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Headmistress’s Newsletter

Issue 119 25 September 2020

Pupil Parliament – Mr Hardwick
This week saw our first Pupil Parliament of the year. I never dreamt that we would have digital
democracy, but it was good to welcome some of the new MPs from their different bubble
locations and to see them on screen during our first virtual parliament earlier this week. The
Year 1 and 2 bubble were able to share what they enjoyed most about the school's fundraising
days and Years 5 and 6 asked about future events in the calendar.

I am sure they are all going to do an excellent job as representatives of their class, and we look
forward to our next online gathering in the near future.

Records of Pupil Parliament meetings are kept by our Head Girl and Boy who learn how to take
minutes and share information with the wider school.

During Monday's assembly, I presented them with their new notebooks and pens for this task.
We hope that both Ore and Bailey enjoy their busy year ahead!
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A Winning Entry

Our congratulations go to Elina (Year

3) who won First Place for her age
group in the Turner Contemporary Art
Competition. Last week, we received
her prize which was a new camera!

Mrs Britton and Elina were delighted

with her artwork and we celebrated
this achievement during Elina’s bubble
Assembly this week. Congratulations!

Year 2 Art - Mrs Britton

This week in art, we have looked at

the famous London landmark, Big
Ben. Year 2 have made some very
accurate observations and are
drawing with great confidence. Well

Don't forget! Bronte's first ever Virtual Harvest takes place next Friday 2nd October. For the safety
of all, the Foodbank are only accepting financial donations this year, so please look out for our
Head Girl and Boy on the gate from Wednesday until Friday with their collecting buckets.

We look forward to the variety of contributions from each class which will be available via Google
Classroom for everyone to enjoy.
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An Eruption in Reception!

Ndedeba and Hukam created a

volcano, after an outdoor Write
Dance session. How many
different materials did they use?

Year 1 Art - Mrs Britton

As part of our Portrait topic, this

week we have recreated The
Green Stripe by Henri Matisse.
Children have placed facial
features correctly and have used
bold colours. Well done!
Page 4

Year 3 Rock Stars

Year 3 have been rock detectives this week

looking closely at the characteristics of various
types of rocks as well as feeling them, describing
them and naming them.
Open All Hours! Page 5
Our Reception girls have set up their very own shop –
resourcing, organising and collaborating so well.

The Victorians

At the other end of the

school, Year 6 have
begun their topic ‘The
Victorians’, by using the
IT tool 'Purple Mash' to
research this interesting
period in history. They
began by researching
Queen Victoria herself
and found out key
points about her life.
They then went on to
compare transport -
then and now - and
they were intrigued by
some of the modes
used in the
19th century! Thank
you to Leela, Ore, Rosie
and Mojoyin for sharing
your work.
Page 6

Year 4 English – Mrs Singh

This week a strange stack of letters
appeared in the Year 4 classroom. After
lots of discussion and a mysterious page
from a book also appearing on Mrs Singh's
desk, we found out they belong to a boy
called Duncan. But who is Duncan? Why
are his letters in our room? What are the
letters about? And why are they in the Year
4 class?

On Thursday morning the children finally

got to open the letters and find out the
answers to some of their questions..

Kindergarten have enjoyed meeting Eric and Ernie our

Early Years guinea pigs. Learning was extended as the
children investigated the meanings of the different
sounds the guinea pigs made, foods they like to eat and
how to care for them.
Page 7

Year 1 children have been very busy during their remote learning
sessions this week. In Maths, children practised their counting in 1s 2s
and 5s! They used household objects to support them with this task.
Great organising and concentration Year 1!

In their Science lessons, the children have been learning all about birds!
They labelled parts of a parrot and even made lovely bird feeders
during their choices and voices sessions. Miss Dhillon has been so
impressed with the quality of work and concentration during Zoom
sessions. Well done everyone!
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Three more smart Year 7 ex-Bronte pupils

All of our Y7 leavers are

missed at Bronte, and three
more are featured here,
looking resplendent in their
new uniforms. They are all
settling well and enjoying
more independence
(although Daniel did have
to call his mum to pick him
up when he missed his stop
on the coach!!).

We’re very proud of them

all, I know they will be an
asset to their new schools.

As our current Year 6

children prepare for
Mrs Lonergan, Mrs Ellis and all of Year 2 (and their selection tests and school
families!) were reintroduced to Zoom lessons this choices, it is comforting to
see last year’s Y6 looking so
week. Well done to them all for coping so well with
happy and settled in their
the very quick changes necessary. new surroundings.
Page 9
Calendar Dates
Monday 28th Parents’ Council Meeting (4.00pm, The Study)


Thursday 1st Years 5 and 6: Kent Virtual Schools Competition

Friday 2nd Virtual Harvest Festival assembly

(available to watch on Google Classroom)

Tuesday 6th Celebration of Britishness Day (within school day)

Looking Ahead

Thursday 8th Inter-Schools General Knowledge Quiz - finals

Friday 9th Bad hair Fun Day in support of Barnardo’s

Monday 12th October Meetings – InCAS results and

& Tuesday 13th review of the start of the year

Thursday 15th Year 6: The Kent Test (11+) (all day)

Tuesday 20th Years 3 – 6: German morning

Half Term Wednesday 21st October (3.30pm) to

Monday 2nd November (8.45am)


Thursday 5th Senior School Transition meeting, Year 4 and 5 parents

(6.30pm, School Hall - booking essential)

Friday 6th Remembrance Day Assembly, conducted by Year 6

(9.00am, School Hall)

Monday 16th SAT Assessment Week (Years 1 – 6)

- Friday 20th

Monday 23rd Last week of activity clubs and music lessons

- Friday 27th

Monday 30th Advisory Board visit (afternoon, evening)


Tuesday 1st Parents’ Evenings – Academic Review

& Wednesday 2nd (3.45pm – 6.00pm, Venue TBA)

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