Ashmita Research Assessment Brief 6th Sem

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Assessment: Research Plan/Proposal

Word Limit: 2500 words

Format: Written report

Weighting: 50%

Submission Date: 8th August, 2020

Submission No hard copy is required.

Students are required to choose ONE of the following four options listed below.

Option 1:

Issues surrounding gender equality have captured media and political attention recently from the
BBC gender pay gap to allegations of sexual harassment in the workplace. Gender equality in
the workplace remains one of the major challenges facing many organisations. This research
seeks to explore some of the key issues facing managers in managing diversity in the workplace.

Option 2:

Many organisations have increasingly been using temporary, fixed term and zero hours contracts
as a means of adapting to short term staffing needs in the current economic climate. This
research aims to investigate how managers can retain and motivate staff employed on insecure
forms of employment.

Option 3:

The service sector relies heavily on the use of volunteers for the provision of services. This
research seeks to identify what factors managers need to take into account when either
embarking upon using volunteers for the first time or managing volunteers.

Option 4:

The sharing economy has emerged as an alternative supplier of services such as accommodation
and transportation. This research seeks to investigate the impact the sharing economy has on
hotels in Edinburgh.
Coursework requirements:

Students are required to develop a research plan for ONE of the identified options above. The
research plan should outline how they would propose researching this research problem.

In addition to a short introduction (no more than 200 words), the research plan must include the
following key elements:

1. Context (800 to 900 words)

2. Methodology (600to 650 words)

3. Method(s) (600 to 650 words)

4. Sample Selection (300 to 350 words)

FONT: Times New Roman

Assessment Feedback Pro-Forma: Research Plan

Possible Actual Comments

Marks Marks
Context: 30
The context gives a clear, succinct
description of the research problem and
the main issues. It further seeks to place
the current project in the context of
research which has been carried out

Methodology: 25
Outline the choice and reasons for the
chosen methodology. This should entail
a critique of the strengths and
limitations of the chosen methodology
and the justification / application to the
research problem.

Methods: 25
Outline the choice and reasons for the
chosen method. This should entail a
critique of the strengths and limitations
of selected method and the justification /
application to the research problem.

Sampling: 10
Provide justification for the choice of
sampling technique and sample size as
being appropriate to the research

Presentation, academic style, citation, 10

Quality of the overall presentation;
structure, clarity of expression; use of
English, grammar, punctuation and
spelling; rigour and accuracy of citation
and referencing; development of
coherent argument throughout.

Total 100

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