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15/9/2020 Additio Web

Assoliment excel·lent 2 Assoliment notable 1,5 Assoliment satisfactori 1 No assoliment 0,5 No assoliment 0

KNOWLEDGE OF THE CONTENT Demonstrates excellent knowledge Demonstrates acceptable Student is uncomfortable with Student has no grasp of No supporting material or not done
16,67 %
of the content and preparation. knowledge of the content and information. Many relevant facts information. No supporting
Interesting facts. preparation. have been left out. Poor material
Excellent supporting material Adequate supporting material supporting material
Information is presented in a
logical sequence.

FLUENCY /SPEED 16,67 % Fluent English. Good Speaking with some hesitation but Speaking with some hesitation Too much hesitation. Difficult to Too much hesitation and reading
Descripció communication it does not interfere with which interferes with follow too much
communication. communication

PRONUNCIATION 16,67 % Clear and accurate pronunciation Accurate with a few problems but Pronunciation and intonation Too many errors Too many errors that make it
PRONUNCIATION AND it doesn’t interfere with errors make it difficult to difficult to understand
INTONATION understanding understand

GRAMMAR 16,67 % Presentation has no grammatical Presentation has a few Presentation has grammatical Too many grammatical errors. Very Too many important errors and
GRAMMAR, VOCABULARY AND errors and uses very appropriate grammatical errors but they are errors. Vocabulary errors poor vocabulary. basic vocabulary
REGISTER vocabulary irrelevant.
Vocabulary: correct but basic

CREATIVITY 16,67 % Very original and creative Some originality Material presented with little Repetitive. No variety. Insufficient Not done
CREATIVITY presentation of material apparent and variety used originality use of materials

BODY LANGUAGE 16,67 % Excellent Good Needs improvement. Poor Students reads the whole
EYE-CONTACT Lots of eye contact. Great voice Consistent use of direct eye Displays minimal eye contact with Student reads all report. No eye presentation.
volume, tone and pacing hand contact with audience, but still audience, while reading mostly contact
gestures and body movement returns to notes • Speaks with from the notes • Speaks in uneven • Speaks in low volume and/ or
supported the presentation. satisfactory variation of volume volume with little or no inflection monotonous tone, which causes
and inflection audience to disengage


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