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Kimberly Vuong (215542038)

EDIS3610 E

Farah Rahemtula

29 September 2020

Reflection Questions

1. The first key insight I gained was the connection between all the terms. The second

insight was understanding how the terms like digital literacy and media literacy adapt to

the changes in technology. Therefore these educational approaches will never phase out

and educators can learn about these terms and develop skills to effectively educate

students. My final insight is thinking about the possible ways my future students can use

these platforms to creatively display their academic work. By having used the sites

myself, I can provide tips and tricks for the students to use.

2. These insights will provide me with good virtues to use when educating my future

students. I will also make sure to implement a lot of digital and media literacy to adapt to


3. The first frustration I faced was trying to use easelly. Initially easelly was my first choice

to do the inforgraphic project on but I struggled in understanding how to navigate through

the site. I had difficulty even changing the text so I gave up. My incapability to

understand the site led to my success when using canva. I liked the themes, backgrounds,

pictures a lot more. A frustration I had with canva was the inability to access certain

customization tools because they were locked under premium. Regardless, I believe

canva allowed me to successfully create an attractive infographic. With the free stickers,
themes, and fonts, I was able to play around with how I wanted to make certain text stand

out from others. I was also able to create a fixed colour scheme.

4. I chose canva because I actually used the site very briefly to make a certificate template

once. In the future, I believe I could make educational infographics or posters and put

them up in the classroom to motivate students to learn. It could be about world issues or

motivating quotes or even fun English facts.

5. If I had to do it again I would perhaps try to make the infographic more professional

looking. At the moment I believe the infographic is colourful and appealing but perhaps

not appropriate for a professional setting.

Works Cited

Paulo Freire. “Reading the World and Reading the Word: An Interview with Paulo Freire.”

Language Arts, vol. 62, no. 1, National Council of Teachers of English, Jan. 1985, pp.


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