Encourages Men To Become Advocates To Fight For Gender Equality

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1. What was the issue discussed in the speech and what makes it so relevant to discuss about it?

Do you believe that women and men deserve equal rights and equal opportunities? Somehow this
question probably the issue that was being discussed and that was all about gender inequality which
initiated under the HeForShe campaign, which I believe it aims to get men and boys to join and
encourages men to become advocates to fight for gender equality. Improving the status of women and
inviting men and boys around the world to stand in solidarity with women and girls as they make that
make gender equality a reality. In the speech, Watson made the important point that in order for gender
equality to be achieved, harmful and destructive stereotypes of masculinity and behavioral expectations
for boys and men have got to change. It needs the power of both men and women to achieved the said

It makes relevant to discuss about it because as of now, we are living in a world surrounded with
judgement and where discrimination in both genders exist may it be in political, economic and social
opportunity. As mentioned in the speech, that if we stop defining each other by what we are not, and
start defining ourselves by who we are, we can all be freer, and this is what HeForShe is about. It’s about

2. Why do you think people are reluctant to use the word “feminism”?

It’s now a major object of cultural discourse which has led to some very confusing conversations
because not everyone is familiar with or agrees on the basic terminology of feminism. In the speech of
Emma Watson she said “In arguments today, particularly online, people use feminist as a term of abuse,
but that’s just an attempt to silence women”. She also added that “The terms feminist and feminazi are
now almost interchangeable, because some people believe feminism is about hating men, and of course
it’s not.

Based on these statements its actually some of the reasons that some people are reluctant to use
the word "feminist" because they feel the term rejects them. Reluctance to use the Feminism word may
be more about education and orientation information than the word itself. The problem, then, seems to
be the word itself, and not what it stands for. When people learn what feminism actually means either
through education or by simply hearing a definition of the term, they're more likely to adopt it. 

3. Why did Emma Watson feel the need to address this issue?

All I know is that I care about this problem, and I want to make it better. 

Based on the speech that was delivered by Emma Watson I think she felt that this issue needs to
be addressed since It’s about to see the bigger way to identify with the equality agenda which is
now considered as one of the rampant issues in our country. I believe that Emma Watson is trying to
convey that we need to start to look at the issue of gender inequality not as a woman’s issue, but as
a societal issue that requires men and women working together. I think, For the first time in the
women’s movement, Emma Watson really want to engage men as allies and partners to address the
inequalities that affect women and girls globally.

4. How is the concept of “feminism” relevant in the article? Cite the relevant paragraph to support
your answer.

The concept of feminism is relevant in the article of HeForShe since it talks about the
opportunities and equalities of both sexes. Feminism at its core is about equality of men and
women, not “sameness.” The issue here is about equal rights and equal access to opportunities. 
Men and women don’t have to be the “same” in physicality to have the right to equality.

As stated by Emma Watson, For the record, feminism by definition is the belief that men and
women should have equal rights and opportunities. It is the theory of political, economic and social
equality of the sexes.
Activity 2. Based from the types of communication and its ethics and principles, and
the learning exercise that you have done, please free to write your arguments or lessons
learned below.

1. We see that women are fighting among themselves about what feminism is and how
women should behave if they’re true feminists. Feminism at its core is about choice.
Feminists can wear whatever they want. If we cannot choose freely how to behave,
speak, act and present ourselves, then we’re moving backwards.

2. It’s abundantly clear that our specific views on these issues are rooted deeply in our
own personal and direct experiences. When people learn what feminism actually means
either through education or by simply hearing a definition of the term, they're more
likely to adopt it. 

3. We already knew that women as the subjects of violence, inequality, and oppression,
instead giving men the ability to restore this lack of agency, to empower the women and
offer them freedom. Through the Idea of Gender Equality where feminism is trying to
push that boys and men should be involved, I think it will probably help eradicate
gender inequality.

4. t’s about time to call and bring together one half of humanity which is men in support of

the other half of humanity which is women for the benefit of all. Let’s remember that
it’s not a woman’s issue, it’s not a man’s issue but this is a societal issue that requires
both men and women to work together. So this is why Emma Watson is making the
argument that we need men as well to support this, because lots of the power still
resides in the hands of men. 

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