Sex in A Singapore Public Place

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We’re having coffee at Nylon Coffee Roasters on Everton Park in Singapore. I’m having black coffee,
he’s having a cappuccino. He is handsome. Brown hair slicked back, glasses that fit his face, hazel
eyes and the most beautiful lips I’ve seen. He is well built, with incredible arms and a chest that
stands out on this sweater. We’re standing in front of each other talking about our lives, what we
want for the future, what we’re looking for on another person. He starts telling me that he has been
rejected a lot of times.

‘Why Andrew? You’re so handsome. I’d never reject you’, I say He smiles at me, biting his lip.

‘Oh, I don’t know. Everything happens for a reason right. But tell me, you wouldn’t reject me, would
you Ana?’ He said.

‘No, how could I?’, I replied

“So, you wouldn’t mind if I kissed you right now?’ he said as I get closer to him and kiss him.

‘Next time doesn’t ask, just do it.’ I reply.

‘I like how you think.’ he said.

In the meantime, I start scrubbing my high heel in his leg, massaging it slowly. ‘What do you like in
women? And, Andrew, don’t spare me the details.’ I ask.

‘I love determined women. Someone who knows what they want. Someone that won’t say yes just
because I said yes. Someone who’s not afraid of trying new things,’ he says. ‘I’m never afraid of trying
new things, especially when it comes to making new things in the bedroom’, I intimate ‘And I love
women who are direct, who cut through the chase, like you just did. To be
honest, that’s a huge turn on.’
Everton Park Singapore
‘Let’s go another place, shall we?’ I say as we walk to his car. Soon we get in his car, close by the
coffee shop we were at. It is a brand new merc all shiny.

He asks, ‘Where do you want to go? ‘

‘Let’s go to the Marina Park, I love it there. It’s beautiful’, I say.

As we drive there we talk about how we ended up traveling through Singapore’s beautiful landscapes.
He’s from Italy but now he teaches English to teens and kids here in Singapore. I tell him about me.
How I was raised in a small village in the Trans Vaal of South Africa, with a traditional family but while
I got older I knew that that place wasn’t for me, all the racial tension so I just bought a airplane ticket
to Singapore and have been living there ever since. Funny how life works out!
We finally arrive at the park, where there are a few couples and many people just walking by alone,
with someone or with a dog. While we walk, we keep talking.

“Have you ever been in a relationship? A serious one?” He asks me.

“Yes, I have. Even though I’m only 24 and you’re 10 years older, it doesn’t mean I haven’t fallen in
love and that someone hasn’t loved me back. But it ended, fortunately. It was actually a man from
the city. “

“From Singapore?”
“Yeah. It was…intense. You know, very emotional. He was not stable and I wanted stability”,

He asks, “What do you want now?”

“Can I be honest?”

“Yes, sure. I don’t mind honesty, I appreciate it”, he says.

“I have no idea. Maybe a relationship, maybe just sex. What about you?” – He kisses me. I gasp. I feel
warm inside and am already wet down there.

He says confidently, ‘I just did what I wanted to do. Definitely something to repeat.’ He kisses me
again, this time longer and harder.

‘You can repeat it anytime. But tell me. What is it that you are after?’ I ask.

He replies, ‘I really want a relationship. You may not believe me, but I do. I’m tired of being alone. It
can be fun just having sex with women, but I want someone to share my life with, have meaningful
sex and to travel Singapore with. Maybe adopt a dog, have a kid, buy a house on the countryside
and stay there until I die. You know… the cliché.’

I laugh as I reply, ‘That’s definitely cliché, but yeah, it’s normal. But I thought you wanted something
more spontaneous, something less real’.
He says seriously, looking me in the eyes, ‘That’s what I say to most women. But I just told you what I
really want for my life’.

I laugh. I start looking at him, staring even but then my eyes waver from his as I notice he has a great
bulge, it has to be big – no huge – this man is certainly gifted. His arms are big and it’s possible to
see his flat stomach from the tight sweater he’s wearing. He caught me staring at his cock and I
blush, I look away.

He puts his arm around my waist and leads me along the walkway. I motion for him to go ahead
and I follow him, behind him so I can see his ass in his chinos. A bubble butt. It’s perfect. His phone
rings and he answers it and he sits on a bench seat overlooking the Marina. He is totally involved in
the call and I sit on the grass next to him and I can hear a woman speaking and he seems agitated. I
immediately conclude it has to be his wife. He answers mostly yes and no. He hangs up after 2 or 3

He says, ‘Sorry about that. It was one of my colleagues asking me if I had a document in English so I
sent it to her from my emails, because she needed it urgently.”

I said, ‘Oh, I assumed it was your wife.’

‘Hell, no I’m not married, I swear.’ He said.

‘If you were, you’d make her super happy.’ I reply.

‘What do you mean?’ he asks.

‘You’re incredibly handsome, successful, intelligent, have a great body and a cute butt and I couldn’t
but help notice that bulge you had down there.’ He starts laughing like a kid.

‘I can’t believe you actually noticed my cock. But thanks! I would love to see some parts of your
anatomy and give you my opinion.’ He smiles.

‘I won’t mind showing all of it to you, and you have permission to do more than just look,” I state.

I cannot believe how forward I am being with him and he immediately kisses me, hard. His tongue on
mine. I feel his breath. I put my hand on his head, caressing his hair. When we stop, we’re both out of
air and I’m a bit wet.

‘That was too direct. You can’t say that to a man.”

‘But it’s the truth. You can. I find you incredibly hot!’ I say.

‘Should we go to somewhere more private? Where you can show me your gorgeous ass?’ he asks.

‘Yes, but I’m not sure where.’ I say.

He points to some trees.

‘How about in the middle, there? Is that ok?’ He asks.

‘What if someone sees us? It’s not like it is the middle of nowhere. There are people everywhere.’ I

‘Maybe they’d want to join?’ – He laughs.

‘I’m not joking. This is Singapore. You know what the law and Police are like. We could get into
some serious trouble.’ I say.
‘No one will see us. Besides, we’re not going to do anything. I just want to kiss you while feeling that
sexy ass. We’re not going to do anything we shouldn’t do. Don’t worry’ he says.

He gets up and helps me to get off the grass. While walking to the trees, we look at each other and I
know I want him inside me – I don’t think a bit of slap and tickle is going to do it for me. When we
get to the middle of the clump of trees, he starts getting close to me. I look around and there’s no
one near. Besides, I think to myself, we’re not doing anything less appropriate. Just some kissing and

We start kissing again. He starts feeling my ass, grabbing it with his enormous hands.

‘Yeah, that’s a nice butt’, he comments.

‘Thanks,’ I reply.

He continues kissing me while feeling me up, but this time he moves his hands to my breasts. Then
he moves his hands to my waist and I put my hands on him. He gets under my shirt and I can feel his
skin on my stomach. He’s cold, but I’m hot. He caresses my stomach while kissing me. He moves his
hands up a bit, touching my breasts and I immediately start getting wet. He gets closer to me and I
can feel his boner. He’s hard and massive. I put my hand on his chest under his sweater. It’s hairy,
just the way I like. I slowly moving it down until I can feel his bulge – it’s not just massive it is

‘Wow, it feels huge,’ I comment.

‘It definitely is. Do you want it?,’ he says.

‘Here? Now?’ I ask.

‘There’s no one around… So, why not?’ he says.

‘I’m not sure about this. We’re in Singapore remember!’

‘It’s not going to be hard forever, you know. Make the most of it whilst you can.’

That does it for me. It’s true what he is saying. I get on my knees; he gets even closer to me, unzips
his chinos and takes it out. And yes, it is big. The biggest I’ve ever seen – even in those porn
magazines. I start touching it with my hands, it gets harder and harder. He’s uncut, something that
makes me get even more wet. I start to jerk it off with my hands and I feel it, it’s heavy and veiny.
‘Not with your hands, Ana. With your mouth’ he says

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He touches my chin, then puts two fingers in my mouth. I suck them. He puts three in my mouth and
forces his fist in my mouth. I suck it, slurping and with saliva running down the sides. This is really
turning me on.

‘Now you’re going to do it on deal girl’, he says..

I start sucking it and he moans, pout load loud. I stop and look around to see if someone heard. My
heart accelerates, hoping no one heard. If they did, we’re screwed.

‘No one heard or saw, don’t worry Ana. Keep sucking. Don’t stop,’ he says.

I keep sucking it while he caresses my hair and my face. He starts to put it deeper in my throat and I
gag, then I gag again and he pulls my head up and looks at me and said, “If you don’t want to, let
me know.’

I nod. I want it. I want him. I get up, after getting him as hard as a rock. I whisper in his ear, ‘I want
that huge cock inside me.’

‘I don’t have a condom,’,he says.

I say, ‘Just don’t cum inside me.’

He unbuttons my pants, turns me around and takes my pants down. He turns me around and forces
my head down and bum up. ‘You’re so amazing. I’m going make you orgasm so hard. You’re going
to remember me forever, Ana’ he promises.

He thrusts it deep inside, fast. I almost scream out loud – thankful that I am so wet otherwise I think
he would have torn me apart. He covers my mouth with his hand. Then he thrusts faster and faster,
deeper and deeper. He is not fully in me yet but already I feel full with him. His dick must be 14
inches fully erect – it is massive. The he takes it out and puts it inside, teasing me. I feel each inch of
him. Finally he thrusts and I feel his balls touching me inner thighs. My god he is balls-deep in me.
Who would have thought I could take such a massive dick. He squeezes my butt cheeks.

‘It feels so good. You’re going to make me orgasm so fast’ he says.

I say nothing. I want him to cum and I want to do it too at the same time. He keeps thrusting it so

‘Let’s try it straddling,’ he says.

He sits on the grass, with his enormous cock hard and I sit on it facing him. Slowly I let my we pussy
lips hungrily take his cock slowly, inch after inch. It feels like one of the best sex positions for my g-
I say, stopping myself from screaming out, ‘My God, it’s so deep. It’s so thick, it’s opening me right

I’m facing him, so we kiss. When we kiss I almost orgasm immediately. I get really warm by feeling
his tongue on mine. I love it. It’s the best turn on for me. I am so close to Cumming now and I can
see he is too! He thrusts even harder, moans while doing so. I look at him, he’s perfect and
handsome. I start feeling his chest and getting closer to orgasm. I stop bouncing so hard, so I won’t
cum without him.

He also slows down, gently caressing my chest. Kissing me while just being inside me, without doing
anything. Then he starts pushing it in, but very slowly. I moan and he too, very discreetly, so no one
hears. It feels amazing having him inside. I start bouncing on him faster and deeper, going up and
down on him. We kiss passionately. I go faster and harder and so does he.

‘I’m going to cum’ I say.

‘Me too.’

‘Don’t cum in me’, I say.

He nods. I start feeling all that warmth while he thrusts deep in me, while he kisses my mouth and I
feel him inside me orgasming. I don’t stop. I cum too, my vagina spasm and contract while I hear him
moaning whilst he kisses me and grabs me. We both orgasm at the same time him inside me, and I
feel the liquid warmth of his semen filling me inside. We kiss for a while then it

I say, ‘Are you stupid? I said not inside me. I’m buttoning up and getting dressed quickly as I tell

He gets up, ‘Sorry, I couldn’t just take it out. It felt so good. Are you on contraception or do you take
the pill?’

I said, ‘Yes, but that’s not the point. We only just met’.
He said, ‘Don’t worry then. I don’t have anything, really. I was tested last month for my sexual
checkup and everything is fine.’

‘I hope so.’

‘Calm down. Lay on the grass with me for a few minutes.

He lies on the grass and Reluctantly, I lay down too. He puts his hands on his pants making sure he
has straightened everything out as I think to myself how silly this whole thing was. Thinking again
what would have happened if we were caught.

He says, ‘That was amazing. You’re amazing. I can imagine doing this with you every day for the rest
of my life.’

I reply, ‘I guess I could imagine doing this by not here that’s for sure.’

He sits up and I do too. He starts kissing me again. I know he’s not ready for it again, but he’s not
leaving, which means he genuinely likes me. He caresses me. We touch again like young lovers
feeling, learning about each other’s bodies.

‘You’re so beautiful. I’d love to get to know you better. Really. Know your fears, secrets, what you like
to do, where you have traveled to, everything’ he says

‘You can. We just have to continue talking. You can always call and we can do this again.’

‘No problem. Shall we go? Maybe find somewhere to have dinner?’ he asks

I say, ‘Are you inviting me to dinner?’

‘Yes, why?’, he asks.

‘Well, you just had sex with me, why the hell would you invite me for dinner? You got what you
wanted.’ I say.

‘I meant what I said before, believe it and me. So, let’s go? Maybe Italian? I know an amazing
restaurant. Il Cielo. Do you know it?’ he asks.

‘No, I don’t. Sure we can try it! Actually no I would love to try it with you.’ I reply with a smile
appearing on my face.

‘After trying such an amazing exotic woman, Italian food sounds perfect.’ He winks at me.

He gets up and we drive to the restaurant. Making love with him in a public space was accelerating
and scary, but I would do it again. And again any time.

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