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Criteria Excellent (5) Competent (4) Needs Unacceptable Score

Improvement (3)
Introduction An intriguing A fairly well Introduction is not Lacks a proper
introduction based formulated well constructed, introduction.
on facts leads introduction with uninteresting, or
clearly into the some evidence to does not lead into
research proposal. support the topic the research
leads into the proposal.
Problem Stated the research Fairly well posed Statement of the Lacks a proper
Statement problem clearly, statement of the problem is not statement of the
and provided problem that clearly stated problem.
motivation for provides evidence and/or lacks
undertaking the is not as strong quality evidence to Evidence
research. as it could be. support the presented does not
problem. support the thesis
or problem
Research Well stated Fairly well stated Stated hypothesis Lacks a
Hypothesis research hypothesis based is unclear based hypothesis.
hypothesis based on the purpose of on the purpose of
on the purpose of the study. the study.
the study.
Literature Comprehensive Comprehensive Superficial review Superficial review
Review review of the review of the of the literature of the literature
literature using literature using that does not that is poorly
quality evidence quality evidence describe the organized and
and specifically but does not research findings; lacks credibility
analyzes the adequately relies heavily on a based on the level
research conducted analyze the few studies and of evidence and
by describing the research findings; uses poor quality resource
individual studies simply reports on resources for presented. Less
and findings that the literature. At information than 2 references
support the thesis least of 3 quality gathering. Less included.
and focused references than 3 quality
problem. Exceeds included. references
to 3 quality included.
Methodology Methodology is Methodology is Methodology is not Methodology is not
written in detailed written in accurate. It is not satisfying.
and accurate steps detailed. explained well.
for conducting and Complete parts
parts of are evident.
methodology is
Writing Very well written Well written Fairly written Poorly written
Mechanics proposal with few proposal with few proposal that paper that lacks
grammatical errors. grammatical lacks clarity; has organization.
Adheres to all the errors. Adheres to poor transition There are multiple
proposal writing most of the sentences. There grammatical
format proposal writing are several errors. Fails to
requirements as format grammatical adhere to the
presented in the requirements as errors. Adheres to proposal writing
guidelines. presented in the most of the format
guidelines. proposal writing requirements as
format presented in the
requirements as guidelines.
presented in the
Presentation Excellent eye Good eye contact, Inconsistent with Poor eye contact,
Skill contact, no no distracting eye contact, volume too low or
distracting gestures, usually volume, and loud, poor
gestures, has appropriate enunciation. enunciation.
appropriate volume, overall Obvious
volume, clear and clear enunciation. distracting
consistent mannerism(s).
Creative and
Visual Aids The presentation The presentation The presentation The presentation
includes includes includes includes no visual
appropriate and appropriate and appropriate visual aids or the visual
easily understood easily understood aids, but these are aids do not
visual aids. Which visual aids, which too few, or are complement the
complement and complement and difficult to information.
enhance the enhance the understand, or the
presented presented presenter does not
information. information. refer to or explain
Overall Excellent use was Good use was Acceptable use The presentation
Presentation made of the made of student’s was made of the was not timed
Quality student’s presentation time student’s appropriate. Some
presentation time (4 minutes). Each presentation time portions of the
(4 minutes). Each section of the (4 minutes). Most proposal were
section of the written proposal sections of the ignored. English
written proposal was mentioned. written proposal was difficult to
was mentioned. English quality were mentioned. understand. Not
English quality was was acceptable. English quality wearing
advanced. Wears Wears was inconsistent. appropriate attire.
decent, executive, appropriate attire. Attire is not
and becoming acceptable.


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