Pg. 12 - Sept. 24, 2020 Edition PDF

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Racial Justice Can Only Begin When Police

Departments Reflect the Communities They Serve
by Sunita Sohrabji the death of Minnesota res- officials participating in racially-charged messages. since slavery does not result “They go to the home and
from Ethnic Media Services ident George Floyd who overt bias, via racist and White targeted the Black in safety. If anything, it cre- then they have someone
was killed by former police sexist social media activity, Lives Matter movement, ates more harm and dan- that actually survives the
Even as U.S. crime rates officer Derek Chauvin — he said at the September 4 which was protesting the ger,” he said. “So take away encounter and actually gets
drop to historic lows, resi- has heightened public briefing. death of New York resident that harm and then invent the help that they probably
dents of low-income neigh- scrutiny on local law en- Officers rarely face reper- Eric Garner, who died in and create space for invest- called for,” he said.
borhoods continue to be forcement. The nation has cussions for such activity, 2014 while being placed in ments into other things that Johnson-Speight spoke
over-policed and victimized been deeply divided by the claiming they are protected a choke-hold by former po- address the root causes of about the need for police
by law enforcement, con- choice of supporting either by the First Amendment. lice officer Daniel Pantaleo. harm.” departments to reflect the
cluded panelists at a Sep- “law and order,” with “The FBI believes this is “I can’t breathe,” said Gar- Jayadev and Dr. Dorothy community they are polic-
tember 4 briefing. armed militia inserting its a significant problem, and ner as he fell unconscious. Johnson-Speight, who ing. “You can't expect 83
Crime in the U.S. peaked might into peaceful yet there is still no national White tweeted out: “By founded Mothers in Charge percent of white men to un-
in the early 1990s, but has protests, or de-funding the strategy around far-right vi- the way if anyone feels they after her son was killed in derstand the issues of mi-
fallen 51 percent from 1993 police, which President olence and white su- can’t breathe or their lives 2001 in a parking dispute,
nority communities.”
to 2018, notwithstanding a Donald Trump and others premacy in the United matter, I’ll be at the movies said some of the funds cur-
“How can it be commu-
couple of years with spikes have equated with giving States,” said German. He tonight, off duty, carrying rently allocated to policing
nity policing if you don't
in violent crime, according rise to anarchy. said the problem was poorly my gun.” He was initially could instead be used to
understand, or if you're not
to FBI data. Property crime Former FBI agent understood because the fed- fired, but in 2016, following fund mental health and be-
really involved in the com-
has also dropped by 54 per- Michael German, author of eral government de-priori- arbitration, White got his havioral health services,
cent in the past 25 years. the report “Hidden in Plain tizes such work, and state job back and is still on the which could be imple- munity,” she queried, noting
But low-income urban Sight: Racism, White Su- and local governments are force. mented in many situations that police are recruited
cities, overwhelmingly pop- premacy, and Far-Right unlikely to pick up the “The culture of policing is in which police are cur- from throughout the nation.
ulated by Black and Latinx Militancy in Law Enforce- slack. so steeped in racist prac- rently deployed. “I think now because of
residents, continue to be ment” released by the Bren- Raj Jayadev, the co- tices. I don't know how you “When that call comes in, George Floyd we have seen
over-policed, largely by nan Center for Justice founder of Silicon Valley change that,” said Jayadev, it doesn't go to 911. It goes people around the country
white males, many with August 27, said ample evi- De-Bug, which pioneered adding that the culture of to a different number to a and around the world stand-
known affiliations to white dence exists of police offi- the concept of participatory policing is laced with white group of people that are ing up against police brutal-
supremacist organizations. cers being affiliated with defense in criminal justice supremacy to the point equipped on how to de-es- ity,” said Johnson-Speight.
83 percent of police officers white supremacist groups. proceedings, gave the ex- where officers like White calate a situation and solve “Injustice anywhere is a
are white males. Moreover, research or- ample of San Jose, Califor- are not outliers, but instead the issue without taking a threat to justice every-
A summer of protests in ganizations have uncovered nia police officer Philip accepted by their peers. “Oh life,” said Jayadev. where.”
support of the Black Lives hundreds of federal, state, White, who was fired in that’s just Phillip: he does
Matter movement — after and local law enforcement 2015 for tweeting a series of things like that,” said
Jayadev, characterizing
White’s colleagues’ re-
sponse to his tweets. More-
over, racist officers are
protected by their unions,
he said, rarely facing the
repercussions for their racist
In June, the postings of a
private Facebook group
comprised of active and re-
tired San Jose police offi-
cers were exposed. One
inflammatory post claimed:
“Black lives really don’t
matter,” whereas another
post suggested a hijab could
be used as a noose.
“Racism is embedded into
an institution that has the
ability to kill to harm to
strip you of your liberty,”
said Jayadev, commenting
on the Facebook group inci-
The civil rights activist
spoke about the concept of
de-funding police. “This
system of law and order that
has existed as a result of and

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