Bullying in Indonesia: Nama: Aditya Gilang Permana No: 04 Kelas: XI MIA 4

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Nama : Aditya Gilang Permana

No : 04
Kelas : XI MIA 4

Bullying In Indonesia
Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate or aggressively dominate
others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the
perception, by the bully or by others, of an imbalance of social or physical power, which
distinguishes bullying from conflict. Behaviors used to assert such domination can include
verbal harassment or threat, physical assault or coercion, and such acts may be directed
repeatedly towards particular targets. Rationalizations of such behavior sometimes include
differences of social class, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, behavior,
body language, personality, reputation, lineage, strength, size or ability. If bullying is done by
a group, it is called mobbing.
It’s clear indeed, to see the bullying level that occurred lately, Indonesia itself into the level
of no. 2 cases of bullying, largest after Vietnam and Cambodia. Of course very heartbreaking
is not it?.Many facts that have occurred from the school, home environment up to street
children. All experienced cases of violence among people, from a few cases only a few
percents of which unfold. The remaining many cases remain unresolved, many of the causes
of bullying cases occurring are rarely reported by victims or victims’ families.one of the
factors, for fear of intimidation of others and the arena of seeing the legislation in Indonesia,
is still less proportionate and selective. If you want to investigate and openly, of course, this
case will be different again the story.Increasingly revealed a dark screen that haunts the
victims of bullying. It is fitting for parents, educators, neighborhood officers around the
house until the authorities to standby and be wary of the existence of such acts. The danger
that lurks the young generation of Indonesia, of course, this is very bad. The victim is
depressed even up to a bleak future.
Bullying is divided into four basic types of abuse – emotional (sometimes called relational),
verbal, physical, and cyber. It typically involves subtle methods of coercion, such as
intimidation.Bullying ranges from one-on-one, individual bullying through to group bullying
called mobbing, in which the bully may have one or more "lieutenants" who may seem to be
willing to assist the primary bully in his or her bullying activities. Bullying in school and the
workplace is also referred to as peer abuse. Robert W. Fuller has analyzed bullying in the
context of rankism. A bullying culture can develop in any context in which humans interact
with each other. This includes school, family, the workplace, home, and neighborhoods. The
main platform for bullying is on social media websites. In a 2012 study of male adolescent
American football players, "the strongest predictor [of bullying] was the perception of
whether the most influential male in a player's life would approve of the bullying behavior".
Common ways that people try to respond, are to try to ignore it, to confront the bullies or to
turn to an authority figure to try and address it. Ignoring it often does nothing to stop the
bullying continuing, and it can become worse over time. It can be important to address
bullying behaviour early on, as it can be easier to control the earlier it is detected. Bystanders
play an important role in responding to bullying, as doing nothing can encourage it to
continue, while small steps that oppose the behaviour can reduce it.

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