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Prepared by

Vercelle A. Docdoc
Asst. Professor IV

S.Y. 2020 - 2021

Module 1 Meaning, Nature and Scope of Educational Psychology
Meaning and definition of Psychology
Meaning of Education
Meaning of Educational Paychology
Nature of Educational Psychology
Scope of Educational Psychology
Module 2 The Learners
Understanding Growth and Development

The Importance of Studying the Stages of Development

Factors in Growth and Development
Basic Principles of Growth and Development
Learners Stages of Human Development
Theories of Development
Psycho-analytic Theory
Psychosocial Theory
Cognitive Theory
Theory of Moral Development

Module 3 The Learning Process

Nature of Learning Process
Definition, types, Learning outcomes
Learning Theories
classical conditioning
operant conditioning
connectionism theory
social learning theory
insight theory
field theory
cognitive learning theory
Module 5 Learning Situation
The teaching profession
Preparation of the teacher
The roles and functions of the teacher
The classroom teacher

The teacher outside of the classroom

Module 6 Meaning, Nature and Scope of Educational Sociology

Meaning and definition of Sociology

Meaning of Educational Sociology
Nature of Educational Sociology
Scope of Educational Sociology
Module 7 History of Educational Sociology
Module 8 Social Institutions
Module 9 Social Economic
Module 10 Culture
Chapter 1

Meaning, Nature and Scope of Educational Psychology


1. Define psychology and education

2. Explain the nature educational psychology
3. Discuss the contribution of Educational Psychology to the teaching process
4. Elaborate the scope of educational psychology


This module deals with the importance and contribution of educational

psychology on the theory and practice of education particularly in our new normal
situation today where teachers are adapting to a host of exhausting challenges in the
delivery of instruction.
The purpose of this is to define the concept of psychology, education and
educational Psychology. It describes meaning, nature and scope of Educational


The term "psychology" is derived from two Greek words – psyche (soul) and
logos (science or study). Thus, literally it means study or science of soul. But now it is
no more considered as science of soul. It has moved away from this focus and
established itself as a scientific discipline which deals with the various processes and
behaviour of organism.

Most of the contemporary psychologists agree on a definition of psychology as

the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes of organism.

There are three key terms in the above definition of psychology which have been
clarified below:

Scientific study means using techniques such as observation, description, and

experimental investigation to collect information and then organising this information.
Mental processes refer to private and cognitive process such as attention, perception,
remembering (memory), problem
Behaviour refers to all the actions or reactions of an organism (person or animal)
in response to external or internal stimuli. The behaviour of an individual, in a broad
sense, refers to anything the individual does. According to Leagans (1961), behaviour
refers to what an individual knows (Knowledge), what s/he can do (skill – mental or
physical), what s/he thinks (attitude), and what s/he actually does.

Behaviour may be simple or complex, short or enduring. Human behaviour may

be overt (expressed outside) or covert (expressed inside). While symbolic adoption is
an example of covert behaviour, use adoption is an example of overt behaviour. Both
overt and covert behaviour can be measured.

People who study psychological phenomena are not necessarily limited to the
study of human beings only; they also study the behaviour of animals. They study the
behaviour and mental processes of individual not of group/community. Thus, when they
are studying groups, the focus is generally on how individuals perform within the group
rather than the study of the group as a whole.


In order to know the educational psychology; we

have to first understand what is education.

The world education is derived from Latin word

educare which means to bring-up. Education is
also derived from another Latin world educere
which means to lead out. Education as educere
is more acceptable as it means leading an
individual from ignorance to knowledge.

Education can be defined as the process of imparting or acquiring knowledge and

habits through instruction or study. It can also be defined as a process in which human
behaviour is modified so as to be in closer agreement with some model or ideal
determined by the values of society.
If education is to be effective, it should result in changes in all the behavioural

Educational psychology is that branch of psychology in which the findings of psychology

are applied in the field of education. It is the scientific study of human behaviour in
educational setting.

According to Charles. E. Skinner, “Educational psychology deals with the behaviour of

human beings in educational situations”.

Thus educational psychology is a behavioural science with two main references–

human behaviour and education.

In the words of E.A. Peel, “Educational Psychology is the science of Education”.

Education by all means is an attempt to mould and shape the behaviour of the pupil. It
aims to produce desirable changes in him for the all-round development of his

The essential knowledge and skill to do this job satisfactorily is supplied by Educational
Psychology. In the words of E.A. Peel, “Educational psychology helps the teacher to
understand the development of his pupils, the range and limits of their capacities, the
processes by which they learn and their social relationships.”

In this way, the work of the Educational Psychologists resembles with that of an
Engineer, who is a technical expert. The Engineer supplies all the knowledge and skill
essential for the accomplishment of the job satisfactorily… for example, construction of
a bridge.

In the same way Educational Psychologists, who is a technical expert in the field of
Education, supplies all the information, principles and techniques essential for
understanding the behaviour of the pupil in response to educational environment and
desired modification of his behaviour to bring an all-round development of his

In this way, it is quite reasonable to call Educational Psychology as a science and

technology of Education.

Thus, Educational Psychology concerned primarily with understanding the processes of

teaching and learning that take place within formal environments and developing ways
of improving those methods. It covers important topics like learning theories; teaching
methods; motivation; cognitive, emotional, and moral development; and parent-child
relationships etc.

In short, it is the scientific discipline that addresses the questions: “Why do some
students learn more than others?” and “What can be done to improve that learning?”

Its nature is scientific as it has been accepted that

it is a Science of Education. We can summarize
the nature of Educational Psychology in the
following ways:

1. Educational Psychology is a science.

(Science is a branch of study concerned
with observation of facts and
establishment of verifiable general laws.
Science employs certain objective
methods for the collection of data. It has
its objectives of understanding, explaining,
predicting and control of facts.) Like any
other science, educational psychology has also developed objective methods of
collection of data. It also aims at understanding, predicting and controlling
human behaviour.
2. Educational Psychology is a natural science. An educational psychologist
conducts his investigations, gathers his data and reaches his conclusions in
exactly the same manner as physicist or the biologist.
3. Educational psychology is a social science. Like the sociologist,
anthropologist, economist or political scientist, the educational psychologist
studies human beings and their sociability.
4. Educational psychology is a positive science. Normative science like Logic
or Ethics deals with facts as they ought to be. A positive science deals with
facts as they are or as they operate. Educational psychology studies the child’s
behaviour as it is, not, as it ought to be. So it is a positive science.
5. Educational psychology is an applied science. It is the application of
psychological principles in the field of education. By applying the principles and
techniques of psychology, it tries to study the behaviour and experiences of the
pupils. As a branch of psychology it is parallel to any other applied psychology.
For example, educational psychology draws heavily facts from such areas as
developmental psychology, clinical psychology, abnormal psychology and social
6. Educational psychology is a developing or growing science. It is concerned
with new and ever new researches. As research findings accumulate,
educational psychologists get better insight into the child’s nature and
behaviour. W.A. Kelly (1941) listed the nature of Educational Psychology as

i. To give a knowledge of the nature of the child

ii. To give understanding of the nature, aims and purposes of education
iii. To give understanding of the scientific methods and procedures which
have been used in arriving at the facts and principles of educational
iv. To present the principles and techniques of learning and teaching
v. To give training in methods of measuring abilities and achievement in
school subjects
vi. To give a knowledge of the growth and development of children
vii. To assist in the better adjustment of children and to help them to
prevent maladjustment
viii. To study the educational significance and control of emotions and
ix. To give an understanding of the principles and techniques of correct

Thus, educational psychology is an applied, positive, social, specific and practical

science. While general science deals with behaviour of the individuals in various
spheres, educational psychology studies the behaviour of the individual in educational
sphere only.


Education aims at shaping the behaviour of the students in a desirable way and
bringing about all-round development in their personality. This task is carried out
through the process of formal and informal teaching and learning. Educational
Psychology helps in the process of teaching and learning by adopting the scientific
principle. Educational Psychology helps a teacher in the following way:
 A teacher can teach effectively by making minimum use of his energy in
terms of time and labor.
 The students can learn effectively by spending less of their time and
 Helps to carry out the processes and produce the results of education.
 It supplies the necessary knowledge and skills, especially for the teacher
to realize the objectives of education.
 It equips the teacher with essential scientific skills, technological expertise
and advice in molding and shaping the behaviour of the students.
Educational Psychology thus plays the same role as other sciences and
technology in helping the teachers and other persons connected with the building of the
future of the youngsters in their charge. Thus, Educational Psychology can be described
as the science and technology of Education.


In Psychology the scope of study and the fields of operation are extended to
cover the behaviour of all living organisms related to all their life activities, whereas, in
Educational Psychology, the scope of such behavioural study has to be limited within
the confines of the teaching-learning process, i.e. studying the behaviour of the learner
in relation to their educational environmental, specifically for the satisfaction of their
educational needs and the all round development of their personality. Therefore, the
subject matter of Educational Psychology must be centered on the process of teaching
and learning for enabling the teacher and learners to do their jobs as satisfactorily as
possible. The educative process includes the following areas of education of the

1. Teacher:
Teacher’s role is very crucial in the task of behavioral modification and
personality development of number of children studying in a class. Much depends on
the competency and capability of the teacher for carrying out the desired task. For this
purpose, the teacher must pay attention to the following aspects which have been
included in the text of educational Psychology:
• Personality traits and characteristics of good teachers.
• Duties and responsibilities of a teacher.
• Measures for knowing and doing away with personal conflicts, anxiety and
• Teacher’s motivation, level of aspiration, adjustment and mental health.
2. Learner:
Before the learner is taught, his individuality and personality should be known.
Therefore, topics like the following should be included which will be helpful in exploring
the individual’s life, viz; • Learner’s instincts and other innate abilities.
• The learned and acquired abilities.
• Individual differences in terms of abilities and capacities.
• Their interests, aptitudes, attitudes, intelligence and creativity.
• Mental health and personality.
All these are important for personality appraisal.
3. Learning process:
The subject matter of educational Psychology thus covers the topics helpful in
suggesting principles, methods and techniques for the selection of the learning
experiences appropriate to each development stage of the children. It enunciates how
to organize the contents or topics grade-wise for giving them the shape of a syllabus or
curriculum; even how to cater to the individual differences and individuality of the
children in framing the syllabi or curricula is also taken care by educational Psychology.
The subject tries to encompass the essential knowledge and skills for equipping the
teachers to plan, select and arrange learning experiences to the children suitable for
their age, grade and also meeting their specific individual potentialities. It must include
the topics and contents which are specifically meant for improving the processes and
products of education mainly centered on the teaching- learning process. As a result its
study involves the following topics:
• Psychology of learning
• Motivation of learning
• Factors affecting learning
• Transfer of learning / training
• Sensation, perception and concept formation.
• Interest and attitude formation
• Thinking, reasoning and problem solving behavior etc.
4. Learning Environment:
Educational Psychology helps the teacher and the learners to understand the
suitability and appropriateness of a teaching - learning situation for the effective
realization of the teaching - learning objectives. Educational Psychology plays its role in
deciding the type of learning experiences suitable for the children at each
developmental stage by keeping in view the differences in their potentialities. Every
environmental situation is not suitable for a particular piece of instruction or the sharing
of a learning experience. The effectiveness of a teaching - learning programme
depends largely on the suitability of the teaching - learning situations in terms of time,
place and other environmental factors. Educational Psychology helps in taking into
account the following : • Classroom climate
• Institutional/ Organizational climate
• Group behaviour and group dynamics
• Role of rewards and punishment
• Guidance and Counseling
5. Learning Resources:
Although Educational Psychology does not connect itself directly with the
problem of what to teach or what learning experiences or resources are to be provided
for the learner yet it has the full responsibility of suggesting techniques of acquiring the
learning resources. Once the task of Educational Philosophy to decide the aims and
objectives of a piece of instruction at a particular stage is finished, the need of
educational Psychology is felt. At this stage, Educational Psychology helps in deciding
what learning resources are desirable at what stage of the growth and development of
the learner so that these experiences can be acquired with a greater ease and
satisfaction. In this area Educational Psychology has the subject matter which deals
with the knowledge and principles of Psychology which facilitates the selection of the
desirable learning resources for the learner. Educational Psychology helps in taking into
account in organizing the following:
• Print media - books, newspapers, magazines
• Audio - Visual- television, films
• Multimedia – Computers (online & off line)
• Museum, Visits, Exhibitions, etc.
Educational Psychology is a continuously growing discipline adding new
dimensions to its field of study. However, its scope may be considered extensive in the
sense that all that is needed for providing solutions to the problems and demands of the
dynamic educational system must find place in the study of educational Psychology.


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