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Library’s Thesis/Dissertation Submission Guide


Chapter 1 Process for Thesis/Dissertation Submission ......................................... 1

Chapter 2 Editing Formats for Thesis/Dissertation ................................................ 2
Chapter 3 Page Numbering ................................................................................... 3
Chapter 4 PDF Conversion and Combine .............................................................. 5
Chapter 5 Adding Watermarks .............................................................................. 6
Chapter 6 PDF File Document Security .................................................................. 8
Chapter 7 Electronic Thesis/Dissertation (ETD) Submission ................................. 9
7.1 ETD System Account Application ................................................................. 9
7.2 ETD Upload ................................................................................................ 12
Chapter 8 Notices for Paperback Thesis/Dissertation ........................................ 16
Chapter 9 Precautions for Submitting Graduation Thesis/Dissertation .............. 17
Appendix 1. ETD Template Guide
Appendix 2. Cover Page and Book Spine Template Guide

Contact: Ms. Lin | ext.3136
8:30-12:00 & 13:00-17:00, Mon.-Fri.

Chapter 1 Process for Thesis/Dissertation Submission

While the ETD System is constantly available, it is

A review takes 1-2
recommended to upload your full-text file 2 weeks
working days, and
before the graduation deadline to avoid any delay
it takes longer to
in the graduation schedule.
review again.

All graduation procedures must be completed

before the school graduation deadline set by
the Office of Academic Affairs.
Chapter 2 Editing Formats for Thesis/Dissertation
1. Format specification
• For the detailed specifications, please refer to NO. J1 & J2 documents on the Office of
Academic Affairs website.
• These documents are general specifications where the department and institute may
specify relevant specifications based on the format commonly used in the academic field.

2. Document layout
It is recommended to use Microsoft Word or LaTex for document writing and layout.

3. Font choices
• Recommended fonts: DFKai-SB for Chinese and Times New Roman for English.
• For other fonts, please ensure the text can be properly presented after the file is
converted to PDF.

4. Electronic thesis/dissertation (ETD) content requirements

Content (* is required.) Page Numbering Note (3)
• Cover Page* None
• Chinese Abstract
• English Abstract*
• Acknowledgements
Roman numerals i, ii, iii ...
• Table of Contents*
• List of Tables
• List of Figures
• Main Body*
• References*
Arabic numerals 1, 2, 3 ...
• Appendices
• List of Symbols (Formulas)
(1) Templates and formats for covers page, abstract pages, table of contents, etc. refers to
"Appendix 1. ETD Template Guide."
(2) Each page of your ETD full-text file must contain a watermark. Please refer to "Chapter 5
Adding Watermarks" for the setting.
(3) For instructions on page numbering, please refer to "Chapter 3 Page Numbering".
(4) The "Oral Defense Committee Signature Form" is exempted in the ETD full-text file (only
include it in the paper copies).

Chapter 3 Page Numbering
1. Notice for page numbering
• Page numbers are NOT required for the cover page, title page, and the Oral Defense
Committee Signature Form.
• The content before the main body (normally “ABSTRACT” to “List of Figures”) shall be
numbered in sequence starting with the Roman numeral "i."
• The main body (from Chapter 1) and contents such as references and appendices shall
be numbered in sequence starting with the Arabic numeral "1."

2. Steps to add page number in MS Word

• To insert different types of page numbers, use "Section Breaks" feature in MS Word to
divide the document into three "sections." Then assign different page numbers to the
different "sections."
o [Section 1] Cover/Title Page: no page number
o [Section 2] ABSTRACT ~ List of Figures: Roman numeral i, ii, iii…
o [Section 3] Chapter 1 ~ the end: Arabic numeral 1, 2, 3…

• How to insert a section break:

In MS Word, move the cursor to the place you wish to insert the section break, select
"Breaks" on the “Layout” tab to add a Next Page section break.

• Show the paragraph mark to check if there is a section break inserted:
In MS Word, select the "Home" toolbar and click the symbol " or " (show/Hide). If
a section break is inserted, a "section break (next page)" shall be displayed. You may also
click twice at the "footer" to open the footer to confirm the breaking status.


• How to set the page number:

Select "Insert" toolbar, click "Page Number" and select "Plain Number 2" under "Bottom
of the Page." Click on the page number, select "Format Page Numbers" to open the
page number format panel and select "Formatting Page Numbers." The page numbering
shall start at the first page. (Do not select "Continue from previous section.")

5 4
Chapter 4 PDF Conversion and Combine
1. Notices
• The full-text file you upload to ETD System shall be one complete PDF file, including
complete contents such as abstract and keywords, acknowledgements, table of
contents, list of tables, lists of figures, main body, references, appendices, etc.
• Please DO NOT include the "Oral Defense Committee Signature Form" in the full-text
file. (Hence, no page numbering needed.)

2. Convert to PDF
MS Word can directly save files as PDF by using "Save as" feature and select “.pdf” under
the “Save as type.”

3. Combine PDF files

• “Adobe Acrobat Pro” is required to combine multiple PDF files. You can connect to
the "NTUT-vDesk" provided by School’s Computer and Network Center, or use it at the
OPAC Area on the first floor of the library.
• Steps to combine PDF files:
Open the "Adobe Acrobat Pro" and click "Tools." Select "Combine Files." Add files and
arrange the files in order, then click "Combine Files.”


4 Arrange the files in order.

Chapter 5 Adding Watermarks
1. School’s logo:
Download the school logo on the library’s website.

2. Steps to add watermarks in MS Word

Go to "Design" in the Toolbar and customize the Watermark image with 20% Scale and

3. Incorrect Watermarks:
If the text has a white shading covering the watermark, please change the Fill Color in
"Page Color" and "Page Borders" to "No Color."

Correct Watermark Incorrect Watermark
The text should appear on top of the Text with a white shading covering the
watermark, where figures or tables may cover watermark will result in an incomplete display
the watermark. of the watermark.

4. Steps to modify the shading covering the watermarks

Select the text to be modified and click the "A" (character shading) in the "Home" toolbar
twice to remove the shading. Select the "Design" toolbar and change the "Page Color" to
"No Color". Select the "Page Borders" and set the "Fill" under "Shading" tab to "No Color".
Also set the Patterns Style to "Clear" and apply to "Paragraph" (if it is still not modified,
please repeat the steps and apply to "Text").

1 3

4 5

Chapter 6 PDF File Document Security
1. Notices for PDF document security settings
• Your thesis/dissertation PDF file must be protected with security settings with high-
resolution printing allowed.
• You must use "Adobe Acrobat Pro" to set up document security. Connect to the
"NTUT-vDesk" provided by School’s Computer and Network Center, or use it at the
OPAC Area on the first floor of the library.

2. Steps for security setting

Open the "Adobe Acrobat Pro" and click "Tools", select "Protection" and select "Encrypt
with password". Under the Permission setting, check the "Restrict editing and printing of
the document" box, choose Printing Allowed option to "High Resolution," change the
permission password and re-enter the password.

Encrypt with Password 3

2 Encrypt with Certificate

4 5

Chapter 7
Electronic Thesis/Dissertation (ETD) Submission
7.1 ETD System Account Application
1. Go to the "Search" page of the ETD System and click "Sign Up" in the upper right corner.

2. Create a personal profile after agreeing to “Terms of Use.” Please pay attention to the
following fill-out notices:
(1) Name must be entered as "full name."
(2) The email account must be a school email.
(t + student ID or, such as

1 Full Name

2 School Email

3. Log in to the email address provided in step 2 to confirm the "Account Activation" and click
“verification button”.

4. Go to the ETD System page, click "Register" on the left, and log in using the account and
password created in step 2.

Use the account and password created in step 2.

5. Create a Personal Data and follow the fill-out notices:
(1) Please ensure to choose the correct department or institute name; the name may
not be changed once you submitted the application.
(2) Please fill in a valid email address. Approval Notification will be sent to this mailbox.
(3) It is recommended to provide the contact number, so the staff may contact you if they
have any question during the review. It can reduce the number of returns.

It is recommended to provide your contact number.

6. The system will send you the account and password to your mailbox. Please click “Submission”
on the left of the system and log in with the account and password you received.

Use the account and password you received to log in.

7.2 ETD Upload
1. Precautions before submitting ETD full-text:
• After submission, passed review will not be able to be modified by the authors. Therefore,
please make sure the full-text you submitted is the final version and confirm the ETD
authorization publication date with your advisor in advance.
• Please upload ETD full-text during the graduate semester, and do not upload in advance to
avoid system field errors.
• Please complete "7.1 ETD System Account Application" before submission.

2. Visit the ETD System page, click on the "Submission" on the left, and log in with the account
and password you received from the system. (To apply for an account, please refer to “7.1
ETD System Account Application.”)

Log in with the account and password you

received from the system.

3. Click "Step1 Key in" on the left, then click "Add Dissertation/Thesis".


4. Provide the necessary thesis/dissertation information, abstracts, table of contents and
references according to the system instructions.

Remember to switch tabs when filling in the contents.

Please follow the description to fill in the fields.

• Fields with common mistakes:

Field Fill-Out Instructions
Foreign Name Write in the form of "WANG, XIAO-MING."

Advisor If there is a co-advisor, please use “Add” button to add a new

field and do not write in the same field.
Advisory Committee Please provide at least 3 committees, and specify if the advisor is
one of the committees.
Publication Year Same as the year written on thesis/dissertation cover page.

Page Count The total pages are the Arabic numeral page number of the last
page of the full-text. (Not the total pages of PDF file.)
Chinese/ English Keywords A keyword per field. Please use “Add” button to add new fields
for multiple keywords.
Table of Contents Please provide the entire content with each Chapter and page

5. After fill in all the information, go to "Step 2" to upload the thesis/dissertation PDF file.
Please pay attention to following fill-out notices:
(1) The file shall be one complete PDF file. Please refer to "Chapter 4 PDF Conversion and
Combine" for details.
(2) If you wish to hide the abstract for patent applications, please sign the "Application
Form of Embargo on Release of Thesis/Dissertation Abstract" of the university in
advance. Upload the scanned file and fill in the publication date at "apply to hide
abstract" button.
(3) For more patent application requirements, please refer to the library website.

1 2
If you are applying for patents, please upload
the application form here to hide your abstract.

6. After uploading the PDF file, please fill in the “Copyright License Agreement” below for
public access date.

7. Click "Step3 Submit" after confirming all the information and text are correct.
Please understand the followings:
(1) The content cannot be modified after the review is passed. Please ensure the content
of the thesis is the correct final version.
(2) Library review will take 1-2 working days; please be patient.

8. After passing the review, please log in to the system and print 2 copies of Authorization
Forms. Submit both copies signed by the author and the advisor to the library when
applying for graduation.

Chapter 8
Notices for Paperback Thesis/Dissertation
1. Paperback thesis/dissertation requirements
Content Watermarks Page Numbering
• Cover Page
X None
• Blank Page
• Title Page O None
• Photocopied Oral Defense Committee
X None
Signature Form
• Chinese Abstract
• English Abstract
• Acknowledgements Roman numerals i, ii, iii
• Table of Contents ...
• List of Tables
• List of Figures
• Main Body
• References
O Arabic numerals 1, 2, 3 ...
• Appendices
• List of Symbols (Formulas)
• Blank Page
X None
• Back Cover

Note: The contents of yellow rows should be consistent with your ETD full-text.

2. Binding information
• Color of the cover page:
o Light gray for Ph.D. dissertation. Refer to:
o Light yellow for Master's thesis. Refer to:
o The colors may vary a little due to different paper manufacturers and types.

• Paper material:
180 gsm (or above) marbled paper with glossy or matte coating

• Printing style:
o Total page number more than 100 pages: double-sided printing
o Total page number less than 100 pages: single-sided printing

Chapter 9
Precautions for Submitting Graduation Thesis/Dissertation
1. Graduation document requirements
• You must have:
o 2 paperback copies (Binding information please refer to Chapter 8.)
o 2 copies of ETD Authorization Form signed by the author and the advisor.
(To print out the forms, please refer to Chapter 7.2 step 8.)

• If you want to apply for delaying public access, please prepare:

o 1 of "NTUT Application Form for Delaying Public Access to Thesis/Dissertation"
o 1 of "Application for Embargo of Thesis/Dissertation"
o Please download the forms on the library’s website.
o Both forms should contain the signature of the author and the advisor, and the
seal of head of the department and institute in the “Seal of the Authorization
Institute” field.

2. Other graduation requirements

You should return all the books and materials borrowed from the library and pay the lost
replacement fees or overdue fees before the graduation procedures are completed.

Appendix 1. ETD Template Guide 2.5 cm

24pt, bold
碩士學位論文 Chinese Department/Institute Title is
required, while English one is optional.

International Master of Business Administration Program

18pt, bold Master Thesis

2.5 cm
2.5 cm
English Title English Title English Title English
Title English Title
Chinese Title: 24pt, Exactly 32pt line spacing, bold
English Title: 20pt, Exactly 32pt line spacing, bold
(Chinese Title is optional.)

研究生:Justin Wang

18pt, bold
指導教授:李大仁 博士
Advisor: Da-Ren Lee, Ph.D.

January 2020

No page number on the title page.

2.75 cm
摘 要 Chinese Abstract is optional.



校所別:國立臺北科技大學 管理學院外國學生專班(IMBA)

畢業時間:一百零八學年度 第二學期



指導教授:李大仁 博士

關鍵詞:關鍵詞 A、關鍵詞 B、關鍵詞 C

(Chinese Abstract is optional.) 摘要為論文或報告的精簡概要,其目的是透過簡短


到的結果,但以不超過 500 字或一頁為原則,且不得有參考文獻或引用圖表等。以

中文撰寫之論文除中文摘要外,得於中文摘要後另附英文摘要。標題使用 20pt 粗標

楷體並於上、下方各空一行 (1.5 倍行高 字型 12pt 空行)後鍵入摘要內容。摘要頁須


i Page number starts from Roman numerals “i.”

1.75 cm

Title: English Thesis/Dissertation Title (please make sure your title here is same as your

cover’s title.)

Pages: 103

School: National Taipei University of Technology

Department: International Master of Business Administration Program

Time: May, 2020

Degree: Master

Researcher: Justin Wang

Advisor: Da-Ren Lee, Ph.D.

Keywords: AAA, BBB, CCC

Start writing abstract from here. Start writing abstract from here. Start writing abstract

from here. Start writing abstract from here. Start writing abstract from here. Start writing

abstract from here. Start writing abstract from here. Start writing abstract from here.


Insert your acknowledgements text here or delete this optional page. Use font size 12

and 1.5-spaced.

Table of Contents

摘 要 ......................................................................................................................................... i

ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................ii

Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................ iii

Table of Contents .................................................................................................................... iv

List of Tables ............................................................................................................................ v

List of Figures ......................................................................................................................... vi

Chapter 1 Title Example ........................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Section Header Level 1 (1-1) ..................................................................................... 1

1.1.1 Section Header Level 2 (1-1-1) ....................................................................... 1

Chapter 2 The title can be separate into 2 lines if it is too long. .............................................. 2

2.1 Section Header Level 1 (2-1) ..................................................................................... 2

2.1.1 Section Header Level 2 (2-1-2) ....................................................................... 2

References ................................................................................................................................ 3

List of Tables

Table 1.1 Table Example AAA. ................................................................................................ 1

Table 2.1 Table example CCC. ................................................................................................. 2

List of Figures

Figure 1.1 Figure Example BBB. ............................................................................................. 1

Figure 2.1 Figure Example DDD. ............................................................................................ 2

Main Title: font size 20pt and 1.5 line spacing with
12pt before and after this line

Chapter 1 Title Example

Level 1 Section Header: font size 18pt and 1.5 line
1.1 Section Header Level 1 (1-1) spacing with 1 line before this line

Content Text Content Text Content Text Content Text Content Text Content Text Content

Text Content Text. Main content: font size 12pt and 1.5 line spacing

1 1
sin 𝛼 ± sin 𝛽 = 2 sin 2 (𝛼 ± 𝛽) cos 2 (𝛼 ∓ 𝛽) (1.1)

Level 2 Section Header: font size 16pt and 1.5 line

1.1.1 Section Header Level 2 (1-1-1) spacing with 1 line before this line

Content Text Content Text Content Text Content Text Content Text Content Text Content

Text Content Text.

Table 1.1 Table Example AAA.

Figure 1.1 Figure Example BBB.

1 Page number starts from Arabic numerals “1.”

Chapter 2
The title can be separate into 2 lines if it is too long.

2.1 Section Header Level 1 (2-1)

Content Text Content Text Content Text Content Text Content Text Content Text Content

Text Content Text.

Table 2.1 Table example CCC.

2.1.1 Section Header Level 2 (2-1-2)

Content Text Content Text Content Text Content Text Content Text Content Text Content

Text Content Text.

Figure 2.1 Figure Example DDD.

−𝑏±√𝑏 2 −4𝑎𝑐
𝑥= (2.1)


[1] P. Biswas and J. Marchesoni, "Analyzing Digital Collections Entrances: What Gets

Used and Why It Matters," Information Technology & Libraries, Article vol. 35, no. 4,

pp. 19-34, 2016.

[2] J. Bosman and B. Kramer, "101 Innovations in Scholarly Communication: How

researchers are getting to grip with the myriad of new tools," Impact of Social

Sciences Blog, 2015.

[3] G. Bruzual and S. Charlot, "Stellar population synthesis at the resolution of 2003,"

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 344, no. 4, pp. 1000-1028,


[4] D. Carroll and J. Cummings, "Data Driven Collection Assessment using a Serial

Decision Database," Serials Review, Article vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 227-239, 2010.

[5] L. A. DePope, R. Kemp, M. Hemhauser, and D. Reid, "Building a Foundation for

Collection Management Decisions," Serials Librarian, Article vol. 66, no. 1-4, pp.

220-226, 2014.

[6] I. Ke and J. Bronicki, "Using Scopus to Study Researchers’ Citing Behavior for Local

Collection Decisions: A Focus on Psychology," Journal of Library Administration, vol.

55, no. 3, pp. 165-178, 2015.

[7] R. Lukes, S. Markgren, and A. Thorpe, "E-Book Collection Development: Formalizing

a Policy for Smaller Libraries," Serials Librarian, Article vol. 70, no. 1-4, pp. 106-115,


1. References style depends on your major discipline. The followings are some common
styles: APA 6th, Chicago 17th, IEEE, MLA, Vancouver...etc.
2. This sample uses IEEE style for example.

Appendix 2.
Cover Page and Book Spine Template Guide

管 國
理 立

院 臺
外 北
國 科
學 技

專 大
班 學
編 碩

: 士


Student ID

Title English Title
English Title English Title English Title English

Justin Wang
The cover page is same as your title page but
without watermark.

International Master of Business Administration Program
Master Thesis

English Title English Title English Title English
Title English Title

研究生:Justin Wang

指導教授:李大仁 博士

Advisor: Da-Ren Lee, Ph.D.

January 2020

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