Design and Implementation of Anti-Theft Module For ATM Machine

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Design and Implementation of Anti-theft

Module for ATM machine

Prachi More Shriram Markande
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Department Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Department
NBN Sinhgad School of Engineering NBN Sinhgad School of Engineering
Pune, India Pune, India

Abstract— Frauds related to the ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) Currently, ATM security is given to the transactions only.
are increasing day by day which is a serious issue. ATM security is GSM based security is provided in which One Time Password
used to provide protection against these frauds. Though security is (OTP) is send to registered number for transaction [1]. The
provided for ATM machine, cases of robberies are increasing. combination of GSM and RFID technology is also used which
Previous technologies provide security within machines for secure makes the system secure than only RFID technology [2]. This
transaction, but machine is not neatly protected. The ATM technology has drawback so, biometric technology is
machines are not safe since security provided traditionally were introduced for ATM transaction. In biometric method
either by using RFID reader or by using security guard outside the fingerprint and face recognition system are used for ATM
ATM. This security is not sufficient because RFID card can be
transaction. Fingerprint recognition system [3-4] for ATM
stolen and can be misused for robbery as well as watchman can be
transaction is used because each customer has unique
blackmailed by the thief. So there is a need to propose new
technology which can overcome this problem. This paper proposes fingerprints. So this system provides more secure transaction
a system which aims to design real-time monitoring and controlling than GSM. Face recognition method is also used for security
system. The system is implemented using Raspberry Pi and in which face is recognized from 3 angles for authentication
fingerprint module which make the system more secure, cost purpose [5]. Also, security is enhanced with OTP & facial
effective and stand alone. For controlling purpose, Embedded Web recognition features [6]. In this system, current face image
Server (EWS) is designed using Raspberry Pi which serves web matched with stored image and after matching the images
page on which video footage of ATM center is seen and controlled. correctly, OTP will be send to registered number user have to
So the proposed system removes the drawback of manual enter the OTP number for completing transaction. There are
controlling camera module and door also this system is stand alone many systems available for securing transactions, but there is
and cost effective. no particular system to secure ATM machine. So there is a
necessity to implement a system which monitors and control
Keywords—Raspberry Pi, Embedded Web Server, the room where ATM machines are placed.
Accelerometer. The design of proposed system is divided into two
parts. The first consists of a fingerprints reader placed at the
I. INTRODUCTION entrance of ATM machine used to identify the user is
Nowadays, banking sector is one of the most important authorized. The second part consists of Raspberry Pi module
parts of a human day to day life. Banking facilities are widely which is placed inside ATM centre for capturing real-time
used by people for their economies activities. Automatic video and controlling purpose.
Teller Machine (ATM) is an electronic machine which is used The rest of paper is organized as follows: Section II
for accessing a bank account from anywhere without the help presents the proposed system of the anti-theft module for
of bank staff. The user can perform several banking activities ATM machine and component used to design hardware.
like cash withdrawal, money transfer with the help of ATM. It Section III presents results obtained and section IV finally
is observed that the number of crimes related to ATM is discusses the conclusion
increased hence there is a necessity to provide enhances
security to ATM machine. Previous technologies provides
security to transactions for identification of authorized user. There are some limitations in the previous technologies used
But this is limited for secure transactions with ATM machine. for ATM security, so there is a need to add some extra
Previous works focused on biometric technique to provide features. The proposed work is anti-theft module for ATM
enhanced security to ATM transaction whereas GSM based machine. The proposed system flow is shown in the Fig. 1.It
technique is also implemented for the same purpose. Whereas, contains two electronic control units. One is for biometric
some system uses a combination of the both techniques. authentication and other is for shutter control. Raspberry Pi is
a mini-computer that plugs into any monitor or TV. It has 900
MHz quad-core ARM processor.


PIC 18F46K22
L Wireless Communication connected devices used for monitoring the ATM center.
D Use of wireless communication is an advantage of this
D Wi-Fi system.
i The computer and Raspberry Pi is connected using
s Wi-Fi router. RF transceiver is used for switching ON/OFF
l RF Tx/Rx DC Motor AC whenever any user enters in the ATM center. This
a system is real-time monitoring system and efficient as
y compared to the previous systems. Proposed system uses
following components:
DC A. Raspberry Pi
Motor Raspberry Pi is a credit card sized computer which has
1 GB RAM, quad-core ARM cortex A7 CPU, with 4 USB
ports, Ethernet, HDMI and Audio -Video port. The camera
Tx/Rx module is interfaced to Raspberry Pi via USB port.
Operating System used for Raspberry Pi is “Raspbian”.
Python is high level programming language used for
writing program into Raspberry Pi. And Open Source
Computer Vision (OpenCV) is integrated on Raspberry Pi
for image processing.
B. Accelerometer Sensor
The accelerometer ADXL335 is small, thin, low power,
3-axis sensing device. It measures static as well as dynamic
acceleration resulting from motion, shock or vibration. The
ADXL335 is available in size of 4 mm × 4 mm × 1.45 mm. This
Raspberry Pi sensor gives excellent temperature stability, requires low
power supply around 1.8V - 3.6 V. It is analog device gives
output in analog form and Raspberry Pi accept digital input so
there is a need to add ADC between Raspberry Pi and
Accelerometer ADC Buzzer sensor.

Fig. 1 Proposed System Diagram

The proposed system block diagram is shown in

Fig.1. There are two modules first module is placed outside
the door and the second module is placed inside the ATM
center. Fig. 2 Accelerometer Adxl335 module
The first module consists of the fingerprint which
C. DC Motor
is used for authentication purpose. When customer open
account in the bank, bank will collect the fingerprint of DC motor is interfaced to General Purpose Input Output
each customer and store it in the fingerprint module. (GPIO) pins of Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi gets data from
Whenever customer wants to enter in ATM center for accelerometer sensor and drives motors for opening or
transaction, fingerprint module is there for authentication. closing ATM center’s shutter. Also, one more DC is
If fingerprint matches with the database template, then the interface to PIC which is used to close the door in case of
door will be open. Else it will remain close. unauthorized access.
The second module contains camera, D. RF Transceiver
accelerometer, Wi-Fi module, RF module, buzzer, and DC
motor interfaced with Raspberry Pi. Whenever thieves tries CC2550 RF transceiver is used because it has low cost
to steal complete ATM machine, then accelerometer sends and low power. The frequency range of this transmitter is
a notification to raspberry pi and buzzer get start ringing. 2400 – 2483.5 MHz. In this system RF transceiver is used
Also the shutter of ATM center is closed using DC motor. for wireless communication between Raspberry Pi and PIC
For informing the police about this threat, an email will be controller. To starts the recording of ATM center PIC
send to the nearby police station. The shutter will only be controller communicates with Raspberry Pi through the
opened only when the authorized person opens the shutter. transceiver.
Camera is used for surveillance of ATM center from a
control room on the computer through Wi-Fi. Here router E. Microcontroller PIC18F46K22
is connected inside the ATM center for connecting number The proposed system uses the PIC18F46K22
of devices. These microcontroller ICs. It is one of the most advanced
microcontrollers from Microchip. It is 40 pin, 8-bit
microcontroller and provides following features: 64K Bytes of
flash memory, 1024 bytes of EEPROM data memory, three 8- IV. RESULTS
bit and four 16-bit timers, five input-output port, two UART For authentication purpose, fingerprint module
(Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter). interface with the PIC18F46K22 is used. This module is
In proposed system PIC18F46K22 microcontroller has placed at the door of ATM center. This interfacing is shown in
been used because of following reasons. Fig. 5. Fingerprints successfully added and tested the
x It requires a low power supply. functionality. 4X4 keypad is used to send commands to the
x It has two UART which used for RF transceiver and fingerprint module for adding deleting the data into the
fingerprint module. database. Whenever authorized finger is scanned, gate is
x It is less expensive than other microcontrollers. opened with the DC motor and for unauthorized access, gate
F. Fingerprint module remained off.
In the proposed system, R305 fingerprint module has been
used for authentication. Whenever the user wants to enter the
ATM center, he has to verify his identity by placing his finger
on fingerprint module. Fingerprint module is interface with
PIC controller.

Fig. 3 Fingerprint module

This fingerprint module has UART serial communication. Fig. 5 Fingerprint module for authentication
The storage capacity of this fingerprint module is 256 bytes.
Verification speed required less than 1 second and scanning Hardware implementation of interfacing of Raspberry
speed is less than 0.5 second. Pi with Accelerometer, DC motor driver and camera is shown
in Fig. 6.
In this section a circuit diagram of proposed system
is discussed. The circuit diagram is prepared in Proteus tool as
shown in following Fig.4. As in Fig.4, there is a PIC
microcontroller interfaced with the RF transceiver and
fingerprint module.

Fig. 6 Interfacing Raspberry Pi with Accelerometer, camera & DC motor

Output of the system is shown in Fig. 7. Whenever the

accelerometer reading is normal, then the shutter remained
open. But when accelerometer gets tilted, then shutter is
closed and buzzer starts ringing. And in parallel, an email
regarding threat information is sent to the given email address.
Fig. 4 Circuit Diagram for Fingerprint Interfacing with PIC
Fig. 8 shows the real-time video footage on the web page.
The web page is created using Raspberry Pi. Web-enable
control is the advantage of this system.

Nowadays, most of the ATM has been attacked by the robberies. In

this paper, a real-time monitoring system for ATM security based
on accelerometer sensor, camera module, and fingerprint module is
proposed. The proposed work concludes with the following points:
Fig. 7 Output that predicts Vibration is detected or not x A secure way of accessing an ATM by authorized persons
using fingerprint module.
x Eliminates the drawback of previous system like manual
controlling camera modules and doors.
x The system is cost effective as compare to existing manual
x The real time video of the ATM centre can be monitored
through web server which make ATM better safe from thefts.

[1] Arjun Kumar Mistry, Suraj Kumar and Vicky Prasa, “Secured Atm
Transaction Using Gsm”, International Journal of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering & Telecommunication, Vol. 2, No. 3, July 2013.
[2] Soniya B. Milmile, Amol k. Boke “Review Paper On Real Time Password
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[3] G. Renee Jebaline, S. Gomathi, “A Novel Method to Enhance the Security of
ATM using Biometrics”, International Conference on Circuit, Power and
Computing Technologie, 2015.
[4] Mr. Mahesh A. Patil Mr.Sachin P.Wanere Mr.Rupesh P.Maighane Mr.Aashay
R.Tiwari, “ATM Transaction Using Biometric Fingerprint Technology”,
International Journal of Electronics, Communication & Soft Computing
Science and Engineering, Vol. 2.
[5] Deepa Malviya, “Face Recognition Technique: Enhanced Safety Approach for
ATM”, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Vol. 4,
December 2014.
[6] Mohsin Karovaliya, Saifali Karedia, Sharad Oza, Dr.D.R.Kalbande “Enhanced
security for ATM machine with OTP and Facial recognition features”,
International Conference on Advanced Computing Technologies and
Applications, 2015

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