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Overview of Input and Processing

Take-on Historical Performance

As an enhancement to the performance module, T24 Asset Management provides the ability to
manually create performance data for the period between the portfolio inception date and the date of
data conversion onto T24. The manually created records are treated in exactly the same way as
those records automatically created by T24.

The AM module also provides the ability to manually correct the performance calculated.

These tools allow the bank to capture historical performances calculated on an external system and
store it in T24 so that it can be used for reporting purposes. It enables performance to be reported
since the inception date of the portfolio.

The current use of the SC.PERF.DETAIL file has been maintained in order to keep control on the
consistency of performance data. Performance historical Take-on and Performance Correction-tools
provide a user interface and the ability to add or correct performance data, without direct access to
SC.PERF.DETAIL. The updating of SC.PERF.DETAIL remains a system process.

Before the go-live date performance data can only be calculated using the daily method and is only
available in the currency of the portfolio.

The minimum monthly information required for the Daily calculation method to be calculated from
the Take-on historical system is the month end date, however, the system will let a user record daily
details by creating sub-value records, thereby enabling compliance with both performance
calculation methods available in T24: Daily and Modified Dietz method.

There is a tool to allow the automatic capture of Performance History called

RUN.PERFORMANCE.TAKEON. For details on how to run this program, please refer to the AM
Performance tech guide.

To run this program performance data must be formatted correctly and saved into a .txt file in a
special directory. With this done, the program is simple and quick to run.

T24 will display the following prompt:

At the end of the take-on, the user will see the following message indicating the number of records
that have been loaded:
The user can then interrogate the performance data directly in the SC.PERF.DETAIL.MAN table.
All records that have been downloaded will be with an IHLD status.

Figure 1 - Performance historical take on

T24 controls the calculation of performance as it is entered into the system and if inconsistencies
occur, displays an override.

Figure 2 - Performance historical take-on

This application allows the input of performance history and the correction of stored performance
data. Live, Unauthorised and History files will be maintained.

If the month and the date in the @ID of the record are before the T24 Go Live date given in
AM.PERF.PARAMETER, the application is being used as a Take-on History. A check will be made
to see if a record exists for the previous month. If it exists the Begin value field will be populated
with the last months end value. E.g. If the month is January, last years December month end value
is populated.

If the month and date is after the T24 Go Live date given in AM.PERF.PARAMETER, the
application will search for the record in SC.PERF.DETAIL and display it. If a record does not exist
the user will not be able to create a new record. If a record exists the PERF.END.DAY and P.PERF.END.DAY
field will become No Input fields.


Fld Field Name Description


New PERF.LIVE.DT This field contains the T24 Go live Date.

New LIMIT.PERF.DT This field contains a date before which a portfolio cannot

New PERF.SFKFEES This field contains the values G or N denoting Gross or Net of

New PERF.MGTFEES This field contains the values G or N denoting Gross or Net of

This is the file where T24 stores daily portfolio performance information results. It is a Live File
where data can be displayed but user direct access is not allowed for updating, a T24 system process
does the updating.

Fld Field Name Description


0 @ID This ID contains the portfolio Id, Year and Month

1 BEGIN.VALUE This field will contain the begin value of the portfolio for the
particular month.

If the BEGIN.VALUE is input by the user and if the previous

month record does not exist, the BEGIN.VALUE is calculated
using the formula: BEGIN.VALUE = END.VALUE (First
Multivalue) – [INFLOW (First Multivalue) + OUTFLOW (First

2 DATE This is an Associated Multivalue field that would contain the

date or the last day of a month. This is a mandatory field. This
date cannot be a holiday. The dates are stored in ascending

3 IN.FLOW This field (Associated Multivalue) contains the Inflow for a

particular day or month.

4 OUTFLOW This field (Associated Multi value) contains the Outflow for a
particular day or month.

5 SFKFEE.OUTFLOW This field (Associated Multivalue) contains the Safekeeping


6 MGTFEE.OUTFLOW This field (Associated Multivalue) contains the Management


7 STATUS This status identifies how the record has been updated. Values

Blank (Automatic) - Record was generated automatically by

the system.

R (Recalculated) - Record was changed by the system, by

the back-value process or by Flow correction tools.

M (Manual) - Record was manually inputted by the user or

imported from an external file.

7 END.VALUE This field (Associated Multivalue) contains the end value for a
particular day or month.

8 PERF.END.DAY This field (Associated Multivalue) contains the performance

index at the end of the day. If the user enters the value and if
there is a mismatch between the calculated values an override
message has to be given. Formula used: PERF.END.DAY =

9 P.PERF.END.DAY This field (Associated Multivlaue) contains the gross of fees


If there is a mismatch between the value entered and the

calculated value an override message will be generated.

Formula used: PERF.END.DAY = END.VALUE- (Gross Fees +



PERF.SFKFEES and PERF.MGTFEES are given as equal to




SFKFEES.OUTFLOWS if Perf.Sfkfees = G and Perf.Mgtfees= N

10 REMARKS This field contains the reason for modifying the record. This is
a multi value field.

11 OVERRIDE Standard T24 Multi-value Override field.


Fld Field Name Description


0 @ID This ID contains the portfolio Id, Year and Month

1 BEGIN.VALUE This field will contain the begin value of the portfolio for
the particular month.

If the BEGIN.VALUE is input by the user and if the

previous month record does not exist, the BEGIN.VALUE
is calculated using the formula: BEGIN.VALUE =
END.VALUE (First Multivalue) – [INFLOW (First
Multivalue) + OUTFLOW (First Multivalue)]

2 DATE This is an Associated Multivalue field that would contain

the date or the last day of a month. This is a mandatory
field. This date cannot be a holiday. The dates are stored
in ascending order.

3 IN.FLOW This field (Associated Multivalue) contains the Inflow

for a particular day or month.

4 OUTFLOW This field (Associated Multi value) contains the Outflow

for a particular day or month.

5 SFKFEE.OUTFLOW This field (Associated Multivalue) contains the

Safekeeping Fees.

6 MGTFEE.OUTFLOW This field (Associated Multivalue) contains the

Management Fees.

7 END.VALUE This field (Associated Multivalue) contains the end value

for a particular day or month.

8 PERF.END.DAY This field (Associated Multivalue) contains the

performance index at the end of the day. If the user
enters the value and if there is a mismatch between the
calculated values an override message has to be given.
Formula used: PERF.END.DAY = END.VALUE – (Inflow +

9 P.PERF.END.DAY This field (Associated Multivlaue) contains the gross of

fees index.

If there is a mismatch between the value entered and the

calculated value an override message will be generated.

Formula used: PERF.END.DAY = END.VALUE- (Gross



PERF.MGTFEES are given as equal to G in





SFKFEES.OUTFLOWS if Perf.Sfkfees = G and

Perf.Mgtfees= N

10 REMARKS This field contains the reason for modifying the record.
This is a multi value field.

11 OVERRIDE Standard T24 Multi-value Override field.

This status is assigned by the system and identifies the method in which the performance record has
been created: automatic, back-value or manual.

Performance Take-on Error Handling

If an error has been detected in the load, the following message will display:
The error can be viewed in the table exception.log.file.

Figure 3 - Exception Log file

Performance Correction Tool

The user does have the option to directly correct the information on an SC.PERF.DETAIL record;
however, T24 enables the user to directly correct performance data through the application for
performance take-on.

It must be noted that with a correction at this level all data integrity is lost. If, for example, a flow is
corrected on the performance record, this correction is recorded nowhere else in the system. The
end of day market value on the performance record will not be automatically updated. It is the
banks responsibility to ensure the integrity of a manually adjusted performance record and to make
sure the performance result is correct.

A correction at this level is done by entering the ID of the record to be adjusted, enter the correct
data and verify the record. On verification the performance will be recalculated when appropriate.
Figure 4 - SC.PERF.DETAIL.MAN permits Manual Correction of current performance data

Performance Gross or Net of Fees.

T24 records two types of performance index Gross of Fees and Net of Fees. The performance
measurement is based on market values at the time of production and net of all defined flows. The
definition of a flow is set at a transaction type level and all transactions that are marked as being
flows are removed from the performance calculation. It is at this stage that if fees are identified as
flows then the performance will be treated as Gross and if they are not treated as flows the
performance will be treated as Net of Fees. Thus, the Gross performance does not show the impact
of fees on the performance of a portfolio, while the Net of fees calculation does.

The flow nature on all flows must be correctly identified in order to calculate the performance gross
or net. The value of inflows and outflows on the SC.PERF.DETAIL table is the summation of all
flows made during the day and if correctly defined, the safekeeping and management fees are stored
in two new fields: SFKFEE.OUTFLOW & MGTFEE.OUTFLOW. By segregating the fees, the system can
calculate and store the two performance figures in the fields: PERF.END.DAY & P.PERF.END.DAY.

The table used to identify flows is TRANS.FUND.FLOW

In the example below, safekeeping and management fees are isolated from other flow types.
Figure 5 - TRANS.FUND.FLOW table

The program SC.EOD.CASH.FLOW.TRANS updates the file SC.CASH.FLOW.TRANS during

EOD for all flows, by identifying the transaction based on the table TRANS.FUND.FLOW.

An EOD program SC.PERF.DETAIL.UPD updates the file SC.PERF.DETAIL by reading the table
SC.CASH.FLOW.TRANS and determining the storage of the flow based on how it is set up in
TRANS.FUND.FLOW. Once identified, the fee flow will be recorded in either the
SFKFEE.OUTFLOW or MGTFEE.OUTFLOW fields in SC.PERF.DETAIL according to their transaction

If a flow has been incorrectly booked on SC.PERF.DETAIL, it can be corrected using the tool
SC.PORT.PERFORM.DETAIL. This tool enables the user to modify the flow nature of an operation
so that it will be correctly treated in the performance calculation.

The calculation of the performance index gross and net are based on the parameters set in

Two new fields PERF.SFKFEES and PERF.MGTFEES have been added to this table. Here, the user can
indicate whether the safekeeping and management fees should be included in the Gross of fees

Assuming that safe custody and management fees are booked in the same month, July in the
example below, the four configurations available and the resulting performance calculations would
be as follows.
Figure 6 - ALL NET of fees calculation
Figure 7 - All GROSS of fees calculation
Figure 8 - NET of safekeeping fees / GROSS of management fees calculation.
Figure 9 - NET of management fees / GROSS of safekeeping fees calculation.

Impact of Reclaimable tax on Performance

For some Corporate Actions, the customer can reclaim a part of the tax they have paid. For instance,
a part of the source tax paid on dividends may be accumulated and reclaimed by the customer at the
end of the year. This reclaimable tax represents an asset of the customer until such time it is offset.
It is now possible to reflect the reclaimable tax in portfolio performance, fee calculation and asset
management reports. A new parameter called REC.WITHOLD.TAX.ACCRUAL is introduced in the
SC.PARAMETER file with the options YES and NO possible.

When the recoverable withholding tax flag is set to YES the cumulative recoverable tax position in
the position tables will be included in the valuation of the portfolio. The Portfolio Performance
recorded in the SC.PERF.DETAIL file would also be calculated taking into account the Reclaimable
tax. When it is set to NO the Reclaimable withholding tax positions will not be included in the
valuation process. After the payment date, the reclaimable tax may remain against the position,
even if the position is completely sold and as such the position could still be evaluated until the
reclaimable tax position is reset to zero.

Performance Segmentation

While conventional performance measurement calculation provides the rates of return for a
portfolio, it is also possible to view performance breakdown at the instrument level. Further, the
performance returns can be decomposed into capital contribution, currency contribution, income
contribution and fees contribution. The Capital PL reflects the gains and losses due to price changes
and capital operations. The FX or foreign exchange PL reflects the currency gains and losses arising
from the exchange rate fluctuations. The Income PL reflects all revenue events such as accrued
interest, dividend accruals, recoverable tax etc. The Fee PL reflects all transaction costs,
management (or advisory) fees and safekeeping fees. The total PL is the sum of the entire
component P/Ls. Performance segmentation will also enhance the modelling functionality by
performance aggregation into segments, where segments are defined by existing functionality.

Figure 10 - Segmented performance

Back-value on portfolio information

Back-value on portfolio information principally consists of inputting back-value dated information

that will launch the recalculation of a historic portfolio valuation.

The scope of the back-value system is detailed in the AM Back Value Management user guide.

Performance Presentation

Choice between Daily or Modified Dietz method from the same enquiry:

T24 provides the possibility to calculate performance figures either using the Daily or Modified
Dietz Method. The default method is recorded into a parameter table, AM.PERF.PARAMETER, at
the bank level. If no default parameter is specified the default value will be D (Daily).

The use of the other method will be possible on line, at the enquiry level.

Performance figures: decimals range and format

For any performance figures displayed in these enquiries, default decimal range will be
parameterised in the AM.PERF.PARAMETER file, at bank level.

The selection of another decimal range will be possible on line, at enquiry level.

Without any parameter recorded the default value will be 6 decimal places.

Results will be rounded according to the number of decimals.

Performance decimal figures will be formatted so that they all have the same length, as the
parameterised value: blanks will be completed with zeros.

E.g. If the decimal range is parameterised at 4, we will have the following presentation in
performance figure columns

Choice between Performance Gross and Performance Net of fees:

T24 provides the possibility to calculate performance figures either Gross of fees or Net of Fees
(see AM.PERF.PARAMETER description for detail on Gross or Net of Fees calculation

The default display choice is also Gross of Fees.

The selection of the other choice, Net of Fees, is possible on line, at the enquiry level.

Other general remarks:

All figures will be displayed in the Portfolio Reference Currency.

The performance enquiries have been developed on a grid format, rather than page format in order
to facilitate export to external tools and have been developed displaying a wide selection of
columns, facilitating further customisation.

Two types of presentation:

Two types of enquiries presentation have been developed time series and list:

Time Series:

Time-series displays the performance of a single selected portfolio and are composed of four
separate enquiries as follows:

AM.PERF.PRT.Y.10Y Yearly figures Display one line per year

AM.PERF.PRT.4Q Quarterly figures Display one line per quarter
AM.PERF.PRT.M Monthly figures Display one line per month
AM.PERF.PRT.D.1M Daily figures Display one line per day

The 4 Time-series enquiries are linked by drill-down but are available independently as well.

On selecting a Year, you can drill-down to the quarterly enquiry, which displays the 4 quarters of
the year selected.

On selecting a quarter, you can drill-down to the monthly enquiry, which displays the 12 months of
that year (and not the 3 months of the previous selected quarter).

The following information is displayed:

Title bar:

Label or Type of information Content

(when no label not displayed)
Title (Label not displayed) Yearly (or Quarterly, Monthly, Daily) Portfolio
Performance Report
Portfolio Portfolio number
Portfolio Name Portfolio name
Calculation Method Daily (or Modified Dietz)
Performance calculated Gross (or Net of Fees)
Reference Currency Portfolio reference currency
Portfolio opened Portfolio creation date
Portfolio closed Date the Portfolio was closed
Start Perform Performance Start date
Period Selected Start date of period
Selected End date of period
Portfolio Value Portfolio value at start period date
Portfolio value at end period date
Benchmark Selected benchmark

Grid columns:

Column title Content

Date End date of each sub-period of the time series:
End of year for yearly series (1)
End of quarter for quarterly series (1)
End of month for monthly series (1)
Day for daily series (1)
Current date or portfolio close date
End Market Value Portfolio market value at the end of the sub-period
Net Flow Sum of Inflows minus Sum of Outflows of the sub-
Yearly.Return, Return net of fees of each sub-period of the series
Monthly.Return or
Cumulative.Return Return net of fees since the start date of the period
Fees Flow Sum of Fees flows of the sub-period
Benchmark Return Benchmark return of each sub-period of the series
Cumulative Benchmark Return Benchmark return since the start date of the period
Status Performance File status field. Takes the following
Only for Daily Time Series values:
Blank - Record was generated automatically by the
R - Record was Recalculated by the Flow correction
tool or by the back-value process.
M - Record was modified manually or created for
take-on historical
Figure 11 - View AM.PERF.PRT.Y.10Y Enquiry showing selection criteria

Figure 12 - Portfolio Performance Report Yearly

Figure 13 - Portfolio Performance reports monthly

List Enquiry:

A single global enquiry, AM.PERF.ROLLING, has been developed listing, by default, all the
portfolios of the bank and their performance figures.
With this the user can filter the portfolios using criteria from any field existing in the
SEC.ACC.MASTER. The user can save the selection under a specific name and have the possibility
to create as many customised selections as needed.

When using the global enquiry you can either select new criteria, or load any of its saved requests.

Selection criteria:

Selection criteria Definition Default Value

End Date (1) End date of performance calculation period Current date
Calc method 2 Performance calculation methods are Parameter value or Daily
available: Daily method and Modified method
Dietz Method.
Gross.Or.Net Calculation of performance Gross or Net Gross
of Fees
Decimal range Decimal range for performance figures. Parameter value or 6
Possible value: from 6 to 0
SAM.FIELD Any field name from SEC.ACC.MASTER No default value
SAM.OPERAND Operand for selection Filter (EQ, NE, No default value
SAM.VALUE Name of the Select List (if same is to be No default value
saved for future use)
SAVE.SELECT Name under which the customised request No default value
composed by the group of above selection
criteria can be saved.
LOAD.SELECT Field than call a previously saved group of No default value
selection criteria.

The following information will be displayed

Title bar:

Label or Type of information Content

(when no label not displayed)
Title (Label not displayed) Portfolio Rolling Performance
Calculation Method Daily or Modified Dietz
End period (Label not displayed) Selected End date of period
SAM selection (Label not SAM field – Operand – Value
Saved Request Name of saved request

Grid columns:

Column title Content

Port No Portfolio number
Port Name Portfolio name
Ref Ccy Portfolio reference currency (ex: USD)
Port opened Portfolio creation date
Port closed Portfolio close date
Inv Prg Investment Program of the portfolio
End Market Portfolio market value at the end of the period
Net Flow Sum of Inflows minus Sum of Outflows of the period
Fee Flow Sum of Fees flows of the sub-period
Mtd Month to Date Performance.
Is the performance calculated from the first day of the month
including End Period, till End Period.
Qtd Quarter to Date Performance.
Is the performance calculated from the first day of the quarter
including End Period, till End Period.
(Possible Quarter first day value: 01 Jan, 01 Apr, 01 Jul or 01 Oct)
Ytd Year to Date Performance.
Is the performance calculated from the 1 day of the year including
End Period, till End Period.
L3m Performance for Last 3 months preceding End Period
L6m Performance for Last 6 Months preceding End Period
L12m Performance for Last 12 months preceding End Period
Inception Performance Since Inception
Is the performance calculated from the creation date of the portfolio,
till End Period.

To facilitate the use of the ‘LOAD-SELECT’ functionality, the user can access the information on
recorded filters.
The enquiry AM.ROLLING.SELECT addresses the application that records these filters: this
enquiry displays the list of saved filters with detailed information showing the criteria for each of
those filters.

Selection Criteria:

Selection Criteria Definition Default Value

ID It contains the name of the No default value
SAVE.SELECT of the enquiry

The following information will be displayed:

Title bar:

Label or Type of information Content

(when no label not displayed)
Title (Label not displayed) List of saved selection criteria for the enquiry

Grid columns:

Label Content
SELECT.NAME Name of the saved list
END.DATE Value of selected in the selection criteria
CALC.METHOD Value of the calc.method specified in the selection criteria
GROSS.OR.NET Value of the Gross or Net choice specified in the selection
DECIMAL.VALUE Value of the decimal.range selected in the selection criteria
SAM.FIELD Value of the sam.field selected in the selection criteria
SAM.OPERAND Value of the sam.operand field selected in the selection
SAM.VALUE Value of the sam.value field selected in the selection

Performance Segmentation

Performance of a Group of Portfolios

Within the Asset Management Module, performance can be calculated and stored for a group of

Group Management

The AM.GROUP.PORT application enables the user to define groups that include selected
portfolios as well as dynamically selected portfolios. The group id code is a user-defined
alphanumeric code. Two types of portfolio grouping are allowed by T24.

Personal group: This would be a user-defined list of portfolios for consolidated reporting.
Entering the individual portfolios in the field SEC.ACC.NO selects specific portfolios for inclusion
in a group. Below is an example of a group for a customer requiring consolidated performance and
reporting for two portfolios.

Figure 14 - Personal groups

Dynamic group: A list of portfolios is created based on selection criteria using fields present in the
application SEC.ACC.MASTER.
For each group the user can define the dynamic portfolios by detailing the selection criteria in the
multi value fields 4 to 7. The field name entered in DYN.FIELD.NAME must exist in the
SEC.ACC.MASTER application. If more than one criterion is given the conditional operator the
user can choose ‘AND’ or ‘OR’ in the field SEL.SUB.FUNC to further refine the selection.

In the example below, all USD portfolios belonging to ACCOUNT.OFFICER 25 and having an
INVESTMENT.PROGRAM of 30 will be grouped for reporting and performance.

Figure 15 - Dynamic Groups

The fields present in the AM.GROUP.PORT table

Field Name Description

AM.GROUP.ID User-defined alphanumeric code
ACCOUNT.OFFICER Account officer for whom this group was made
MNEMONIC Short identifier for the Group
SEC.ACC.NO Optional. Must be a valid record in SEC.ACC.MASTER
DYN.FIELD.NAME Optional. Must be an existing field in the SAM.
Must be one of the standard operators (drop down list). Operators are EQ,
GE, GT, LE, LT and NE. Default - EQ
A field value for the selection criteria detailed in the DYN.FIELD.NAME must
be specified.
VAL.CURRENCY Mandatory field. This is the reference currency for the group of portfolios.
This is used to decide if a Detailed Or Consolidated report is required for
the group.
P.N.CONSOLIDATE A multi value field that is used to which applications will display the
positive and negative positions of the product. E.g.: if the product code FX
is indicated then the +/- positions will be shown separately
Only a Y or N value is permitted. Once the Y flag has been set the
composition of the list cannot be changed or updated and this flag cannot
be changed to N. This ensures that any portfolio performance
consolidations will always be based on the same list components.
COMMENTS Free text no restrictions.
DEACTIVATED.DATE No user access to this field system date entered automatically.
Set to YES if performance needs to be recalculated on a back-value
Sets the back-value limit date before which no recalculation of
E performance will occur.

Performance Consolidation

The AM.PERF.DETAIL.GRP application stores the calculated index of the group of portfolios. The
ID to this table is the group id plus the Year and the month. Consolidated inflows and outflows and
the consolidated begin and end market values are captured.


The following is a description of the fields present in AM.PERF.DETAIL.GRP

Field Name Description

Market value of group of portfolios at the beginning of the month or start of
PERF.DATE Contains the working day of the month.
IN.FLOW Contains the total of contributions for this date, according to group id.
OUT.FLOW Contains the total of withdrawals for this date according to group id.
Contains the total market value of portfolios at the end of this date, according
VALUE.END.DAY to the group id. This will be the begin value of the group for the next
working day.
PERF.END.DAY Contains the index value calculated using the Daily valuation method.

A portfolio that just joined (dynamically or by modification of the AM.GROUP.PORT personal

portfolio list) is considered as a contribution for the group performance (IN.FLOW).

A portfolio that just left the group is considered as a withdrawal for the group performance
calculation (OUT.FLOW).

If the field BACK.VAL.PERF.REQ in the file AM.GROUP.PORT is equal to YES, the performance
of this group will be recalculated from the date 01 Jan 2001 until the last working day. This
generates a historic record of the performance for the group of portfolios. Once the history is
created the BACK.VAL.PERF.REQ flag is set to NO. This process is launched by the application
AM.PERF.DETAIL.GRP.UPD.EOD in the batch process (EOD).
This process can only be run once only for any group of portfolios.

Performance Presentation for a Group

This enquiry lets the users select by group ID to calculate the performance using the Daily valuation

Figure 17 - View AM.DAILY.PERF showing select group ID to calculate performance

Two types of Performance under Daily valuation can be selected. The Performance valuation can be
viewed in the currency of the group or a user defined currency.
Figure 18 - Enquiry AM.DAILY.PERF in group currency

Figure 19 - Enquiry AM.DAILY.PERF in user selected currency


This enquiry lets the users select by group ID to calculate the performance using the DIETZ
valuation method.

Figure 20 - Enquiry AM.DIETZ.PERF

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