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Strategy Guide

Information organized by Ryan Lenard

Table of Contents
Author’s Note and Basic Strategy: pages 3-10 Scum and Villainy Ship Breakdown: pages 113-155
Imperial Ship Breakdown: pages 11-62 Z-95 Headhunter: pages 113-115
TIE Fighter: pages: 11-16 Y-wing: pages 116-118
TIE Advanced: pages 17-22 Firespray-31: pages 119-121
TIE Interceptor: pages 23-28 HWK-290: pages 122-124
Firespray-31: pages: 29-31 M3-A Interceptor: pages 125-128
TIE Bomber: pages 32-35 StarViper: pages 129-132
Lambda-Class Shuttle: pages 36-38 Aggressor: pages 133-136
TIE Defender: pages 39-42 Kihraxz Fighter: pages 137-139
TIE Phantom: pages 43-45 YV-666: pages 140-142
VT-49 Decimator: pages 46-48 G-1A Starfighter: pages 143-145
TIE Punisher: pages 49-52 JumpMaster 5000: pages 146-148
TIE/fo Fighter: pages 53-56 Protectorate Starfighter: pages 149-152
TIE Advanced Prototype: pages 57-59 Lancer-Class Pursuit Craft: pages: 153-155
TIE/sf Fighter: pages: 60-62 Upgrade Card Overview: pages 156-219
Rebel Ship Breakdown: pages 63-112 EPT: pages 156-164
T-65 X-wing: pages 63-68 Astromech Droid: pages 165-169
Y-wing: pages 69-71 Salvaged Astromech Droid: pages 170-171
A-wing: pages 72-75 Systems: pages 172-174
YT-1300: pages 76-79 Tech: page 175-176
B-wing: pages 80-83 Crew: pages 177-190
HWK-290: pages 84-86 Illicit: pages 191-193
Z-95 Headhunter: pages 87-89 Cannon: pages 194-195
E-wing: pages 90-92 Turret: pages 196-197
YT-2400: pages 93-95 Missile: pages 198-200
K-wing: pages 96-98 Torpedo: pages 201-203
T-70 X-wing: 99-103 Bomb: pages 204-205
VCX-100: pages 104-106 Modification: pages 206-211
Attack Shuttle: pages 107-109 Title: 212-219
ARC-170: pages: 110-112 Casual Play Errata Suggestions: pages 220-221

Author’s Note
I made this guide to help a friend of mine get into this awesome game. At this point, there are an absurd amount
of options available to players, so new players can easily get overwhelmed and/or discouraged. This guide is
meant to sort through all of the clutter and present players with a basic foundational understanding of the 100-
point standard game. That being said, this guide is geared towards all players including BOTH casual and
competitive people. Therefore, there are some suggestions and tactics that, while fun and creative, and not quite
at competitive level. However, I always make sure to include competitive options for each ship as well.
Competitive minded players can benefit from seeing creative squads and casual players benefit from seeing the
competitive lists. My hope is that this guide can benefit both the casual and competitively minded players. Also,
I included suggested errata for ships and upgrades that need adjustments; these errata are of course for casual
play only, as they are not official. Enjoy!

Basic Strategy
This section seeks to expand upon your basic knowledge of the rules of X-Wing non-epic games. We won’t
discuss rules here, so if you cannot remember something, refer to the Learn to Play Guide, Rules Reference
Guide, and/or FAQ as a reminder. This section will break down various elements of the game, so you can build
better squads and improve your flying.

Pilot Skill (PS)

There are three basic tenants of pilot skill.
Pros of Low PS Ships: Blocking. Ships that move first can get in the way of ships that move later in the phase.
Therefore, by moving first, you can disrupt the opponent’s formations by moving where they want to move. In
addition, this tactic denies the opponent their action if they collide with your ship. Also, while not explicitly a
pro of low PS, ships with lower PS are by default cheaper than higher PS ships of the same type. Therefore, a
squad of low PS ships will have more ships than one that has all high PS ships of the same type.
Pros of High PS Ships: High PS ships have numerous upsides. First, high PS (pilot skill) ships shoot first, so
there is a chance they will destroy a lower PS ship before it gets the chance to shoot during the Combat Phase.
Second, high PS ships have a much easier time acquiring a Target Lock (TL) on lower PS ships due to the order
of movement in the Activation Phase. Third, due to the order of activations, high PS ships are good at “tailing”
(fly behind and out of arc for multiple turns) enemy ships. Fourth, ships that like to dodge arcs need to have
higher PS to take full advantage of the ability to see the state of the board to choose the best arc dodging
actions. Fifth, some card effects specifically cause more harm or perform better against ships with low(er) PS.
Pros of Same PS Ships: This refers to ships within the same squad that have the same PS. There are significant
advantages to this because those ships can be activated in whichever order is preferable, both for moving and
for attacking.

Hull vs. Shields

Most of the time, shields are strictly better than hull (because they treat critical hits as normal damage) and are
worth about 1 more point than a hull increase. However, there are a few effects that place a higher value on
having a high hull stat. A hull stat of 2 or fewer can be insta-killed by a Proton Bomb or other cards that deal
damage cards directly to the ship, bypassing shields. Also some effects (like Flechette Torpedoes) only work on
ships with low hull values. Some cards work better on ships with higher shield values (like Plasma Torpedoes).
Lastly, some cards will discard or modify damage cards; these effects are better on ships with higher hull
values. Some cards will recover lost shields; these effects are better on ships with higher shield values.

Attack vs Agility
It is difficult not to address these two states together, as they are very closely related. First of all, the attack dice
have a 4/8 chance of rolling a hit (unmodified) while agility dice have a 3/8 chance of rolling an evade
(unmodified). Therefore, attack dice are “better” than defense dice, at least in terms of successful rolls. There is
a paradigm for which attack values are good against which agility values, and this should serve as a foundation
when building a squad. This chart will be explained in detail below.

1 2 3
Value 2 + = -
3 - = +

While this is an overly simplified chart (meaning certain ships definitely break the “rules” suggested by the
chart), it shows that certain attack values are typically better against certain agility values. An agility of 2 is
such that is has no inherent strengths or weaknesses. An agility of 1 is weak against hordes of 2 attack ships, as
these squads tend to roll more dice and therefore are better against ships with low agility and high hull/shields.
An agility of 3 is weaker against attack 3 ships, because an attack of 3 can consistently break through the 3
agility and deal damage to the typically low hull/shield agility 3 ships. Also, while an attack of 3 is not
inherently bad against agility 1, this chart shows that you could have gotten more value out of spending your
points on more 2 attack ships than fewer 3 attack ships to combat an agility 1 ship.

Standard Actions
This section will address the various actions that come standard to ships in X-wing. Any card or ability needs to
be compared to what these actions give a ship. It goes without saying that certain card abilities will favor some
actions over others, so these definitions should be used as a guide and not as rules.

“If you don’t know what to do, just focus” is often muttered by impatient X-Wing players. Focus is the standard
action in X-Wing, and every [non-epic] ship has it. Focus increases the odds of each attack and defense die to
be successful by 25% each. Focus is very versatile, as it can be used when attacking or defending. Therefore, if
your ship is both capable of attacking and defending this round (or you anticipate it will) you should focus. It is
usually advised that a player use the focus token upon the first opportunity to use it successfully, as there is not
a guarantee that other opportunities will arise in the turn. Therefore, higher PS ships tend to use focus as an
offensive action and lower PS ships tend to use it defensively. On the next page is a chart showing the average
hit/evade outcomes of focused versus unfocused dice.

Attack Value Damage Output Agility Value Evade Outputs
1 0.5 1 0.375
1 with Focus 0.75 1 with Focus 0.625
2 1 2 0.75
2 with Focus 1.5 2 with Focus 1.25
3 1.5 3 1.125
3 with Focus 2.25 3 with Focus 1.875
4 2 4 1.5
4 with Focus 3 4 with Focus 2.5
5 2.5 5 1.875
5 with Focus 3.75 5 with Focus 3.125

Target Lock (TL)

A target lock action is another common action available to most ships. A target lock has the same odds of
increasing the attack success of each attack die as a focus token (25%) BUT it has an increased chance of a
critical hit result. A TL does not go away if it isn’t spent at the end of the round, and certain secondary weapons
require a TL to fire. It’s important to note that since dice can only be rerolled once per attack, abilities that
require a reroll make TLs less impactful. Low PS ships have a difficult time acquiring a TL because they
activate before ships with higher PS. A TL is a strictly better choice (abilities not accounted for) when you
know that your ship will be attacking this round, and you will not be attacked. Also, use a TL when your ship
will not attack AND not be attacked, because you can then use the TL during a later round.

The evade action is common on ships with higher agility. An evade action is more effective at evading damage
than a focus if the agility of the ship is 3 or fewer. An agility of 4 with focus has the same odds of success as an
evade token with 4 agility. The difference is that a focus could fail or it could prevent more than 1 damage,
whereas an evade is a guaranteed success. Use evade when you will not be attacking enemy ships and you will
be getting attacked. Also, an evade is a good choice if you have a ship that is valuable due to its effect or
upgrades, and you want to protect it at the cost of its firepower.

Barrel Roll
The barrel roll action is a positional action. It is best used to reposition your ship so that your ship maintains its
arc on an enemy ship while dodging the arc of the enemy ship. In addition, the barrel roll action allows for more
flexible navigation around obstacles. Low PS ships can use barrel roll as a blocking tool. Lastly, while it is
sometimes not possible to completely escape all enemy firing arcs, using a barrel roll, it is possible to move
backwards and away from an enemy arc, which may move the barrel rolling ship into a more favorable range of
defending. This action is best on higher PS ships, as most ships will have committed to their location when the
high PS ship choses to barrel roll.

The boost action is a positional action. It is best used to redirect your ship towards another target, preferably
dodging a firing arc in the process. In addition, the boost action allows for more flexible navigation around
obstacles. Low PS ships can also use boost as a blocking tool. This action is best on higher PS ships, as most
ships will have committed to their location when the high PS ship choses to boost. Low PS ships with boost can
prove to be effective blockers.

Cloak is a rare action that allows a ship to become much harder to hit at the expense of being able to attack. A
standard cloak (without any upgrades) is both a good way to protect a ship from multiple attacks a turn, but is
less effective than an evade if only being attacking by one ship. However, the decloak allows for a massive shift
in position that is difficult to predict, allowing a ship that cloaks to be able to traverse the battlefield in ways no
other ship can.

SLAM (Sub-light Acceleration Motor)

Currently, the only ship that has the SLAM action is the K-Wing. The SLAM action allows for unprecedented
movement at the cost of not being able to attack the turn you use it. In addition, the SLAM action can allow the
ship using it to escape an unfavorable position or to set up a very favorable position for next round. Also, the
Burnout SLAM illicit upgrade grants the SLAM action to the equipped ship.

Rotate Arc
Currently, the only ship that has the Rotate Arc action is Lancer-Class Pursuit Craft. This action allows the ship
to rotate its mobile firing arc to another one of its zones. This allows the ship to function like a turret, as long as
the player is willing to use this as their action. Effective users of this ship will try and fly the craft in such a way
so that the Rotate Arc action is used as rarely as possible.

The Four Pillars of X-Wing

There are four pillars of X-Wing that act like a game of rock-paper-scissors-lizard. While no pillar simply beats
another, knowing these pillars allows for a squad builder to include ships from multiple pillars to account for all
or most weaknesses to the squad.

Jousting ships (an all joust ship list is usually called a swarm) are those that are very efficient in terms of their
raw statistical attack, agility, hull, shields, and cost. A good jousting ship is not spending other points on PS,
special actions, or an exceptional maneuver dial. Jousting ships are common at low PS and in high numbers,
flying in formation to maximize firepower on targets one at a time. High PS jousters exist and ususally are
augmented by upgrade cards to maximize their efficiency. Jousters are naturally very good against Primary
Weapon Turret (PWT) ships, as their sheer statistical damage usually overwhelms a bulked up ship’s high hull
value. Jousters are poor against arc dodging ships because the jousting swarm has difficulty keeping all of its
guns pointed at the arc dodgers. Examples of these ships include the TIE fighter, TIE Advanced, TIE Phantom
(with upgrades), TIE Bomber, Imperial Shuttle, TIE Defender, Y-wing (with BTL upgrade), Z-95 Headhunter,
T-65 X-wing, B-wing, and the G-1A Starfighter.

Primary Weapon Turrets (PWT)
PWTs are ships that have a turret as their primary weapon. Ships that take a turret upgrade also can fit into this
category. Ships with an auxiliary firing arc tend to move in the direction of PWTs, but fall somewhere between
them and arc dodging ships. PWTs (and friends) can hit foes outside of their firing arc, so they are at their best
trying to evade as many arcs as possible and firing from the sides or rear. Therefore, PWTs (and friends) are
good against arc dodging ships because the arc dodging ships cannot evade the PWTs attacks as effectively.
However, PWTs tend to wither against a jousting squad if/when caught in arc. Examples of these ships include
the YT-1300, YT-2400, VT-49 Decimator, K-wing, HWK-290 (with turret upgrades), Y-wing (with turret
upgrade), Firespray-31, YV-666, VCX-100, Attack Shuttle (with turret upgrades), JumpMaster 5000, TIE/sf
Fighter, ARC-170, and the Lancer-Class Pursuit Craft.
As an aside, the upgrade, Twin Laser Turret (TLT), operates a little differently than normal turrets. The TLT
on low PS ships typically grants the ship a reasonably high jousting value for a turret. This value is curbed by
the range 1 hole, lack of crit potential, and poor maneuverability of the ship that carries the TLT. Because of
this, TLT ships are great against PWTs that have poor jousting values (like the YT-1300, YT-2400, and
Decimator). TLT ships suffer even worse against joust lists than other PWTs because of the TLTs’ poor

Arc Dodgers
Arc Dodgers are ships that have the barrel roll and/or the boost upgrade (having both is better) and tend to have
a high PS. These ships excel at eluding the arcs of jousting ships so that they do not even get attacked during the
Combat Phase. These ships tend to be worse against PWTs as their ability to dodge arcs is nullified by the turret
weapon. The upgrade card Autothrusters compensates for this natural weakness to turrets. The best arc dodgers
can perform multiple actions to both arc dodge AND modify their attacks. Arc dodgers also tend to have high
agility values paired with low hull/shield values. Because of their high agility and relatively lower hull and
shielding, these ships tend to be the go-to ships for a flanking role in a squad. Examples of these ships include
the TIE Interceptor, A-wing, E-wing, Starviper, Aggressor, TIE Advanced Prototype, and the Protectorate

These ships excel at firing missiles, torpedoes, and/or bombs. While these ships are not naturally good against
any of the first three pillars, they are not poor against them either. With the wide selection of various ordnance
and bombs available, good bomber squads are toolbox lists capable to attacking all of the three other pillars.
The only real weakness of a bomber list is that sometimes the munitions that are chosen for a squad are
incorrect based on the matchup. In order for ordnance weapons to be worth firing, it usually requires a TL AND
a focus token before firing (or a mathematical equivalent). Examples of these ships include the TIE Bomber,
TIE Punisher, Firespray-31, K-wing, JumpMaster 5000, and to a lesser extent the Y-wing, B-wing, VCX-100,
and any ship with the “Sabine Wren” crew.

In regards to ordnance, this weapon type has different pros and cons. Ordnance usually hits harder than a
standard primary attack, and also ignores range bonuses, which makes ordnance attacks really powerful at range
3 (because the ordnance user will benefit from range 3 defense bonuses while the other ships will not).
Unfortunately, ordnance is usually difficult to fire (as most instances of ordnance require a TL), so higher PS
ships have an easier time firing ordnance than lower PS ships. Also, ordnance is usually overcosted for what it
does, so the upgrade cards “Extra Munitions” (if possible) and “Guidance Chips” or “Long-Range Scanners”
are recommended to make ordnance worth firing. Also, ordnance obviously has a limited amount of uses before
running out. Guidance Chips is stronger on higher PS ships that do not have a great difficulty in acquiring target
locks. Use Long-Range Scanners for lower PS ships that can struggle acquiring target locks normally.

In regards to bombs, there are two categories of this upgrade type: bombs and mines (yes, bombs are considered
a category of the bomb upgrade type). Bombs (the category) detonate at the end of the activation phase, and are
dropped when the ship reveals its maneuver dial. Therefore, bombs (the category) favor ships of higher PS as,
presumably, the rest of the enemy ships have moved, so it is easier to know whether the bomb will hit enemy
ship(s) upon detonating. In regards to mines, these are deployed as an action, so mines are dropped after
maneuvering. Therefore, mines favor lower PS ships, as presumably the enemy ships will not have maneuvered
before your mine carrying ship. Bombs (the upgrade type) are unique, as they directly bypass defense dice and
they also allow you to fire your weapons in the same round, so it like attacking twice in the same round.

New Ship Categorization

There is a new school of thought in regards to how to classify ships. While it definitely does not replace the
original three/four pillars, since the lines among those pillars have blurred in recent years, people are starting to
classify ships in three different categories that differ from the pillars. The difference here is that ships rarely
inherently have affinity towards any of these three categories, but through upgrade cards, they can be build
towards one of the three. Use this information in combination with your knowledge about the four pillars to
craft your squads effectively.

Ships that are built towards dealing exceptionally high damage fit into this category. Any ship that can inflict
more damage than it can sustain fits here.
Ships that are built towards surviving long into the end-game fit into this category. These ships can typically
shrug off single attacks from ships. Regenerating ships, or ships with excessive token stacking fit here.
These ships prioritize manipulating the opponent in some way other than by simply dealing damage. Effects
that stress, ionize, change how they maneuver or take actions, etc. all fit into this category.

The Rule of Eleven

The Rule of Eleven (RoE) is an oversimplified guideline for keeping an opponent at range 2-3 during the first
exchange of fire. Assuming both ships start off across from each other on opposite sides of the mat, the player
that desires to keep the combat in the range 2-3 can achieve that using the RoE (if ships are not in this exact
location, estimation is needed to figure out the distance between the two ships). The RoE is difficult to explain
in detail via text, so watch this video:
The RoE can also be used to help ships that perform better at different range bands. Remember that this is an
oversimplified guideline. Different estimates need to be used against ships that can move farther, large base
ships, ships with boost/barrel roll, and if the ships start in opposite corners.
While often overlooked, obstacle choice AND placement is considered a quarter of the game’s skill (one quarter
goes to ship placement, another to squad building, and the last quarter is the actual piloting of the squad). Which
three obstacles to bring is one choice, and how to place them is another.

Obstacle Choice
Reasons to use Asteroids
-you have only a few ships
-your list is weak to swarms
-you anticipate a lot of turret ships
-your list uses ion weapons or tractor beam weapons
Reasons to use Debris Fields
-your list has Dash Rendar (pilot)
-your list inflicts stress
-you have ships that are less action dependent (like ships with Accuracy Corrector)
-you have a swarm list

Ultimately, you should try different asteroid configurations with your squads to see what works best for you.
Bigger and smaller obstacles are also a consideration as to which works better with your squad.
Obstacle Placement
Placement of obstacles should change drastically depending on your squad choice. Here are some example
squad types and what sort of placement you should make with your obstacles. Remember that these are
guidelines and not rules. Individual squad choices can change the optimal obstacle placement. Also, notice what
certain squads prefer to have for obstacle placement, so that you can counter their list.
Swarms (jousters) hate obstacles because they interfere with their natural superior statistical combat advantage.
You want to place your three obstacles in three corners, two of which should be on opponent’s side. Usually
asteroids are more dangerous to swarm lists (although debris fields are bigger).

Deploy obstacles similar to how you deploy for a swarm; you want to have a large open space in the middle of
the battlefield so your PTW can spin in the middle of it and cover the largest space on the mat. PTWs usually
prefer debris.
Arc Dodgers
Arc dodgers love obstacles, as they have the easiest time maneuvering around them. Try and cluster the largest
asteroids in the middle of the battlefield. Arc dodgers tend to like asteroids.
Ordnance carriers tend to dislike obstacles, and bomb carriers prefer them to clutter up their minefields.

“Some more advice on obstacles: you should think about where you want the action to take place. If you plan
on slow-playing your opponent, put them on your opponent's side. If you want to meet in the middle and use

them as cover after the primary engagement, put them in the middle. If your opponent has a less maneuverable
squad than you, put them on your side” (That One Guy, FFG forums).

Ship Placement
The starting location of your ships is a quarter of the game. As a player, you must
determine which squad is better at jousting the other. If you are better, you want to be
across from the other player and you should probably deploy the majority of your squad in
a corner, as it will allow for a better approach to the enemy squad, and protects your rear,
as the enemy squad cannot fly behind you (or they will flee the battlefield). If you are
unsure about which squad jousts better, you know the opponent jousts better, or you favor
a more conservative start, fanning your ships in the middle allows your squad flexibility.

Formation Flying
While not all squads like to fly in formation, many do, so it’s important to know how to do
this and how the opponent will do it as well. Since this is difficult to explain via text here
are some videos to help with this topic (I recommend watching them):
Those two videos are very basic, but the diagrams to the left are some common formations
to use. These videos focus on the Pinwheel formation, which is a slightly worse formation
to use than the V-Staggered Formation. Of these four formations, the V-Stagger formation
is usually the best one to use, because EACH ship can select the SAME maneuver and not bump each other if
the ships are positioned correctly.

Target Priority
It is important to mention that it is best practice to try and destroy enemy ships by concentrating firepower from
multiple ships a turn. Trying to get multiple arcs on one target at a time, and destroying it reduces the total
amount of firepower the opponent has. Spreading out your attacks reduces their overall effectiveness. Also, if
you are uncertain as to which ship you should target, think about which ship you will be able to coordinate fire
against NEXT turn. As in many miniatures games, the player who gets enemy units off of the table faster tends
to win, as fewer enemy ships means fewer attack dice heading your way.

Flanking is a tactic that splits your force into two (or more) distinct formations. The goal of flanking is to get
the enemy squad to engage one of your two groups, and then the unengaged group swoops in for the kill, as the
flanking ship(s) tries to flee. A good flanking tactic is to have 1 very powerful “lone wolf” ship fly to the side
and have a formation of weaker ships engage head on. The opponent is forced into a difficult decision, and may
direct his/her attacks poorly due to a well performed flanking maneuver. The best flanking ships are those that
are able to adjust on the fly and are highly maneuverable, although flanking can be successful (but more
difficult) with more sluggish ships. You never know for sure which group your opponent will choose to attack,
so it is also important that your larger group of ships is capable of turning to attack the enemy should they
choose to attack the flanking ship.
Ship Breakdown
This section will evaluate each ship’s strengths, weaknesses, flying strategies, and suggested upgrades and
squads. There are DEFINITELY upgrades that can be played on ships that are not located in the “Suggested
Upgrades” section and the sample squads are just there to help you get started. Do not let this guide pigeon hole
your list building. Instead use it as a starting point to get a general idea as to how each ship functions in the
game. This section is organized by faction and release date. Also, when applicable, some ships have suggested
errata (rule changes) in italics for CASUAL GAMES ONLY. Following the errata will be a brief description of
how the errata affects the ship for the better of the game. These errata are also found at the end of the guide.
Errata listed in red indicated errata that is official by FFG.

Imperial Faction
The Navy tends to focus on ships with high agility, maneuverability, and efficiency while sacrificing shields
and attack power. Imperial effects and upgrades tend to focus on the aggressive, offensive aspects of the game
such as Target Locking. Imperial squads tend to stress formation flying more than other factions.

TIE Fighter

Base Size: small

The TIE fighter is tied (pun) for the most efficient ship in the game. The maneuver dial is very good, having all six turn
maneuvers, but the TIE cannot move very slowly, as it lacks the 1 forward and 1 banks. The Academy Pilot is a very
popular choice when flying an Imperial Swarm list. The TIE fighter is best flown in formation in high numbers. The
Obsidian Squadron Pilot is effective in 7-8 TIE swarm lists to vary the PS. The Black Squadron Pilot is effective as he can
use his Elite Pilot Talent (EPT) to great effect. Generic TIE Fighters rarely deserve any upgrades, although the Black
Squadron Pilot has a few options for effective EPTs.

Ship Specific Upgrades: [none]
Suggested Generic Upgrades:

An alternative to a Black Squadron Pilot, Chaser sacrifices PS and an EPT for an

ability. His ability is best utilized when other ships around him have higher PS (so
they spend their focus token before Chaser would), OR if a nearby ship is a better
target than Chaser.
Suggested Upgrades: [none]

Wampa is another alternative to Black Squadron Pilot, and he is a strong choice.

While it is difficult to modify his dice to achieve the desired critical hit result, just by
himself, his ability is strong enough to warrant play, punching through highly
defensive ships. Wampa paints a target on himself when playing against high agility
aces, so the rest of your squad should compensate for this.
Suggested Upgrades: [none]

Night Best is a competent TIE pilot. He does fine working his way into swarm lists as
a flanker or as a way to fill points in a squad. Getting a free focus allows him to
choose a different action as well.
Suggested Upgrades:

Winged Gundark is a poor pilot. He can gain some utility against low agility targets
with low shields, but usually there is a better way to spend the points (Like on Night
Suggested Upgrades: [none]

Backstabber is a solid TIE pilot. He is best used as a flanker for your squad, as he
gains an additional attack die for avoiding enemy firing arcs. His only downside is his
lack of an EPT.
Suggested Upgrades: [none]

Dark Curse is a fearsome and elusive TIE Fighter pilot. He works well as a flanker or
as a compliment to a small strike force of different ships. His ability usually
dissuades the opponent from even targeting him, so he often lasts into the late
Suggested Upgrades: [none]

While Youngster’s ability may seem strong, the lack of powerful Action EPTs
hampers his usefulness. If more powerful Action EPTs come out, Youngster may see
his time to shine.
Suggested Upgrades:

Mithel is a good pilot. He is effective at fighting toe-to-toe with more expensive

ships, as his attack is boosted at range one. He is at his best when he is outside of
enemy arcs, as being in range 1 greatly decreases his life span.
Suggested Upgrades:

Scourge is a strong pilot that compensates well for the TIE Fighter’s low attack stat.
He pairs well with cards that inflict damage cards such as Wampa, Advanced
Homing Missiles, and Proton Bombs.
Suggested Upgrades:

Howlrunner is the most popular and effective named TIE pilot. She is very good at
leading a swarm for 6-7 TIEs in tight formation as her ability will trigger on all of
them. Since she is a desirable target, sometimes it is best to use her evade action
even when she has a shot, just to help protect her a little more. Her upgrades
should be defensive in nature.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
This squad flies in a 7 TIE Fighter swarm formation. This is THE joust list.
TIE Swarm: 98 pts.
Point your swarm and shoot. Flying a swarm is a fundamental skill of X-
4x Academy Pilot Wing, so every player should try this list (or a variation of it) at least once
2x Obsidian Squadron Pilot to get the feel for it. This list crushes turret lists and does well against
1x “Howlrunner” other jousters. Beware the arc dodgers.
Shield Upgrade

Soontir and Friends: 99 pts. This squad combines the jousting efficiency of 4 TIEs with the arc
1x Soontir Fel (TIE Interceptor) dodging prowess of Soontir. Fly the 4 TIEs in a pinwheel formation and
Push the Limit have Soontir act as flanker.
Royal Guard TIE
Stealth Device
1x “Howlrunner”
Swarm Tactics
Shield Upgrade
2x Academy Pilot
1x Black Squadron Pilot
Swarm Tactics

With this list, send Krassis as a makeshift jouster, and have Dark Curse
3 Ship Imperial: 99 pts.
1x Dark Curse and Darth Vader act as flankers.
1x Krassis Trelix (Firespray-31)
Heavy Laser Cannon
Recon Specialist
1x Darth Vader (TIE Advanced)
Engine Upgrade
Adv. Targeting Computer

TIE Advanced

Base Size: small

The TIE Advanced is a unique ship, in that its title allows it to equip a sensor upgrade at reduced cost. There are multiple
effective options to choose from. Accuracy Corrector (AC) is the most obvious and popular choice, as it allows the TIE
Advanced to use its actions either positionally or defensively. Fire-Control System (FCS) is another option that performs
better at punching through agility 3+ targets than AC does at range 1, but it leaves the TIE Advanced more vulnerable
defensively, and is less effective at ranges 2-3. Advanced Targeting Computer and to a lesser degree, Advanced Sensors,
are both effective upgrades on higher PS pilots. Finally, to get the best in defensive performance, the sensor jammer
works very well at buffing the survivability of the TIE Advanced. The TIE Advanced tends to prefer the range 3 band and
it has an average dial. Of the two generic pilots, the Tempest Squadron Pilot is usually the most cost effective choice, but
the Storm Squadron Pilot performs much better against lower PS targets.
Ship Specific Upgrades:

Suggested Generic Upgrades:


Colzet is not lighting the world on fire, but he can be a good choice instead of a
Storm Squadron Pilot. He is an end game pilot, so the rest of your squad should be
equipped to be more threatening than he is.
Suggested Upgrades:

Alozen, as a midling PS pilot has a hard time equipping the correct EPT for the
situation. His ability contradicts the TIE advanced desire to sit at range 3 as much as
possible. There are a wide variety of upgrades that can make him more effective,
but nothing fits him perfectly.
Suggested Upgrades:

Strom is a deceptively powerful pilot. He is best utilized as a flanking ship in
conjunction with a jousting component of your squad. When the Jousting portion of
your list gets within range one of the enemy, Strom can swoop in and make the
range 1 exchange very one sided.
Suggested Upgrades:

Maarek Stele is an elite pilot whose pilot ability perfectly lends itself to the ATC. Use
him as the ace of your squad and try and target ships that would suffer the most
from critical damage.
Suggested Upgrades:

Juno pushes the physical limitations of her TIE Advanced and can perform
maneuvers that do not even appear on her maneuver dial. Because of this, she
becomes an excellent knife fighter and reactionary arc dodger.
Suggested Upgrades:

The Dark Lord himself, Darth Vader has one of the best pilot abilities in the game.
He is a fearsome and adaptable pilot and usually requires the attention of the entire
enemy squad to defeat.
Errata: Increase Darth Vader’s cost to 30. This cost increase accounts for his
exceptional pilot ability and creates insentive to pilot other higher PS TIE Advanced.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
This list unleashes a terrible barrage of attack dice with ordnance, and
Big Ship Shasha’: 100 pts.
has staying power due to the AC + evade actions.
4x Tempest Squadron Pilot
Accuracy Corrector
Cluster Missiles
Guidance Chips

Strom Bringer: 100 pts. Fly Strom as a flanker to the TIE swarm and send Strom into range 1
4x Academy Pilots (TIE Fighter) when the swarm is at range 1 with the enemy.
1x “Howlrunner”
1x Zerik Strom
Engine Upgrade
Accuracy Corrector
9-9-9: 100 pts. The triple ace arc dodger list! The list arc dodges better than most.
1x Darth Vader
Adv. Targeting Computer
Engine Upgrade
1x Soontir Fel (TIE Interceptor)
Push the Limit
Royal Guard TIE
Stealth Device
1x Turr Phennir (TIE Interceptor)
Veteran Instincts

TIE Interceptor

Base Size: small

The TIE Interceptor is the definition of a glass cannon. It hits very hard, but also is
easily destroyed. The TIE Interceptor is one of the few ships with both boost and
barrel roll, so it is one of (if not THE) best arc dodgers in the game. Interceptors are
not very customizable, at least at lower pilot skills. High PS ships have access to the
Royal Guard TIE title upgrade, which allows the TIE to equip an additional
modification. Also, the Royal Guard Pilot is tied for the highest PS ship in the game
that is not a unique pilot. Alpha Squadron Pilots are very effective blockers, while
Saber Squadron Pilots and Royal Guard Pilots can equip the extremely valuable Elite
Pilot Talent (EPT). The Avenger Squadron Pilot is a fringe pilot, as it is only worth it
against very specific matchups. The TIE Interceptor’s dial is one of the best in the
game, making it extremely maneuverable. Lastly, the TIE interceptor should strongly
consider the Autothrusters upgrade, as it helps with its survivability against its
greatest weakness: turret weapons.

Ship Specific Upgrades:

Suggested Generic Upgrades:

Fel’s Wrath is a poor pilot. His ability is lackluster, and his lack of an EPT stunts his
potential. He is not recommended.
Errata: “Fel’s Wrath” gains an EPT. Higher PS TIE Interceptors need an EPT to be
Suggested Upgrades: [none]

Lorrir’s ability is better than Fel’s Wrath’s, but his lack of an EPT renders him
ineffective. He just doesn’t have the tricks needed to keep his points investment
worth it.
Errata: Lieutenant Lorrir gains an EPT and his ability does not cause stress. Higher PS
TIE Interceptors need an EPT to be effective. He is actually a solid pilot with Push
the Limit.
Suggested Upgrades: [none]

Again, no EPT. Kir Kanos is the best of the named TIE Interceptors so far though. His
ability actually hits harder than a focus action. The trick is to make Kanos the least
desirable target of your squad, so the opponent ignores him. He is definitely a
playable pilot, but there are often better options available.
Errata: Kir Kanos gains an EPT. Higher PS TIE Interceptors need an EPT to be
effective. He is actually a solid pilot with Push the Limit.
Suggested Upgrades:

Tetran is an interesting pilot. Being able to pick the optimal K-Turn is a useful ability,
and he is the only ship in the game that can do a 1 speed K-Turn. The issue is that
most of the time, Interceptors would rather just do a hard turn and then
boost/barrel roll to turn around. At least he has an EPT.
Suggested Upgrades:

Now we start getting to some consistently good pilots. Turr’s ability allows him to
shoot a lower PS enemy and then immediately boost or barrel roll out of the
defender’s arc, so Turr does not get shot by return fire. It’s important to remember
that if you do a barrel roll or boost action during the Activation Phase, he won’t be
able to do that same action during the Combat Phase.
Suggested Upgrades:

While the TIE Interceptor is lacking a bit in the middle PS range, they excel at the
top. Carnor Jax is a vicious TIE to play against. He excels at range 1, and can ruin
entire lists that are action dependent.
Suggested Upgrades:

The Barron Fel himself, Soontir is a fearsome pilot. As of the few PS 9 pilots in the
game, his ace status does not disappoint. When people think of arc dodging ships,
Soontir is usually regarded as the best one. Remember that Fel basically has a 3
point Push the Limit tax, as not putting it on him is foolhardy.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
This squad is simple but it can be effective. This list can teach the basics for how
TIE Interceptor Swarm: 100 pts. hard TIE Interceptors hit, but also how frail they are.
5x Alpha Squadron Pilot

Turr Fennir’s Barons: 100 pts. This list boasts some powerful alpha strike potential, while also have a
1x Turr Fennir late game ace. Use The TIE Bomber as a way to control enemy aces.
Veteran Instincts
Royal Guard TIE
2x Baron of the Empire (TIE Adv. Prototype)
Push the Limit
Concussion Missiles
Guidance Chips
1x Scimitar Squadron Pilot (TIE Bomber)
TIE Shuttle
1-10 TIE Swarm: 100 pts. This is a powerful TIE swarm. Use Carnor Jax as a flanker to disrupt
1x Carnor Jax enemy actions right when the rest of the swarm moves in.
Push the Limit
Royal Guard TIE
Twin Ion Engine Mk. II
1x “Howlrunner” (TIE Fighter)
1x “Wampa” (TIE Fighter)
3x Academy Pilot (TIE Fighter)


Base Size: large (axillary rear firing arc)

While not really a turret, the Firespray has a rear firing arc, which is treated as a
primary firing arc (but it cannot fire secondary weapons from it). This rear arc makes
the Firespray a unique ship, somewhere between a jouster and a turret ship, so it is
difficult to classify. Its upgrades allow for a lot of customizing and there are a lot of
ways to bring a Firespray into an imperial squad. In order for a Firespray to be
effective, it needs to avoid as many enemy arcs as possible, so its rear arc remains
relevant long into the end game.
Ship Specific Upgrades:

Suggested Generic Upgrades:

Krassis is arguably the strongest Imperial named Firespray pilot. His power comes
from repeatedly using a canon upgrade. Try and fly Krassis in such a manner so that
he dodges as much fire as possible and survives late into the game.
Errata: Krassis Trelix may reroll up to 2 dice when attacking with a secondary
weapon. This keeps his ability up to par with similar abilities on newer pilots.
Suggested Upgrades:

Kath is an average pilot. Her ability is fine, but it is a little underpowered. There are
upgrades to make use of her ability though.
Suggested Upgrades:

While often underappreciated, Boba can be an effective elite arc dodging pilot. With
Navigator, Fett becomes Fettigator and can do any bank maneuver after revealing
his dial. (Outmaneuver works out of his auxiliary arc)
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
Efficient and effective; fly them as arc dodgers, and do not be afraid
Triple Bounty Hunter: 99 pts.
to retreat a wounded firespray.
3x Bounty Hunter

The Big Three: 99 pts. This list hits extremely hard. Use the Omnicron and Bounty Hunter as
1x Omicron Group Pilot (Lambda-Class your main force, with Whisper to flank.
Darth Vader
1x Whisper (TIE Phantom)
Veteran Instincts
Advanced Cloaking Device
1x Bounty Hunter
Slave I

Two Ship Heavies: 99 pts. Smash the opposition with Oicunn and use Krassis to hit the enemy
1x Krassis Trelix from afar.
Heavy Laser Cannon
1x Captain Oicunn (VT-49 Decimator)
Ysanne Isard

TIE Bomber

Base Size: small

The TIE Bomber is a cheap ordnance platform that is designed to launch torpedoes, missiles, and bombs. Of the three
generic pilots, the Scimitar is most useful to massed torpedo/missile volleys and/or bomb deployment. The Gamma
Squadron Veterans can be much more frightening when their EPT is utilized effectively (Crackshot is a great choice with
munitions). These munitions hit harder than normal weapons, at the cost of ease of use. By default, these kinds of
weapons are slightly over-costed, so measures must be taken into account to off-set these natural disadvantages. Make
sure to take advantage of the Extra Munitions upgrade to off-set the high cost of munitions and to use either Guidance
Chips or Long-Range Scanners to most effectively utilize those weapons. TIE Bombers do not need to ordnance or bombs
to be effective though. The low PS TIE Bombers are efficient jousters, and flown in high numbers showcase an
impressive amount of health. In addition, the TIE Shuttle title completely alters the configuration of the TIE Bomber’s
upgrade bar, allowing the ship to serve a completely different roll in a squad. Darth Vader, Mara Jade, and Tactician are
all great choices when fielding a TIE Shuttle.
Ship Specific Upgrades:

Suggested Generic Upgrades:

Deathfire is an excellent pilot for deploying mines. He is a very cheap platform for
mine deployment, and he can threaten much more expensive ships, especially aces.
Suggested Upgrades:

Jonus is the first of two named TIE Bomber pilots. His ability works best when paired
with a bunch of other munitions carriers flying in formation.
Suggested Upgrades:

Major Rhymer provides much more utility to munitions. Unlike Jonus, Rhymer does
not need other bombers to shine. Just make sure that he stays alive long enough to
fire all of his munitions.
Errata: Reduce Major Rhymer’s cost to 23. He is overcosted by about 3 points.
Suggested Upgrades:

Tomax Bren is a versatile powerhouse. His ability allows for a variety of build types
depending on which EPT upgrade card he uses. While Crack Shot is the most
popular EPT for Tomax Bren, it is definitely not the only option. Include Homing
Missiles and Crack Shot to the suggested upgrades list.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
Tomax is a fearsome pilot and he may attract the attention of your
Imperial Veterans: 100 pts. opponent’s squad. Use this to your advantage to push your hearty
1x Tomax Bren
Glaive Squadron Pilots to the end game where they are at their best.
Crack Shot
Cluster Missiles
Homing Missiles
Extra Munitions
Guidance Chips
2x Glaive Squadron Pilot (TIE Defender)

“Deathfire” proves to be a formidable menace to aces, while the
Featuring Deathfire: 100 pts.
1x “Deathfire” other three ships can punish low PS ships.
Extra Munitions
Cluster Mines
Long-Range Scanners
Homing Missiles
1x “Backdraft” (TIE/sf Fighter)
Special Ops Training
Collision Detector
Sensor Cluster
Twin Ion Mk. II
1x “Zeta Leader” (TIE/fo Fighter)
Comm Relay
Twin Ion Engine Mk. II
1x “Wampa” (TIE Fighter)

TIE Shuttle Swarm: 100 pts. This list, while definitely formidable on its own, showcases some of
3x TIE Bomber the strongest varieties of TIE Shuttles that can add some control
TIE Shuttle elements to a squad.
1x TIE Bomber
TIE Shuttle
Darth Vader
Rebel Captive
Hull Upgrade
1x TIE Bomber
TIE Shuttle
Mara Jade

Lambda-Class Shuttle

Base Size: large

The Lambda (or Space Cow) is the Imperial support ship. It is incredibly cheap for its
stat line but its obvious glaring weakness is its horrible maneuver dial. In order to
successfully utilize the Imperial Shuttle, pilots must be sure to fly with careful
precision, as there is no room for error. While its dial is poor, the Lambda is one of
the few ships with a “zero” maneuver, which can often catch enemies off guard. The
Shuttle is often used as a support ship, and the unique pilots highlight that ability.
The unique title for the Lambda can assist munitions builds.
Errata: The cost of ST-321 title is reduced to 1. This is to
align the cost of the title more with Long-Range Sensors,
and giving some incentive to trying this title with Colonel
Ship Specific Upgrades:

Suggested Generic Upgrades

Captain Yorr seems to be an underwhelming pilot, but he is very useful at keeping
ships vulnerable to stress, stress-free.
Suggested Upgrades:

Jendon is not a very commonly used pilot, but he has a place in an ordnance-heavy
Suggested Upgrades:

Kagi is an underperforming ship. He is a pilot who is a silver bullet against TL heavy

lists especially when equipped with sensor jammer. He works well with other ships
who deny the benefits of focus (such as Carnor Jax).
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
Flown well, this can be a very intimidating list. However, it requires
Space Cow Smackdown: 100 pts.
exceptionally good flying to be victorious. Substituting enhanced
4x Omicron Group Pilot
Flechette Cannon scopes for the Flechette Cannon is better against swarm builds.
Anti-Pursuit Lasers
Collision Detector

This list leverages the power of Emperor Palpatine to protect the

Palp Aces: 99 pts.
potentially fragile aces.
1x Omicron Group Pilot
Emperor Palpatine
Ion Projector
Collision Detector
1x Darth Vader (TIE Advanced)
Advanced Targeting Computer
1x Soontir Fel (TIE Interceptor)
Royal Guard TIE
Push the Limit
Stealth Device

A different take on the Palp Aces list before, this one utilizes two
Palp Aces 2: 100 pts.
1x Captain Yorr different ships.
Emperor Palpatine
Collision Detector
1x “Whisper” (TIE Phantom)
Advanced Cloaking Device
Intelligence Agent
Veteran Instincts
Collision Detector
1x The Inquisitor (TIE Advanced Prototype)

TIE Defender

Base Size: small

The TIE Defender is the Imperial Navy’s most powerful TIE variant. With high speed, firepower, resiliency, and agility, the
TIE Defender is a true terror in dogfighting combat. The TIE Defender is the only small base ship with a white K-Turn,
which allows it to loop back and forth. While the white K-Turn offers the Defender a powerful maneuvering option, the
rest of its dial is somewhat limiting for a ship of its caliber. The TIE Defender has two options for titles, and due to the
high cost of the base Defender, using a title is a necessary. The TIE/x7 title is the more consistent option, as the
survivability of the ship is greatly increased as long as the Defender maintains a high speed. The TIE/x7 actually reduces
the cost of the ship as well, while removing some of the customizability of the Defender’s upgrade bar. The TIE/D
radically amps up the firepower of the TIE Defender and making it capable of utilizing a control element. The TIE/D is
higher risk, but higher reward in comparison to the TIE/x7. Generally, use the TIE/x7 if the Defender is the most
threatening ship in your list. Use the TIE/D if the other ships in your list deserve more respect from the opponent, or if
you want to combine multiple control elements into your list, such as multiple Defenders with TIE/D.
Errata: The TIE/D title and the TIE/x7 title have their costs changed to -1.
Ship Specific Upgrades:

Suggested Generic Upgrades:

Countess Ryad is the most maneuverable of the TIE Defender pilots. She is also the
only pilot in the game currently to have FIVE GREEN K-Turns. The versatility of her
maneuverability makes her a very strong pilot.
Suggested Upgrades:

Colonel Vessery is a very good TIE Defender pilot. If your squad has another ship or
two that naturally acquires target locks, Vessery can prove quite capable.
Suggested Upgrades:

Maarek Stele is an interesting pilot, as his ability is not very overwhelming, but he is
well costed for his pilot skill. He can be a solid choice, but it can be difficult to
effectively utilize his ability without sacrificing his firepower.
Suggested Upgrades:

Rexler Brath is often chosen mostly due to his PS over his ability. It is difficult to
make his effect consistent, but when it works, it can be absolutely devestating.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
Use the ion control and your white K-Turn to get behind enemy ships.
Triple Defenders: 99 pts.
The Delta Squadron Pilots are also great blockers.
3x Delta Squadron Pilot
Ion Cannon

Featuring Colonel Vessery: 99 pts. Vessery is an absolute monster in this list, as he can dish out
1x Colonel Vessery tremendous damage very quickly, while also controlling the
TIE/D opponent’s positioning with the tractor beam. Use Vader as your late
Tractor Beam game finisher.
1x Darth Vader (TIE Advanced)
Advanced Targeting Computer
Engine Upgrade
1x “Zeta Leader” (TIE/fo Fighter)
Weapons Guidance

Use Tomax Bren as a battering ram to smash the opponent head on

Featuring Countess Ryad: 100 pts.
1x Countess Ryad while your other two ships flank from the sides.
Push the Limit
Twin Ion Engine Mk II
1x Juno Eclipse (TIE Advanced)
Accuracy Corrector
1x Tomax Bren (TIE Bomber)
Homing Missiles
Seismic Charges
Extra Munitions
Guidance Chips

TIE Phantom

Base Size: small

(Purple dependent on upgrades)

The TIE Phantom is one of the most unique ships in the game. It places a high priority on high PS using the cloak action
with Advanced Cloaking Device (ACD). Cloak allows for unparalleled movement at the beginning of the Activation Phase.
The Phantom is very difficult to pilot as well, as any slight misjudgment in flying can result in its demise. Also, the
Phantom is one of the few ships with 4 attack dice, pushing its offensive abilities beyond what most ships’ agility dice
can withstand. Due to its reliance on its ability to cloak after attacking, the Phantom relies heavily on its agility dice to
survive, making its survivability somewhat inconsistent. Lower PS TIE Phantom pilots may choose to rely on the Stigium
Particle Accelerator for added resiliency. IF the Phantom can utilize these two cards effectively, their jousting ability
skyrockets, but without those abilities, their jousting ranking is modest. The most fearsome TIE Phantom pilots are the
unique ones, equipped with the Veteran Instincts upgrade and ACD.
Ship Specific Upgrades:

Suggested Generic Upgrades:

Echo is a fantastic pilot. Her decloaking ability allows her to maintain her firing arc
on the enemy while dodging their arc.
Suggested Upgrades:

Whisper’s ability performs better against her most hated foe, the PWT, as the focus
token can be used for defense with her high agility (due to her ACD cloak). She is a
very strong pilot, when piloted well.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
This list jousts reasonably well, and unleashes a terrible amount of
Unleash the Phantoms: 100 pts
4x Sigma Squadron Pilot attack dice. Use the cloak action for positioning as necessary.
Collision Detector

Double Phantoms: 99 pts.

1x “Echo” Two Phantoms for twice the decloaking shenanigan fun. Just hope you
Recon Specialist do not face off against enemy PWTs.
Advanced Cloaking Device
Veteran Instincts
Sensor Jammer
1x “Whisper”
Intelligence Agent
Advanced Cloaking Device
Veteran Instincts
Sensor Jammer
1x Black Squadron Pilot (TIE Fighter)
Draw Their Fire

Use Rexlar and the Omega to threaten big damage, and try to get
Kallus’s Strike Force: 99 pts.
Whisper to the end game where she can carve her way through what
1x “Whisper”
Veteran Instincts is left of the opponent.
Advanced Cloaking Device
Agent Kallus
Sensor Jammer
1x Rexlar Brath (TIE Defender)
Twin Ion Engine Mk. II
1x Omega Squadron Pilot (TIE/fo Fighter)

VT-49 Decimator

Base Size: large (forward firing arc with PWT)

The Decimator is the Empire’s only access to a PWT ship, so it adds a lot of value to
the faction. It is also unique in its zero agility and massive hit points along with
having access to three crew members. The Decimator is one of the few ships
without a K-Turn or any red maneuvers. Because of its high cost, the Decimator is
best when it is equipped with numerous upgrades to maximize its offensive and
defensive potential. Higher PS pilots should strongly consider Engine Upgrade for
positioning against jousting lists. The Decimator will get shredded if it finds itself in
multiple arcs each turn, and critical hits pile up on this ship, so trying to elude
enemy arcs is pivotal in the success of Decimator pilots.
Ship Specific Upgrades:

Suggested Generic Upgrades:

Oicunn loves to ram into enemy formations, especially with the Dauntless title. He is
the most aggressive of the Decimator pilots.
Suggested Upgrades:

Kenkirk is a defensive pilot. Outfit him with offensive weaponry so that the
opponent wants to focus fire on him.
Suggested Upgrades:

Chirpy is the most commonly played Decimator, due to his straightforward damage
output and high PS. Chirpy prefers the TL action over focus.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
Decoy Allows Echo to fire at PS 10, which guarantees his ACD to
Yes, Decoy is Playable: 100 pts.
trigger before getting fired upon.
1x “Echo” (TIE Phantom)
Recon Specialist
Fire-Control System
Advanced Cloaking Device
1x Rear Admiral Chiraneau
Moff Jerjerrod
Darth Vader
Rebel Captive
Engine Upgrade
Veteran Instincts

Decimating Swarm: 100 pts. Run the TIE swarm in formation and have the patrol leader deal as
3x Academy Pilot (TIE Fighter) much damage as possible before it dies.
1x “Howlrunner” (TIE Fighter)
1x Patrol Leader
Darth Vader
Rebel Captive

Bomber Bros: 100 pts. The Proximity mines can deal a frightening amount of damage.
1x Patrol Leader Coupled with Darth Vader, this list is deceptively powerful.
Darth Vader
3x Scimitar Squadron Pilot (TIE Bomber)
Proximity Mines

TIE Punisher

Base Size: small

The TIE Punisher does really only does a couple of things well. It is an excellent missile, torpedo, and bomb platform.
With its expansive upgrade bar (which includes a systems upgrade slot) the TIE Punisher can be outfitted to sport a
plethora of ordnance options. There is an ordnance for almost every situation, so figuring out which ordnance is best for
your squad depends on its inherent weaknesses and strengths. With the boost action, the TIE Punisher can adjust its
heading for optimal bomb placement. Regardless of the loadout, the Extra Munitions upgrade is almost a necessity to
make this ship perform optimally. The lower PS Punishers are more equipped to drop mines while the high PS ships are
more equipped to drop bombs and unleash missiles and torpedoes. Lower PS Punishers are inefficient for their cost (so
TIE Bombers fill the role of low PS bombers/ordnance carriers), but the named Punishers are better.
Errata: All TIE Punishers gain the following rules text: “When deployed, place an ordnance token on each bomb upgrade
card equipped to a TIE Punisher (same rules as Extra Munitions). When a TIE Punisher is attacking with a torpedo or
missile upgrade card, roll 1 additional die.” This change accounts for the TIE Punisher being 4-5 points over-costed.
Ship Specific Upgrades: [none]
Suggested Generic Upgrades:

Deathrain redefines what it means to be a bomber. His ability is fantastic and
frightening on the table. Don’t forget that even if your bomb will not hit anything,
you can still drop one to get the barrel roll action.
Suggested Upgrades:

Redline makes ordnance weapons much more potent. Keeping the Target Lock for
modifying dice for the ordnance launch makes firing those weapons truly fearsome.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
RedLine hits like a truck. Try and persuade the enemy to engage your
Featuring Redline: 100 pts.
TIE Swarm so Redline can get as many shots off as possible.
1x Redline
Extra Munitions
Advanced Proton Torpedoes
Homing Missiles
Fire-Control System
Guidance Chips
3x Academy Pilot (TIE Fighter)
1x “Howlrunner” (FIE Fighter)
Shield Upgrade

Featuring Deathrain: 100 pts. Use Deathrain to unleash his payload onto big ships and use the TIE
1x “Deathrain” Fighters to light up the target that got hit by Conner Net.
Advanced Sensors
Extra Munitions
Conner Net
Proximity Mines
Long-Range Scanners
4x Black Squadron Pilot (TIE Fighter)

Holy Hit Points!: 100 pts. This list has a TON of hit points. Fly straight at the enemy, and
1x Scimitar Squadron Pilot (TIE Bomber) hope they don’t arc dodge.
Long-Range Scanners
2x Cutlass Squadron Pilot
Long-Range Scanners
Collision Detector
2x Omicron Group Pilot (Lambda-Class Shuttle)
Collision Detecotr

TIE/fo Fighter

Base Size: small

The TIE/fo Fighter is an upgraded version of its predecessor, the TIE Fighter. As such, the TIE/fo boasts superior
shielding, maneuverability, has the TL action, and can equip the advanced tech upgrades. With all of these upgrades, the
TIE/fo is more expensive than its TIE Fighter cousin. Because of these differences between the two classes of ships, the
TIE/fo is a better knife fighter and arc dodger than the TIE Fighter, while the original TIE fighter is the superior jouster.
The TIE/fo is the only Imperial ship to sport the 2-speed Segnor’s loop which can make the TIE/fo extremely
unpredictable and nimble. Using a Segnor’s loop followed by a 2-speed turn maneuver showcases just how agile this
fighter really is. While the TIE/fo is definitely a strong ship, it does have a few significant drawbacks, as higher PS pilots
have increased costs for a ship with only a 2 dice attack and relatively weak defenses. This ship is not the best jouster,
but it also is not the best arc dodger, making the ship very adaptable and well-rounded, but it will find itself outclassed
by ships that specialize in those 2 pillars. All three generic squadrons have a place in a competitive squad, due to the
advantages varying PS can have, as well as the Omega Squadron Pilot’s EPT.
Ship Specific Upgrades: [none]
Suggested Generic Upgrades:

Epsilon Ace is a solid alternative to the identically priced Omega Squadron Pilot. He
can serve a swarm well as a cheap flanker. He is usually best without any upgrades,
as he is purposely inexpensive.
Suggested Upgrades:

Zeta Ace boasts an exceptional maneuvering ability with her barrel roll action. She is
very effective as a blocker, and late-game arc dodger. She can perform some very
impressive maneuvers with a Segnor’s loop, followed by a 2-speed turn, followed by
a barrel roll.
Suggested Upgrades:

Epsilon Leader is the ultimate wingman. He performs best when brought into a
swarm for TIE Fighters, allowing them to perform stressful maneuvers with more
Suggested Upgrades:

Zeta Leader is a formidable pilot. Her ability helps overcome her natively poor
attack stat. Using EPTs that function best while stressed work well with her. Her
ability works with Snap Shot.
Suggested Upgrades:

Omega Ace is a fearsome attacker. His ability changes ALL results to critical hits,
including blanks. He has a huge target on his head, so the rest of your squad should
be more fearsome so the opponent is tempted to leave “Omega Ace” alone.
Suggested Upgrades:

Omega Leader is Dark Curse’s bigger, badder younger brother. When facing an
enemy ship one on one, Omega Leader almost always wins the exchange. As with
Omega Ace, try and have the rest of your squad be more threatening than him.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
This is a new twist on a classic archetype. The Epsilon Leader grants
Updated Classic Swarm: 99 pts.
the normal Howlrunner swarm added flexibility after a K-Turn. Use
3x Academy Pilot (TIE Fighter)
1x “Howlrunner” (TIE Fighter) Omega Ace as a flanker.
Push the Limit
1x “Omega Ace”
Push the Limit
1x “Epsilon Leader”

Imperial A-Holes: 100 pts. These are 4 of the most annoying ships in the game, put into one
1x “Wampa” (TIE Fighter) list. This squad is very powerful and it cripples enemy strategies.
1x “Omega Leader”
Comm Relay
1x Carnor Jax (TIE Interceptor)
Push the Limit
1x Omicron Group Pilot (Lambda-Class Shuttle)
Emperor Palpatine
Collision Detector

This swarm list capitalizes on low PS squads, and the Crack Shot EPT
Crack Swarm: 99 pts.
punches through 3 agility and makes the TIEs more consistent against
3x Omega Squadron Pilot
Crack Shot lower agility ships. This list is the bane of high agility, token hoarding
3x Black Squadron Pilot (TIE Fighter) arc dodgers.
Crack Shot

TIE Advanced Prototype

Base Size: small

The TIE Advanced Prototype (TAP for short) is a highly maneuverable knife-fighter. The TAP is very similar to the Rebel’s
A-Wing, with a few noticeable differences. TAPs naturally have the barrel roll and boost maneuvers making it only one of
two total ships in the game that possess these two actions natively (the other ship is the TIE Interceptor). The TAP has a
very good maneuver dial that excels at 1-speed maneuvers. Therefore, the TAP excels as a knife-fighter, as opposed to
A-Wings and TIE Interceptors which tend to operate more effectively doing speed 2 maneuvers. The TAP is very fragile,
so it is best to utilize this ship dodging arcs at close range, so it does not take too much fire. The TAP’s unique title allows
the ship to take a free evade action when taking a target lock. This allows the TAPs to have access to each basic action,
although because the title requires a successful target lock to work, it favors pilots with higher pilot skill. Of the two
generic pilots, the Baron of the Empire has access to an EPT slot, which allows for greater customization.
Ship Specific Upgrade(s):

Suggested Generic Upgrades:

(on named)

Valen Rudor is an extremely shifty pilot. His ability allows him to boost and/or barrel
during the Combat Phase, dodging arcs or positioning himself for an advantageous
attack. His ability happens before upgrade cards occur.
Suggested Upgrades:

The Inquisitor is a deadly sniper. He is best lagging on the outskirts of the battle
attacking enemy ships at range 3. His ability even gets around the venerated
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
This list shows off both versions of the TIE Advanced design, both old
Forward Thinking Design: 99 pts.
and new. Use the Inquisitor as a hard-hitting ace that works best at
1x The Inquisitor
Push the Limit range 3, and use your three TIE Advanced to jam up enemy
Proton Rockets formations with their resiliency.
2x Tempest Squadron Pilot (TIE Advanced)
Accuracy Corrector
1x Lieutenant Colzet (TIE Advanced)
Accuracy Corrector

This is a variation on the Palp Aces archetype. Try and use the
Palp Aces 3.0: 100 pts.
Emperor as a way to protect the rest of the squad. Other versions of
1x Omicron Group Pilot (Lamda-Class
Shuttle) Palp Aces use Soontir and Darth Vader with an Emperor shuttle, or 2
Emperor Palpatine “lite”-aces and Wampa.
1x The Inquisitor
Push the Limit
1x “Wampa” (TIE Fighter)
1x “Omega Leader” (TIE/fo Fighter)
Comm Relay

This list has two late game aces that need to be eliminated, but
Three Imperial Boats: 99 pts.
Redline will inflict terrible damage if left unchecked.
1x Valen Rudor
Push the Limit
1x “Redline” (TIE Punisher)
Fire-Control System
Extra Munitions
Plasma Torpedoes
Cluster Missiles
Guidance Chips
1x Darth Vader (TIE Advanced)
Advanced Targeting Computer

TIE/sf Fighter

Base Size: small (axillary rear firing arc)

The TIE/sf Fighter is an elite version of the more standard TIE/fo Fighter. The TIE/sf trades some of its maneuverability
and agility for an additional firing arc, better shielding, increased firepower (see title), and a more expansive upgrade
bar. These modifications transform this TIE into a truly unique ship, as it is a small base ship with an auxiliary firing arc,
the sensor upgrade, and the tech upgrade. Taking advantage of the combination of the tech and systems upgrade slot is
the big perk of ship. Also, the TIE/sf Fighter is one of the few ships whose title is free; this free title is intended to be
used on EVERY TIE/sf Fighter, as it grants the ship additional text that would not be possible on the ship cards
themselves. The TIE/sf equipped with its mandatory title makes it have an attack of 3 and to be able to fire twice in a
round if its attack if not increased. Most of the time, splitting up a ship’s attacks is not that great, because concentrating
fire on a target until it is destroyed is usually best practice; however, it is still a fine ability for those instances where it is
beneficial to do so. The best use for the TIE/sf is to make maximum use of the auxiliary arc to catch enemies who cannot
return fire. With the Segnor’s Loop, the ship can have an arc on an enemy ship quite often. The generic pilots boast
higher PS than normal for generic pilots, so the TIE/sf is not a very good blocker. However, it puts those pilots into a
position of being better than the opponent’s generic ships, especially the Omega Specialist who has access to an EPT.
Ship Specific Upgrades:

Suggested Generic Upgrades:

“Backdraft” is considered the stronger of the two named TIE/sf pilots. Her ability is
very powerful, as it is not overly difficult to line up shots with her rear arc. She is at
her best when attacking twice a round due to the Special Ops Training.
Suggested Upgrades:

“Quickdraw’s best attribute is being able to fire during the Activation Phase by
utilizing Electronic Baffle. This ability is exceptionally powerful against enemy ships
that heavily rely on their tokens and actions for their defense.

Sample Squads

Featuring: “Quickdraw”: 100 pts.

This squad utilizes the effectiveness of Quickdraw against high PS
1x “Quickdraw”
Push the Limit “Ace” targets, and uses the three TIE Advanced to assault enemy
Electronic Baffle jousters and PTWs.
Shield Upgrade
Special Ops Training
3x Tempest Squadron Pilot (TIE Advanced)
Accuracy Corrector

Featuring: “Backdraft”: 100 pts. Backdraft is the backbone of this list, but Maarek Steele and Deathfire
1x “Backdraft” are both very strong threats that the opponent must account for.
Lone Wolf
Deathfire is your anti-ace, while Maarek Steele is pure offense. Make
Sensor Cluster
Collision Detector sure to fly in such a way to get the most use out of Backdraft’s Lone
Special Ops Training Wolf and effect.
1x “Deathfire” (TIE Bomber)
Extra Munitions
Homing Missiles
Conner Net
Long-Range Scanners
1x Maarek Steele (TIE Defender)
Ion Cannon

First Order Assault Force: 99 pts. A unique list that utilizes a generic TIE/sf Fighter as a high priority
target for the opponent. This frees up Tomax Bren and Darth Vader
1x Omega Specialist
which hopefully propels them into the end game with their powerful
late game abilities.
Collision Detector
Special Ops Training
1x Tomax Bren (TIE Bomber)
Extra Munitions
Crack Shot
Homing Missiles
Ion Bombs
Guidance Chips
1x Darth Vader (TIE Advanced)
Proton Rockets
Engine Upgrade
Advanced Targeting Computer

Rebel Faction
The Rebels tend to focus more on ships with high hull, attack, and shield values at the cost of agility and
maneuverability. Rebel effects tend to focus on defense and helping other ships in your squad. The focus action
is utilized very strongly within Rebel ranks.

T-65 X-wing

Base Size: small

The T-65 X-wing is the Rebel’s standard ship in the game. It is an effective jouster with its X-wing only modification and
an equipped astromech upgrade card. While there are occasional instances where other modifications would help, the
Integrated Astromech modification should always be strongly considered for that slot. The X-wing fits into a Rebel squad
similarly to how a B-wing does. The two ships have numerous small differences, however. The X-wing’s defense is less
consistent (but has approximately the same average defense) and it has an overall better dial but has a lack of 1 speed
turns. The X-wing will almost always have the benefit of an astromech upgrade, but the B-Wing has the barrel roll. All in
all, this makes the X-wing a faster and more mobile fighter, while the B-wing is a better knife fighter. The generic X-wings
are the most effective jousters, while the named X-wing pilots offer some of the strongest abilities in the game, so they
definitely have a place in a competitive squad.
Errata: All T-65 X-wings have their cost reduced by 1, excluding “Biggs Darklighter.” This point cost adjustment accounts
for inaccuracies in pricing ships early in the game’s life.

Ship Specific Upgrades:

Suggested Generic Upgrades:

Tarn becomes a strong pilot with his suggested upgrades. He jousts exceptionally
well when jousting only one enemy ship.
Suggested Upgrades:

Hobbie’s effect can be very effective if you use it to exploit stress dealing upgrades,
like R3-A2.
Suggested Upgrades:

Biggs is a fantastic pilot. His ability has a heavy-handed impact on the opponent’s
ability to engage your squad. Proper flying can even force range bonuses in your
favor in addition to interfering with their target priority.
Suggested Upgrades:

Garven is a good pilot; he is at his best when you build a squad to synergize with his
ability. Handing off focus is a great ability. Finding the right squad composition is the
tricky part.
Suggested Upgrades:

Jek is an interesting pilot. He can act as an ace in your squad by looping multiple K-
Turns in a row. His upgrades should try and compensate for his down side.
Suggested Upgrades:

Luke is a very good pilot. His defensive ability should be exploited via upgrades to
maximize his effectiveness.
Suggested Upgrades:

Wes is a niche pilot. His ability works well when other members of your squad can
capitalize on enemy ships that are devoid of tokens.
Suggested Upgrades:

Wedge has a very powerful ability. He is at his best the longer the game goes.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
Fly both ships side by side. You will find this combination quite
Two Bros in Space Boats: 99 pts.
resilient if they can maintain their formation throughout the game.
1x Luke Skywalker
Draw Their Fire
Shield Upgrade
Integrated Astromech
1x Han Solo (YT-1300)
Millennium Falcon
Tactical Jammer
Push the Limit
Ion Pulse Missiles

Opportunists: 100 pts. This list is powerful against 2 ship lists. It hits extremely hard, but it
1x Wedge Antilles does not have much staying power. Hit hard early and hope that it is
Opportunist enough.
R2 Astromech
Integrated Astromech
1x Wes Janson
Veteran Instincts
R2 Astromech
Integrated Astromech
1x Ibtisam (B-wing)
The three named ships all play off of each other’s abilities. Fly them in
Rebel Superfriends: 99 pts.
a tight formation and keep Biggs alive as long as possible.
1x Garvein Dreis
R2 Astromech
Integrated Astromech
1x Biggs Darklighter
Integrated Astromech
1x Dutch Vander (Y-wing)
BTL-A4 Y-wing
Twin Laser Turret
1x Bandit Squadron Pilot (Z-95 Headhunter)


Base Size: small

(Orange dependent on upgrades)

The Rebel Y-wing is a staple of the Rebel fleet. It is a highly customizable ship, capable of filling many different rolls
within a squad. Without upgrades, a naked Y-wing is a decent jousting ship, but with the BTL-A4 Y-Wing upgrade, plus a
turret upgrade, it becomes a very formidable jousting ship. It can also serve well as a support craft via its turret upgrade
(without BTL) allowing it to strike at enemy ships outside of its firing arc. The Y-wing has a poor dial, so careful
maneuvering is essential if these ships are to be successful. The R2 Astromech upgrade can help with its poor dial to an
extent though. A squad containing a large amount of BTL-A4 Y-Wings can lay down a fearsome amount of firepower and
should be avoided at all costs. Also, the Y-wing can be equipped with a Bomb Loadout, allowing it to enhance its high
firepower with the additional threat of bombs.
Ship Specific Upgrades:

Suggested Generic Upgrades:

Dutch is a good ship for supporting other members of your squad. He can be useful
for helping other ships firing ordnance with a focus token for maximum impact.
Suggested Upgrades:

Horton is a very effective Y-wing pilot. He is effective with the Twin Laser Turret and
for firing ordnance. Be careful not to put too many upgrades on him though.
Errata: Horton Salm gains an EPT. He is an elite pilot of the Rebel Alliance. ‘Nuff
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
This list hits surprisingly hard. Also try adding the BTL-A4 title to each
5x Y-wing Pounding: 100 pts.
ship for added firepower at the cost of a 360 degree arc.
5x Gold Squadron Pilot
Autoblaster Turret

A rebel bomber list. Use the Warden to rush the opponent’s

Horton Hears a Who: 100 pts.
2x Prototype Pilot (A-wing) formation with bombs. The Prototypes fly flank and Horton peppers
Chardaan Refit the opponent from long range.
1x Warden Squadron Pilot (K-wing)
Extra Munitions
Cluster Mines
Conner Net
Advanced Slam
1x Horton Salm
Twin Laser Turret
Bomb Loadout
Seismic Charges
Extra Munitions

Enter the Stressbot: 100 pts. A lighter version of the “Panic Attack” list (see under Sample Squads
3x Blue Squadron Pilot (B-wing) for B-wing), this list emphasizes mobility and firepower over the other
Advanced Sensors list’s emphasis on control.
1x Gold Squadron Pilot
Ion Cannon Turret
BTL-A4 Y-wing


Base Size: small

The A-wing was designed as a direct response to the Empire’s new TIE Interceptor. The A-wing fills a similar roll in a
squad, being slightly heartier and faster than its Imperial counterpart, but not being quite as maneuverable or having
the same firepower. The A-wing’s dial is fantastic, having a ton of green options and having every turn maneuver allows
it to shred stress at a high rate, making it a natural choice for Push the Limit. A-wings are the only ship in the game that
can equip multiple EPT upgrade cards, allowing for unprecedented combinations of EPTs. Also, the A-wing can be
equipped with a Chardaan Refit in the event that you do not want to carry a missile. A-wings are at their best when
dodging as much enemy fire as possible and striking without return fire. Therefore, they are the Rebellon’s best Arc
Dodging ship available to them, especially when they utilize Autothrusters. The A-wing is very playable no matter what
PS you choose to bring to the rest of the squad, but its recommended that some jousting or Turret ships join your squad
to help compensate for the A-wing’s weaknesses. Low PS A-Wings make for great blockers with their boost action.
Ship Specific Upgrades:

Suggested Generic Upgrades:

Gemmer is a fine pilot. He definitely needs A-wing Test Pilot, Push the Limit, and
Autothrusters to help protect him from as many threat types as possible.
Errata: Gemmer Sojan gains an EPT. He is not playable without one.
Suggested Upgrades:

Arvel is a silver bullet pilot who is excellent against large base ships. He is fine
against other targets too.
Errata: Arvel Crynyd gains an EPT. He is not playable without one.
Suggested Upgrades:

Jake is the best A-wing at arc dodging, rivaling even the Barron Soontir Fel himself.
He is one of the Rebellion’s best end game aces.
Suggested Upgrades:

Psycho Tycho is a good pilot. His ability lets him perform any maneuver he wants
(excluding a K-Turn) while continuing to Push the Limit. While he is not as good of
an arc dodger as Jake, Tycho is more unpredictable.
Suggested Upgrades:
same as Jake Farrel’s upgrades, with a higher focus on VI than Outmaneuver, plus:

Sample Squads
Three jousting ships and a late game arc dodging ace. Simple and
ABX: 100 pts. effective.
2x Blue Squadron Pilot (B-wing)
Collision Detector
1x Tarn Mison (T-65 X-wing)
R7 Astromech
Integrated Astromech
1x Jake Farrel
Veteran Instincts
Push the Limit
Proton Rockets
A-Wing Test Pilot
Guidance Chips

Tycho and Han: 100 pts. Tycho is a powerful pilot when equipped with Experimental Interface,
1x Tycho Celchu allowing 3 actions a turn. Arc dodge as much as possible with both
A-Wing Test Pilot ships.
Push the Limit
Experimental Interface
Proton Rockets
1x Han Solo (YT-1300)
Millennium Falcon
Engine Upgrade

A-wing Swarm: 100 pts. This swarm excels at out flying low PS enemy squads, as well as
5x Green Squadron Pilot blocking higher PS ships and then concentrating fire with the rest of
A-Wing Test Pilot your squad. This list is very powerful, but it lives or dies based on how
Crackshot well it can block.
Trick Shot
Chardaan Refit


Base Size: large (forward firing arc with PWT)

(Orange represents ships other than the Outer Rim Smuggler)

The YT-1300 is the only ship in the game that has wildly different stats for its two generic pilots. The Outer Rim Smuggler
is not very effective for its points, but the Resistance Sympathizer can hold its own like the unique YT-1300s. Properly
equipped, a YT-1300 is very tanky and hits hard. For a large base ship, the YT-1300 is also quite maneuverable, boasting
the coveted 1 turns. Generic YT-1300s can act primarily as massive blockers and should utilize upgrades to capitalize on
that. The named YT-1300s should equip numerous upgrades to bolster their resilience, attack power, and or
maneuverability, as a naked YT-1300 is a poor ship. The YT-1300 is also unique in that its unique title, Millennium Falcon,
comes in two different versions. One title (original trilogy) grants the evade action, which is usually the better choice for
YT-1300s built for defense. The other title (New Republic trilogy) works best with YT-1300s that like to keep enemies in
arc, like Rey. In addition, the Smuggling Compartment Modification grants the coveted illicit upgrade to the ship,
offering it even greater customization.
Ship Specific Upgrades:

Suggested Generic Upgrades:

(on named)

This version of Chewie is a very good pilot. While his PS is relatively low, his pilot
ability is amazing, as it negates the main downside of having so many hit points in
the first place.
Suggested Upgrades:

This version of Chewbacca requires the rest of the squad to be built around his
ability. In order to maximize his effectiveness, many other allied ships need to be
included in his squad.
Suggested Upgrades:

Lando is a fine pilot, but he tends to be out shown by Han and Chewie. He does find
a place in some squads due to his unique ability.
Suggested Upgrades:

Rey encourages flying the YT-1300 very differently from the other pilots,
emphasizing keeping enemy ships in arc. Her efficiency is very strong when utilizing
her ability.
Suggested Upgrades:

Han is the go-to YT-1300 pilot. His ability combined with high PS make him very
formidable. Defensive abilities tend to work best on him. Try him with Predator.
Suggested Upgrades:

This version of Han represents Han’s smuggler side much more than the other
version. The effect Han has on the set-up phase of the game is staggering and
should not be underestimated.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
This is one of Paul Heaver’s championship lists. The three Talas are a
2014 World Champion’s List: 100 pts.
strong jousting component, while Han is a great end game
3x Tala Squadron Pilot (Z-95 Headhunter)
1x Han Solo powerhouse, as at range 2-3, he is impossible to damage with all his
C-3PO upgrades and taking an evade action each turn.
Engine Upgrade
Millennium Falcon

This list preys on arc dodgers and other Turret lists alike, with a tanky
Double Pancake: 98 pts.
Chewie and a hard hitting Leebo.
1x Chewbacca
Push the Limit
Recon Specialist
Millennium Falcon
1x Leebo (YT-2400)
Mangler Cannon
Jan Ors

This list is rather annoying; use the two Outer Rim Smugglers to jam
Demolition Derby: 100 pts.
up the opponent’s formations, and flank with the prototypes for
2x Outer Rim Smuggler (YT-1300)
Anti-Pursuit Lasers maximum chaos.
Intelligence Agent
2x Prototype Pilots
Chardaan Refit


Base Size: small

The B-wing is a workhorse of the Rebel fleet. Alongside the X-wing, the B-wing boasts a very efficient stat-line making it
one of the game’s best jousting ships. On top of that, the B-wing has the barrel roll action, and a well-rounded upgrade
bar to boot. The B-wing is not without weaknesses, however, as its maneuver dial, while not poor, is not that great
either. A 2 speed K-Turn is usually worse than longer K-Turns, as it does not allow the B-wing to clear the clutter of ships
that tends to be the board state the turn before a K-Turn is needed. The generic pilots tend to fair the best, as their raw
efficiency is worth more at low PS. The sensor upgrade slot is often used for Advanced Sensors or Fire-Control System,
and Heavy Laser Cannons are usually the cannon of choice when equipping one. Additionally, the B-wing only
modification allows the B-wing to equip a crew upgrade card, which allows for even more customization.
Ship Specific Upgrades:

Suggested Generic Upgrades:

Nera is a very different pilot. She excels when she dodges enemy arcs and unleashes
powerful torpedo attacks on ships outside of her arc.
Errata: Reduce the point cost of Nera Dantels by 1.
Suggested Upgrades:

Ibtisam works best when paired with an upgrade card that stresses her. She is a
good pilot, but she works best when the squad is built around her.
Errata: Reduce the point cost of Ibtisam by 2.
Suggested Upgrades:

Keyan’s ability is fantastic. He is arguably the strongest overall B-Wing named pilot.
Using PtL or just K-Turning can generate a free offensive firepower.
Errata: Reduce the point cost of Kayan Farlander by 1.
Suggested Upgrades:

The elite B-wing pilot, Ten Numb is great at dealing critical damage. He gets a little
too expensive when maximizing his ability, but he is a fine pilot in the right squad.
Errata: Reduce the cost of Ten Numb by 3.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
This is another World Champion list (same guy as before). Use the
Biggs Walks the Dogs: 100 pts.
Daggers to maneuver towards asteroids and force the opponent to
2x Dagger Squadron Pilot
Advanced Sensors target Biggs through an asteroid at range 3 to maximize the jousting
1x Rookie Pilot (T-65 X-wing) potential of this list.
1x Biggs Darklighter (T-65 X-wing)

This is the standard when it comes to control builds in X-wing. All

Panic Attack: 100 pts.
3x Blue Squadron Pilot three ships generate a silly amount of stress, and the Y-wing delivers
B-Wing/E2 ion tokens too. This list is very powerful, but also very difficult to pilot
Tactician effectively.
Collision Detector
1x Gold Squadron Pilot (Y-wing)
BTL-A4 Y-Wing
Ion Cannon Turret

Jan and Keyan: 100 pts. Don’t underestimate the power of HWKs! Use Jan to pepper foes from
1x Jan Ors (HWK-290) range 3, and pound the opponent with Keyan and the two Bandits.
Twin Laser Turret
Moldy Crow
1x Keyan Farlander
Push the Limit
Advanced Sensors
2x Bandit Squadron Pilot (Z-95 Headhunter)


Base Size: small

(Orange dependent on upgrades)
The HWK-290 is the Rebel support ship. The named pilots all offer unique abilities
that augment the rest of your squad to great effect. The HWK itself is a rather pitiful
ship, being the only ship in the game with only 1 attack. However, it can host
numerous upgrades that make the ship much more powerful. While a squad rarely
needs more than one HWK, a well piloted HWK using its support ability can be
exceptionally powerful. The HWK does not have a K-Turn and it melts to continuous
fire, so good HWK pilots know to skirt the boarder of the battlefield to avoid taking
too much fire. The Moldy Crow is a very good upgrade that works with a few other
upgrades and named pilot abilities.
Ship Specific Upgrades:

Suggested Generic Upgrades:

Roark has a surprisingly effective ability. Being able to boost another ship’s PS is a
very powerful effect. Building an effective squad to make use of his ability to the
max is the tricky part.
Suggested Upgrades:

Kyle Katarn is a great supporting pilot. He can help ordnance builds fire more
powerful missiles and torpedoes or just hand out focus where it’s needed most.
Suggested Upgrades:

Jan Ors is a rock solid support pilot. Adding an attack die is very potent and grants a
lot of versatility to the rest of your squad.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
Use Kyle to juice up Nora’s ability. Biggs allows Nora to make it way
Kyle’s Crew: 100 pts.
into the end game.
1x Kyle Katarn
Ion Cannon Turret
Moldy Crow
Jan Ors
1x Nora Wexley (ARC-170)
Alliance Overhaul
Vectored Thrusters
R2-D2 (astromech)
Tail Gunner
Push the Limit
1x Biggs Darklighter (T-65 X-wing)
Integrated Astromech

Jan and Han: 99 pts.

Keep Jan on the fringes of the fight while she pumps Han’s offensive
1x Jan Ors
Twin Laser Turret power.
Recon Specialist
Moldy Crow
1x Han Solo (YT-1300)
Anti-Pursuit Lasers
Millennium Falcon

This is a very unique list that is difficult to fly. This list does not have
Corran and Friends: 99 pts.
1x Rebel Operative any jousters, so try and arc dodge with your arc dodgers and your
Ion Cannot Turret turret ships as much as possible to get the most value out of your
2x Prototype Pilot (A-wing) squad.
Chardaan Refit
1x Corran Horn (E-wing)
Fire-Control System
Push the Limit
Shield Upgrade

Z-95 Headhunter

Base Size: small

The Z-95 Headhunter is the Rebellion’s low cost jousting ship. It is relatively tied for efficiency against the Empire’s TIE
Fighter. The Z-95’s low cost and solid stat-line allows it to be included into a wide variety of lists. Most of the time, the
generic pilots are best when flown in mass quantities in formation. While a Z-95 swarm is not quite as effective in terms
of offense as a TIE swarm led by Howlrunner, Z-95s tend to last longer on the battlefield as they are a little sturdier. In
addition to being a cheap filler ship, the Z-95 also can serve as an ordnance platform, especially when flown in high
numbers. Therefore, a squad of Z-95s with a tracer missile and other ordnance options can lay waste to multiple enemy
ships in a powerful alpha strike. The named pilots also are very good, and can be incorporated as part of a squad even if
other jousting ships are not present.
Ship Specific Upgrades: [none]
Suggested Generic Upgrades:

Blount has a very strong ability. There are many missiles that have powerful effects
that trigger only if they hit. Therefore, using those missiles with him is a very
powerful tactic.
Suggested Upgrades:

Airen is best in squads that can synergize with his ability. He can assist ordnance
builds in firing their weapons with both TL and focus, or just grant extra actions to
ships depending on the situation.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
A rock solid Rebel jousting swarm. Directions: Point at enemy. Shoot.
BBBBZ: 100 pts.
Also, keep the Z-95 on the inside of the formation to maximize range
4x Blue Squadron Pilot (B-wing)
Collision Detector 1 bonuses.
1x Z-95 Headhunter

Use the Z-95s and Ten Numb to joust enemy positions, while Ello Asty
Ten Time: 100 pts.
is your late-game ace.
2x Bandit Squadron Pilot
1x Ten Numb (B-wing)
“Mangler” Cannon
Collision Detector
Seismic Torpedo
1x Ello Asty (T-70 X-wing)
R2 Astromech
Integrated Astromech
Sensor Clustor

Use Chopper to jam up enemy formations and use the Z-95s to hit the
“Chopper’s” Strike Force: 100 pts.
2x Bandit Squadron Pilot enemy formations hard as they are scrambling to get out of the way
1x “Chopper” (VCX-100) of chopper.
Autoblaster Turret
Accuracy Corrector
“Zeb” Orrelios
Dash Rendar
Ion Projector
1x Ezra Bridger (Attack Shuttle)
Push the Limit
Hera Syndulla
Dorsal Turret


Base Size: small

The E-wing is a cross between the X-wing and the A-wing. It boasts the best aspects of both aforementioned ships in
terms of offense, defense, agility, and maneuverability. However, the E-wing is slightly over-costed for what it brings to a
squad, especially at lower PS. Therefore, the generic E-wings [currently] do not have much of a place in a competitive
squad. However, the named E-wings definitely can make it into competitive squads where their higher PS and abilities
compensate for their lack of jousting efficiency. The E-wing is the only ship to boast both a systems upgrade AND an
astromech upgrade, allowing for numerous unique combinations of upgrades. Building and piloting an E-wing can be
tricky, but their adaptability and customizability can be worth it in the right squad.
Errata: All E-wings gain the following rules text: “If the E-Wing is equipped with an R7 series astromech droid (any
astromech with “R7” in its name), the ship gains the tech upgrade slot. If the ship has both an astromech droid upgrade
and a tech upgrade equipped, reduce the point cost of the ship by 4.” Also, Blackmoon Squadron Pilot gains an EPT. Non-
Corran E-wings are grossly over-costed for what they can do, and Corran doesn’t typrically use R7 droids.
Ship Specific Upgrades: [none]
Generic upgrades:

Etahn is an interesting pilot. He gets a lot better if there are multiple attacks each
turn, so he can fit into squads with many ships; he is also very effective in Epic
Suggested Upgrades:

As the elite E-wing pilot, Corran does not disappoint. His pilot ability is very
powerful, as it can unleash a lot of firepower on a single target in a round, allowing
Corran to disengage for a round to do it all over again.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
This list capitalizes on Etahn’s ability. This list is very good against lists
Etahn Attack: 100 pts.
that have a low shield count, so that the crits go through.
1x Etahn A’Baht
R2 Astromech
Advanced Sensors
Push the Limit
1x Tarn Mison (T-65 X-wing)
R7 Astromech
Integrated Astromech
3x Bandit Squadron Pilot (Z-95 Headhunter)

Corny Dash: 98 pts. This list aggressively uses Corran and plays more defensively with
1x Dash Rendar (YT-2400) Dash. The Munitions Failsafe combined with the torpedoes causes
Heavy Laser Cannon stress even when it doesn’t hit, so you actually do not want to hit the
Lone Wolf opponent with the torpedoes. This is more of a fun list, but it can be
Outrider effective against certain squads.
Recon Specialist
1x Corran Horn
Veteran Instincts
Munitions Failsafe
Fire-Control System
Flechette Torpedoes

This list is inverted from the one above. This list uses Dash in a more
Defensive Corny Dash: 100 pts.
1x Corran Horn aggressive manner, while Corran is meant to survive late into the end
R2-D2 game to close out the battle. Kanan Jarrus is an option instead of Kyle.
Advanced Sensors
Push the Limit
Engine Upgrade
1x Dash Rendar (YT-2400)
Push the Limit
Mangler Cannon
Kyle Katarn


Base Size: large (forward firing arc with PWT)

(Orange dependent on upgrades)
The YT-2400 is a lighter variant of the YT-1300. The YT-2400 lacks the durability and
firepower of the YT-1300, but it is more agile, has a better maneuver dial, and has
the barrel roll action. In addition, YT-2400s can take a cannon upgrade to augment
their relatively mediocre stat-line. In addition, the unique title upgrade for the YT-
2400, the Outrider (Dash Rendar’s personal modified YT-2400), allows an equipped
cannon upgrade to fire in a 360 degree firing arc, at the cost of being unable to
utilize its primary weapon any more. Bear in mind, that the YT-2400 does not need
the Outrider title to make its cannon upgrades worthwhile. All of the YT-2400 pilots
are viable depending on the rest of the squad; they perform best when they can
dodge as many enemy arcs as possible with their barrel roll action. The Smuggling
Compartment upgrade grants further utility to the YT-2400 upgrade bar.
Errata: All YT-2400 ships without the “Outrider” title equipped have their cost
reduced by 1. This change is meant to help realign the YT-2400 with the JumpMaster
5000’s cost.
Ship Specific Upgrades:

Suggested Generic Upgrades:

Eaden is an efficient pilot who is at his best when another part of your squad can
cause the opponent’s ships to suffer stress.
Suggested Upgrades:

Leebo may seem like he has an underwhelming ability, but he performs very well
with the Determination upgrade card and fits into double pancake lists very well.
Suggested Upgrades:

Dash has a very strong ability. He works best with debris fields, so choose them as
your obstacles if Dash is in your squad. Push the Limit plus Kyle Katarn (crew) is also
effective on Dash. Add Outrider to the list of Suggested Upgrades.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
This is a very unique list that uses Leebo as a powerful turret platform
Droid Bros: 100 pts.
and Keyan as an end game ace. Keyan pushes the B-wing to the max
1x Leebo
Heavy Laser Cannon in this version and is very difficult to kill.
Experimental Interface
Lando Calrissian
1x Keyan Farlander (B-wing)
Heavy Laser Cannon
Push the Limit
Sensor Jammer

Dual Flapjacks: 100 pts. This is a standard double pancake list that utilizes the power of Han’s
1x Han Solo (YT-1300) PS and transfers it to the Fringer so they can eliminate a lower PS
Swarm Tactics threat before it has the chance to return fire.
Millennium Falcon
1x Wild Space Fringer
Heavy Laser Cannon
Dash Rendar

Another Flapjack List: 100 pts. This is a deceptively strong squad. The combination of PtL, Jan Ors,
1x Chewbacca (YT-1300) and Recon Specialist puts a focus and evade on each ship each round,
Push the Limit making them incredibly difficult to hit.
Millennium Falcon
Jan Ors
Anti-Pursuit Lasers
1x Leebo
Recon Specialist
Heavy Laser Cannon
Anti-Pursuit Lasers


Base Size: small (forward firing arc with PWT)

The K-wing is the Rebel’s heavy bomber and can fill a variety of different roles in a squad. It is the only ship in the game
with the SLAM action, making it a very versatile bomber (when equipped with Advanced SLAM) and it can escape enemy
firing arcs with surprising speed. It is also the only small base ship in the game with a PWT. In addition, the K-wing can
take a stunning number of upgrades including a crew and turret upgrade. While the K-wing is a highly adaptable and
customizable ship, it does not come cheap, and its maneuver dial is not the greatest, as it lacks a K-Turn. The K-wing is
the ultimate bomber with Advanced SLAM. Try and avoid enemy arcs as much as possible with the K-wing, whether you
are using it as an ordnance platform, bomber, or turret weapon; luckily, the SLAM action allows you to avoid those arcs
with relative ease.
Ship Specific Upgrades: [none, but the Advanced SLAM only impacts the K-wing]
Suggested Generic Upgrades:

Esege is a good pilot to include as a turret carrier. He can SLAM and then take a
focus action to give to a squadmate.
Suggested Upgrades:

Miranda is a very good pilot. She is a very effective turret and performs optimally
with a Twin Laser Turret. She can also be a useful ordnance platform.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
This list is a variation on the classic Corran lists. Miranda is a very
Miranda and Corran: 100 pts.
tanky pilot and combined with Corran make two very hearty ships.
1x Miranda Doni
Twin Laser Turret
Extra Munitions
Advanced SLAM
Proximity Mines
Conner Net
Sabine Wren
1x Corran Horn (E-wing)
Push the Limit
Engine Upgrade
Fire Control System
Proton Torpedoes

Horton and Warden: 100 pts. Horton peppers opponents from range 2-3, while the K-wing swoops
2x Prototype Pilot (A-wing) in to drop bombs and disrupt formations. The two Prototypes can
Chardaan Refit serve as great blockers.
1x Warden Squadron Pilot
Extra Munitions
Ion Bombs
Conner Net
Advanced SLAM
Sabine Wren
1x Horton Salm (Y-wing)
Twin Laser Turret
Bomb Loadout
Seismic Charges
Extra Munitions

This list has a strong jousting component with a powerful disruptive

K&X: 100 pts.
3x Rookie Pilot (T-65 X-wing)
R2 Astromech
Integrated Astromech
1x Warden Squadron Pilot
Extra Munitions
Conner Net
Proximity Mines
Advanced SLAM

T-70 X-wing

Base Size: small

The T-70 X-wing is an upgraded version of the classic T-65 X-wing. While the T-65 excels jousting, the T-70 sacrifices
some jousting proficiency to gain a stronger maneuver dial, the boost action, and access to the tech upgrade. The T-70 is
currently the only ship in the game that has the Talon Roll maneuver, which grants it a unique option in a dogfight.
While the Segnor’s loop is more-or-less a glorified K-Turn, the Talon Roll grants the T-70 a degree of adjustability to its
flying that no other ship can quite match. In terms of modifications, while the T-65 requires an astromech upgrade with
Integrated Astromech to be effective, the T-70 has options. The Integrated Astromech is a fine option, but since the T-70
as the boost action, it can equip Autothrusters. The lower PS T-70s tend to prefer Integrated Astromech while higher PS
pilots usually opt for Autothursters. While the T-65 is more of a “filler” ship, the T-70 performs better at higher PS, and is
best flown as a “jousting-arc dodger” of sorts.
Ship Specific Upgrades:

Suggested Generic Upgrades:

Jess is an excellent jouster when flown in formation. She is one of the most efficient
T-70 X-wings and is well worth her cost when flown in a squad of three or more
Suggested Upgrades:

Blue Ace is an average pilot. While his ability is fine, the fact that he lacks an EPT
definitely hurts his playability. His effect just doesn’t come into play enough to be
justified, unfortunately.
Suggested Upgrades:

While Blue Ace will sit in binders, Red appears he will do the same. However, Red
Ace has a deceptively strong ability, even though he lacks an EPT. He can be very
tanky, and can soak up much more damage than his cost should allow.
Suggested Upgrades:

“Snap” Wexley is a powerful pilot, as getting free actions is always good. He is very
maneuverable and is capable of outmaneuvering most ships at lower PS than him.
Suggested Upgrades:

Asty has a strong ability, and coupled with an EPT, he can become quite formidable.
Having access to white Talon Rolls really opens up the options available to him when
Suggested Upgrades:

Nien Numb is a very strong pilot. Being able to shred stress an unlimited number of
times can be built around, and is an effect to fear.
Suggested Upgrades:

The T-70 elite pilot, Poe Dameron does not disappoint. His ability is exceptionally
strong, both significantly boosting his attack and defense without ever needing to
spend his focus token. In additions, Poe is represented in two different versions, at
two different points in his career. Use the 9 PS version only if you can afford the two
point tax AND you need an EPT other than Adaptability and Veteran Instincts.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
This list uses Poe as an “Ace Killer” and he is extremely survivable. The
2015 World Championship Winner: 100 pts.
rest of the list is a well balanced mix of jousting, control, and turret.
1x Poe Dameron
Veteran Instincts This list is strong in all three pillars of X-Wing, which is no doubt part
R2-D2 of the reason it performed so well.
1x Bandit Squadron Pilot (Z-95 Headhunter)
1x Gold Squadron Pilot (Y-wing)
Twin Laser Turret
1x Gold Squadron Pilot (Y-wing)
Twin Laser Turret
BTL-A4 Y-Wing

This list sacrifices the durability of the previous squad for another
2015 Worlds Championship 2nd Place: 100 pts.
ace pilot. This list has two ships that regenerate hit points, so it is
1x Poe Dameron
Veteran Instincts critical to prevent the opponent from concentrating firepower on
R5-P9 your regenerating ships.
1x Coran Horn (E-wing)
Engine Upgrade
Push the Limit
Fire-Control System
1x Prototype Pilot (A-wing)
Chardaan Refit

This three ship build has three of X-Wing’s pillars, and each of theme
Featuring Red Ace: 99 pts.
1x “Red Ace” is strong. Use Red Ace to clog up the opponent’s formation while Kyle
R2-D2 and Jake skirt the edges of the battle. Use Kyle’s ability to hand Jake a
Comm Relay Focus token during the Combat Phase, triggering Jake’s ability.
Integrated Astromech
1x Kyle Katarn (HWK-290)
Twin Laser Turret
Moldy Crow
Recon Specialist
Adrenaline Rush
1x Jake Farrell (A-wing)
A-Wing Test Pilot
Chardaan Refit
Push the Limit


Base Size: large (unique rear firing arc; see below)

(orange dependent on upgrades)
The VCX-100 is without a doubt, one of the most unique ships in the game. It is one
of two ships with a 4 dice attack, it combines the sensor slot with the option to have
a turret upgrade, it can fire torpedoes out of its auxiliary arc, and it even lacks
agility. What makes it so unique, however, is its interaction with the Attack Shuttle.
With the Ghost title equipped to the VCX-100, an attack shuttle can be docked to
the VCX-100 which allows the VCX-100 to fire primary weapons out of its rear arc. In
addition, with both titles equipped, at the end of the Combat Phase, the VCX-100
may attack with an equipped turret upgrade. While the Attack Shuttle is not
necessary to dock to the VCX-100, it does greatly increase the lethality of the ship.
With the wide variety of VCX-100 pilots, crew members, and possible Attack Shuttle
pilots, the VCX-100 is an extremely versatile, customizable, and formidable craft.
Ship Specific Upgrades:

Suggested Generic Upgrades:

Chopper is a very aggressive pilot who is best utilized to jam up enemy formations
and block enemy ships.
Suggested Upgrades:

Kanan is an effective support ship. He is also formidable in his own right, and he can
be at his strongest when kept has cheap as possible. Consider 2x Reconspecialist.
Suggested Upgrades:

Hera excels at avoiding being blocked as well as lining up her four dice attack. Hera
is the most straight-forward VCX-100 pilot.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
This list utilizes Hera’s superior maneuverability combined with the
Hera’s Strike Force: 100 pts.
might of the Ghost/Phantom titles.
1x Hera Syndulla (VCX-100)
Reinforced Deflectors
Twin Laser Turret
Kanan Jarrus
1x Zeb Orrelios (Attack Shuttle)
1x Jake Farrell (A-wing)
A-Wing Test Pilot
Chardaan Refit
Push the Limit

This list emphasizes the aggressiveness of Chopper. Send Chopper

Chopper’s Wrecking Crew: 100 pts.
1x “Chopper” straight at the enemy formation and use the Bandits to help mop up
Ghost the scattered formations.
Accuracy Corrector
Autoblaster Turret
Extra Munitions
Zeb Orrelios
Sabine Wren
Anti-Pursuit Lasers
Proximity Mines
1x Ezra Bridger (Attack Shuttle)
Hera Syndulla
Push the Limit
2x Bandit Squadron Pilot (Z-95 Headhunter)

Lothal Rebels: 100 pts. This list emphasizes the hard hitting and tanky aspect of the VCX-100,
1x Lothal Rebel while having a very powerful way to handle aces.
Collision Detector
Autoblaster Turret
Anti-Pursuit Lasers
1x Lothal Rebel
Collision Detector
Autoblaster Turret
Anti-Pursuit Lasers
1x Gold Squadron Pilot (Y-wing)
Autoblaster Turret
Seismic Torpedo
Attack Shuttle

Base Size: small

(Orange dependent on upgrades)
The Attack Shuttle, like its VCX-100 counterpart, is a very unique ship. First of all, it is one of only two classes of ships
that does not have a generic pilot. Also, it can be docked onto the VCX-100 using its unique title, augmenting the VCX-
100’s abilities until the Attack Shuttle is deployed. The Attack Shuttle is able to be fielded independently from the VCX-
100 in lists without its Ghost counterpart, however, so it pays to address its individual strengths and weaknesses
independently of the Ghost. The Attack Shuttle is a glass cannon, similar to the TIE Interceptor. The Attack Shuttle can
hit hard, but withers to any significant enemy fire; fortunately, the Attack Shuttle has the barrel roll action, which grants
it some arc dodging potential, which is unique for ships that have the turret upgrade. Its turret upgrade allows for the
Attack Shuttle to avoid the direct combat that is likely to result in its deletion. If the Attack Shuttle can be kept out of
harm’s way, while continuing to get shots on the opponent, the ship with easily earn its worth much more than its point
Ship Specific Upgrade(s):

Zeb is the budget Phantom option when a player wants the cheapest option to
upgrade their Ghost. Zeb’s ability is rarely impactful, but he is a solid, cheap body
that can easily slide into a squad.
Suggested Upgrades:

Ezra is a big improvement over Zeb, if your squad can support the additional 2
squad points. Ezra hits hard and is very resilient.
Suggested Upgrades:

Where Ezra is resilient, Sabine is nimble. Having built in, pre-maneuver boost and
barrel roll gives Sabine a lot of versatility in the Activation Phase.
Suggested Upgrades:

Hera’s ability is a little less powerful than Sabine and Ezra, but Hera gets a big boost
in PS for cheap. Hera can be effectively impossible to block and can prove to be
quite obnoxious to pin down.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
This is a variation on the list that won the World Championships in
Modified World’s Winning List 2015: 100 pts.
1x Poe Dameron (T-70 X-wing)
Veteran Instincts
1x Gold Squadron Pilot (Y-wing)
BTL-A4 Y-wing
Twin Laser Turret
1x Bandit Squadron Pilot (Z-95 Headhunter)
1x Ezra Bridger
Hera Syndulla
Push the Limit

In the rare event that you purchased 4 Ghost expansion packs JUST so
Um… you bought… nevermind…: 100 pts.
1x “Zeb” Orrelios you could play four Attack Shuttles in a list… I didn’t do that……
Twin Laser Turret
1x Ezra Bridger
Intelligence Agent
Push the Limit
1x Sabine Wren
Push the Limit
1x Hera Syndulla
Kanan Jarrus
Push the Limit

This clever list leads with Kanan and has Biggs follow behind. Enemies
Tactically Jammed: 100 pts.
1x Kanan Jarrus (VCX-100) must attack Biggs, but their attack is obstructed (Tactical Jammer) and
Autoblaster Turret Kanan can lower the attack of the enemy ships with his ability. You
Tactical Jammer may consider adding the Ghost and Phantom titles to their respective
Advanced Sensors ships.
Recon Specialist
Recon Specialist
1x Sabine Wren
1x Biggs Darklighter (T-65 X-wing)
Integrated Astromech


Base Size: small (axillary rear firing arc)

The ARC-170 is a repurposed Clone-Wars era Starfighter used by the Rebel Alliance. To showcase this modification by
the Rebel Alliance, the ship has a zero cost title that is intended to ALWAYS be equipped to the ship, which strengthens
the ship and keeps it up to date in terms of combat standards for the time period. The ARC-170 is a formidable support
platform, combining the strength of the crew and astromech upgrades onto the same ship. In addition, it is one of the
few small base ships that has a rear-facing auxiliary firing arc, which adds to the flexibility of the ship. Because the ship
was not mass produced for the Rebel Alliance, there were only a handful that were utilized during the Galactic Civil War.
Therefore, there are only unique pilots available for this ship (no generic pilots). These pilots boast interesting support
abilities that can be further augmented by the power that can be derived from combining crew and astromech upgrades
together. The maneuver dial for the ARC-170 is average and showcases the ship’s desire to maneuver at slow speeds
due to its six green one and two speed maneuvers. The ship is not without downsides though, as it is not incredibly
tanky for the price paid for the ship, so it is necessary to make use of its auxiliary firing arc and its unique upgrade bar to
maximum effect.
Ship Specific Upgrades:

Braylen Stramm has a 50% chance of removing stress whenever he does a

maneuver, which makes his red maneuvers even stronger. In addition, he combos
well with self-stressing effects. Upgrades are grouped in pairs; include Alliance
Overhaul and Gunner with R3-A2.
Suggested Upgrades:

Thane Kyrell is a very interesting pilot. He does not have a lot of actions on his
action bar, so in order to get value out of his ability, he needs actions granted by
upgrade cards. Include Alliance Overall to the suggested upgrades.
Suggested Upgrades:

Shara Bey is a great support pilot. She can assist with simple dice modification or
she can help set up fully modified ordnance shots for the rest of your squad. Include
Alliance Overhaul to the suggested upgrades.
Suggested Upgrades:

Norra Wexley is a very strong pilot. Whereas Shara Bey uses her target locks to help
squadmates, Norra Wexley uses them to augment her attacks. She can be very
formidable, especially with the right upgrades. Include Alliance Overhaul.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
Breylen is a less powerful but much more versatile Y-wing
Enter the ARC: 100 pts.
1x Breylen Stramm “Stresshog,” capable of using both R3-A2 and Tactician from its
R3-A2 primary or auxiliary arcs. The other two pilots are great for all stages
Seismic Torpedo of the game and help capitalize on the stress caused by the ARC-170.
Alliance Overhaul
1x Ello Asty (T-70 X-wing)
Integrated Astromech
R2 Astromech
1x Jake Ferrell (A-wing)
A-Wing Test Pilot
Proton Rockets
Push the Limit

Biggs Beatdown: 100 pts. This is a fearsome list that exploits Bigg’s ability and pushes Nora into
1x Biggs Darklighter (T-65 X-wing) the end game with her powerful ability. Breylen Stramm is your ace
R4-D6 hunter.
Integrated Astromech
1x Breylen Stramm
Alliance Overhaul
Vectored Thrusters
1x Nora Wexley
Alliance Overhaul
Push the Limit
Vectored Thrusters
R2-D2 (astromech)
Tail Gunner

Thane Pain: 100 pts. Than Kyrell is a very tanky ship in this list. He wants to draw some fire
1x Thane Kyrell early, but then avoid enemy arcs as he regenerates and the attention
R5-D8 of the enemy then becomes focused on your other ships, so you can
Seismic Torpedo utilize Thane’s ability.
R2-D2 (crew)
Alliance Overhaul
1x Gold Squadron Pilot (Y-wing)
BTL-A4 Y-wing
Twin Laser Turret
1x Gold Squadron Pilot (Y-wing)
Twin Laser Turret
1x Prototype Pilot (A-wing)
Chardaan Refit
The Scum and Villainy
The Scum consists of the best pilots of the shadier elements of the Star Wars universe. For this reason, a lot of
Scum ships and pilots are unpredictable and have access to illicit technology that the other two factions lack. In
addition, many strong Scum pilots work best flying sporadically, selfishly, and not in formation, and those that
do tend to exploit formation flying in an unorthodox manner.

Z-95 Headhunter

Base Size: small

The Z-95 Headhunter is the workhorse of the Scum faction; it differs from its Rebel counterpart in a reduction of PS but
the inclusion of the Illicit upgrade slot. It is relatively tied for efficiency against the Empire’s TIE Fighter. The Z-95’s low
cost and solid stat-line allows it to be included into a wide variety of lists. Most of the time, the generic pilots are best
when flown in mass quantities in formation. While a Z-95 swarm is not quite as effective in terms of offense as a TIE
swarm led by Howlrunner, Z-95s tend to last longer on the battlefield as they are a little sturdier. In addition to being a
cheap filler ship, the Z-95 also can serve as an ordnance platform, especially when flown in high numbers. The named
pilots also are very good, and can be incorporated as part of a squad even if other jousting ships are not present.
Ship Specific Upgrades: [none]

Suggested Generic Upgrades:

Leeachos is an effective ordnance carrier, and he embodies the Scum philosophy of
“I’m out for myself.” He isn’t an amazing pilot, but he has utility.
Suggested Upgrades:

N’dru is built specifically for the Lone Wolf upgrade card. He is an excellent Z-95
pilot and is cheap enough to fit into a lot of squads.

Sample Squads
This is a fun list that uses a formation of the Black Sun Soldiers and
Version of Xizor’s Plans: 100 pts.
Xizor and flanks with KaaTo. Make sure to get both a TL and a focus
3x Black Sun Soldier
1x KaaTo Leeachos before firing that Concussion Missile.
Concussion Missiles
Guidance Chips
1x Prince Xizor (StarViper)
Advanced Sensors
Inertial Dampeners

This is squad is very representative of what the Scum as a faction like

Three Lone Wolves: 100 pts.
to do. These are three very different ships that fly in their own distinct
1x Kavil (Y-wing)
Dorsal Turret and unique manner.
1x N’dru Suhlak
Hot Shot Blaster
Lone Wolf
1x Boba Fett (Firespray-31)
Slave I
Engine Upgrade
Outlaw Tech
Long-Range Scanners

The Scum can fly in formation too. This list maximizes the efficiency of
Scum Swarm: 98 pts.
the Z-95 and just hopes to out-dice the opponent.
6x Binayre Pirate
2x Black Sun Soldier


Base Size: small

(Light green dependent on upgrades)

The Scum Y-wing is almost identical to its Rebel counterpart, except that it has a Salvaged Astromech upgrade slot
instead of the Rebel’s Astromech upgrade. It is a highly customizable ship, capable of filling many different rolls within a
squad. Without upgrades, a naked Y-wing is a decent jousting ship, but with the BTL-A4 Y-wing upgrade, plus a turret
upgrade, it becomes a very formidable jousting ship. It can also serve well as a support craft via its turret upgrade
(without BTL) allowing it to strike at enemy ships outside of its firing arc. The Y-wing has a poor dial, so careful
maneuvering is essential if these ships are to be successful. The Unhinged Astromech upgrade can help with its poor dial
to an extent though. A squad containing a large amount of BTL-A4 Y-wings can lay down a fearsome amount of
firepower and should be avoided at all costs. Also, the Y-wing can be equipped with a Bomb Loadout, allowing it to
enhance its high firepower with the additional threat of bombs.
Ship Specific Upgrades:

Suggested Generic Upgrades:

Drea is a solid Y-Wing pilot. She really excels with firing Proton Torpedoes and
spamming stress for perpetual target locks. Make sure that she is always within
range 3 though, otherwise her TL chain will break.
Suggested Upgrades:

Kavil is an excellent turret carrier. He performs will as an alternative to a PWT ship,

as he is much cheaper.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
Use Drea to pound the enemy’s best target and use the YV-666 to hit
Drea’s Strike Force: 100 pts.
their best ships like a truck. Fenn Rau is your late game ace.
1x Drea Renthal
Extra Munitions
Proton Torpedoes
Guidance Chips
1x Trandoshan Slaver (YV-666)
1x Fenn Rau (Protectorate Starfighter)
Push the Limit
Concord Dawn Protector

Scum Y-wings: 100 pts. This list hits incredibly hard. Fly straight towards the enemy, and
2x Syndicate Thug unload a furious amount of attack dice until they die.
BTL-A4 Y-Wing
Ion Cannon Turret
Unhinged Astromech
2x Hired Gun
BTL-A4 Y-Wing
Twin Laster Turret

The name says it all. In addition, this list is also effective against high
Fat Turret Shredder: 100 pts.
4x Syndicate Thug agility ships with low hit points.
Twin Laser Turret
Unhinged Astromech


Base Size: large (axillary rear firing arc)

While not really a turret, the Firespray has a rear firing arc, which is treated as a
primary firing arc (but it cannot fire secondary weapons from it). This rear arc makes
the Firespray a unique ship, somewhere between a jouster and a turret ship, so it is
difficult to classify. Its upgrades allow for a lot of customizing and there are a lot of
ways to bring a Firespray into a Scum squad. In order for a Firespray to be effective,
it needs to avoid as many enemy arcs as possible, so its rear arc remains relevant
long into the end game. The main difference between Imperial and Scum Firesprays
is that the Empire favors efficiency while the Scum prefer higher quality ships. This is
evident when you compare the two generic Firesprays between the two factions.
Ship Specific Upgrades:

Suggested Generic Upgrades:

Emon is one of the game’s best bombers. He can be outfitted with any type of bomb
and still be effective. He takes a lot of practice, but once mastered, he is very
rewarding. He should take one of the two titles depending on the cost of his bombs.
Suggested Upgrades:

Kath is a very strong pilot, as throwing 4-5 dice is always very powerful. Her
upgrades should try and maximize the dice she is gaining.
Suggested Upgrades:

While the Imperial version of Boba emphasizes his maneuvering abilities, the Scum
version emphasizes his ruthless and sometimes reckless brutality. He wants to be in
the thick of the action, which puts him at risk, but also heightens his efficiency.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
These two Mandalorians prey on low PS ships. Against ships with
The Malice of Mandalore: 100 pts.
higher PS, you’ll need to adjust your tactics to a joust.
2x Mandalorian Mercenary
Heavy Laser Cannon
Feedback Array
Recon Specialist

Bounty Hunter Team-Up: 100 pts. These two bounty hunters can deal a frightening amount of damage.
1x Boba Fett Try and position Bossk so that they opponent targets him, so his Z-95
Recon Specialist can deploy.
Engine Upgrade
Feedback Array
1x Bossk (YV-666)
Mangler Cannon
Inertial Dampeners
Maneuvering Fins
Hound’s Tooth

Another Bounty Hunter Team-Up: 100 pts. This list is difficult to pilot, but flown well, it can really frustrate and
1x Emon Azzameen confuse the opponent with the variety and range of the bombs.
Recon Specialist
Proximity Mines
Proximity Mines
Proton Bombs
1x Kath Scarlet
Push the Limit
Engine Upgrade
Ion Bombs
Recon Specialist


Base Size: small

(Light green dependent on upgrades)
The HWK-290 is the Scum support ship. What differs from the Rebel HWK-290s is
the addition of the illicit upgrade slot at the cost of PS. In addition, the Scum named
HWK pilots are focused on inflicting corrosive effects to the opponent, as opposed
to helping the rest of your squad perform better. The HWK itself is a rather pitiful
ship, being the only ship in the game with only 1 attack. However, it can host
numerous upgrades that make the ship much more powerful. While a squad rarely
needs more than one HWK, a well piloted HWK using its support ability can be
exceptionally powerful. The HWK does not have a K-Turn and it melts to continuous
fire, so good HWK pilots know to skirt the boarder of the battlefield to avoid taking
too much fire. The Moldy Crow is a very good upgrade that works with a few other
upgrades and named pilot abilities.
Ship Specific Upgrades:

Suggested Generic Upgrades:

Torkil Mux is a very frustrating pilot to face, as he is disruptive of the opponent’s
firing order, and can even cause entire squad synergy to collapse.
Suggested Upgrades:

Palob is also very frustrating to play against, as his token theft can jeopardize the
opponent’s entire strategy. There wasn’t room, but add Recon Specialist to the list
of Suggested Upgrades
Suggested Upgrades:

Dace is the least popular Scum HWK, but he still sees play. He obviously works best
when touting an ion cannon turret.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
This list uses Sycks to pummel the opponent, and Torkil to render the
Mux’s Strike Force: 100 pts.
opponent’s PS worthless.
2x Cartel Spacer (M3-A Interceptor)
“Heavy Syck” Interceptor
Heavy Laser Cannon
1x Torkil Mux
Ion Cannon Turret
1x 4-LOM (G-1A Starfighter)
Collision Detector
Black Market Slicer Tools

This is an effective list that utilizing Palob in an aggressive manner

Featuring Palob: 100 pt.
1x Kavil (Y-wing) comboing with Opportunist. Use the Z-95s to joust and Kavil to deal
Twin Laser Turret with any arc dodgers.
1x Palob Godalhi
Blaster Turret
Recon Specialist
Moldy Crow
3x Binayre Pirate (Z-95 Headhunter)

Some people make fun of the HWK for being a poor ship. Those
Triple HWK Brew: 100 pts.
1x Palob Godalhi people can get creamed by this list if it’s very well piloted. While not
Opportunist quite tier 1, this list is very competent in the right hands.
Blaster Turret
Cloaking Device
Recon Specialist
1x Dace Bonearm
Ion Cannon Turret
1x Torkil Mux
Ion Cannon Turret
1x Binayre Pirate

M3-A Interceptor

Base Size: small

(Light green dependent on upgrades)

The M3-A Interceptor (Also known as the Scyk Interceptor) has the second lowest squad point cost in the game. While
not an efficient jouster, the 2 additional points a Cartel Spacer costs over an Academy Pilot gets a shield instead of a hull,
the target lock action, an additional PS, and a slightly better maneuver dial. Even with these upgrades, the Scyk is not
designed for jousting the opponent. While higher PS ships can serve as softer arc dodgers, the real value in a Scyk comes
from its access to the “Heavy Scyk Interceptor” title, which allows you to equip a cannon upgrade (equipping a torpedo
or missile upgrade is an option too, but it is rarely worth it). With this upgrade, the Scyk turns into the ultimate glass
cannon, unleashing attacks from the games very powerful cannons, while having excruciatingly low defense. Because of
this, the best way to pilot a Scyk is to hang out on the outskirts of the fight, using 1 banks to stay at range 3 of the
opponent for as long as possible, and then using the 5 K-Turn to reset for another attack at range 3. The Scyk is a difficult
ship to pilot effectively, as a single error can prove to be its destruction, but piloted well it is well worth its points. A hull
upgrade can help compensate for the Scyk’s fragility.
Errata: The “Heavy Scyk” Interceptor title upgrade adds 1 hull value to the M3-A Interceptor when equipped in addition
to the rest of its text. An M3-A Interceptor without a title equipped has its point cost reduced by 1. The Scyk is over-
costed; these fixes are intended to correct this mistake.

Ship Specific Upgrades:

Suggested Generic Upgrades:

Laetin is a competent pilot. He is very effective against swarms of ships with 2

attack, as he becomes a very undesirable target. He can singlehandedly take on an
entire swarm this way. A lack of an EPT does hurt him though.
Errata: Laetin A’Shera gains an EPT. He is ineffective with an EPT.
Suggested Upgrades:

Serissu is usually the preferred unique Scyk pilot. She has the inverse of
Howlrunner’s ability, adding additional survivability to a Scum swarm.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
Fly the three Sycks in formation to augment their jousting efficiency.
Glass Cannons: 100 pts.
They hit like trucks and the opponent should fear their attacks. Use
2x Tansarii Point Veteran
Crackshot the Z-95 as a blocker and to threaten aces with the Black Market Slicer
“Heavy Syck” Interceptor Tools.
Heavy Laser Cannon
1x Serissu
Push the Limit
“Heavy Syck” Interceptor
Heavy Laser Cannon
1x Binayre Pirate (Z-95 Headhunter)
Black Market Slicer Tools

Use the Scyks to hammer from range 3 and Emon can disrupt enemy
Scyks and Emon: 100 pts.
formations with his advanced bombing shenanigans.
2x Cartel Spacers
“Heavy Scyk Interceptor”
Heavy Laser Cannon
Hull Upgrade
1x Emon Azzameen (Firespray-31)
Proton Bombs
Seismic Charges
Proximity Mines

A more defensive take on a swarm, this list can have some of its Black
Serissu Swarm: 100 pts. Sun Soldiers demoted to Pirates. Flavor to taste. Fly the block of 6
1x Serissu
fighters in formation so Serissu’s ability is granted to all of them.
“Heavy Scyk Interceptor”
“Mangler Cannon”
6x Black Sun Soldier (Z-95 Headhunter)


Base Size: small

(The Segnor’s Loop maneuver is symmetrical for both left and right)

The StarViper is the Scum version of a Tie Interceptor or A-Wing. The StarViper is more expensive and more durable,
however, at the cost of some green maneuvers. While the StarViper cannot K-Turn, it has access to be overall stronger
maneuver called the Segnor’s Loop. The StarViper is one of the few ships that is able to perform this rare but flexible
maneuver. These abilities cause the StarViper to be the Scum’s primary arc dodger. In addition, the StarViper has access
to a unique title upgrade card called the Virago. This upgrade grants the StarViper a systems upgrade AND an illicit
upgrade, granting the ship a wealth of options to optimize its performance. While the StarViper is sturdier than its Rebel
and Imperial counterparts, it should still try and rely on positioning and outmaneuvering the opponent to perform
optimally. Without an evade action, the StarViper is much more aggressive than the A-Wing or Interceptor, and that
needs to be taken into account when squad building and flying the ship.
Errata: The “Virago” title costs -1 points and may be equipped to any StarViper (the title is still unique). This change
brings the slightly over-costed StarViper back in line where it should be, but doesn’t allow it to be spammed efficiently.
Ship Specific Upgrades:

Suggested Generic Upgrades:

Guri is a good pilot; her ability is pure action advantage, which is always good. Her
ability allows her to spend her action(s) on positioning and arc dodging.
Suggested Upgrades:

Xizor seems like he has a weak pilot ability, but it actually is quite good for its cost.
Because he has 3 agility, his hit points are more valuable than a ship with less agility.
Therefore, by dumping hits onto a Z-95 or YV-666, you greatly reduce the impact of
the opponent’s attacks. He is best built for being a late game ace.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
A very straightforward list, these StarVipers joust reasonably and can
Quad StarVipers: 100 pts.
use their positioning actions to great benefit.
4x Black Sun Enforcer

This list is meant to maximize Xizor’s pilot ability. Fly all six ships in
The Prince’s Plans: 100 pts.
5x Binayre Pirate (Z-95 Headhunter) formation, and use Xizor as a late game ace.
1x Prince Xizor
Push the Limit
Advanced Sensors

Scum 4-Ship List: 100 pts. This list is complex to fly. Use all of your ships relatively aggressively to
1x Palob Godalhi (HWK-290) unleash more damage than you can afford to take.
Blaster Turret
Crack Shot
Moldy Crow
Recon Specialist
1x Guri
Inertial Dampeners
Sensor Jammer
2x Binayre Pirate
Feedback Array


Base Size: large

(Light green dependent on upgrades) (The Segnor’s Loop maneuver is symmetrical for both left and right)

IG88s’ Aggressors are the most unique ships in the game. There are no generic
pilots, and each IG-88 pilot has the same squad point cost. Each ship has the boost
action (unique to a large base ship), three agility (also unique to a large base ship),
and an expansive upgrade bar. All this upside is offset by its forward firing arc. The
Ig-88s are very difficult to fly, as keeping their large base forward firing arcs in arc is
not easy, as is trying to arc dodge at the same time. In addition, the IG-2000 title
allows two “bro-bots” to link their abilities across both ships. It is best to fly the
Aggressor as an arc dodger, but with only six PS, it needs to be able to function
without as good of an arc dodging ability as well. Each IG has its own strengths and
weaknesses, so learning how to combine their abilities and utilize them properly are
necessary to succeed with them.
Ship specific Upgrades:

Suggested Upgrades:

IG-88A is very effective versus swarm lists. Recovering even one or two shields over
the course of a game can be an immense swing, especially with three agility.

IG88-B’s ability is the most popular, as it is the most straightforward ability among
the four droids. Having a built in gunner effect is very good.

Action economy is always strong, and that’s exactly what IG88-C has going for it.

Ig-88D can be deceptively powerful, as modifying the segnor’s loop on both

Aggressors makes two “bro-bots” very elusive.

Sample Squads
Try and stay in the range 3 band as long as possible with these bro-
Bro-Bot Shifty: 100 pts.
1x IG-88B
Push the Limit
Advanced Sensors
Mangler Cannon
1x IG-88C
Push the Limit
Advanced Sensors
Mangler Cannon

Bro-Bot Hammer: 100 pts. This Bro-Bot Brew loves to smash enemy swarms.
1x IG-88B
Fire-Control System
Heavy Laser Cannon
1x IG-88A
Fire-Control System
Heavy Laser Cannon

Bounty Hunter Bros: 100 pts.

1x IG-88B IG88-B is one of the few Aggressor pilots can easily be flown alongside
Crackshot another non-Aggressor ship, due to his/its raw efficiency.
Fire-Control System
Heavy Laser Cannon
1x Boba Fett (Firespray-31)
Heavy Laser Cannon
Glitterstim 136
Slave I
Long-Range Scanners
Kihraxz Fighter

Base Size: small

The Kihraxz Fighter is the Scum’s version of the X-Wing. The Kihraxz is a less efficient jouster than the X-Wing, but it is a
little cheaper, has the illicit slot, and is a better knife fighter. The Kihraxz has a stronger dial overall, but lacks the 3-
speed turn. The best use for a Kihraxz is in squads that really need a mid-twenty cost ship to round out their list. That
being said, the Kihraxz is a good knife-fighter that maneuvers well in the range 1 band. Access to the illicit upgrade gives
a lot of utility to the ship as a whole. The Black Sun Ace generic pilot can be a very valuable addition to a squad with its
high PS and EPT. The Kihraxz will melt to concentrated firepower, so it is important to have more threatening members
of your squad to draw fire away from the Kihraxz.
Errata: Reduce the cost of each Kihraxz Fighter by 2 if they have an illicit upgrade equipped. This is to bring the cost-
effectiveness of the ship in-line with other ships of high jousting ability.
Specific Ship Upgrade: [none]
Suggested Generic Upgrades:

Graz is a decent jouster, as long as his ability triggers. Without an EPT though, he is
not very impressive.
Errata: Graz the Hunter gains an EPT. He is ineffective without one.
Suggested Upgrades:

Talonbane Cobra is a solid pilot. His ability is very strong, and he is at his best in the
range 1 band and also very good in the range 3 band.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
This list is not exceptional by any means, but it boasts a lot of
Marauder Assault: 100 pts.
firepower and is highly effective against 2-ship lists if the Kihraxzes
5x Cartel Marauders
can keep the enemy in arc.

Loaded Talonbane: 99 pts. Old Teroch and the YV-666 punish aces. Talonbane always hits like a
1x Trandoshan Slaver (YV-666) truck.
Maneuvering Fins
1x Talonbane Cobra
Vectored Thrusters
1x Old Teroch (Protectorate Starfighter)
Push the Limit
Concord Dawn Protector

Contracted Scouts: 100 pts. The Scouts can hit really hard, especially if the opponent needs to
1x Talonbane Cobra concentrate firepower on Talonbane.
Inertial Dampeners
2x Contracted Scouts (JumpMaster 5000)
K4 Security Droid
Unhinged Astromech
Guidance Chips
Plasma Torpedoes
Extra Munitions


Base Size: large (axillary side firing arcs)

(The red square is a zero speed maneuver)
The YV-666 is the Scum version of the Lambda Space Cow. The YV-666 has a slightly
better dial, more hit points, and a higher point cost. The YV-666 also has two
auxiliary firing arcs which forms a 180 degree arc in the front half of the ship. Also,
having three crew upgrade slots and an illicit upgrade slot combine with the rest of
the ship’s attributes to make it quite formidable. The YV-666 can be built to hit very
hard, but it also melts to continuous fire. With its unique title, the Hound’s Tooth, it
can deploy a Z-95 onto the battlefield when destroyed. This is quite a bargain, as a 6
point Z-95 is incredibly cheap; however, its squad must be designed to encourage
the opponent to destroy the YV-666 as fast as possible to get the maximum benefit
out of the Z-95. The YV-666 also has access to the Maneuvering Fins modification,
which if an Engine Upgrade is too expensive for the list, is a good alternative to help
with positioning.
Ship Specific Upgrades:

Suggested Generic Upgrades:

Latts is good with Weapons Engineer, as Latts can support the rest of your squad. An
EPT would have helped a lot here, but it is still a fine ship.
Suggested Upgrades:

Moralo Eval has a very strong ability. He obviously does not work the best with the
Hound’s Tooth title. He can form the foundation for the rest of your squad.
Suggested Upgrade:

The fearsome trandoshan Bossk has a very strong ability. Abilities that amplify his
effect are best.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
Make sure to fire with Ketsu Onyo first to cripple an enemy ship with
Party Bus + Two U-Boats: 100 pts.
tractor beam tokens before decimating it with the rest of your squad.
1x Bossk
Crack Shot
“Mangler” Cannon
1x Ketsu Onyo (Lancer-Class Pursuit Craft)
Crack Shot
Shawdow Caster
1x Binayre Pirate (Z-95 Headhunter)
Black Market Slicer Tools

This list utilizes two hard-hitting Bounty Hunters

Bounty Hunter Bros: 100 pts.
1x Moralo Eval
Heavy Laser Cannon
Black Market Slicer Tools
1x Boba Fett (Firespray-31)
Heavy Laser Cannon
Recon Specialist
Black Market Slicer Tools
Slave I
Long-Range Scanners

Trandoshan Menace: 100 pts.

The Slaver is a frightening ship, but 4-LOM and Guri are no less
1x Trandoshan Slaver
Boba Fett intimidating. Also try putting 4-LOM and Zuckuss on the Trandoshan
Greedo Slaver instead of Boba Fett and Greedo.
1x 4-LOM (G-1A Starfighter)
Mist Hunter
Tractor Beam
1x Guri (StarViper)
Push the Limit
Cloaking Device

G-1A Starfighter

Base Size: small

(Light green dependent on upgrades)

The G-1A Starfighter is a heavy assault fighter similar to the Rebel B-wing. The G-1A Starfighter is highly customizable
with access to crew, sensor, and illicit upgrade slots, and the ship is usually at its best when implementing these
interactions. While the G-1A Starfighter is an efficient jouster, it is not without downsides. It’s maneuver dial is poor and
predicable, and without superior maneuvering abilities, it can be easily flanked. The generic G-1A Starfighters also pay a
premium for its naturally higher PS, they are sometimes inefficient if the opponent plays higher PS. The unique title
Misthunter grants the barrel roll action to the G-1A Starfighter, granting some more maneuverability to the ship, as well
as equipping a tractor beam. Because of the Misthunter title and its effectiveness, most scum squads tend to field only
one G-1A Starfighter.
Ship Specific Upgrade(s):

Suggested Generic Upgrades:

4-Lom is an excellent control pilot. His ability can be absolutely crippling to action
dependent aces. The trick is making the rest of more squad more dangerous than
him, so that 4-Lom stays in play as long as possible.
Suggested Upgrades:

Zuckuss is a fearsome G-1A Starfighter. Paired with 4-Lom, Zuckuss can unleash a
terrifying amount of attack dice.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
This list is very good for teaching range control and how the G-1A
4x Tactician: 100 pts.
Starfighter flies.
4x Ruthless Freelancer
Collision Detector

Zuckuss and Bossk Strike Back: 100 pts. Zuckuss is a little tricky to fly effectively, but once mastered, he can be
1x Zuckuss quite fearsome. Just make sure to keep N’Dru Suhlak far enough away
4-LOM from the rest of your squad.
Electronic Baffle
Cloaking Device
Mist Hunter
Tractor Beam
1x N’Dru Suhlak (Z-95 Headhunter)
Cluster Missiles
Lone Wolf
Guidance Chips
1x Bossk (YV-666)
Boba Fett
Meneuvering Fins

Super 4-LOM: 100 pts. 4-LOM and Asajj Ventress unless terribly powerful control
1x 4-LOM shenanegans onto the opponent, especially with the ion control from
Collision Detector the Y-Wing.
Crack Shot
1x Asajj Ventress (Lancer-Class Pursuit Craft)
Push the Limit
Shadow Caster
Gyroscopic Targeting
Rigged Cargo Shute
Latts Razzi
1x Syndicate Thug
Ion Cannon Turret

JumpMaster 5000

Base Size: large (forward firing arc with PWT)

(Light green dependent on upgrades)
The JumpMaster 5000 is one of the most customizable ships in the game. It is also
the only ship in the game to have an asymmetrical maneuver dial which allows the
ship greater maneuverability when going to the left. The JumpMaster has a wide
variety of builds including ordnance carrier, “fat” turret, support ship, and/or tank.
This versatility is mostly due to its expansive upgrade bar, being the only ship in the
game that has the salvaged astromech upgrade slot alongside crew and illicit
upgrades. In addition to its excellent (if not unorthodox) maneuver dial, the
Jumpmaster has access to the barrel roll action, granting the ship greater
positioning options. The Contracted Scout is a very cost effective platform for a
variety of builds especially due to its EPT, but without upgrades, its two dice attack
is not very effective. Fortunately, the unique title allows the JumpMaster to
increase its primary weapon dice by one. While this title is stronger on the higher PS
JumpMasters, the Punishing One title can definitely make up for its high cost.
Errata: Increase the cost of each JumpMaster 5000 without the “Punishing One”
title by 1. This change is meant to help realign the JumpMaster 5000 with the YT-2400’s cost.
Ship Specific Upgrades:

Suggested Generic Upgrades:

Manaroo is the best platform for a support-based JumpMaster 5000. It’s important
to note that Manaroo even moves red target lock tokens.
Errata: Manaroo’s ability is restricted to another friendly ship at range 1-3. This is to
keep her ability from being terribly broken when abused in Dengaroo lists.
Suggested Upgrades:

Tel Trevura is a very tanky pilot. His ability grants him a lot of resiliency.
Suggested Upgrades:

Dengar is a formidable pilot. He is the most fearsome JumpMaster pilot, and his
ability can often scare enemy ships from even choosing to attack him.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
Use the Bumpmaster (the one with Intelligence Agent) to jam up
The Bumpmaster: 100 pts.
enemy formations and use aces to smash the blocked ship(s).
1x Contracted Scout
Intelligence Agent
Feedback Array
Ion Projector
1x Guri (StarViper)
Push the Limit
Sensor Jammer
1x Kad Solus (Protectorate Starfighter)
Concord Dawn Protector

Dengaroo: 99 pts. Have Manaroo circle the outskirts of the battlefield while Dengar
1x Dengar takes on the entire enemy squad. He is a terrifying force with all of
Lone Wolf Manaroo’s help. Consider Overclocked R4 instead of R5-P8
Punishing One
Plasma Torpedoes
1x Manaroo
Push the Limit
Recon Specialist
Unhinged Astromech
Feedback Array
Engine Upgrade

Tel is a typical “fat PWT,” shrugging off damage better than most
Featuring Tel Trevura: 99 pts.
1x Tel Trevura ships. Use the Z-95s to joust the enemy and use Tel to skirt the
Push the Limit outskirts of the battle.
Unhinged Astromech
Hull Upgrade
Punishing One
Inertial Dampeners
4x Binayre Pirate (Z-95 Headhunter)

Protectorate Starfighter

Base Size: small

(Light green dependent on upgrades)

The Protectorate Starfighter is the Scum’s premier Arc-Dodger class ship, similar to the Rebel’s A-wing and the Imperial’s
TIE Interceptor. The Protectorate Starfighter has the fewest green maneuvers of those three ships, but it has access to
two 2-speed talon rolls, which definitely compensates for the loss of green maneuvers at higher speeds. This ship is very
attuned to utilizing Push the Limit, much more than most other Scum ships. One facet of the Protectorate Starfighter is
that it has access to a title that grants it additional defenses when jousting an enemy ship at range 1, which is
thematically called the Concordia Face Off maneuver. While the title does cost one point, it allows the Protectorate
Starfighter to shift between a pure arc-dodger to a make-shift jouster when the game-state allows it. As with other
interceptor-type ships, the Protectorate Starfighter is very fragile, and wilts under sustained fire. Even though its title
grants it some protection when jousting, it should only do so when necessary and only against one ship at a time, as a
bad stroke of luck can result in the Protectorate Starfighter taking some heavy damage. Also, without access to the
evade action, the Protectorate Starfighter tends to be the more aggressive of the three faction’s interceptor-type ships,
leveraging superior positioning and its title instead of sitting behind a stack of defense tokens. Both its PS 3 and PS 5
generic pilots have an EPT, which makes them effective users of Push the Limit. The PS 1 pilot can be an effective
Ship Specific Upgrades:

Suggested Generic Upgrades:

Kad Solus loves to execute red maneuvers. This makes the Talon Roll maneuver a
common choice for him. Because he often wants to do red maneuvers, Push the
Limit is not a great choice for him.
Suggested Upgrades:

A very solid control pilot, Old Teroch can absolutely wreck “Ace”-type pilots by
smashing all of their evade and focus tokens. The fact that he is only PS 7 keeps his
power in check, as most “Aces” have higher PS than him, but he creates a bubble of
fear around him that forces the opponent to make radical course corrections, which
can be exploited.
Suggested Upgrades:

Fenn Rau is a fearsome predator rivaling such barons as noteworthy as Soontir Fel
and Darth Vader. He becomes incredibly deadly at range 1, especially when utilizing
the Concord Dawn Protector title.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
This list is great for learning the Protector Starfighter. It preys on
Concord Dawn Elite Response Team: 100 pts.
low PS lists, and the Z-95 helps a lot against Push the Limit Aces.
3x Concord Dawn Ace
Push the Limit
Concord Dawn Protector
1x Binayre Pirate (Z-95 Headhunter)
Black Market Slicer Tools

Old Teroch’s Crumugery : 99 pts. This list combines the anti-“Ace” hatred of Old Teroch with the hard
1x Old Teroch hitting firepower of the Sycks.
Concord Dawn Protector
3x Cartel Spacer (M-1A Interceptor)
“Heavy Syck” Interceptor
Heavy Laser Cannon

Fenn Rau and Drea Renthal hit like trucks, and are likely to draw
Another “Ace” Hunter with Fenn Rau: 100 pts.
1x Fenn Rau the attention of the opponent first. Makes sure to utilize the
Push the Limit blocking potential of the Z-95s to open up attacks for your unique
Autothrusters pilots.
Concord Dawn Protector
Advanced Proton Torpedoes
2x Binayre Pirate (Z-95 Headhunter)
Black Market Slicer Tools
1x Drea Renthal (Y-wing)
Proton Torpedoes
Extra Munitions
Dorsal Turret
Guidance Chips

Lancer-Class Pursuit Craft

Base Size: large (forward firing arc with Mobile Firing Arc)
The Lancer-Class Pursuit Craft is the only ship in the game currently to have a mobile
firing arc and the “rotate arc” action. This ship functions best when patrolling the
perimeter of the battlefield, keeping its mobile firing arc facing towards the middle.
This ship also moves very fast, with most of its green maneuvers being 3 speed.
Having the evade action provides a lot of resiliency to this ship, especially when
augmented with upgrades. Also, the Lancer-Class Pursuit Craft is the only ship to
have access to two illicit slots, which allows the ship to have a number of unique
customizability options. In addition, the Lancer-Class Pursuit Craft’s unique title, the
Shadow Caster, assigns tractor beam tokens to the enemy ship. This ship equipped
with its title tends to operate best when it is the highest PS ship in the squad, so
that other ships in the squad will fire at the tractor beamed target with reduced
agility. This ship also has a unique modification that allows the ship to rotate its
mobile firing arc for free at the end of the turn. The Lancer-Class Pursuit Craft has a
few weaknesses, of course, which are similar to most PWT weakness. This ship
wants to avoid as much fire as possible, as it does not do well under sustained fire,
but it lacks any repositioning actions, which are less good on this ship as the highest PS pilot is a 7.
Ship Specific Upgrades:

Suggested Generic Upgrades:

Sabine is a solid pilot. She gains a lot of resiliency from gaining a free focus die to
her defensive rolls when she has her mobile firing arc facing the opponent.
Suggested Upgrades:

Asajj Ventress is a scary pilot, especially against targets that hate being stressed, or
those that depend on actions more heavily than other ships.
Suggested Upgrades:

Ketsu Onyo is another fearsome Shadow Caster pilot. Her ability can be
backbreaking to enemy ships that venture to close to her.
Suggested Upgrades:

Sample Squads
Use Sabine as a tanky version of the Shadow Caster, and have
Sabine the Bounty Hunter: 100 pts.
Zuckuss and the Z-95s tear up their jousting component and their
1x Sabine Wren
Recon Specialist “Aces.”
Rigged Cargo Chute
Gyroscopic Targeting
2x Binayre Pirate (Z-95 Headhunter)
Black Market Slicer Tools
1x Zuckuss (G-1A Starfighter)
Crack Shot
Electronic Baffle
Inertial Dampeners
Tractor Beam

The Fallen Sith: 100 pts. Asajj Ventress is very threatening in this list, as she combos well
1x Asajj Ventress with 4-LOM. The opponent will be stressed for the majority of this
Push the Limit
game. Consider adding another instance of Black Market Slicer
Latts Razzi
Black Market Slicer Tools Tools to the list.
Rigged Cargo Chutte
Shadow Caster
Gyroscopic Targeting
1x 4-LOM (G-1A Starfighter)
Crack Shot
Collision Detector
Mist Hunter
Tractor Beam
Black Market Slicer Tools
1x Cartel Spacer (M3-A Interceptor)
“Heavy Syck” Interceptor
Mangler Cannon

Featuring Ketsu Onyo: 100 pts. Ketsu Onyo punishes her targets with perpetual tractor beams. The
1x Ketsu Onyo party bus (the YV-666) can shred the ships that are tractor beamed,
Push the Limit and the lone Z-95 is great for blocking and for “Ace” management.
K4 Security Droid
Rigged Cargo Chute
Shadow Caster
Gyroscopic Targeting
1x Trandoshan Slaver (YV-666)
Ion Projector
1x Binayre Pirate (Z-95 Headhunter)
Black Market Slicer Tools 155
Upgrade Card Overview
This section outlines the plethora of upgrade options available to the player in X-Wing. The selection process
can be overwhelming, so while suggested upgrades are listed in the ship/pilot overviews, this section breaks
each upgrade down more specifically. Upgrades will be grouped by type. Errata is present for some upgrades,
and are just suggestions for casual play. Upgrades receive a rating based on their prevalence. A rating of 0
squares means the upgrade is terrible and should never be used. A Rating of 1 square means the upgrade is very
niche and should be used sparingly or with a specific purpose or a specific pilot. A rating of 2 squares means the
upgrade is generally useful and definitely deserves consideration depending on the situation. A rating of 3
means the upgrade is prevalent where it is possible for it to be played, and it should be considered routinely
when building a squad. The rating will never account for any suggested casual errata to the card. Errata listed in
red indicated errata that is official by FFG.

EPTs (Elite Pilot Talents):

The EPT upgrade type is a versatile category usually reserved for higher PS pilots. Most EPTs have something to do with
dice modification and/or positioning ability, but EPTs cover a very wide range of effects that are hard to categorize.

Adaptability is special because it is a 0 cost upgrade. The other 0 cost EPT is

Trick Shot, which is stronger overall if you don’t have a specific need to
increase or decrease your PS in comparison to the enemy squad. Sometimes
though, there is a benefit in having ships within the same squad having
Identical PS, so use Adaptability if it can be arranged. While the increase PS
side is usually preferred, the decrease PS option can be useful for blocking or
matching the PS of another ship in your squad.

Adrenaline Rush is a niche upgrade. It is definitely useful, but the EPT is a precious slot, and often
there can be a better way to spend that point, like Crack Shot (EPT). That does not mean to say
that this card is bad. When used effectively, a red maneuver turning into a white one can
completely swing a game. Consider this card on ships that don’t like to be stressed, but have a
decent number of red maneuvers. It also is a worthy choice on a TIE Shuttle Tomax Bren (TIE

This is a very unique upgrade, granted only to the Scum faction. While the downside seems harsh,
it is not really that bad, as only one stress token can be assigned to the ship at a time. The best
way to utilize this card is to have multiple ships with the same PS equipped with this card (usually
this works best with EPT generics) and to stagger the maneuvers of the ships so that the ship to
perform a red maneuver can move last. Also, you want ships with multiple actions, so that you
can stack focus with other actions effectively. Lastly, Attanni Mindlink assigns a focus token, which
is not a focus action, which gets around action limitations.

Bodyguard is not a very useful upgrade. It works best on pilots that can generate extra focus
tokens like HWK-290s equipped with the Moldy Crow title. The key is making sure that the ships
you are protecting with this are going to be attacked by the enemy, which can be difficult both in
squad building and in gameplay. The range restriction and the PS requirement make you really
have to work hard to get benefit from this ability, and the benefit is not that great. Usually a
better card can be used than Bodyguard, it is not recommended.
Errata: Reduce the cost of Bodyguard to 1. This creates a little more incentive to try and use this

Calculation is a niche upgrade, but it is cheap. Use this upgrade if you have a pilot or upgrade card
equipped to this ship that benefits from getting critical hits, like Bossk (YV-666). Bear in mind, that
when you spend a focus token for this effect, you can only change 1 focus result, so the efficiency
of this card is only worth it if you are getting additional benefits from critical hits.

Cool hand is not a very strong upgrade. Similar in function to Adrenaline Rush (EPT), Cool Hand
behaves worse usually. The only upsides of this card in comparison to Adrenaline Rush include
granting an evade token to a ship that doesn’t have access to one and getting involuntarily
stressed (which is relevant sometimes). For the most part though, there are almost always better
ways to spend 1 point.

Crack Shot is a fantastic upgrade. It is very efficient at what it does: deal a damage. Crack Shot is
more nuanced than that though. Crack Shot triggers AFTER the opponent spends evade/focus
tokens, so the opponent may spend more tokens than they want to JUST to dissuade the use of
Crack Shot, which is a big deal. Also, Crack Shot gives 2 dice attacks more of a punch, so a great
use for this upgrade is in a swarm of EPT generics with 2 die attacks. Also, Crack Shot can also be
used to great effect with hard-hitting munitions and munitions that have “if this attack hits”
effects. Overall, Crack Shot is a great upgrade and is almost never a waste of a point.

Note: Daredevil has been errataed to have the red maneuver be a white maneuver, and then the
ship receives a stress token instead. This is a very niche upgrade, but it does have some uses.
Basically it is a boost that uses the 1-turn template. This is situationally very good, if the
downsides can be mitigated. There is one pilot who uses this card very well, and his name is Tycho
Celchu (A-wing). Tycho almost completely ignores the down sides of stress, and he can equip
another EPT due to A-Wing Test Pilot (Title). Other than Tycho, Daredevil is usually best avoided.

Deadeye is very effective at allowing lower PS ships with EPTs (like A-wings) fire ordnance. This
upgrade needs to be combined with torpedoes or missiles and Guidance Chips (Modification) for
it to function.
Errata: Small ship only. This errata basically nerfed the [sometimes considered to be] JumpMaster
5000s that would use this in combination with torpedoes and other modifiers to have an
overwhelming alpha strike.

Decoy is very fringe playable. It really only has usefulness when a pilot ability or upgrade needs
very high (or very low) PS in order to operate at maximum effectiveness. The TIE Phantom with
Advanced Cloaking Device (Modification) is the best example of this. Pair a TIE Phantom with
Decoy with an extremely high PS ship. Other than that example, for the most part, Decoy is not
very useful.

Determination is best with cards that combo with it. “Leebo” (YT-2400) is a great example of this.
“Leebo’s” ability allows some choice when selecting suffered critical damage, and Determination
can just discard it if it is has the Pilot trait. Other than this specific instance though, Determination
is not worth the opportunity cost of another upgrade.

A fringe upgrade, Draw Their Fire is occasionally useful to help protect a critical member or your
squad. For example, a Black Squadron Pilot (TIE Fighter) could run Draw Their Fire to help protect
“Howlrunner” (TIE Fighter). You need a very specific reason to run this upgrade, as there are so
many other great EPTs that are available for 1 point.

Elusiveness is one of the few defensive EPTs in the game. It triggers before the opponent gets a
chance to reroll, so the rerolled die from Elusiveness cannot be rerolled again by the opponent.
Use Elusiveness if a member of your squad is vital to keep alive. Otherwise, the general
effectiveness of Elusiveness is not that great, but since defensive upgrades are hard to come by,
this card has its uses in some specific situations, like on a “Howlrunner” (TIE Fighter) in a TIE
swarm or on Ezra Bridger (Attack Shuttle).

Expert Handling is sometimes useful on a large base ship that also has access to the boost action
in order to increase its positioning ability. Expert Handling also has the added benefit of
removing TLs from the ship which is relevant. There is nothing wrong with Expert Handling, but
usually ships need more firepower than positioning, so sometimes Expert Handing is ignored as a
viable option, but it has its place.

Expose is trash. It costs FOUR points, requires an action, adding an attack die is worse than a focus
action (not completely worse, as it does increase the highest amount of damage possible, but the
average damage output is worse for Expose than a focus action), AND it reduces your agility by 1.
Bleh. There are some fringe cases where you can maybe justify it on a ship with 0 agility, but
Expose still costs a whopping four points.
Errata: Reduce the cost of Expose to 1. This change is to increase the playability of the card, as at 4
points it is horrifically overpriced.

Fearlessness favors aggressive, head-on approaches with the enemy at close range. Adding and
attack die is a HUGE boon, especially for only one point. The downside of course is that you leave
your craft exposed to return fire. Jousters that can consistently do fast maneuvers (with many
greens) or jousters with boost can benefit a lot from this upgrade. That being said, you need to
have a specific plan in place for using this card, as it creates a completely different playstyle for its
equipped ship. Fearlessness also combos well with range 1 missiles and torpedoes.

Intimidation is a niche upgrade that works best on pilots that that already want to be bumping
into enemy ships. Sometimes it is hard to use the EPT slot for Intimidation, but when it can be
equipped, when combined with other effects’ desires to bump, Intimidation is worth its points.

Juke is a very solid upgrade. It works best on ships that already have action advantage where they
can get an evade token AND another action. Also, Juke works best on higher PS pilots, as they will
presumably shoot first, use Juke’s ability, and then use the evade token when defending. For this
reason, lower PS pilots have a harder time utilizing Juke.

In the same category as other discard, one point, EPTs, such as Adrenaline Rush and Cool Hand,
Lightning Reflexes is similar to those other two in terms of usefulness. There are times where
turning any maneuver into a K-Turn can be game changing, so it would be foolish to say that
Lightning Reflexes is not strong. However, it can sometimes be hard to justify its inclusion over a
more consistent effect. Lightning Reflexes is definitely worth experimenting with, though, and if
there is an extra point available in your squad, it is worth a try.

Lone Wolf is a very powerful upgrade. Its efficiency is off the charts… when the downside is
mitigated. Lone Wolf is best is two-ship builds where it is easier to keep your ships apart. Also,
Lone Wolf loses a lot of efficiency with ships that only have one evade die, so also keep that in
mind. Lone Wolf should always be on your radar when constructing a two ship list, or even three
ship lists if you are confident in your flying. Lone Wolf is often compared to Push the Limit (EPT),
Predator (EPT), and to a lesser extent, Outmaneuver (EPT).

Marksmanship is a little over-costed for what it brings to the table. It is really only worth its cost
when a ship it is equipped to can attack multiple times a round, as Marksmanship applies to all of
those attacks, unlike a focus token, which Marksmanship is directly compared to. Without
attacking multiple times a round, Marksmanship is just a three point focus action that is slightly
better when attacking and unusable when defending, which is not very useful. Pilots like Corran
Horn (E-wing) or TIE/D titled TIE Defenders may consider this upgrade.

While expensive, Opportunist does not conflict with your action economy, which makes it more
attractive. Opportunist is at its best when you have pilots or other upgrades that promote the
removal or spending of enemy focus and/or evade tokens, like Wes Jensen (X-wing) and Palob
Godalhi (HWK-290). When utilized this way, Opportunist can be quite powerful.

Outmaneuver is a solid upgrade for maneuverable ships that are good at arc dodging.
Outmaneuver is comparable to Predator (EPT), where Predator slightly outperforms it. However,
Outmaneuver does perform well with ships that have axillary firing arcs. Also, reducing the agility
of the opponent can be stronger than rerolling attack dice, as it increases the overall damage
output better than a reroll. The work that a pilot needs to put in to make Outmaneuver work
though, is often a little more than the card is worth, especially with some of the zero agility ships
that exist now.
Errata: Reduce the cost of Outmaneuver to 2. This is meant to align the power of Outmaneuver
with Predator.

Predator is the staple EPT for delivering consistent damage. All other damage increasing EPTs are
compared directly to Predator. It is doubtful that the game could be balanced if an EPT more
efficient than Predator was printed. Predator is often compared to Push the Limit (EPT) and
sometimes Outmaneuver. Predator tends to favor ships that don’t need multiple actions a turn to
perform well. Predator also increases the versatility of a ship’s available actions, as a pilot is more
willing to perform a positioning action like boost or barrel roll because they know Predator will
help with accuracy. Predator also preys on low PS ships, which is always something to consider
when squad building with PS 1-2.

Push the Limit is the staple EPT for assisting a ship with action economy. All other action economy
effects are usually compared directly to Push the Limit. The versatility of this upgrade cannot be
understated. The ability to do two actions a turn is invaluable. This is especially true for ships that
have repositioning actions on their action bar, such as barrel roll and boost. Push the Limit allows
ships to use both repositioning actions (if available), or to reposition once without harming their
dice modifying ability (with focus, target lock, and/or evade). Pushing the Limit can also ignore
repositioning and just stack dice modification actions for a huge spike in efficiency. That being
said, Push the Limit’s downside of putting a stress on the ship means that ships without a lot of
green maneuvers should steer clear of this upgrade most of the time. And using Push the Limit
makes your next maneuver more predictable, which is very relevant.

Rage is a powerful upgrade. Rage acts like taking a focus and target lock action for only one
action. Rage also applies the rerolling ability until the end of the round, which works well for ships
that attack more than once a round. Rage is also very inexpensive. Unfortunately, the downside of
generating two stress is a big downside that causes many players/pilots to shy away from this
card. Rage is effective on ships that fire munitions in order to maximize the effectiveness of the
ordnance. Rage is also fantastic on pilots that do not care about stress, such as Tycho Celchu (A-

Ruthlessness is a very interesting upgrade, as it has a very large upside, with a very large
downside as well. This is the definition of high-risk, high -reward. Therefore, Ruthlessness tends to
not see too much competitive play as it is too risky to rely on as its downside is that your own
ships can take damage from it. However, the effectiveness of Ruthlessness goes way up when
used on a ship that attacks multiple times per round, such as TIE/D titled TIE Defenders. Use at
your own risk.

Snap Shot is a very strong upgrade for mid-tier PS ships that move before high PS aces. Snap Shot
triggers before the enemy ship can take an action, so Snap Shot is a way to get free damage on
enemy ships. Also, it creates a “No-Fly-Zone” in range one for ships that cannot afford to take the
risk of being damaged. While you cannot modify your attack with Snap Shot, you can add attack
dice with effects or effect the opponent’s defense with effects like Juke (EPT), Jan Ors (HWK-290),
or even effects like Ten Numb (B-wing). Snap Shot IS considered a secondary weapon.

Intended as a solution to help higher PS pilots back when they were struggling a little against the
efficiency of lower PS ships, Stay on Target has since struggled to find its place. While its ability is
useful and it favors higher PS, it tends to be a trap upgrade, as most of the time, if you are a
strong player, your maneuver will usually be what you want. Therefore, the utility of this upgrade
goes down when the player skill goes up. Push the Limit (EPT) usually fills the same role and is
much more effective and versatile than Stay on Target.

Squad Leader tends to suffer a bit from the fact that your actions on higher PS ships tend to be
much more critical than lower PS ships. Therefore, the ability to pass an action onto a lower PS
ship is not very attractive. There are places where it can be useful, but a better EPT can usually be
found for a similar price point.

While not the most amazing upgrade, in a swarm build, Swarm Tactics can be used to elevate the
PS of multiple low PS ships so that they all fire early in the combat phase. Swarm Tactics combos
from one ship to another if multiple Swarm Tactics are in the same squad, and it is effective to
chain multiple ships together with Swarm Tactics. This tactic is rather niche and has fallen out of
favor recently, but it can still be effective.

Trick Shot is extremely powerful, mostly due to the fact that it is a free upgrade. Since attack dice
are stronger than defense dice AND that increasing the dice count of an attack increases the
variance of damage, this upgrade is deceptively powerful. Adaptability is the only other EPT that is
zero points, so use Trick Shot when PS is not very important to your list/squad, and use
Adaptability when an adjustment of PS is important for your squad composition.

Veteran Instincts is a deceptively powerful upgrade. It is most useful on “Ace” type ships that
favor repositioning actions so that they can see the state of the rest of the board before making
their repositioning decisions. There are also multiple effects that work better at higher PS, such as
Advanced Cloaking Device (Modification) and Tractor Beam (Cannon). Veteran Instincts is more of
an insurance upgrade. Sometimes it will have no effect on the game, but other times it can
guarantee that your ace is better than the opponent’s ace.

Wingman is an underappreciated upgrade that is oft forgotten. Some effects have stress as a
downside of the ability, like Push the Limit (EPT) and Rage (EPT). Wingman can really help in
mitigating that downside, especially in your squad already likes to fly in formation. It is important
to keep this upgrade in mind when building your list with stress-downsides. However, it can be
hard to justify this card especially since it takes up an EPT for another ship and it has a range one
restriction. For that reason, it does not see a ton of play.

Wired is an interesting card. It is a dice modifying card, which is always powerful and should be
considered when building a squad. It is useful on cards that become stressed naturally AND do not
get a focus token easily. These effects are not very common, but they do exist, such as “Zeta
Leader” (TIE/fo Fighter) equipped with Weapons Guidance (Tech). If a pilot likes to be stressed,
make sure you consider Wired for his EPT.

Astromech Droid
This upgrade type tends to be in the “support” category. Astromechs tend to have quirky and unique effects that
synergize well with specific pilots and effects. They are often radically change the function of the ship it is equipped to or
streamlines its efficiency. Also, Astromechs are only available to the Rebel faction.

BB-8 offers pilots the ability to take pre-movement repositioning actions. This is exceptionally
powerful on higher PS pilots that already favor repositioning effects due to their high PS. BB-8 also
does not cost an action to utilize. However, it does require a green maneuver to use, which does
hamper his utility depending on the maneuver dial of the ship it is equipped to.

M9-G8 is a strong upgrade for ships that do not have much of a desire to use rerolls and/or target
locks. The versatility of using the target lock on an allied ship to augment their attack early in the
game and being able to switch the target to another allied ship or an enemy ship is really strong.
It is a little pricy, but if you can spare the points, it is a universally strong upgrade.

While not flashy, the R2 Astromech radically improves the maneuver dial of the X-wing and Y-wing
ships, which is not to be underestimated. Also, the R2 Astromech tends to be the astromech of
choice when comboing an Astromech upgrade with the Integrated Astromech (Modification)
upgrade for X-wings.

R2-D2 is the baseline when it comes to regenerating effects for the Rebels. While R2-D2 cannot be
equipped to any ship, entire squads can be built around the regenerating ability of R2-D2. Pilots
like Biggs Darklighter (T-65 X-wing), Corran Horn (E-wing), and Poe Dameron (T-70 X-wing) to
name a few can be built with R2-D2’s powerful regenerating effects in mind. Regeneration is very
effecting against low dice attacks, but tend to fail under heavy attacks such as those from

R2-D6 is a niche upgrade that is occasionally useful at granting an EPT to a pilot that does not
normally have access to one. A few X-wing and Y-wing pilots can make use of an EPT, but the
point and slot that R2-D6 takes up are often not worth it, even at only one cost. Integrated
Astromech (Modification) does make R2-D6 more effective though, at least for X-wings.

R2-F2 is a very fringe upgrade card that has only ever found any considerable usefulness on Biggs
Darklighter (T-65 X-wing), where the increase in agility can be maximized to considerable effect.
Even then, there are still plenty of other options for Astromech Droids on Biggs that R2-F2 is rarely
used. Other than for Biggs, R2-F2 is terribly inefficient for three points, and should not be played
at any other time. R2-F2 barely gets the rating of one for its occasional usefulness on Biggs.

The R3 Astromech is a unique concept that ultimately fails to deliver. It is only useful on high PS
pilots, and it relies on rolling a focus result to function AND it most likely reduces the firepower of
the attacker as well, as they can’t use that focus token for attacking. Norra Wexly (ARC-170) is
okay using this Astromech, but even then, it is not very impressive.

The Rebel “Stress-bot” is a formidable Astromech Droid. The “Stress-bot” is deceptively powerful
at inflicting crippling stress upon the opponent, especially “Ace” type pilots who are high PS, high
repositioning ships that tend to rely on Push the Limit (EPT) for their efficiency. While R3-A2 can
be played on a variety of Rebel ships, the best use for it is on a Y-wing equipped with its BTL-A4 Y-
Wing title and a cannon (usually a Twin Laser Turret or an Ion Cannon), which allows R3-A2 to
trigger twice a turn. R3-A2 can strike fear into the heart of “Ace” pilots, and the hate the the R3-
A2 ship creates will enable the rest of your squad to have less attention drawn toward them,
which can be used to your advantage.

R4-D6 is a deceptively strong upgrade on ships that have low agility values. This Astromech is very
cheap and adds a ton of resiliency to the ship it is equipped to, as long as that ship does not mind
being stressed. Biggs Darklighter (T-65 X-wing) and most Y-wing pilots can benefit strongly from
R4-D6’s added resiliency. On X-wings, the added resiliency is augmented even more with
Integrated Astromech (Modification)

R5-D8 is a very poor card with few practical uses. It requires an action, costs three points, has a
chance to fail, and only works when on facedown damage cards. There are a few fringe cases for
this card on some of the ARC-170s, but even then this card has many downsides.

R5-K6 is trash. It is a strictly worse Fire-Control System (Systems) upgrade. The fact that it has a
3/8 success rate makes the upgrade unplayable.
Errata: R5-K6 has the following text instead: “After you perform an attack, if you spent a target
lock this phase, you may acquire a target lock on the defender.” This is to align R5-K6 more with
Fire-Control System. Clearly, the designers wanted the effect to be like the newer Fire-Control
System, but they did not make it strong enough.

R5-P9 is another strong Rebel regeneration upgrade card. It can be difficult to hold onto a focus
token throughout the whole round, so this is an upgrade that needs to have the whole squad built
around it. Garven Dreis (T-65 X-wing) and other focus passing ships such as Kyle Katarn (HWK-290)
can help make this card stronger. Poe Dameron (T-70 X-wing) is also specifically built for this
upgrade. Biggs Darklighter (T-65 X-wing) can make use of this upgrade if he gets the focus token
through another ability. This is not a super common upgrade to see, but it is a very powerful one
when included on the right pilot in the right squad.

A situationally useful card, for only one point, the equipped ship can ignore the downsides of an
obstacle. That is a very powerful ability that is often underappreciated. The problem is that this
Astromech does not combo well with Integrated Astromech (Modification) at least for X-wings,
and Y-wings tend to take R2 Astromech if they can afford a 1 cost upgrade. Therefore it can be
hard to R5-X3 to find a ship to call home. Nonetheless, this card should be considered when
building a squad that has the Astromech upgrade slot, as its effect can be gamechanging.

A very niche upgrade, R5 Astromech is only really worth its points on either class of X-wing when
combined with Integrated Astromech (Modification). However, R2 Astromech is usually a stronger
choice. If R2 Astromech is not a good choice though, R5 Astromech is a decent substitution and
does deserve some play sometimes to help reduce the effectiveness of critical damage.

While action efficiency is usually good, this Astromech seems a lot better than it really is. The fact
that the enemy ship has to be within range 1-2 and in-arc makes this effect relatively difficult to
achieve. Also, the fact that the Astromech costs three points means that you are going to be
wanted to get some serious mileage out of this upgrade, which it can be difficult to do. That being
said, if the pilot R7-T1 is equipped to specializes in utilizing target locks in some way, there can be
some more incentive to utilize this upgrade. For the most part though, there are better options

R7 Astromech only works well with pilots that can acquire target locks on attacking enemy ships
with ease. Tarn Mison (T-65 X-wing) is actually quite strong with this upgrade, but other than him,
R7 Astromech has a hard time finding a place. Tarn’s jousting value gets quite high with R7
Astromech though, so definitely consider pairing this upgrade with him.

Targeting Astromech is generally not extremely useful, as it is too expensive for the occasional
usefulness that it brings to the ship. However, there are some fringe cases for its inclusion in a
squad. For example, “Hobbie” Kilivian becomes a formidable pilot with Targeting Astromech

Salvaged Astromech Droid
This upgrade type tends to be in the “support” category. Salvaged Astromechs tend to have aggressive but unique
effects that synergize well with specific pilots and effects. They are often radically change the function of the ship it is
equipped to or streamlines its efficiency. Also, Salavaged Astromechs are only available to the Scum faction.

“Genius” is only useful on Y-wings that have bombs equipped with the Bomb Loadout (Torpedo)
upgrade. While it is not that amazing of an effect, it costs zero points, so for providing some
versatility in bomb use, it is worth including. It is important to note that whatever ship is dropping
the bomb due to “Genius’s” ability will be most likely suffering the effects of that bomb as well.

The stress caused by Overclocked R4 is a significant downside, but the upgrade is only one point,
so it is easy to squeeze into a list that can utilize it effectively. It is similar in effect to the R4
Agromech, but for half the cost, and with a downside.

R4 Agromech is an efficient way to modify dice during an attack. Unfortunately, spending a focus
BEOFRE gaining the target lock is a sub-optimal way to do those actions, but for only two points,
the R4 Agromech can help make attacks more accurate. Any dice modifying upgrades should
always be considered when squad building. This upgrade combos well with Twin Laser Turret.

R4-B11 is a very unique Salvaged Astromech. Unfortunately, it is a little too expensive to find a
common place in lists. However, Drea Renthal can utilize R4-B11 to maximum effect, especially
when firing torpedoes or utilizing a turret weapon, crippling targets by nerfing their agility dice.
Other than with Drea though, R4-B11 does not do enough for its cost.

R5-P8 is very strong in a squad with few ships, and equipped to a ship that draws enemy fire and
is relatively resistant to damage. Being able to have a chance to damage an attacker through R5-
P8’s effect is not to be underestimated. Unfortunately, there is a chance for the effect to fail, but
since there is so much upside, this upgrade does make its way into lists.

Basically a cheaper Shield Upgrade (Modification) that is harder to trigger, Salvaged Astromech is
not a very strong upgrade. There is not an effective use for this card yet, so it should be avoided,
as it does not contribute enough for its cost.

Unhinged Astromech is very similar to its Rebel counterpart R2 Astromech. Changing all of the
speed 3 maneuvers on a ship’s dial is a huge deal, and makes Y-wings and JumpMaster 5000s
have much more versatile dials. This is a very solid card for granting more flexibility in the
maneuvering abilities of those ships.

This upgrade type tends to be in the “support” category and represents advanced sensor technology. Usually this results
in damage mitigation or correction of some sort, or effecting maneuvering, or circumventing stress and/or ion effects.

Accuracy Corrector is a very strong card that adds a minimum threshold of consistency to your
attacks. Accuracy Corrector is best on 2-attack ships, so that they are gaining the most out of the
upgrade. Accuracy Corrector loses its effectiveness on ships with 3 or more attack dice though. TIE
Advanced are great candidates for this upgrade card. In addition, because your attacks will always
be at least 2 damage, this frees up the ship it is equipped to take repositioning actions or evade

Although this upgrade has fallen from favor in recent history, nonetheless it is still a formidable
upgrade card. Being able to use a reposition action before maneuvering is HUGE. Also, this effect
allows the ship to take an action before doing a stressful maneuver, which would normally
prevent an action. In addition to stress, Advanced Sensors gets around the loss of an action due to
bumping another ship or hitting an obstacle. This upgrade is great for higher PS ships that want to
avoid the loss of action due to getting blocked. Advanced Sensors is a very versatile upgrade that
can also combo well with other cards, like Push the Limit (EPT)

The Advanced Targeting Computer can only be equipped to the TIE Advanced, and in doing so, has
its cost reduced by 4. This effect is very powerful on higher pilot skill TIE Advanced such as Darth
Vader and Maarek Steele, and combos well with cards that trigger off of critical hits. Adding an
automatic critical die to every attack is an amazing ability, and this card should always be
considered on TIE Advanced.

Collision Detector is an amazing upgrade. It allows some versatility to repositioning actions, but it
also ignores all critical damage for obstacles (this is true even for normal maneuvers). This card is
free, so if a ship does not have another systems upgrade already equipped, the Collision Detector
must be included.

Electronic Baffle is a deceptively strong card. It is very powerful when combined with effects that
cause self-stress or self-ion. For only one point, on the right pilot, Electronic Baffle can be game
changing. Simply using it to remove stress after executing a stressful maneuver can be worth it on
a ship with high hit points. Bear in mind to avoid using Electronic Baffle on ships with high agility
and low hit points, as the damage dealt by this card can be crippling there. Look to try Electronic
Baffle on Lambda-Class Shuttles and unique G-1A Starfighters among other ships.

This is a fringe card that is occasionally useful when a ship has a higher PS but wants to gain the
benefits of blocking or to be able to more effectively use mines. While not a bad card, the systems
upgrade slot is usually a highly contested slot, so it can be difficult to fit this upgrade slot on a ship
that it could be useful on simply because other systems upgrades can be so potent.

Fire-Control System is a very action efficient upgrade. Remember that upgrades that modify dice
should always be considered, and Fire-Control System is a strong one. Even though the Target
Lock gained by Fire-Control System cannot be used during the attack it was gained from, it sets up
all following attacks on that ship to have that modification present. Use Fire-Control System to
just amp up a ship’s attack or to help continue firing ordnance at the target (missiles and
torpedoes). Fire-Control System does struggle against enemy squads that have many enemy ships,
as it can be difficult to keep the desired target in sight from round to round.

While there are not very many ships that can equip this upgrade (namely, the VCX-100 and the
Lambda-Class Shuttle), this upgrade can be very potent in assisting with the survivability of the
ship. Ships with very low agility and high heath can gain a lot of mileage out of this card. However,
this card loses steam against 2-attack ships, as they will rarely deal 3 damage.

An oft, underappreciated card, Sensor Jammer is excellent at strengthening the resiliency of the
ship it is equipped to. It forces the opponent to spend their focus token when attacking you,
which in turn allows you to attack back against the enemy, and they will not have a focus back for
defense. Also, if the opponent does not have a focus token, sensor jammer simply reduces their
attack roll by one. Use Sensor Jammer to protect high-agility, high value pilots with low hit points,
or low agility targets with very high hit points. The only real downside of Sensor Jammer is its high

This upgrade type represents the shift in technology from the Galactic Civil War era to the era of the New Republic.
These upgrades often offer unique and powerful effects that represent advanced technology.

Comm Relay is a very strong upgrade that combos well with effects that utilize evade tokens. As
long as the ship it is equipped to can take the evade action, the Comm Relay is just a strictly better
Hull Upgrade (Modification). Comm Relay combos really well with Juke (EPT) on higher PS pilots,
offering augmented attack and defense efficiently.

Pattern Analyzer is similar to Advanced Sensors (Systems) in that it provides a way to take actions
while performing red maneuvers. Being able to take an action before K-Turning is strong and is
definitely worth two points. This upgrade tends to be better on high PS ships that need to
maximize their efficiency during red maneuvers.

Primed Thrusters is strong for ships that have good dice modifications that are action-less, gets
stressed, AND has the boost and/or barrel roll actions. This naturally restricts the card a little, but
for only 1 point, being able to do repositioning actions while being stressed is always going to be

While often underappreciated, Sensor Cluster greatly increases a ship’s defensive capacity for
only two points. Two-agility ships gain the most from this upgrade, while 3+defense ships don’t
get as much mileage out of it. However, if your squad only has a few ships and you need more
ways to augment the surviability of those ships, Sensor Cluster can be a very effective option.

While often underappreciated, Weapons Guidance greatly increases a ship’s offensive capacity for
only two points. Two-attack ships gain the most from this upgrade, while 3+attack ships don’t get
as much mileage out of it. However, if your squad only has a few ships and you need more ways
to augment the offensive power of those ships, Weapons Guidance can be a very effective option.

This upgrade type represents various sentient beings that are crew members on board a ship that can carry them. The
crew upgrade type is so varied in terms of the variety of different abilities they grant that many consider the crew
upgrade to be one of the strongest upgrade types in the game, simply due to the synergies, versatility, and power that
they can grant.

4-LOM is a very powerful crew card. For only one point, he can eliminate the enemy’s tokens. This
makes 4-LOM very good against “Ace” type ships, as they rely heavily on their tokens for defense.
4-LOM inflicts an ion token on the ship that it is equipped to, so you need to mitigate the
somehow, by either equipping him to a large base ship or using something like Electronic Baffle
(Systems). Because of the ion token downside, 4-LOM needs to be carefully considered as to
whether it can be equipped to a ship or not. 4-LOM also combos really well with Zuckuss (both his
pilot and crew forms).

Agent Kallus is interesting in that he is both strong in lists that have only a few ships, and he is
strong against lists that only have a few ships. Agent Kallus is best when on a ship that either gets
attacked a lot during a round or if it does not often utilize focus tokens, or if you want to be able
to more freely use repositioning, target lock, or evade actions. Because of all of those factors, it
can be hard to utilize him effectively, but he definitely can find a home in a few places, such as on
board a TIE Phantom.

Boba Fett is a very frightening upgrade, and he is very cheap, so he can be easily fit into a squad.
He is at his best when equipped to a ship that has an easier time dealing critical damage, such as
ships equipped with “Mangler” Cannon, Proton Torpedoes, or Calculation (EPT). His presence in a
list can force the opponent to completely change their behavor towards Boba’s ship, so his
relevance on the battlefield is significant even if he never triggers his effect.

Bombardier is not very effective. While it can definitely be worth some value on a dedicated
bomber, at the same time, the crew slot is very valuable, and that slot can often be filled by a
stronger alternative. Bombardier is not very expensive, but it can often struggle to be worth the
point it costs to include into a squad, not to mention the opportunity cost.

Bossk is a strong crew upgrade. He works exceptionally well with Gunner (Crew), as the second
attack you make with Gunner will have the dice modifications from Bossk. Unfortunately, Bossk’s
effect is mandatory, so sometimes you will need to take stress when it does not favor you to do
so. Even with this drawback, though, the raw efficiency of Bossk’s effect makes him worth it in the
right squad. You just need to be careful with that downside by either playing around it or having
some sort of stress mitigation in your squad.

C-3PO is a very powerful upgrade. His damage mitigation is unparalleled on ships with 1 agility.
Putting him on a YT-1300 or a K-wing is usually the best, but a case can be made for him to be put
onto some tankier ships with 2 agility, such as the YT-2400. With 1 agility ships, you can just guess
zero evade results in order to guarantee a block. Over the course of a round, C-3PO should pay for
himself may times over, as he contributes to the immense resiliency of the ship he is equipped to.
His only real weakness is that sometimes you end up guessing wrong a lot, but even that is not a
huge deal, as you should be rolling well in that case.

Crewbacca, as he is sometimes called, is a strictly better Shield Upgrade (Modification). He is

usually best on ships that need a little help improving their resiliency, but also have high agility.
Because he is a crew card, it can be difficult to find a place for him on a ship, as he is also a little
expensive. However, he is often sighted on Attack Shuttles and HWK-290s. His ability can also
trigger whenever you take a damage card (including critical hits) from things other than attacks,
further increasing his usefulness.

While “Chopper’s” ability is not very impressive, he is also zero points, which means that other
than the opportunity cost of not being able to equip another crew upgrade, there is no reason not
to include this upgrade. Therefore, while it is difficult to find a place where you actually build a list
around it, this card sees a lot of play because it is free.

Darth Vader is an exceptional card when put on the right ship. His ability completely ignores
defense dice, as even if the attack is blocked, you can still trigger Vader’s ability. Vader is best
utilized against low hull, high agility ships, and is at his best when fielded on ships with high hit
points, such as the Lambda-Class Shuttle, VT-49 Decimator, or TIE Shuttle titled TIE Bomber.

While not a bad upgrade, there is almost always a better choice. Dash Rendar only allows his ship
to ignore obstacles during the Combat Phase, so any obstacles hit during the Activation Phase still
inflict their harm on the ship. It is for that reason that Dash does not see much play.

Dengar is a fantastic upgrade; he is basically a crew verison of Predator (EPT), except that his
ability gets better against unique pilots as opposed to PS 1-2 ships. Dengar greatly increases a
ship’s attack capacity, and that is always a strong ability. His only real downside is that because he
is a crew card, the opportunity cost of not having another crew can be high sometimes, but that
does not make him any less effective.

Emperor Palpatine is an amazing crew upgrade. His ability is very undercosted and has no range
limit. His ability can even modify effects originating from non-attack related effects, like that from
Anti-Pursuit Lasers (Modification). His only real downside is that he can only be equipped to ships
that have two crew slots, but that is a minor drawback. His ability works extremely well on a
Lambda-Class Shuttle flown alongside two “Aces” that rely on good dice to stay alive.
Errata: Emperor Palpatine may only affect friendly ships at range 1-3. As printed, Emperor
Palpatine is very overpowered; this errata nerfs him into an acceptable range where he is still
powerful, but no longer broken.

Ezra is an interesting crew upgrade; unfortunately, due to the competition that the crew slot has,
being interesting does not usually get the job done. He is a little on the expensive side for a dice
modification card, and he can be difficult to make work on a ship. Clearly, he is best on a ship that
likes to stress itself, like Ibtisam (B-wing), but he is usually too expensive to be worth inclusion in a

Finn is a deceptive strong card; while it does not fit in very many squads, he works really well with
Rey (YT-1300) and other effects that use rerolls and/or target locks. Whenever an effect increases
the total attack dice of an attack, even if it is a black result, the effect needs to be looked at. That
being said though, outside of Finn’s interaction with Rey, he has a hard time finding a place in a

Fleet Officer grants two other ships in your squad a free focus token at the cost of your action and
a stress. This can be powerful in ordnance lists that like to fire their missiles and torpedoes with a
focus token to help modify them. Beyond that though, this upgrade has limited uses. The best
place for fleet officer is on a TIE Shuttle titled TIE Bomber, as that is very cheap support platform
that suits Fleet Officer well.

While not a bad card, it is a little pricy for what it does. It is also very comparable to Sensor
Jammer (Systems) and Sensor Jammer is usually stronger. That is not to say that Flight Instructor
is a bad card, as it definitely improves survivability, especially against PS 1-2 ships. That fact that it
is a crew card (valuable upgrade slot) and that it is probably about a point too expensive typically
keeps this upgrade in the binder, but ships focused on defense should definitely take a look at this
card, as it is not bad.

“Gonk” is the Scum’s only access to regeneration effects, which is usually monopolized by the
Rebels. “Gonk” is not very action efficient, but if the ship it is one has other dice modifying effects
equipped, “Gonk” can prove very useful. Try him on naturally resilient ships that the opponent
will want to attack, such as Tel Trevura (JumpMaster 5000). “Gonk” also combos reasonably well
with Experimental Interface (Modification) which allows you to both put a shield on “Gonk,” and
then immediately take one off. The main issue with “Gonk” is that his regeneration is often
painfully slow, which can tend to keep him out of a lot of lists. It takes a lot of time and patience
to get the most out of this upgrade.

Greedo is a card that is often overlooked, but a ship can be built to mitigate his downside. Ships
that hit hard and have hit shield values are preferred for the inclusion of Greedo. Bossk (YV-666),
for example, can use Greedo pretty effectively, as he can hit hard, but can shrug off damage
reasonably well. That being said, it often takes a good bit of work to make Greedo pay off, which
isn’t to say that it cannot be done, but it can be difficult, and some players just go with different
upgrade cards because of that.

Gunner is a very popular card for PWTs, as these ships tend to be very expensive and therefore do
not get a lot of opportunities to attack during a game. Therefore, these ships want to get some
damage through, and that is exactly what Gunner does. Sometimes, players will choose to not
spend tokens on defense and take 1 damage to prevent Gunner from triggering. Gunner is very
strong for this reason and can really help punch through targets with a lot of defense tokens.

Han is limited in his usefulness by the fact that the focus action is usually preferred to the target
lock action. Because of this, Han is only really valuable on ships that consistently get both the
target lock and focus actions (so the ship can use focus on defense; an evade also works). These
ships are not very common for the Rebels and he occupies the valuable crew slot, which makes
Han Solo a card that you have to work hard to get to use. When you do find a spot for him though,
he really amps up the offensive capacity of your target locks.

Hera is a very solid crew card. She really opens up her ship’s maneuver dial. Being able to ignore
half of the downsides (the other half being the inability to take actions) of stress is a huge boon,
and she only costs one point. Look to use her on ships that have a lot of red maneuvers.

Hotshot Co-pilot is a crew that taxes enemy ships for their actions. It can be effective against
enemy ships that rely on their focus tokens for defense or other abilities. This allows the rest of
your list to be able to attack the same target knowing that there will not be a focus token there
on defense. That being said, this crew is a little expensive. This is an upgrade that requires a list to
be built around it to be effective, but it definitely is an effective upgrade.

IG-88D is a crew version of the IG-2000 title for Aggressors. This upgrade allows any ship with a
crew upgrade slot available to gain the boost of an Aggressor pilot’s pilot ability. Whenever you
fly an Aggressor alongside a different ship, strongly consider using this upgrade.

Intelligence Agent has a few uses. The most common use is to utilize it on a decloaking TIE
Phantom, as knowing where an enemy ship will be can make your choice of where to decloak to
much better. Another use is on lot PS ships that have repositioning actions that like to bump
enemy ships, as you will be able to see where the enemy ship will be before you reposition
yourself in the way. Other than those two uses, Intelligence Agent does not do too much for most
ships. Intelligence Agent is also good when combed with Navigator(Crew).

Jan Ors is a niche crew card, but one that a squad can be built around successfully. She is best
used when a ship is receiving multiple focus tokens over the course of a round so that Jan can turn
one of them into an evade. She tends to work best in conjunction with the Moldy Crow title
attached to a HWK-290, but there are other ways to make use of her ability wish multi-action
cards like Recon Specialist (Crew) and Kyle Katarn (Crew and pilot).

K4 Security Droid is a very efficient card that is in the same realm as Predator (EPT) and Push the
Limit (EPT). Free actions are always something to keep an eye on when squad building. Gaining a
free target lock can also help with ordnance focused builds.

Kanan Jarrus turns every one of your white maneuvers into a green one, which works wonders
with other effects that have stress as a downside, like Push the Limit (EPT). Kanan Jarrus is not
even limited to the ship he is on, so he provides a lot of versatility to a squad that chooses to
include him. He is a very solid crew upgrade that is comparable to Kyle Katarn (Crew).

Ketsu Onyo is a niche crew card that is exceptional when combed with Tractor Beams (Cannon).
Being able to semi-permanently disable an enemy ship’s agility is huge. Granted, Ketsu’s ship
needs to keep the enemy with tractor beam tokens in arc and at range 1-2, but for only one point,
Ketsu Onyo can prove to be invaluable, and can force tough decisions especially when the
opponent is considering whether to spend defense tokens to avoid taking a tractor beam token.
She tends to struggle to find a place on most ships other than the titled Shadow Caster Lancer-
Class Pursuit Craft.

Kyle is a solid crew card. Action economy is always good, and he synergies well with abilities that
cause stress. He is in competition with Kanan Jarrus and unfortunately Kanan use better more
often, but Kyle has a lot of synergy with Jan Ors (Crew and pilot).

Lando is a really fun card, and thematic too, as Lando’s card exemplifies his inclination for
gambling. Unfortunately, he is a little expensive for an inconsistent effect, but that should not
stop you from playing with him occasionally, as his flavor/theme is spot on.

Latts Razzi is a solid upgrade card. She adds resiliency to the ship she is equipped to, as long as
the enemy attacking her ship is stressed. She is a trump card to Push the Limit (EPT) equipped
ships, as well as comboing really well with stress causing pilots as Asajj Ventress (Lancer-Class
Pursuit Craft) or 4-LOM (G-1A Starfighter) or stress causing upgrades such as Flechette Cannon, or
Tactician (Crew). She is best in a squad built around inflicting stress on the opponent. Without
building around her ability, she will be situationally useful in almost every game she is played.

“Leebo” is an underappreciated upgrade. “Leebo” is an Engine Upgrade (Modification) that costs

two fewer points. Unfortunately, that discount comes with a drawback. However, large base ships
aren’t affected by ion tokens until they get two of them, so putting “Leebo” on a large base ship
has merit. Also, comboing “Leebo” with Electronic Baffle (Systems) helps mitigate the downside of
the ion token, as well as still being cheaper than an Engine Upgrade.

Leia Organa is sadly a terrible upgrade card. She is grossly overpriced and is not even that
impactful. She can be okay in Epic games, but in a 100 point standard game, she is unplayable.

Luke is a Gunner (Crew) that hits a little harder. Luke is a little overpriced, but if your squad would
play Gunner and you have a few points to spare, Luke is a fine inclusion in your list. For the most
part, though, Gunner is a better way to spend your points.

Mara Jade is very powerful in Imperial control lists, or for ships that love to jam themselves into
enemy formations. She is most useful on VV-49 Decimators and TIE Shuttle titled TIE Bombers.
Her only issue is that she does not cause stress to enemy ships that are already stressed, so if the
enemy ships are already self-stressing, Mara Jade’s utility drops considerably.

Mercenary Copilot is a very fringe upgrade. He is only useful on ships that gain extra power from
critical hits, like Bossk (YV-666), and even then, Mercenary Copilot only grants that critical hit at
range 3. For the most part this upgrade card is not very effective, but there are a few cases where
he is not terrible.

When there are multiple other crew cards on Moff Jerjerrod’s ship, he can be effective at
maintaining the survivability of the ship by cancelling critical damage. That being said, he is only
really useful on the VT-49 Decimator, and even then, there are many other options available.

Navigator does not see a lot of play. While it is a fine ability, there is usually a stronger contender
for the crew slot. That being said, being able to change your maneuver after seeing where other
ships have moved is a powerful effect. High PS ships can make more use out of this card than
lower PS ones. Equipped to Boba Fett (Imperial Firespray-31), Navigator becomes quite powerful,
as the changes that he can make to the selected maneuver when activating becomes quite
formidable. Navigator is also good when combed with Intelligence Agent (Crew).

Nien Numb is a mediocre crew card. He is best when paired with ships that gain extra advantages
from green maneuvers, like Lando Calrissian (YT-1300). Other than a few specific instances, Nien
Numb is not very potent.

Similar to K4 Security Droid (Crew), Outlaw Tech provides another way for Scum ships to gain free
dice modification. This upgrade is a little harder to use effectively though, as red maneuvers are
very constricting to the ship that is doing them. Therefore, this upgrade is best on ships that can
ignore the downsides of stress from red maneuvers, such as ships equipped with Electronic Baffle

While a very niche upgrade card, R2-D2 can be a very strong one. This upgrade is at its best when
paired with C-3PO on a YT-1300 and the Millennium Falcon title. With an evade token, C-3PO, and
R2-D2’s effect recovering a shield each turn, the YT-1300 completed shrugs off one attack a turn.
Granted, the YT-1300 needs to avoid taking a damage card and just losing its shields, but if it can
pull that off, the end game against a Millennium Falcon supported by R2-D2 and C-3PO is an
exercise in futility.

Rebel Captive is great for lists that do not run a lot of ships. Rebel Captive is best on a ship that
the opponent would normally want to target frequently, thus dissuading the attack. Rebel Captive
can be quite potent, but the opponent can also play around it a little, as only the first ship to
attack gets the stress token. Still, this upgrade is very powerful and can have an entire squad built
around it.

Recon Specialist is an all-around good card that isn’t lighting the world on fire, but it pops up in
solid lists here and there. It is good at creating a consistent increase in the efficiency of a ship.
HWK-290s with their Moldy Crow title love Recon Specialist, and some ships just gravitate
towards the consistency of Recon Specialist, such as the Firespray-31. The main problem with
Recon Specialist is that is not very flashy, but it definitely deserves consideration in a squad.

Rey is like a soft Moldy Crow title. Rey offers her ship the ability to always have a focus token
when it needs it. This can add additional resiliency to a ship with higher agility and can help
augment the ship after performing a stressful maneuver. Also, Rey can act kind of like a Push the
Limit (EPT), as it frees up your action to be something other than focus. Any effects that trigger off
of focus tokens gets a huge boon from Rey. Rey’s biggest issue is that she is a crew upgrade and
she competes with many other upgrade cards for a slot.

Sabine is a powerhouse. With the squad built around her, bombs become incredibly strong. Her
ability doesn’t even have to damage the ship that the bomb initially damaged. An entire list built
around Sabine and her bombs can be quite frightening. Without Sabine, the Rebels struggle to use
bombs effectively, but she definitely compensates for that deficiency well.

Saboteur is the worst upgrade in the game. He is awful and should never be played. Costing two
points, requiring an action, requiring the ship to have a facedown damage card, requiring the
enemy ship to be at range 1, and then only working 50% of the time is deplorable.
Errata: Reduce the cost of Saboteur to 0. This at least will allow this bad card to see some play, as
being free will sometimes allow it to be included in a list.

While free actions are always worth looking at, this one is a little limiting. Requiting a green
maneuver and the other friendly ship to be at range 1 of you does make Systems Officer
somewhat difficult to use. It definitely can find its place on a TIE Shuttle titled TIE Bomber,
sometimes paired with a Fleet Officer (Crew) to help assist ordnance carriers unloaded their

Note: Tactician is errataed to be limited. Tactician is a great control card. Utilized well, tactician
can absolutely cripple an enemy ship, especially if multiple Tacticians attack the same target
during the course of a round. Tactician is great on B-wings, G-1A Starfighters, K-wings, YV-666s,
and more. The trick is to get the enemy into your range 2 band, which while difficult sometimes,
can also be used to your advantage, as the enemy will try desperately to avoid the range 2 band
against you.

Tail Gunner is an excellent upgrade for those few ships that are able to utilize its ability. The
Firespray-31 and the ARC-170 are the only ships that gain anything from equipping this upgrade,
but it is very powerful on those ships, as it increases their damage output significantly without
requiring an action. It also promotes flying those ships with auxiliary firing arcs a little differently
than normal, which is good for mixing up the game.

Weapons Engineer is a niche upgrade. This upgrade is best on ships that get big boons from
having extra target locks, such as Latts Razzi. Without an effect that specifically gains a huge boost
from having extra target locks, Weapons Engineer is too expensive to use most of the time.

Ysanne Isard is best on low agility, high hull ships, like the VT-49 Decimator. She is well worth her
points in regards to increasing the survivability of the ship she is equipped to. The Decimator is a
natural fit for Ysanne. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of other places where she is very
effective, as there are not very many Imperial ships with extremely high hull values.

“Zeb” is a decent choice on ships that love to block and bump enemy ships, such has “Chopper”
(VCX-100). Most of the time though, the fact that the enemy ship can attack back makes it difficult
for a player to get a lot of value out of “Zeb.” He can be a double edged sword, but at the same
time, on a ship like the VCX-100, the VCX-100 can get more value out of attacking than most
enemy ships can. Even though he is good in a few specific situations, “Zeb” is a very niche upgrade
card that needs a specific purpose within a squad to deserve consideration.

Zuckuss is an excellent crew upgrade. His effect allows his ship to punch through heavy agility
dice. This makes him great at attacking “Ace” ships. While getting stress is a definite downside,
because he can trigger while stressed, it is often that the ship he is on can just ignore stress
altogether, as Zuckuss acts as the dice modifier for the ship, instead of actions. Zuckuss also pairs
well with 4-LOM (Crew).

Almost exclusively available to the Scum and Villainy faction (with a few exceptions), illicit upgrades represent illegal or
rare weapons or technology. Because of this, illicit upgrades vary widely in terms of their effects and application, but
they all have some sort of drawback to compensate for the strength of the effect.

Black Market Slicer Tools is a meta-defining card. It counters ships that self-stress, like ships that
abuse Push the Limit (EPT). For only one point, sliding one or two of this upgrade into a list is
relatively easy, and it creates a no-fly-zone range 2 bubble around the ship for PtL “Aces.” This
card is very similar to Feedback Array (Illicit), in that they both are ways to damage an enemy ship
without attacking it. Both are strong, as BMST needs them to be stressed, removes the stress, and
can fail, while FA costs more, has lower range, self-harms, and sacrifices the ship’s attack. Of the
two BMST is better overall, but FA still has a place, as a guaranteed damage can often be better
than an intermittent one. Don’t forget to combo BMST with stress-causing upgrades.

Burnout SLAM grants the SLAM action to large base ships. For only one point, this is a solid
upgrade to help the equipped ship get into position for next round OR to escape a bad position if
you mis-maneuver. This is well worth its inclusion in a squad, if you can afford not using another
illicit upgrade. Also, if you have two of these equipped to the same ship, the second one would
discard after the first one is used (so don’t equip more than one of these per ship).

Cloaking Device is an underappreciated card. While it does have a chance to fail, good players
know not to use the cloaking device if its failure would be back-breaking for them. Instead, the
Cloaking Device is best when used primarily as an extreme repositioning action and only used for
the agility dice as a secondary priority only when necessary. Its best use is to cloak prior to an
engagement and then decloak at the start of the next Activation Phase to lurch into range one of
the enemy and hopefully out of arc. That all being said, you need to have a specific plan for
Cloaking Device, as its chance to fail keeps this card from seeing too much play.

Dead Man’s Switch is a poor upgrade. Its advantages do not outweigh the outsides. It is effectively
a Seismic Charge (Bomb) that the OPPONENT gets to decide when to trigger. The fact that Dead
Man’s Switch is not optional just kills the card.
Errata: Reduce the cost of Dead Man’s Switch to 0. Even with the cost reduced to 0, Dead Man’s
Switch rarely sees play because it prevents flying near allied ships. There is also the opportunity
cost of not being able to run another illicit upgrade.

While it may not seem like it upon first glance, Feedback Array is a strong upgrade. While the ion
token, self-damage, and the forfeit of an attack seem harsh, the fact that this deals damage
DIRECTLY to the opponent, completely ignoring defense dice makes this card strong. Feedback
Array performs best on ships that have a lot of overall hit points for their cost, such as the Z-95
Headhunter or JumpMaster 5000. Also, on large base ships, the ion token can be mitigated.
Feedback Array is an excellent upgrade for fighting of highly agile, token defended ships.
Compared to Black Market Slicer Tools, Feedback Array loses some of its utility, but it is still a
strong choice for large base ships, due to the ignoring of singe ion tokens.

Glitterstim is fantastic. The level of dice modification this card has is off the charts. For only two
points, Glitterstim turns a ship into a challenge phase monster. Glitterstim is at its best when on
ships with both high attack and high agility, as well on ships that have positional actions, as focus
is not too important with Glitterstim triggering. Also, Glitterstim tends to work better in squads
with fewer ships, as the opponent will be more likely to be bearing multiple guns on the
Glitterstim target, which improves the card’s effectiveness. While the card does cause stress, and
that must be accounted for, the upsides well outweigh the cost.

A little on the expensive side for what it does, the “Hot Shot” Blaster gives any ship with the illicit
upgrade slot the ability to execute one attack from outside its firing arc. While this is a powerful
ability, the fact that it costs three points, is limited to range 1-2, and discards after use tends to
keep this card in the binders. The “Hot Shot” Blaster can help out a less maneuverable get shots
on a target when it normally would not be able to. While it is not bad, there are just better
options available for the same or less cost.

Inertial Dampeners is a great positional card. The fact that the opponent does not know if/when
you are going to use it makes it have an impact on the opponent’s play even if you never end up
using the card. This card is great on naturally fast ships or large base ships, as coming to a full stop
is stronger there. Also, it is best if the equipped ship has ways to modify dice other than by taking
a normal action, as there is stress caused by Inertial Dampeners. Inertial Dampeners is also a little
stronger on ships with more green maneuvers, as clearing the stress is then easier.

This is a truly unique upgrade. This illicit upgrade drops a debris cloud token onto the battlefield;
that token has the same rules as other debris cloud obstacles. The ability to modify the battlefield
itself is a rare boon, and this ability should not be underestimated in its ability to alter flight paths
and renegotiate engagements. In addition, if this obstacle is dropped on to of an enemy ship that
has not moved yet, and has its dial set to a red maneuver, you can choose their maneuver for
them (per normal rules for selecting a red maneuver while stressed). Do not underestimate this

Cannon upgrades all are secondary weapon attacks that are tied to the primary firing arc of the equipped ship. Cannons
provide alternatives to the primary weapon attack. Often, cannons will inflict downsides upon the defending ship that a
regular attack cannot accomplish. Remember that secondary weapons ignore range bonuses.

Autoblaster has a very powerful effect that is incredibly effective against high agility, “Ace” type
ships that rely on their agility dice and token stacking for their defense. Autoblaster proves a way
to punch through that defense. Unfortunately, Autoblaster is grossly overcosted and never
deserves to see play because of it. Even if a squad can afford to play it, the fact that the attack is
limited to range 1 only, and it is not very useful in certain match-ups makes the card unplayable.
Errata: Reduce the cost of Autoblaster to 2. This allows Autoblaster to be playable, as a cost of 5
pushed it into the realm of unplayable. With the errata, the card serves as a possible answer to
“Ace” type ships.

Flechette Cannon is a fine upgrade that sees occasional play. Its best use is on TIE/D titled
Defenders to allow for a second attack. The main issue with the Flechette Cannon is that is cannot
cause a target to have more than one stress, which would prove to be effective at locking down
enemy ships. While Flechette Cannon is not a bad upgrade, it is often outshone by the cheaper
Tractor Beam (Cannon) and slightly more expensive Ion Cannon, which have powerful secondary
effects that are more impactful, unlike the Flechette Cannon’s conditional stress.

The Heavy Laser Cannon trades the chance to do critical damage for increased total damage
output. While this cannon is expensive, it is often well-worth its cost, as being able to unleash four
attack dice at ranges 2-3 (and ignoring range 3 bonuses), is a massive boon. While the card has
fallen in popularity recently, that does not reduce the strength of the card, as any card that can
permanently increase the attack stat of a ship should not be ignored. The Heavy Laser Cannon is
preferred on ships that have fewer than 3 attack, as those ships gain more from the four dice
offered by Heavy Laser Cannon. Lastly, HLC is best in squads with few ships, as these lists need the
additional firepower that this cannon brings.

An underappreciated card, Ion Cannon trades the ability to do more than one damage per attack
to inflict a potentially crippling ion token on the target. While more powerful than the Flechette
Cannon, the Ion Cannon does have a few drawbacks, as ion tokens do not affect large base ships
as much as small base ships, and that Ion Cannon’s reduced damage output can prove to be a
hindrance sometimes. However, the amount of control that this card brings to a ship/squad,
should not be underestimated, and opponents will often play quite differently if they see you
sporting an Ion Cannon. The Ion Cannon is a natural fit on TIE/D titled TIE Defenders.

The most standard of the attacks offered by cannons, the “Mangler” Cannon is also modestly
priced, coming in at four points. While this cannon does nothing fancy, the fact that it consistently
produces critical hits makes this a quite attractive option. Combining this effect with others that
combo well with critical hits, such as Bossk (YV-666), can cause the “Mangler” Cannon to pay off
much more than its cost would suggest.

One of the few attacks in the game that cannot deal damage, the Tractor Beam is nonetheless a
powerful addition to a squad. Being able to move an opponent’s ship AND reduce its agility is a
huge deal, especially if you can have that ship be moved onto an obstacle or into an area where it
cannot attack. The Tractor Beam token cannot move large base ships, so that restricts the viability
of this card. However, for only one point, it is not difficult to slide this upgrade into a squad,
especially when that squad has Defenders equipped with the TIE/D title. Also, due to the nature
of the Tractor Beam reducing agility and forcing the opponent to move, this upgrade favors ships
with higher PS, as you’ll want to use this effect before other ships fire.

Turret upgrades all are secondary weapon attacks that are not tied to any firing arc of the equipped ship. Turret
upgrades provide alternatives to the primary weapon attack. Turrets offer the equipped ship to maneuver defensively,
as the turret has a much easier time being able to target an enemy. Because of this 360 degree range of fire, turrets tend
to be expensive, but the versatility they offer cannot be understated.

Autoblaster Turret is a very solid upgrade. Being able to ignore defense dice in a 360 radius for
only two points is a solid buy. While the range is very limited, the fear that this upgrade can cause
in the way the opponent maneuvers their ships can be worth the two points alone. The
Autoblaster Turret can be effective on just about any ship with the ability to take a turret

Blaster Turret is a niche turret upgrade. Its cost is a little high, and the requirement to spend a
focus to attack greatly reduces the strength of attacks from this card. In addition, if a ship carrying
this upgrade gets blocked, they cannot even use the turret. These factors all combine to make a
rather unattractive turret card. For the most part, Dorsal Turret is usually the better option.
However, the Blaster Turret has a home on Moldy Crow titled HWK-290s, as the downsides
regarding focus tokens are almost completely mitigated, and then Blaster Turret becomes worth
its points.

While nothing special, Dorsal Turret is a cheap way to get a turret that has decent range and
attack power. A Dorsal Turret can easily be slotted onto a Y-wing, HWK-290, or Attack Shuttle and
will usually be worth its points. Sometimes though, if not utilizing the range 2 band of this card,
Autoblaster Turret can often be a better buy.

Ion Cannon Turret, while expensive, is a very potent upgrade in a list that is good at capitalizing on
the opponent’s maneuvering being crippled by ion tokens. Similar to the Ion Cannon, the Ion
Cannon Turret loses effectiveness against large base ships and ships that have repositioning
actions, but even then, this upgrade still has value, as a 360 attack grants the equipped ship a lot
of versatility.

Twin Laser Turret is arguably the strongest (or at least most commonly played) turret upgrade.
The consistency of the damage output that this upgrade has, having a massive range, and ignoring
range 3 defense bonuses, all contribute to the efficiency of this upgrade. Twin Laser Turret is
extremely efficient in terms of damage output for a turret, and its balance is sometimes called
into question because of it. Also, Twin Laser Turret is great at shedding/nullifying the
effectiveness of defense tokens, as well as providing stead damage output against steadily
crushing lower agility ships. Even though the TLT has a range 1 hole that can be exploited, the
benefits of this upgrade outweigh that one downside.
Errata: When equipped to any ship excluding K-wings, increase the cost of Twin Laser Turret to 7.
Bottom line: Twin Laser Turret is too efficient for its cost, and this cost increase brings it more in-
line with the other turrets. The reason K-wings keep the TLT cost at 6 is because K-wings are
overcosted by about 1 point, so this errata brings them in line too, as Twin Laser Turret is a natural fit on them.

Missile upgrades are secondary weapon attacks that fire from the primary firing arc of the ship. Missiles are one of two
munitions-type weapons that are expended when fired. Missiles (and torpedoes) hit extremely hard, but they are
balanced by their limited number of uses and the prerequisites that most missiles need in order to even be fired.
Because missiles are a little overcosted, often, the use of Guidance Chips (Modification), Long-Range Sensors
(Modification), or Extra Munitions (Torpedo) are needed to make missiles playable. Compared to Torpedoes, missiles
tend to pull back on the extreme brute force that torpedoes do and instead have unique effects beyond simply dealing

Advanced Homing Missiles are a niche missile upgrade. They can be quite crippling, with their
ability to ignore shields and deal a face-up damage card, which can destroy some less sturdy ships
in one hit. While this is a neat effect, and not bad, Advanced Homing Missiles have a few things
working against them. With a cost of 3, they are a little pricy for the effect they bring to the table;
also, they have a range restriction of range 2 only. The range restriction is a huge deal and is the
primary reason for keeping them off of the table. Also, as with some missiles, Advanced Homing
Missiles do not spend their target lock when firing (they just require the TL to exist on the target),
so that helps significantly with dice modification. Major Rhymer (TIE Bomber) and Lt. Blount (Z-95
Headhunter) are good candidates for Advanced Homing Missiles.

Assault Missiles hit hard and are particularly punishing to enemy lists with lots of ships of low
cost. The damage an Assault Missile can deal can be quite substantial… or it can be minimal,
depending on the opponent’s squad composition. Because of this high variance, Assault Missiles
are a little too inconsistent to be included in most squads. Also, the Assault Missiles can damage
your own ships too, if you are not careful about that. Lt. Blount (Z-95 Headhunter) is a good
candidate for Assault Missiles.

Chardaan Refit does not really qualify as a missile upgrade, as it is not a missile. Thematically, it
represents the A-wing having its missile carrying capacities removed to streamline the cost.
Whenever you have an A-wing without a missile, you equip Chardaan Refit. Proton Rockets
(Missile) are probably the only missile worth equipping to an A-wing, as the -2 squad point cost is
rather enticing.

In order for Cluster Missiles to be worth their cost, there need to be modifications on the dice
rolls for EACH attack. Also, Cluster Missiles can only fire at ranges 1-2, which make them a little
less strong than those missiles that can hit enemies at ranges 2-3. While Cluster Missiles can shred
low agility targets, they tend to struggle a bit against high agility targets. A natural fit for Cluster
Missiles is N’Dru Suhlak with Lone Wolf (EPT), Glitterstim (Illicit), and Guidance Chips

Concussion Missiles are the baseline missile that all other missiles are ranked against. Concussion
Missiles work best when fired with the required target lock AND focus for dice modification.
Combined with Guidance Chips (Modification) and a focus token, Concussion Missiles almost
always roll 4 hits. These missiles can be fielded with success on any dedicated ordnance carrier.
Concussion Missiles are preferred to Proton Torpedoes if the ship firing them has a focus token
for dice modification.

Homing Missiles are the most well regarded and popular missile upgrade. While expensive,
coming in a point more than the standard Concussion Missile, Homing Missiles compensate for
this by not having to discard the target lock to attack and by ignoring evade tokens during the
attack. These factors combine to make a missile that hits extremely hard against agile “Ace” type
ships. Homing Missiles combo well with Long-Range Scanners, as then the attacker can use target
lock plus focus on the attack.

An underappreciated missile, the Ion Pulse Missiles can completely cripple a target with ion
tokens, INCLUDING large base ships. This attack also has a good chance of hitting as well, as the
target lock is not discarded to perform the attack. It can be a very effective strategy to have one
ship equipped with these missiles to lock an enemy down for next round, and then have a more
agile ship swoop in to prey upon the ionned enemy. This all being said, these missiles are a little
pricy for what they bring to bear, but the card is far from bad.

A Missile for “Aces” to use, the Proton Rockets are only ever worth equipping to a ship with 3
agility. A-wings and TIE Advanced are great carriers of this upgrade. If possible, try to line up the
shot to also have a target lock on the enemy. The range 1 limitation of this missile keeps it from
being too powerful, as “Aces” often excel at range control.

A niche card requiring the whole squad to be built around it, the XX-23 S-Thread Tracers require a
high PS ship to fire and hit with them to help set up a massive alpha strike with the rest of the
squad. While this can be effective, the telegraphed nature of the card combined with the fact that
it is limited to friendly ships within range 1-2 AND the ship firing this missile does not do damage,
makes this a difficult upgrade to utilize effectively. It is worth trying on Deadeye (EPT) Lt. Blount
(Z-95 Headhunter).

Torpedo upgrades are secondary weapon attacks that fire from the primary firing arc of the ship. Torpedoes are one of
two munitions-type weapons that are expended when fired. Torpedoes (and missiles) hit extremely hard, but they are
balanced by their limited number of uses and the prerequisites that most torpedoes need in order to even be fired.
Because torpedoes are a little overcosted, often, the use of Guidance Chips (Modification), Long-Range Sensors
(Modification), or Extra Munitions (Torpedo) are needed to make most torpedoes playable. Compared to missiles,
torpedoes missiles tend to lack fancy effects and tend to brute force their way through enemies and obstacles.

Advanced Proton Torpedoes are extremely expensive. Even for its massive attack stat, it still
requires the target to be at range 1 and for the attacker to have a focus token too in order to take
full advantage of the torpedo. The only thing keeping this upgrade from the unplayable category
is that there are fringe ways to subvert the downsides of this card, such as Major Rhymer’s effect
(TIE Bomber).

Bomb Loadout is not really a torpedo upgrade. It is just a way to get bomb upgrades equipped to
a Y-wing by basically swapping a torpedo upgrade slot for a bomb upgrade slot. Bombs can be
very effective on Y-wings, so definitely consider trying this upgrade occasionally.

Extra Munitions is the card that allows dedicated ordnance carriers to exist. Normally, missiles
and torpedoes (and sometime bombs) are just too expensive to field in mass quantities. This
upgrade smooths out the cost of equipping multiple munition upgrade cards to a ship. If a ship
can equip Extra Munitions with its other munition(s), the player should find a way to fit 2 more
points into their squad for this card most of the time.

While not an exceptional card, the Flechette Toredoes cause stress even when they do not hit,
which is a pretty exceptional boon to the card. While it is debatable whether these torpedoes are
worth two points, they combo quite well with Munitions Failsafe (Modification), as if you
intentionally miss with the Flechette Torpedoes, the Munitions Failsafe will keep them from
getting discarded. Intentionally missing still causes the stress, which can be powerful against ships
banking on their actions and red maneuvers.

Ion Torpedoes are in a similar situation of Assault Missiles. They can be extremely powerful
against certain enemy squads, while at other times against squads with a low ship count (or in this
case, large-base ships), the Ion Torpedoes lose a lot of their viability. The inconsistent nature of
Ion Torpedoes keeps them off of the table, but they are definitely not a bad upgrade… just not a
consistent one.
Errata: If the attack hits, the defender receives 2 ion tokens, instead of 1. This is to make this
torpedo worth including in a list so it effects large base ships if that ship is the defender.

A definitive option when considering torpedoes for a ship, the Plasma Torpedoes are extremely
effective against ships with very high shield values, while it is a fine attack against other ships. For
only 3 points, Plasma Torpedoes are a good deal for a solid attack. If you can afford the point,
Proton Torpedoes are usually better, but that extra point sometimes can’t be spent.

Proton Torpedoes are the standard for which all other torpedoes are judged. Proton Torpedoes
are the baseline torpedo that all other torpedoes are ranked against. Proton Torpedoes work best
when fired with the required target lock AND target lock equivalent for dice modification.
Combined with Guidance Chips (Modification) and a target lock equivalent, Proton Torpedoes
almost always roll 4 hits. These missiles can be fielded with success on any dedicated ordnance
carrier. Proton Torpedoes are preferred to Concussion Missiles if the ship firing them has a target
lock equivalent for dice modification.

Seismic Torpedo is a strong upgrade. Being able to remove an obstacle from play is a very potent
ability. The threat of using this also keeps enemy ships from wanting to get too close to obstacles
within firing range. In addition, you can fire this torpedo with a low PS ship, and then have all of
your other ships move into the space where the obstacle was. Never underestimate the influence
that this upgrade can have on a game. The damage that this torpedo can deal is just a nice bonus
to an already great effect.

Bomb upgrades are munitions that deploy tokens onto the battlefield from the back guides of a ship base. Compared to
missiles and torpedoes, bombs don’t deal as much damage for their cost, but they can be used in tandem with an attack,
and bombs don’t have any prerequisites to use, like ordnance does. Extra Munitions (Torpedo) are nice to help make
bombs a little more cost effective. Bombs, the upgrade type, are separated into two subtypes: bombs and mines. Bombs
detonate at the end of the Activation Phase and favor high PS ships, while mines detonate upon contact with a ship and
favor low PS ships.

Additional Rules: “When one of these bomb tokens detonates, the ship that moved through or
overlapped that token rolls 2 attack dice and suffers all [regular] damage rolled. Then discard that
Cluster Mines are too expensive for their extremely minimal damage output. They cover a lot of
space in play, but each mine is very weak by itself. The fact that critical damage is ignored and
that these mines can just completely whiff makes them very unappealing.
Errata: When one of these tokens detonates, the ship that moved through or overlapped the token
rolls two attack dice and suffers 1 damage for each [regular damage] and [critical damage] rolled.
Then, discard that token. After any number of cluster mines have detonated during a ship’s
activation, deal additional damage to the activated ship equal to the number of detonated cluster
mines IF the total damage dealt by the detonated cluster mines by rolling dice was fewer than the number of detonated
cluster mines. This errata completely fixes the otherwise garbage Cluster Mines by increasing their hit percentages and
adding minimum damage to the mines.

Additional Rules: “When this bomb token detonates, the ship that moved through or overlapped
this token suffers 1 damage, receives 2 ion tokens, and skips its “Perform Action” step. Then
discard this token.”
The Conner Net is a fantastic mine. It smashes “Aces” and fat turret ships alike, while still being
relevant against most other targets. It is usually best to line up a Conner Net for be followed up by
a devastating attack, as the opponent’s position should be relatively telegraphed.

Additional Rules: “When this bomb token detonates, each ship at Range 1 of the token receives 2
ion tokens. Then discard this token.”
Ion Bombs are an underappreciated bomb. Being able to inflict 2 ion tokens to all ships within
range 1 of it can completely wreck the opponent’s plans for the rest of the game. While obviously
more effective against multiple ships, Ion Bombs can be scary to almost any adversary.

Additional Rules: “When this bomb token detonates, deal 1 face up Damage card to each ship at
Range 1 of the token. Then discard this token.”
Proton Bombs are absolutely terrifying. Being able to inflict critical damage directly through the
shields is a huge deal. Sometimes this card can destroy or cripple an enemy ship without the
enemy ship being able to do a thing about it. The very high cost of Proton Bombs keeps them out
of lists sometimes, but Extra Munitions (Torpedo) can help mitigate that downside quite a bit.

Additional Rules: “When this bomb token detonates, the ship that moved through or overlapped
this token roll 3 attack dice and suffers all [regular] damage and [critical] damage rolled. Then
discard this tokens.”
Proximity mines are a potent force, as they are a solid option at dealing damage directly past
defense dice. Unfortunately, Proximity Mines have a chance of failing completely, which keeps
them out of competitive play a lot, but it would be foolish to underestimate the strength of these
mines, as their failure rate is not extremely common.
Errata: When resolving a proximity mine detonation, if the mine would deal 0 damage, deal 2
regular damage instead. This fixes the problem of opponents hitting dud proximity mines, which
is necessary for balance and to just avoid the stupidity of that happening.

Additional Rules: “When this bomb token detonates, each ship at Range 1 of the token suffers 1
damage. Then discard this token.”
Seismic Charges are the generic bomb. They are not flashy by any means, but they can slide their
way into squads due to their utility and cheap cost. Like most bombs, they will radically change
how your opponent flies, which is part of the benefit of using bombs in the first place.

Additional Rules: “When this bomb token detonates, each ship at Range 1 of the token suffers 1
damage and receives 1 stress token. Then discard this token.”
Basically, a strictly upgraded Seismic Charge for one more point, Thermal Detonators scare away
fragile “Aces” fearful of the stress it can cause. Sometimes, as with most bombs, it pays to drop it
even if you get hit too, as the opponent may not account for that possibility.

Modification upgrades are unique in that one modification may be equipped to any ship in the game (it does not have an
upgrade icon in the ship’s upgrade bard). Because of this, the modification slot is a very versatile and valuable upgrade
slot, as this option allows any ship to be upgraded with the numerous ship modifications that are available.

The Advanced Cloaking Device is available only to the TIE Phantom. This upgrade is best on the
higher PS TIE Phantoms, as this upgrade allows the ship to cloak immediately after attacking, thus
allowing the ship to have two additional evade dice for ships returning fire. Also, this sets the ship
up for a decloak next turn. It is basically required on “Whisper” and “Echo,” and is not a bad buy
on the low PS Phantoms either. This upgrade loses its effectiveness against higher PS ships, and in
those situations, the player needs to take maneuvers and actions in such a way to avoid taking
damage before getting the chance to fire and trigger Advanced Cloaking Device. The Stigium
Partical Accelerator (Modification) is better on the lower PS TIE Phantoms.

The Advanced SLAM is really only worth it on the K-wing, as it is the only ship that can use the
SLAM action more than once a game. Advanced SLAM’s main purpose is to drop a mine after
SLAM-ing, which is really powerful. It does not really have another practical purpose, but being
able to drop a mine after completing a SLAM action offers a lot of versatility to the K-wing as a

Anti-Pursuit Lasers is a solid upgrade in lists that run tankier, large-base ships that are dedicated
blockers. Being able to deal free damage in addition to blocking the enemy is excellent, and can
force the opponent to attempt wild maneuvers just to avoid bumping into your Anti-Pursuit
Lasers equipped ship. That being said, it has a 50% hit rate, so it is not very consistent (unless
Emperor Palpatine, Crew, is in your squad). Compared to Ion Projector (Modification), Anti-Pursuit
Lasers is better in squads that has less maneuverable ships, as it needs all the free damage it can
get, and the Ion Projector’s ion tokens may not be as powerful if the ships cannot capitalize on it.

Autothrusters is a fantastic upgrade. It is basically required on any ship that is a dedicated Arc-
Dodger, so that it does not suffer against PWTs. While it can only be equipped to ships with the
boost action, those are the ships that benefit from this the most anyways. In addition to helping
greatly against Arc-Dodger’s greatest weakness (turrets), it also triggers while in range 3, which
makes Arc-Dodgers much stronger in the range 3 band, where they tend to have a hard time
dodging arcs. You need a darn good reason not to run this on a high PS Arc-Dodger. Even ships
with lower PS can gain a benefit from Autothrusters for the added resiliency, although it is not as
effective there.

The B-Wing/E2 upgrade is a niche upgrade that allows the B-wing to equip crew upgrades. While
B-wings are usually best when run slim (few upgrades), there are a few crew members that can be
very effectively. Namely, Tactician (Crew), as this crew turns the B-wing into a very effective
control ship. While there are a few other crew that can complement the B-wing well, keeping the
overall cost of the ship down is key.

Countermeasures is a card that is slightly overpriced and is competing for a spot that many high
powered modifications are vying for. While Countermeasures is strong against lists that use
munitions or a swarm of ships, the fact that it costs 3 points and takes the place of the esteemed
Engine Upgrade (Modification) keeps this upgrade in the binder. It can be effective in Dengar and
Manaroo lists (both JumpMaster 5000s).

Engine Upgrade is an exceptional card; while it might not seem very impressive, the boost action
is arguably the best action in the game (besides focus perhaps). This upgrade grants a ship a very
large degree of maneuverability, and if the ship has other dice modification effects, the ship won’t
lose out on firepower. The best places for this upgrade tend to be on large base PWTs, as they
want to dodge as any enemy arcs as possible while still blasting away with their turret weapon.

Experimental Interface is a strong upgrade that can have a hard time finding a place. It is basically
a Push the Limit (EPT) for upgrade card actions, instead of action bar actions. That is a very strong
effect, but the trick is to find the right combination of upgrades that work with this card to make it
worth it. Daredevil (EPT), Expose (EPT), and “Gonk” (Crew) are all possible combo pieces for
Experimental Interface. While it is definitely a strong card, there are not a ton of ways to take full
advantage of it right now, so it does not see a ton of play.

Guidance Chips is part of the puzzle that makes ordnance (missile and torpedo upgrades) worth
using. Guidance Chips fixes all of the problems with ordnance not hitting hard enough for their
cost. That being said, unless combed with Deadeye (EPT), Guidance Chips works at its best on
higher PS ordnance carries, as those ships will have an easier time acquiring their target lock.
While it is usually best to have some sort of modifier after firing a torpedo or missile, Guidance
Chips makes it still a decent attack if you cannot afford to line up that other modification in game.
For lower PS ordnance carriers, use Deadeye (EPT) or Long-Range Sensors (Modification).
Errata: Ships equipped with the “Alliance Overhaul” or “Special Ops Training” titles are considered
to have a primary weapon value of 3 for the purposes of Guidance Chip’s effect. This is to make
Guidance Chips function as intended on ARC-170s and TIE/sf Fighters.

Gyroscopic Targeting is a modification unique to the Lancer-Class Pursuit Craft. It allows the
mobile firing arc to be corrected for free during the End Phase if the ship is traveling at a high
speed. This augments the ship’s pre-existing desire to fly fast and aggressive. If your game-plan
calls for precise use of lining up your mobile firing arc, this upgrade deserves strong

A statistically terrible upgrade, hull upgrade is almost never worth its 3 points. In order to get any
value out of this card, you need to be getting a ton of value out of that one hit point. For example,
a TIE Shuttle titled TIE Bomber with Darth Vader (Crew) may equip a Hull Upgrade to get another
use out of Vader. Tel Trevura (JumpMaster 5000) is also a good candidate for Hull Upgrade, as it is
basically a two hull increase instead of one.

Integrated Astromech is basically required on all T-65 X-wings and most T-70 X-wings that don’t
run Autothrusters (Modificaiton). This upgrade brings the X-wing’s inefficient cost back in line by
allowing an equipped astromech upgrade to be used as a super shield (as you choose when to use
it). Use low cost astromechs if efficiency is all that is needed and use higher cost ones for their
added effects.

Ion Projector is a solid upgrade in lists that run tankier, large-base ships that are dedicated
blockers. Being able to inflict ion tokens in addition to blocking the enemy is excellent, and can
force the opponent to attempt wild maneuvers just to avoid bumping into your Ion Projector
equipped ship. That being said, it has a 50% hit rate, so it is not very consistent (unless Emperor
Palpatine, Crew, is in your squad). Compared to Anti-Pursuit Lasers (Modification), Ion Projector is
better in squads that have more maneuverable ships, as other ships in your squad will be more
able to react and capitalize on the enemy ship(s) getting ionned.

Long-Range Scanners is part of the puzzle that makes ordnance (missile and torpedo upgrades)
worth using. Long-Range Scanners fixes the problems that lower PS ships had at acquiring the
target locks necessary for firing ordnance weapons. While that is powerful, Long-Range Scanners
can only be equipped to ships with the torpedo AND missile upgrade slots. In addition, the
inability for ships equipped with Long-Range Scanners to acquire target locks at ranges 1-2 can be
very hampering when trying to fire ordnance at close range. Also, Long-Range Scanners telegraphs
the target turns ahead of time, which can be a downside, but it can also severely impact the way
the opponent flies their ships, which can be exploited. For higher PS ships that want to use
ordnance, Guidance Chips (Modification) is usually preferred.

Unique to the YV-666, the Maneuvering Fins upgrade is a cheap way to help higher PS YV-666s
course-correct in the event that their turn maneuver needs adjusting. This upgrade helps open up
the dial of the YV-666 a little more, which is good. It is not very effective on lower PS YV-666s
because they are moving first anyways most likely, so an incorrect maneuver shouldn’t be
assigned in the first place. Use Maneuvering Fins if you cannot afford Engine Upgrade
(Modification) or if you have a spare point in your squad, but it is not an upgrade to build a list

Munitions Failsafe is garbage. It should not cost any points, as it isn’t worth it for zero points.
However, the only thing keeping this card from a score of zero is the combo with Flechette
Torpedoes. If the torpedo misses (which is desired), it still causes stress, and Munitions Failsafe
keeps the torpedo from discarding. There are not many useful applications for this combo, but it
can be run occasionally on some chips, such as Coran Horn (E-wing).

Similar to Hull Upgrade (Modification), Shield Upgrade is grossly (and intentionally) overcosted for
its effect. It has fringe uses as a way to protect lynchpin ships such as “Howlrunner.” Other than
that, Shield Upgrade should almost never see play.

Smuggling Compartment offers some added customizability to the YT-1300 and the YT-2400 and
grants the Rebel faction access to illicit upgrades. The big downside, here, is that if you have
Smuggling Compartment equipped, Engine Upgrade cannot be equipped. That makes the
Smuggling Compartment a little more attractive for lower PS ships.

Stealth Device only has a few practical uses. It only deserves play on ships that have 3 or more
agility, and in order for Stealth Device to pay off, there need to be multiple instances of defensive
modifiers to keep Stealth Device from getting discarded. The best example of this is a Soontir Fel
(TIE Interceptor) equipped with Push the Limit (EPT), Royal Guard TIE (Title), Stealth Device, and
Autothrusters (Modification). Here, Stealth Device is augmented by, focus and/or evade tokens,
the natural 3 agility, and Autothrusters. Without those other effects, Steal Device simply is not
worth the cost.

A natural fit on low PS TIE Phantoms, the Stygium Particle Accelerator allows greater jousting
efficiency for the TIE Phantoms to decloak up close to an enemy ship, get the free evade token,
and then take another action. Also, Sygium Particle Accelerator is not limited to TIE Phantoms, so
ships equipped with a Cloaking Device (Illicit) can take advantage of this upgrade, although the
volatile nature of Cloaking Device can cause the Stygium Particle Accelerator to not be worth its

Tactical Jammer is a very weak card. It is worthless in almost every sense, as it is exceptionally
rare that a ship would want to attack a ship that is farther away than a ship that is closer, not to
mention the difficulty it takes in getting the ship equipped with Tactical Jammer in the way to
block the attack in the first place. However, Biggs Darklighter (T-65 X-wing) can force the
opponent to attack him, so Tactical Jammer can be effective in the right squad with him,
especially on large-base ships. Kanan Jarrus (VCX-100) is a solid pilot to help with this combo.

Targeting Computer is not good. There are exceptionally few instances where this card even has
any tangible upside, as most ships have the target lock action. In addition, this upgrade costs a
whopping 2 points for such a minor effect. Finally, taking up the modification slot makes this card
just unplayable. It may be useful someday for a ship that can combo exceptionally well with target
locks but does not natively have the target lock action. Also this card wants to think it can be on a
TIE Interceptor due to the existence of the Royal Guard TIE (title) upgrade, but even then, this
card is too expensive for too little gain.

This upgrade is very versatile, as it has upside on just about every TIE model of ship. Some TIEs are
a little stronger with it than others, as the TIE Defender, TIE Punisher, and the TIE Interceptor tend
to be the biggest winners in regards to this card. Also, if the equipped ship has some upgrade that
causes it to suffer stress, such as Push the Limit (EPT), this upgrade becomes well worth its points
due to allowing more green maneuvers.

Similar to the Expert Handling (EPT) upgrade, Vectored Thrusters grants a small ship the ability to
barrel roll. While not a bad card by any means, it is difficult to find a place for it, as this upgrade is
best on ships with the boost action, but without the barrel roll action, like the A-wing. However,
ships with the boost action tend to prefer Autothrusters for their modification slot.

Title upgrades are unique in that, like modifications, each ship is allowed to have one title equipped to it. Contrary to
most modifications though, titles always have a ship restriction to them, either showcasing a unique version of the
specific ship (like the Millennium Falcon is a unique YT-1300), or granting the ship special effects that only that ship has
access to (like A-Wing Test Pilot). Additionally, some titles represent the ship coming in multiple different customizable
forms, such as the TIE/x7 and TIE/D titles for the TIE Defender.

This upgrade showcases the highly skilled abilities of the A-wing pilots of the Rebel Alliance. Being
able to equip two EPT upgrades is a HUGE boon, as EPTs are often regarded as some of the best
upgrades in the game. Always take advantage of this title on A-wings, as you can always equip
Adaptability (EPT) for zero points if you do not have enough points for a second EPT.

Alliance Overhaul is essentially a part of the rules text of all ARC-170s, as there is literally zero
reason to not equip this title to an ARC-170. It makes attacks from the front firing arc roll an
additional attack die, while granting a different ability to shots firing from the auxiliary arc.

The Firespray-31 has two titles, the Andrasta and the Slave I. Both are very similar, as they both
grant upgrade icons and both cost zero points. Use Andrasta if you are equipping multiple low
cost bomb upgrades to your Firespray-31. Emon Azzameen tends to prefer this title to Slave I.

Black One is a niche upgrade. Because it is not always a relevant against squads that do not card
about target locks, Black One should only be included in a squad if you have a free point for its
inclusion. Black One works better with BB-8 (Astromech) due to granting the barrel roll action,
and it allows Black One to be triggered twice in a turn.

The BTL-A4 Y-wing title grants the Y-wing two distinct versions. With the title, the Y-wing’s
jousting efficiency skyrockets by fixing the turret forward. This is very effective with the Twin
Laser Turret or the Ion Cannon Turret. Without the title, the Y-wing can be flown a lot like a PWT,
and grants the ship more freedom with its maneuvers at a loss of its overall firepower. Both
versions of the Y-wing are effective, and it just depends on the composition of the squad and
overall strategy for the player on which version of the ship to fly.

The Concord Dawn Protector title offers Protectorate Starfighters and alternate option when
flying. While Protectorate Starfighters typically behave like arc-dodgers, trying to duck and weave
through the battlefield while taking as few enemy shots as possible, this title allows the ship to
scream into range one of an enemy ship and be able to shrug off damage more effectively. This
title works well against one enemy ship, but when taking fire from multiple sources, even with
this title, the Protectorate Starfighter’s resiliency falters. This is a great title to grant the ship the
ability to alter tactics on the fly, but this title does not turn the Protectorate Starfighter into an
efficient jouster. It just makes it a tolerable option when other options in tactics are not as strong.

Dauntless is a niche title for the YT-49 Decimator. This title helps the ship when it bumps into
another ship, as it can take an action. As the Decimator is ripe for being blocked, this upgrade can
be quite beneficial for some pilots that like to be aggressive. Because of the aggressive nature of
this card, Captain Oicunn is typically the best pilot to sport this title.

While technically two separate cards, one must equip them both to the VCX-
100 and the Attack Shuttle. These two titles allow the Attack Shuttle to be
docked with the VCX-100, granting it the ability to attack from its rear arc
AND to be able to fire a turret weapon at the end of the Combat Phase. This
combo can be really strong, especially with Twin Laser Turret. The ability to
deploy the Attack Shuttle at the opportune moment can also be extremely

The “Heavy Scyk” Interceptor allows the M3-A Interceptor the ability to be customized in two
different ways. Without the title, the M3-A is an inexpensive, Arc-Dodger-like ship that can help
round out a squad. With the title equipped, the M3-A can hit extremely hard for its light frame.
While the torpedo and missile upgrades are fine options, usually the Cannon upgrade is chosen
for this title. Being able to equip a Heavy Laser Cannon to such a cheap platform truly defines the
term: “glass-cannon.” Unfortunately, the title is overpriced for what it does, and thus keeps a lot
of the M3-A Interceptors off of the table.
Errata: The “Heavy Scyk” Interceptor title grants an additional hull to the equipped ship. This
change is made to offset the fact the both the M3-A Interceptor and the title itself are overpriced.

The Hound’s Tooth title is a very interesting upgrade, as it allows the player to deploy a very
inexpensive Z-95 Headhunter to play when the YV-666 is destroyed. In order to take full
advantage of this upgrade, a unique pilot is often better, as the Nashtah Pup gains the PS and
ability of the YV-666 it was deployed from. Also, the YV-666 should be built for offense, as you
want the opponent to put in effort to destroy it, or to be persuaded to ignore it in order to avoid
the Nashtah Pup deployment. That being said, it can be difficult to build a squad that has a high
chance of forcing the opponent into engaging the Hound’s Tooth in a favorable manner for you,
so it can be difficult to justify this title’s inclusion.

While not an upgrade, the Nashtah Pup Pilot can only be deployed through the
triggering of the Hound’s Tooth title. This Z-95 is best when piloted by Bossk or Latts
Razzi, as these two pilots have abilities that are relevant to a Z-95.

When fielding two Aggressors, these titles are essentially mandatory, as they amp up the
effectiveness of the “Bro-bots” quite significantly. Being able to have both abilities of both IG-88s
on both ships is an incredible ability that is not to be taken lightly. This allows a lot of
customization in the composition of the Bro-bot squad, as there are a lot of different effective
combinations to take advantage of.

The Millennium Falcon title (Original Trilogy version) is a staple on almost every named YT-1300,
as it offers the ship much needed resiliency. Offensive dice modification can be accomplished with
an EPT or crew upgrades, which allow the evade action to be taken often.

The Millennium Falcon title (New Republic Trilogy version) is preferred if you doubt you would
ever use the evade action from the other title OR your pilot is Rey. Otherwise, the other title is
usually stronger.

The Mist Hunter title grants the barrel roll action and the Tractor Beam (Cannon) upgrade card to
the G-1A Starfighter, allowing it to have a bit more flexibility in its repositioning ability and enemy
ship control with the Tractor Beam. While not a mind-blowing upgrade, the utility that it can
provide for the G-1A Starfighter cannot be ignored.

The Moldy Crow title is a fantastic enhancement to the HWK-290. Combined with Recon Specialist
(Crew), the Moldy Crow can generate an obscene amount of focus tokens, which can be used by
pilot abilities, such as Kyle Katarn (HWK-290), or for firing a Blaster Turret. Either way, the
efficiency that this title provides to the HWK-290 is definitely worth the points on the unique
pilots with those aforementioned upgrades. In order to get the most value out of this title, make
sure to move your squad as slowly as possible during the first few rounds of the game so that you
can stack as many focus tokens on the ship as possible.

The Outrider grants the unique ability to use an equipped cannon upgrade as a turret for the YT-
2400, while at the same time disabling its primary weapon. The most common use for this
upgrade is to equip a Heavy Laser Cannon and to use that as a 4-dice attack that ignores range 3
bonuses. However, this creates a donut-hole in the range 1 band where the Outrider cannot
attack any enemies. This upgrade makes the higher costed YT-2400s hit worth their point values.
Without the title, the cannon upgrade can still be used just fine, and then the ship has access to
its primary weapon as well. Whether or not to include this upgrade simply depends on the general
squad composition and strategy intended for the squad (as well as being willing to invest five
additional points into the ship for this title).

(See Ghost, under titles)

While it seems overpriced, the Punishing One title is definitely worth its cost. Being able to add an
attack die for a 360 degree turret primary weapon is very strong. It needs to be equipped to the
right ship though, and not all JumpMaster 5000s need the Punishing One title to be strong. The
versions that want this act as archetypical PWTs; they want to dodge as many arcs as possible and
use their turret weapon to maximum effect while avoiding being shot at by the enemy. The best
pilots for this title are Tel Trevura and Dengar.

The Royal Guard TIE title grants higher PS TIE Interceptors to equip two modifications, which is an
amazing ability, as modifications tend to be some of the strongest upgrades in the game. Most of
the time, Autothrusters is the main choice, as it is a natural fit on TIE Interceptors. After that,
Stealth Device, Shield Upgrade, Hull Upgrade, and Twin Ion Engine Mk. II are all fantastic choices
that be really amp up the effectiveness of the TIE Interceptor. When you are paying a large part of
your squad points on a really fragile ship like the TIE Interceptor, you want to make sure that the
ship performs as well as it possibly can.

This is a very powerful title upgrade. While it is a little on the expensive side for 3 points, it inflicts
an automatic tractor beam token on an enemy that is hit by the Lancer-Class Pursuit Craft’s
attack. This is exceptional, as the ability to reposition the enemy ship (if it is a small ship) can be
game-changing. However, to get the most out of this ability, this title should be equipped to
higher PS ships (or at least it should be equipped to the highest PS ship in the squad), as the
reduced agility caused by the tractor beam token can be exploited by the rest of the ship’s wing-

The Firespray-31 has two titles, the Slave I and the Andrasta. Both are very similar, as they both
grant upgrade icons and both cost zero points. Use Slave I if you want to equip high cost bombs to
your ship, as you can then equip Extra Munitions (Torpedo) to grant you extra uses of those
bombs. Also, using the Slave I title grants the use of missiles in conjunction with Extra Munitions.
Finally, Long-Range Sensors (Modification) can be equipped to the Firespray-31 if the Slave I title
is equipped, which can be very useful even if there are not missiles or torpedoes equipped, as it
offers the ship added flexibility with target locks.

Special Ops Training is essentially a part of the rules text of all TIE/sf Fighters, as there is literally
zero reason to not equip this title to a TIE/sf Fighter. It makes attacks from the front firing arc roll
an additional attack die, while granting a different ability to shots firing from the auxiliary arc. It is
usually best to try and concentrate fire on one target at a time, instead of splitting up the attacks
of a ship, but there are times where the extra attack can prove powerful.

While the ST-321 has some utility with Colonel Jendon, this upgrade ultimately is a Long-Range
Sensor upgrade that is 2 points overcosted, which makes this upgrade essentially unplayable.
Errata: The cost of ST-321 is reduced to 1. This is to align the cost of the title more with Long-
Range Sensors, and it gives some incentive to trying this title with Colonel Jendon.

The TIE Shuttle title offers a completely different way to outfit the TIE Bomber. Without the title,
the TIE Bomber is a cheap ordnance platform. With the title, though, the TIE Bomber becomes an
efficient way to house crew upgrades and act as a support or control ship. Tactician, Darth Vader,
Mara Jade, and Rebel Captive are all great control options. Fleet Officer and Systems Officer are
great support upgrades.

This cheap upgrade is almost a necessity on the TIE Advanced Prototype, at least at higher PS, as it
grants the ship essentially five actions. Being able to get a free evade token for taking a target lock
action is a huge upside. Granted, it is easier to acquire target locks at high PS, so higher PS pilots
will want this title a little more than generic pilots, but generic pilots may look to this title too to
help with action economy.

The TIE/x1 title is REQUIRED on the TIE Advanced to make it playable. Being able to equip a
systems upgrade for free or at least very cheap is a huge boost. The most common systems
upgrades to equip are Accuracy Corrector (better for lower PS) and Advanced Targeting Computer
(better for higher PS). Fire-Control System and Sensor Jammer are also fine options.

As one of three different versions of the TIE Defender (TIE/x7, TIE/D, and no-title), the TIE/x7
tends to be the default option. Reducing the cost of the TIE Defender and granting a free evade
token at high speeds is a fantastic ability, as it allows the Defender to play more aggressively due
to its enhanced defenses. In addition, as the title grants an evade token, the TIE Defender even
gets the evade token if it bumps, because it is not an action. Without either title, the TIE Defender
is only really worth it with Rexlar Brath using the Heavy Laser Cannon and Predator or Lone Wolf
(both EPTs).
Errata: The TIE/D title has its cost increased to -1. This brings the cost in line with its power level.

While slightly less popular than the TIE/x7 title, the TIE/D title trades the added efficiency and
resiliency that the TIE/x7 title adds for a huge spike in damage potential. By equipping a Tractor
Beam, Flechette Cannon, or Ion Cannon, the TIE/D can inflict a lot of damage as well as being a
very potent control piece of a squad. However, it should be noted that in order to get the most
out of this upgrade, there need to be dice modifications for both attacks for this upgrade to be
worth it over the TIE/x7. Predator (EPT) and Ruthlessness (EPT) can help make these attacks
stronger, as well as simply flying Colonel Vessery (TIE Defender).
Errata: The TIE/D title has its cost reduced to -1. This brings the cost in line with its power level.

The Virago title grants added customizability to the StarViper. This is essential for the unique
pilots as their high costs need to have upgrades to augment their abilities.
Errata: Change the cost of the Virago title to -1 points. The Virago may be equipped to any
StarViper pilot. This was done to bring the slightly overcosted StarViper down in cost, while not
allowing the relatively unique fighter to be spammed in high numbers at the reduced cost.

Casual Play Errata Suggestions
This section outlines some suggested changes which allow for a more balanced game (and allow for some
cards to be played whereas normally they are too underpowered to see play). These changes are NOT accounted
for in the Suggested Squads sections of the guide, so if opting to play with these changes during casual games,
you will need to take that into account. Feel free to use all, some, or none of this section. This section is
PURELY an opinion as a way to play casual X-Wing.  Errata listed in red indicated errata that is official by

Ships and Ship Specific Titles (Also found in the individual ship’s description)

T-65 X-wing: Reduce the point costs of all pilots by 1 excluding Biggs Darklighter.
Y-wing: Horton Salm gains an EPT.
A-wing: All unique pilots without an EPT gain an EPT.
B-wing: Reduce the costs of Nera Dantrels by 1, the cost of Ibtisam by 2, the cost of Keyan Farlander by 1,
and Ten Numb by 3.
E-wing: If the E-Wing is equipped with an R7 series astromech droid (any astromech with “R7” in its name),
the ship gains the tech upgrade slot. If the ship has both an astromech droid upgrade and a tech upgrade
equipped, reduce the point cost of the ship by 4. Blackmoon Squadron Pilot gains an EPT.
YT-2400: Reduce the point costs of all pilots by 1 without the Outrider title equipped.
TIE Advanced: Increase the point cost of Darth Vader by 1.
Firespray-31: Krassis Trelix may reroll up to 2 dice for his ability instead of 1.
TIE Interceptor: All unique pilots without an EPT gain 1 EPT upgrade slot. Lieutenant Lorrir’s ability does
not cause stress.
TIE Bomber: Reduce the point cost of Major Rhymer to 23.
Lambda-Class Shuttle: Reduce the cost of the ST-321 title to 1.
TIE Defender: The TIE/D title and the TIE/x7 title both have a cost of -1.
TIE Punisher: When deployed, place a munitions token on each bomb upgrade card equipped to a TIE
Punisher. When a TIE Punisher is attacking with a torpedo or missile upgrade card, roll 1 additional die.
M3-A Interceptor: The “Heavy Scyk” Interceptor title upgrade adds 1 hull value in addition to the rest of its
text. An M3-A Interceptor without a title equipped has its point cost reduced by 1. Laetin A’Shera gains an
StarViper: Change the cost of the Virago title to -1 points. The Virago may be equipped to any StarViper pilot.
Kihraxz Fighter: Reduce the point costs of all pilots by 2 if they have an illicit upgrade equipped. Graz the
Hunter gains an EPT.
Jumpmaster 5000: Increase the point costs of all pilots by 1 without the Punishing One title equipped.
Manaroo’s effect can only effect other friendly ships within range 1-3.

Non-Title Upgrades (Also found in the upgrade’s description)

Autoblaster: Reduce the point cost to 2.
Bodyguard: Reduce the point cost to 1.
Cluster Mines: When one of these tokens detonates, the ship that moved through or overlapped the token rolls
two attack dice and suffers 1 damage for each [regular damage] and [critical damage] rolled. Then, discard that
token. After any number of cluster mines have detonated during a ship’s activation, deal additional damage to
the activated ship equal to the number of detonated cluster mines IF the total damage dealt by the detonated
cluster mines by rolling dice was fewer than the number of detonated cluster mines.
Dead Man’s Switch: Reduce the point cost to 0.
Deadeye: Small ship only.
Emperor Palpatine: Emperor Palpatine can only affect friendly ships within range 1-3.
Expose: Reduce the point cost to 1.
Guidance Chips: Ships equipped with the “Alliance Overhaul” or “Special Ops Training” titles are considered
to have a primary weapon value of 3 for the purposes of Guidance Chip’s effect.
Ion Torpedoes: If the attack hits, the defender receives 2 ion tokens, instead of 1.
Outmaneuver: Reduce the point cost to 2.
Proximity Mines: When resolving a proximity mine detonation, if the mine would deal 0 damage, deal 2
regular damage instead.
R5-K6: has the following rules text instead: “After you perform an attack, if you spent a target lock this phase,
you may acquire a target lock on the defender.”
Saboteur: Reduce the point cost to 0.
Twin Laser Turret: Increase the point cost to 7, unless it is equipped to a K-wing.

Boost for large base ships is changed. When boosting straight, use the 4-forward template. Place the template
along either side of the base and have the back of the template line up with the back of the ship. Then, slide the
ship forward along the side of the template until the front of the ship lines up with the edge of the front of the
For a bank boost, use the 1 bank, as normal, but place the template on the far outside of the ship’s front in its
normal orientation (not in the ship’s guides). The outside edge of the template should be lined up with the
outside edge of the ship. Then, pick up the ship and place it so that the back, outside edge of the ship lines up
with the front of the template.


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