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The Sun Classified/Legal ADs
Owens, Morgan Shannon, Jason Holland, Mary pictures from both bars and casinos, you’ve seen
or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby re- onymous to another item on the agenda, in which Taliaferro, and Young (9). NAYS: Commissioners
Thomas, Bianca Riggs, Dellanee Wade, Megan an overabundance of people consuming alcohol pealed. the Commission would be voting on allowing to Epperson and Johnson (2). ABSENT: None (0).
Colvin, Mary Richard, Kevin Ellis, Carol Lynch, and on-premise consumption. Alcohol is the gov- continue to meet with a full agenda via teleconfer- ABSTAIN: Commissioner Atkins (1).
Olivia Garvin, Emily Neeley, Julie Lacinak, Christi ernor’s reasoning behind closing the bars. And so, NEW BUSINESS ence to protect the Commissioners, staff, and citi-
Thompson, Parker Ingle, Erin Smith, Venetta as his reasoning behind closed the barges on prem- zens. RESOLUTION NO. 66 OF 2020
Evans, Sanders Devers, Leonard Brown, Zachary ise consumption, it’s still happening every day.
It was moved by Mr. Jackson, seconded by Mr.
Fink, Leslie Scott, Jessica Hawkins, Chloe And that for that reason alone, he should definitely
Gage-Watts, that Ordinance No. 5973 of 2020, an Mr. Johnson wanted to know the amount of fund- BYTHE CADDO PARISH COMMISSION:
Matthews, Rebekah Lewis, Linda Piper, Tyrone reopen the bars. It’s small businesses are being im-
emergency ordinance amending the Budget of Es- ing the City will provide for this project. Mr.
Mitchell, Rose Brouillette, Samuel Copeland, pacted. Most every bar in Caddo Parish is owned
timated Revenues & Expenditures for the Oil & Chavez said that he has not spoken with the City. A RESOLUTION URGING AND REQUESTING
Katie Caldwell, Shannon Palmer, Whitney Gaston- by people who live in Shreveport and Bossier; all
Gas Fund for the year 2020 to provide an appro- Mr. Johnson pointed out that House Bill 697 dis- GOVERNOR JOHN BEL EDWARDS AND THE
Lloyd, Jared Gafford, Kelly Gay, Sara Rice, Leah the casinos and chain restaurants are owned bypriation for Providence House Emergency Rental engages the Parish from the MPC. He does not un- WHITE HOUSE CORONAVIRUS TASK FORCE
Thelen, April Dahm, Kaye Pedrotty, Shelia Jack- people who do not live in Shreveport and Bossier.
Assistance Program and to otherwise provide with derstand why the Parish would fund a project that TO RESCIND THE ORDER CLOSING BARS
son, Deborah Kacobs, Allison Hollis, Richard So your constituents are the ones that are being
respect thereto be adopted. they will not be attached to for much longer. Mr. AND FIND A WAY FOR BARS TO SAFELY RE-
Hemmings, Victor Thomas, Lidethra Perry, Leanne hurt this time. Just sending the Governor a message Hopkins agreed. OPEN, AND TO URGE THE LOUISIANA
Portman, Chase Bowers, Latoya Wheaton, Jade that says, We stand with the small business owners
Mr. Jackson said that this is a program through TREASURER’S OFFICE TO MAKE BARS
Kerouac, Kenny Houston, Mary Ragsdale, Shawn- and we’d love to see them back to work, I think
Providence House, but there is a gap with state Mr. Chavez explained that the City is inside the PART OF THE MAIN STREET RECOVERY
torria Hawkins, Terry Myles, Jalli Combs, Lauren would be a great gesture. funding. He explained that if something is not Parish, so the Commissioners who have city dis- ACT, AND OTHERWISE PROVIDING WITH
Pennywell, Jaya Mcsharma, Precious Brown, done, evictions in the state could be at 50%. He tricts will still need to deal with the MPC. He said RESPECT THERETO.
Brandi Stephens, Eileen Velez, Joanna Lester, Chase Boytim called in and gave the following also pointed out that there is a mechanism in place, that this process would be more streamlined for the
Latasha Alex, Lillian Richie, Ntornette Robinson, statement: so that people do not duplicate benefits. citizens. WHEREAS, on July 11, 2020, via Proclamation 89
Amy Conner, Kristal Smith, Emily Horan, David JBE 2020 COVID-19 Public Health Emergency,
Kuhn, Rutina Brown, Maronica Collins, Tracey I wanted to make comments supporting Resolution Mr. Atkins wanted to know if this is CARES Act Call for the Question by Mr. Jackson, seconded by Governor John Bel Edwards ordered all Louisiana
Moon, Meter Johnson, Alexis Alexander, Barbara No. 66. I’ve been a bar owner in Caddo Parish for reimbursable. Dr. Wilson stated that it is. Mr. Johnson. Motion carried, as shown by the fol- bars closed to on-premises consumption; and
Kelly, Mildred Pipkin, Sheila Wimberly, Ruth 15 years. I’ve been listening to the comments and lowing roll call votes: AYES: Commissioners
Smalls, Karanda Williams, Caroline Garner, I appreciate all sides of the different commentary. At this time, Mr. Jackson’s motion carried, as Atkins, Burrell, Cawthorne, Chavez, Epperson, WHEREAS, the governor took this action based
Wealthia Jackson, Eric Pamplin, Katrina Gilliam, But you know, if I thought the closing bars was ac- shown by the following roll call votes: AYES: Gage-Watts, Hopkins, Jackson, Johnson, Lazarus, on recommendations from the White House Coro-
Demetra Dennis, and Twana Carroll emailed the tually doing great justice, I would happily be the Commissioners Atkins, Burrell, Cawthorne, and Taliaferro (11). NAYS: Commissioner Young navirus task force;
following statement: first turning my keys and say, hey, let’s not, let’s Chavez, Epperson, Gage-Watts, Hopkins, Jackson, (1). ABSENT: None (0). ABSTAIN: None (0).
not open bars, but sadly, I’m seeing a lot of my cus- Johnson, Lazarus, Taliaferro, and Young (12). WHEREAS, this closure has caused severe finan-
tomers and many other customers just go to restau- NAYS: None (0). ABSENT: None (0). ABSTAIN: At this time, Mr. Chavez’s motion carried, as cial hardship for owners of these establishments.
rants that at this point, and the Louisiana None (0). shown by the following roll call votes: AYES:
Dear Caddo Parish, The November 2020 elections Restaurant Association, I’ve been in contact with Commissioners Atkins, Burrell, Cawthorne, WHEREAS, bar owners have been excluded from
are just around the corner! Caddo Parish has an op- them. They’ve issued over 250 conditional restau- ORDINANCE NO. 5973 OF 2020 Chavez, Gage-Watts, Hopkins, Jackson, Lazarus, the Louisiana Main Street Recovery Act which
portunity to safely turn out more voters if there is rant permits, which means that a large percentage Taliaferro, and Young (10). NAYS: Commissioners helps small businesses remain in business.
a secondary early voting location in Shreveport in of the bars are getting open the food and so people BY THE CADDO PARISH COMMISSION: Epperson and Johnson (2). ABSENT: None (0).
time for the November and December 2020 elec- are migrating towards those bars. And, you know, ABSTAIN: None (0). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the
tions. We encourage you to add an early voting lo- you’re seeing some improvement in the numbers. AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING Caddo Parish Commission in due, regular and legal
cation by voting YES on Agenda 7.V - Request But I mean, there’s a lot of other factors as far as THE BUDGET OF ESTIMATED REVENUES ORDINANCE NO. 5974 OF 2020 session convened, that it hereby urges and requests
The Establishment Of An Early Voting Site At like wearing masks and that sort of thing. And I un- AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE OIL AND Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards and the
3015 Greenwood Road Shreveport, LA 71109. derstand the concern with bars, like in Tiger town, GAS FUND FOR THE YEAR 2020 TO PRO- BY THE CADDO PARISH COMMISSION: White House Coronavirus Task Force to allow bars
there’s these enormous bars or say Bourbon Street VIDE AN APPROPRIATION FOR PROVI- to reopen using safe methods to do so.
or whatever. But like, for instance, my place is DENCE HOUSE EMERGENCY RENTAL AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING
Madison Poche, Jeff Kendrick, Steven Knight, rants, I’m not gonna call anyone out, and there are WISE PROVIDE WITH RESPECT THERETO AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE GENERAL Parish Commission also urges and requests the
Sharon Ong, Gloria Harvey, Kalah Roberts, Amy more people in one room than I’ve allowed in my FUND FOR THE YEAR 2020 TO PROVIDE AN Louisiana Treasurer to include bars in the Main
Simon, Elizabeth Jones, Kittrell White, Jackie Har- entire bar, even when we were open. We were op- WHEREAS, the Parish of Caddo has suffered an APPROPRIATION FOR THE METROPOLITAN Street Recovery Program.
vey, Colleen Kissel, Paula Oneal, Caroline Zeich- erating very responsibly. We chose to have masks economic downfall due to COVID-19; and PLANNING COMMISSION (MPC)AND TO
ner, Karen Cash, Martha Moody Boone, Donald before the mask mandate. We did a lot of different OTHERWISE PROVIDE WITH RESPECT BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this
Everard, Deborah Johnson, Zaldjuanaka K. Dou- mitigation efforts. We sanitize and took out half the WHEREAS, many residents of the Parish of THERETO resolution shall be sent to Governor John Bel Ed-
glas, Rosetta Boone, Vashonda Gafford, Joyce bar chairs, before it was required. We did a lot of Caddo currently have lost jobs due to COVID-19; wards, to the White House and to the Louisiana
Dunn Lars, Donnell M. Thomas, Zabrina Dishelle stuff and then it kind of feels unfair to be punished. and WHEREAS, the Parish of Caddo currently has Treasurer.
Mack, Wanda Smith, Lizzie Scott, Savannah And you were doing the right thing. And then now over 7,100 cases and 310 deaths due to COVID-
Meshell, Linda M. Haynes, Zoey Dupree, Pete it’s kind of the Wild West with a lot of restaurants. WHEREAS, the Federal Moratorium for evictions 19; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if any provi-
Callia, Michelle Pennington, Lisa Winans, Emily It frustrates me when I drive around and see this expired on July 25, 2020; and sion or item of this resolution or the application
Weidman-Evans, Sarah Sale, Rachel Brown, because then it just sets us further back from being WHEREAS, due to the increase in COVID- thereof is held invalid, such invalidity shall not af-
Shaterrica Solton, Yolanda Adams-Johnson, Kenya able to open because if people continue to do that, WHEREAS, because the Federal Moratorium for 19cases the Metropolitan Planning Commission fect other provisions, items or applications which
Russell, Sarah Lord Holoubek, Roshanda Spears, then you know, the virus is going to spread and it’s evictions has expired, citizens need emergency as- (MPC) would like to offer citizens a digital appli- can be given effect without the invalid provisions,
Betty Allen, John Singleterry, Colleen Johnson, just going to keep—how long can bars stay closed? sistance to avoid evictions. cation process; and items or applications, and to this end, the provi-
Nakia Thomas, Raphael Ratliff, Nathaniel Man- So many of these places are individually owned, sions of this resolution are hereby declared sever-
ning, Vershonda Watkins, Amiee Jenkins, Kathy community people who spend money in your WHEREAS, the Caddo Parish Commission would WHEREAS, the Caddo Parish Commission would able.
Williamson, Rhonda Marie Phillips, Dare Johnson, neighborhood and my neighborhood, all different like to provide rental assistance through the Prov- like to provide and appropriation of $25,000 to the
Elizabeth Irby, Candace Metoyer, William Elliott, walks of life—and it just can’t go on like this for- idence House if a citizen of Caddo Parish can pro- MPC to help with the purchase of this digital ap- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution
Deborah Simmons, Cherry Groves, Sara Hebert, ever. I respect the Governor; I respect the White vide a letter notifying of lay- off or reduced hours plication; and shall take effect immediately.
Bridgett Bushnell, Karyn Rimmer, Stacy Gray, House and all who are involved. Its just strange and is not participating in another rental assistance
Kiandra Houston, Jassica Bato, Vicky Specian, you can have a beer, you’re not forced to eat at a program; and WHEREAS, the digital application will decrease BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all resolutions
Melissa Wilkerson, Susan Fontaine, Brad Camp- restaurant. The Assistant Commission Clerk ad- the need for citizens to come to Government Plaza or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby re-
bell, Martha Wyandon-Henderson, Teresa O Clark, vised Mr. Boytim that his time expired. WHEREAS, the rental assistance program is for for zoning and other applications with the MPC; pealed.
Antoinette Haynes, Ethel Ware, Donald Sudds, Caddo Parish residents only; and and
Sharon Waggoner, Billi Hopkins, Lisa Hayes, Fe- OLD BUSINESS It was moved by Mr. Taliaferro, seconded by Mr.
licia O’Neal, Ramona D. Green, Sherri Mccurry, WHEREAS, the participant is capped at two NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Jackson, that the appointment of Mr. Tim Weaver
Lauren Grundy, Ronda M Faciane, Stacie Gibson, It was moved by Mr. Jackson, seconded by Mrs. months of rental assistance; and Caddo Parish Commission in due, legal and regular as Director of Public Works be confirmed.
Megan Henderson, Melodie Armstrong, Maisha Gage-Watts, that Ordinance No. 5971, an emer- session convened, that Budget of Estimated Rev-
Clay, Emily Long, Cammy Wright, Caitlin Dou- gency ordinance amending the Budget of Esti- WHEREAS, priority is given if lay-off is due to enues and Expenditures for the General Fund for Mr. Taliaferro is in favor of Mr. Weaver’s appoint-
glas, Arien Ragster, Kenya Russell, Natalie Elliott, mated Revenues & Expenditures for the Oil & Gas company going out of business; and the year 2020 is hereby amended as follows: ment. He said that he is well qualified.
and Tammy T. Wright emailed the following state- Fund for the year 2020 to provide an appropriation
ment: for a mental health hotline and to otherwise pro- WHEREAS it is necessary to amend the 2020 Budget Increase (Decrease) Mr. Jackson thanked Mr. Weaver for all of his hard
viding with respect thereto be adopted. Budget to provide an appropriation of up to work for the COVID testing sites. He also said that
Dear Caddo Parish, We ask that you help make vot- $112,000 to provide rental assistance; and General Fund Mr. Weaver is normally a point person in the time
ing safer and more accessible for all Caddo Parish Mr. Jackson said that there are some issues with of disasters.
residents and vote in favor of Agenda Item 7.V that trauma right now. He said that this funding would NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Metropolitan Planning Commission
would establish an early voting site at 3015 Green- create a local service provider for those who are Caddo Parish Commission in due, legal and regular $25,000 Mr. Burrell wanted to know how this fit on the
wood Road Shreveport, LA 71109. dealing with mental health issues. session convened, that Budget of Estimated Rev- agenda. Mr. Chavez explained that the current Pub-
enues and Expenditures for the Oil and Gas Fund Fund Balance ($25,000) lic Works Director is retiring.
Jake Michaels called and gave the following state- Mr. Atkins wanted to know if this would be reim- for the year 2020 is hereby amended as follows:
ment: bursable via the CARES Act. Dr. Wilson stated that BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that if any provi- Mr. Johnson congratulated Mr. Weaver on this ap-
it would. He then wanted to know if this would be Budget Increase (Decrease) sion or item of this ordinance or the application pointment.
I’m a citizen of Shreveport, Louisiana in the 71106 an emergency ordinance? Attorney Frazier stated thereof is held invalid, such invalidity shall not af-
zip code, the west side of Cedar Grove. Okay, um, that this is a one reader. Oil and Gas Fund fect other provisions, items or applications which Mr. Atkins stated that Mr. Weaver is deserving of
I have a lot of issues I really need to discuss with can be given effect without the invalid provisions, this appointment and has always been on top of is-
other people because it’s [inaudible]. It needs to be At this time, Mr. Jackson’s motion carried, as Providence House – Rental Assistance $112,000 items or applications, and to this end the provisions sues. Mr. Chavez agreed and said that he goes
handled. Citizens are supposed to have the consti- shown by the following roll call votes: AYES: of this ordinance are hereby declared severable. above and beyond in every instance.
tutional rights to petition the government for re- Commissioners Atkins, Burrell, Cawthorne, Fund Balance ($112,000)
dress of grievances. Finally, there is no grievance Chavez, Epperson, Gage-Watts, Hopkins, Jackson, BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that this ordi- Mr. Hopkins said that Mr. Weaver has always been
process for the patients at LSU Hospital. You have Johnson, Lazarus, Taliaferro, and Young (12). BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that if any provi- nance shall take effect upon adoption. helpful and figures out to solve issues.
to [inaudible], and LSU offers search NAYS: None (0). ABSENT: None (0). ABSTAIN: sion or item of this ordinance or the application
that only works at Google where there is no possi- None (0). thereof is held invalid, such invalidity shall not af- BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that all ordinances Mr. Cawthorne shared the sentiments as the other
ble way to do it even via another options website fect other provisions, items or applications which or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby re- Commissioners. He congratulated Mr. Weaver on
to file a complaint about it. They don’t call you ORDINANCE NO. 5971 OF 2020 can be given effect without the invalid provisions, pealed. his new appointment.
back. They don’t [inaudible] or nothing like that. items or applications, and to this end the provisions
[inaudible] you know, they find out there’s no BY THE CADDO PARISH COMMISSION: of this ordinance are hereby declared severable. It was moved by Mr. Chavez, seconded by Mr. At this time, Mr. Taliaferro’s motion carried, as
grievance process for a patient. That’s one issue. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that this ordi- Lazarus, that Resolution No. 66 of 2020, a resolu- shown by the following roll call votes: AYES:
Another issue is that Mayor Perkins and his admin- AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING nance shall take effect upon adoption. tion urging and requesting Governor John Bel Ed- Commissioners Atkins, Burrell, Cawthorne,
istration blocks citizens online with social media THE BUDGET OF ESTIMATED REVENUES wards to rescind his order closing bars, and Chavez, Epperson, Gage-Watts, Hopkins, Jackson,
and with email, you know? We’re trying to com- AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE OIL AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that all ordinances otherwise providing with respect thereto be Johnson, Lazarus, Taliaferro, and Young (12).
municate. And that’s an illegal violation of rights. GAS FUND FOR THE YEAR 2020 TO PRO- or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby re- adopted. NAYS: None (0). ABSENT: None (0). ABSTAIN:
There needs to be—if I have to, I’ll do it myself, VIDE AN APPROPRIATION FOR A MENTAL pealed. None (0).
but the Freedom of Information Act, to [inaudible] HEALTH HOTLINE AND TO OTHERWISE Mr. Chavez said that the bars in this area have
all of the citizens who are blocked by Administra- PROVIDE WITH RESPECT THERETO It was moved by Mr. Chavez, seconded by Mr. been negatively affected by the Governor’s order. It was moved by Mrs. Gage-Watts, seconded by
tion because it’s a violation of rights. I am an Atkins, that Ordinance No. 5974 of 2020, an emer- He said that there are several citizens that work at Mr. Johnson, that the request to authorize the
American, and so are other people. So people that WHEREAS, the Parish of Caddo residents have in- gency ordinance amending the Budget of Esti- bars, so they have been out of work. Parish Administrator to inform the Caddo Registrar
have tried to get help for police brutality at the curred irreparable harm to mental health and well- mated Revenues & Expenditures for the General of Voters to authorize and establish an early voting
LSU Hospital get blocked by Perkins Administra- being due to COVID-19, thus creating a mental Fund for the year 2020 to provide an appropriation Substitute by Mr. Jackson, seconded by Mr. satellite location at 3015 Greenwood Road,
tion. And this is all backed up on the cloud, you health public emergency; and for the Metropolitan Planning Commission (MPC) Chavez, to also urge the White House Coronavirus Shreveport, LA 71109, the “Louisiana State Ex-
know. [inaudible] you know, different media out- and to otherwise provide with respect thereto be Taskforce as well as ask the Louisiana Treasurer to hibit Museum” for the 2020 Fall Early Voting
lets, it’s all information that can be given to who- WHEREAS, the Parish of Caddo residents have adopted. consider bar owners for the Main Street Recovery Open Primary Presidential/Congressional Election
ever wants it. They’re asked for it, there’s, you suffered business closings and economic hardship; Program. voting period beginning October 20, 2020 and end-
know, just all recorded and then the facts. Sher- and Mr. Chavez believes that this will streamline the ing October 27, 2020 be approved.
ricka Fields is a falsified email or contact informa- process and provide a touchless scenario that Mr. Jackson said that several citizens and small
tion at [inaudible] than the ability WHEREAS, the national civil and racial unrest has prospective business owners can go through. He business owners are not able to open their estab- Mrs. Gage-Watts said that she has been advocating
to ask financial questions of the administration. It’s cased increased anxiety and stress; and also pointed out that this is CARES Act reim- lishments. He pointed out that Governor John Bel for additional early voting locations to increase the
a false email contact. And you can email it your- bursable. Edwards gets his recommendations from the White capacity and participation for registered voters. She
self. Now they’re thinking about this for a very WHEREAS, if the mental health of Caddo Parish House Coronavirus Task Force. said that the centrally located State Exhibit Mu-
long time, despite, you know, citizens complaints residents remains unaddressed, the symptoms can Mr. Johnson feels that the IT Department could seum has ample space to practice social distancing
to Casey Brown—to Krystle Jackson who threat- lead to depression, drug abuse, violence and sui- create a digital application at a much cheaper cost. Mr. Taliaferro said that the decision to put and is easily accessible. She asked that the Com-
ens people who try to get help for police brutality. cide; and He also wanted to know if this would go away Louisiana in Phase 1, 2, or 3 falls on the Gover- missioners support this legislation.
They all know these things. They’ve already been once the pandemic is over. Mr. Chavez said that nor’s Office. Mr. Jackson pointed out that the
through a battery of tests, battery questions over WHEREAS, the Caddo Parish Commission would the original implementation would be a software White House advised him to stay in Phase 2 due to Substitute motion by Mr. Hopkins, seconded by
the phone and all this is, you know, online commu- like to establish a confidential hotline through build so that citizens would not have to go to Gov- schools reopening, colleges reopening, possible Mr. Atkins, to authorize the Administrator to in-
nication as much as anybody can answer this as United Way’s 211 network, as soon as possible, to ernment Plaza and possibly expose themselves to hurricane evacuations, etc. Mr. Taliaferro is in form the Caddo Registrar of Voters to authorize
well. Krystle Jackson threatens arrest to callers and connect residents to participating provider net- the virus. He said that they would be able to utilize favor of the bars reopening, but not at the risk of and establish a temporary early voting site at 3015
you know threatens them for trying to get help for works to add; and a digital platform and fill out an application via a the general public. Greenwood Road, Shreveport, otherwise known as
police brutality in the form of brutality by hospital website. The MPC could then push the application the Louisiana State Exhibit Museum, and establish
police officers gave a [inaudible]. They torture— WHEREAS, National hotlines do no connect resi- to whomever needs to review it, i.e. City, Parish, Mr. Burrell support bar owners and understands a permanent early voting site location at 200 S.
the Assistant Commission Clerk advised Mr. dents to local providers and the best treatment is Fire Marshal, etc. He said that this would be for the their plights, but bars are incubators for the virus. Land Avenue, Oil City, for the 2020 President Con-
Michaels that his time had expired. local assessment and treatment from trained mental initial cost. The ongoing costs would include server He suggested that the Commission puts more fund- gressional Election beginning October 20, 2020 to
health rehabilitation agencies; and space, but Mr. Chavez believes the MPC already ing towards the bars to help them get past this pan- October 27, 2020.
Jason Heffurn called with the following statement: rents server space. demic.
WHEREAS, a portion of the funds shall be used Mr. Hopkins explained that establishing an early
I’m with the Time Out Sportsbar is Shreveport. for marketing and outreach; and Mr. Johnson wanted to know if this would qualify Mr. Atkins stated that he has some investments in voting site in Oil City would reduce the distance
Just like to say thank you for allowing me to voice for CARES Act reimbursement. Attorney Frazier the hospitality arena. He wanted to know if he has the citizens in Hosston, Ida, Rodessa, etc. would
my opinion on the bar closures ordered by the Gov- WHEREAS, eligible expenses will be requested assumes that this is critical to the health, safety, and to abstain from a resolution. Attorney Frazier said have to drive to early vote. He also said that he
ernor. Collectively, this town’s bar owners make for reimbursement from the CARES Act funding; welfare of the public. She noted that the ultimate that if he is going to be affected by someone this spoke with the Secretary of State’s Office, and they
up a large portion of the employee base for enter- and decision would be the Commission’s. resolution would affect, then he would need to ab- suggested the State Exhibit Museum as a tempo-
tainment industry in this town. The amount of un- stain. rary early voting site because it did offer more
employment and things that have been issued has WHEREAS it is necessary to amend the 2020 Mr. Johnson reiterated that this digital application room to practice social distancing during this pan-
not been enough to sustain the lifestyle of the peo- Budget to provide an appropriation of $120,000 to could be achieved inhouse with less money. Mr. Cawthorne stated that he is in support of urg- demic. He pointed out that there would be a se-
ple for rent and bills on day to day basis. I under- fund the confidential hotline; and ing the governor to reopen bar, but adhere to the cured line in the State Exhibit Museum and the Oil
stand COVID-19 is a real issue for our city. I’d say Mr. Taliaferro wanted to know if Mr. Clark ap- guidelines for social distancing and practicing safe & Gas Museum. Mr. Hopkins pointed out that his
the country as a whole. However, with restaurants, proached Mr. Chavez in regards to this. Mr. measures for the bars. He also pointed out that he motion would allow any citizen in Caddo Parish to
you know, being allowed to operate under the Chavez stated that he did not, but was trying to as- is an advocate for small and local businesses. drive less than 25 miles to cast their early votes.
guidelines set forth by the governor. People out NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the sist some citizens and determined that the process
bars is the one spot that is not allowed to operate. Caddo Parish Commission in due, legal and regular needed to be more streamline. Mr. Johnson explained that the data showed that Mr. Burrell wanted to know if the downtown lo-
It is completely unfair and has been completely session convened, that Budget of Estimated Rev- bars are one of the leading causes of COVID-19, cation would remain. Mr. Hopkins stated that it
devastating the last phase of our citizens and em- enues and Expenditures for the Oil and Gas Fund Mr. Burrell wanted to know if a new information which is why the Governor kept the bars closed. would not due to the size of the building. That lo-
ployees in this town. I understand that we have to for the year 2020 is hereby amended as follows: platform would be built. Mr. Chavez said that Mr. He also said that he is in support of small busi- cation would shut down for this election and move
operate within certain guidelines that are put forth Bailey will be researching it further to determine nesses, but not at the chance of losing Caddo to the State Exhibit Museum. Mr. Hopkins also
and we are completely willing to do that. I’m just Budget Increase (Decrease) if a new platform needs to be built, or if the MPC Parish lives. Mr. Johnson will not be supporting clarified that the Oil City site would be permanent.
asking for consideration to allow us to have the can achieve its goal by utilizing one that is already this resolution.
same opportunity for our livelihood as all other en- Oil and Gas Fund out there. Mr. Cawthorne pointed out that the reason the
tertainment industry employees in the state. Thank Mr. Atkins stated that he will be abstaining from Marshall Street location is where it is at is due to
you so much for the time to speak. United Way 211 – Confidential Hotline $120,000 Mr. Burrell also wanted to know if there was a this vote due to economic interest in the hospitality the proximity of the courthouse. He wanted to
timeline for this. Attorney Frazier explained that if space. know if this is something the Commission could
Tim Huck called in and gave the following state- Fund Balance ($120,000) this is going to be reimbursable via the CARES do. Dr. Wilson explained that, according to Mr.
ment: Act, it would need to expended and the check Call for the Question by Mr. Burrell, seconded by Hopkins, the Secretary of State’s Office suggested
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that if any provi- would need to be cashed by September 23rd. She Mr. Johnson. Motion carried, as shown by the fol- moving the current Registrar’s Office temporarily.
I’m the owner of Sandbar Downtown Shreveport. sion or item of this ordinance or the application said that September 30th is the absolute deadline. lowing roll call votes: AYES: Commissioners He also explained that the Commission would have
And I was calling in support of Mr. Chavez’s res- thereof is held invalid, such invalidity shall not af- Atkins, Burrell, Cawthorne, Epperson, Hopkins, to get legislation passed in order to create more
olution. My main issue with reopening the bars is fect other provisions, items or applications which Mr. Burrell then wanted to know if this was con- Jackson, Johnson, Lazarus, and Taliaferro (9). than one satellite location.
if you’re going to allow on premise consumption can be given effect without the invalid provisions, tingent upon reimbursement. Mr. Chavez said that NAYS: Commissioners Chavez, Gage-Watts, and
anyway, what difference does is make if you’re items or applications, and to this end the provisions he would like to see this project happen regardless Young (3). ABSENT: None (0). ABSTAIN: None Mr. Cawthorne wanted to know if it were possible
drinking at a restaurant or bar? The restaurants of this ordinance are hereby declared severable. of reimbursement. (0). to keep the Marshall Street location open as well
have definitely benefited from the governor’s order as create the two additional early voting locations.
to close the bars. They’ve actually turned into bars BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that this ordi- Mr. Epperson pointed out that this resolution states At this time, Mr. Jackson’s substitute motion car- Mr. Hopkins said that they do not have enough
themselves or a large percentage of them. And casi- nance shall take effect upon adoption. that it would like to offer a digital application ried, as shown by the following roll call votes: staff for three sites. Mr. Cawthorne suggested that
nos are doing great numbers of people who are process in order to preserve the safety of the MPC, AYES: Commissioners Burrell, Cawthorne, temporary staff be hired for this election.
going out and drinking. If you’ve seen videos or BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that all ordinances the staff, and the citizens. He said that this is syn- Chavez, Gage-Watts, Hopkins, Jackson, Lazarus,

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