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#Part 1 : PODCAST
Listen to the audio and fill the blank spaces!
(Silahkan teman-teman play audionya dan isi bagian kosong berikut

“Mari’s Media Choices”

Mari talks about the various types of media she prefers to use and why.
Ron: Hi, I'm Ron from Hawaii. I'm here with Mari from __japan____ (1).
Today we're going to be talking about _entertainment______ (2), and how
often we do these things. So Mari, how often do you watch TV?
Mari: I watch the news ___in the morning____ (3) and when I come home
_at night_____ (4) I sometimes watch TV.
Ron: Do you have a favorite TV show?
Mari: I don't have a favorite TV show.
Ron: OK. How often do you go to the movies?
Mari: I really like going to the movies. I think I go maybe ___a months__
(5) or maybe once every __two months____ (6).
Ron: And other than that do you ___rent___ (7) movies?
Mari: No, I don't rent movies but sometimes I download movies. I like to
watch comedies - __romantic comedies_____ (8) - and a little bit of
Ron: What is your favorite movie you've watch recently?
Mari: My favorite movie... I don't know if it was my favorite movie, but a
movie that I watched recently is called "27 Dresses". It is about a girl, or a
woman, who is a __surprise me____ (9) twenty-seven times.
Ron: And that's a romantic comedy?
Mari: It is.
Ron: Interesting. What about reading? Do you like to read books?
Mari: I do like to read books. Right now, I'm really busy with work so I don't
have __a lot of_____ (10) time to read but when I'm on vacation or
___whenever____ (11) I have free time, I like to read books.
Ron: What kind of books?
Mari: I like to read __non-fiction____ (12) usually. Biographies of people,
and I also like to read about like teaching practices so that I can become a
better teacher and a little bit of fiction.
Ron: And what about concerts? Do you enjoy going to concerts?
Mari: I don't go to music concerts. I don't think I've ever been to one
actually but I like to go see musicals and I also like to go to sporting events.
Ron: Nice talking with you Mari.

#Part 2 : QUIZ
Answer the following questions about the interview!
(Silahkan teman-teman jawab pilihan ganda berikut berdasarkan
percakapan di audio)

1. How often Mari usually watch TV?

a. Twice a day
b. Twice a week
c. Not that often

2. What does she likes to do?

a. Rent movies
b. Watch comedies
c. Eat popcorn
3. What dies she say about 27 Dresses?
a. She liked it
b. She hated it
c. She wants to see it

4. What does she say about reading?

a. She reads all the time
b. She prefers fiction
c. She likes to read on vacation

5. Mari likes to .........

a. Go to concerts
b. Watch live music
c. Attend sporting event


Learn vocab from the lesson!

(Yuk, kita belajar beberapa vocab dari audio tadi!)

Recently = akhir-akhir ini

e.g : I have not seen Joe recently. Is he sick? (Aku belum melihat Joe
akhir-akhir ini. Apakah dia sakit?)

Romantic comedies = Film lucu tentang cinta dan hubungan

e.g : Romantic comedies are popular around Valentine’s Day (Film lucu
tentang cinta dan hubungan populer saat hari valentine)

News = berita, kabar

e.g : I heard the news that she got married (Aku mendengar kabar bahwa
dia menikah)

Concerts : konser, pertunjukan

e.g : I don’t like to go to music concerts (Aku tidak suka pergi ke konser

Learn some vocabularies below to increase your english!

(Kita perbanyak lagi ya kosakatanya)

No. Vocab Cara Baca Arti Contoh

1. Often ˈɒf(ə)n Sering Dian often writes a
letter for her friend.
Dian sering menulis
surat untuk temannya.
2. Need niːd Membutuhkan Her mother needs her.
3. Human ˈhjuːmən Manusia Human behavior is
affected by many
Perilaku manusia
dipengaruhi oleh
banyak hal.
4. Abuse əˈbjuːs Menyalahgunakan They abuse their
5. Offer ˈɒfə Menawarkan The company offer
credit card for the
menawarkan kartu
kredit untuk para
6. Scar skɑː Bekas luka I need make up to
cover my scar.
Aku butuh make up
untuk menutupi bekas
7. Lesson ˈlɛsn Pelajaran I got swimming lesson
with my friends.
Aku mendaparkan
pelajaran renang
dengan teman-
8. Spend spɛnd Menghabiskan We spend much
money for buying those
Kami menghabiskan
banyak uang untuk
membeli buku-buku itu.
9. Bitter ˈbɪtə Pahit It is a bitter pil to
Pil ini pahit untuk
10. Tears teəz Air mata The tears stood in her
Air mata berlinang di


Learn some tips below to increase your english!

Hai guys, kali ini kita akan bahas penggunaan “too” yang sering banget
dipakai sehari-hari. Apa aja sih penggunaannya?

Penggunaan “too”

1. Too memiliki arti “juga”

Contoh : I am beautiful, but she is beautiful too (Aku cantik, tapi dia juga
2. Too memiliki arti “terlalu”
Contoh : She walks too slow (Dia berjalan terlalu pelan)
Next, kita akan bahas penggunaan “by”.
Penggunaan “by”
Sesungguhnya, by memiliki 2 makna, yaitu :
1. By artinya “oleh”. Cirinya biasanya sebelumnya ada V3.
Contoh : This food is eaten by Ana (Makanan ini dimakan oleh Ana)
2. Menunjukkan keterangan cara. Cirinya biasanya sebelumnya selain
Contoh : Eny goes to school by bus (Eny pergi ke sekolah naik bus).


Answer the questions below by sending voice note on whatsapp!

(Saatnya kita praktek speaking guys! Jawab pertanyaan berikut

dengan mengirimkan voice note ke wa ya!)

Some people watch television because they want to be updated about what
is happening in the world. Nowadays, not only adults and teenagers, but
also children, get hooked on television. Because of the busy world people
are living in today, parents do not have time to take care and look after their
children. So, children have more freedom to watch wahtever TV show they

1. Do you think that television has negative influence for children?

2. Do you think that television has positif influence for children?
3. What should parents do to keep their children?

From Mas Ayu Astri to Everyone: 08:15 PM

television have negative impact to children

is not appropriate from children
if the children watch program like cartoon or ... education
should, could, would
it can more cartoon program
cartoon as not many as it used to be
dulu : used to

From Mas Ayu Astri to Everyone: 08:35 PM

soap opera : sinetron

berkumpul : gather

family gathering

From Mas Ayu Astri to Everyone: 08:46 PM

polar : kutub

polar bear : beruang kutub

evaporate : menguap

yawn : menguap ngantuk

From Mas Ayu Astri to Everyone: 08:52 PM

would you like to give me a wood?

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