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The Sun Classified/Legal ADs
State Legislature relative to Virtual meetings and additional sites beyond that. RESOLUTIONS cover the full amounts appropriated, with the fol- for the year 2020, and to otherwise provide with
agenda items of local governments with the appro- lowing exceptions: respect thereto
priate judicial court system be added under New Mrs. Gage-Watts has been advocating for addi- It was moved by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr.
Business. tional early voting sites for several years now. The Atkins, that Resolution No. 64 of 2020, a resolu- Caddo Council on Aging - $75,000.00 • Ordinance No. 5965 of 2020, an ordinance to
goal has always been intended to be able to serve tion authorizing the Parish Administrator to retain adopt the values fixed, or to be fixed, by the
At this time, Mr. Johnson opened the floor for pub- the entire Parish during the early voting season, she special legal counsel and otherwise providing with Food Bank of Northwest Louisiana - $90,000.00 Louisiana Tax Commission on all assessments for
lic comments. There being no citizens to speak for said. Mrs. Gage-Watts was hopeful that the agenda respect thereto be adopted. railways and other public service corporations, and
or against the agenda addition, Mr. Johnson closed addition would have passed today for an additional Hope Connections - $15,000.00 to instruct the Assessor to extend such assessments
the public hearing. site. She explained that the State Exhibit Museum Substitute motion by Mr. Jackson, seconded by and values on the tax roll of the Parish of Caddo
is a larger venue and the citizens can practice social Mr. Johnson, to englobo and move the following MLK CDC - $10,000.00 for the year 2020, and to otherwise provide with
At this time, Mr. Johnson’s motion failed, as distancing while voting. resolutions to Thursday’s agenda: respect thereto
shown by the following roll call votes: AYES: Robinson’s Rescue - $25,000.00
Commissioners Burrell, Cawthorne, Epperson, Mr. Johnson wanted to know if the Animal Control • Resolution No. 64 of 2020, a resolution author- • Ordinance No. 5966 of 2020, and ordinance set-
Gage-Watts, Johnson, and Young (6). NAYS: Officers can arrest individuals for obstruction of izing the Parish Administrator to retain special Shreveport Green - $7,500.00 ting the Parish millage for the purpose of paying
Commissioners Atkins, Chavez, Hopkins, Lazarus, law. Dr. Wilson stated that the ones who are post- legal counsel and otherwise providing with respect principal and interest, due in 2020 on outstanding
and Taliaferro (5). ABSENT: Commissioner Jack- certified can. thereto St. Luke’s Episcopal Mobile Medical - $6,750.00 Parish Bond Issues and to instruct the Assessor to
son (1). ABSTAIN: None (0). include said millage on the tax roll of the Parish of
He also congratulated Dr. Wilson and Administra- • Resolution No. 65 of 2020, second resolution SuperMen for Christ - $5,000.00 Caddo for the year 2020, and to otherwise provide
CITIZENS COMMENTS tion for the NACo Achievement Award for the amending and reenacting Resolution No. 34 of with respect thereto
community garden in the MLK area. 2020 of the Caddo Parish Commission adding ad- Legal Aid of Northwest Louisiana- $20,000.00
Michael Laffite called in with the following com- ditional NGOs to exceptions of the suspended • Ordinance No. of 5967 2020, an ordinance
ment: Mr. Johnson also announced that Commissioner 2020 NGO program and to otherwise provide with Arc of Caddo Bossier-$8,000.00 amending the Budget of Estimated Revenues &
Ken Epperson was appointed to the NACo Veter- respect thereto Expenditures for the General Fund for the year
I’m calling in regards to voting locations. I think ans & Military Sub-Committee. He also an- Shreveport Opera-$4,000.00 2020 to provide an appropriation for COVID-19
it’s shameful that we have Commissioners here do nounced that he was appointed to the NACo Mr. Epperson asked that Attorney Frazier provide testing site and small business support by issuing
not want us to have different locations when it Finance Pension & Intergovernmental Affairs an explanation regarding Resolution No. 64. Attor- SISTERS International, Inc. RCC- $15,000.00 “COVID Kits” and to otherwise provide with re-
comes to early voting. I believe it is truly shameful Steering Committee as Vice-Chair. ney Frazier explained that attorneys who specialize spect thereto
to go with that. in bankruptcy should handle this matter since the Social Justice Civic League-$7,500.00
He also talked about the violence in Shreveport. Parish has several leases and may own royalties on There being no one in support or in opposition, the
CERTIFICATE FOR TELECONFERENCE He suggested that there be serious discussions re- those leases. YWCA-$10,000.00 public hearing was closed.
garding guns and violence. Mr. Johnson said that
WHEREAS, the Governor of the State of this is due to the lack of education of the Second At this time, Mr. Johnson’s motion carried, as 15. Youth Outreach Services-$10,000.00 At this time, there was no further discussion to
Louisiana has declared a statewide Public Health Amendment. shown by the following roll call votes: AYES: come before the Commission, so the meeting was
emergency, inclusive of Caddo Parish, in Procla- Commissioners Atkins, Burrell, Cawthorne, 16. YouToo, Inc.-$10,000.00 adjourned at 2:12 p.m.
mation Number 25 JBE 2020; and, Mr. Johnson would like the two attempted agenda Chavez, Epperson, Gage-Watts, Hopkins, Jackson, Michelle Nations,
additions be added to the next agenda. He then Johnson, Lazarus, Taliaferro, and Young (12). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution Assistant Commission Clerk
WHEREAS, the Governor, has further extended talked about the early voting location. He pointed NAYS: None (0). ABSENT: None (0). ABSTAIN: is effective immediately upon its passage. Mario Chavez,
that declaration via Proclamations Number 96 JBE out that the Oil & Gas Museum and the State Ex- None (0). President
2020 and Number 97 JBE 2020; and hibit Museum have the same infrastructure. He BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all resolutions THE CADDO CITIZEN:
also said that the State Exhibit Museum is centrally RESOLUTION NO. 64 OF 2020 or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby re- September, 24, 2020
WHEREAS, R.S. 42:17.1 allows members of po- located and is large enough for citizens to cast their pealed. 662-20
litical subdivisions to participate in its meetings votes while social distancing. He also mentioned BY THE CADDO PARISH COMMISSION:
electronically under certain limited circumstances. that it is easily accessible, adequate parking, and COMMUNIQUES/COMMITTEE REPORTS MINUTES OF A SPECIAL SESSION OF
THEREFORE, in accordance with the Provisions ADMINISTRATOR TO RETAIN SPECIAL Mr. Jackson would like to schedule an emergency HELD ON THE 25TH DAY OF AUGUST,
of R.S. 42:17.1, the presiding officer of the Caddo ORDINANCES (for final passage) LEGAL COUNSEL AND OTHERWISE PRO- meeting to address some of the opportunities with 2020
Parish Commission hereby certifies that this meet- VIDING WITH RESPECT THERETO. COVID funding. The Caddo Parish Commission met in a Special
ing is to address matters that are: It was moved by Mr. Jackson, seconded by Mr. Session, on the above date, at 3:30 p.m., via Zoom
Cawthorne, that Ordinance No. 5967 of 2020, an WHEREAS, the parish has been notified that Mr. Burrell, Mr. Jackson, and Mrs. Gage-Watts of- teleconference, with Mr. Chavez, presiding, and
(a) directly related to the public Commission’s re- ordinance amending the Budget of Estimated Rev- Chesapeake Energy has filed for bankruptcy; fered condolences for Ms. Lily Bradford who the following members in attendance constituting
sponse to the Coronavirus Pandemic and are criti- enues & Expenditures for the General Fund for the passed away due to COVID-19. a quorum: Commissioners Atkins, Burrell,
cal to the health, safety, or welfare of the public. year 2020 to provide an appropriation for COVID- WHEREAS, Chesapeake Energy is the lessee of Cawthorne, Chavez, Epperson, Gage-Watts, Hop-
19 testing sites and small business support by is- several parish oil and gas interests; and Mr. Atkins addressed the early voting locations kins, Jackson, Johnson, Lazarus, Taliaferro, and
(b) that if they are delayed will cause curtailment suing “COVID kits” and to otherwise provide with once again. He said that he is looking for a place Young (12). ABSENT: None (0).
of vital public services or severe economic dislo- respect thereto be adopted. WHEREAS, the lessor/lessee relationship makes to be demographically and politically balanced. He
cation and hardship. Caddo Parish a creditor of Chesapeake Energy and understands the logistical advantages of the State The invocation was given by Mrs. Gage-Watts, and
Mr. Atkins pointed out that the numbers are “up as such, entitles the parish to file certain claims Exhibit Museum, but it is not his preferred loca- Mr. Atkins led the Commission in the Pledge of Al-
(c) critical to continuation of the business of the to numbers” and the COVID kit distribution would with the bankruptcy court; and tion. legiance.
Commission and that are not able to be postponed be handled by the Parish. Mr. Cawthorne agreed.
to a meeting held in accordance with the other pro- WHEREAS, the Parish Attorney recommends to Mrs. Gage-Watts warned everyone that there is still CERTIFICATE FOR TELECONFERENCE
visions of Open Meetings Law due to a legal re- Mr. Atkins then wanted to know how these expen- the Commission that it would be in the best interest a pandemic going on. She encouraged all to prac-
quirement or other deadline that cannot be ditures would be tracked. Mrs. Barnett said that of Caddo Parish for it to retain the services of R. tice social distancing, wearing masks, and washing WHEREAS, the Governor of the State of
postponed or delayed by the public body. Legal would have to draft the CEA first to deter- Joseph Naus with the firm of Weiner, Weiss and hands. Louisiana has declared a statewide Public Health
Date: August 12th, 2020 mine how the expenses were tracked. Madison as Special Counsel to provide advice and emergency, inclusive of Caddo Parish, in Procla-
/s/Mario Chavez counsel to the Commission as it pursues its entitle- She also reminded everyone that the Census dead- mation Number 25 JBE 2020; and,
Caddo Parish Commission President Point of Clarification by Mr. Jackson. He wanted ments as one of Chesapeake Energy’s creditors; line is September 30.
to know who the CEA would be with. Mrs. Barnett and WHEREAS, the Governor, has further extended
COMMUNIQUES/COMMITTEE REPORTS stated that the CEA would be drafted with the 100 Mrs. Gage-Watts thanked Animal Services for all that declaration via Proclamations Number 96 JBE
Men of Shreveport. WHEREAS, the Commission does hereby concur of their hard work in responding to the citizens’ 2020 and Number 97 JBE 2020; and
Mr. Atkins asked for more clarification regarding with the Parish Attorney’s recommendation to re- needs quickly. She also thanked all those who
the early voting locations. It is his understanding Mr. Jackson then wanted to know about the tain R. Joseph Naus and the firm of Weiner, Weiss helped in her mask giveaway. WHEREAS, R.S. 42:17.1 allows members of po-
that the Parish is authorized to have one additional COVID kits. Mrs. Barnett said that they would and Madison. in the aforesaid matter. litical subdivisions to participate in its meetings
early voting location. Dr. Wilson agreed. Mr. keep track of the items that go into the kits, and she Mr. Epperson offered his condolences to Mr. James electronically under certain limited circumstances.
Atkins agreed with additional early voting sites, would submit those expenses for reimbursement NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Woodard who passed recently. He also encouraged
but he would like to see it demographically and po- through the CARES Act. Caddo Parish Commission in due, regular and legal all to wear their masks, wash their hands, and prac- THEREFORE, in accordance with the Provisions
litically balanced. He also suggested to take into session convened that the Caddo Parish Commis- tice social distancing. of R.S. 42:17.1, the presiding officer of the Caddo
consideration the distance citizens would have to Mr. Taliaferro wanted to know who the COVID sion does hereby authorize the Parish Administra- Parish Commission hereby certifies that this meet-
travel with regards to the current early voting lo- kits would go to. Mr. Cawthorne said that they tor or his designee to retain on behalf of Caddo CITIZENS COMMENTS (late arrivals) ing is to address matters that are:
cation site. would be for businesses and would be distributed Parish Mr. R. Joseph Naus and the firm Weiner,
via the methodology in which the Parish could get Weiss and Madison at an hourly rate not to exceed RJ Johnson sent in the following comment: (a) directly related to the public Commission’s re-
He also said that the Louisiana State Exhibit Mu- reimbursements through the CARES Act. $250.00, with other terms of the engagement being sponse to the Coronavirus Pandemic and are criti-
seum has several logistical advantages, as men- set forth in a retainer agreement to be negotiated As a member of the Parish Board of Election Su- cal to the health, safety, or welfare of the public.
tioned by Mr. Burrell, but it is too close to the Mr. Jackson had questions regarding the CARES between the Parish Attorney and Mr. Naus. pervisors, I am in full support of the establishment
current early voting location site. Act. Mrs. Barnett explained that all of the funds of another satellite voting location. Our parish (b) that if they are delayed will cause curtailment
have to be expended and the checks have to be BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if any provi- needs it and we should make the process easier or of vital public services or severe economic dislo-
Mr. Epperson pointed out that the Parish does have cleared by the bank by September 30. sion or item of this resolution or the application more convenient to them. This location has ade- cation and hardship.
the authority and the funding for one additional thereof is held invalid, such invalidity shall not af- quate parking, social distancing can be done, and
early voting site. He said that it is up to the Com- Mrs. Gage-Watts stated that she will be abstaining fect other provisions, items or applications which it provides accessible facilities for the public. /RJ (c) critical to continuation of the business of the
mission to decide where that site will be located. from this vote due to her employment with Os- can be given effect without the invalid provisions, Johnson/Caddo Parish Board of Election Supervi- Commission and that are not able to be postponed
Mr. Epperson also explained that this would be a chner Health. items or applications, and to this end, the provi- sors Chairman, Caddo Parish Democratic Execu- to a meeting held in accordance with the other pro-
temporary site just for this year. He further ex- sions of this resolution are hereby declared sever- tive Committee Secretary, Democratic State visions of Open Meetings Law due to a legal re-
plained that next year, the Commission would have At this time, Mr. Jackson’s motion carried, as able. Central Committee Louisiana Democratic Party quirement or other deadline that cannot be
to ask a State Representative to sponsor through shown by the following roll call votes: AYES: postponed or delayed by the public body.
the legislative process any additional sites. Commissioners Atkins, Burrell, Cawthorne, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution There being no further discussion to come before
Chavez, Epperson, Hopkins, Jackson, Johnson, shall take effect immediately. the body, the meeting was adjourned at 4:56 p.m. Date: August 24, 2020 /s/
Mr. Epperson then talked about property taxes. He Lazarus, Taliaferro, and Young (11). NAYS: None Michelle Nations, Mario Chavez, President
received a phone from a constituent saying that (0). ABSENT: None (0). ABSTAIN: Commis- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all resolutions Assistant Commission Clerk
their property taxes tripled. Mr. Epperson asked sioner Gage-Watts (1). or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby re- Mario Chavez, CITIZENS COMMENTS
that the process in which a constituent would have pealed. President
to go through if they do not agree with the evalua- ORDINANCE NO. 5967 OF 2020 The Shreveport Sun Craig Lee called and gave the following statement:
tion process of their property taxes be provided. RESOLUTION NO. 65 OF 2020 Setpember 24, 2020
Dr. Wilson explained that there is an appeal BY THE CADDO PARISH COMMISSION: I’m the chairperson for ACE, Advocates for Com-
process, but the citizen would need to contact the BY THE CADDO PARISH COMMISSION: MINUTES OF A SPECIAL SESSION OF munity Empowerment. Just want to thank you
Tax Assessor’s Office. He suggested that the citi- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE BUDGET THECADDO PARISH COMMISSON guys for putting this very important piece of legis-
zen contact the Tax Assessor’s Office as soon as OF ESTIMATED REVENUES AND EXPEN- SECOND RESOLUTION AMENDING AND HELD ON THE 20TH DAY OF AUGUST, lation on the agenda for today. Then lobbying our
possible. Dr. Wilson further explained that if the DIT011URES FOR THE GENERAL FUND FOR REENACTING RESOLUTION 34 OF 2020 OF 2020 past Registrar of Voters, Ernie Roberson, and our
citizen is not satisfied with the Tax Assessor’s eval- THE YEAR 2020 TO PROVIDE AN APPROPRI- THE CADDO PARISH COMMISSION ADDING The Caddo Parish Commission met in a Special current Registrar of Voters, Dale Sibley, for the
uation, they can appeal to the Caddo Parish Com- ATION FOR COVID-19 TESTING SITES AND ADDITIONAL NGOs TO EXCEPTIONS OF Session, on the above date, at 2:00 p.m., via Zoom past 20 years about increasing the early voting sites
mission. Mr. Epperson asked that this be SMALL BUSINESS SUPPORT BY ISSUING THE SUSPENDED 2020 NGO PROGRAM AND teleconference, with Mr. Chavez, presiding, and in Caddo Parish. As you guys know, Shreveport is
articulated to the citizens. Mrs. Bryant agreed and “COVID KITS” AND TO OTHERWISE PRO- TO OTHERWISE PROVIDE WITH RESPECT the following members in attendance constituting over 120 square miles, so the city itself is very
pointed out that the citizens should contact the As- VIDE WITH RESPECT THERETO THERETO a quorum: Commissioners Atkins, Burrell, large, and Caddo Parish is very large considering
sessor’s Office by September 11. Cawthorne, Chavez, Epperson, Gage-Watts, Hop- going all the way up to the Arkansas border over
WHEREAS, the Parish of Caddo reported its first WHEREAS, COVID19 is a national pandemic in kins, Johnson, Lazarus, and Young (12). ABSENT: to the Texas border down to Mansfield. So we’re
Mr. Epperson then wanted to know the reason for COVID-19 case on March 11, 2020; and the United States; and Commissioners Jackson and Taliaferro (2). talking about hundreds of square miles. And it’s
the Special Meeting that was held today. The Clerk very important that we have voters who are inter-
of the Commission advised due the new law in WHEREAS, the Parish of Caddo currently has WHEREAS, many jobs have been permanently The invocation was given by Mr. Cawthorne, and ested in the process and an easier time to cast their
place and the publication deadline, a public hearing over 4,700 cases and 255 deaths due to COVID- lost as a result of COVID19; and Mr. Lazarus led the Commission in the Pledge of ballots early. So this is a very important piece of
had to be scheduled in the Official Journal for 19; and Allegiance. legislation. Funding has always been the critical
those ordinances. WHEREAS, individuals will need to expunge their issue. So I’m glad that you guys have stepped for-
WHEREAS, the stay at home order was lifted records as they seek new means of employment; CERTIFICATE FOR TELECONFERENCE ward to consider this legislation, and I like the site.
Mr. Epperson then talked about the issues at the May 15, 2020 and the State moved into Phase 2 of and I would like to have three sites, but I will take one,
Caddo Parish Animal Shelter. He said that the em- its reopening plan on June 4, 2020; WHEREAS, the Governor of the State of especially at the Fairgrounds. So thank you guys
ployees at the shelter do not deserve the negative WHEREAS, the Parish may be eligible for reim- Louisiana has declared a statewide Public Health very much. And I look forward to you guys voted
action that has taken place at the shelter. WHEREAS, when entering Phase 2, cases and bursement of this cost from CARES ACT Funding emergency, inclusive of Caddo Parish, in Procla- in favor of that legislation.
deaths trended upward in Caddo Parish and re- allocation as it relates to workforce mation Number 25 JBE 2020; and,
He then spoke about COVID-19. He said that the opening seeks to support economic recovery; and development/retention related to COVID19. Latonya Franklin called and gave the following
virus is serious, and there is still a pandemic. He WHEREAS, the Governor, has further extended statement:
said that schools are beginning to open up and WHEREAS, the Caddo Parish Commission would NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the that declaration via Proclamations Number 96 JBE
hopes all safety precautions are being taken. like to provide additional testing for the public to Caddo Parish Commission in due, legal and regu- 2020 and Number 97 JBE 2020; and I’m in favor of adding an additional early voting
help combat the spread of COVID-19 and provide lar session convened that the Caddo Parish Com- location at the Louisiana State Museum in Shreve-
Mr. Burrell talked about the additional early voting “COVID kits” to small business which will include mission amends and reenacts Resolution 34 of WHEREAS, R.S. 42:17.1 allows members of po- port. It is centrally located in Caddo, and it is on
site. He does not feel that it would be balanced if non-contact thermometers, large quantities of hand 2020 to read as follows: litical subdivisions to participate in its meetings Greenwood Road.
the site was located up north, to the extreme west, sanitizer, PPE and plexiglass for register areas; and electronically under certain limited circumstances.
or to the extreme south. Mr. Burrell said that geo- A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADMINIS- Candice Battiste, Billy Anderson, Heather Good-
graphically, he felt that the proposed location at the WHEREAS it is necessary to amend the 2020 TRATION TO SUSPEND 2020 NGO PAY- THEREFORE, in accordance with the Provisions man-D’anna, Paula Lott, Aaron Lews, Demetri
State Exhibit Museum would have been ideal. He Budget to provide an appropriation of $272,000 to MENTS WITH CERTAIN EXCEPTIONS AND of R.S. 42:17.1, the presiding officer of the Caddo Hill, Valerie Delatte, Carol Kurtzman, Kris Hol-
said that there is a greater concentration of voters purchase masks; and TO OTHERWISE PROVIDE WITH RESPECT Parish Commission hereby certifies that this meet- land, Peter Staten, Melissa M., Andrea Ohnesorge,
within the city limits. He asked that the Commis- THERETO ing is to address matters that are: Joyce Petterway, Tony Britton, Keith Hanson,
sioners reconsider this option for an early voting NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Katherine Gilmer, Dakota Ferry, Debra Jackson,
site. Caddo Parish Commission in due, legal and regular WHEREAS, COVID19 is a national pandemic in (a) directly related to the public Commission’s re- Donna Wiggins, Susan Clark, Cornelia Turner, Van
session convened, that Budget of Estimated Rev- the United States; and sponse to the Coronavirus Pandemic and are criti- Linnear, Anand Desai, Nilam Desai, Amanda
Mr. Lazarus asked Dr. Wilson if he spoke with the enues and Expenditures for the General Fund for cal to the health, safety, or welfare of the public. Racine, Alpesh Patel, Gwendolyn Tennell, Clifton
Registrar of Voters regarding an early voting site. the year 2020 is hereby amended as follows: WHEREAS, national, state and local health emer- Starks, Jacqueline Paul, Craig Johnson, Rebecca
Dr. Wilson stated that he did. Dr. Wilson also said gencies have been declared due to the COVID 19 (b) that if they are delayed will cause curtailment Thomas, Shannon Levingston Mccowan, Kathryn
that the additional early voting site would boil Budget Increase (Decrease) pandemic; and of vital public services or severe economic dislo- Fontaine, Adlue Lewis, Beverly Paige, Brett Mal-
down to two options: the number of people or the cation and hardship. one, Travis Headley, Amy Fultz, Marisa Sanchez,
geographical consideration. Dr. Wilson also General Fund WHEREAS, Louisiana citizens are contracting Holly Johnson, Judy Williams, Brianna Gordon,
pointed out once again that the funding is available COVID19 in large numbers; and (c) critical to continuation of the business of the Jessica Latin, Margaret Hellyer, Maurice Loridans,
for one additional site. COVID-19 $272,000 Commission and that are not able to be postponed James Thomas, Sumer Cooner, Pernell Trent Sr,
WHEREAS, as a result of the pandemic, revenues to a meeting held in accordance with the other pro- Janice Sneed, Donna Sterner, Felicia Davis,
Mr. Burrell wanted to know if the Registrar could Fund Balance ($272,000) used to fund the Parish’s NGO program have de- visions of Open Meetings Law due to a legal re- Brandy Maddox-Stroud, Cheynita Metoyer, Vir-
make the determination on where that location clined; and quirement or other deadline that cannot be ginia Parker, Shelby Rodriguez, Frances Powers,
would be. Dr. Wilson said that the Registrar is re- BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that if any provi- postponed or delayed by the public body. Katie Bursley, Teri Oliver, Vada Harris, Tiffany
lying on the Commission to make that decision. Dr. sion or item of this ordinance or the application WHEREAS, this decline has caused a situation Carter, Hardette Harris, Kristi Woodard, Chris
Wilson also said that they explored different op- thereof is held invalid, such invalidity shall not af- wherein the Parish does not have the revenue that Date: August 19, 2020 /s/Mario Chavez, President Lyon, Iris Harper, Ruth Heard, Kodi H Miller,
tions, such as the library system, but it is ultimately fect other provisions, items or applications which was budgeted to fully fund the 2020 NGO pro- Jerry Gray Jr., Sidney Jackson, Janet Anthony, Fe-
up to the Commission on where to put that addi- can be given effect without the invalid provisions, gram; and PUBLIC HEARING ON ORDINANCES licia Smith, Leslie Trigg, Jeanette Williams, Kat-
tional early voting location. items or applications, and to this end the provisions rina Dooley, Valerie Glover, Ellen Scott, Ericka
of this ordinance are hereby declared severable. WHEREAS, it is a violation of the State Budget At this time, the President asked if there was any- Chambers, Reginald Mack, Karisca Wheeler, Amy
Mr. Burrell then said that the south end of the Act for the Parish to pay expenditures when the one in support or opposition to the following ordi- Burke, Trinity Bloomer, Jennifer Smith, Onjel In-
Parish is wealthier, and those citizens “can go any- BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that this ordi- revenue source does not have adequate funds to nances: gram, Judith Laroue, Sara Patronella, Linda Mil-
where they want, but the difficulty is going to be nance shall take effect upon adoption. cover those expenditures; and likin, Susie Smith, Linda Anderson, and Tonerical
the people who do not have transportation”. He • Ordinance No. 5963 of 2020, an ordinance to set Gardner emailed the following statement:
also mentioned childcare and other socioeconomic BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that all ordinances WHEREAS, there is enough revenue to pay a lim- the General Purpose & Special Purpose Millage
imbalances throughout the Parish. or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby re- ited amount of the funds budgeted for the NGO providing for millage rate adjustments, as allowed Dear Caddo Parish, Please vote in favor of the ad-
pealed. program; and by Article VII, Section 23 of the Louisiana Consti- ditional early voting site at 3015 Greenwood Road
Mr. Cawthorne also talked about the additional tution of 1974 and LA R.S. 47:1705 (B), levying Shreveport, LA 71109. More options for early vot-
early voting location. Dr. Wilson explained that the ORDINANCES (for introduction by title) WHEREAS organizations providing essential and imposing taxes and assessments for 2020 on ing protects voters by giving them options to exer-
primary site has to be within a certain proximity to services should be paid. all the property subject to taxation in the Parish of cise their vote without putting themselves at risk
the Caddo Parish Courthouse via state statute, but Ordinance No. 5968 of 2020, an ordinance amend- Caddo, and to otherwise provide with respect during the pandemic. Please vote in favor of
the additional site can be located anywhere within ing the Budget of Estimated Revenues & Expen- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the thereto Agenda Item 7.V!
the Parish as long as it meets certain facility re- ditures for the Economic Development Fund and Caddo Parish Commission in due, legal and regular
quirements approved by the Secretary of State’s the Oil & Gas Fund for the year 2020 to provide session convened that the Caddo Parish Commis- • Ordinance No. of 5964 2020, an ordinance set- Robert Terry, Gretchen Petterway, Brittany
Office. Dr. Wilson reiterated that the Commission an appropriation for Southern University at sion hereby authorizes Parish Administration to ting the assessment of property classified as tim- Mitchell, Marlene Richard, Margo Clendenin,
has the authority and the funding for one additional Shreveport’s Nursing Program and to otherwise suspend NGO payments until a revenue analysis berlands and to instruct the Assessor to include said Omari Ho-Sang, Jazmin Jernigan, Dazzmond Hill,
site, but would need to go to the legislature for any provide with respect thereto shows that the revenues in the requisite funds will assessment on the tax roll of the Parish of Caddo Dyamond Williams, Rachel Mabey, Lavette

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