Fiscal Administration Reviewer

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Fiscal Administration Reviewer the information and guidance of all persons

Fiscal administration: Government auditing:
-The composite of those activities and operations -Refers to the “analytical and systematic
to generate revenue, make these available, and examination and verification of financial
see to it that funds are wisely, lawfully, transactions, operations,accounts, and reports of
effectively, and efficiently spent. any government agency for the purpose of
-it is a process that begins with the generation of determining their accuracy, integrity, and
government resources authenticity, and satisfying the requirements of
-refers generally to the formulation, law rules, and regulations”
implementation, and evaluation of policies and - is the process of providing assurance about the
decisions on taxation and revenue reliability of the information contained in a
administration; resource allocation budgeting financial statement prepared in accordance with
and public expenditure; public borrowing and GAAP.
debt management; accounting and auditing.
Principal agencies task with
fiscal function:

Government accounting:
-Even under the new accounting system
government accounting is defined pursuant to
Section 109 of PD 1445, as one which
“Encompasses the process of analyzing,
recording, classifying, summarizing and
communicating all transactions involving the
receipt and disposition of government fund and
property and interpreting the result thereof.”

Section 110, Presidential Decree 1445 Sets down

the following objectives of Government
1. To produce information concerning past
operations and present conditions;
2. To provide a basis for guidance for future
3. To provide for control of the act of public
bodies and offices in the receipt, disposition and
utilization of funds and property; and
4. To report on the financial position and the
results of operation of government agencies for

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