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[00:00:00] Solarkidd: Yo what's up people. It's the solar kid and I'm back on another podcast.
It's the other side of the sun. I got my boy marv radio in on the side of the sun is how you
doing Marv Radio?

Marv Radio: Really, really well right now. Yes. Um, um, I'm excited to be talking to my friend,
brother, my business partner, my engineer, my teacher.

Solarkidd: Oh, very inspiring, man.

Marv Radio: Yeah, man. You like when you're like, it's not good enough, Marv. It's not bruh.
It's not good enough. Then I have to let go inside and cry for about three days. And then I'm
like, but why wasn't it good enough. But you've made my ears more sensitive to what's
good. And what isn't so shout out, ma.

Solarkidd: Like ..

come a long way though,

Marv Radio: right we both have, I mean, you you've done a lot of stuff, but we all have,
yeah. Shout out Maslow for the introduction.

Solarkidd: Yes, my brother Maslow. [00:01:00] Yes.

Marv Radio: He said we were going to, is that you too? When you connect with Keenan, he
did say Steve as well, but like, it was like, when you connect with Keenan, that's going to be
like a bruddah ting. And he was right, like old wise kind of sage

Solarkidd: kind of characters,

Marv Radio: We have similar kind of skin tone.

Solarkidd: Hey, I'm going to locks up my hair soon, bro. So then we can be brothers.

Marv Radio: Yeah, ja, I miss the locks on you, man.

Solarkidd: Yeah, it's coming back. It's coming back. Rastafi, you get me. So Marv radio is a
conscious lyricist, a vocalist, a producer, a human radio, a sound healer motivator speaker.
And does that kind of in a nutshell ..All your many hats that you wear, sir

Marv Radio: yeah, I'll just throw the word teacher in there as well. But, um, yeah, it's a
[00:02:00] lot of hats man

Solarkidd: shaman . How does shaman come into that equation?

Marv Radio: Yes. I would never call myself a Sharman or shaman. I would call myself a
shamanic practitioner. Yes. Sharmanic practitioner works. I mean, because I trained in
shamanism, but I kind of see a Sharman as someone who is out slightly further outside of
society than I am.
Um, so because I'm still in here and I'm still fallible in a lot of ways. I don't want to give
myself that grand title and be like, yes, I'm a shaman now..

Solarkidd: Now that makes sense. Now to me, you know, otherwise I won't be like fucking
judging you and shit and be like, yo, marv radio, you think you're so good? You think you a
shaman? Look at all the shit you doing, man?

Marv Radio: Yeah, don't tell them on the podcast though. They, they're not supposed to
know about that. That's hidden now, but like true, true, true words is like in that whole
scene, Shamanism, healing, music, all the people with power, all the people who have
responsibility, there's this whole shadow side to it. And like, if I don't give myself the title,
then I'm still a human doing my shadow work and helping other [00:03:00] people to do
their shadow work and hopefully doing some, um, some sound frequencies that make
people feel better in any form.

You know, that's, that's what I'm here for.

Solarkidd: I suppose there's a, there's a great deal of responsibility that comes with taking
the title because obviously those people do understand the duality of life in that sense. And
it isn't because we, none of us are like, you know, angels that's for sure. But we like people
who take like the collar, like priests or, you know what I mean, shamans or, you know,
monks or whatever they all still have. I'm sure. I hope so. Yeah.

Marv Radio: Every human has. Both of the wolves and they have to feed whichever one they
want to grow.

Solarkidd: Yeah. I remember a saying like in Christianity, it's like, it's not that you, when you
like grow in understanding of spirituality, it's not that you become sinless. You sin less, you
know, as you grow older and stuff, so, yeah.

Marv Radio: Yeah. Agree. And this is also like if I was going to be [00:04:00] a shaman and
even then I wouldn't call myself that. I would do that full time and I wouldn't be living in
London. I'd be somewhere in some natural forest, working with the plants every single day,
allowing people to come visit me when they need healing.

But I mean, I'd like to get there at some point and preferably with money from great success
from music and art. But, um, because I dedicate myself to my art history because that's the
way that I survive in this Babylon. I can't then go, I'll go apply the same business principles to
something that goes deeper than business.

And, and, you know, if someone's got no money, but you can see, you can help them and
guide them in their own self healing journey. It shouldn't matter if the money's there or not.
So it's kind of something, yeah, something that I do with some of my time, but, um, I put it
into the music and the art as well.

Solarkidd: So like, obviously, um, I mean, I know I'm not sure if many of my viewers, you
know, know, like you, obviously you are a beat boxer. Um, [00:05:00] one of the sickest MCs,
I know proper freestyle off the dome, you know what I'm saying? Not these kids that fucking
rehearse scripts and shit, this motherfucker actually fucking spit bars and, um, yeah, all
around artists and that, but I actually want to talk to you, bit more today about like, You
know, the spiritual aspects because you obviously are very spiritual brother, so

Marv Radio: super spiritual,

very spiritual, you know,

one with everything.

Solarkidd: Can you like concisely tell us about your story and how you found um.. Because I
know, bro, like if you guys don't...

Marv Radio: Keenan knows me. man says "Concisely"

Solarkidd: I have to say concisely because I have spent time.

Marv Radio: Let me google that

Solarkidd: yeah. Like I've, I've worked on Mantra. I've done his theater production I've been
doing his editing, mixing, and recording for like a long time now. So I know this guy's story
inside out. I'd love you guys to get to know it and obviously I'm going to put links up, but if
you can without [00:06:00] giving, okay, well now you probably give a bit away anyway, but
like. Precisely. Just tell us a little bit about your journey and how you came to this spirituality
and then obviously, maybe elude to, you know, the art that came from that afterwards.

Marv Radio: Yeah, sure. I'm actually going to make the biggest effort to make this concise.
So essentially I will, um, like a standard South London boy mixed race grew up in West
Norwood, mostly South London. And it's just never happy in life for a long, long time. I
wasn't happy in life. Like, um, I think a lot of people can relate to that, but especially when I
was going into schools or university or jobs, it just didn't, I didn't understand why there was
someone else telling me how to live my life.

And a lot of the time I correct teachers, I got kicked out of a grammar school. So I got
accepted into a grammar school. This is a short version, but after I got kicked out, like the
depression that I'd sort of. Had been building from [00:07:00] school issues, dealing with
institutional racism, um, parents not really getting on with each other.

Seeing that war zone I had, I had the pressure building up. And when I, when school wasn't a
reason anymore, I went back home and I was out of school for nine months. And during that
period, I decided to take my own life. I was going crazy. I was around myself of all this
confusing stuff happening and.

Yeah. Um, so I've, I would say that until maybe my mid twenties, I genuinely was a nihilist at
best. Like couldn't stand the world, thought everybody was stupid. If they was smiling, like,
why would you smile? Um, obviously there's some things with trauma and things that I
won't go into so deeply, but as I've grown up, hip hop was the one thing that kind of gave
me a voice and allowed me to speak.
And it was Tupac. Um, Basically, as I decided to take my own life and, um, you know, viewer
discretion and all that. If you're dealing with these things, maybe you might not [00:08:00]
want to hear this, but it might be useful. Um, I tried to hang myself using a belt on my, um,
on my loft bed. And as that was happening, I was listening to like a shuffle mini disk type of

And if you don't know what mini disk is, look that up. Look that up. That was, that was the
technology of the future. Anyway, sidetrack come back in. Um, I tried to hang myself and
Tupac Thugz Mansion was playing at the time. And the words literally at a moment where I
was blacking out, colors were coming in, was like "I once contemplated suicide and would
have tried.

But when I held that 9 all I could see was my mother's eyes." That's when I realized that hip
hop is deeper and that there's spirituality entwined within everything that we do, whether
we agree with it or not, whether its dark or light spirituality. And then from there performing
at college, I had an out of body experience while performing a beat boxing. Yeah. in, like, I
was watching myself from above, I saw as like all the people became just like fractal shapes
and felt that I wasn't making the sounds come [00:09:00] throught, but I was witnessing

And then I was just like, what is this? Probably around 21. I started like getting a little bit into
meditation and looking at some things online. Um, also some exploration with, with drugs,
with parties, with festivals and things like that. And eventually through festivals scenes and
meeting people, I met someone in barista, Bristol, and I was able to, I was, I was reading and
listening to Terence McKenna and other people who were talking about, you know, how
plant medicines and consciousness have been shifted by psychedelics.

And I was at this time, I've done some mushrooms, but suddenly I had the opportunity to
actually discover what IOSCO was about. Went to South America, studied with shamans in a
jungle. Um, I've worked with copious, different plant teachers as I like to call them and free
up the plant teachers. End prohibition now, not, not later.

And, um, Yeah, that's that's when I had the real [00:10:00] experience of being shown, what
my voice, what a voice is, what our voice is, what my voice is, what the voice is. And from
there, I can only express what is aligned with my mission, throught my voice. Um, unless I'm
angry, in which case it slips, then I'd start chatting some shit.

But, um, all in all has been a journey of like making many mistakes, falling off a mountain
fracturing my spine, falling off a building. It was only 50 feet. I making it sound like I fell from
the top of the mountain, but 30 feet off a mountain and fractured my spine fell off a
building, shattered my feet, my right foot fractured.

My wrist, like many made a lot of mistakes. And both of them were to do with anger and
conflict with people like the reason what they are. They happen. So. Now I've just been
trying to find peace or I've been finding peace or I'm in peace. And I find moments of being
fully in peace and love. And then I find out the moments of cheating into the reality to
everyone else's and that we're all in and how much work it is for us as a species to live in a
way [00:11:00] that is beneficial to everything that we're connected to. Not just a few
people who benefit from like in money or feeding from us. Um, As batteries. I mean, you
could call them people. Some people would say they're not people. So, um,

Solarkidd: so, um, tell us a bit about like the work you're doing at the moment and like, um,
cause obviously you started with that and uh, I think you, you did a sound healing on me
once. That was really cool. And uh, I think that's, that's part of your work right now as well.

Marv Radio: um, So of what I'm doing now, it's quite a lot of things, but the main focus is the
mantra project, which started in 2017.

We've started in 2015 with a first song from it. But 2017, I started thinking I want to make a
theatre show to talk about my life because of all the crazy things that have happened in my
life and what a story is, um, And then I did that. I did that by myself with no help. [00:12:00]
I'm getting there, um, in 2018. And then after that we developed the actual theatre piece
and, um, Keenan worked extensively with me on making a soundtrack for that.

Um, we had an audio visual side of side of it, where I was able to pay my friends that I love
for work with me. Um, previously I'd invested into the studio that, um, that we used to have
in Tottenham and. But this was a time where it could be like right. You're getting paid, you
know? Um, and that changed everything.

And now I've got a bit of funding through Sound and Music shout out Sound and Music all
day. Um, new voices campaign. Who've been able to give me a small budget where my
friends who love me and know the mission have worked for probably minimum wage or less,
uh, but actually been paid and been like, you know, I believe in your vision and put it

So mantra is a story of my life, heal me is the first single from it. Um, which is out now link
below, or maybe it's here or maybe it's here. Maybe it's here. It's maybe it's maybe it's just
[00:13:00] flying around. Maybe you just see the link go back. Yeah. He'll me was the first
track and it was quite, I've had a few people come back to me and go, yeah, heal me is nice.
but I prefer you when you were up. And I knew that was going to happen because it's too
close to man. It's about freeing up the voice. Really? It's it's bang can rapidly rat, rat the rat
rat rappy any day, like, but. In terms of singing and channeling certain vibrations. There's
something about adding melody, melody that changes things.

So I'm doing make the albums pretty much done right now. It's in the final mix of the master
in processes. Shout our Abstract Sun.

Solarkidd: No, look here. Then stacks music

Marv Radio: solarkidd Stax music now. now he gets two little voice plugs there without
having to pay me solarkidd. You're now listening to abstract sun, other side of the sun.

Yeah. I like tangents there. It's kind of explains [00:14:00] why I do so many things. So at the
same time it's doing that, I'm currently making, um, a program for to teach people in 14
days, how to fully.
Like work with the energy centers with sound and Madres and shapes with the hands, et
cetera. Um, which is called the 14 day chakravation challenge some being like, do you know
what I see people doing their challenges? Why don't I actually challenge and tag them or
nominate people to come and do a 14 day challenge with me?

Um, and that's gonna that the plan of that is to give me a solid steady income cause music is
just keep investing and it grows a bit and keep investing in it grows a bit. Um, it's kept me
alive. So there's that. And also I'm working with, yeah. As you said, as you alluded to before
working with people in terms of online and in-person healing sometimes in a guided
meditation form, sometimes I do hands on energy movement.

Burps, well, that's a little energetic clearance there don't fear the burp it's extremely, you
know, it's better out than in, as they say. [00:15:00] So. Yeah. At the moment, I'm just. I'm
working towards a greater plan that I've been blessed to be given some responsibility. And
that involves without giving away too much people, sovereignty, land love, food,
sustainability, and a new way of living a new way of loving as my brother Mutsolace would

Solarkidd: yeah. That's my brothers, man.

Marv Radio: Ane me and you, bro. We're a happy tangent. I'm grateful for this brother
because. When I first got in the studio with him, I thought the guy did not rate my music one
bit when i was there. probably thinking I'm an absolute egomaniac dickhead. Well, uh,
without the grounding in his musicality.

And I think, you know, only now 60%, he believes that. So we're probably good. Um, we, we
basically had a way of discovery and how to communicate as, as an engineer, as the person
who can really. Be meticulous and the person who, [00:16:00] sorry,

just, communicating from my heart, man? You know, just like my music just don't judge my
heart music, but yeah. It's about how it feels, not how it sounds. And sometimes it just
finish these things about how it tastes and how it smells,

Threw in a joke for you people there. But yeah. Um, so we, we, we were able to hash out a
lot of differences, um, because I, I just literally thought. I had a fragile ego as a musician, not
as a rapper or a beat boxer, but as a singer, as someone who was making music, I hadn't
spent that much time in the studio as much as I'd want it.

So that was my, that was my boot camp of how to deal with someone who loves you. But
clearly, sometimes they've gotten used to us.

Solarkidd: i think also at that time I was still in my not smiling, so much phase and I never
used to smile that much, even though I was smiling inside, I just, I think I just have this look
on my face, like, cause I remember like a few people I've worked with in studio.

I mean, I'm like trying to get the best out of this person, but [00:17:00] they just thinking
like, now human hates me. Like, why do you hate me? I don't fucking hate you, man. I just
want you to fucking do it properly that's all.
Marv Radio: yeah. Yeah. So what I believe I might have taught you a little bit is how to get
someone to do something properly, properly without feeling like they're doing something
wrong. And that's some, that's a skill that both of us have trained in in this time,

Solarkidd: Because I think you made me aware of it. Like a lot of things made me aware that
I need to be like. I mean, cause I'm so blunt and straightforward as a person. Sometimes it
can just come across it, especially when you're in a studio situation and people are like,
sensitive about the music,

Marv Radio: That's why you should be the artist,bro that's why, yeah, I need you as my
engineer, but you should do your artistry. Cause then you get to be that belligerent dickhead
and then you might become a millionaire by the end of that

Solarkidd: That's why I dig being a producer because a producer kind of encompasses all of
that. It's basically all my skills, you know what I mean?

Marv Radio: Like humility that you have shown in times where like, you know, obviously you
can big bro me, obviously you're [00:18:00] doing a lot of stuff, but there's a lot of humility
that I think is missing sometimes in engineers and techs in certain things where like, just do
that, just do that.

And because of our relationship together as friends and brothers, in terms of making the
music and going over those rough phases or the points where my voice wasn't working as
well, it wasn't in as good health or. You know, my confidence in my voice, we work for it
together. And that's, that's why, you know, I've invested way, not nowhere near enough
money into our relationship.

But for me, it was all the money in the world. And that has, it's like, it's kind of like, it's been,
the seed has been watered and now we're seeing some of the blossoms come through and
we're still, we're still in springtime though. et.

Solarkidd: we're still in major league Springtown but also I think like with me, because like, I
mean, we're so similar in a lot of ways. And even like our vocal tone, like when we sing and
stuff, and that's why I used to be so hard on you because it used to remind me of how my
life lack of self [00:19:00] confidence needs to come through when I sing. And it wasn't like,
because I know what I want to hear. You know what I mean? And it's like, no, that's not it.
You know what I mean? And I'm feeling like, yo, bro, you need to do this. You need to do
this. You need to do this to get to that point. And then. Like you said it's just time and
patience. Yeah. I mean, our last few sessions in studioey or like before locked down, we will
literally just banging the shit out. Like literally we were there man

Marv Radio: man, to be fair though. Like if we if lock down hadn't happened and we
continue, in a way that we'd been going, we be a lot further along now, but. The way that
we've continued to work and work and work with distancing with, um, you know, not even
being able to see each of our, like physically that's been real man, like that's like, so we've
we still on track to have this album out
uh, for my birthday, October 22nd, um, free videos would have been released by then. Um,
we've got one release out now [00:20:00] okay. I'm really proud of the work we've been
doing. I, and it's kind of like this album for myself is, you know, you gotta make a
contingency plan for some people, his legacy in terms of what, what land they have, what
property or money they have for me.

If I finished this album and I pass at any point, I feel like I've put the, like the DNA structure
of my lessons in life, into this album. And, um, Wherever it takes a hundred years, a
thousand years, or whether it's next year. I believe that this music is undeniable. Um, it still
can be improved and I'm sure we'll do remasters and retakes on it as well in the future.

But this is the message unfiltered me expressing my imperfections and my own ignorance
and how. Being connected to something deeper has allowed me to realize that we are all
one. We are all one and everything we're looking for is inside of [00:21:00] us. You know,
we're talking to ourselves, I'm talking to myself right now.

You're myself, Keenan's myself there. like the codes are in this album, right to the fullest.
Even if you just read the, what, the names of the songs and you didn't listen to them, you'd
kind of get a picture of a journey, you know, and this all is making a film. And that's the next
thing is that. So hopefully by the time this is up, I'll have a link here.

If not, it will be a link to my website, but hopefully I'm basically, I'm trying to raise some
money to make this into a proper film so that I can, it can be the whole album from start to
finish, um, displayed in this virtual reality world that my brother, Joey Baker, shout out Joey
Baker has been, um, yeah, he's been cultivating this incredible thing.

Solarkidd: Yeah Joey did the [indistinct] for this podcast as well. Big up Joey

Marv Radio: family, things that you see, like the creative waves, just hanging out in different
spaces and seeing it. That's why I like what I've seen in the industry is people want to hold
their contacts to their chest. They want to hold their knowledge to their chest.

And that's happened in less and [00:22:00] less as we go on. But there's so many people who
do not want to share their resources. I'm like, look, if I go animate a, you need to animate all
of that. We are building something that in one form or the other will stand the test of time.
Well, and that's, that's what this ultimately is about.

It's not about your fortune and your bling, you know, how many women that you've got on
your line, although, you know, don't do too bad with that. Um, it's, it's not about the ego
pursuit. It's about what we put out and when we meet our makers and when we go through
that final meditation and we look back, we go, yeah, my heart is, my heart is light as a

I've lived a good life. And I'm grateful for those memories that you've just shown me and I'm
ready to go into what's next.

Solarkidd: Sick, man! Let me ask you some randoms.

Marv Radio: Is this like a quick fire round? Where I answer quickly or not?
Solarkidd: Well, maybe it doesn't have to be particularly quick fire. lets just uh.. Buyer list is
the, what is your mantra?

[00:23:00] Marv Radio: I know I'm imperfect, but I know that I'm worth it. Whenever I
remember what. My darkness, my shadows, all cause I've come to the point in my evolution
of consciousness, where I know that I'm capable of every act in humanity. The dark is the
lowest. I haven't manifested most of them, but I know that I'm capable of doing the worst
and the best stuff in life.

It's just my choices and the surroundings around me and my resources that dictate. Yeah. So
by, by making a song and the first one I'm releasing from this album that says. As a cure for
my depression at the time, it was like, I know I'm imperfect, but I know that I'm worth it. It
just reminds me, you know, it's not, it's not just step into the light, you know, it's not, it's
not, it's not black Jesus with dreads, you know, it's, it's see, we're all humans out here, but
humans have been downgraded in this society.

We aren't allowed to do what we're capable of. But that's partly because we're not
confronting the shadow within, and we allow it to be an outward [00:24:00] projection
where they're going, Oh, the Illuminati, he does this and awe the war does that. Obviously
we need to know that. And I don't know, like, you know, I'm not going to go into the
conspiracy theories, but like in terms of.

I never wanted the value where life has taken, where, where we lost people and stuff, but
really in the grand scheme of things, it all comes back to looking at your own stuff. What's
happened with your upbringing, with your surroundings, the trauma that you haven't faced
and you're worth it. You're worth like money is never worth a human life.

You could get all the money in the world it's underneath what one human, even the most.
Poor upset or vile or whatever you want to call it. Person. Their life is more valuable than all
the money in existence. So yeah, that's, that's one of my mantras.

Solarkidd: Alright. So, um, do you have a favorite, like item of clothing that you wear when
you create like some blue suede shoes or something?

Marv Radio: I got poncho and I've got a poncho that's like. Just like, [00:25:00] I don't even
know if it's in this room. If it's in this room, I'm going to have to just go check, see if I'll go
ahead. But yeah, got a poncho. It's been, it came with me from Ecuador and it's been in, um,
sacred ceremonies. Yeah. It's got that. It's got fire smoke, like into, it smells like Palo Santo

That's that's like my cloak of invincibility. Like if I ever, and it's not, invisibility its invincible.
Like you can see me clearly, but like with that, I've got this cocoon of energy that just holds
me. Um, that's powerful, but I don't, I don't necessarily take it to get into my clothes, my
performances or my recordings, to be honest.

Now, recording is just, I come here and I do this. And then, um, if I send it on to my brother,
Keenan, as long as I've got a budget for it or my brother's stacks, or there's some other
people as well,

that that could potentially work with some stuff, but yeah. Ideally, those are the two people
that I go to.

And, [00:26:00] um, my clothes, I like wearing African print when I can, that makes me feel
quite powerful as well on stage, a lot to perform in African print. So if you're watching this
and you make custom fitted African garments, imagine what it looks like. If I put it on me
and go insert your company name here. So I'm missing from like some clothes. Thank you
very much at

so I like, I like to look like I've got some tight I'm wearing them today. Like these, these are
these tight em well, that's, that's

Solarkidd: that shirt. That shirt is not like a normal marv radio shirt. That's for sure I've never
seen you in such a nice shirt. Not that you don't wear nice shirts should show up

Marv Radio: What do you mean nice shirt. This is from Primark

Solarkidd: That j ust looks a bit like, yo, let's go down the pub, mate. let's have a few pints,
mate. I [00:27:00] mean, you know what I'm saying?

Marv Radio: Well, yeah, I kind of feel like.. i say enough about me in such a way that
whatever I'm wearing is it's inconsequential. You know, I am, to be honest, I. I encourage
nudity in life. I encourage people to be around each other in non-sexual context and not
where all the, like the clothes and the layers that we put on top of ourselves and be real, um,
metaphorically and literally, you know, so, yeah. And I'm about

Solarkidd: I'm not sure about that. we'll see.. probably not.

Marv Radio: Alright. You come to I'll bring you to to a hippie festival, and you'll be like, well,
marv, marv, look at me , I'm naked. And I'll be like, yo, nobody else's naked yet. Okay. Um,
but that's, that's what that, the reason I said that is because we're talking about clothes and
for me, I also have a desire to show that the human body is not sexual, not political.

It is actually natural. And any context of it, energy [00:28:00] between the human and
another human or whatever platform that humans get involved in. That's where it becomes
sexual is the actual energy, your physical body, as you were born, is your. It's not your
birthday suit is your Royal attire, that's you and your royalty right there. So, um, yeah, some
people don't want to get naked around each other. I understand.

Solarkidd: Speaking of that, what's your, what's your favorite food to eat after sex

Marv Radio: favorite food to eat after having sex. Then what I like to intermittent fast during
the daytime, I often, um, do you know what cause there's so a smoothie after sex is banging.
A smoothie after sex is banging. Raw chocolate, like vegan chocolate treats Turin. You, you
can like make, make the Melt and thing You understand. make it. Um, but like, as in my meal
meal, like my, my staple ingredient, I'm sorry about it. And miles, I'm sorry about how in
[00:29:00] countries that care about indigenous people can't afford it anymore, but quinoa
man, I'm a quinoa addict. Quinoa, plantain, you know, vege, stew, Curry, spicy stew Curry

Solarkidd: so I've had one of Marv's meal's before. Pretty nice.

Marv Radio: I thank you.

Solarkidd: When he invites me over for dinner, which was once I think yeah.

Marv Radio: What about all the time in lockdown, I was like, come over and you're like, it's
lockdown I'm like, come over. It's like, it's lockdown

Solarkidd: It's lockdown, mothafucker!

Marv Radio: Okay. So let's just listen to what they tell us to do all the time. Then.

Solarkidd: Yeah, well, you know what it is, man? You know what it is.

Marv Radio: I feel it. I feel it, bro. I feel it now I'm shout. Like I just want to say shout out to
everybody who's dealing with this crazy pandemic in whatever way you feel is right for you.
Um, you don't have to agree with everyone else about what's happening out there, but as
long as you're looking after yourself and your people in this time, And even if you're not
failing is possible, in really challenging times, but just well done for making it to this point
and keep going, keep going.

[00:30:00] I find you find your way of being you. Like we don't all have to be out here, like
taking magic mushrooms, um, or ayahuasca for any yeah, you don't, you don't all need to be
doing that. But like, I would defend my right to do that. We've, you know, I'd rather defend it
with life, but I would take it to the death because it's really important for me that you can
interact with these things. Anyway, tangential thinking is my superpower. I'll go from portal,
to another portal. You got more questions?

Solarkidd: You still have a, do you have any kind of like hero or like someone that you look
up to aspire to or..

Marv Radio: for me like.. Always have a special place for Tupac because he saved my life in
some ways.

And even though he was doing the thug thing, he was always conscious socially. So, and..

Solarkidd: When I listened to Tupac as a kid, I just smoked weed I just smoked. He made
me. Tupac, made me a, um, a weed smoker.

Marv Radio: Tupac and weed makes [00:31:00] you think though, when you

Solarkidd: it does. Yeah, no, no. I love Tupac.

Marv Radio: Yeah. Um, I think modern day, there's a few people who really do inspire me
actually. Um, like, and, and to say these people inspire me. I wouldn't call them my heroes.
I'd say they're inspirations. Um, obviously I I've taught about Bob Marley for half a second
and then it's James Brown is I could go on and on about who before these times, um, are
inspiring Bobby McFerrin. If you don't know Bobby McFerrin you have to look him up, see
what his voice can do.

Geez. On this day. Yeah. Like the Kendricks, the J Coles, the indistinct, um, EarthGang
Anderson Park, like yeah. Dope man. Um, UK wise, um, RetcH of days, right? Yeah. Um,
RetcH for sure. RetcH's. Yeah. I'll call him a bit of a [00:32:00] hero because of the way that
he. Has moved as well as made music. Like he seemed to always have the community at

Yeah. Yes, man. But Hey, listen, if I have to find a concept for me and RetcH to do a track,
that would be, that'd be dope. So yeah, let's bring that in. Um, do you know what, like a lot
of people talk a lot of bullshit about Stormzy or Wiley or any of these that I'm like, I see you
as a human and I see how you're in this ridiculous bubble where everything that.

I'm going to shout out Wiley right now. Cause I'm not shouting out everything that he says
and how he says it. That's all I'm going to say. And I'm shouting him out..

Solarkidd: Factor in a game, you know what I mean?

Marv Radio: That guy, the way they did him,, they did him dirty. Like just locking him off for
saying that what Jews control the media. Now I have no comment on such a issue. It's not
my political game to speak about those kinds of things, but there's some grounding in some
aspect of racial inequality and. Specific [00:33:00] religious, religious or economic classes
controlling what the industry is. So, yeah. Anyway, I have a tangent from who is..

Solarkidd: You don't have to go deep on that, man. I mean, we can even keep it, uh, you
know, you don't have to be blatant about it i guess, like, you know what I'm saying? People
know what we put talking about. Hopefully.

Marv Radio: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, for me, anyone who tells you how the world works. And
they assume that they tell what they tell you works the same way for everyone on this world
is an idiot. We have multiple realities crossing over each other. Right now we have many
things that are true in many things that are half true and et cetera, et cetera, many things
that are false. So in terms of not going deep on anything, yeah. I'm not gonna tell you how
the world is structured. I've got a bit of a clue on how the universe and energy is structured,
but this social construct I've gotten myriad of theories that could potentially be the actual
thing that's existing. All I know though is sound is a key to [00:34:00] consciousness.

Solarkidd: Speaking of which man, before we finish, you want to give us a quick, uh,
freestyle thing. You wanna give us a little bit of a,

Marv Radio: Ay, you know I did I did. I did this set on my little loop station, didn't I?

Yo. My name is Marv Radio. You're listening to and watching the other side of the sun with
solarkidd. Abstract Sun all day. This is an untitled freestyle.

beat [00:35:00] boxing

yeah, so this chorus has been done before. But I quite like it for a freestyle. No one really
knows what's going on. So we [00:36:00] might as well just make it up. No one really knows
what's going on. So we might as well just make it up. No one really knows what's going on.
So we might as well just make it up. No one really knows what's going on.

So we might as well just make it up. up up up up,

make it up, make it up.

Make it up as we go along as I flow along yeah.

Yeah. I won't settle for any less than greatness. I will only deal with real. I'm not here for the
fakeness. I see so many people that want to just snake this, but the snake ate the apple, so
I'm kind of tainted it. I'm trying to think of what I need to be and what I am inside of me.

I'm like infinity. Infinity multiplied by infinity well that's squared or maybe that's cube, but
I'm trying to be rubix. When I do this multiplication of changing directions and change these
colors, this one's for my sisters, this one's for my brothers. Every time you look inside,
there's more to discover and listen, people have been saying they've been missing the rap.

[00:37:00] I'm just trying to come with a different track. Something that gives people energy
and melody. So maybe it's not what it's meant to be, but I refuse to wait to die before I rest
in peace. Yeah. And I'm in the. I'm in the kitchen, cooking with ingredients and I've got a
recipe. I'm going to look at the words and see what I need to say.

No one really knows what's going on. So you might as well just make it up. No one really
knows what's going on. So you might as well just make it up. No one, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no. Just make it up, going off. Yeah. You see, on my tee shirt, I'm high with the clouds
and everything I do is pure fire. Right now.

I'm moving round on my moon bike. You see me? One of those uber scooters. And I move so
quickly. So swiftly I'm the way it's meant to be. I follow the tide as I ride in the ocean.
Floating. Don't know where I'm going, but I'm losing my motion knocking, but therefore
unlocking, [00:38:00] unlocking is a different kind of motion.

Yeah. And I don't wear no watches. I got something to show you cause the clock ain't
stopping. So I moved here and show you what I'm saying that, so now that's real. That's
what we are. Okay. The time is now time is precious. Time is golden for time is the only thing
we're holding. I'm I being sad to inner streets I'm facing people use it as a diss word when
they say pagan. The pagan is somebody who's connected to the nature. So how can you hate
the thing that just made ya?

So I'm trying to move through the vortex. I'm feeling more orgasmic than all the times. I
remember combined them once when I had more sex. Yeah. It's true. Me. Every time I do is
for the truth, and I know that I'm living in London town, the streets where it's going down.
Leave me with misquito bites needs some witchhazel. Right now I'm a vegan, but there's still
beef everywhere I look, or maybe I'm prom based. Maybe I changed when I cook. When I
feel the power power, but I'm grateful for the sweet and I'm grateful for the sour. The sour,
the sour, I guess [00:39:00] it's just a reflex.

Give me what I need next. I need to not reflux. I need for not throw up. Cause I'm trying to
hold my shit down when I'm moving around town and I'm trying to satisfy every urge. I see
inside me to seven Lee and everything in between or everything that's down in there. Down
in there. Hell modes.. I don't want to do that shit.

Take a cell phone. Take a moment if you flop and bring it back so sick that you don't even get
it, it drugs. And that's the fun day. Sunday. Cause not even Sunday right now, we're talking
about a Tuesday. But i guess its a new day. I'm trying to move. I see how they try to move
me, but I realize I must be free so I'm tearing this loop free and cutting it like I got scissors or
like i'm playing cricket home run, like it was baseball, but I ain't talking about wickets.

I'm a jumble. It's a wicked wicked. I'll be doing the sick ship that make you understand what
China is. Trying to find my balance quick. Every time I'm doing this outlandish [00:40:00] shit.

yes. This outlandish shit

Yes. Shit. Hey, listen, where was I? Oh yeah, I gotta go back to the dark place. I called .. I
think they called it Africa. Place like home, man, It feel like place I need to be a place where
they be taking all of our resources for money. They can spend money. Money they can lend.
Money they can buy. money can just lend your heart and your soul when you don't feel the

So money is something that I don't really know, but if you ain't got much money, you need
to get some food for your children. For a nice pan, go down to Iceland. And then you might
go to Sainsbury's. But listen I don't go to the supermarkets, that shit's legendary. I try and
get it from my local Turkish guy, even though the price is more high, but I'm trying to live my
life in a way that it wouldn't be a Turkish guy.

I could go back to the African lion and I could buy it from an African guy. I'd rather spend the
money round with a black town, but I'm not black. Now I'm an Afro King. When I put my
pack down, I'm not somebody you could keep off his krone or frown. I'm going to take a
moment, go back with the words that i see [00:41:00] on the screen, but sometimes you
need a little chorus in between to remember what you're doing. And remember that there's
a theme, because time is a luxury to, I will not spend, but I'm living my life so clean.

No one really knows what. Let's go on. No one really knows what was, uh, so we might as
well just make it up. No one really knows what's going on. So we might as well just make it
up. No one really knows what's going on. So we might as well just make it up.

Yeah. And little cuff buck snuck the Coronas cause there's dust in my home. Walked into a
warehouse, a warehouse. Now I'm having a nightmare. How I'm keeping my throat dry when
I'm trying to freestyle, I'm trying to live my life right now. Well, I guess that's just life. Gotta
overcome and look at the words and never repeat the same word twice. So I'm going down
and I'll see this somewhere. I can see where mine says Ayahuasca I've got, I've gotta give
thanks, bra. [00:42:00] Because this shook up my whole life
when I drunk it, I saw all the sounds and I realized that was functioning as something in me
to share something that needs to prepare people for a place that's not here. That's not there
that's somewhere in between the unity. So we can see, and we can breathe. I talk about the
San Pedro cats that are drunk in South Africa or South America, well maybe that was to let
go, but that's prophetic.

Cause I'm going to do it in South Africa next, kid.

Yeah. So I'm seeing in the future I've seen in the past. I know that there's an end to
everything this might last, so maybe I should take more time to meditate or maybe I should
just take more time to elevate. Maybe I should take more time, but not hesitate and realize.
The ones they say, a legends great. It's not about what people say about you. It's what you
do in your life is how you really make your moves. And I'm not confused. I'm not Confucius. I
live more like loud, taoism is coming through. It's all about that. Love that you feel inside. It's
all about letting go your ego and pride.

It's all about enjoying the ride. Bill Hicks said, it's just the ride. But it's more than that. It's a
ride where if you [00:43:00] die, you get another time. When you go to a place where you're
more aligned and you can shine with your light. I'm not one to tell you about religion. I'm
not on that religious hype, but the spiritual life has got me thinking that I could see out of my
first eye and I see the colors every single day as they rotate as I meditate, like I said before, it
hits the elevate on the elevator.

I think I've got a pause now. I'll see you later. Yeah.

Solarkidd: pap pap pap! plays beat

Marv Radio: I'm glad we did that because most of the time, if I've got an audience in front of
me, there's no room for error, but there's some errors in there and that's just real freestyle
for you. So that's like.. Yeah. Now I watched him, do you know? I, I don't, I don't like to go,
Oh, I made a mistake and that shit now, but I do watch it and go.

All right. So that's, that's a moment where I wasn't fully connected with my presence. That's
a moment where I wasn't fully in that. So, um, but shout out [00:44:00] all the real
freestylers as, and if you are someone who's at MC right now and you don't freestyle, just
practice, man. Just get some beats and go. I don't know what I'm saying.

And then you get over the fear of not saying the right thing and you might even be like, I've
got some words to say, I don't know what to say. Give me some words to say and just like.
Move slowly move gently. But freestyle is for me, one of the highest levels of transcendental
meditation that you can do. It's improvisation. It's something that allows you to be in a flow
state. So yeah, big up,

Solarkidd: Big up Marv Radio. Thank you so much for coming on today. My brother it's been
real as always, always is, uh, links and stuff will be in the description. People don't forget to
like subscribe, share this thing. Its The Other Side of the Sun Podcast, I'm going to be talking
about loads of different things. Music life science, philosophy, nature, everything that is and
everything that I'm into. Big up my brother, Marv Radio. Any last thoughts? Any last things
you want to say or add or tell people?

[00:45:00] Marv Radio: like it's been nice to be on the podcast. It's allowed me to get to
some level of something that.. To be honest I do these interviews, and then there's this
whole like seven hour thing that. Hasn't quite made it through. So I just want to say like do
tune into me, like the, like, if, if you, if you're watching this and you're like, you're like that
guy's fake, please, please get in touch with me, please check my shit out and actually listen
to it. And see, and, and if you, if you really are here for this movement of like elevation of
people support me genuinely, like there's, there's a crowdfund that you're going to see on
this video, go to my website.

Um, I'm trying to make this album into a film, I'm trying to make a graphic novel. And then
from that, I want to build the whole platform of what I've done and work with young people.
So they can do their own mantra and find their own way to alleviate themselves from their
experience and not just young people, any artists.

So, um, yeah. Hit me up at If you would like to collaborate, make
some [00:46:00] beats and bars, if you would like a healing. In person online. Um, and yeah,
if you need someone to ask about psychedelics with, in a trustworthy, confidential way, um,
I'll be up for some conversations about that because I think they do get very bad rap even
today when they're getting reconsidered.

It's a strange to me that something that actually helped me and none of them fix you by the
way, but something that helped me to get out of depression. Is illegal and we have
depression leading to suicide. So I want to see a reform on the whole way we live life. And
hopefully you can be along for this journey and see just where we can take it with your help
and support in also Abstract Sun. Solarkidd, Other Side of the Sun

All the family shout out my brother, Mutsolace who got a mention earlier. Everybody's
building. Faisal Salah, Joey Baker. Time man. It's time for us to do some, some very special
things. So, um, and we're not going to have to, like, we're not going to have to rebel in terms
[00:47:00] of fighting against anything. We just build our own thing, man. That's all it ever is.

Solarkidd: Blessings! Don't forget to like subscribe again. The Other Side of the Sun Podcast,
we are out! Peace

Marv Radio: the other side of the sun, the

other side of the sun,

the other side of the sun.

Other side of the sun other side of the sun, other side of the sun,

the other side that the sun ,bruh,

the other side of the sun.

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