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Title no. 85-S48

Lateral Load Response of Strengthened and Repaired

Reinforced Concrete Columns

by B. John Bett, Richard E. Klingner, and James 0. Jirsa

The effectiveness of three different repair and/or strengthening tech- OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE
niques in enhancing the lateral load response of identical reinforced This investigation was part of a larger study of the
concrete short columns was studied. Based on an 18 in. square pro-
totype, three column test specimens were constructed to two-thirds
behavior of reinforced concrete frame systems sub-
scale, using identical geometry and reinforcement. The test speci- jected to cyclic lateral deformations. The overall re-
mens representing existing columns had a 12 in. square cross section search program was devoted to evaluation of various
reinforced with eight No. 6 longitudinal bars, 6-mm ties spaced at 8 strengthening and repair techniques for reinforced con-
in., and a l-in. cover. Spacing of the transverse reinforcement, while crete frame elements.
greater than current design requirements, was intended to represent
The study reported here deals only with short col-
typical practice of column design in seismic regions of the U.S. in the
1950s and early 1960s. One of the specimens was tested, repaired by umns under constant axial compression and reversed
jacketing, and then retested. The remaining two specimens were cyclic lateral loads. Two columns were strengthened
strengthened by jacketing prior to testing. A single lateral displace- before testing, and one column was repaired after test-
ment history and constant axial load were used for all tests. Both the ing. Column performance was compared in terms of
strengthened and the repaired columns performed better than the
lateral strength, stiffness, and inelastic load-deforma-
original column. Columns strengthened by jacketing, both with and
without supplementary crossties, were much stiffer and stronger lat- tion behavior.
erally than the original, unstrengthened column. The column re-
paired by jacketing was also much stiffer and stronger laterally than
the original column and performed almost as well as the strength- REPAIR AND STRENGTHENING TECHNIQUES
ened columns. FOR SHORT COLUMNS
Keywords: columns (supports); damage; earthquake resistant structures; flex- Field reports after damaging earthquakes often indi-
ural strength; frames; lateral pressure; reinforced concrete; repairs; shear prop- cate that columns are vulnerable structural elements,
erties; short columns; shotcrete; strengthening. particularly if they fail in shear. 6 •7 Shear-dominated be-
Reinforced concrete buildings in seismic zones are havior is most common in columns having shear-span
strengthened or repaired for three principal reasons: to to depth ratios aid less than 2.5. 8. 10 Members originally
satisfy the building owner's concern for financial pro- designed as short columns can behave satisfactorily
tection and occupant safety; to comply with local under lateral loads if sufficient shear resistance is pro-
building codes and regulations; and to repair earth- vided. However, short or captive columns are some-
quake damage and obtain improved performance dur- times produced unintentionally9 when stiff elements
ing future events. restrict the lateral deformation of the column over
When a building is to be strengthened or repaired, its some of its height. The shear corresponding to the for-
projected new response characteristics must be care- mation of plastic hinges at the column ends increases as
fully analyzed so that the selected procedure does not the column length decreases (Fig. 1).
create new weaknesses. The strengthening must also be Severe seismic loading of columns with small shear-
cost-effective. Information on the relative merits of span to depth ratios aid and widely spaced transverse
different strengthening and repair procedures is needed. reinforcement generally results in shear-dominated fail-
This topic has been the subject of several research in- ure, which can cause structural collapse by the forma-
vestigations in the U .S. 1•2 and elsewhere. 3-s Most pre-
vious research has involved small~scale specimens and
Received June 15, 1987, and reviewed under Institute publication policies.
has been conducted with little regard for real-world Copyright © 1988, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, including
constraints imposed by geometry or construction pro- the making of copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright propri-
etors. Pertinent discussion will be published in the July-August 1989 ACI
cedures. Structural Journal if received by Mar. I, 1989.

ACI Structural Journal I September-October 1988 499

Spec1111en Column
No, Cross Seetion Description
B. John Bett is a design engineer at the Shell Development Co., New Orleans.
He pursued graduate studi2s at The University of Texas at Austin.
Lens. steel: 16's Preearation: original speci111en

AC! member Richard E. Klingner -is an associate professor of civil engineering,

The University of Texas at Austin. He is a member of ACI Committees 531, Identical 12" x 12" ~~:2Sdrirt
Concrete Masonry Structures; 349, Concrete Nuclear Structures; and joint ACJ- cores used for all
ASCE Committee 442, Response of Concrete Buildings to Lateral Forces.
AC! member James 0. Jirsa is Phil M. Ferguson Professor of Civil Engineer- Long. steel: 13's Preparation: undblut, add 4-#3
longitudinsl bars and 6mm ties at
ing, The University of Texas at Austin. Ties: tal ! 2-1/2" 2-1/2", Shotcrete to 17" 1. 17•,

2-1/2" sbotereh shell

Derlection limit: 2.5S drift

Lon&: 13's, 16's Preparation: sandblast, add ~-13

corner bers and 4-16 11ldface bars,
Tiea: t.a @ 2-1/2" Anchor aidfaoe bars w/13 crossties,
secured with apoxy. 6!1111 tles @

Crosstias: 13's @ 9" 2-112". Shotcrete to 17" J 17".

Deflection .!!!!.!= 2.5S drift.

~: Re•ova all loose cover
L Ties: &. @ 2-112" face bara. Anchor 111ldface bars
w/13 cr~stias, secured with epoxy.
Crosstiaa: 13's @ 9" 6mm tias f 2-112~. Shotcrata to
17• X 17~.

2-1/2" shotcrete shell

Deflection !.!!!!= 2.5S drift.

\,\'" '·,.,. .
Fig. 2-Test program summary
Existing columns, original test specimen 1·1
V -- 2M
L The test specimen was a short column framing into
large end blocks which attached the specimen to the
Fig. ]-Relation between end shears and moments in a testing frame and anchored the longitudinal column re-
column subjected to sidesway inforcement. The specimens were similar in size to
those studied previously at the University of Texas 8-10
tion of a single-story side/sway mechanism. Such and permitted use of existing test facilities.
columns can be strengthened by increasing their shear The prototype short column was designed as an 18
resistance. This must be done economically, and the in. square section meeting the column design provi-
strengthened column must fail in flexure, not shear. sions of ACI 318-63, 11 particularly Section 806 and
Four possible strengthening techniques are 1) encase the Chapter 19. It was 4.5 ft. high and reinforced with
column with rectangular or circular steel sections; eight No. 9 longitudinal bars giving a gross steel per-
2) encase it with steel straps; 3) confine it with welded centage of 2.5 percent. Two sets of closed ties were
wire fabric; or 4) confine it by adding spliced ties. Af- used, spaced at 12 in. Cover was 1.5 in. Transverse re-
ter shear reinforcement is added, the column is jack- inforcement details were selected as typical for struc-
eted with shotcrete or cement grout to protect the tures designed for seismic regions of the U.S. during
added steel and to make it act integrally with the origi- the late 1950s and early 1960s. Based on load data of
nal column. While jacketing increases a column's cross that time, typical compressive stresses on such columns
section and therefore reduces its aid ratio, the jacketed ranged from 350 to 550 psi, with an average of about
column can still behave better than the original, pro- 450 psi.
vided that the jacketed column has enough shear ca- To reduce fabrication and testing costs, the test spec-
pacity to resist the shear corresponding to the forma- imens were constructed at two-thirds scale. As shown in
tion of plastic hinges at the column ends (Fig. 1). Fig. 3, the resulting scaled original specimen 1-1 was 12
in. square and 3.0 ft. high. It had eight No. 6 longitu-
EXPERIMENTAL SPECIMENS dinal bars, sets of special 6 mm deformed ties spaced at
Three test specimens were constructed using normal 8 in., and l-in. cover.
weight concrete and deformed reinforcement. Speci- Using actual material properties, theoretical moment
men 1-1 was tested in its original form, repaired, capacities were calculated using the computer program
strengthened, and retested as Specimen 1-lR. The re- RCCOLA, developed at the University of California at
maining two specimens 1-2 and 1-3 were strengthened Berkeley and modified at the University of Texas at
prior to testing. In this section, the design and con- Austin. 12 Shear capacity was evaluated using the empir-
struction of the test specimens are reviewed. The test ical relationship of Eq. (1), based on the results of short
variables, described as follows, are summarized in Fig. column tests conducted previously at the University of
2. Texas 10
500 ACI Structural Journal I September-October 1988
,. . . . . . . . . . . . .!j_" Max. Concrete Strain

Gross Section•0.0030 In/In

Cora Section•0.0100 Wl/tn


Core Section
36" (92cm)
1 1 4 Spaces
1 1 at 8"
~ ~ (21cm) ..
; : 2'' o; 400. Gross Section
r·······; =·······: T<5cm> ";(

I. . . . . . . . . . . . J

#2 (#3)* Closed Ties at 8" (21cm)

Lateral Load l kips)

12" (18")*

0 0
0 0

Fig. 4-Shear capacity-interaction diagram, original

End View
1" (1.5"*)
Max. Concrete Strain
*Prototype Dimension:r--;16251-o"--8-.7-5-
.. -•1162f.- Gross Section =-0.0030 In/In
(4.8cm) (22cm) (4.8cm) Core Section =0.0100 In/In
Shaar Failure
Column Section A-A 1600.
Core Section

Fig. 3-Details of original specimen 1200.

V., = [11 - 3(a/d)] Ac if: Y' + [0.2N/(a/d)] (1)


0.2N ~ 160 Ag


1.0 ~ (aid*) ~ 2.5 Lateral Lood (kips)


nominal shear capacity in the column, lb

distance from the extreme compression fiber
to the centroid of the extreme tension rein- Fig. 5-Shear capacity-interaction diagram, Specimens
forcement, in. 1-2 and 1-3
a shear span, that is, distance from point of
zero moment to maximum moment, in. tion and for the confined core. Considering a 12 in.
effective depth of section, in. square column subjected to a 450 psi compression (64.8
core area of column, in. 2 to outside of hoops kips), the predicted lateral load at flexural failure of the
gross area of column, in. 2 gross section is about 64 kips and that corresponding to
concrete compressive strength, psi shear failure is about 40 kips. The original column
axial load on column, lb specimen would be expected to fail in shear.

Lateral load-axial load interaction diagrams for flex- Strengthened specimens 1·2 and 1·3
ural hinge development and shear failure are shown in As shown in Fig. 2, Specimen 1-2 was strengthened
Fig. 4. The lateral load to produce failure at any level with a shotcrete jacket. Specimen 1-3 had the same
of axial load is indicated, assuming that the ends of the basic shotcrete jacket, plus No. 6 longitudinal bars at
column are fixed against rotation (Fig. 1). Fig. 4 con- each midface connected by No. 3 supplementary cross-
tains diagrams for both the gross section and the con- ties at 9 in. inserted through drilled holes in the column
fined core only. In Fig. 4, different values are assumed and cemented with epoxy adhesive. None of the longi-
for the maximum concrete strains in the original sec- tudinal bars in the jackets extended into the end block,
ACI Structural Journal I September-October 1988 501
Table 1 - Concrete used for original column Table 2 - Shotcrete used for jacketing columns
cross-sections Mix proportions per yd'
Mix proportions per yd' Water 250 lb
(w/c ratio = 0 45 by weight) Type I cement 658
Water 210 lb Fine aggregate 2100
Type I cement 470 Coarse aggregate (Yo in.) 750
Fine aggregate 1530 Air-entrainment agent (3 percent entrainment) tO oz
Coarse aggregate (lis in.) 1830 Water-reducing agent 21 oz
Retarder 15 oz
Shotcrete properties
Age, Compressive Stump (from truck) 5.5 in.
Test days strength, psi Unit weight (from truck) 130 tb
28 3830 Air content (from truck) 4.5 OJo
1-1 57 4330 Air content (from nozzle) 4.0 OJo
1-2 147 4400 Condition Age, days Compressive strength, psi
1-IR 204 4630
From truck, 6 x 12 in. 28 4690
' -#-6 ------
From nozzle, 6 x 12 in. 28 5150
1 cylinder

Concrete-backed panel, !07 3040

114 in. diameter
Wood-backed panel, 107 2900
t ,~,1) : (~~:)
I 'A in. diameter
--:--:~-- cores
1 67 II

l : 6o" ea

__ i_"_i_'"_
15 1
a.zs orrut ment quality was monitored using two vertical test
panels measuring 36 x 18 x 3 in. One panel had a
wooden back; the other, a concrete back. Half of each
panel was reinforced identically to the jacket of Speci-
men 1-2. 4-in. cores, taken from the reinforced side of
Fig. 6-Stress-strain curve for original specimen steel each panel, were used to monitor void formation be-
reinforcement hind individual bars. Good consolidation of concrete
was observed. 1%-in. cores, taken from the unrein-
so they provided no increase in the flexural reinforce- forced side, were used for tests of compressive strength.
ment at the critical end sections.
Neglecting the effect of the crossties in Specimen
1-3, the computed flexural and shear strengths of Spec- Repair technique, Specimen 1·1 R
imens 1-2 and 1-3 are identical (shown in the interac- Repair was performed in two operations. First, all
tion diagrams of Fig. 5). As before, different maxi- loose cover was removed with a chipping hammer.
mum concrete strains are assumed for the original sec- Holes were then drilled through the columns. The
tions and the confined core. For a 64.8 kip axial load crossties were inserted, the hook on one end was bent
(450 psi), the lateral load corresponding to flexural in place, and they were cemented with epoxy adhesive
failure is about 104 kips and that corresponding to gel. Second, the jacket reinforcement cage was tied and
shear failure is about 100 kips. The strengthened speci- placed in position, and the ends of the crossties were
mens could therefore be expected to reach shear and bent around the midface longitudinal bars. The column
flexure capacity almost simultaneously. was shotcreted as previously described.

Strengthening technique, Specimens 1·2 and 1·3

Strengthening involved encasing the original column Material characteristics
with a shotcrete jacket reinforced with closely spaced Ready-mixed concrete was obtained with a 28-day
tranverse ties. To support the transverse steel, addi- target compressive strength of 4000 psi and an initial
tional longitudinal reinforcement was placed at each slump of 7 in. Other characteristics are given in Table
corner of the jacket but was not anchored to the end 1. Actual compressive strength at time of testing was
blocks. about 4500 psi.
Specimens were first roughened by light sandblast- Longitudinal reinforcement in the original cross sec-
ing. The jacket reinforcement cages were tied and tions and the mid-face longitudinal bars in the jacket of
placed in position. Using wooden screed guides at- Specimen 1-3 consisted of No. 6 bars meeting ASTM
tached to the specimen's end blocks, the columns were A 615, Grade 60. Transverse reinforcement in the orig-
shotcreted and float-finished by an experienced con- inal columns and jackets consisted of deformed No. 2
tractor. bars simulated using 6 mm deformed bars. Corner lon-
One set of control cylinders used concrete directly gitudinal bars in the jackets consisted of No. 3 bars
from the ready-mixed truck; the other used concrete meeting ASTM A 615, Grade 60. Stress-strain curves
placed in a wheelbarrow by the nozzle. Shotcrete place- for all three bars are plotted in Fig. 6.
502 ACI Structural Journal I September-October 1988
Ready-mixed concrete was obtained from a local jacket. Gages were located on each leg of a jacket re-
supplier for shotcreting the columns. Mix proportions inforcement tie at three levels (top, midheight, and
are listed in Table 2. The compressive strength of the bottom of the column). One end of every crosstie was
shotcrete mix was measured using samples taken di- gaged.
rectly from the truck and also from the nozzle. Strength Loading sequence
tests were conducted on 1~ in. diameter cores taken Axial load was maintained at 64.8 kips for all tests,
from the test panels previously described. Results are corresponding to a typical compressive stress of 450 psi
summarized in Table 2. on the original 12-in. column (Test 1-1) and 224 psi on
TEST SETUP AND PROCEDURE the 17-in. jacketed columns (Tests 1-2, 1-3, and 1-1R).
Loading system The lateral loading sequence, shown in Fig. 10, was
Under constant axial load, the upper end of each displacement controlled. Specimen 1-1 was subjected to
specimen was subjected to cycles of lateral displace- a maximum lateral drift ratio of 2 percent (based on the
ment in the north-south direction. The loading system column height of 36 in.), while the other specimens
has three separate components, shown in Fig. 7. were subjected to 2.5 percent.
1. A manually controlled hydraulic system main- TEST RESULTS
tained the axial load. Axial load was applied by a 300 The performance of the test specimens is presented
kip hydraulic actuator connected to a structural steel and discussed in terms of load-deformation response
reaction frame. and strains. Load-deflection curves and envelopes were
2. A servo-controlled hydraulic system varied the presented for all specimens. Strain information is re-
lateral load. Lateral load was applied to the top of the ported only for Specimens 1-1 and 1-3, because Speci-
test specimen by two 113 kip hydraulic actuators with mens 1-2 and 1-1R behaved similarly to Specimen 1-3.
12-in. stroke, attached to a reinforced concrete reac- Additional information is reported in Reference 13.
tion wall.
3. Cross-coupled hydraulic actuators prevented the Load-deflection curves and envelopes
upper end of the test specimen from rotating during the Load-deflection curves for all specimens are shown in
test. Two sets of cross-coupled actuators, oriented ver- Fig. 11. Load-displacement peaks for the first cycle at
tically, prevented rotation about horizontal axes; an- each displacement level in the north direction were
other set of horizontally oriented actuators prevented connected to form the envelopes of Fig. 12. Displace-
rotation about the vertical axis. ments in the south direction generated similar curves.
The original column (Specimen 1-1) showed stable
Instrumentation and data acquisition hysteretic behavior up to lateral drift ratios of 1 per-
Load cells were mounted on each loading actuator cent. It showed considerable loss of stiffness at 1. 5 per-
and on one actuator of each pair of cross-coupled re- cent drift and unstable, degrading hysteresis beyond 1.5
straint actuators. Twelve linear potentiometers were percent drift. Strengthened specimens 1-2 and 1-3 ex-
used to monitor the deflections and rotations of the hibited stable hysteresis up to 1.5 percent drift, after
specimen end blocks. The potentiometers were sup- which pinching and loss of stiffness began. In the first
ported independently of the loading frame. As shown cycle to each drift level, the repaired specimen 1-1 R
in Fig. 8 and 9, paper-backed electrical resistance strain showed load-deflection behavior similar to that of the
gages were attached to the tie and longitudinal rein- strengthened specimens but degraded much faster than
forcement in both the column core and the shotcrete the strengthened specimens under constant-amplitude

J J--sr acing

~('xial Load Ram

Supp orting Plate

"~Load·119 Head

Axial Load Frame I., Walls

Braced Against Wall Arrangement - Plan View

*Lateral Load Assembly

- Double Rodded Hydraulic Actuator
- End Articulations, Swtvel
ComecUons (see datails)

@C Knuckle Allows Horizontal
~lows Vertical Rotations
Anchored To Floor ~

Detail, Swivel Connection (all assembled)

Fig. 7-Test setup

ACI Structural Journal I September-October 1988 503
...---- N
Wo "'
u ;;;
~ r

16" 18" X - Strain Gage Location
p 2.
- c k l I I I I I I
I 117

CD 0

9 N

Fig. 10-Lateral displacement history

cycling beyond 1.5 percent drift. Neither the strength-

ened nor the repaired specimens exhibited the severe
loss of stiffness observed in the original specimen at
drift levels exceeding 1 percent.
As shown in Fig. 11, the original specimen 1-1 and
the repaired specimen 1-1 R experienced the greater
degradation in strength with constant amplitude cy-
cling. The strengthened specimens 1-2 and 1-3 experi-
enced the lesser degradation.
Fig. 8-Strain gage locations, original specimen As shown in Fig. 12, the strength of the original
specimen (1-1) decreased at lateral drift ratios beyond 1
percent. The other specimens showed no decrease in
capacity, even under lateral drifts of 2.5 percent.

Cracking patterns
X - Strain Gage The original specimen 1-1 developed flexural cracks
near its ends after cycling to 0.5 percent drift and in-
i clined cracks after 1.0 percent drift. Cycling to 2 per-
cent drift caused widening of these inclined cracks to

<t- - ~~~·:;--i--+-1118"- more than x2 in.

The repaired specimen 1-1R behaved similarly, ex-
hibiting flexural cracks that developed into inclined
cracks at about 1 percent drift. Repeated cycling at 1
percent drift widened and extended these cracks, which
were evenly distributed over the height of the column.
Strengthened specimens 1-2 and 1-3 developed nar-
row flexural cracks (less than ~. in. wide) at 1.0
percent drift. At 1.5 percent drift, inclined cracks de-
veloped from these flexural cracks, and wide 0~2 in.)
flexural cracks opened between the shotcrete jacket and
the end blocks. At 2.5 percent drift, the jacket crushed
and spalled near both end blocks, and the flexural

cracks widened to approximately \.4 in.

In summary, the strengthened specimens 1-2 and 1-3

exhibited cracking patterns dominated by flexure or by
a combination of flexure and shear. In contrast, both
the original specimen 1-1 and the repaired specimen 1-
1R exhibited cracking patterns dominated by shear.
Column Section (1-2) N Column Section (1-3,1-1R) Strains in longitudinal reinforcement
Original specimen 1-1 - In Fig. 13, strains over the
Fig. 9-Strain gage locations, jacket height of the No. 6 bar at the northwest corner of the
504 ACI Structural Journal I September-October 1988



STaRr DRIFT cr:;

-2. D -I. 5 -/. 0 /, 5 2. 0
-o. e -o. s 0.. o. 6 0. 8 -I. 0


Fig. II(a)-Load-deflection curve, Specimen I-I Fig. II(c)-Load-deflection curve, Specimen I-3

Fig. II (b)-Load-deflection curve, Specimen I-2 Fig. JJ(d)-Load-def/ection curve, Specimen I-IR
original cross-section of Specimen 1-1 are shown. Data
correspond to the load stages used to produce the en-

velope of Fig. 12. As shown by the plot, tension devel- "'


oped in the longitudinal bars at the top of the north """

face of the column under northward loading, while the
longitudinal bars at the bottom of the north face re- "'
mained in compression. Longitudinal bars did not 0

Strengthened specimens - A comparable plot for a SPECIMEN 1-1

strengthened specimen 1-3 is shown in Fig. 14. Exami-

nation of this figure shows that at northward drift lev-
els exceeding about 0.5 percent, tension developed over
the entire height of the No. 6 longitudinal bars com- o.s 1.0 /, s 2.0
STaRr OfllfT
2. 5

prising the corner reinforcement of the original cross o. 2 o.• a. s a. 8 1. a

section. This is corroborated by Fig. 15, in which the
strain at the top of one of the No. 6 bars is compared Fig. I2-Load-deflection envelopes, Specimens I-I,
with the strain in an adjacent longitudinal No. 3 bar in I-2, I-3, and I-IR
the jacket, as a function of lateral drift. While the No. fore, these bars were always in tension regardless of the
3 jacket bar alternates between tension and compres- direction of loading. Another reason is that in the pres-
sion under reversed cyclic drifts, the No. 6 bar exhibits ence of diagonal tension, flexural members with low
tension over most of the loading cycle. Also, the No. 3 shear-span to depth ratios have tensile stresses along the
jacket bar is strained much less than the No. 6 bar of entire length of their longitudinal reinforcement. 14
the original cross section. Significant tension was not observed in the longitu-
The principal reason for this difference is that when dinal jacket reinforcement of any of the jacketed spec-
the original cross section was jacketed, its neutral axis imens because this reinforcement was not anchored into
was located outside the No. 6 longitudinal bars. There- the end blocks.
ACI Structural Journal I September-October 1988 505
D. 07. DAlfT

r "' / OAifT_,/,
,/ 7000

0. 257. DAlfT~i


,/,6-- !.OX

.............· /
/~"' ..........·

/ i

: / . . . . .·'fi:o <i 4000

.:.~// ffi"' / >-
:1 I .,rr:a: /~ ~ 3000 I
, u I
l ! _,_ :E I
i I a: / I
I z I. SX OAlfT 200
~ i g /I
1: i ,/
1: I
1: i ,/

I: I
-800 -600
... I :!

-600 -200

200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1600

Oisplocement (in.)

SloryDnft (%) o.5

; 0.4
O.B :



Fig. 16-Strain envelopes, N-S direction, original col-

Fig. 13-Envelopes of strain distribution, NW longitu- umn ties, Specimen 1-1
dinal No. 6, Specimen 1-1

07. OR f_T .;D. 57. DRifT 17. DRifT I. 57. DRifT 7000

n )/ .tt? -~ ,/" --x-- E-W FACE (N-SOIRECTION) JACKET TIES

~ : / ........ ../ 6000
G . /
~: _,....._... / .. / - - 1 - - E-W FACE (N-SOIRECTIONlORIGINAL TIES
,..,· ,-""
.. /" '- 5000

/ ,/
.. / z
<i 4000
/ ,. / go
/ ..............· .. / ' V)
/ / 5 3000
,/ ,..-:' :E
\ 2000
\ 1000

~~:.1-c:.~: .......•... ·······

\ \, 2. 07. OAIFT
·.:· • ....... ·_;..l-

\ 2, 57. DRIFT
Displacement (in.) r·2 I

0,4 :
0.6 I
0.6 :I 1.0
\1) ~. \
Stoty Onfl f'YoJ 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
\ \
sao 1000 1500 2000
2500 Fig. 17-Strain envelopes, midheight ties, Specimen
Fig. 14-Enve/opes of strain distribution, NW longitu-
dinal No. 6, Specimen 1-3 umn midheight and also with large increases in strain in
the north-south legs (east-west faces) of the transverse
ties. Transverse reinforcement running in the east-west
direction (north-south faces) was stressed as a conse-
quence of confining action but did not resist shear. As
a result, east-west direction transverse reinforcement
did not yield in any of the specimens.
Original specimen 1-1 - Envelopes of the average
strains from the rectangular ties in the north-south di-
0 rection (east-west faces) of the original specimen are
plotted in Fig. 16 as a function of story drift. The mid-
•6 BAA
•3 BAA-a., .•·
height tie showed the greatest increase in strain be-
"' tween the 1.0 and 1.5 percent drift levels, which corre-
sra11r OIIIFT Cr:J
-2. 5 -2. 0 -1. 5 1.0 .. -1:5 2.0 2. 5 sponded to the formation of wide inclined cracks at
-1. a -a. 8 -a. 6 a. 6 a. 6 o. 8 1. a
OlSPLACEHENT CINCHESJ column midheight. Strains in the east-west ties varied
. -······ .. ·• • .I

similarly but were much smaller .
'? Strengthened specimens 1-2 and 1-3 -Envelopes of
midheight strains in the original ties and the jacket ties
Fig. 15-Enve/opes of top gage strain, No. 6/No. 3 of a typical strengthened specimen 1-3 are shown in
NW longitudinal bars, Specimen 1-3 Fig. 17. The north-south ties (east and west faces)
showed the greatest increase in strain following the for-
Strains in transverse reinforcement mation of inclined cracks at drift levels between 1.0 and
In all specimens, drift ratios in excess of 1 percent 1.5 percent. At 2.5 percent drift, only the north-south
coincided with the formation of inclined cracks at col- ties approached yield. Inelastic behavior was due pri-
506 ACI Structural Journal I September-October 1988
1ao1e ;;s - uoserved versus computed column --x-- E-W FACE (N-SDIRECTIONlJACKET TIES _.x
capacities 7000
=-:= ~~; ~:6~ ~~-~ ~~~:~~~~~~lJO~~;;:I~~ES
Predicted 1
Predicted lateral capacity, /
kips 6000
Observed Observed I
Shear, Shear, capacity, Drift, /
Specimen Flexure UT• ACI kips percent UT AC1 [ 5000 /
1-1 64 40 31 47 I 0.85 0.66 z ;
<i 4000 /
1-2 104 100 72 90 2 1.11 0.80
2t5 3000 /
1-3 104 100 72 88 2 1.14 0.82 /
:E /
1-IR 104 100 72 86 2 1.16 0.84 20 /
---- -·-
•uT = University of Texas. .,..J<- ___ A:./
1000 _,.-
····· ·········· .........
marily to slip of longitudinal steel, opening of shear Displacement (in ) ?-2
I 0.4 \ 0.6 DB : 1.0
cracks, and also to yielding of the original column's Story Orift (%) 0.5 1.0 1!5 2.0 2.!5 I

longitudinal steel.
Repaired specimen 1-1R - Envelopes of midheight Fig. 18-Strain envelopes, mid-height ties, Specimen
strains in the original ties and the jacket ties of the re- 1-1R
paired specimen 1-1 R are shown in Fig. 18. The north-
south jacket ties (east and west faces) showed the ment, though greater than current design requirements,
greatest increase in strain following the formation of was intended to represent the practice of column design
in seismic regions of the U.S. in the 1950s and early
inclined cracks at drift levels between 1.0 and 1.5 per-
cent. At 2. 5 percent drift, only the north-south jacket
One of the original specimens was tested, repaired,
ties had yielded. Because the core of Specimen 1-1 had
and retested. Prior to testing, the remaining two speci-
been damaged before jacketing, jacket tie strains in
mens were strengthened: one with No. 3 longitudinal
Specimen 1-lR were much higher than those of a typi-
bars at each corner and 6-mm ties at 2.5 in.; and the
cal strengthened specimen 1-3 at similar drift levels.
other, similar to the repaired specimen, with No. 3 lon-
gitudinal bars at each corner, 6-mm ties at 2.5 in., plus
Observed versus computed capacities cross-ties at 9-in. hooked around No. 6 longitudinal
The existing column (Specimen 1-1) was analyzed as bars at midfaces. A 2.5 in. shotcrete jacket produced a
previously described, using the computer program 17 in. square column with l-in. cover over the trans-
RCCOLA. Shear capacity was computed using empirical verse reinforcement. The surface of the existing col-
equations developed at the University of Texas 10 and umn was sandblasted prior to strengthening. The rein-
also using the equations of ACI 318-83. 15 Observed and forced shotcrete jacket was not difficult to construct.
computed capacities are compared in Table 3. As pre- The specimens were subjected to unidirectional, cyclic
dicted, the original specimen failed in shear. Longitu- lateral load.
dinal steel strains were less than yield at maximum
load, and the lateral stiffness degraded under constant- CONCLUSIONS
amplitude cycling after the transverse reinforcement 1. The specimen representing an existing column
yielded. performed poorly under reversed cyclic lateral defor-
The jacketed specimens 1-2, 1-3, and 1-lR were ana- mations exceeding 0.5 percent drift. Analysis indicated
lyzed using the same computer program, assuming that the column shear-span to depth ratio and reinforc-
1) no slip between the shotcrete jacket and the original ing details would result in a brittle, shear-dominated
column; 2) zero tensile stress in the jacket longitudinal failure.
reinforcement; and 3) full effectiveness of the shotcrete 2. To avoid brittle failure, the shear capacity of the
jacket in compression. Computed flexural and shear columns was increased, but the flexural bars didn't
capacities' 0 were nearly equal, indicating a combined even yield. Lateral capacity of the strengthened column
shear-flexural failure mode. The strengthened speci- could be predicted reliably assuming complete compat-
mens 1-2 and 1-3 failed in flexure, while the repaired ibility between the shotcrete jacket and the original col-
specimen failed by a combination of shear and flexure. umn.
In all cases, observed capacity was predicted to within 3. One strengthened specimen was provided with ad-
about 15 percent of that computed using Eq. (1) but ditional midface longitudinal bars in the jacket con-
well above that computed using ACI 318-83 provisions. nected by cross-ties grouted with epoxy adhesive
through the original column. This modification did not
SUMMARY significantly affect the column's stiffness or strength
Three identical column test specimens were con- under monotonic loading, but it did improve the main-
structed at two-thirds scale based on an 18 in. square tenance of strength and stiffness under cycles of re-
prototype column section. The original specimens had versed lateral displacements exceeding 2 percent drift.
a 12 in. square cross section reinforced with eight No. 4. When a badly damaged column was repaired by
6 longitudinal bars, sets of 6-mm ties spaced at 8 in., encasing the core with a shotcrete jacket reinforced
and l-in. cover. Spacing of the transverse reinforce- with closely spaced ties and cross-ties connected to
ACI Structural Journal I September·October 1988 507
midface longitudinal bars, it was nearly as strong and 6. Mahin, S. A.; Bertero, V. V.; Chopra, A. K.; and Collins,
as stiff as an undamaged column strengthened with the R. G., "Response of the Olive View Hospital Main Building during
the San Fernando Earthquake," Report No. EERC 76-22, Earth-
same jacket. quake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berke-
ley, Oct. 1976.
7. Selna, L. G.; Morrill, K. B.; and Ersoy, 0. K., "Shear Col-
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS lapse, Elastic and Inelastic Biaxial Studies of the Olive View Hospital
This research was conducted as part of the MS program of Bart Psychiatric Day Clinic," Proceedings, U .S.-Japan Seminar on
John Bett, under the guidance of Drs. R. E. Klingner and J. 0. Jirsa. Earthquake Engineering, Berkeley, 1973.
The following individuals were very helpful throughout the test pro- 8. Maruyama, Kyuichi; Ramirez, Horacio; and Jirsa, James 0.,
gram: Dr. R. L. Carrasquillo (The University of Texas); and Loring "Short RC Columns under Bilateral Load Histories," Journal of
Wyllie, Jr., Chris Poland, and Roy Moreno (H. J. Degenkolb Asso- Structural Engineering, ASCE, V. 110, No. I, Jan. 1984, pp. 120-137.
ciates, Inc., San Francisco, California). 9. Woodward, Kyle A., and Jirsa, James 0., "Influence of Rein-
The project was funded under National Science Foundation Grant forcement on RC Short Column Lateral Resistance," Journal of
No. CEE-820125. H. J. Degenkolb Associates, Inc. is participating in Structural Engineering, ASCE, V. II 0, No. I, Jan. 1984, pp. 90-104.
the project under a separate NSF grant (CEE-820!187). Adhesive 10. Umehara, Hidetaka, and Jirsa, James 0., "Short Rectangular
Engineering provided epoxy materials used in the test program. RC Columns under Bidirectional Loading," Journal of Structural
The experimental work was conducted in the Phil M. Ferguson Engineering, ASCE, V. 110, No.3, Mar. I984, pp. 605-618.
Structural Engineering Laboratory at the Balcones Research Center II. ACI Committee 318, "Building Code Requirements for Rein-
of The University of Texas at Austin. The support of the Labora- forced Concrete (ACI 318-83)," American Concrete Institute, De-
tory's technical and administrative staff and the many graduate as- troit, I 963, 144 pp.
sistants who helped is gratefully acknowledged. 12. Farahany, M. M., "Computer Analysis of Reinforced Con-
crete Cross Sections," Master's thesis, University of Texas, Austin,
Dec. 1983.
13. Bett, B. J.; Klingner, R. E.; and Jirsa, J. 0., "Behavior of
REFERENCES Strengthened and Repaired Reinforced Concrete Columns under
I. Hanson, R. D., "Repair, Strengthening and Rehabilitation of Cyclic Deformations," PMFSEL Report No. 85-3, Phil M. Ferguson
Buildings-Recommendations for Research," Report No. UMEE Structural Engineering Laboratory, University of Texas, Austin, Dec.
77R4, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Oct. 1977. 1985.
2. Hanson, R. D., "Repair and Strengthening of Reinforced Con- I4. Paulay, Thomas, "Coupling Beams of Reinforced Concrete
crete Members and Buildings," Proceedings, Workshop on Earth- Shear Walls," ASCE, V. 97, ST3, Mar. 1971, pp. 843-862.
quake Resistant Reinforced Concrete Building Construction, Univer- 15. ACI Committee 318, "Building Code Requirements for Rein-
sity of California, Berkeley, July 1977. forced Concrete (ACI 318-83)," American Concrete Institute, De-
3. Sugano, S., "Aseismic Strengthening of Existing Reinforced troit, 1983, Ill pp.
Concrete Buildings," Seminar, Seismology and Earthquake Engi-
neering, International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engi- CONVERSION FACTORS
neering, Building Research Institute, Tokyo, Mar. 1980. I ft = 0.305 m
4. "Guideline for Seismic Retrofitting (Strengthening, Toughening I in. = 25.4 mm
and/or Stiffening) Design of Existing Reinforced Concrete Build- I psf = 4.882 kg/m'
ings," Ministry of Construction, Tokyo, Mar. 1977 (English transla- I kip = 4.448 kN
tion 1980). I ksi = 6.895 MPa
5. Sugano, S., "Guideline for Seismic Retrofitting (Strengthening, I psi = 0.006895 MPa
Toughening and/or Stiffening) Design of Existing Reinforced Con- I kip = 4.448 kN
crete Buildings," Proceedings, 2nd Seminar on Repair and Retrofit I ksi = 6.895 MPa
of Structures, Ann Arbor, May 1981. I psi = 0.006895 MPa

508 ACI Structural Journal I September-October 1988

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