Project Celebration Offers Support For Domestic Abuse Survivors

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October is Domestic Abuse Awareness Month
Project Celebration Offers
Support for Domestic Abuse Survivors
Story and Photo with nothing. Imagine if
by Ronald Collins Jr. someone came to you and
said you have to leave your
October is nationally rec- house right now … All
ognized as Domestic Abuse abuse is not physical.
Awareness Month. Statis- Sometimes, in our society,
tics indicate that one out of when we come across
every four American someone identifying as a
women report that they victim, people will often
have been physically say, ‘Well I don’t see a
abused by a husband or black eye’ or some other ob-
boyfriend at some point in vious manifestation. A lot of
their lives, and that addi- times the psychological, the
tionally a woman is battered emotional, the mental abuse
in the United States by an are often times worse than
intimate partner every 12 the physical violence.”
seconds. On average four “Children are sometimes
women are murdered by an the overlooked and silent
intimate partner each day victims of domestic vio-
and at least 3.3 million chil- lence,” Jenkins said in not-
dren witness domestic vio- ing that their organization
lence in their homes yearly. features therapeutic activi-
“When we get a survivor ties to help the family all
that comes in seeking our around. “Children who wit-
services we have very well Petrina Jenkins, an outreach manager for Project Celebration. ness domestic violence are
trained advocates who con- issue. They may have hous- this person is an expert in curement of protective or- “A lot of times when vic- twice as likely to either be a
nect with that individual, ing needs. Sometimes fam- their own safety because ders, and other services that tims leave, it is not planned. victim or inflict harm upon
said Petrina Jenkins, an out- ilies come in needing food, they have survived for so meet the need of rural and It was done in an emer- another person, and so by
reach manager for Project or assistance paying bills, or long.” urban based survivors. gency situation,” Jenkins attempting to stop what we
Celebration, a state funded, just a safe place to lay their Domestic abuse victims “Right now Louisiana said, acknowledging that know is a learned behavior
locally based program that head for the night. We try to in Caddo, Bossier, Webster, currently ranks second in they appreciate all the sup- we are rebuilding families.”
provides support for domes- look at the individual holis- Red River , Desoto and the nation for domestic vio- port received from the com- “While our domestic vio-
tic violence victims. tically as we attempt to get Sabine Parish are able to lence fatalities,” Jenkins munity as the organization lence safe houses are al-
In a recent interview with them to become acclimated seek confidential support said emphasizing that the also tries to provide every- ways full during the
the Shreveport Sun she em- to becoming independent services from Project Cele- Louisiana is not immune to thing from clothing to other holidays, our overall num-
phasized that most individ- from violence. Most of the bration at no charge. The or- such startling statistics. personal care needs in the bers tend to slack during
uals seeking support from time the survivors that ganization operates a “Over 80 percent of women recovery process. “Where that period,” Jenkins said,
the organization are seeking come to us have been the 24-hour emergency shelter, who are killed in connec- are you going to go with six reflecting on a common
help from some desperate victims of calculated ma- programs/support groups tion to domestic violence kids and only three dollars? misperception regarding to
circumstances. nipulation. When an indi- focused on safety planning, incidents are killed as they Many leave a lot of times the later parts of the year.
“Domestic violence is vidual comes to us we children/legal/court advo- are in the process of trying
generally not a stand alone recognize the fact that that cacy, assistance in the pro- to leave.” (Please See SURVIVORS, Pg. 4)

Judicial Battle Looms Caddo Schools Announce

Phased Transition to More
with Ginsburg Passing In-Person Classes
Black Leaders Fear Loss of Civil Rights Gains Caddo Parish middle and dent populations on campus
by Barrington M. Salmon Goodyear Tire Company high school students will each day.
and Hazel Trice Edney Co., and the affirmative ac- begin transitioning to a "Throughout this time of
tion case of Ricci v. Stefano more traditional in-person working through our new
( - … Our nation has lost its instructional model begin- normal, it has been essential
Civil rights leaders are al- North Star for justice. As ning October 5. for our district to focus first
ternating between sadness we move forward in the Using a phased-in ap- and foremost on what the
over the death of Associate weeks and months ahead, proach, Caddo's middle science says is taking place
Supreme Court Justice Ruth we must honor Justice school students will transi- with the virus specific to
Bader Ginsburg and deep Ginsburg’s memory and ex- tion first with high school Caddo Parish," said Dr. T.
concern about what her traordinary contributions students following suit on Lamar Goree, Superinten-
death could mean to the and remember that the October 19. dent of Caddo Schools. "We
composition of the US Supreme Court is the ulti- According to a press re- are entering this new phase
Supreme Court – and ulti- mate guardian of all of our lease, the staggered timeline of district operations work-
mately what it could mean civil rights and liberties.” will provide Caddo leader- ing with our school leaders
for freedom, justice and Melanie Campbell, presi- ship time to ensure all to determine what is best for
equality for Blacks, women dent/CEO of the National safety protocols are in place students as well as staff and
and other historically op- Coalition on Black Civic and can be adequately to develop strategies that
pressed people. Participation and convenor maintained with larger stu- address those needs."
Ginsburg reportedly told of the Black Women’s (Please See CADDO, Pg. 4)
her granddaughter on her Roundtable, pointed out
deathbed, September 18,
“My most fervent wish is
how Ginsburg’s arguments
will remain alive and pro-
Dates for Early
that I will not be replaced
until a new president is in- PHOTO: Supreme Court of the United States
vide groundwork for future
civil rights battles.
Voting Increased
Early Voting Period for The same COVID-19 ballot
stalled.” But shortly after filled. It was on her mind. Ginsburg and what might “Justice Ginsburg’s pow-
Caddo Parish for the No- request form used in July is
news of Ginsburg’s death, What this means largely is now be lost. erful and foretelling dissent
vember 3, 2020 election has now available for use. The
Senate Majority Leader that we’re up the creek “Justice Ginsburg’s 27- in Shelby County v. Holder
been increased by 10 days deadline to return ballots to
Mitch McConnell an- without a paddle. We know year tenure on the Supreme laid bare the majority’s
and will begin Friday, Octo- the Registrar’s office is No-
nounced his intention to try this because Trump is un- Court was marked by a pas- flaws in the decision that
ber 16 and end Tuesday, vember 2 at 4:30 p.m.
to confirm Ginsburg’s re- scrupulous, has no princi- sion for justice and the rule Section 5 of the Voting
October 27. Daily hours (Completed ballots can be
placement before the presi- ple, no integrity.” of the law,” said Derrick Rights Act was no longer
have been increased with returned any time prior to
dential election in 44 days. She added, “We’re in a Johnson, president/CEO of needed as a deterrent to
voting beginning at 8:00 that date.)
And within minutes of perfect storm. We have the the NAACP in a statement. voter suppression,” Camp-
a.m. and ending at 7:00
learning of the open seat most unscrupulous presi- “Her long, remarkable bell wrote in a statement. OTHER DEADLINES
p.m. daily. Voting will not
Arizona Sen. Martha Mc- dent that we’ve known in record includes her leg- “In her dissent, Justice
be held on Sundays. The deadline to register to
Sally jumped out as the first recent history. The very endary opinions involving Ginsburg warned that
Early Voting will be con- vote online is Tuesday, Oc-
senator to declare that she same things can be said disability rights in Olmstead ‘Race-based voting dis-
ducted by the Registrar of tober 13. Deadline to regis-
will vote for whoever Mc- about McConnell who is v. LC, and gender equality crimination still exists’ and
Voters, 525 Marshall St.
Connell and Trump instruct cautioned that gutting the ter in person is Monday,
even more dangerous. in the military, the United (Downtown Shreveport)
her to as soon as possible. These two individuals are in States v. Virginia. She was Act’s protections against October 5. Deadline to re-
with previously announced
“Justice Ginsburg per- power and have the power also known for her power- voting discrimination was quest a ballot by mail (must
health and safe precautions
formed a great sacrifice by to shape the court. I would ful dissents, many of which like ‘throwing away your be received by) is Friday,
such as sanitizing, social
not allowing herself to rest expect them to go ahead she delivered from the umbrella in a rainstorm be- October 30.
distancing and protective
and selflessly stay and and try to put another Re- bench. These include dis- cause you are not getting (For more information
items worn by staff.
fighting to the very end,” publican on the court.” sents in the voting rights de- wet.’” contact the Caddo Regis-
COVID pandemic related
said Dr. Avis Jones-DeWee- As legal minds expressed cision of Shelby County v. The National Bar Associ- trar of Voters; visit the
issues may be used as a rea-
ver, a political commentator worst fears, national civil Holder, the gender equity ation (NBA), with its mem- parish website at Cad-
son for Absentee Voting in
and author. “Her dying wish rights representatives re- case of Ledbetter v. bership of thousands of; or the state’s
the November 3 and De-
was for her seat to not be called the contributions of (Please See GINSBURG, Pg. 4) cember 5, 2020 elections. website at

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