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Term Paper On
Business Marketing Plan
COURSE TITLE: Principles of Marketing

Prepared by Supervised By

Tonmoy Dash SM Shariful Haque

ID- B5180B011 Lecturer of
BBA-5(A) Army Institute of Business Administration
AIBA, Savar

Date of Submission: May 7, 2019


Date: 20th April, 2019

SM Shariful HaqueLecturer
Army Institute of Business Administration

Subject: Submission of a Term paper on "Business marketing plan model from the perspective of

Dear Sir,

I am hereby submitting my Term Paper, which is a part of the BBA Program curriculum. It is a
great achievement to work under your active supervision. This Paper is based on overall business
model from the perspective of Bangladesh.

This paper gave me both academic and practical exposures. First of all, I learned about the E-
business model of the country. Secondly, the paper gave me the opportunity to develop business
Structure with the corporate Financial Performance.

I would be highly obliged if you are kind enough to receive this Term Paper and provide your
valuable judgment. It would be my immense pleasure if you find this Paper useful and informative
to have an apparent perspective on the issue.

Sincerely Yours

Tonmoy Dash

ID- B5180B011

Army Institute of Business Administration, Savar.

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Praise to Allah, for giving me the opportunity to be a student of a prestigious department like BBA.
I would like to thank in my core heart to my report supervision SM Shariful Haque my favorite,
honorable teacher of the department who help me and give required support to prepared this Term
Paper also for giving me the chance to work on such a tremendously nice topic.
I have prepared this Paper as an integral part of BBA program under Department of Business
administration, University of Army Institute of Business Administration I am highly indebted to a
person’s for their kind advice, suggestions, direction and cooperation that have enabled me to
prepare this Term Paper.
I am very grateful to my favorite teacher for all his kind cooperation and guidance in preparing
this paper.
Finally, this paper is subject to defects and drawbacks that are inherent in every human endeavor.
I therefore request every reader of this paper to furnish me any mistake so that further action for
improvement can be taken.

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Executive Summary

The Internet has opened up a new horizon for trade and commerce, namely electronic commerce
(e-commerce). E-commerce entails the use of the Internet in the marketing, identification, payment
and delivery of goods and services. This paper highlights the status, statutes, potential perspective
to e-commerce development in Bangladesh. Both the statutory laws as well as the challenges in
implementing them are discussed. The paper also lists specific policy changes aimed at bringing
improvements to the legal and regulatory environment affecting e-commerce.

E-commerce is the buying and selling processes supported by electronic means, primarily the
internet. It enables new films of business, as well as new ways of doing business. Many
Bangladeshi companies currently distribute their images through the Internet to clients all over the
world, but the monetary transactions take place through conventional means. Despite having
extensive advantages of doing business through E-Commerce people in our country are reluctant
to conduct business in electronic form due to lack of some crucial factors. To avail the sky high
opportunity of E-Commerce we are engaged to identify the causes which are hindering our success
of E-Commerce. To do so I prepared problem statement this encompasses broad objective and
specific objectives. From the specific objective I developed my research hypothesis which will be
tested further through questionnaire.

iii | P a g e

I hereby declare that this “Term Paper” has been written by me and not been previously submitted
to any other University/Institution/ Journal/Organization.
This work I have presented does not have breach any copyright.


Date and Signature

Tonmoy Dash

ID: B5180B011
Batch: BBA-5
Section: A

Army Institute of Business Administration, Savar,

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Table of Content

Contents Page no
Letter of Transmittal i
Acknowledgement ii
Executive Summary iii
Declaration iv
Table of Content v
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Objectives 1
Limitations of the study 1
Methodology 2
Company’s profile 3
Chapter 3: Financial Assumption and strategies 5
Marketing Strategy 6
Marketing Planning 7
References 11

v|Pag e
Electronic commerce or e-commerce is a term for any type of business, or commercial transaction that
involves the transfer of information across the internet. It is currently one of the most important aspects of
the internet to emerge. E-commerce has grown rapidly Worldwide and also in Bangladesh. At present
internet services are available in Bangladesh. Its usage for e-commerce by Bangladeshi producers to expert
as well as to access inputs will be dependent on their willingness and ability to use this medium as well as
that of the buyers of final products and the sellers of intermediate goods and services. Many people are
moving from physical stores to buy goods and services on the Internet. Today, 60% of shoppers in
developed countries go to the Internet to buy goods and services. This method of shopping is loved because
it is convenient. People can shop from the comfort of their houses. Unlike a regular brick and mortar store,
an Ecommerce store stays up and running 24/7. Customers can get online and buy products at any time of
the day. There are many benefits that ecommerce gives businesses. An ecommerce site provides its
customers with data sheets that contain all the features and characteristics of products. This datasheet can
also contain ratings given by other customers who have already bought this product. Also known as a
product catalog, this document gives the customers all the information they need about the products that
they want to buy. Armed with this knowledge, the customers can make informed decisions as they buy
products. The customers can also go through the details of each product before they buy it. They can read
its ingredients and get background information about its manufacturers. This is next to impossible in brick
and mortar physical stores. As such, an ecommerce store provides its customers with up to date information
about its products and this is very helpful to customers as they make the decision to buy a product. Physical
shopping stores thrive due to efforts of branding and the relationships that the owners of the stores create
with stakeholders in their industry.

1.1 Objectives

 To prepare a whole business model.

 To explain the evaluation of e-commerce
 To analyze the different e-commerce websites in Bangladesh.
 To establish Business to Consumer online rapid service.

1.2 Limitation of the study

 Using imaginary amount to make this model.

 The study has time constraint.
 It has fund constraint.
 Data is not available.
 Lack of experience of the researcher.
 Sample is not ready to present data.

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1.3 Methodology

This study is mainly based on secondary data related to E-commerce. Secondary data and information have
gathered from Internet browsing, Books, Journals, Research paper etc. Primary data and information also
have collected through using observation and interview method.



Data Collection

Data Analysis


 Planning: To start working for this term paper at first, we make a plan about how we will
work for it.
 Requirement: After planning we have to work basis on our planning.
 Data collecting: After planning and requirement, we start working for this term paper and start
collecting data. There is no primary data. We only collect data from secondary sources. Here we
used internet for gathering the information of the topic. As this is a research work on “e business
model” we took the references from various website. All the information provided on this term
paper is from secondary sources, such as various links, web pages and some books.
 Data analyzing: After collecting data we start analyzing those data. We eliminate and process
those data for analyzing.
 Result: After proper data collecting and analyzing we will get the result and will be able to make
our term paper.

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2.1 Company’s Profile

The name of the company is ‘Ready for You’ Men’s Wear Fashion House. The company is an online based
company. The title of the company is “For men who care what they wear”. The goal of this company is to
deliver the quality full products. The primary budget of the company is BDT 5,827,500 The company will
be situated Dhaka city. The almost 15 employees will work on this company.


Its main aim is to give an overview of how fashion sector capturing Fashion Houses, how is the completion
of the market between various Fashion House companies, how marketing strategies of Fashion Houses are
related to the behavior of the consumers in their target market; how consumers perceive the need satisfaction
by Fashion Houses along with related recommendations on improving their marketing strategies with
respect to their valued actual and potential customers.

Start-up Summary

Total start-up expense (including all expenses annually) is BDT 5,827,500. Startup assets required BDT
(annually) in inventory. With the partners' investment of of total cost rest of coming from SME Bank
Loan. The details are included in the expenses sheet. It is planned to start the business in the month of
February 2019. Once established, business volume may be somewhat cyclical for that reason.


 To make ‘Ready for You’ Men’s Fashion House profitable the best in the Dhaka City in providing
a unique Bangladeshi lifestyle with fashionable.
 To satisfying our customers by providing best qualitative and unique designs keeping in view their
comforts and excellence.


‘Ready for You’ has a vision to establish them as World’s one of the famous fare trade fashion house.
‘Ready for You’ vision is to remain market leader throughout its business. It also expands its business in
international arena. It has a dream to develop man’s fashion of Bangladesh and more international
customers toward Bangladeshi Culture.

 Providing opportunities for employment and income generation.

 Ensuring commercial success of the Man’s Fashion House in Bangladesh.
 Reviving traditional skills of rural artisans.

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“For men who care what they wear”

Name of Shop

‘Ready for You’ Men’s Wear Fashion House


Products will be priced at the high end to reflect the quality and exclusiveness associated with the brand.
High-end materials such as Suits, Panjabi, Shirt, T-shirt etc. will be used. This fashion house will offer
following product categories of men’s wears:

 Casual Wear
 Semi-Formal Wear
 Formal Wear

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Chapter 3: Financial Assumption and strategies

3.1 Company Ownership

The business will be retail sales of men’s wear clothing products. It will be set up as a partnership at start-
up and then phase into a Limited Liability Corporation by the upcoming year.

3.2 Financial Assumptions

Project Life 10 Years

Debt: Equity 40%
Interest Rate on Long Term Debt 14%
Debt Tenure 5 Years
Debt Payment per year 2


Project Cost

Description Cost (BDT)

Machinery & equipment 166,300
Furniture & Fixture (Interior Decoration) 437,884
Office equipment 86,000
Security Deposits for Premises 213,000
Pre-operating expenses
Salaries 31,000
Promotional Expenses 67,246
Total Capital Cost 1,299,430
Working Capital
Raw material (Fabric & Accessories) 104,680
Prepaid Rent (Men’s Wear and Stitching Unit) 426,000
Total Working capital 530,680
Project Cost 1,830,110

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Project Returns

Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 67%

Payback Period (Years) 1.50
Net Present Value (NPV) 3,684,374

Financing Plan

Sourcing of Financing % Amount (BDT)

Equity 60% 1,098,066
Debt 40% 732,04
Total 100% 1,830,110

Office Equipment

Other Equipment No. BDT/Unit BDT

Computers 1 25,000 25,000
Computer printer 1 12,000 12,000
Telephones 2 3,500 7,000
Fax machines 1 12,000 12,000
Software 1 30,000 30,000
Total 86,000

3.4 Marketing Strategy

3.4.1 Market Segmentation

Market segmentation is the process of dividing a market of potential customers into groups, or segments,
based on different characteristics. The segments created are composed of consumers who will respond
similarly to marketing strategies and who share traits such as similar interests, needs, or locations. The
market segments of E-boutiques are given below:

Geographical Segmentation: Geographic segmentation is when a business divides its market on the basis
of geography. There are several ways that a market can be geographically segmented. It can be divided by
geographical areas, such as by city, county, state, region, (like the West Coast), country, or international
region, (like Asia).

Our E-Business targets Dhaka city of Bangladesh. The people who are staying or living in Dhaka city will
be able to get our service which in deliver products at their doorstep.

Demographic Segmentation: Demographic segmentation divides the market into smaller categories based
on demographic factors, such as age, gender and income. Instead of reaching an entire market, a brand uses
this method to focus resources into a defined group within that market.

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We Care, will be targeting the people whose age is above 18 which means a person has to be more than 18
years old in order to use our app and any there will be no age limit one the maximum side as elderly people
need products more than the younger people. Our service will be applicable for only male.

Psychographic Segmentation: Psychographic segmentation is a method used to group prospective, current

or previous customers by their shared personality traits, beliefs, values, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles
and other factors.

We Care, will mostly target the people who have integrator personality which means people who are hard-
working individuals and have amassed vast amounts of wealth and have begun giving back to their
community and the world. We will target middle class, upper middle class, upper class families as most of
them owns a smartphones and gives more time to their jobs which will attract them towards the service.

Behavioral Segmentation: Behavioral segmentation is defined as the act of grouping customers based
specifically on how they act as consumers when making purchasing decisions. Some behaviors that
marketers look at when segmenting customers include readiness to purchase, level of loyalty, frequency of
interactions with your brand, and other factors.

Our E-Business, We Care, will support consumers who will purchase products in a regular basis and will
give them extra facilities such as discount coupons, free quality check in selected shops. Also, we will
launch some campaigns in some occasions where retailer shops will be unavailable such as religious
festivals and national festivals.

3.4.2 Market Targeting

Market targeting is a process of selecting the target market from the entire market. There are four types of
target marketing. These are: undifferentiated marketing, differentiated marketing, concentrated marketing
and micromarketing.

Our E-business service will go for the concentrated target marketing as this will be a startup business and
our resources will be relatively small. We are aiming to grab a large share of cloths market of Dhaka city.


The marketing of boutique follows the conventional marketing pattern which is dependent on selection of
venue of the outlet/s and the product mix (designs and sizes), as well as the promotional strategy.
Furthermore, the fashion house owner has to marketing techniques like:

o Usage of print media i.e. printing of posters and pamphlets as well as displaying it and distributing
it at proper places
o Advertisement in print media, newspapers and fashion magazines, etc.

 Usage of electronic media i.e. projection of the fashion house in fashion programs, advertisement on
television, and provision of dresses to various television plays and films.
 Event arrangement like fashion shows and photo-shoots.
 Usage of e-commerce i.e. launching of website and advertising on web.

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 Word-of-Mouth: Let your friends and family do the raving for you and the word will get out and you
will start gaining a business reputation for offering this that or the other thing.
 Radio: Call the advertising department for an appointment. They show you what they offer. You get
to hear your business name advertised on the radio or. You can make a choice or not.
 Direct Mail: Send out a post card about your business to mailing list, friends and family and maybe
former co-workers.
 Membership cards
 Telemarketing
 Exhibitions in universities
 Fliers & Brochures: These can be easily done on your computer. If necessary, you can download free
software programs online.
 Business Cards: Business cards identify your business. Hand one out every time you meet somebody
new or speaking with somebody who has a similar business. It is a simple marketing strategy,
 Promote for Seasons & Holidays: Set up sales days for seasons, Eid, Puja, holidays, birthday,
Father’s Day. Be sensitive to faith and ethnic related holidays.
 Special Sales: Hold special sales on specific items during specific hours (downtime hours) of your
business. This will draw customers in search of these items.
 Diet Sale: Offer a discount percentage equal to pounds lost for your customers. Advertise to health
stores, fitness centres, diet groups.
 Cross Promote with Other Stores: Exchange store items and label with each other’s store name and
hours. This will help generate traffic and recognition for customers for both stores
 Store Draw: Offer a Draw to customers at the store. Select a popular item and get customers to leave
their name in a ballot box. The more they frequent the store the more submissions are made therefore
higher chance of winning. We promote a month in advance.

Moreover, in order to keep abreast with the emerging trends and client tastes, surveys regarding customer
satisfaction/needs should be a regular feature of this project. As this project of Men’s Wear Fashion House
deals in designer men’s wear, therefore the product mix will comprise of different styles of the male dresses
in different sizes. Whereas, the styles will be Shirt, T-Shirt, Panjabi, Fotua, Pant, Jeans, Suit, Party dresses,
Casual Dresses and other prevalent dresses based on the market Trends.


There are a number of factors, which contribute towards the success of a project. In case of the project of
E-boutiques, some of the criterions are as follows:

3.6.1 Key Success Factors are as follows:

 Proper care while producing dresses should be adopted

 Proper Inventory management i.e. keeping minimum inventory as per past sales trends.
 The dress designs should be according to the emerging trends and fashions.
 Designing of dresses according to the consumer tastes/preferences gathered through consumer
 The location of the outlet should be properly selected and attractively decorated so as to target the
clientele effectively.

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 The customer satisfaction should be given due importance, because it is the customer satisfaction,
which can increase the sales. Hence, excellent customer service should be provided.

3.6.2 Threats for the Business

 Competitive Structure of the market

The market of the boutiques is highly competitive; therefore, if the entrepreneur is not well responsive to
the tastes and response of the clientele as well as the fashions in vogue he/she may not be able to capitalize
the opportunity properly. Do not partner with a competing store.

 Pilferage in the designs

The designs which a designer produce can be sold by the staff even before that design is launched and that
can pose serious threat to the business because in the fashion industry it is the uniqueness of the design
which matters.

 Selection of the wrong venue

Selection of the wrong venue can be a major hurdle in achieving the desired business objectives.

 Selection of the wrong design

If the designs are not selected according to the tastes of the clientele then it can be detrimental for the
business, so the clientele taste should be properly tracked.

 Tax Improper documentation of the sales receipt record may lead to problems with Tax department.


1. General Recommendations- Men’s wear should be treated as a priority sector.

2. Efforts should be done for value enhancement of men’s wear products.
3. The government should emphasize upon knitwear-oriented research and education.
4. The government should also focus upon knitwear reforms.
5. Current market policy should be reviewed and be made friendly.

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As a marketer, we’ll need a good marketing plan to provide direction and focus for our brand, products or
company. With a detailed plan any business will be better prepared to launch a new product or build sales
for existing products. Unlike a business plan which offers a broad overview of the entire organization’s
mission, vision, objectives, strategy and resource allocation, aa marketing plan has a more limited scope.
Creating a business plan requires market and industry research. The larger the company or the more
complicated its products or services, then it is even more important that research is needed to verify
regulations, industry trends and technology innovations. The business plans should rely on facts and
maintain a professional tone. Any projections and assumptions are backed by data points, the business' prior
success, and management's ability to deliver.

10 | P a g e
1. .
2. Miller, Holmes E. and Engemann, Kurt J., A methodology for managing information-based
risk, Information Resources Management Journal,9(2), 17-24.
3. Introduction to E-Business, Available:
4. Forecast for Global Ecommerce: Growth, Available:
5. Internet World Status, Available:
6. Ansoff Matrix, Jim co-founded tutor2u, Available:

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