Depression's Influence On The Learning Performance of Selected RHS Students in ICT

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Depression’s Influence on the learning performance of Selected RHS Students

in ICT


Man experiences a wide spectrum of mood from low to high. In our modern age, lots of

different problems plagues the mind of students and people alike. One of those major problems is

depression. Everyone can experience sadness and unhappiness but do we really know what

depression is? In 2006, 92% of college directors believe the number of students with severe

psychological problems such as depression has increased in recent years, and is a “growing

concern” (National Survey of Counseling Centers Directors, 2016). Depression is a common

mental disorder that conveys depressed mood, lost of interest or pleasure, decreased energy,

feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, and poor concetration. These

problems can become chronic or recurrent and lead to substantial impairments in an individual’s

ability to take care of his or her everyday responsibilities. At it’s worst, depression can lead to

suicide (WHO, 2012).

In much of the developing world, however depression is largely unexplored as a research

topic or study (Lee,R.2013). A social research conveyed that even though the mental disorder

has been recognized as a research priority, only a sparse number of relevant studies have been

carried out in low and middle-income countries (Madelene, M. 2013). Prevention of depression

particularly in students and schools, when it comes to developing countries, it is critical

(Estanislao, S. 2013). This also applies to schools such as Rizal Highschool. With their large

student populations and the common tendency of depression for students, the burden on learning

performance is big. However, preventive efforts in the developing world are rare. The tendency
of thinking that depression is common in adolescent, especially in students is harmless to other

people not concerning them.

Different factors or elements such as academics, family problems, stress, physical

problems and even grief or loss can lead a student or person towards depression. Lack of self-

confidence, self-blame, isolation and lack of control have also been put forward as possible

factors (Christensson, A. 2010). It’s influence is also prevalent among students. It affects our

ability to perform actitvies, focus and think properly. Depressed students, they often feel

reductions and sad in different academic performances. A student’s academic and learning

performance which every individual has to perform in all cultures, plays a major role in

educational process.

As established, depression is not just a simple illness that can be cured from a person

easily and the effects of depression can become severe when the certain conditions or

circumstances are met. It also depends on the person who is experiencing the mental disorder

itself. Thus this research was carried out with the purpose to further elaborate the influence of

depression towards the student’s learning performance, specifically in ICT. Be able to provide

help and ways to the people who are affected by depression. How to properly cope and face

depression, also be able to provide some insight to other people or researches who are curious

when it comes to the topic of depression.

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