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aie ae Colney} Electronic instrament f ‘ ‘strictly According to the Revised ed Syllabus of \ | Mumbai University - 2007 Course | | Electronic Instrumentation aaa Senate’. III (Electrons & emacs, Uday A. Bakshi M.E.(Electrical) Formerly Lecturer in Department of Electronics Engg. Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Pune Ajay V. Bakshi B.E.(Electronics) Formerly Lecturer in Deptt. of E & To Maharashtra Academy of Engineering Pune Price Rs. 270/- Visit us at: www.vtubooks.com @ Ca \ Technical Publications Pune” 4 inna ob scosanoumacemenstmsaconm @ et Electronic Instrumentation ISBN 9788184314465 Al rights reserved with Technical Publications. No port ofthis bock should be reproduced in any form, Electronic, Mechanical, Photocopy or ary information storage ond retrieval system without prior permission in writing, from Technical Publications, Pune. Published by : Technical Publications Pune® ‘#1, Amit Residency, 412, Shaniwar Peth, Pune - 411 030, Indi. Printer : ‘Alert DTPintes Sena, 10/3 Sinhaged Road, Ame = 411047 Table of Contents 1.1. Introduction .............++ 1.2 Classification of Transducers... 1.2.1 Active and Passive Transducer Active Transducers Passive Transducers 2... . 1.2.2 According to Transduction Principle. ..... . Capacitive Transduction. Electromagnetic Transduction. . Inductive Transduction... we ee Piezoelectric Transduction . Photovoltaic Transduction Photoconductve Transduction . . 1.2.3 Analog and Digital Transducers..........06000008 1.23.1 Analog Transducers . Digital Transducers. 1.2.4 Primary or Secondary. . pivensete: 1.2.5 Transducer and Inverse Transducer 1.3 Characteristics of Transducers 1.4 Transducer Selection Factors .. 1.5 Passive Transducers .... 1.6 Resistive Transducers .... 1.7 Potentiometric Resistance Transducer .. 1.7.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Resistance Potentiometers 1.8 Resistance Pressure Transducers 1.8.1 Diaphragms 1.8.2 Capsule 1.8.3 Bourdon Tube. 1.8.4 Bellows. a . 1.8.5 Pressure Measurement using Resistance Pressure Transducers 1.9 Resistance Position Transducers . 1.10 Strain Gauges... 4.40.1 Principle of Operation and Construction of Strain Gauges. 1.10.2 Derivation of Gauge Factor 1.10.3 Types of Strain Gauges . . 1.10.4 Basic Forms of Resistance Wire Strain ages 1.10.5 Desirable Characteristics of Resistance Wire Strain Gauge . . 1.10.6 Semiconductor Strain Gauge ........... 1.10.7 Comparison of Metal Gauge with Semiconductor Strain Gauge ....... 1,10.8 Rosette Strain Gauges . 1.11 Inductive Transducer .1-27 1.44.1 Transducer Based on Principle of Change in Self inductance with Number of Tums 1 - 28 1.11.2 Variable Permeability Inductive Transducer 1-29 1.11.3 Variable Reluctance Inductive Transducer. . 21-29 1.11.4 Eddy Current Type Inductive Transducer. . 1.12 Linear Variable Displacement Transducer | er(LvOT) 1.12.1 Construction and Working of LVDT . 1.12.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of LVDT 1.13 Capacitive Transducer... 1.13.1. Variation in Capacitance .. . 113.2 Capacitance Type Level Meter . 1.13.3 Capacitive Pressure Transducer ... 4.43.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of cacti Transducers. 4.14 Temperature Sensors 1.15 Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) 1.15.1 Construction of RTD 1.15.2 Advantages of RTD 1.15.3 Disadvantages of RTD 1.16 Active Transducers .. 1.17 Thermistors.... 1.17.1 Construction of Thermistor 1.17.2 Resistance Temperature Characteristics ........ . 1.17.3 Voltage Current Characteristics. 4.17.4 Current Time Characteristics. ...... 0c cece eee eee eect sence nen ee 124M 1.47.5 Advantages 1.17.6 Limitations . 1.17.7 Applications 1.17.8 Comparison between Resistance Themometer and Thermistor................ 1°45 1.17.9 Signal Conditioning Circuit . . 1,18 Thermocouples .... 1.18.1 Thermoelectric Phenomena . . 1.18.2 Construction of Thermocouple . . . 1.182.1 Materials used for Thermocouples... 1. ee ee ee 1-48 1.18.3 Thermoelectric Laws . 1.18.4 Thermopiles ... . 1.18.5 Advantages and Limitations of Thermocouple 1.18.6 Desirable Characteristics of Thermocouple 1.19 Piezoelectric Transducers. 1.19.1 Basic Piezoelectric Pressure Transducer Advantages and Limitations of Piezoelectric Pressure Transducer 1.19.2 Applications of Piezoelectric Transducer 1.20 Photoelectric Transducers. 1.20.1 Photoemissive Transducers . Vacuum Phoiotube . . GasFilled Phototubes . . . . ‘ Photomuttiplier Tube... 2. 1... 1.20.2 Photoconductive Transducers ..... Photoconductive Cell... . 1.20:2.2 Photodiodes . . . 1.20.3 Photovoltaic Transducers. Photovoltaic Cell. % . 2... 1.20,3.3 Appications of Phototransistor . . Review Questions ..: University Questions ... ope 2.1 Introduction -1 2.2 Cathode Ray Tube (eR). .2-2 2.2.4 Electron Gun. 2-2 2.22 Deflection System. 2-3 2.2.3 Fluorescent Screen ............ 102 2.2.4 Glass Tube. 2-6 2.2.5 Base 2-7 2.3 Basic Principle of Signal Display. 2.4 Block Diagram of Simple Oscilloscope .. 2.44 CRT seh 2.42 Vertical Amplifier. 2.423 Delay Line. . Lumped Parameter Delay Lina. Distributed Parameter Delay Line 2.44 Trigger Circuit. 2.4.5 Time Base Generator 2.46 Horizontal Amplifier 24.7 Power Supply 2.5 Front Panel Controls of Simple C.R.O. 2.5.1 Basic Controls 2.5.2 Vertical Section. 2.5.3 Horizontal Section ..........0cc eee eee eerste een ee nee e een nen nenes 2.5.4 Z-Axis Intensity Control . 2.6 Time Base Generator. 2.6.1 Why Sweep Generator is Called Time Base Generator ? 2.6.2 Requirements of Time Base. 2.6.3 Basic Principle of Time Base Generator.......... 2.6.4 Time Base Block Diagram 2.6.5 Trigger Generators . 2.6.6 Sweep Modes. . . 2.6.7 TTL Trigger Mode, 2.7 Intensity and Velocity Modulation ET A EL 2-48 2.8 Bandwidth 2.9 Dual Trace Oscilloscope 2.9.1 Altemate Mode...... 2.9.2. Chop Mode . 2.9.3 Electronic Switch 2.9.4 Front Panel Controls of Dual Trace Oscilloscope. 2.9.5 Multiple Trace Oscilloscopes 2.10 Dual Beam Oscilloscope. 2.10.1 Multiple Beam Oscilloscopes... 2.10.2 Comparison of Dual Trace and Dual Beam Oscilloscopes. 2.11 Analog Storage Oscilloscope 2.11.1 Mesh Storage 2.14.2 Phosphor Storage. 2.11.3 Comparison of Mesh and Phosphor Storage . 2.12 Disadvantages of Analog Storage Oscilloscope 2.13 Digital Storage Oscilloscope. 2.13.1 Block Diagram 2.13.2 Modes of Operation . 2:13:5 Aoqulaiion Melhods 3.50.02. sen vanassidieecsesct eres eee 2-41 2183 Real The Qing. ss 2-42 2.133.2Random Repetitive Samping ... . . 2-42 2.13,3.3 Sequential Repettive Sampling. . . 2-43 2.13.4 Sample Rate and Bandwidth . 2.13.5 Trigger Circuits in D.S.O. .. 2.13.6 Triggering Modes . 2.13.7 Special Functions . 2.13.8 Automatic Measurements. . 2.13.10 Advantages of D.8.0.. o 12-49 2.13.14 Applications of D.S.0. soe 2-50 2.13.12 Specifications of 0.S.0. seve 2°61 2.14 Digital Read Out Oscilloscope 2.15 Sampling Oscilloscope. 2-53 2.15.1 Sampling Time Base . 2.15.2 Block Diagram of Sampling Oscilloscope 2-56 2.15.3 Advantages. 2-57 2.16 High Frequency (HF) Oscilloscope 2-57 2.16.1 Characteristics of HF Oscilloscope. . . 2-58 2.17 C.R.O. Measurements 2.17.4 Voltage Measurement . : 2.47.2 Curent Measurement o.oo 2D 2.17.3 Period and Frequency Measurement....... 2... ..00.c00s0sssseeeeeeeeeees 2-59 2.18 Lissajous Figures 5 2.18.1 Measurement of Phase Difference 2-61 2.18.2 Measurement of Frequency. ......sssseseeseesesessseeseeseesneseereses 2.19 Plug-in Units for C.R.O. ... 2.20 Diode and Transistor Testing using C.R.O. 2.21 Applications of C.R.O. 2.22 Probes for C.R.O. 2.22.4 Direct Probes (1 : 1) 2.22.2 High Impedance Probes (10 X) 2.22.3 Active PTODES oes esse 2B 2.22.5 High Voltage PrObeS. ..........cssseccseccseseeceseveesseesseeeeuees 2-74 2.22.6 Differential Probes . 2.23 Probe Specifications . 2.24 Powerscope 2.24.1 Block Diagram 2.24.2 Various Controls in Powerscope Examples with Solutions... $: Review Questions ......:csssssssssesssessssesssstets esses 2° BG A SS 8s 1) 10 850), 3.2 Wave Analyzer. 3.2.1 Frequency Selective Wave Analyzer 3.2.2 Heterodyne Wave Analyzer... 3.2.3 Applications of Wave Analyzer... 3.3 Introduction to Spectrum Analysis 3.4 Spectrum Analyzer. 3.4.1 Frequency Resolution, 3.4.2 Sensitivity. . 34.3 ae Desensitization 3.4.5 Harmonic Mixing in Spectrum Analyzer 3.4.6 Methods to Determine Dynamio Range 3.5 Real Time Spectrum Analyzer 3.6 Applications of Spectrum Analyzer 3.7 Logic Analyzer .... 3.7.1 Block Diagram of Logic Analyzer . 3.7.2 Operating Controls of a Typical Logic Analyzer . . 3.7.3 Applications and Features of Logic Analyzer... 3.8 Distortion Analyzer. 3.8.1 Fundamental Suppression Distortion Analyzer . 3.8.2 Heterodyne Harmonic Distortion Analyzer 4.8.4 Transient Intermodulation Distortion... 2... sete eee 9D 4.8.5 Standing Wave Ratio Meter...........ssssscssceseussesseseeesesesseees 3-30 3.8.6 SWR Meters : Measurement of Standing WaveRalio.........................8 3-32 Simple Bridge Type VSWR Meter... 3-33 3.9 Digital FFT Analyze: 3.9.1 Block Diagram 3.10 Network Analyzer. 3.11 Scattering Parameters (S Parameters). 3.11.4 Defintion of Scattering (S) Parameters... . 3.11.2 Transmission and Reflection . i 3.12 Elements of Network eee Suter 3.12.4 Signal Source ...... 3.12.2 Signal Separation Device . .. 3.12.3 Receiver . 3.12.4 Displays. 3.13 Measurement Accuracy-Uncertainty and Random Errors 3.14 Scalar Network Analyzer (SNA). 3.15 Vector Network Analyzer (VNA).. Examples with Solutions Review Question: 4.1 Introduction 4.1.1 Advantages of Electronic Measurement. . 4.2 Functional Elements of an Instrument 4.2.1 Primary Sensing Element. 4.2.2 Variable Conversion Element. 42.3 Variable Manipulation Element 4.2.4 Data Transmission Element 42.5 Data Presentation Element. 4.3 Q-Meter.. 4.4 Working Principle of Q-Meter. 4.5 Practical Q-Meter. 4.6 Different Connections in Q-Meter 46.1 Direct Connection. 466.2 Series Connection 4.6.3 Parallel Connection 4,7 Sources of Error... 4.8 Transmission Line Impedance Measurement by Q-Meter... 4.9 Ammeter and Voltmeter 4.10 Basic D.C. Ammeter 4.11 Multirange Ammeters.. 4.12 The Aryton Shunt or Universal Shunt 4.12.1 Precautions to be Taken while using an Ammeter 4.13 Requirements of a Shunt 4.14 Basic D.C. Voltmeter. 4.15 Multirange Voltmeters 4.15.1 Practical Multirange Voltmeter. 4.16 Sensitivity of Voltmeters. 4.16.1 Precautions to be Taken while using a Voltmeter 4.16.2 Requirements of a Multiplier 4.17 Electronic Voltmeters... 4.17.4 Advantages of Electronic Voltmeters. 4.18 Considerations in Selecting the Voltmeter. 4.18.1 Input impedance . . 4,182 Voltage Ranges... . 4.18.3 Decibels.......... 4.18.4 Sensitivity Versus Bandwidth . 4.19 Basic Electronic Voltmeter (Transistor Voltmeter) .. 4.19.1 Advantages . 4.20 Differential Voltmeter 4.20.1 AC. Differential Voltmeter 4.21 A.C. Voltmeter using Rectifiers . 4.21.1 First Rectifying and then Amplifying AC. Signal . 4.21.2 First Amplifying and then Reclifying A.C. Signal 4.22 Basic Rectifier Type A.C. Voltmeter. 4.23 A.C. Voltmeter using Half Wave Rectifier 4.24 A.C. Voltmeter using Full Wave Rectifier. 4.25 Average Responding Voltmeter 4.251 Advantages ...... 4,252 Disadvantages. ....... 4.26 Peak Responding Voltmeter 4.26.1 Advantages 4.26.2 Disadvantages 4.27 True R.M.S. Responding Voltmetet 4274 Advantages. 4.27.2 Nonthermocouple Type True RMS Voltmeter . 4.273 Quas-R.MS. Detection. 4.28 Analog Electronic Multimeter 4.28.1 Use of Multimeter for D.C. Voltage 4.28.2 Use of Multimeter as an Ammeter. ¥ aveps 4.28.3 Use of Multimeter for Measurement of A.C. Voltag@.........0ssecceceeeerneeee 4-69 4.28.4 Use of Multimeter for Resistance Measurement Examples with Solutions..... Review Questions... Chapter -5 Standard D.C. and A.c. d : i 5.1 Introduction ..... 5.2 D.C. Power Supplies. 5.2.1 Block Diagram of D.C. Power Supply 5.2.2 Factors Affecting Load Voliage .. . 5.2.3 Power Supply Performance Parameters. 5.23.1 Load Reguiaion ... . .. oa 5.23.2 Line Regulation or Source Regulation. . . Output Resistance. A Voltage Stablity Factor (Si)... Temperature Stability Facior (Sr) 5.236RippleRejecion .... 2... 6. 5.23.7 Total Change in Output Voltage... . 5.3 Safe Operation of Power Supplies. 5.3.1 Additional Features of Power Supplies. 5.4 Specifications of D.C. Power Supply 5-10 5.5 Power Supply Connections....... 5-10 5.6 Guidelines to be Followed for Proper Operation of Power Suppl} 5-11 5.7 Batteries 5.8 Classification of Cells. 5.9 Important Factors for Selection of Battery 5.10 Standard A.C. Sources (Signal Generators). 5.11 Requirements of Laboratory Type Signal Generato 5.12 Basic Standard Signal Gene. “tor (Sine Wave Generator) 5.12.1 Basic Theory of Oscillator. 5.12.3 Types of Oscillations S423 |ABI>1 2... S1232|ABI=1... . 5A233|ABI<1 5.13 Audio Frequency (A.F.) Signal Generators. 5.13.1 Wien Bridge Oscillator Wien Bridge Oscilztor using Op-amp 5.13.2 RC Phase Shift Oscillator 5.13.3 RC Feedback Network... ees. e cece 5.13.4 RC Phase Shift Oscilator using Op-amp 5.13.5 Advantages. 5.13.6 Disadvantages 5.14 Conventional Standard Signal Generator 5.14.1 Principle of Working 5.14.2 Block Diagram .. . 5.14.3 Advantages. . 6.14.4 Disadvantages . 5.14.5 Applications 5.15 Modern Laboratory Type Signal Generator 5.15.1 Block Diagram . 5.15.2 Advantages, . 5.15.3 Disadvantages 5.16 Comparison between Standard and Modern Signal Generator 5.17 Audio Frequency (A.F.) Sine and Square Wave Generator. 5.17.1 Front Panel Controls. 5.17.2 Specifications ........ 5.18 Square Wave and Pulse Generato 5.18.1 Pulse Characteristics and Terminology . 5.18.2 Requirements of Pulse Generator . 5.19 Laboratory Type Sauare Wave and Pulse Generator 5.19.1 Specifications . . 5-38 AAS ISAS TE LN ES. 5.20 Function Generator. 5.20.1 Block Diagram . . 5.20.2 Features of Function Generator. .... . 5-40 5.20.3 Specifications of Function Generator . 5-40 5.21 Frequency Synthesized Signelc Generators . 5-44 5.21.1 Direct Synthesis . . 5-41 5.21.2 Indirect Synthesis. 5-43 5.21.3 Applications of Frequency Synthesizer . 5.22 Random Noise Generator 5.22.1 Block Diagram 5.22.2 Applications . 5.23 Sweep Generator. 5.24 Wideband eter Generator. 5.24.1 Advantages. . ‘ 5.4 2Disadvantages.. eoxswanes somawenves BIBL . 5.25 Swept Frequency Generis using ig Halaarns Frequengy \ Generator... 5.26 Sweep Gerietator for jeniire Frequency Bani 5.26.1 Block Diagram . 5.26.2 Advantages. .... . 5.26.3 Disadvantage .... 5.27 Marker Generator. 5.27.1 Block Diagram . . 5.28 Sweep Marker Generator Review Questions... Measurement Test Systems and Computer ControlledTest Measurement 6.1 Introduction ..... 6.2 Manual Test Systems . 6.3 Automatic Test System... 6.4 Typical Automatic Test Syster 6.4.1 Testing of an Audio Ampiifier.. .. 6.4.2 Testing Of a Radio Receiver... . 6.5 Microprocessor Based Instruments PAE ee EE 6.8.1 Block Diagram .. Sr cere ga a eas cereals 6.6 Computer Controlled Test Systems 6.6.1 IEEE 488 Standard....... Bus Stuctre of GPIB... 6... So loictes CEU MAAR is eo ca ew RE eo wow OKO Data Byte Transfer Lines. oe oe we os Sequence of Operations. 0... ee eee eee Electrical Characteristics of GPIB. 6.7 Instruments used in Computer Controlled jnatrameritalic 6.8 Digital Control Description .. 6.9 Microprocessor Based Measurements Review Questions University Questio1 Cha ter = 7 Digital to Analog Converters (DAC) and — Analog to Digital Converters (ADC) 7.1 Introduction .... 7.2 Digital to Analog Converter .. 7.3 Transfer Characteristic of DAC 7.4 Digital to Analog Conversion Techniques... 7.4.1 Binary Weighted Resistor DAC .. 7.4.2 Inverted R/2R Ladder DAC. . . 7.4.3 RU2R Ladder DAC. ......... 7.5 Performance Parameters of DAC .. 7.5.1 Resolution, 7.5.2 Accuracy. 7.5.3 Monotonicity 7.84 Conversion Time . 7.5 Setting Time. . 7.5.6 Stability, 7.6 Sources of Errors in DAC. 7.8.1 Linearity Error. 7.6.2 Offset Error. 7.6.3 Gain Error. . 7.7 Analog to Digital Converters (ADC)....... 7.7, Transfer Characteristics of ADC. 7.7.2 Resolution........... 7.7.3 Quantization Error 7.74 Conversion Time . 7.8 Analog to Digital Conversion Techniques 7.9 Single Slope ADC. 7.10 Dual Slope ADC.. 7.11 Successive Approximation ADC. 7.12 Flash ADC.... 7.13 Comparison of ADC Techniques Review Questions...... University Question. 8.1 Introduction... 8.2 Digital Voltmeters .. 8.3 Advantages of Digital Voltmeter 8.4 Performance Parameters of Digital Voltmeter: 8.5 Basic Block Diagram of DVM.. 8.6 Classification of Digital Voltmeters. 8.7 Successive Approximation Type DVM. 8.7.1. Advantages ... 8.7.2 Disadvantages. 8.8 Servo Potentiometric or Continuous Balance Type DVM 8.9 Ramp Type DVM .. 8.9.1 Linear Ramp Technique 8.9.2 Staircase Ramp Technique 8.10 Dual Slope Integrating Type DVM 8.11 Voltage to Frequency Converter Type inearene DVM 8.11.1 Interpolating integrating DVM . 8.12 Potentiometric Integrating Type DVM. 8.13 Comparison of Various Techniques... 8.14 Microprocessor Based Ramp Type DV! ORaaRRONN a= 222M OO oo 8.14.1 Operation 8.14.2 Expression for the Voltage V, 8.14.3 Advantages. 8.144 Disadvantage ..........6.5 -41 - A Digi 8.153- Land 4-4 Digit. 8.16 Resolution and Sensitivity... 8.17 General Specifications of DVM... 8.18 Automation in Digital Instruments 8.18.1 Automatic Polarity indication . 8.18.2 Automatic Ranging 8.18.3 Automatic Zeroing 8.19 Specifications of Digital Meters 8.19.1 Display Digits and Counts . .. 8.192 6 - fi Display 8.19.3 Resolution. . 8.19.4 Sensitivity 8.19.5 Accuracy. . a 8.19.6 Uncertainty ...........e00 8.19.7 Repeatability......... 8.19.8 Speed and Settling Time . 8.20 Digital Multimeters .. 8.21 Specifications of Digital Multimeter 8.22 Frequency Counter. 8.22.1 Analog Frequency Meter . 8.23 Principle of Digital Frequency Courtér. 8.24 Digital Frequency Counter 8.25 Period Measurement... 8.25.1 Multiple Period Averaging . .. 8.26 Time Interval Measurement .. 8.27 Frequency Ratio Measurement. 8.28 Universal Counter 8.29 Measurement Errors 8.29.1 Gating Error 8.29.2 Time Base EMor.... 2.0.00. ce eee esc ese ece eee eens sees eeeeeeeeen eras 8.29.3 Trigger Level Error........... 8.30 Miscellaneous Digital Instruments 8.30.1 Digital Tachometer 8.30.2 Digital pH Meter . 8.30.3 Digital Phase Meter . se 8.30.4 Digital Phase Meter using smcscscaact: " = 8.30.5 Digital Capacitance Meler ...........cecceseccesseceesssececsessenensees 8-51 8.30.6 Digital Readout Bridges ........ 8-52 8.30.7 Microprocessor Controlled Bridges . Review Questions .. 9.1 Introduction .. 9.2 Objectives of Data Acquisition System 9.3 Analog Data Acquisition Systet 9.4 Digital Data Acquisition System .. 9.5 Single Channel Data Acquisition System. 9.6 Multichannel Data Acquisition System. 9.6.1 Multichannel Analog Multiplexed System. .... 9.6.2 Multiplexing Outputs of Sample/Hold Circuit 9.6.3 Multiplexing after A/D Conversion . .. 9.7 PC Based Data Acquisition System 9.8 Data Loggers .... 9.8.1 Block Diagram 9.9 Multiplexing 9.9.1 Digital to, eoovnvnoe OReiannanae oo ° 3 © s ialog Multiplexing o 3 9.9.2 Analog to Digital Muttiplexing Review Questions . University Questions 10.2 Data Transmission Methods 10.3 Basic Telemetry System. 10.4 Types of Telemetry Systems . 10.5 Land Line Telemetry System .. 10.5.1 Voltage Telemetering System 10.5.2 Current Telemetering System. 10.5.3 Position Telemetering System 10.5.4 Advantages of Land Line Telemetry System . 10.5.5 Disadvantages of Land Line Telemetry System. 10.6 Radio Frequency (R-F.) Telemetry System 10.6.1 Modulation Methods in RF. Telemetry System . 10.7 Frequency Modulation (F.M.) Telemetry System. 10.8 Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) Telemetry .. 10.9 Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) Telemetry System .. 10.10 Comparison of FM, PAM, PCM Telemetry System: 10.11 Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM)..... 10.12 Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) 10.13 Phase Shift Keying (PSK) Review Questions University Questior aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa 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Electronic Instrumentation 2-33 Oscilloscopes The oscilloscope has two vertical deflection plates and two separate channels A and B for the two separate input signals. Each channel consists of a preamplifier and an attenuator. A delay line, main vertical amplifier and a set of vertical deflection plates together forms a single channel. ‘There is a single set of horizontal plates and single time base circuit. ‘The sweep generator drives the horizontal amplifier which inturn drives the plates. ‘The horizontal plates sweep both the beams across the screen at the same rate. ‘The sweep generator can be triggered internally by the channel A signal or channel B signal. Similarly it can also be triggered from an external signal or line frequency signal. This is possible with the help of trigger selector switch, a front panel control. Such an oscilloscope may have separate timebase circuit for separate channel. This allows different sweep rates for the two channels but increases the size and weight of the oscilloscope. The dual beam oscilloscope with separate time base circuits is shown in the Fig. 2.30. ‘Channel A Vertical plates ‘ Seit Vertcat plates a2 Horizontat > pales Fig. 2.30 Dual beam CRO with separate time bases 2.10.1 Multiple Beam Oscilloscopes Multiple beam oscilloscope has a single tube but several beam producing systems inside. Each system has separate vertical deflecting pair of plates and generally a common time base system. ‘The triggering can be done internally using either of the multiple inputs or extemally by an external signal or line voltages. Electronic Instrumentation 2-34 Oscilloscopes 2.10.2 Comparison of Dual Trace and Dual Beam Oscilloscopes Dual trace CRO Dual beam CRO One electron beam is used to generate two traces. ‘Two electron beams are used, One vertical amplifier is used. The two signals are not displayed simuttaneousiy in real time but appears to be displayed simultaneously. ‘Same beam is shared between the two signals honce difficult to switch quickly between the traces. Two vertical amplifiers are used. The two signals are displayed simultaneously. Two separate beams are used hence easy to switch between the traces. As two signals are displayed separately, the signals may have different frequencies. The two signals must have same frequency or their frequencies must be integer multiples of each other. ‘The size and weight is less. The size and weight is more. Canno. + operated at fast speeds hence two separate rast transient signals can not be grabbed. Can be operated at very high speed hence two seperate fast transient signals can be easily grabbed. The cost is less due to single beam. The cost is more due to two beams. | ‘The two differont modes of operation are The two diferent types are using double gun | alternate and chop. tube or split beam using single electron gun. 2.11 Analog Storage Oscilloscope The conventional cathode ray tube has the persistence of the phosphor ranging from a few millisecond to several seconds. But some times it is necessary to retain the image for much longer periods, upto several hours. It requires storing of a waveform for a certain duration, independent of phosphor persistence. Such a retention property helps to display the waveforms of very low frequency. Mainly two types of storage techniques are used in cathode ray tubes which are : i) Mesh storage and ii) Phosphor storage 2.11.1 Mesh Storage Basically mesh storage consists of a dielectric material deposited on a storage mesh. This is called storage target. It is placed between the deflecting plates and the phosphor screen. The writing beam ie. normally focused electron beam charges the dielectric material of storage target positively where hit. Now the low velocity electrons are bombarded on storage target from the flood gun. The positively charged storage target material allows these electrons to pass through, to the phosphor screen. Thus the image stored with the help of storage mesh gets reproduced Electronic Instrumentation 2-35 Oscilloscopes on the screen. Thus the storage technique has both storage target and a phosphor display target used for storing and displaying the image. The construction of storage cathode ray tube is shown in the Fig. 2.31. Flood gun Electron — Phosphor sereen Storage mesh writitg Collector mesh * Verizal Horizontal deflecting deflecting Celinating electrode plate plate Fig. 2.31 Mesh storage CRT In addition to the standard CRT, this CRT consists of dielectric material deposited on + storage mesh, a collector mesh, a flood gun and a collimator. The dielectric material such as magnesium fluoride is deposited in a thin layer on the storage mesh. This is called storage target. This technique uses the principle of secondary emission. An electron gun producing an electron beam is called the writing gun. When the target is bombarded by the stream of primary electrons, an energy transfer takes place. This separates other electrons from the surface of the target. This process is called secondary emission. The number of secondary electrons depends on the velocity of the primary electrons, the intensity of the electron beam, the chemical composition of the target and the condition of its surface. The ratio of secondary emission current and primary beam current is called the secondary emission ratio denoted as, The writing gun produces a beam of electrons which contains the information of signal. This beam hit the storage surface, with secondary emission ratio much greater than unity. Thus the areas where electron beam hit, loose the electrons due to secondary emission. Thus the write beam deflection pattern is traced on the storage surface as a positive charge pattern. Since the insulation of the dielectric material is adequate to prevent charge migration for a “considerable length of time and thus the pattern is effectively stored. Now to make this pattern visible, special electron gun known as flood gun is switched on even after many hours. The collimator elecrodes act like focusing electrodes and thus adjust the electron paths. The collimator electrodes constitute a low voltage electrostatic lens system. Most of the electrons are stopped and collected by the collector mesh. But the electrons can pass through the positively charged areas of the storage target while the areas where the image is not stored are negatively charged and electrons repel from those areas. Thus Electronic Instrumentation 2-36 Oscilloscopes: the electrons near stored postive charge only can pass through to the postaccelerator region and finally upto the display target phosphor. These electrons hit on the phosphor screen, producing the image which is stored. The display of image remains as long as the flood guns are on. The display of stored charged pattern on a mesh storage is shown in the Fig. 2.32. Collimates ‘8 oe org ec acceleratorelectode electrons Sea og — Faceplate -a splay of $e = -a aan ne se Phosphor splay iid mens Storage ‘target Cotlecidtmesn~ St Fig. 2.32 Display of stored charge pattern on a mesh storage CRT The function of collimator is to align the flood electrons so that they approach the storage surface perpendicularly. To erase the pattern on the storage mesh, a negative voltage is applied to neutralise the stored positive charge. For erase cycle the ERASE button is provided. For typical CRT, the normal storage mesh voltage is +3.3 V while potential of storage surface is -10 V. To erase the trace, when erase button is pressed, storage mesh potential ‘becomes equal to collector mesh which is about 156 V. When the erase button is released, the storage mesh potential falls to 33 V. This level remains constant for 100 msec. During this time the surface is charged back to 0 V. Then the storage mesh is raised to 13.3 V and due to capacitive coupling, surface ERASE ERASE potential raises to + 10 V. ‘The storage surface decays again to 0 V ina time less than 200 msec. After this time, the storage mesh is again retumed to + 3.3 V while the storage surface goes to its normal potential -10 V. This completes the erase cycle. The mesh and surface potentials during the erase cyde are shown in the Fig. 2.33. ee Storage surface Fig. 2.33 Erase cycle Electronic Instrumentation 2-37 Oscilloscopes 2.11.2 Phosphor Storage In this technique of storage, the tube used is a bistable storage tube. The same material is used for both the storage target and the display phosphor. Infact the thin phosphor layer acts as storage target as well as the display target hence the name bistable tube. The target structure of bistable storage tube is shown in the Fig. 2.34. Giess envelope Conductive backplate ‘Stattered phosphor panicles, Fig. 2.34 Target structure of bistable storage tube The material used for both storage and display targets is P1 phosphor to achieve good secondary emission characteristics. The boundry migration of stored charge should be eliminated which is achieved by having scattered phosphor particles. The layer may be more than one particle thick which allows a phosphor viewing in a continuous manner. But beyond a particular threshold thickness, the storage is not possible. The controlling electrode is the conductive backplate. This is the thin layer of metal film deposited inside the faceplate. This deposition is done before the phosphor material depositon. The storage characteristics is controlled by the voltage applied to the conductive backplate. Below 100 V is the level required for erasing while above 200 V is for uniform writing on the target. The bistable nature of the tube means that the trace is either stored or it is not ie. the brightness is thus on or off. For this purpose, the split screen version is used. Two independent conductive plates are depositive, one covering the upper half portion of CRT while other the bottom half portion of CRT. The upper half is operated at about 150 V while the lower half at about 50 V. Hence the upper portion acts as a storage tube while the lower half as a standard refreshed phosphor display. ‘The schematic view of a bistable phosphor storage tube is shown in the Fig. 2.35. wating, Collimating Toorage elecitodes target layer (Condvetve) Fig. 2.35 Bistable phosphor storage tube Electronic Instrumentation 2-38 Oscilloscopes The flood guns are switched on to provide a stream of low energy electrons towards the screen. These electrons have low energy and they cannot penetrate phosphor and are gathered due to collimator. The screen becomes negatively charged until it reaches at a potential where it repels all further flood gun electrons. When writing gun is switched on, its electrons have very high energy required to cause the secondary emission from the areas traced on the screen. The trace is therefore at high positive potential. This is stored due to low leakage of the phosphor. The low energy electrons from flood gun are now attracted to the positive areas of the screen and pass through the phosphor to reach the metal film at the back. While passing through the phosphor, they cause it to glow, displaying the area traced out by the writing gun electron beam i. stored image. The erasing of stored waveform is possible by applying a negative voltage to the metal film due to which the electrons are repelled back. 2.11.3 Comparison of Mesh and Phosphor Storage The two storage techniques can be compared as below : ts | Mesh Storage | Phosphor Storage 1. | Based on the dielectric material deposited on | Gased on the principle of bistable storage a storage mesh. nature of the tube. 2. | Storage target and display target are different, | Storage and display target is same. 3. | There is no possibilty of reduction in the light | It is susceptible to light output reduction with output with use. the use, 4._|_ Variable persistence is possible Variable persistence is not possible. 5. | Grey scales or half tones are possible. Halftones are not possible. 6. | Continuous persistence control is possible. Continuous persistence control is not possible. 7. | The material used for storage target and Tne same material mostly P1 phosphor is display target is different used for both storage as well as display | target és T 8. | Relatively long CRT life. Relatively short CRT life T 9. | Comparison of previous waveform and present | Comparison of previous waveform and present | waveform is not possible. waveform is possible due to split screen | feature. 2.12 Disadvantages of Analog Storage Oscilloscope The disadvantages of analog storage oscilloscope are, i) The waveform can be preserved for finite amount of time only and eventually the waveform will be lost. ii) As long as image is required to be stored, the power must be supplied to the tube. Electronic Instrumentation 2-39 Oscilloscopes iii) The trace obtained from the storage tube is not fine as compared to the conventional oscilloscope tube. iv) The writing rate of storage tube is less than that of conventional cathode ray tube. This limits the speed of the storage tube. v) The storage cathode ray tube is very much expensive than conventional cathode ray tube. vi) The storage cathode ray tube requires additional power supplies. vii) Only one waveform can be stored in storage tube. If two traces are to be compared, they are required to be superimposed on the same screen and must be displayed together. viii) The stored waveform cannot be reproduced on the external device like computer. 2.13 Digital Storage Oscilloscope The digital storage oscilloscope eliminates the disadvantages of the analog storage oscilloscope. It replaces the unreliable storage method used in analog storage scopes with the digital storage with the help of memory. The memory can store data as long as required without degradation. It also allows the complex processing of the signal by the high speed digital signal processing circuits. In this digital storage oscilloscope, the waveform to be stored is digitized and then stored in a digital memory. The conventional cathode ray tube is used in this oscilloscope hence the cost is less. The power to be applied to memory is small and can be supplied by small battery. Due to this the stored image can be displayed indefinitely as long as power is supplied to memory. Once the waveform is digitized then it can be further loaded into the computer and can be analysed in detail. 2.13.1 Block Diagram The block diagram of digital storage oscilloscope is shown in the Fig. 236. As done in all the oscilloscopes, the input signal is applied to the amplifier and attenuator section. The oscilloscope uses same type of amplifier and attenuator circuitry as used in the conventional oscilloscopes. The attenuated signal is then applied to the vertical amplifier. The vertical input, after passing through the vertical amplifier, is digitized by an analog to digital converter to create a data set that is stored in the memory. The data set is processed by the microprocessor and then sent to the display. To digitise the analog signal, analog to digital (A/D) converter is used. The output of the vertical amplifier is applied to the A/D converter section. The main requirement of A/D converter in the digital storage oscilloscope is its speed, while in digital voltmeters accuracy and resolution were the main requirements. The digitized output needed only in Electronic Instrumentation 2-40 Oscilloscopes the binary form and not in BCD. The successive approximation type of A/D converter is most oftenly used in the digital storage oscilloscopes. Verical ampitier address Vertical deflecion amplifier ‘aflection ampltier Fig. 2.36 Block diagram of digital storage oscilloscope The digitizing the analog input signal means taking samples at periodic intervals of the input signal. The rate of sampling should be at least twice as fast as the highest frequency present in the input signal, according to sampling theorem. This ensures no loss of information. The sampling rates as high as 100,000 samples per second is used. This requires very fast conversion rate of A/D converter. Key Point : Hence, generally flash analog to digital converters are used, whose resolution decreases as the sampling rate increases. If a 12 bit converter is used, 0.025 % resolution is obtained while if 10 bit A/D converter is used then resolution of 0.1 % (1 part in 1024) is obtained. Similarly with 10 bit A/D converter, the frequency response of 25 kHz is obtained. The total digital memory storage capacity is 4096 for a single channel, 2048 for two channels each and 1024 for four channels each. The sampling rate and memory size are selected depending upon the duration and the waveform to be recorded. Once the input signal is sampled, the A/D converter digitizes it. The signal is then captured in the memory. Once it is stored in the memory, many manipulations are possible as memory can be read out without being erased. Electronic Instrumentation 2-41 Oscilloscopes 2.13.2 Modes of Operation The digital storage oscilloscope has three modes of operation : 4) Roll mode it) Store mode iii) Hold or save mode. 2.13.21 Roll Mode This mode is used to display very fast varying signals, clearly on the screen. The fast varying signal is displayed as if it is changing slowly, on the screen. In this mode, the input signal is not triggered at all. The stored signal is rolled slowly from right to left across the screen. 243.2.2 Store Mode This is most commonly used and called refresh mode. In this mode, the input initiates a trigger circuit. This initiates the memory write cycle. The digital data is transferred to the memory. When the memory is full, the write cycle stops. Using digital to analog converter, the memory data is converted to analog and then displayed on the screen. . When the next trigger occurs ’the memory is refreshed. Hold or Save Mode This is called automatic refresh mode. When new sweep signal is generated by time base generator, the old contents get overwritten by new one. If a particular signal is to be stored then by pressing hold or save button, overwriting can be stopped and previously saved signal is locked. Single shot events, such as the waveform of an explosion are transient in nature and very quickly lost. The observer cannot see such events, unless the waveform is photographed or stored. Such events can be stored in memory of digital storage oscilloscope and reading the memory rapidly and repetitively the continuous waveform can be obtained. 2.13.3 Acquisition Methods In the digital storage oscilloscope, it is necessary to capture the digital signal and store it. Depending upon the particular application, there are three different acquisition methods used in the digital storage oscilloscopes. These three methods are: . Real time sampling. . Random repetitive sampling. . Sequential repetitive sampling. eye Electronic Instrumentation 2-42 Oscilloscopes 2.13.31 Real Time Sampling This is the most straight forward method of digital signal capturing, In this method, in response to single trigger event, the complete record of nm samples is simultancously captured on each and every channel. From these samples recorded in a single acquisition cycle, the waveform is displayed on the screen of digital storage oscilloscope. Three important features of this method are, 1. The display and analysis of waveform can be carried out at later stage while| the signal gets recorded in memory at an earlier stage. 2. It is very easy to capture the signals that happen before the trigger event. 3._A truly simultaneous capture of multiple signals is automatic. This method can be used in a continuously repeating mode but each waveform displayed is captured from a single acquistion cycle. The larger memory and fast sampling rate plays an important role in the real time sampling. The higher sampling rate is required to capture long time interval signal capturing. This is possible due to large memory. The signal fluctuations occurring entirely between samples will not be captured in the sample record. The sampling theorem helps to select the proper sampling rate. It states that if a signal is sampled greater than twice the frequency of highest frequency component in signal then the original signal can be reconstructed, exactly from the samples. Half the sampling frequency is called Nyquist limit or Nyquist critical frequency. This is denoted as fc. Any signal component having a frequency higher than f. gets falsely translated to another frequency somewhere between d.c. and f. by the act of sampling. This is called aliasing. A sigr ' of frequency f<+ A will be aliased to fA for A CRO. input Cable G, Sz == equivaient Gq = 20 pF Compersation capacitance capacitor C.R.O. input impedance Fig, 2.57 High impedance (10 X) probe The arrangement of various elements can be further simplified by representing it in a bridge fashion as shown in the Fig; 2.58. ToCRO Fig. 2.58 The compensating capacitor is adjusted so as to get balanced bridge condition. Ri Xecine ce) = RinX(cy) RiCy = Rin(Cr+Cin) Thus the points A and B will be equipotential. Thus the probe acts as a potential divider consisting of Ry and Rin across the input. Thus the attenuator factor is (Ri +Rin)/Rin =10 and hence probe is called 10 X probe. Electronic Instrumentation 2-68 Oscilloscopes Thus the effective input resistance increases by factor 10 while the input capacitance decreases by a factor 10. The only limitation of the probe is that the signal attenuation takes place. The probe capacitance must be adjusted correctly. This adjustment is generally checked by displaying square wave. For wrong adjustment, the display of square wave gets affected adversely. 2.22.3 Active Probes For connecting fast rising and high frequency signals the active probes are used. These probes are very useful for small signal measurements as their attenuation factor is very small. The probe consists of active element like FFT source follower circuit and BJT as emitter follower circuit along with a coaxial cable termination. The block diagram of this probe is shown in the Fig. 2.59. Fig. 2.59 Block diagram of active probe The circuit diagram alongwith the component values is shown in the Fig. 2.60. +10V = tv Fig. 2.60 Active probe FET is used as an active element to amplify the signal. The voltage gain of FET source follower is unity but it provides a power gain due to which the input impedance increases. The output impedance of FET source follower is very low, this eliminates the loading effect Instead of connecting cable directly to C.RO. from FET stage, one more stage of BJT emitter follower is introduced. This emitter follower drives the cable and helps in solving the problems of improper impedance matching. Electronic Instrumentation 2-69 Oscilloscopes Advantages of this probe are : i) No signal attenuation so small signals can be measured. ii) Provides high input impedance reducing the loading effect. iii) The capacitance of such probes is very low of the order of 2 to 3 pF. iv) High frequency, fast rise time signals can be clearly measured. A need of d.c. supply makes such probes more bulky, expensive than passive probes. Another limitation of these probes is that these can handle the signals which are typically less than a few volts only. 2.22.4 Current Probes This probe provides a method of inductively coupling the signal to the C.R.O. input, thus the direct electrical connection to the test circuit is not necessary. This probe can be clamped around a wire carrying an clectrical current without any physical contact to the probe. Thus the magnitude of current with a frequency range from d.c. to 50 MHz can be measured using this probe. A magnetic core with a removable piece is used as the coupling clement for the current probe. The wire carrying the current to be measured is inserted in the center of the magnetic core and acts as a primary of a transformer. The core is a ferrite U shaped core and multitum coil of approximately 25 turns is wound on one leg of this core. This works as secondary of the transformer. Because of the electromagnetic induction principle, whenever current flows through primary, the em.f. gets induced in the secondary. This is fed to the CRO. input via termination circuitry. The probe is shown in the Fig. 2.61. Vi Current in to be Rj, TOCRO. measured 50a Fig. 2.61 Transformer based current probe When d.c. current flows through the wire, it will not appear at the secondary. In addition to this, flux in core may increase causing the saturation of the core which is undesirable. This provides inaccurate measurements. To avoid this problem Hall device which is Hall effect sensor and a feedback amplifier is added to the probe. The Hall effect is the generation of an emf. across the breadth of a conductor when a current flows along its length and magnetic field is applied at right angles to both these directions. Electronic Instrumentation 2-70 Oscilloscopes Consider a conducting plate carrying current I as shown in the Fig. 2.62. B b + ‘ r Va Fig. 2.62 The thickness of the conducting plate is t and it is placed in a magnetic field of B Wb / m? perpendicular to the plane of the plate. A voltage gets induced across terminals a-b denoted as Vi; called voltage due to Hall effect. Mathematically it is given by, Vu = Ru () volts where Ry = Hall coefficient of conductor in m' /coulomb Vu = Hall voltage in volts. Hall effect is predominantly found in semiconductors rather than metals, The Hall effect sensor and a feedback amplifier are included in a Hall effect probe as shown in the Fig. 2.63. Movable piece toalow clamping of wire Hall device r _— Feedback bo ED ampiior TOC.RO. Cable Ferrite. core Wire carrying current to be measured Fig. 2.63 Current probe using Hall effect ‘The Hall effect sensor is placed in magnetic core structure of the current probe . The advantage of Hall effect sensor is that any magnetic field present in Hall sensor causes current to be induced in the secondary windings of the current transformer. This counteracts the magnetic field introduced due to current to be measured. Thus Hall sensor assures that static flux in the core is zero. The amount of current in secondary required to counteract primary flux is directly proportional to the magnitude and direction of current to be measured. With the help of terminating resistor counteracting ‘ urrent can be made to appear as d.c. voltage at the C.R.O. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Electronic Instrumentation 2-74 Oscilloscopes ideally should be rejected. The ratio by which the differential probe rejects the common mode signals is called common mode rejection ratio (CMRR). It is defined as the ratio of differential gain Aq to the common mode gain A, of the probe and ideally A, 0. Hence ideally CMRR = =. curr = 4! and ideally [Ac Practically it is expressed in dB. © Key Point : Higher the value of CMRR, better is performance of probe. At higher frequencies, CMRR decreases hence it is defined at specific frequency. Higher the value of this frequency at which CMRR is specified, better is the performance of the probe. 9. Time Delay : The probe shows some time delay or a phase shift which varies with signal frequency, as signal passes through probe to C.R.. This is also called propagation delay. Key Point : Longer the probe cable, higher is the value of propagation delay. 10. Maximum Voltage Rating : The safe voltage which can be applied to the probe without its breakdown is called its maximum voltage rating. It is expressed in terms of dic. voltage including peak a.c. derating with frequency. 11. Voltage Derating with Frequency: The maximum voltage rating decreases as frequency increases. Thus it is necessary to derate the working voltage limit with frequency. Thus voltage derating with frequency curve is given in the datasheet as shown in the Fig. 2.67. Such specification is very important for high frequency probes. Input voltage Volts 800 600 Voltage derated as frequency increases 400 200 = = a ; Frequency Hz 10 10 10 10 Fig. 2.67 Voltage derating with frequency curve Electronic Instrumentation 2-75 Oscilloscopes 2.24 Powerscope The powerscope has almost unlimited range of applications in the power control field and other high voltage areas. Its features are wide range of measurement capability, compact design, light weight and high degree of operator and equipment safety. 2.24.1 Block Diagram The input signal is attenuated by a factor of 20 by the input attenuators. The basic amplifier attenuator provides a sensitivity of 50 mV/cm. It is changed to 100 mV/cm and 200 mV/em by the gain switching. Further reduction in sensitivity is provided by the differential compensated attenuators. The input stage consists of matched pair of FETs operating as source followers, driving a pair of emitter followers giving a current gain required to drive a main amplifier. The vertical deflection system provides calibrated deflection factors from about 50 mV/div to 200 V/div, for both the channels. D.C. mode bandwidth is D.C. to 15 MHz and A.C. mode bandwidth is 2 Hz to 15 MHz covered in 12 ranges. Variable control can extend the range to approximately 500 V/div. The trace is switched between the two channels at a rate of 100 kHz in CHOP mode and alternating between sweeps in ALT mode. In CHOP mode, additional blanking is 1 _Y¥ Output [>| amplifier MagXI0 Xn x output Amplifier L ve Ya bist 20—LattenuatorH{~| sy 120V12V 8V -2v Power ‘supply Fig. 2.68 Block diagram of powerscope Electronic Instrumentation 2-76 Oscilloscopes provided to eliminate the switching transients. ALT or CHOP mode gets automatically selected by time/div control. Triggering circuit provide stable sweep triggering which extends beyond the bandwidth of the vertical deflection system. The horizontal deflection system has calibrated sweep rates from 0.5 s/div to 0.2y1s/div. X10 magnifier extends fastest rate to 20 ns/div. Variable sweep control provides cantinuous reduction of sweep rate. Triggering is automatic or level, selected from internal/external or line sources. TLV. signals can be filtered using T.V. synchronous circuit. The signals are used to look LINE or FRAME pulses easily and hence it is very useful in T.V. troubleshooting applications. XY mode and Z-modulation are added features. The calibrator output provides calibration check and probe compensation facility. The output signals from Y, and Yp are connected to storage C.RO. To eliminate the effects of variations in line voltage, the regulated d.c. power supplies is used. 2.24.2 Various Controls in Powerscope The major controls are provided on the front panel while few auxiliary functions are provided on the rear panel. Vertical deflection controls : ‘These controls are identical for both the channels. Y shift : Controls vertical position of trace. Y input : Input banana connectors for Y deflection signals. : Selects vertical sensitivity. Variable : Provides continuous adjustment of sensitivity. Input coupling : Selects the method of coupling signal to the input of the vertical amplifier. The methods are, AC : Signal is capacitively coupled to vertical system. D.C. is blocked. GND : Input to amplifier is grounded. D.C. : All components are passed to vertical amplifier. MRR : Adjusts the CMRR Balance : Preset control for minimising trace shift. Vertical display : Selects the channels displayed as Y;, ¥2 or dual. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Electronic Instrumentation Oscilloscope: Calibrator controls : IV cal : Square wave output of 1 V peak to peak with approximately 1 KHz repetition rate. Mains : Tums instruments power on and off. CRT controls Brilliance : Controls brightness of display. Focus : Provides adjustment for optimum display definition. Astig : Used in conjunction with focus control to obtain a well defined display. Trace ROT : Screw driver adjustment to align the trace with the horizontal graticule lines. Rear panel controls : Z MOD : Input connector for intensity modulation of the CRT display. Signal outputs : Single ended output for Yj and Y2 channels Examples with Solutions imp Example 2.3: Rise time of CRO. is 10 nsec. Rise time observed on CRO. of signal is 13 nsec. Calculate actual rise time of signal. Solution : For a CRO, Tw = (in)? +(Tro)? Given : Tr = 18 ns, To = 10 ns 13x10~9 = (Ts)? +(10x10-°)* Ts = 83ns .. Actual rise time nm> Example 2.4: Calculate rise time of signal, if rise time of input amplifier is 10 nsec and abserved rise time on C.R.O. is 15 nsec. Solution : For a CRO. Tra = (Ts)? +(Tro)* Given : Tr = 15 ns, Tro = 10 ns (1510-9) = (Ta)? +(10x10-9)* Tr = 11.18 ns .. Actual rise time Electronic Instrumentation 2-79 Oscilloscopes mum Example 2.5 :, Rise time of a signal measured on 20 MHz CR.O. is 30 nsec. Find out the actual rise tinte of the signal. ‘Solution : B.W. = 20 MHz, T,q = 30 ns 0.35 BW. = Th To = <_< 175 ns 20x10 Now Tra = VCs)? +o)? 3010-9 = (Tes)? +(175x10-9)* Ts = 2437 ns .. Actual rise time ‘mp Example 2.6: Estimate the bandwidth of C.R.O., as the signal with 15 us rise time. signal of 12 us rise time is observed Solution : T,; = 12 ps, Tq = 15 ps Ta = (Ts)? +(Tio)? 15x10-§ = J(12x10-6)* +(Tr) Tro = 9us BW. = &s. 035 = 38.88 kHz Tro 9x10-6 sum Example 2.7: Signal rise time observed on C.R.O. of 25 MHz B.W. is 35 ns. Find out the actual rise time of the signal. Solution : B.W. = 25 MHz, Trg = 35 ns 035 _ 0.35 Te = OOP Oe tine B.W.” 25xa06 Now Tet = (Tes)? +(Tro)? 35x10-9 = (Tra)? +(14x10-9)? Trs = 32078 ns Electronic Instrumentation 2-80 Oscilloscopes ym Example 2.8 : Using 10.1 probe with CRO following observations were made : i) INPUT signal was 1 V.P.P square wave. ii) Output signal ie. on C.RO. was 0.1 VPP square wave. If compensating capacitance is 2 pF find out input impedance of C.R.O. Solution : The 10: 1 probe is shown in the Fig. 2.69. R, > — cRO Cable input Ra 5 cy 2F = Fig. 2.69 It is known that, Ry = 9 Rin for 10: 1 probe And RiCi = Rin Cin 9 Rinx2 = Rin Cin Cin = 18 pF «» Input capacitance of CR.O. ‘mp Example 2.9 : Calculate the sampling rate for 1 kHz and the 10 kHz signal if the time base setting is adjusted to display 10 cycles on the screen Solution ; For 1 kHz signal, to display 10 cycles, Number of cycl Time period of sampling = Saas =—!0_ 210 see. ; 1 1 Sampling frequency = Saag = {gy = 100 samples/sec For 10 kHz signal, . . 10 Sampling period = = eo Fox 103 1 Sampling frequency = ————; = 1000 samplesisec. ‘mp Example 2.10: Calculate the amplitude and r.m.s. value of the sinusoidal voltage, the waveform of which is observed on C.R.O. as shown in the Fig. 2.70. The vertical attenuation selected is 2 mV/div. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Electronic Instrumentation 2-83 Oscilloscopes Fig. 2.72 Solution : It can be observed that, Number of vertical tangencies = 2 ‘Number of horizontal tangencies = 5 fy 5 Now, z-3 5 fy = 3 By Sit ke fy = 25 kHz This is the unknown frequency. mp Example 2.14 : Calculate compensating capacitance for 10 : 1 probe with input impedance of C.R.O. equal to 1 MOQ. parallel with 35 pF capacitance. Solution : The probe is shown in the Fig. 2.73. 1MQ 25 pF Input R, ° WW —)- CRO. J - Cable 1 capacitance too, Compensating capacitor Input impedance of C.R.O. Fig. 2.73 Ri+Rin In such a probe, attenuation factor is and given by 10 as it is 10 X probe. Electronic Instrumentation 2-84 m= 6 R= OR While balance equation with compensating capacitor is, RG = Rin (Qt G s+ Neglecting C, RC = RinCin c, = RinCin _ Gin - 35 - 5.59 pr R99 This is the required compensating capacitor. Review Questions Draw and explain the structure and main components of conventional cathode ray tube. Why phosphor screen is provided with an aluminium layer ? State the various phosphors having different persistence and colours. State their application areas State the various characteristics of P31 phosphor. Draw the block diagram of general purpose C.R.O. Explain the functions of various blocks. Draw and explain the black diagram of the vertical amplifier used in oscilloscopes. Explain the function of delay line in oscilloscopes. Which are the two types of delay lines ? State and explain various front panel controls of simple C.R.O. What is z-axis intensity control ? 10. What is the role of a time base generator ? What are the basic.time base requirements ? 11. Draw and explain the block diagram of time base used in normal C.R.O. 12. Explain the following modes of operation of time base generator i) Free run mode ii) Auto mode SPN ae Awe Single sweep mode 13, Draw the block diagram of a trigger generator. Explain the various controls associated with it, 14, What is the use of ACS and ACF controls ? 15. Which are the typical trigger sources ? Explain their significance. 16. Explain the use of following vontrols : )INT ii) EXT iii) LINE 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23, m4. 25. 26. 7. 28. 29. 31 32. 37. Oscilloscopes ii) Mixed sweep ifi) Switched or alternate sweep What is TTL trigger mode? Explain its advantages. Draw and explain the block diagram of i) Dual trace oscillescope i) Dual beam oscilloscope Describe the following modes available in a dual trace ascilloscepe : BD ALTERNATE mode if) CHOP mode Draw and explain the operation of an electronic switch Which are the various front panel controls of a dual trace oscilloscope? Describe the following storage techniques used in storage oscilloscopes : i) Mesh storage {i) Phosphor storage Compare the mesh and phosphor storage techniques. What is secondary emission ? How it is useful in a storage oscilloscope ? Explain with suitable diagram the erase cycle in a mesh storage oscilloscope. State the limitations of analog storage oscilloscopes. Draw and explain the block diagram of digital storage oscilloscope. Explain the modes of operation of digital storage oscilloscope. State the advantages of digital storage oscilloscope. State the limitations of conventional C.R.O. when used for high frequency signal. What is high frequency oscilloscope ? State its characteristics. Write a nole on sampling oscilloscope. Explain the sampling time base used in the sampling oscilloscopes. Draw and explain the block diagram of the sampling oscilloscope. State the advantages of sampling oscilloscope. Explain the construction and the features along with the application areas of the following C.R.O. probes : i Direct probe ii) Isolation probe iti) High impedance probe iv) Active probe ») Current probe vi) High voltage probe vii) Differential probe viii) Hall effect probe aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Signal Analyzers 3.1 Introduction Any complex waveform is made up of a fundametal and its harmonics. It is often required to measure the amplitude of each hormonic or fundamental individually. An ideal linear amplifier produces sine wave output when sinusoidal signal is applied at the input of it. But due to nonlinear characteristics of the active devices, different types of distortions are introduced in the output waveforms. It is also required to measure total harmonic contents. By using different types of signal analyzers, we can carry out signal analysis of either random or periodic signals in the frequency domain. Such analysis is provided by a wave analyzer, distortion analyzer, spectrum analyzer and digital Fourier analyzer. 3.2 Wave Analyzer Any periodic waveform can be represented as the sum of a dic. component and a series of sinusoidal harmonics. Analysis of waveforms includes the determination of amplitude, frequency and phase angle of the harmonic components. A wave analyzer is an instrument designed to measure relative amplitudes of a single frequency components in a complex waveform. A basic wave analyzer is shown in the Fig. 3.1. Indicating meter Primary detector Fig. 3.1 Basic wave analyzer @- 1) Electronic Instrumentation 3-2 Signal Analyzers It consists of a primary detector which is a simple LC circuit. It is adjusted for resonance at the frequency of the particular harmonic component to be measured. The full wave rectifier is used to obtain the average value of the input. The indicating meter is simple d.c. voltmeter, calibrated to read peak value of the sinusoidal input voltage. The LC circuit passes only the frequency for which it is tuned. It rejects all other frequencies. There are two types of wave analyzers : i) Frequency selective wave analyzer ii) Heterodyne wave analyzer 3.2.1 Frequency Selective Wave Analyzer This is used in the measurements in the audio frequency range ie. from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. This analyzer has a filter section with a very narrow passband which can be tuned to the frequency of interest. ‘The block diagram of frequency selective wave analyzer is shown in the Fig. 3.2. R - Is vatied for frequency control C- is varied frequency multiplication Fig. 3.2 Frequency selective wave analyzer The waveform to be analysed is passed through an adjustable attenuator. This acts as a range multiplier and permits a large range of signal amplitudes to be analyzed without loading the amplifier. The meter range switch is available on the front panel. The driver amplifier feeds the waveform to a high Q filter. 3-3 Signal Analyzers This filter consists of cascaded arrangement of RC resonant sections and filter amplifiers. The capacitor is used for range changing and the potentiometer is used to change the frequency within the selected passband. The closed tolerance polystrene type capacitors are generally used. The entire AF range is covered in decade steps by the switching capacitors in the RC section. The final amplifier stage supplies the selected signal to the meter circuit and to an untuned buffer amplifier. The function of buffer amplifier is to drive the output devices, such as the recorders, electronic counters etc. The analyzer input must have low input distortion. The bandwidth of the instrument is very narrow, typically about 1% of the selected band. The meter has several voltage ranges as well as decibel scale marked on it. It is driven by an average reading rectifier type detector. 3.2.2 Heterodyne Wave Analyzer This is RF range analyzer works on the principle of mixing i.e. heterodyning. Hence it is known as heterodyne wave analyzer. In this type of wave analyzer the input signal is heterodyned to a higher intermediate frequency (IF) by an internal local oscillator. Tuning the local oscillator shifts the various signal frequency components into the passband of the IF amplifier. The output of the IF amplifier is then rectified and applied to the metering Greuit. Heterodyne wave analyzer is shown in the Fig. 33. Untuned Signal input [input [MHz First |MHz| attenuator| mixer! 7 30-48 MHz] é Amplitude fst loscilator Jd Frequency Frequency range tuning 0-150 Hz Output meter calibrated in volts and db é é Bendwidth Meter range Fig. 3.3 Heterodyne wave analyzer Electronic Instrumentation 3-4 Signal Analyzers The operating frequency range of the instrument is from 10 kHz to 18 MHz in 18 overlapping bands, selected by the frequency range control of the local oscillator. The bandwidth is controlled by an active filter and can be selected at 200, 1000 and 3000 Hz. The input is applied first to the attenuator section. This gives the output frequency in the range of 0 to 18 MHz. The untuned amplifier amplifies this signal and gives it to the first mixer. The first mixer, heterodynes the input with the frequency from local oscillator. This oscillator has frequency range 30-48 MHz. The output of the first mixer is difference frequency of 30 MHz. The IF amplifier, amplifies this signal to give to second mixer. The second mixer, heterodynes this signal with 2 30 MHz frequency crystal oscillator. Thus at the output of second mixer, the zero difference frequency is obtained. The active filter having controlled bandwidth and symmetrical slopes of 72 dB per octave, then passes the selected component to the meter amplifier and detector. The output from the meter detector is then used to obtain final indication on the output meter which is having a decibel calibrated scale. Such an output from detector may be applied to a recording device. 3.2.3 Applications of Wave Analyzer The wave analyzer can be used in the following applications : i) To measure the harmonic distortion of an amplifier. The contribution of each harmonic to the total distortion also can-be determined. ii) It can be used to separate and display about 50 harmonics. ifi) To measure relative amplitudes of single frequency components in a complex waveform. iv) To obtain ‘fine spectrum analysis to display various discrete frequencies and resonances related to the motion of machines. Hence ways and means can be found out to eliminate such sources of sound and vibrations causing resonances. v) To measure the amplitude in the presence of noise and other interferring signals. vi) To measure the signal energy with the well defined bandwidth. vii) To carry out complete harmonic analysis. 3.3 Introduction to Spectrum Analysis The oscilloscope is the most common device used to display the signals, with time as x-axis, Such signals which require time as x-axis to display them are called time domain signals, Sometimes it is equally important to display the signal in the frequency domain Such frequency domain display of the signal consists of the information of energy distribution ‘of the signal. The analysis of such a frequency domain display of the signal is called the spectrum analysis of the signal. Electronit strumentation 3-5 Signal Analyzers The Fig. 34(a) shows the signal which is time and frequency dependent. The Fig. 34(b) shows the same signal as viewed in the time domain ic. B(t) while Fig, 3.4(c) shows the same signal as viewed in the frequency domain i.e. B(f). Amplitude frequency Amplitude - time t (a) (b) (ce) Fig. 3.4 Time and frequency domain displays The main signal consists of two frequency components f, and 2f;. In the time domain, a single display with a composite frequency {, + 2f would be seen on the oscilloscope. But in the frequency domain the components of the composite signal can be clearly seen. Thus the study of energy distribution across the frequency spectrum of a given signal is defined as the spectrum analysis. The instrument which graphically provides the energy distribution of a signal as a function of the frequency on its CRT is called spectrum analyzer. It provides a calibrated graphical display with the frequency on the horizontal axis and the signal component on the vertical axis. The sinusoidal components of which the signal is made up of, are displayed as the vertical lines against the frequency co-ordinates. From the height of each Electronic Instrumentation 3-6 Signal Analyzers vertical line, the absolute amplitude of the component can be measured while from the horizontal location its frequency can be measured. The spectrum analysis of a signal provides the information about the following things : i) The measurement of frequency and its response. ii) The component levels. iti) Bandwidth. iv) Frequency stability. v) Harmonic and intermodulation distortion. vi) Spectral purity. vii) Modulation index and atteriuation. viii) Spurious signal generation. The spectrum analyzer provides information about all these things, by displaying the signal in the frequency domain. Based on the instrumentation limitations and the capabilities, the spectrum analysis is divided into two major categories as, i) Audio frequency (AF) analysis ii) Radio frequency (RF) analysis ‘The RF spectrum analysis covers a frequency range of 10 MHz to 40 GHz and is more important. It is used in the areas like radar, navigation, communication and industrial instrumentation frequency bands. 3.4 Spectrum Analyzer Based on the technique used, the spectrum analyzers can be classified as scanning type and nonscanning type. The scanning type analyzers use swept technique while the nonscanning type are called real time spectrum analyzers. Let us discuss the basic spectrum analyzer using swept technique. This analyzer uses a swept receiver of superheterodyne type hence this analyzer is also called swept superheterodyne spectrum analyzer. ‘The basic block diagram of such a spectrum analyzer is shown in the Fig. 3.5. The basic blocks of the swept superheterodyne spectrum analyzer are, 1. Wideband input mixer . Swept local oscillator driving wideband mixer . Resolution bandwidth filter, deciding intermediate frequency Detector and video filter Display rep Signal Analyzers soyey1980 Aoydsip yum 209} ydamg ONO Electronic instrumentation eubis py JexIVi sojenueye JU anu oir eyidue apn 607 Fig. 3.5 Block diagram of swept superheterodyne spectrum analyzer Electronic Instrumentation 3-8 ‘Signal Analyzers The RF. input is applied to an input attenuator. The attenuator decides the level of the input signal so as to keep it within the operating range of other blocks of the instrument. Generally spectrum analyzers can handle 0 to 10 dBm. One dBm means decibel referred to 1 mW. Power handling range of input attenuator is 0.5 to 1 W and this limits the maximum input level, analyzer can handle without any damage. The input filter is used to reject unwanted signals. It suppresses the spurious signals. This is necessary because mixer responds to both sums and differences of frequencies. Mostly the filter is lowpass filter. The wideband input mixer multiplies the input signal from filter and the local oscillator signal. It provides two signals at the output which are proportional in amplitude to the input signal but having frequencies which are sum and difference of frequencies of the input signal and local oscillator signal. This is because input filters rejecting unwanted signals are difficult to realize in practice. Now care must be taken to identify which product is to be viewed. Intermediate frequency (LF.) section : This is the most important stage in analyzer where real analysis takes place. The stage function is to provide a wide selection of resolution bandwidth filters. These filters are described by their 3-dB bandwidth. These filters decide the resolving power of the analyzers. The narrower the filter, the closer two signals may be and still can be seen as sepearate responses. Generally the filters are tuned to a narrow band of 2 GHz and thus the input signals which are separated from the local oscillator frequency by 2 GHz only are converted to the intermediate frequency band. The output of filter is given to the log amplifier. It processes incoming signal in a logarithmic fashion. The logarithmic processing allows a large range of incoming signals to be measured and compared. The detector used in the analyzers is a linear envelope detector. This is exactly similar to the detectors used in A.M. radios. The detector receives a signal from log amplifier which is compressed one. This somewhat releases the large linear range requirement of a detector. The detector output is given to the video filter. These filters are used for post filtering or averaging the detector output. The bandwidth setting of video filter is same or larger than resolution bandwidth filter. If signal is alongwith noise, averaging is necessary. Averaging removes the random noise and pure signal remains. The output of the video filter is given to the C.RO. for display purpose. Another important block in working of analyzer is the swept local oscillator. The swept local oscillator puts a limit on the stability and spectral purity in many performance areas. The ideal local oscillator is exactly stable without frequency modulation. The stability of local oscillator is set using number of methods such as discriminator loops, phase locked loops and frequency lock loops. Even with very much frequency stable local oscillator, phase noise causes some instability. But this limitation can be advantageous in using the analyzer to measure phase noise of other devices. Electronic instrumentation 3-9 Signal Analyzers The various characteristics of a spectrum analyzer are : 3.4.1 Frequency Resolution The frequency resolution of a spectrum analyzer is its ability to separate signals closely spaced in the frequency. ‘Two factors determine the frequency resolution : i) The bandwidth or selectivity of the IF amplifier. ii) The frequency stability of the spectrum analyzer as determined by the drift, the residual FM and phase noise of the local oscillators. 3.4.2 Sensitivity The ability of the spectrum analyzer to measure the small signals as determined by its own internally generated noise is called its sensitivity. Broadband preamplifiers with low noise figures, lower than that of spectrum analyzer which can be used to improve the sensitivity. 3.4.3 Sweep Desensitization The sweep desensitization is an effect caused by scanning a spectrum analyzer too fast, which results in loss of amplitude, calibration, sensitivity and resolution. For avoiding the sweep desensitization the scan velocity in Hz/second must not exceed the square of the 3 dB bandwidth of the IF filter in Hz. 3.4.4 Dynamic Range The dynamic range of a spectrum analyzer is its ability to display the true spectra of large and small signals simultaneously. With signal levels within the dynamic range, the spurious signals causing the distortion will not appear on the display. 3.4.5 Harmonic Mixing in Spectrum Analyzer The harmonic mixing is used to extend the frequency range of the spectrum analyzer. In the spectrum analyzer, the input signal is generally mixed with the fundamental frequency of the first local oscillator signal. The Fig. 3.6 shows the block diagram of a spectrum analyzer with harmonic mixing. This increases the frequency range of 2 to 4 GHz to 10 GHz to above 12 GHz. The method includes switching of a diode gate, on and off by first local oscillator drive signal. An input signal is multiplied by the square wave which is made up of summation of the fundamental and all the harmonics of the base frequency. Thus the input signal is heterodyned (mixed) with the fundamental, second harmonic and third Electronic Instrumentation 3-10 ‘Signal Analyzers. harmonic ete. of the first local oscillator frequency. This is called harmonic mixing in a spectrum analyzer. Harmonic mixers respond to several input frequencies simultaneously hence to avoid the confusion, preselection filters are generally used. Bandpass broad band filters are used with higher order harmonic mixing modes. The most effective method is a tracking a narrow band filter which can be adjusted to track a desired harmonic mixing mode as the spectrum analyzer is tuned and scanned. Such a filter is called YIG filter consisting of one or more coupled yittrium-iron-gamet resonators. This filter used for the desired mixing mode is shown in the Fig. 3.6. Voltage - tuned local oscillator 2to4 GHz Sweep generator The mixing of various different frequency signals, generating the spurious signals is called intermodulation. If device is perfect linear and two signals are applied to it as the inputs, then the output consists of same two signals, without any additional signal. But if the device is nonlinear, which is so in practice, then the two signals interact with each other to produce different signals having frequencies other than the frequencies of the main two original signals. The output consists of many other signals than the two original signals. Thus if V;, is the input voltage, then such an output of a nonlinear device depends on the all powers of the input voltage Vj,, Mathematically such an output is represented as, Fig. 3.6 Harmonic mixing in spectrum analyzer Vo = Ko+KiVin +KViA +K3 Vint... (1) If the device is linear, the output consists of only first two terms and the output is undistorted. While. the nonlinear device produces the distorted output which consists of spurious unwanted signals. Let us study the effect of spurious signals if the input to the device is a sine function. Vin = Asinat Electronic instrumentation 3-11 Signal Analyzers kA? KV = KpA2sin20t = “25—[1-cos 2mt] Thus the second order term produces a constant term and other cosine function of the frequency twice as large as fundamental frequency. Such a distortion is called second harmonic distortion. Such a distortion may cause problems in some systems but not so severe. But if the input is the combination of two sine waves of different frequencies, then real trouble starts. Vin Asin@it+Bsinogt KVin K,[A sino :t+Bsinogt]” K,[A? sin? @ ;t+2ABsina;tsin o2t+ Bsin?a;t] The two terms of Sin? ;t and Sin?,t are the second order harmonic distortion terms. But the remaining term is having frequency which is the sum and difference of the two input signal frequencies. This is interaction of the two input frequencies and the effect is called second order intermodulation. This is not significant in the spectrum analyzers as frequency of the crossmodulation is far away than the desired frequency and easily removed by filtering. The problem becomes severe if one of the two input frequencies is low such that crossmodulation results into a frequency which is very near to the desired frequency. But effect of third order harmonic is very much distorting and significant in the spectrum analyzers. I Vin = Asino,t+Bsinagt 3 then K3VA = Kg[Asina;t+Bsinogt] = K3[A3 sin? o 1t+B? sin? @2t+3A 2Bsin? @ jtsin@) +3AB? sing jtsin? 7t] A2B 3AB2 = a] A° snd 0 t+8? in? 02t+39FPL-cosze ynsinoat + 7 sin @2t(1~cos202t) Thus there are sin? terms which is third harmonic distortion while two additional terms consist of the two new frequencies, which are twice one of the input frequency plus or minus the other input frequency. This is called third order intermodulation distortion. Such spurious signals can not be filtered in spectrum analyzer. Similarly there are higher order intermodulation distortion effect present in the nonlinear device. The third order effect is the strongest of all. The main characteristics of the spectrum analyzer which tries to compensate these effects is dynamic range. Infact such effects put the limit on the dynamic range of the spectrum analyzer. Electronic Instrumentation 3-12 Signal Analyzers 3.4.6 Methods to Determine Dynamic Range The dynamic range of the spectrum analyzer can be determined from the third order intermodulation distortion. First input is applied to the device with a level adjusted in such a way that it is only 3B above the internal noise generated by the spectrum analyzer. A second signal is also applied along with the first. The input levels of both are increased till the third order intermodulation is observed on the display as shown in the Fig. 3.7. Fig. 3.7 Third order intermodulation distortion The dynamic range is the difference between the original signal level 3 dB from the noise and the level of the two large signals when they generate the same level of spurious signals. In another method, the two signals at the same level are applied to generate the third order intermodulation. The level of the intermodulation product is referenced to the input ile. the intermodulation product at the output of the spectrum analyzer is equivalent to an input signal of a certain level. Now if the levels of two input signals are increased keeping both the signals at the same level then the third order intermodulation product increases three times the decibel increase of the two input signals. Thus the rate of increase of third order intermodulation is very high compared to the increase in the two input signals. Hence finally third order intermodulation achieves the same level as that of two input signals. This is shown in the Fig. 38. The point of intersection of the two levels is third order intercept point where level of spurious distortion signals is same as that of the input signals. This is the indication of the upper limit of the dynamic range of the analyzer. This is a theoretical point and device is never operated at this point in practice. But this point is useful in obtaining the dynamic range of the analyzer. Electronic instrumentation 3-13 Si Analyzers (.—— Third order intercapt point Level of both the input signals — Equivalent third order intermodulation level 0 40 -30-20 -10 0 10 20 30 Input fevel in dBm Fig. 3.8 It is given by the relation, P3 = 3Pq-2p ~@ Where P3 = Level of the third order intermodulation product in dBm. Pin = Power of the two input signals Ip = Power level of the third order intercept in dBm It is necessary that the third order intermodulation products must be the same as the minimum signal that is visible on analyzer which is just above the noise level. If intermodulation is equal to the noise level then, P3 = MDS = Minimum Detectable Signal (3) Thus MDS is noise level of analyzer in dBm. Equating (2) and (3), MDS = 3P)—-2p 2p = 3Pn-MDS 2Ip-2MDS = 3P,-MDS-2MDS Electronic Instrumentation 3-14 Signal Analyzers 2[Ip-MDS] = 3[Pin-MDS] ~ @ But the difference between minimum detectable signal and input which produces spurious signal equal to MDS is nothing but the dynamic range i.e. Pi, - MDS. From (4), 2 Dynamic range = Piy-MDS = [Ip -MDS] = OF Now MDS depends on the bandwidth of the IF filter in use and the noise figure of the analyzer. The noise level i.e. MDS is given by, BW MDS = — 114 dBm + 10 Log] ryqqz|+ NF = 6) Where BW Bandwidth of analyzer NF = Noise figure of analyzer im Example 3.1: What is the dynamic range of a spectrum analyzer with a third order intercept point of +25 dBm and a noise level of - 85 dBm ? Solution : The third order intercept is 25 dBm i.e. Ip is 25 dBm. Noise level i.e. MDS is - 85 dBm. 2 Dynamic range = 3[1p-MDS] 25 = 7(25--85)1 = 73.33 dB hump Example 3.2: Find the minimum detectable signal of spectrum analyzer with a bandwidth of 1.5 klix and noise figure of 20 dB. Solution : BW = 15kHz, NF =20dB MDS = = 114 dBm + 10 Log| spats |+ NF 115x103 110° u -114+ 10 voe| }2 =~ 122.24 dBm Electronic instrumentation 3-15 Signal Analyzers 3.5 Ri 1 Time Spectrum Analyzer The spectrum analyzer which presents the effect of changes in all the input frequencies, on its spectrum display is called real time spectrum analyzer. The block diagram of a real time audio spectrum analyzer is shown in the Fig. 3.9(a). It covers the frequency range from 50 Hz to 10 KHz. Electronic switch output ‘switch Irput ores soz] amplifier CRO. display ete. (24 channel) Fig. 3.9(a) Real time audio spectrum analyzer It is a multichannel analyzer, consisting of a set of stagger-tuned bandpass filters. These are connected through an electronic scan switch called output scanner to the CRO. The electronic switch sequentially connects the filter outputs to the CRO. The scan generator provides the horizontal deflection on CRO. The output of scan generator is a sawtooth output which is synchronized with the electronic switch. Electronic Instrumentation 3-16 ® ‘Signal Analyzers | | The Fig. 39(b) shows the example of display of a signal on this type of analyzer, | In this analyzer, the composite [ amplitude of the signal, within each | filter's bandwidth is displayed as a function of the overall frequency range I of the filter. Therefore the frequency 4 range of this type of analyzer is limited by the number of filters and their Fig. 3.9(b) Display of real time spectrum bandwidth. analyzer orostsor 115-23 kHz. These analyzers are only used in the audio frequency applications and can use as many as 32 filters. For good resolution the bandwidth of each filter is made narrow. The disadvantages of this type of spectrum analyzer are complexity, poor resolution, the inflexibility of the frequency axis of the display and inability to adjust resolution ie. to view the magnified portions of the display in detail. 3.6 Applications of Spectrum Analyzer The spectrum analyzer is a powerful tool and has many and varied applications. i) Modulation measurement : When the frequency scan of spectrum analyzer is set to zero and x axis is representing time instead of frequency, it operates as a fixed tuned receiver to measure amplitude against time. This is called its synchroscope mode. When the analyzer is tuned to the carrier sao anal frequency with bandwidth at least base line twice that of modulation frequency and with a linear display, the envelope of Fig. 3.10 an AM signal is observed as shown in the Fig. 3.10. Measuring the peak Vp and the Carrier trough Vi, the modulation index can be determined. When operated in the normal mode, two sidebands separated from ale, L the carrier by the modulation frequency ‘ fm are observed. This is shown in the Fig. 3.11. Fig. 3.11 Spectrum of amplitude modulation ‘Sideband Electronic Instrumentation 3-17 ‘Signal Analyzers The modulation index can be calculated from the sideband and carrier amplitude. Similarly it can be used to measure the distortion occurring in the modulation process. The sideband configuration in frequency modulation enables observer to calculate the frequency modulation index. The frequency modulation displays are shown in the Fig. 3.11. ii) Continuous wave signal frequency stability : The frequency drift of a signal can be measured by observing the excursions of the signal across the display. Over periods of minutes, it gives long term stability while over periods of seconds it gives short term stability. Lin} =5=4=3-2-1Genrt 23 4 5 frequency frequency (a) Low deviation FM (b) High deviation FM Fig. 3.12 FM displays on spectrum analyzer iii) Harmonic distortion measurement : The distortion affect the frequency components of a signal to be transmitted. The harmonics appear as the additional signals in the spectrum analyzer display at multiples of the carrier frequency. To keep it low, its measurement plays an important role. The spectrum analyzer can be used to make such distortion measurements. The display of a spectrum with harmonics is shown in the Fig. 3.13. I il I fh \ | Fig. 3.13 Spectrum with harmonics Electronic Instrumentation 3-18 Signal Analyzers iv)Noise measurement : The noise can be measured with very straightforward method using the spectrum analyzer. Similarly the measurement of impulse noise also can be measured using spectrum analyzer. The examples of impulse noise is the generation of voltage spikes due to engine ignition and electric motor commutation. . v) Examining pulse modulation : Infact this is the first application of spectrum analyzer. The spectrum analyzer can be used to measure or evaluate the quality of the pulse modulation. The difficult task of measuring pulse modulation of radar transmitters is possible due to the spectrum analyzer. Apart from these common applications it is used in the following applications as well : vi)In the fields of biomedical electronics, geological surveying and oceanography. It is used to analyze the air and water pollution. vii) It is used to measure antenna pattern. viii) It is used for tuning a parametric amplifier. ix) It is used to examine the vibration signals from automobiles, airplanes, space vehicles, bridges and other mechanical systems. It provides useful information about mechanical integrity, unbalance and bearing, gear wear. x) It finds the number of applications in the field of electronic testing related to troubleshooting and quality control. 3.7 Logic Analyzer The conventional instruments used to solve the measurement problems are voltmeters, ammeters, multimeters and oscilloscopes. But the measurement problems associated with the digital systems cannot be solved by the conventional instruments. The digital systems, digital equipments, the microprocessor based systems, computer motherboard circuits are the examples where the test instrument required must be very fast and provide the detailed analysis of the problem. For example, it is required to analyse the functioning of a particular memory chip in a microprocessor based system. The chip is associated with number of microprocessor activities. Formation of digital data, address bus, transferring data to the memory at the correct clock pulse etc. are the few examples of such digital activities. This analysis requires an instrument which can display the number of waveforms simultneously which are related to each other. Hence the instrument has to have number of channels and other advanced features. It must deal with the digital domain and must be able to provide detailed analysis of the digital circuit. Such an instrument which deals with the digital systems, for their trouble shooting purpose is the logic analyzer. Oscilloscope is important to time domain, spectrum analyzer is important to frequency domain and logic analyzer is important to digital data domain. Such a digital data domain is characterised by state space concepts, data formats, data flows and the equipment architerture. Electronic instrumentation 3-19 Signal Analyzers Basically there are two types of logic analyzers which are : i) Logie timing analyzer : In this device, the data is sampled according to a clock signal generated at regular intervals and stored in a memory. This stored information is then displayed in a timing waveform, It displays relation of each signal with time. The method is suited for the analysis of problems related to computer hardware. This method is called asynchronous measurement. ii) Logic state analyzer : This uses the clock signals generated inside the measured equipment. The data is sampled and stored in the memory only when the signals are synchronized with the measured equipment. It gives binary or hexadecimal display. This method is called synchronous measurement. This is suitable for problems related with software. Now modem logic analyzer consists of both the above types of functioning in a single unit itself. A logic analyzer can be considered as a multichannel oscilloscope. 3.7.1 Block Diagram of Logic Analyzer The simplified block diagram of logic analyzer is shown in the Fig. 3.14. Contro! signals, Clock | enabler ‘Screen User interface Storage qualifier Fig. 3.14 Block diagram of logic analyzer The logic analyzer has basic six functional blocks as, 1. Probes 2. High speed memory 3. Trigger block 4. Clock generator 5. Storage qualifier 6. User interface. Electronic Instrumentation 3-20 Signal Analyzers The block probes, connects physically the instrument to the system under test. The probes should not unduly load down the logic signal of interest or disturb its timing. The Probes operate as voltage dividers, the lowest possible slew rate can be selected by dividing the input signal. This helps in capturing high speed signals. The voltage comparators in probe, transform the input signals into logic values. Different logic families such as TTL, CMOS etc. have different voltage thresholds hence adjustable threshold comparators are used. The logic analyzer uses a high speed recording memory subsystem which stores the sampled values. The memory address for a given sample is internally supplied. Some analyzers can store several megasamples. The clock signal may be external clock or an internal asynchronous clock input. Depending upon the clock signals, the input data is sampled and stored in memory. ‘The memory subsystem continuously writes the data till the trigger signal is received from trigger block. ‘The trigger block generates a trigger signal. The user can set the trigger word switches to set the required binary word ie. pattern of logical ones and zeros. The Fig. 3.15 shows how a sample trigger pattern corresponds with timing and state mode data. Trigger 8; Sz S3 s. 1 oo 1 t 014 ' 1 4.0 S2 | 10 0 S. T 1 0 1 <4 Trigger 1144 l 0 4 0 State mode Timing mode Fig. 3.15 Example of trigger pattern ‘Some form of logic comparator is used as a word recognizer which compares the word with binary input word. Once the trigger word pattern matches with input data word, the trigger signal is generated. It is given to the memory. Once trigger occurs, the storage memory continues to store a selected number of post trigger samples. Once the post trigger store is complete, the measurement is stopped. The storage memory acts as a loop hence samples before the trigger event are captured representing time before event, This pretrigger capturing is also called negative time capturing. Such pretrigger display is very useful to search causes of malfunctioning of logic circuit. Depending on whether state mode or timing mode is selected, sample clocks are supplied by user or generated by instrument. In a state mode, the analyzer takes sample based on rising or falling pulse edge of an input signal. The clock generator is very flexible. It can form clocking signal by ORing or ANDing input signals together. The user

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