A Fire Will Keep You Warm

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How to survive o zombie apocalypse:

A fire will keep you warm, fed, and safe—whether you’re roughing it
on a backcountry camping trip or wandering outside to evade the
undead. Learn how to start one without matches or a lighter, and you’ll
be far ahead of the rest of the world’s survivors. You can carry a flint
and steel set with you, learn a challenging friction-based fire-building
method, or use a lens to focus the sunlight. Either way, this is a skill
you’re going to need, so start practicing now.
Be a Good Housekeeper:
Backcountry campers are used to carefully setting up and cleaning
campsites to avoid attracting wildlife—and there’s nothing wilder than
the undead. To avoid both, don’t camp in the path of unwelcome
creatures and keep anything that smells like food (or you, in this case)
far from wandering noses. Follow these rules, and you just might get a
decent night’s rest.
Build Up Your Endurance
When you’re out of weapons and at the end of your survival rope, you’ll
only have one option left: run. If you’re facing the typically conveyed
zombies, who ramble and trip, your trail running skills will help you
escape their grasp. The speed and skill in avoiding impediments on the
ground required to race through the woods will be a welcome gift when
evading the undead.

The zombies we see on screen are certainly frightening, but

there are skills we have that their persistence can’t match,
like climbing

Use the River as a Highway:

Paddlers of the past used bodies of water to move heavy cargo, travel far
distances quickly, and cover tracks when evading people or wildlife.
Though most present-day kayakers and canoers hit the lakes, rivers,
and sea for enjoyment, these benefits are still very real. When the (so
far unlikely) zombie apocalypse arrives, you’ll be thankful you know
how to navigate the aquatic “roads” of the world.


Leave your house behind and head for isolation.
Get out of the city. Not only will they have the highest concentrations of roamers, but
urban areas simply won’t be habitable once technology disappears.
Head into the countryside and find traditional buildings with fireplaces and wells. A
seaside region near a large wood is your ideal new home, offering you access to a wide
range of natural resources.
Stick together - you'll never survive the apocalypse as a lone wolf. There's safety in
numbers, but be careful who you pick as friends..


In the early stages of a zombie attack you can scavenge food from abandoned
supermarkets or distribution centres. Prioritise canned food that will keep for years.
The power grid is out: but don’t worry, you can stay connected. Scavenge a mobile
generator from roadworks.
When the diesel runs out, you will need renewables: scavenge solar panels or small
wind turbines.


Washing your hands. Soap can be made from scratch by soaking water through the
ashes of burned seaweed to extract soda, and then reacting this with slaked lime (made
from roasted chalk or limestone) to make caustic soda. Boil this with lard, or any other
animal fat or plant oil, to make soap
If you injure yourself, attend to the wound immediately. You can disinfect with alcohol
and then close the wound with superglue.

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