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Question1. How have you handled working under someone you felt was not good at communicating?

Answer: Before answering the question it is contemplated that what the objective of this question is.
People having different styles and personalities it is not something that you will able to avoid or get
around especially when you see other people at work. So the task is how to navigate when someone is
not pitchy all the time. And might be difficult to communicate with or they might be unwilling to
cooperate. This is an obstacle that gets in the way of productivity to work under the person who is not
good at communication.

There is a famous formula for understating and working under such person. This question can be better
understood by giving away an example of an event through which one has passed through.

S.A.R.I which stands for

“S” Situation.

“A” Action.

“R” Result.

“I” Interesting Features.

Step 1: Describe the Situation

This is the very first step of understanding and working with a person who is not good at
communication. This can be understood from my life example when I was working in development
project with The Nation Foundation in ex Fata . So I needed to guide them what we needed and what we
wanted and they were going to implement. The project coordinator wanted to make changes and it was
bit difficult to communicate with. So I knew it I needed to do something about that to get project
implemented. So that set the stage and I gave him an idea of exactly what was happening.

Step 2: Talk about your specific ACTIONS

The first thing I did was I asked him a few questions. I said how would you prefer I communicate with
you would prefer phone, email or in person. And is there anything else I can do to make working
together easier. And I did not work away at first. So the result was two folded because there was
another option coming to execute for the better working with such person.

Step 3: Describe the Result

He wanted to communicate only via email and he was still not very responsive. He wanted a ton of
notice for everything he was working on and it was not always possible to give him as much notice as he
wanted. And when I asked him what we can do to make it easier he just said nothing. As we were
starting at square one I did not give up because I was committed to get the project implemented. So the
next thing I did was asked him what was going on this was the thing where I really got personal with
him. We brought a cup of tea and sat down. I asked what exactly is going on with you. Is everything
alright? I am sure our relation could be a lot better and I like to make sure that you are alright because
you do not really seems like yourself. So this was point where great results came and this is where he
wrapped it up. He broke down and said to tell you the truth I am really overwhelmed, I have been
having sleeping issues and I have had so much piles of work. People have so many expectations with me
and I have not been able to meet them. He said he was sorry for making it difficult to work under him
but this is what really happened. Consequently he appreciated my concern and wanted to make better
efforts for the smooth implementation of project. And from then on it went a lot better.

Step 4: Interesting Features

From the discussion it is understood that this was not actually difficult to communicate at all under
normal circumstances. But the thing causing him a problem was two folded was lack of sleep and a lot of
work was making him vague to understand. People must hold and express patience when handling and
working under such person who is not good at communication. Logical grudges are unlike from personal
peeves; in the lordly scheme of things, someone who bites their nails is less of a problem than someone
who misses every deadline assign to them. Employers do not want to work with people who are going to
be annoyed by every little thing, so you need to give a reply that depicts the little stuff would not let you
irritated. One must not react rather respond.

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