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Climate change has become a reality's significant issue nowadays. The world's climate is

continuously changing at one very fast and also in various ways. Climate change is defined as

the long term change in the world's environment, particularly the change because of the growth

in the average atmospheric temperature (Ong et al., 2020). The two fundamental reasons behind

opposing climate change are economic performance and the ethical duty not to harm others.

However, saving nature wouldn't be as easy as it seems because humans tend to show ignorance

from the reality that Earth is slowly dying and it may be hard to bring it back from what it should


As of National Geographic Channel's reports, in any case, the impacts of climate change

include a change for climate designs, precipitation, ocean level ascent, and untamed life. A mix

of changes in precipitation and climate examples will deliver dry spells in a single division and

extraordinary floods in neighboring regions. Memorable climate occasions have intense

outcomes on human life just as environments. It will even substantially affect agribusiness.

The impacts of climate change are noteworthy in the present society and will

tremendously affect human life over the world. The ignorant nature of humans can kill them little

by little. A certain time will come when life falls on verge of extinction because of the

continuous destruction of Earth. Later on, wars over common assets could bring about millions

or even billions of setbacks. Unquestionably, environmental change is humankind's most

colossal test, and we can't bear to disregard it anymore.

Reasons for Climate Change

There were many "natural" and "anthropogenic" factors that add to climate change (Labs,

2013). Climate change has consistently occurred on Earth, which is found in the topographical

record; it is the fast rate and the greatness of climate change happening now that is of particular

concern worldwide. Ozone harming substances in the climate assimilate heat radiation. Since the

Industrial Revolution, the human movement has expanded greenhouse gas emissions in the air,

prompting more warmth and expansion in surface temperatures. Air vaporizers adjust the

atmosphere by dissipating and engrossing sun based and infrared radiation, and they may

likewise change the microphysical and compound properties of mists. At long last, land-use

changes, such as deforestation, have prompted changes in the measure of daylight reflected from

the beginning into space (Humanity, 2020).

Climate change in the Philippines

The Philippines is the most vulnerable nation to risks achieved by climate change.

(Global Peace Index, 2019). According to the Global Peace Index 2019 report, 47 percent of the

nation's populace is in regions profoundly presented to atmosphere perils: tremors, tidal waves,

floods, tropical typhoons, and drought. The Philippines was followed by Japan, Bangladesh,

Myanmar, China, Indonesia, India, Vietnam, and Pakistan. Manila positioned seventh with most

hazard to a solitary atmosphere risk, while Vietnam beat the rundown.

Green Theory in Climate Change

Green theory in universal relations is a sub-field of global relations hypothesis

which concerns worldwide environmental participation (Gale, 2010). For ecological issues,
which rise above limits, these inquiries appear as posing at what level of the political network

needed to answer. For green theorists, the appropriate responses are found in elective thoughts

regarding political affiliation dependent on people's natural connections.

Environmentalists suggest that the distinguishing feature of the green theory is its relation

to a coherent moral vision – a 'green theory of value' – which works freely of an idea of practices

or political agencies. A green morality as an example might suggest that human material

development is essential to curtail in preserving the environment. This would limit the freedom

of humans to consume, however much they can acquire. It also suggests an approach that puts

nature before people. In this sense, Green theory is ecocentric, meaning that it stands against

anthropocentrism (human-centered thought). However, this doesn't mean that ecocentrism

ignores human desires, but instead put more focus on preserving the environment for the future

generation's benefit. Because they are a prerequisite to human health and their well-being, it also

prioritizes healthy ecosystems.

On the other hand, anthropocentrism focuses only on the short-term benefits of nature to

humans. The said ecocentric/anthropocentric distinction is the main focus of green theory. The

comprehensive ecocentric perspective suggests a dismissal of the split among residential and

worldwide governmental issues, given that subjective limits between countries don't match with

biological systems. For instance, air and water contamination can cross an outskirt, and

environmental change cuts overall fringes and populaces. Practically, human populaces are

naturally interconnected. This affects how people comprehend and manage transboundary and

worldwide natural issues aggregately, putting aside public personal circumstances. Green theory

helps people understand climate change in terms of long haul physical qualities instead of

momentary human interests. These interests are commonly sought after by states through
interests in innovation. However, there is no simple specialized answer for human-incited

climate change (Paterson, 2000). From green theory, this technical impasse requires an

adjustment in human values and presents an open door for political development or even a

groundbreaking movement in worldwide legislative issues (Carter, 2007). Green theory can

provide alternatives to aid climate change despite being a complicated issue for a country to



The projects' objectives are; to lessen the carbon emission that significantly affects

greenhouse gas production, provide alternatives for non-renewable energy sources (e.g., coal,

natural oil, petroleum), and reduce energy consumption.

Proposed Solutions

Monitoring energy consumption and utilization of LED lights

In pretty much every house, twelve apparatuses incorporate air conditioners, TV,

microwave, washing machines, etc. These appliances lead to a worldwide temperature alteration

and subsequently, climate change. Indeed, these machines expend more vitality when they are

turned off when contrasted with when these are turned on. Along these lines, it is fitting to

practice monitoring and reducing energy consumption. It will diminish the pace of the outflow of

unsafe gases and would most likely control global warming and, afterward, climate change.

Software that will help people monitor their energy consumption regularly is a must-have

to save energy. It will detect whether the plugged-in appliances are not in use and suggest if it

should be unplugged. It will also identify whether a specific gadget is in use for almost 12 hours

and suggests resting.

Besides, one of the best solutions to reduce energy consumption is the utilization of LED

lights. The vitality investment funds of cooler-consuming bulbs, including CFL and LED, can

significantly affect service bills and make a person's house eco friendly. The squandered heat

created by incandescent bulbs can build home cooling costs and, thus, waste energy. Changing

indoor, outside, carport, and business lights to qualified Energy Starlights are thrifty and in

addition to helping the environment.

Lessening carbon emission with the use of engine air filter

Carbon discharges add to climate change, which can have real ramifications for

people and their condition. As per the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, carbon emissions,

as carbon dioxide, make up more than 80 percent of the ozone harming substances transmitted in

the world. The consumption of petroleum products discharges carbon dioxide and other ozone

harming substances. These carbon discharges raise worldwide temperatures by catching sun

oriented vitality in the climate. This adjusts water supplies and climate designs, changes the

developing season for food crops, and undermines waterfront networks with expanding ocean


Various vehicles on the streets have various parts that pollute the earth in various

manners. Vehicles emit different poisons in comparison to hefty trucks with diesel motors. Also,

a noteworthy segment of traffic contamination originates from dust produced by brakes and tires,

just as soil dust kicked up by passing vehicles. It is difficult to realize each compound that gets

into the air is almost a bustling street, however they all fall into a couple of classes.
Cars directly discharge carbon monoxide and nitrous oxides. Traffic additionally makes

optional contamination, which happens when outflows respond with different synthetics in the

environment to shape harmful substances. Nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and ozone are among

the auxiliary toxins brought about by vehicle traffic.

Brake dust is a pollutant that is often disregarded. These particles contain harmful

chemicals like acidic sulfate that are small enough to be carried by the wind and to be inhaled by

humans which causes a lot of respiratory problems (Fang, 2017).

Tire dust gets into the air when your tires start to erode. Present-day engineered elastic

consists of a few synthetic mixes, and the manner in which these mixes influence nature isn't all

around considered. Notwithstanding, breathing in miniscule particles of elastic consistently may

affect your respiratory wellbeing.

By that, a special engine focused on identifying or tracking the levels of carbon footprint

is to be installed for vehicles. It will produce sounds to notify people if the carbon emission

level is high enough to harm the environment. Also, it can filter the air to be released.

An engine air filter is that little component in the vehicle which gives new and sifted air

to the car's engine. Air is blended in with fuel in the motor, and this builds the mileage, that is,

the separation that a person can cover with a given amount of fuel. It is basic to utilize air filters

for vehicles that are in acceptable working condition on the grounds that such will guarantee that

the perfect measure of clean air gets in and out. In the event that individuals are to utilize an old

beaten air channel, at that point the air getting it probably won't be sufficient on the grounds that
most probable, the channel will be stopped up with earth. This implies that the vehicle will

expend more fuel.

Using a solar portable power bank as a renewable source of energy

Renewable power sources will be wellsprings of spotless and progressively competitive

energy. They vary from fossil fuels primarily in their decent variety, abundance, and potential for

use anyplace on the planet, yet most notably in that they produce neither one of the greenhouses

gases, causing environmental change – nor contaminating discharges. Their expenses are

likewise falling and at a feasible rate, though the overall cost pattern for petroleum derivatives is

the other way regardless of their current instability (Salat & Swallow, 2018).

Solar energy is one of the significant kinds of sustainable power sources. It is gotten from

the heat and light from the sun. The warmth is gathered utilizing present-day gear that

incorporates solar panels, sunlight based authorities, and sun based loft fans. Solar panels are

being used for absorbing heat that is being used for warming water while sunlight based storage

room fans are utilized locally for cooling. The photovoltaic boards transform sunlight into energy

directly (Mancebo, 2018).

One gadget that uses solar energy is a solar portable power bank. This comes in handy

whenever people need to charge their phones while going outside without using sockets and

electric outlets. This is a charging power bank with a decent solar panel for its reduced size, just

like the typical alternative of charging it through an electric outlet. It generally takes around 85

hours to get to a full charge. The solar feature is incredibly valuable for crisis charges and when
climbing or outdoors. This power bank also has a helpful circle, so it tends to be held tight on

backpacks and charged with the sunlight when strolling outside.


Since people benefit from nature, it is a must to take care of it. The consumption of non-

renewable energy sources, the high level of greenhouse gases, and deforestation are reasons why

climate change has gotten critical. If people will not do anything, will stay ignorant about the

state of the environment, and things continue on like right now, humans' extinction from the

Earth's surface is possible. In spite of the fact that humans do great harm to the ecosystem, it is

even an attempt to fix what has been done to harm the environment. Furthermore, if everyone

starts helping little by little, then humans' existence in the future is still guaranteed.

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