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Project Proposal of Hotel Management Systems

Title comment (can you implement all activities performed the

hotel business processes, It is better to specify on which
business process you want to focus to automate for example
bed room management system, service delivery process, income
in out processes, human recourse management etc . I think it is
difficult to you to automate the whole hotel system)

November 13 , 2016 – November 15, 2016

Amen Tewodros
Betelhem Kenaw
Kidist Mesay
Amelework Yeshialem
Kenean Gezahegn


December 16,2016

JANUARY 28 ,2017

Table contents

Chapter one Page

1. Introduction …………………………………………….......... 3

2. Statement of the problem …………………………………………. 4

3. General and specific Objectives …………………………………… 5

4. Scope the project …………………………………………………… 6

5. Limitations ………………………………………………........... 7

6. Methodology ……………………………………………………. 8
6.1 Feasibility Study ……………………………………………. 8
6.2 Requirement Analysis and Specification …………………… 8
6.3 Design and Specification …………………………………….. 8
6.4 Coding and Module Testing …………………………………... 8
6.5 Integration and System Testing ……………………………….. 8
6.6 Delivery and Maintenance ……………………………........... 8
7. Significance and Beneficiaries……………………………………… 9
7.1, Benefits of customer …………………………………………., 9
7.2, Benefits of Hotel …………………………………………….. 9
8. Task breakdown and Feasibility analysis ………………………….. 10

8.1, Over view of existing system ………………………………. 10
8.2, Over view of proposed system ………………………………. 10
8.3, Functional requirement ……………………………………… 11
8.3, Non-Functional requirement ……………………………….. 11
9.Project time line ………………………………………………….. 13

10. Reference ……………………………………………………… 14

Table contents comment( It is better to use Table contents standard

format to switch from page to page refer

1. Introduction

With the advancement of technology, application areas of computer are rising day by day. Every
sector desires its solving problem for fast accurate and easy operations. Therefore different
program are developed to meet the requirement of various types of users i.e. related to any field.

This program entitled “Hotel Management System” is a small software package which is
helpful in the areas of Kenenisa Hotel and also others hotels. This program package includes
all the activities(can you) in which the Kenenisa hotel is managed. The activities like customer
room reservation, the user management, the inventory processing, the data summary, also the
new idea may be exchange the money from Ethiopian birr in to dollar etc are included.

This project is database oriented program because it is developed using DBMS like MYSQL or
SQL. We have used SQL for Database programming in this project. The programming language
used for developing this software is Visual Basic or Java-Ide.
Users can simply add record, delete them, update them, create Backups of the Database, and
many more using this software. User need not have to think about where the data should be
saved or from where they can respond it. All the data are saved automatically in the defined
place and are retrieve from there directly by using this software. No computer trainings or
experts are needed to handle this software.
In terms of security this software is totally secure as it doesn't give access to unauthorized user as
the username and password facility is provided.

2, statement of the Problem (write in proper way)
Even through we have tried our best effort in making the system error free but some errors may
have crept into it. As this is our first project or system development in visual basic we have tried
our best to make it free from limitations, and if we are successful. The limitation on the project is
the lesson for us to improve it. During our system development on this project we have faced
many problems in testing, coding, debugging and implementing some rules and regulation.
The current status of kenenisa hotel management systems did not have exchanging Ethiopian birr
in to dollar this is also one of the major problem faced in testing ,coding , & implementing.
The developing system is similar to that of databases before the widespread acceptance of the
relational model and SQL.
The current worked kenenisa hotel management systems incorporate in the design very
reliable exclusive interpretations of the world that make practically impossible to do different

Statement of the Problem comment ( first start the big picture about
the Hotel where is it location of kenenissa hotel, short history about
the hotel, how currently run the hotel, how many workers does it
support now, etc what problem it safer by using the manual process,
what benefit you can give for it, how do you seen the existing
problem. You have to put big picture about the hotel that you select)

3. General and specific Objectives

The main objective behind preparing this project is that to give hotel a complete facility that a
hotel managerial team wants. It even helps the user to handle the managing system of the hotel
properly. And it also gives the customer an easier way to have booking and other related
activities in the hotel. Besides this there are many objectives like:

- To manipulate the Hotel transactions with instant confirmation.

- To save time and accuracy in work.
- To increase efficiency of employee.
- For fast access of data.
- The application request for the check-in and check-out date and time, number of visitors, and
his/her preferred room category.

- Indicate the room availability.

- If the visitor is satisfied with the room location, then confirm the booking.

- Foreign customer transaction money exchange process.

- For secure and smooth running of the program.

- For error free, effective and easy for database related works.
- Upon confirmation, print the payment details and other necessary constraints.
- Web page facility.

4, scope the project

There are different activities that we plan to perform in the system. Such as providing the
complete hotel information about the kenenisa hotel such as how it is online transactions
,customer data record, online room reservation ,payment exchange, web page, announcement
about different events that will be conducted by the hotel time to time and provide information
about hotel services. Generally the scope of our project designing hotel management system for
kenenisa hotel.

5, Limitations

Each and every system has some limitations that can restrict then to work on a particular
environment. Through our system is provided high amount of accuracy and quick data
generation there is still some limitations that led us to in greater deficiency to work on that
system. Some of the limitation that is we observed during all the process is mentioned below
 Unable to meet the manager of the organization at the time that we want
 We are entitled for many courses due to this reason we had not enough time to fully
concentrated on the project
 Unable to get full information resource about the organization.
 Lack of resource for instance personal computer.
 We spent many times in data collection about the organization because employees do not
present at their office every time.
 Lack of financial resource for transportation

6, Methodology

The waterfall model is implemented while developing the system. The main system is divided
into many sub programs and modules. But they all are focused to one goal one aim i.e. the
smooth running of the program. This methodology implemented here implies that the system's
control is from top to bottom.
The different phases that we underwent during implementation of this model are:
6.1 Feasibility Study
The purpose of this phase is to produce the feasibility study documents that evaluate the cost and
benefits of the proposed application. It also provides:
a) The definition of the problem.
b) The alternative solution and their benefits.
c) Required resources cost and delivery dates.
6.2 Requirement Analysis and Specification
After the feasibility analysis this phase performs the identification and documents the exact
requirement for the system. This phase produce user manuals and plans for the system test that is
performed before the system is delivered.
6.3 Design and Specification
This phase involves how to solve the problem. We have divided in two phase i.e.:
a) Architectural or high level design.
b) Detailed design.
6.4 Coding and Module Testing
The actual code are produced that will be delivered to the user as a running system. Individual
modules developed in this phase are tested before going to the next phase.
6.5 Integration and System Testing
The modules that have been developed and tested are put together and are tested as a whole
6.6 Delivery and Maintenance
When the system is passed through all the tests, it is delivered to user and the maintenance phase
is started. If any modifications are to be made to the system then it is done in this phase.

7, significance and beneficiaries

The system we are going to build will provide solution for the problem current Hotel
management system facing. The primary benefits are the customer and the Hotel.
7.1, Benefits of customer
 It is online-based system so Users use it anywhere and anytime.
 It reduce the cost of the customer
 It saves customer time and effort

7.2, Benefits of Hotel

 Accuracy and security of the Hotel can be maintained easily.
 The Hotel system manager can easily change data or information; also it enters and
appends the data any time.
 Security: - system makes data and information of users secure by providing user ids
and password in order to prevent unauthorized access of organization. .
 Reducing the manual record workers in the Hotel.
 Avoiding Mistakes Due To Human Error.
 Will Increase Efficiency of the Hotel.
 It saves time consuming for manage activities of the Hotel.

8, Task breakdown and feasibility analysis

System analysis is the process of gathering and interpreting facts, diagnosing problems and the
information to recommended improvements on the system. System analysis is a problem solving
activity that requires intensive communication between the system users and system developers.
System analysis or study is an important phase of any system development process. The system
is studied to the minutest detail and analyzed. The system analysis includes different activities
such as gathering data, identifying system requirement, prioritize system requirement and
recommendation and evaluation of the system.

A detailed study of the process must be by various techniques like interviews, questionnaires,
and observation to gather the information on the system, therefore we used observation
(reviewing) to gather information.

8.1, Over view of existing system

in existing kenenisa Online Hotel room reserving System, does not maintain the Database
regarding in a months or years, Attributes details in each year, web page in each week or month.

8.2, Over view of proposed system

This proposed system kenenisa Online Hotel room reserving System is a dynamic system which
is very easy to understand. With simple or clear interface, anyone can easily work in the system.
The system provides all details of the databases, transactions, money exchange, email facility or
web page design. These systems develop uses software like java, visual basic, MYSQL, front
page, notepad or PHP.

8.3, Functional requirement

It deals with the functionalities required from the system which are as follows:

 The system enables customer to login through id and password and gain access
information about the Hotel.
 Administrator will be responsible for updating the system.
 The system enables events or advertising of the Hotel.
 The system enables online reservation
 The system enables transactions
 The system provide complete information about customer

8.4, Non-Functional requirement

In developing this system, iterative approach was used where the core functions were first
included then tested the system to see its functionality. While designing this system, the
following parameters where taken into consideration
1) Performance
All details are stored in a MYSQL database which is fast, efficient and perfect. The site on
the front end runs on html and CSS while on the back end, it is supported by JavaScript,
SQL database and PHP. Thus, the user has been limited to the interface only, but not how
the system works at the background.
2) Availability
The system has not been created in a static manner but it is dynamic, so that the system
provides access for 24 hours a day.
3) Security
Security has been enhanced by providing a different platform for administrators and
users/customers. Administrator has been granted many privileges than a normal user.

4) Maintainability
The system has been designed in a way that the components can be changed. This makes it
easy to maintain and use.

5) Accessibility and Usage

For any system to be good, it has to be user friendly .The system is made from an interface
that is friendly to the user, which abstracts most of the background operations and only
provides the important operations to the user. The user is directed to what he/she needs
easily without searching for it and too, the menus are optimized to meet users’ needs.
6) Flexibility
it is effort required to modify operational program. The whole system should be made
using independent modules so that any changes done in one module should not affect the
other one and new modules can be added easily to increase functionality.
7) Portability
the system is made using html, php and mysql, which are platform independent and can be
transported to other servers with minimum effort.

9, Project time line

Title Days months year

Project plan 10 days December 2016
Proposal document 14days December 2016
System requirement specification 12days December, 2016, 2017
document January
Design specification document 11days January, 2017
Object design document 14days February, 2017
Implementation report 15days March 2017
User manual 5days March, April 2017
Final project report 29 days April 2017
Total 100 days

Project time line ( start and end day is not specified, detail activities
were not included, use the chart if you miss other project
management software )

10, References

 software engineering
 hotel management & operation system 4th edition Denney,


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