineration may not
seem harmful when it is done alone. What if the people in a huge neighbourhood
are doing the same thing when they wish to get rid of their waste? Everyone can
play a part in reducing the harm done to the world by knowing the impact it made
when burning even a small amount of garbage. Therefore, the public should
realize that even though practicing the 3Rs is a tedious and a slow process, it
shouldn’t be an excuse for everyone to pollute the air by opting for incineration.

7. What should the public do to avoid polluting the world more?

A. The public should consider to use incineration method to clear the garbage.
B. The public can reduce the amount of pollutants released from incineration
method by burning a small amount of garbage.
C. To avoid polluting the world more, the public should opt for the modern
methods in clearing the waste.
D. To avoid polluting the world more, the public should know the impact of their


Planning a large family get-together or having all your close-friends for dinner can
be difficult. This is especially so when you are too tied-up with your family chores
to go over every detail. But Mr. Hazim Gulugulu, ‘the Party Man’, has ten party
tips to ensure a successful event with minimal effort required.

8. Following Mr. Hazim Gulugulu’s party tips will

A. add variety to your parties.

B. help to minimise the costs.
C. Make parties easier to organise.

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D. allow you to invite more people.


Question 9 to 15 are based on the following passage. Choose the best answer to
fill in each blank.

The Bright Sparklers fireworks factory explosion on May 7, 1991 had ___9___ an
indelible mark on residents of Kampung Baru, Sungai Buloh. Before the tragedy struck, a
factory manager, ___10___ was also a chemist from Hong Kong, was testing a new
product inside the factory located next to the new village.

Things went south around 3.45pm when explosive chemicals from the experiment
spilt, sparking ___11___ fires that rapidly spread to a ___12___ pile of large firecrackers,
known as "bazookas". The fires were accompanied by a series of explosions that could
be heard and felt as far as 10km away from the factory.

The blast, described as Malaysia's version of the Hiroshima bombing, ___13___

26 lives and injured 103 people. The factory was razed to the ground and over 200
residential properties were also ___14___. The scene was likened to a war zone with
victims screaming and running helter-skelter due to the vicious flames, billowing smoke
and flying debris.

Despite the Bright Sparklers' incident ___15___ the history books as the country's
worst industrial disaster, there were some positive outcomes, including the establishment
of the Fire and Rescue Department's Hazardous Material Unit Team that specialises in
handling chemicals and radiation.

9. A. leaving
B. leaves
C. leave
D. left

10. A. whom
B. which
C. who
D. whose

11. A. up
B. out
C. off
D. on
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12. A. near
B. nearest
C. nearer
D. nearby

13. A. cleared
B. claimed
C. killing
D. murdering

14. A. gone
B. collapsed
C. damaged
D. broken

15. A. enter
B. entered
C. entry
D. entering

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Section B
[10 marks]
[Time suggested : 25 minutes]
Question 16 to 25
Read the following poster and answer the questions that follow.


for Pojan Foundation for Children and Hazwani Shelter House
Featuring musical performances by talented young musicians playing piano,
classical guitar, and strings and not to be missed, Maestro Cerap & His Romantic
They will wow you with their smash hits, playing 26 songs from musical’s
such as Evita, Miss Saigon, Mamma Mia!, A Whole New World from the Aladdin,
Lion King and Fly Me to the Moon.
Part of the money will be used for the expenses of holding concert while
the rest shall be channelled to the selected foundations.
Have an unforgettable and romantic night at the Halisha Concert Hall, Kota
By Yuna!
Date: January 20, 2020
Time: 8.00 P.M – 12.00 Midnight
Admission: RM 50 for adults and half-price for children below the age of 12.
Available from: The Tan’s Music Ltd. and KJL’s Arts School

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609-2961200 orBakar
Hak Cipta SMK Abu SULIT
for more info.
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Question 16 – 20
Hawa is thinking to enjoy the concert with a friend. With the information from the
poster, complete the email. Use no more than 3 words for each blank.

Subject: Let’s have fun!

Hi Sophie! Aren’t you bored at home? Let’s have a fun night and enjoy the
spectacular 16. ___________________________ charity concert. You know
what, 17. ___________________________ will be the special guest artist for
the night! Can you believe that? When I looked at the list of the songs that will
be performed that night, there are quite a number of popular songs from the
musicals like Lion King, A Whole New World, Evita, Miss Saigon,
18. ___________________________ and many more. If those fail to attract
you, what if I told you we can meet the famous and handsome musician
19. ___________________________ and his band? Get ready with the
money girl! If your Mum says the ticket is pricy, tell her some of the money
shall be donated to the famous foundation for children of Datuk Pojan from our
district and 20. ___________________________. Text me!

Question 21 – 25
Complete the ticket below with the information from the poster. Use no more than 5
words for each blank.


Purchased by: Sophie
Date of Concert : 21. ___________________________.
Time : 22. ___________________________.
Amount Paid : 23. ___________________________.
Seat No. : C-158 (1 Ticket)
Venue : 24. ___________________________.
1119/2 © 2020questions/issues
For further Hak Cipta SMK Abu Bakar
upon admission, dial SULIT
25. ___________________________.
SULIT 1119/2


Section C
[25 marks]
[Time suggested : 50 minutes]
Question 26 to 31 are based on the following passage.
1 When will I be released? I have another 3 months to serve until I am
freed. I have messed up with my life and true enough, my mother’s curse
really worked. That must have been because I have hurt her feelings a lot.

2 My father had left my mother when she was pregnant with me. She
played the role of a single parent very well until I started mixing with some 5
notorious boys in school. She warned me to keep away from them but I
insisted that they were part of my life. I idolised them because they always
had the money to spend and used expensive handsets.

3 My mother worked as an operator in a small industry and earned

very little. We lived from hand to mouth. I was never given any luxury and I 10
always blamed her for it. I felt that she did not work hard enough to give me
the luxury. At that time, I despised her so much that I even told her that I
hated the sight of her. Then, she found a second job as a washerwoman in
the neighbourhood.

4 I started stealing money from her savings and once I even pawned 15
her only wedding ring to get extra pocket money to impress my rich friends.
I spent them at expensive ‘Nasi Kandar’ restaurants. At school, I became
famous among friends and started missing classes to join my friends at
shopping complexes. Slowly, I stopped going to school and when Mother
found out, she scolded and even begged me to go back to school. I told her 20
to get lost and packed my bags to leave home. She cried and promised to
provide me with all the luxury I needed. I went near her and slapped her on
her face. That was when she cursed me that I would regret one day when
the whole world would turn its back on me.

5 I left home and found myself a job as a foreman. The boss sacked 25
me when I started laying hands on his income. Then I became a contract
worker and stayed with the other contract workers. The workload was too
heavy for me and I started playing truant from work. I got myself fired again
and had no home to stay. I went back to my so-called friends for money
and shelter but they turned me down and some did not even acknowledge 30
me. They stared at me as if I was a filthy thing. I was hungry and became
desperate. I needed food, money and shelter but I didn’t want to return to
my mother because I was ashamed of myself.

6 I had to do something. I walked up to the wet market in town, hoping

to get myself a job there. I saw an Indian lady with things in both hands 35
walking alone towards her car. An evil idea struck my mind. She had her
purse her armpit. I walked slowly towards her, snatched her purse and fled.
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I could hear her shouting for help and some even chased after me but I
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managed to escape. I hid myself at a construction site and I rummaged

through the contents of the purse. She had almost RM200.00 and that kept 40
me alive for another twelve days.

7 I became excited because that was easy money and I felt like doing
it again. This time I went to the Mega Mall and tried my luck. I snatched a
Chinese lady’s handbag and tried to flee but this time I was unlucky. Some
passers-by and the security guard managed to get me. I got myself behind 45
bars, sentenced for a year.

8 I truly regret it now. Once I am out, I want to go back to my mother. I

need to take care of her. I will go back to school and at the same time I will
work to cope with our expenditure. I will do well in school and further my
education. I want to be an engineer and make my mother proud. I will get 50
her everything, everything that she needs. I need to get out of this place.
Mother, please forgive me.

26. (a) From paragraph 1, what has the writer done to himself?
……………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark]
(b) From paragraph 2, what happened to the writer when he saw his friends had
money to spend and used expensive gadget?
……………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark]

27. (a) From paragraph 3, why did the writer despise his mother so much?
……………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark]
(b) In paragraph 4, which action of the writer do you think would have hurt her
mother physically?
……………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark]

28. (a) From paragraph 5, which 2 words phrase tells us that the writer has started
……………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark]
(b) From paragraph 5, give one reason why his friends looked at him like a filthy
……………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark]

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28. (a) From paragraph 6, what made the writer thought of the evil idea when he saw
the Indian lady?
12 [1 mark]

(b) From paragraph 8, how could the writer amend his mistake towards his
……………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark]
30. From the story above, we can say that the writer had chosen a wrong path.
Suggest two ways how parents can ensure how their children to grow up to
be good citizens.
Suggestion 1: …………………………………..…………………………
…………………………………..………………………… [1 mark]
Suggestion 2: …………………………………..…………………………
…………………………………..………………………… [1 mark]

31. Based on the passage given, write a summary on,

 What the writer did which messed up his relationship with his
Credits will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to
change the original meaning.

Your summary must,

 be in continuous form (not in note form)
 use materials from line 5 to line 24
 not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given
below. 13
Begin your summary as follow:
The writer’s life with his mother started to mess up ……………………………………...

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Section D
[20 marks]
[Time suggested : 35 minutes]


What has happened to Lulu, mother?

What has happened to Lu?
There's nothing in her bed but an old rag-doll
And by its side a shoe.

Why is her window wide, mother,

The curtain flapping free,
And only a circle on the dusty shelf
Where her money-box used to be?

Why do you turn your head, mother,

And why do tear drops fall?
And why do you crumple that note on the fire
And say it is nothing at all?

I woke to voices late last night,

I heard an engine roar.
Why do you tell me the things I heard
Were a dream and nothing more?

I heard somebody cry, mother,

In anger or in pain,
But now I ask you why, mother,
You say it was a gust of rain.

Why do you wander about as though

You don't know what to do?
What has happened to Lulu, mother?
What has happened to Lu?

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by Charles Causley


(a) In stanza 1, which phrase reflects that Lulu has brought along all her
......……………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark]

(b) “And why do the tear-drops fall?” (Stanza 3, Line 2)

Why was mother crying?
......……………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark]

(c) In stanza 4, what woke the persona up?

......……………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark]

(d) Your friend said she wants to run away from her house.
Will you support her? Give reason for your answer.

Will you support her?: …………...…………………………………………… [1 mark]

Reason: .....……………….……………………………………………………
………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark]

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33. The following are the novels read in the literature component in English

Dear Mr. Kilmer – Anne Schraff

Sing To The Dawn – Minfong Ho
Captain Nobody – Dean Pitchford

Choose any one of the novels above and answer the question below.
Based on the novel that you have read, write about a moral value that you
18 reference to the text, give reasons why
have found from the novel. With close
that moral value is useful to you.

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