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1. Write comparative and superlative form of the adjectives. ___/ 5

Adjective Comparative Superlative
2. Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives. ____/ 5
a) I got up very early this morning. I’m t__________.
b) I can’t find my dog. I’m w__________.
c) The students didn’t finish their homework. The teacher is a__________.
d) We’re going on holiday to Italy tomorrow. I’m e__________.
e) I feel good! I’m watching TV and I haven’t got any work to do. I’m r__________.
3. Make sentences with the prompts and comparatives or superlatives. ____/5
a) My bedroom is_____________________/nice/room in the house.
b) I think Chinese is_____________________/difficult/ language in the world to learn.
c) My school is________________/good/than yours.
d) Janet is __________________/clever/than I am.
e) The ending of this film is______________________________/surprising/than the last one!
4. Complete the sentences with the social problems. (crime, homelessness, hunger, pollution,
poverty, unemployment, violence) ___/6
a) When a river or sea is dirty: __________
b) When people can’t find a job: __________
c) When people are very poor: __________
d) When people have to sleep in the streets: __________
e) When people use guns and knives: __________
f) When people don’t have anything to eat: __________
5. Match the parts of the car with their definitions.
a) a covered space at the back of a car, for storing things in
b) a thick rubber ring, filled with air, that is fitted around the outer edge of the wheel of a vehicle
c) a black part along the lower front and lower back part of a car that protects it in an accident
d) a large, powerful light at the front of a car
e) the window at the front of a car
f) a wheel in a car that the driver turns in order to make the car go in a particular direction
g) the pedal (= a part that you push with your foot) in a car that makes it go faster
h) a device that makes a car go slower or stop
i) the buttons on a board inside your car that you use to turn on/off the heat in the car

heating controls___ boot____ headlights ____ brake ____ windscreen ____

tyre ____ accelerator____ steering wheel ____ bumper _____

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